• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 16,440 Views, 1,310 Comments

The Night's Shining Armour - Appleody

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods and has some issues.

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9: Night Court

Chapter 9

Whelp, glad todays over and done with, was all I could think while looking back at the steadily shrinking town. Don’t get me wrong, visiting Ponyville had some good points, like meeting Pinkie the energetic pony, Rarity the fashion addict and Applejack the crazy apple farmer. Not to mention Zecora and the crusaders.

The only problem was the other ponies. The ones who never spoke to me. They were clearly still afraid of me. It just goes to show that when I get to know people, they could potentially like me. Hopefully more will come around to tolerate me as much as Luna.

At that thought I looked to my right to see a large blue wing, while to the left sat the pegacorn in question happily looking out of the train's window. Well, she clearly more than tolerates me if she wants to keep her wing around me like that. It’s just a shame about the mud I’m getting on her. I was going to tell her to stop, but it’s quite a nice way to sit really. The only thing stopping me returning the gesture was the dirt upon my left smoky wing.

Upon arriving back in the city of Canterlot, the two of us calmly made our way back to my friend’s castle home. Suppose it’s my home too come to think of it. This walk, likely due to the later hour, was much more peaceful, with quite a few less ponies out on the streets. Not one negative comment flew in our direction. That’s the way it should always be.

Everything was so calm right up until the arrival at the castle gates. How does Celestia always know where we are? Celestia was just sitting calmly in the gatehouse sipping a cup of tea like she owned the place, which she does.

“Ah sister, Eclipse, how was your excursion to Ponyville?” She said while casually looking up from her hot treat. Looking at the blissful substance, reminded me of the Zebrican tea I still had swirling around my head.

Luna wasn’t surprised at all by her sister’s appearance, clearly used to Celestia’s antics and immediately began to excitedly explain, “It was a most delightful gathering Celly, seeing all of our friends again was marvellous.” She then placed her hoof upon my pauldron, “Eclipse even managed to befriend one of the element bearers. There was a point when the element of generosity could not stop talking about them.”

“When was that?” Rarity has an official title? Wonder if all the heroes have one?

“It was after thou had left for thy explorations of the landscape,” she then winked at me. Exploring the Everfree wasn’t that much of a bad idea. I escaped the ponies and made some friends, maybe.

The aurora maned pony gained a wistful look, “Ponyville is such a wonderful town this time of year, I wish I could have joined you.” Yes, you would have loved the manticores, hydras and fun sized assassins.

After our interruption, Luna quickly returned to her apparently interesting story, “Yes, Ponyville looked lovely, nevertheless there was a problem to solve for dear Rarity.” Luna then paused for effect for some reason. “Sister we took part in one of the elements fabled friendship quandaries.” The Princess then just sat with a large smile. Seems she wants some praise.

“Wow sister, it seems I may need to request you to write out a friendship report,” Celestia said with a cocky smile.

The strange thing was, that the excitable blue fluffball seemed to pause and genuinely consider her sisters stupid comment, “Celly, that is not actually a bad idea. Such a report may assist us in future endeavours.” Really Luna, don’t you have important work to do?

Celestia just raised an eyebrow at her sister, before looking over to me, “So Eclipse, did you happen to experience any friendship epiphanies on the level of Lulu?”

Me? Ponies don’t like me? Being alone is nice? I put a hoof to my helmet in thought. It wasn’t all bad. Ah friendship is hard. When I got to know the mini ones, they stopped hating me. Yeah that’s the one. In the end all I said was, “Don’t judge a book by its cover?”

Celestia didn’t seem too impressed with my answer, “erm well yes those are wise words.” Hey that took me thirty seconds to think up. After her initial distaste at my cliché lesson, Celestia appeared to brighten, “So how was Twilight? According to her letter she was really looking forward to meeting you properly.”

Oops. Bailing on that party may not have been the greatest of my ideas, and that’s saying a lot. Was Twilight somewhere in the back looking for me? She wasn’t at that stage.

Luckily for me, Moony knew exactly where Twilight had been, “Ah sister it would have warmed our heart to see Twilight once again, however thy student had locked herself within her lab, before our arrival.” Few, at least it wasn’t my fault, completely.

As Luna spoke, the snowy pegacorn’s face steadily fell, “I had hoped my student had lost much of her neurosis. Twilight will always be Twilight in the end.” Celestia seemed to lose herself in a memory for a second before remembering we were standing before her, “Well as long as the ponies welcomed the two of you with open hooves.”

“That they did sister,” not all of them, “They even created the most delectable of treats for us to sample.” My best friend began to lick her lips at the thought. Almost mimicking her actions, the tallest pony did a miniscule lick. Clearly, she’s tried Pinkies cakes before.

Before Celestia could become too jealous of the shorter pony, I enacted my plan. A plan called, get Celestia to forgive my lies and not execute me. Not the catchiest of titles, but it would serve it's purpose.

Carefully, I floated my immaculate piece of cake in front of the solar mare. The pony in question immediately smelled the delightful treat and I could clearly see her mouth begin to water. “Here Princess. Luna and I saved you a slice.”

“Yes, we know how thou appreciate thy sweet delights,” the moon quickly joined in after giving me a raised eyebrow. What? Brownie points for both of us.

The offered piece was quickly enveloped in a golden aura, which I made sure not to drain, before being dragged straight into the suns awaiting mouth. One moment delicious cake, the next, gone into the abyss. “Thank you friends, it’s good to be remembered,” the giant filly said, while spitting out several crumbs. Wish I could have tried that cake.

“I thought maybe the cake could serve as an apology for this morning,” at my words the cake filled pony gave a confused smile, “I mean when I, ahem didn’t sort of tell the whole truth that one time.” The only thing I could do to show regret was lower my head. Not having a face sucks.

Upon finishing her cake, the Princess immediately straightened up and approached me. Even with a clearly jovial expression upon her face I couldn’t help being a little intimidated. “My armoured friend, what am I going to do with you?” she continued to smile at me. “There’s no need to worry about such a trivial thing.” Sunny seemed like she was about to give me a wing hug before noticing my mud/hydra insides coated state, “Eclipse, did you fall into a ditch or something?”

“We too are curious how thou achieved such a state,” both mares gave me a critical eye. I’m not here you can’t see me. At my silence Luna quickly became impatient, “Nay, how thy current appearance occurred is no longer a concern. Thou must accompany us to the armoury.” Her tone brokered no argument as she beckoned me to follow. “Sister we shall greet thee in the morning.”

“Okay Lulu. It was nice to catch up.” Celestia’s quickly shrinking form responded, as I was led back into Canterlot castle.

Upon reaching the destination, flash backs of Griffonia's armoury began to flow. The only real differences between the two was the lack of gauntlets clearly meant for griffon talons.

Luna made her way to the middle of the room before inspecting the area, “Now Eclipse thou shalt be returned to thy original state. Now, where is the armourer?”

Maybe he’s gone to bed? “Erm Luna, it’s getting pretty late. I can wait until tomorrow.” The maids may need to wash my bed, but that’s their job.

Moony seemed slightly distressed at my words, “Nay my friend, that’s not good enough,” she began quickly searching the room, “If our armour expert has abandoned their post, we shall have to ensure thy health. Prepare thyself.” She quickly opened the taps on the rooms sink.

Not really sure if she knows anything about armour. She is royalty so there is potential. “Luna its fine… ‘bleh’.” Before I managed to finish speaking, the over enthusiastic mare had lit her horn and caused a jet of water to propel towards me. “Luna stop!” was all I could scream as the blast of water continued.

“Nay, we need to remove the thick of thy dirt,” She began angling the water towards my rear legs, which I imagine started to remove a lot of gunk. Sadly, I found it pretty difficult to tell as the wet floor had made me slip over onto my back.

“Please, mercy.” The blast didn’t actually hurt or anything, it was just really annoying and I can say this without a shadow of a doubt. Those griffon maids, were way better at this.

“It is only a small quantity of water armoured one. Thou shalt pony up and bear it.” The mirth that Luna was displaying, clearly played no part in her desire to continue blasting me. She next began to blast my faceplate, removing any trace of the Zebrican tea. I was going to offer that to someone later dammit. Well now I might as well just do as my friend suggested, grin and bear it.

So, for the next ten minutes I was continually assaulted by Luna’s makeshift jet washer. Upon the conclusion of the wash, my form lacked any of the mud. The armoury clearly wasn’t meant to handle such a method of cleansing seeing the floor, walls and ceiling all had a not too inconsiderable amount of muck plastered across them. The poor blacksmith.

“Okay, are we done?” I said while carefully lifting up my shoes and pouring out the trapped water. If my body had a fur coat, I’d look like a drowned rat. When Luna only grinned and nodded I was hit with a moment of realization. “If that was all you were going to do, why bother with the armoury at all?”

“While a simple bath would have sufficed for a being such as thou, we wanted the full authentic armour cleaning experience, it was most exhilarating friend.” Well, she at least seems happy about it. She then lit her horn once again. “Let us complete our hoofwork.”

Expecting another blast of pressurised water, I braced. To my pleasant surprise, all that I experienced was a warm jet of air. Wow magic really is amazing, when it isn’t blasting me across the room. “Ah Luna this part’s a major improvement.”

At my happier tone Luna stopped laughing at my expense, “We art glad thou like it, we are willing to assist thou in future if thou require it.”

“Not if you’re going to blast me like that,” I’m pretty sure I know how to run a bath.

“Well, thou could join us in the communal baths in the near future if thou wishes.” A swimming pool? That would let me know if I can swim or not.

“Okay, swimming might be interesting.” When Luna completed her magical blow drying, I quickly inspected myself, “Huh you’ve done a good job Princess, thanks.” Your method may be terrible, but it was effective.

Looking out the window I could see the light shrinking, “Well I suppose it’s about time to say good night.”

Moony seemed shocked at the mention of her nights soon approach, “Oh thank thou, we were almost late for Celestia's sunset.” She then provided me with an immense show as her horn’s aura glowed incredibly bright. At the exact same moment, it became possible to see the moon rapidly rising through the window.

Luna then gave me an expectant look, “So what did thou think?”

That the moon moves very quickly? “That was an incredible light show. It might have been the most magic I’ve seen in a single moment.” She probably isn’t ruler for nothing. It’s strange how the moon seems to have stopped right in the centre of the window. “Shouldn’t the moon be higher?”

“We delayed it's rise so thou could get a good look.” She seriously just moved the moon? I’ve heard of rulers pretending to bring the day and night, is that what she’s doing?

“You stopped the moon for me?” she only gave a slight smile. There’s no way that she stopped the moon for a laugh. With another almighty glow the moon continued on its path. Okay, well there’s only one thing for it. I gave my best bow to the moon Goddess. “I’m truly honoured that I could receive such a gift.”

At my words the navy mare blushed slightly, “We believed thou deserved to see the event in pony.”

“Well, it was very spectacular.” Wonder if Celestia does the same with the sun? “Well now that it's night I suppose we should bid each other good night.”

Luna seemed surprised, “Dost thou not wish to remain by our side?”

“We’ve been out all day, there isn’t really anything left for us to do.” Luna must be tired as well, right?

I couldn’t help but feel I’d offended my friend somehow. “That is where thou art wrong. Crescent!!” The sudden shout that left Luna’s lips would likely awaken the entire castle, let alone me.

“Yes Princess?” with the sudden appearance of the thestral guard, I couldn’t help but jump back.

“Today is the day that we shall be commencing night court, let us begin preparations.” The thestral saluted and sped down the corridor. Is this all spur of the moment? “Eclipse, art thou coming?”

What? but I’m tired, I think. Well, I want to go to bed so that’s tired. “Luna what about the mud on your coat?” Ha successfully derailed.

With a quick flash of her horn, Luna’s once dirt smeared coat was refreshed. If she could clean herself that quickly, why was she in the shower for thirty minutes in Griffonia? Her eyes continued to pierce my form, “Okay sure, I'm your confidant so of course I’ll join you.”

“Huzzah,” with that Luna began to merrily trot out of the room towards the throne room used for my previous interrogation.

“Wait for me.” having to trot is so annoying.

Upon reaching the door to the throne room, my friend lowered her pace and started to walk in a fashion that could be considered royal. If this is going to be some important official work, I’m not sure I’m prepared. Just before opening the door the regal mare hesitated. Maybe she’s not ready either? “Luna maybe it would be best to organise this for tomorrow.”

She looked back to me with a pleasant smile, “Nay our subjects have gone without the night’s comforts for too long.” At her statement, the moon’s confidence returned and she quickly pushed open the door, before walking inside.

Not sure of my place, I just followed behind her hooves towards the throne. Upon reaching her throne, Luna immediately sat facing the door, before double checking if her tiara was straight. Still nervous I see. As there was only one chair present, I just ended up sitting on the floor to Moony’s side facing the same way.

Luna gave me a quick look over, “Art thou ready?”

Ready as I’ll ever be, “Sure, is there anything you need me to do?”

“Nay, we are just glad thou art with us for this.” With my question the moon seemed even more confident. She quickly moved her gaze to the far side of the room, where a single thestral was standing by a closed door. “Crescent, send in the petitioners.”

“Yes PrincesS,” was the only reply as the thestral pushed open the door. I tried my best to brace for the inevitable stares of countless unknown ponies. What happened instead should probably only have been partly surprising due to the lack of prep.

“Erm Princess,” I said after five minutes of sitting as straight as I could beside the moon Goddess.

“Yes Eclipse,” The constant smile never left her face even when glancing away from the open door.

“I’m a little confused. Isn’t something supposed to be, y know, happening?” I’m fairly certain there’s more to this job, than simply sitting looking pretty for an audience of non.

The Princess’s smiling façade cracked slightly at that, “Our subjects should be queuing outside awaiting our judgement.” Our lone guard sensing the unasked question poked her head out of the room. Upon her return she only shook her head causing Luna’s wings to sag. “We hope they have not forgotten.”

This is what happens when you do things last minute. How are the ponies supposed to know about this court, if it’s never happened before? Still, I could sense my friend’s disappointment, so due to the laws of friendship actions needed to be taken.

Carefully I unfurled a wing and put it across the dissatisfied ponies back. This prompted her to look up in my direction. “Come on Luna, they haven’t forgotten, you just haven’t given them a chance to prepare.”

“Thou art correct,” the ponies mood improved, “They will likely arrive later tonight. Once word has spread, our subjects are sure to arrive.”

“I’m not sure that’s what I meant.” It’s going to take ponies days to prepare for this thing.

“We shall happily wait for them. Our time shall be spent willingly.” Oh, does that mean I have to wait up all night until someone shows up? I could only sigh and lower my head. Please, anyone, free us from our bonds.

After a good thirty minutes, my prayers were answered by a fancily dressed unicorn barging through the throne room entrance. This immediately impelled Luna to sit up and regain her regal composure. The hints of a happy smile danced on her face. “Subject, thou may approach us and make thy proposition.” After this she spread her wings in, I guess in a welcoming gesture.

The pony in question, didn’t hesitate and immediately approached his Princess. As he approached it was pretty clear he’d rushed over from bed, seeing as his eyes had the darkest rings I’ve ever seen. This guy’s desperate then.

Upon getting close enough to the throne, said pony immediately bowed. “Your highness, thank you for seeing me on this wonderful night.”

“The pleasure is all ours.” Well, she clearly likes this guy’s appreciation of the night, “Please inform thy Princess of thy troubles.”

“As you wish your majesty.” The pony then pulled out a large piece of paper, “My name is Duke Jackpot and I’ve a plan to bring in a large quantity of bits to Equestria’s economy.” He’s clearly practiced this.

“So, thy plan is for a new business venture?” The majestic princess’s head dipped slightly. “Jackpot, continue and explain how thy plans will aid Equestria.” Maybe she was hoping to help someone less fortunate?

“You are correct your highness, it has come to our company’s attention that the smoky mountains are heavily under utilized for mining,” the unicorn then held up the paperwork he’d brought, “This is a contract detailing the provision of land to us, so we can begin mining operations. This will bring in a large sum of bits to the economy, provide employment to lesser ponies and make use of wasted potential.” Lesser ponies? Wow, this guy.

Jackpot's paperwork gained a blue aura before Luna carefully levitated it over and began giving it a scrutinizing eye. It was pretty clear she was trying to ignore the unicorn’s comments in favour of the idea’s potential.

After a few minutes of reading and me staring at a tired unicorn, Luna hoofed me the papers surprising the pony. Did he think I was a statue? Anyway, time to go to work I suppose.

While reading the contract for myself, the princess filled in Jackpot, “Well Duke Jackpot thy venture does appear to have merits,” this caused the pony to begin smiling, Luna then raised a hoof to lower his expectations, “however we are unfamiliar with the current status of said mountains. We shall sadly need to convene with our sister, before signing off on such a deal.”

This did not sit well with her little pony, it was clear to see the gears turning in his head, “But surely the newly recrowned Princess of the night can handle this without her sister?” At those words Luna’s eyes narrowed, “this undertaking will greatly benefit Equestria on the whole, don’t you think Princess Celestia would be proud of such an expert display of administration?”

“We shall see what our advisors think,” I haven’t met any of Luna’s advisors. Wonder what those idiots will come up with? “Eclipse, what dost thou think of this proposition?” Oh yeah, that’s me, number one idiot. Even the unicorn seemed surprised when the Princess turned to me.

Okay well here goes, “Well your majesty, for starters I don’t see any problem with waiting until morning for Celestia to awaken. It is always smart to utilize all our resources.” Clearly the other ponies in the room weren’t happy with that idea.

“Was this statue commissioned so Celestia can keep an eye on you?” This guy is really clutching at straws.

“Eclipse, please continue with thy findings,” is that a vein I can see on Luna’s forehead? Okay, hope Luna’s head doesn’t explode.

Ignoring the stares, I tried to continue as professionally as possible, from the small amount I’d managed to read. “Apart from the worrying implications that this pony doesn’t want Celestia to see this contract, there are two other potential problems with it.” Jackpot's stare seemed to just scream shut up, “The first is the mention of rights to displace all potential obstacles from the area. It seems a bit too vague and open ended on what could be seen as a lot of power.”

My royal friend smiled at me, “Yes that is partly why we wished to speak to our sister of the area, to ensure no harm could be caused.”

The Duke decided to continue defending his plan, “This is preposterous, nothing of value will be destroyed or removed from that area.”

“Well, what obstacles are present? Maybe to make this simpler, we should add to the contract no displacement of ponies or equivalent… sentients from the area without royal permission.” Can’t forget about the griffons.

Jackpot’s mouth started to hang open for a second before he fired back, “The area is infested with mud pony squatters. They have no claim to the land and by rights should be displaced by the crown.” I’ve never heard of a mud pony before. Do they have control of earth or something?

“Thou expect us to remove ponies from their homes, upon thy words alone?” Lunas clearly going to reject this guy now. “Before we make our final judgement, Eclipse what is thy second issue?”

Well, this one was pretty simple, “The name on the contract isn’t Duke Jackpot, but someone called Blueblood. It’s a little strange that you’re attempting to pass this off as your idea.”

“You’re doing this on purpose aren’t you? You think after you come back and threaten us with eternal night, that you can just walk all over the nobility?” The idiot took a breath, “We have every right to that land and it isn’t the right for some piece of metal to tell us what to do.” Well ouch, also eternal night? We’re talking about paperwork not the void.

After the halfwit finished, Luna fired back in what must have been the loudest voice I’ve ever heard. “Duke Jackpot, night court is for ponies who are in need of help or have ways to help improve their communities!” Luna educated, “It is not for greedy individuals such as thyself to line their own pockets with bits at the expense of others! Get out of our sight, before the guards throw thou out!”

“Celestia shall hear of this.”

“NOW!” At that final word, Luna burned the paperwork I was still trying to read through, before Jackpot immediately galloped out of the door.

As soon as the pony was out of sight my friend deflated in her throne, “sorry armoured one, we had forgotten how infuriating the nobility could be at times. We hope thine ears are ok.”

This is where the lack of a physical body really helps out. Yes, all I could hear was Luna’s bellows for a time, but the lack of anything to damage in the first place protected me. Wonder how I hear things without ears? “It’s okay Luna, I don’t need ears.” That brought some life back to the blue pony.

Looking across the throne room, our lone thestral guard was currently laid out covering her ears with her hoofs. That poor mare, I bet half of Canterlot was woken with that shout. “Are we going to call it a night after that disaster?”

“Nay my friend, the initial proposition we received may have been a flop, but we may be able to modify it. It could still bring profits to Equestria without harming anypony should we act carefully.” Well at least she got something out of it, “If we retire now, we may miss out on another important innovation. We must await our subjects.” Even Luna’s ears drooped at her final words. Clearly, she was tired of this as well.

“If that’s what you want.” Maybe I could go to sleep and she wouldn’t notice? How could anyone tell if a suit of armour was sleeping? Ah better not, all I can really do is wait for that door to open again. Man, this night is going to drag.

After a few minutes Luna had even curled up on her throne. The waiting for some random pony who may, or may not show up finally getting to her. She was barely keeping her eyes open. It kind of looked adorable. So much so that it reminded me of something I thought in the Everfree. Wonder if a pony would let me pet them? That manticore seemed to like it and that’s a furry thing.

With that thought I raised my shoe and brought it to the side of Luna's throne. She didn’t even acknowledge my movement. She seems pretty out of it. With the lack of response, I decided to press on and slowly moved my shoe over to her head. She's my friend, so I’m sure she’ll appreciate it. Right at the last moment Luna flicked her ears causing me to jerk back in surprise.

A slight laugh was audible from the other side of the room. Dammit Crescent, that guards just watching my awkwardness. Clearly there isn’t anything else in this room to look at besides me, so I had her full attention. All I could think to do was awkwardly wave, which the amused Thestral returned.

Ignoring her I decided to go for round two. Luna hadn’t moved after the exchange I’d shared with the guard, so she clearly wasn’t rejecting anything. Again, I made my attempt and this time struck gold, when my shoe met soft pony fur and I began mimicking the same motion as when I pet the manticore.

Luna’s response to my shoe was to immediately flatten her ears and make a slight humming sound. Is that a good thing? The smile on her face seems to mean yes. Due to the lack of complaint, I continued for a little longer petting her behind her soft blue furry ears.

A sudden head tilt from my friend caused me to immediately stop my petting. Okay that’s the signal. Her head then slowly turned to point at me and tired eyes stared at me questioningly. Right so what to say, “Erm I was just, and you were there, and stuff with the fur and… ahem sorry.” Wow this is embarrassing. What was worse was the continued stare the moon princess gave me.

“Why dost thou stop thy attention?” okay wasn’t expecting that.

“Erm, I got nervous?” What else can I say? Really should have asked permission.

Another slight giggle came from the front door which was quickly silenced by a look from my friend. She then sighed before returning her head to her hoofs, “Thou may continue if that is thy wish.”

Well now that a veiled request had been made I kind of had to, so for the next few minutes I continued carefully rubbing the top of the blue furballs head. This was met by a few pleased humming noises as the moon’s eyes steadily closed and she went off to sleep. Now what? Should I carry her to bed?

My decision was made for me, when the doors off to the side of the room opened and a tired Celestia entered. Oh, dear can’t have Luna sleeping on the job, only one thing for it. Having my shoe already in position I quickly started to tap Luna’s nose in an effort to rouse her. Sorry about this.

At my assault Luna sneezed and immediately sat up, “Nay Eclipse, thou must be more tender when attending to thy companion's needs.” Before she looked at Celestia approaching and blushed for some reason.

“Ah sister how goes the night court, I thought I heard some issues.” Celestia clearly referenced Luna’s earlier outburst. That’s probably why she’s awake at all.

“There are no issues Celly, we are just enjoying a lull in activity.” Well, that’s a lie, there’s only been one guy and he was a twit.

I just thought it best to be honest due to earlier, “It's going ok, there just hasn’t been many ponies coming by.”

Luna quickly gave me a light push with a wing, “We believe our ponies are unsure of where to find their Princess.”

“Give it time Lulu, word will surely spread that night court is back and fully functional,” Celestia gave her sister a thoughtful look, “Maybe it would be best to call it a night for now. We could do something together as we both have no responsibilities left for the day.” Celestia really looks like she should go to bed, she’s practically swaying.

“Sister, thou would expect us to abandon our subjects needs?” Well Luna really wants this to work. How long is night court anyways?

At some unseen prompting from Celestia, Crescent opened the front door and looked out, “Princess there isn’t anypony waiting.”

“Crescent that is irrelevant. 'Tis our solemn duty to attend to the needs of our ponies and we shall do so.” Even with those powerful words Luna still looked down. She clearly didn’t believe in them.

“I fully understand sister,” Celestia seemed only mildly disappointed with the result, before turning to me, “Eclipse it is getting late, what time do you expect to need to retire?” Clearly, she’s concerned for my health.

Looking over to Luna, I could see the slight want in her eyes. Why does she want me to stay? Sighing again I said, “If Luna’s going to stay, I believe it best if I stay as well. Maybe you’d like to join us? Not much is going on at the moment.”

Without missing a beat, Celestia responded, “I would love to.” Before making her way to sit on Luna’s other side. Much to the irritation of the smaller pegacorn. Sorry Loony, but Celestia wants to spend some time with you.

What followed was more bored waiting, but with the addition of one slightly less bored, talkative pegacorn. “So, Lulu I heard that Rarity created you a dress for the gala.”

Luna gave me a quick look. “Yes, she is a most generous individual,” huh Rarity works fast. “Why? Art thou interested?”

Celestia looked at her own regalia, “I was just going to go in my standard affair, but next to you I may be a tad underdressed. Think she’d be willing to make one for me?” If you pay for it, sure.

Luna laughed, “Thou will definitely look underdressed compared to us, even with one of Rarity’s designs. Still yes, we believe she would love the publicity.”

“Excellent, I’ll message Twilight to let her know of my arrival tomorrow.” The taller mare then began writing a letter before setting it on fire. I have to learn that.

The next thirty minutes, consisted of more inane chatter between the two sisters, with only small inputs from myself. This lasted right up until the older of the two began to tire. “Sister, thou dost not need to stay if thou art too tired.”

“No Lulu, I’m not that tired and this is fun. It’s nice catching up without the servants getting in the way.” She’s probably worried about Luna’s outburst earlier.

As I thought that, I realized Celestia was looking at me, clearly contemplating something. “What’s up Princess?”

Celestia then gave a tired smile “So, Eclipse. I’m curious about something.”

“Ok?” What does she want?

“Can I give you a test run?” That was not what I was expecting.

“What now?” what if someone walks in? Ah who am I kidding, no ones coming, it's probably midnight. I need a watch.

“It’s for an experiment,” I really don’t know what to say to that. Looking into Celestia’s eyes she seemed to be almost begging me for some reason.

“Okay fine, only for a minute.” At that I stood up and walked in front of the seated Celestia, before modifying my form to the golden form I had used before. Luna didn’t look best pleased, but neglected to say anything. “Well, I’m ready when you are.” The mare in question just looked up at me. “Are you going to erm… put me on then?”

“Well, it’s been a long day, would you be willing to put yourself on?” she said quietly while removing her shoes and chest piece.

“Aren’t you going to put some effort in?” the alabaster mare only gave me a cheeky tired grin. “Well okay then, I’ll try my best. Can you at least stand up off your throne?” She at least contributed that far.

Well, how best to do this. Okay chest piece. Carefully as I could, I positioned myself behind the princess before carefully climbing on top of her back. This allowed me to carefully slide my chest piece over the top of the mare. Sadly, the increased weight caused Celestias legs to buckle. She really must be tired.

“Seriously sister,” the shortest pegacorn clearly disapproves, “There’s no way thou art as tired as that.”

Celestia just laughed, “maybe I think our friendly suit of armour needs a challenge. Fine I’ll help a little,” she quickly pushed her wings through the gaps on the back of my chest piece “There, now over to you armoured one.” Okay, the wings would have been tricky, so at least that’s out of the way.

Now carrying the weight of one tired pony, I had to pick up each foreleg, before inserting them into the opposite shoe. I then did the same with the rear using Celestias own forelegs to do it. The final piece came when I carefully slid my helmet over Celestias head, trying my best not to knock her horn to much. Its really difficult to manoeuvre around something occupying the same spot as you.

Once Celestia had fully donned me, she immediately jumped to her hooves, “Wow, now that is better than five cups of tea.” She began walking over to her throne almost as if she’d had a power nap. Makes sense with the amount of magic I can feel draining out of me.

Wow nothings better than tea. “Actually, tea is the greatest,” I said using Celestia mouth. That got a jump out of her.

“I was unaware you could do that,” Celestia replied now walking a little more cautiously.

“Yeah, I’ve been learning a few things about myself,” well this was interesting and all but now what?

“Sister thou looks very impressive,” It was strange Luna appeared almost jealous, “Now thou hast had thy fill, maybe thou should remove our armoured friend before our ponies arrive.” I’m not against that.

Celestia put a hoof to her chin for a moment before replying, “Luna I think we should do something, maybe play a game?” Do immortal ponies really play games.

“Sister, dost not be silly, we are busy,” Okay so they don’t play games judging from how unimpressed Lulu is.

Celestias reply really confused me. “Oh yes, Eclipse it has been so long since we played together, a game is a brilliant idea,” is she trying to play this off as my idea? She just learned of my ability to speak through someone and now she’s using it against me.

The navy mare gave the two of us a curious glance, “Eclipse, thou wishes to play with us?”

I could practically feel Celestias desire for me to go along with it, “Apparently, yes I do,” you owe me sunny.

“Oh, okay if that is thy wish.” The smile that my best friend gained made it worth playing along. Huh maybe I should have offered to play a game with her in the past. “But what could we play within court?”

“How about chess? I have a set in my room.” Celestia does look like someone who enjoys chess.

“Really sister, chess?” From Luna’s unimpressed look she clearly doesn’t find it as interesting. That’s a shame I might have liked that. Maybe I could play against Celestia myself?

“What’s wrong with chess? We always used to play before.” The alabaster mare tilted our head.

“Exactly, we wish for a different kind of experience,” moony waved a hoof for emphasis.

I decided to make a suggestion, “Like a game of cards?” Now that could be fun. Might be difficult to hide my hand from my wearer though.

“Nay we wish for something with more physical activity,” Well Celestia can barely stand even with me keeping her awake, so good luck. Luna’s horn started to glow blue and a box materialized in front of her. “Pinkie Pie assured me this was fun for the whole family.”

“Twister sister?” Celestia didn’t sound convinced about this one. Frankly I agree that chess is a better choice for a court room. “If that’s what you want to play, I’m all for it.” Wait you weren’t meant to agree.

“Excellent we shall set it up and shall prove why we are the superior Alicorn.” The younger pegacorn quickly opened the box and laid out a mat and spinner.

“Well sister, I have the advantage of our metallic friend’s aid,” does this mean she’s not taking me off?

Now for the uninformed, twister is a very simple game consisting of a mat with a 6 by 4 grid of coloured dots. Each pony, or suit of armour, must take it in turns to place a designated limb on a particular-coloured dot. This results in many embarrassing moments and dangerous falls due to the awkward positioning. I immediately knew this was going to be terrible.

“Okay Princess Luna, Right forehoof green,” said one particularly amused thestral we’d conscripted to be the games master. Crescent clearly loved to see her Princesses suffer.

The game started out kind of interesting but, after five minutes of play the two sisters had ended up in a very tangled mess upon the throne room floor with me in the middle. What made it worse was just how seriously Luna took the game.

“Ha that distance is but a triviality.” As she steadily forced her hoof to stretch to its limit before expertly reaching her goal. “Huzzah, it seems the eclipsed Celestia, is no match for the night.”

“Right then, Princess Celestia right rear leg green,” I’m sure Crescent is doing it on purpose.

“Come on eclipse the dots only there,” The strain in her voice was evident. “My legs are longer; we have the advantage.”

There comes the curse of Celestia. She clearly didn’t spend as much time exercising as her younger sister giving the younger pegacorn the true advantage. “I’m trying, your leg won’t bend any further without breaking.” I’d easy win this if I was by myself.

“Admit it sister thou cannot defeat us,” came a jab from behind us. Come on I managed the last few just have to lower a bit more to the ground.

“Well Lulu do you admire our rear in your face,” is Celestia going to help me or what. Feels like I’ve been playing on a team by myself.

“We are not staring at thy rear sister and it should be known thou bears our mark currently,” that doesn’t mean I’m going to let her win.

Celestia only giggled in response, “I know exactly who’s rear you are viewing.”

I think I’ve got it, “Ha Luna, I told you I could… wo oh no.” I call sabotage, if Celestia hadn’t moved her forelegs I wouldn’t of fell on top of my friend. “Sorry Luna, you ok,” looking around I had planted Celestias rear firmly on top of her sister’s muzzle, thankfully avoiding the horn.

Luna for some reason had gone bright red before regaining her composure, “Huzzah the night has reigned victorious over the day once more. Erm Eclipse, please remove Our sister's rear from Our face.”

“Sorry again,” Upon standing up I heard a sound coming from the throne room entrance. Another annoying noble? No, what entered was quite a surprise. A pint-sized pony had walked in through the front door.

Almost as soon as Celestia’s eyes locked on to the child I found myself propelled towards it, apparently Celestia had been holding out on me. I knew she was just lazy. The reasoning behind Celestia's actions soon became clear at the state of the foal. She should have been a white furred regular pony, however her fur had clear bits of grime and some appeared to be missing.

“Hello little one, are you lost?” came Celestias careful words. Maybe she was worried about frightening the little thing.

“Erm hello Princess… I heard a shout from here,” the pony began in a quiet voice, “it said night court was for ponies in need. Is that true?” The foal’s eyes were full of hope.

Behind us came the sound of rapid hoof steps as the younger alicorn approached. “Yes child, this is true. Please tell us of thy problem so the night can render aid.” Well, this might just be the kind of case Luna needed.

“I’m from a New hope orphanage in the city. It’s an okay place but miss Strawberry can’t afford to keep it running, she already had to cut back on food.” The foal began to tear up, “She tried to ask for help in day court but couldn’t get through. If something doesn’t happen soon, we’ll be homeless. Can you help like you did with my nightmares?” After those final words the tears began to flow.

Well, it’s a good job it isn’t just me here, because what on earth is the correct response to this? Luna seemed to know what to do as she carefully hugged the foal with her wings before humming some soothing tune.

When the foal’s tears started to die down my best friend demonstrated why she deserves the position. Getting down to the foal’s level she calmly spoke, “We shall look into this orphanage young one, if it is as troubled as thou say, we shall endeavour to ensure it is brought back to it's former splendour.”

The foal immediately jumped forward and held on to Lunas’s foreleg, “Thank you princess. Please end this nightmare,” She didn’t seem to want to let go of her hope.

“Don’t worry little one, rest now,” Luna’s horn began to glow and the foals grip loosened, “When thou awakens thy bed will welcome thou.” She then carefully levitated the foal onto her back, “Sister we must return this filly before investigating further, a grant may need to be issued by tomorrow morning.” She then began heading out the door. “She is lighter than she should be.”

“Okay sister I’ll help push the paperwork through.” I went to follow but felt some resistance from my wearer. I just tilted her head questioningly and Celestia responded, “Eclipse its almost 2am, I’m a bit tired to continue on.”

Oh, is that all, “It's okay Princess, I can carry you.” It seems you don’t have to tell the lazy mare twice as she went from being a minor irritation to a complete dead weight. Wasn’t expecting it to be that difficult. Might as well try and catch up to Luna.

“Thank you, my friend,” came Celestia's tired reply, as I trotted after the younger sister. Hope she knows where she’s going.

After a walk from the castle through the streets, the two sisters reached a building in a state of disrepair. “Well, this is the place, we had witnessed it once from the dreamscape.” Luna said quietly, “We never realized it was real.” Her horn then glowed before the Princess’s form vanished leaving me and Celestia outside. A tell tale blue flash came from one of the windows.

“You know Eclipse, you’re quite the luxurious means of travel,” Celestia's attempt at small talk there.

“I’m not really a taxi service, I’m sleepy to ya know,” it would have been much easier if I’d just possessed her body, then she could have done some walking. Celestia just let out a light chuckle at my response.

“I’ve missed this,” Celestia seems to be coming over all melancholic.

“Standing in front of a dilapidated building?”

“Don’t be silly,” the princess chuckled, “Seeing Luna happy.” Well, that’s a nice sentiment.

A moment later A blue flash symbolled the blue pegacorn's return. “We will ensure this establishment gets the attention it needs.” Despite the glaring issue, Luna seemed pretty happy with herself, “We are glad we waited up. We told thou it wasn’t a waste of time.”

Fine she did tell me, “Okay, but you have to admit the chances were pretty slim after the second hour. You’re going to need to put some advertisements in the paper or something to prevent a repeat. Say something like only the needy welcome.” Luna only nodded in response.

“Sister maybe it would be best if we returned to the castle now,” Celestia said while supressing a yawn. At Celestia’s prompting the three of us began heading back through the sleeping city.

“It is a shame the little ponies aren’t still out and about,” Luna commented while viewing the empty streets.

“They’re going to be in bed Luna its pretty dark, it's safer in the light if not quite as fun,” saying that you’d think there’d be some thestrals wandering around.

“We just wish they appreciated the night like that sweet foal.” Does Luna think the pony’s opinion of the night is the same as their opinion of her?

“Sister the little ones love your night. The only reason they sleep, is because even you yourself advertise the night as the time for dreams.” Is that the way to make Luna feel better? Telling her it's her fault they’re like this?

“Luna just think of it this way, without anyone else to disturb us, we get to the sky all to ourselves. There isn’t even a cloud in the sky.” Its pretty amazing how clear the skies are around here. I can’t think of a time I’ve seen it rain.

“Eclipse thine idea is wonderful,” Luna then grabbed Celestias hoof before dragging us to the city square. “The view is much clearer from here. Dost thou see those stars? They commemorate our defeat of Discord.” So, is this how the rest of the night’s going to go? Well at least it’s pretty interesting.

Part way through Luna’s exposition, Celestia whispered a barely audible sound, “Eclipse, thanks for helping me spend time with my sister.”

“No problem.”

Author's Note:

I might take a break over Christmas, still have cards to buy and presents to wrap.
Merry Christmas everyone reading this. :)