• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 1: Episode 1 - When Friendship Shimmers Part 1

The mysterious figure returned to the book that had been laid opened on the desk and began writing in it once more.

Without knowing the changes they would cause; the two surrogate sisters and their two dragons were taken to Ponyville by a chariot pulled by two Pegasus Guards. The figure wrote.

"Thank you, sirs." Twilight said to the pegasus guards. "So, where should we start?" The purple unicorn asked Sunset.

"Let's start with that Pink Pony over there." The orange unicorn said before going over to a pink Earth Pony mare. "Hi there, we are--" Sunset began before the pink Earth Pony suddenly gasped and ran off. "...Well, that's just rude." Sunset said.

"Sunset?" A familiar voice called out.

"Lyra!" Twilight said recognizing that voice. Sure, enough coming up to the two sun students was a sea-green unicorn mare and a cream earth pony mare. "It IS you. I know you dropped out of magic school to follow your dreams of becoming good at playing the harp, but you never did tell any of us where you had headed off." Twilight said.

"Yeah. Kind of forgot to write back, didn't I? How is every pony else anyways?" Lyra asked.

"They are actually doing fine, though they are all still wondering where you ran off to." Twilight said.

"Guess I should start writing back then." Lyra said. "Oh, where are my manners? This hear is some pony who was nice enough to let me stay in the spare second floor bedroom of their house. Her name's Bon Bon. Bon Bon, these are two of my friends from Canterlot: Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle." She intorduced.

"It's nice to meet the both of you." Bon Bon said.

"Like wise. You don't mind the fact that Lyra is crashing at your place?" Sunset asked.

"Not at all. Before she came along, I was always having trouble sleeping at night. But ever since I let her stay at my place rent-free, the harp music she often plays at night has been very relaxing to listen to, that I end up falling asleep while she's upstairs playing." Bon Bon said.

"Oh. I didn't know you were listening. But I'm glad my music is helping you sleep." Lyra said.

"Heh. How convenient for you, Lyra. And I'm happy for it." Twilight said. "On that note, we better go." She added.

"See you two around perhaps?" Lyra asked.

"We might." Sunset said.

As the two Sun Students trekked from the main part of town out to a nearby farm known as Sweet Apple Acres, they were talking about Lyra.

"What are the chances we'd run into Lyra here of all places anyways?" Ray asked.

"Meh, if you ask me, it's best not to think too hard about this kind of stuff. I try to get Twilight to take things at face value more, but you know how she tends to be." Spike said.

"Trust me, I know that all too well as does Sunset." Ray said.

"And we're here at Sweet Apple Acres." Twilight said before they came up to an orange earth pony mare.

"Well, howdy there. Not often we see family coming down to this here farm." The mare said. "The name's Applejack." She added.

"I apologize if we gave you the wrong impression. We're not related." Sunset said. "I'm Sunset Shimmer, and this here is Twilight Sparkle. We only see each other as sisters even if we aren't really related." She added as she offered her hoof out for a hoof shake.

Applejack started shaking Sunset with ease just from a hoofshake. "None sense Sunset. It was clear as day the two of you like to think of each other as family, and my own family has quite a few honorary apples in its mix." The earth pony explained. "Let alone that not every pony in the apple family is an earth pony." She added.

"That's interesting." Twilight said. "It's a pleasure to meet you Applejack. Oh, and would you mind if we made sure food for the celebration was already prepared?" She asked.

"No worries, Twilight, this farm made more than enough goodies for the celebration. We've even got a few spare pies if you'd like to try our food." Applejack said.

Before either unicorn could answer, Twilight's stomach growled as did both Ray's and Spike's. "...Okay, I can see that Twilight skipped Breakfast, but why are--" Sunset was saying before her stomach growled too. "...Huh. I guess we are a bit hungry. How'd that happen?" Sunset asked.

"Don't question it I'd say. Let's have a bite." Spike said.

The group of two unicorns and two dragons soon left Sweet Apple Acres. "Ugh, I think I had too much pie." Twilight said.

"That's your own fault sis." Sunset said.

Spike noticed something. "Sunset watch out!" He yelled out.

"Huh?" Sunset said before a cyan pegasus mare with a rainbow mane and tail suddenly crashed into her.

"Oops. Sorry about that." The cyan mare said.

"It's fine. So, who are you?" Sunset asked.

"The name's Rainbow Dash. The coolest pony in Ponyville if I do so myself." Rainbow Dash said. "All fix you up in a few seconds." She said before grabbing a raincload, getting Sunset wet, and then quick drying her with her speed.

"...I am not saying anything. Nope. Nothing at all." Ray wisely said.

"Agreed." Spike agreed.

"Same." Twilight said.

"...Well then, if your Rainbow Dash, why isn't the sky cleared up?" Sunset asked.

"I've been practicing. The Wonderbolts are going to show up at the Summer Sun Celebration, and I want to impress them with some of my tricks." Rainbow Dash said. "Besides, I can clear these skies in ten seconds flat." She added.

"In that case, I dare you to prove it." Twilight said, getting out a stop watch.

"YOUR ON!" Rainbow Dash said and just when Twilight started the stop watch, Rainbow Dash was already busting the clouds. It wasn't long before the sky was completly cleared. "So, proof enough for you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"C-Celeste, ten seconds flat exactly." Twilight said, flabbergasted.

"See, told you." Rainbow Dash said.

"I-I've seen the Captain of the Wonderbolts Spitfire herself fly before, but some pony like you would run circles around her." Sunset said.

"You know Spitfire? Think you could put in a good word for me?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I think so long as you keep your ego in check, you've got nothing to worry about." Twilight said.

"Oh, are you talking about me calling myself the coolest pony in Ponyville? That's just a tag-line I do to try and give a good first impression." Rainbow Dash said. "Sorry again for running into you, uh..." She started.

"I'm Sunset Shimmer. This here is Twilight Sparkle. We kind of treat each other as sisters even if we're not related." Sunset said.

"...I can defiantly tell. Sisters are sisters no matter if your related or not. Anyways, I'll defiantly see you two around. I'm kind of flying in the air most of the time." Rainbow Dash said before taking to the skies.

"That mare is something else." Ray said.

"Agreed." Sunset said.

With Sunset's mane and tail all messed up from Rainbow Dash's earlier antics, she, Twilight, Spike, and Ray all arrived at Town Hall. "Let's hope that whoever is in charge of the decorations knows a good place to get my mane fixed." Sunset said. The group soon entered town hall.

"...Huh." Spike said as he noticed the white unicorn mare decorating the place. "I wonder if she has a younger sister." He added.

"...Wait really? You actually think she's attractive?" Ray asked.

"She has this air of beauty around her. I'm hoping it's the same with her younger sister if she has one." Spike said.

"...Oooookay then, I'm just not going to question this." Ray said.

"And done. Glitter does bring things together. Oh Rarity, you have quite the eye for details." The mare said to herself before turning to the group of four. "Now how may--" She took one look at Sunset and shrieked.

"Oh, is it because of my mane? Yeah sorry about that. Town hall looks quite lovely I must say." Sunset said.

"Well, that's only because I; Rarity Belle; had been put in charge of the place." The White Unicorn said.

"Well, I'm Twilight Sparkle, this here is Sunset Shimmer, Spike, and Ray." Twilight said.

"Do you know where--" Sunset said before Rarity grabbed her.

"Come darling, I'll help fix yourself up back at my place. It's the local boutique; no doubt you've seen it on your way here." Rarity said as she dragged Sunset away.

After some washing and styling, Sunset was back to looking like her old self again. "Wow. Your good at this Rarity." Sunset said.

"Well, I am a fashionista darling. Attention to details are part of the trade." Rarity said.

"We can't get quality like these in Canterlot. Ever thought of branching out?" Twilight asked.

"Oh I've always dreamed of expanding my business to Canterlot. Are you two from there?" Rarity asked.

"We are. But trust us, the big city life isn't all it's cracked up to be. This place seems rural in a good way." Sunset said. Suddenly, a small off-white unicorn that was obviously a filly around Spike & Ray's age entered the room.

"Oh. You have guests. Well welcome to my sister's place." The filly said.

When the filly said the word 'sister' something felt off to Sunset. The word sister felt forced just then. I wonder... Sunset thought to herself.

"Beautiful..." Spike said.

"What all of Rarity's dresses? Yeah I have to admit, they are very beautiful." Ray said.

"Not the dresses. Her." Spike said, before going over to the filly. "What is your name, fair lady?" The Purple dragon asked.

"S-spike?!" Ray exclaimed.

"M-my name is Sweetie Belle. Your one very gentle drake." The filly said.

"Yes, this is my younger sister Sweetie Belle." Rarity said. "I bet she wants something from me, so I apologize for cutting things short here." She added.

"Well that's fine. We'll talk more later." Twilight said before Sunset could say anything else. "C'mon romeo." She said to Spike.

"Bye Sweetie Belle." Spike said still a bit love struck by Sweetie Belle.

"See you around Spike." Sweetie Belle said. The group had left at that point. "...Of all the times I needed to come down because I need help finding my dice set before I go over to see Scootaloo at her place." She said.

"Don't worry a thing Sweetie Belle. I doubt any of them suspected a thing." Rarity said.

"I'm not so sure. That orange one could tell." Sweetie Belle said.

"...Huh. Guess she must've picked up on our act. She's good." Rarity said.

The group of four continued through Ponyville. "Seriously bro, you actually found that Sweetie Belle attractive?" Ray asked.

"She's defiantly got the same quality of beauty as her older sister. And she's around our age. Bonus." Spike said.

"I don't think that was her sister. In fact, I'm suspecting Sweetie Belle is Rarity's daughter." Sunset said.

"You would pick up on that, wouldn't you?" Twilight asked.

"But of course, I would. It's the emotions behind the words that can give you away. And based on their emotions, calling each other sisters was obviously a forced act." Sunset said. "However, I can tell from looking at the two that they are indeed biologically related. In that case, that leaves only one solution: Sweetie Belle is Rarity Belle's daughter." She added.

"Huh. I did happen to pick up vibes from Rarity that suggest she had already been claimed. By whom, I couldn't tell you or even begin to speculate." Ray said.

"Obviously not Sweetie Belle though." Spike said.

"She's too young for that. But if you really think you things will work out for you, go for it." Ray said.

"Oh my, two baby dragons." A yellow pegasus mare suddenly said from behind the group.

"Wow. We didn't even notice you." Sunset said.

"I'm Fluttershy. What are your names?" The mare asked.

"Well I'm Ray, this is Spike, and with us are our adopted sisters Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle." Ray said.

"Hi there." Sunset said.

"To adopt to baby dragons, you two are so lucky. I've always wanted to see baby dragons." Fluttershy said.

"We're the only dragons we know of to be honest with you." Ray said.

"Well, I hope you find other kind dragons like yourselves. Some of the more grown-up dragons I've met aren't very nice at all." Fluttershy said. There were a few birds around her.

"...So, are you in charge of the music?" Sunset asked.

"Oh yes." Fluttershy said. A few of the birds started to sing at that.

"...Wow. Birds actually doing the music. Now I've seen everything." Ray said.

"I like taking care of animals. It's sort of my thing. Would you mind if I talked with these two dragons while I follow you wherever it is your going next?" Fluttershy asked.

"Sure thing." Sunset agreed.

The group of four followed by Fluttershy soon arrived at the Ponyville Library where the unicorns and dragons were staying. Along the way, Ray & Spike had discussed their lives with Fluttershy.

"...And that's everything up until today." Ray said.

"Such interesting lives you two lead." Fluttershy said.

"Well we're here where we're staying now." Sunset said.

"Oh this place? I better go in ahead then." Fluttershy said before going inside.

"...Does she know something we don't?" Ray asked.

"Why do you always have to look into every single little detail?" Spike asked.

"It's a habit from being around Sunset so much." Ray said.

"I agree with Ray though: Something is certainly going on. And we're about to find out what." Twilight said as the four entered the library and then turned on the lights.

"SURPRISE!" A bunch of ponies suddenly said. The pink earth pony mare they had met earlier that day suddenly came up to them.

"So, were you surprised? Where you, where you?" The Pink Mare asked.

"Very surprised. Who are you?" Sunset asked.

"My name's Pinkie Pie, and I know every pony in Ponyville and I do mean EVERY pony. So when I noticed you, I knew for a fact that I had never seen you before, so I planned you four a surprise party. Remember when I was like..." Pinkie Pie repeated her gasp from earlier. "Well that was because I knew that you were all new here, so I figured I'd give you a 'Welcome to Ponyville' surprise party." The earth pony explained, though she was talking quite fast.

"...I see. I also see a few familiar faces. Hey there Rainbow Dash." Sunset said.

"Heh, guess you ran into Pinkie Pie at some point. Here's a piece of free advice: If your new in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie WILL throw you a party. No ifs, ands, or buts." Rainbow Dash said.

"It's kind of her thing darling." Rarity said.

"Hey there Spike." Sweetie Belle said, waving at the dragon.

"Sweetie Belle! Um, do either of you mind?" Spike asked.

"Nope. Go for it Spike." Sunset said. Spike then went to Sweetie Belle and then the two went elsewhere.

"Looks like one of your dragons has taken interest in my sister." Rarity said.

"...Question for you, is she really your sister, or is this sister thing a--" Sunset started to ask.

"Never mind that! Let's party!" Pinkie Pie said before a party commenced.

"...I'll ask later." Sunset said. "Twilight, your distracted again." She said to Twilight.

"Sorry, it's just, I can't help what I read earlier today still." Twilight said.

"Like I said, we wouldn't have been asked to make more friends if the Princess didn't think it was important." Sunset said. "For now, let's enjoy the party." She added.

"I can't argue with that." Twilight said.

Soon enough, every pony was at town hall, which was when Princess Celestia was supposed to show up, only for a mysterious dark alicorn to show up instead, proclaiming herself as Nightmare Moon and saying the night shall last forever. This was all just the beginning of our story though. The figure wrote in the book.

"Are you ready to come to bed now? You can write more about things tomorrow honey." The female voice from earlier said, as a quadroped figure was behind the bipedal figure that had been writing in the book.

"I know that my darling. I just want this story to be ready in time for the baby." The bipedal figure said.

"I know. And that way you can tell him or her about how they got the parents they do." The quadroped figure said.

"But of course." The bipedal figure said before turning out the light to the room and heading out of it with the quadroped one.

Author's Note:

If you couldn't tell, now that I'm into the actual show itself and no longer in the pre-show era of MLP:FiM, something I'm doing for this reboot is not stopping until I hit a point where an episode WOULD stop which means I'm doing a LOT of editing on the fly. If you spot any errors that I miss because of this, feel free to point them out down below in the comments. This is the first time I'm not sticking to my usual one thousand words standard, and I would appreciate it from you guys that if I miss an error, you will help me find them and help me correct them. Doing all of my own editing is hard after all.

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