• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 16,441 Views, 1,310 Comments

The Night's Shining Armour - Appleody

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods and has some issues.

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8: Forest Wandering

Chapter 8

This place sure gets dark quickly, was all I could think looking up at the light choking canopy. Only a five minute walk into the forest and the light levels were almost that of a cave. To avoid getting lost like last time, I made sure to stick to clear pony made paths.

It’s not like it matters either way, even if I went missing no pony would care, besides Luna. Some of the ponies actually seemed afraid of her as well and I’ve just ditched her with one of Rarity’s problems. Well, I’m sure she understands. She was okay when I went missing in Griffonia. Well, she wasn’t to upset.

As I followed the winding path, I spied an interesting sight. There in an opening in the canopy was a small patch of blue flowers. That got me thinking, Luna’s a mare and they like flowers, right? Maybe if I get her one of these blue ones, she’ll be less angry with me. I’ll just say how I saw them and they reminded me of her coat or something like that.

Upon picking a flower at the edge of the field I began to feel a mild magical effect. That’s strange, well free food and all that. Continuing to hold the flower I consumed the tiny amount of present magic causing it to droop slightly. If these’ll grow in a pot, I could farm my own food. No need to go searching.

While distracted by the blue grove, I missed out on the soft sounds of movement through the brush beside me. Right up until it was just a meter away. As I turned to look hoping to see a timbre wolf for dinner, I was met with a different result. A strange lion with wings and a scorpion’s tale.

“I can only assume you’re a manticore,” that’s how the book described them anyway. It also said they were aggressive so I got into a ready position. Basically, just turning to face it. I really need some combat training.

Seeing how its ambush had been foiled, the creature stalked steadily towards me staring me straight in the eye holes. Right up until it was just half a meter away it suddenly stopped and gave me a quizzical look.

“What are you waiting for? Come at me then.” I’m sure this’ll be fine it’s just a big cat. Wonder how much magic it has?

The lion hybrid paid my words no mind and instead began sniffing the air around me. Okay, this is strange. As it stepped close enough for me to touch it, I put my shoes up ready to intercept, but it was just content with the sniffing. Okay diplomacy time, with the cat that matched my size sniffing my chest plate I patted it on the head.

I winced slightly after my action, but the manticore didn’t care and began to paw lightly at my chest. Huh, this thing really is just a big cat. At my continued petting it began to lean into my shoe for more. This is nice, wonder if ponies like to be pet? They have soft fur like this too, wish I had fur. I’ll test it on Luna sometime.

After a few minutes of petting, the manticore seemed to have it's fill and walked back into the brush with just a slight look back over its shoulder. “Bye,” I said while giving a wave. Ah I needed that. Wonder if those things are friendly with ponies?

Okay, well distraction over, onwards and all that. Let’s see what else the forest has to offer. Just before continuing I picked up my drained flower and popped it through my helmets horn hole as not to lose it.

As the path continued to twist and bend, I eventually came upon a very familiar area. The location of my legendary battle with the timbre wolves. Evidence of destroyed trees and crushed plants still remained after my two-day absence. Those other wolves could still be nearby. Looking around for some sort of lead came up empty. There were plenty of deep shoe prints from my clumsy self, but not really any signs of the doggos.

Looking at the shoe prints made me realize just how clumsy I was just a short time ago. Suppose you need to learn fast when you think your lives on the line.

Back to the wolves, it’s probably not right for me to hunt them, when there’s an all you can eat buffet just a little way into the forest. Might as well think of some other way to wait out that party.

Thinking of that party really sours my mood. Maybe I could just sleep somewhere? The creatures don’t seem to mind my presence.

Heading further down the path I reached a gentle stream pouring into a small lake. This’ll be perfect. Finding a spot of nice soft grass on the streams edge, I lied down with my helmet on my shoes. Listening to that water flow sure is relaxing.

After I don’t know how long, my sense of time sucks, a loud splash from the lake disturbed me. Okay, now what? Opening my non-existent eyes. How does that work anyway? I looked up from my position to see four sets of very large eyes. Not wolf eyes but reptilian ones. Oh no, a damn hydra.

The beast’s heads all surrounded my lazing form. They appeared to each be examining me. One of them even slightly nudged my rear. Okay, just not going to move. After what felt like an eternity the hydra seemed to lose interest and sank back into the water.

Okay I get it now, my form resembles a pony so things want to eat me, but when they get close enough, they realize a problem. There isn’t any meat on my bones, in fact there isn’t any bones at all. Couldn’t help but laugh at that. Those timbre wolves must have just been so stupid or ravenous, they never noticed.

I could so easily live the rest of my life here. Infinite food from the flowers, no creatures that want to harm me and I’ll be far enough away from ponies that I won’t bother them, win win. The lack of conversation partners would be lonely though. Wonder if I could move here and Luna would visit? She’d probably prefer me to come back to the castle. With that thought I laid my head back down.

What felt like almost the exact moment when I started feeling comfortable, another rude interruption occurred. This time from far above me in the trees. It sounded almost like, voices?

“It's still down there get ready.”

“I’m ready, are you?”

“We’ll only get one chance to impress Rainbow.”

Looking up into the canopy I couldn’t see the source of the voices and that made me nervous. “Hey who’s up there!?” Hopefully some ponies haven’t come looking for me. With my shout the voices stopped their debating and silence rained for a good minute.

“Okay if you’re not coming out, I’m just going to sleep,” I said while putting my head back down still staring up at the canopy. If they attack, I’ll be ready.

After what felt like forever the inevitable happened, “Now,” and three pint sized ponies fell down from above, landing on all sides of me, a net between them. I probably should have done more than just look up.

“We caught it, we did it, rainbow will be so proud,” a bright orange fun size pony shouted.

The three ponies then started jumping around, high hoofing before simultaneously shouting, “Cutiemark crusaders Ghostbusters yay.” They then went on to check each other’s flanks in a strange ritual.

Once whatever they were after never occurred, they collectively sighed before one with a light purple mane complained, “I was so sure that this was the one.”

I’m sure I’ve seen her before. That’s it, Rarity’s sister maybe, “Hey I’ve seen you before,” all three ponies turned to me, “aren’t you Rarity’s sister?”

“I know you thought you were being so clever haunting our home right under our noses,” I was only there for an hour tops, “Rarity will be pleased when we tell her the Ghost of the Everfree’s been contained.” She stood on her hindlegs at those last few words. Seems this is a big moment for them.

Hey I’m not a ghost either. Ghosts are dead people, I’m alive. You’d probably count me as a spirit. Wonder if there was a time when I was flesh and blood? It makes sense as I liked having a body before. Don’t really remember ever having my own though. Maybe that’s what it’s like to be dead?

Anyway, back to the ponies, “Rarity’s more likely to be disappointed you came into the Everfree, it’s not safe,” that pulled the wind from her sails.

The red maned pony piped up next, “It’s a might bit safer without a fella like you runnin around.” Huh, she sounds a bit like Applejack.

“Look tiny ponies, you know Rarity invited me into her home as well as the Princess,” she probably never even noticed Luna downstairs.

“That’s a likely story ye varmint,” the miniature applejack retorted.

“Yeah,” her back up joined in. This is getting old.

“Rainbow told us how you were bad news for the town,” the orange Pegasus chimed in. Is each of these related to one of the heroes? Do they all have a fun sized version? It makes sense that the mini-Rainbow wouldn’t like me.

“Makes sense, so now what?” we can’t just sit here forever can we? Saying that, I could just go back to sleep.

At my question the three ponies formed a quick huddle to discuss their next move. Maybe I should just stand up, they’ve only covered me with a net. Not like it's nailed down or anything. Even then it’s not a solid sheet, if I messed about enough with my form, I could probably pass through it.

After a short recess the mini ponies still looked confused. Rarity’s sister finally said something audible, “I’ve got to admit we never thought this far ahead.”

“Sweetie, the jobs clearly not finished, we can still earn our cutiemarks,” orange said. What’s a cutiemark anyway?

“Yeah, I reckon we need ta get him back to town,” the miniature apple reckoned.

The voice of reason, Sweetie then piped up, “How are we supposed to do that? he’s huge.” Compared to you guys maybe, I’m only twice as big as a normal pony.

“I’ll help you with that, I can just walk back to town. Luna’s probably waiting for me anyway,” don’t think I’m quite ready to see Ponyville again, but needs must. This forest is probably pretty dangerous for ponies of their stature.

“That would be mighty kind of you,” at least Apple has some manners. At her confirmation I nodded and got up on my shoes.

The second I did so another shout rang out from one orange pony, “Jail breach, action stations!” this prompted the three ponies to jump onto the net. This apparent attempt to pin me down after asking me to walk back, resulted in the three dangling around my chest plate.

Sweetie then voiced what everyone was thinking, “I don’t think we’ve got him.”

The other two just looked at her, “ya think?”

These tiny ponies are more annoying than the regular ones. Looking down at the group I simply said, “shall we go?” This prompted the three of them to let go one by one.

“Okay, you can walk back but no funny business,” orange said with eyes narrowed. She really is a mini Rainbow.

I couldn’t help but let out a light laugh “okay let’s… go.” Just as I dropped the net on the ground a familiar splashing sound occurred behind. Oh, damn I forgot about that thing. Coming out of the water behind us once more, was a familiar four headed Lizard. This time I don’t think my lack of edible parts are going to help.

“It’s coming to free the ghost! We have to stop it,” the mini stupid pony said in a panicked voice.

“Scoots don’t be silly, let’s get out of here!” Ah sweetie you’re my favourite of the fun sized brigade.

“You three get back to Ponytown I’ll distract it.” I said without turning away from the hydra.

“Be careful mister,” Okay, maybe Apple is a bit more polite.

At any rate the three ponies began running the wrong way down the path leading them further into the forest. It’s just my luck to get stuck with them. Even though I was standing directly in the hydras path it was staring straight over my head at their retreating forms.

“Okay snaky, there’s no need to do anything rash, just go back to sleep and it’ll all be the way it was.” My attempts at talking down a wild animal fell on four pairs of deaf ears and the hydra attempted to charge straight through me.

Somehow, I just knew there was no way my proportionally tiny body could stop the charging monster so, in a feat of extreme genius, or panic I jumped. Not out of the way mind you, which was the smart and cowardly thing but straight into the air, which was the brave and stupid option. How was it brave? Well, my jump landed me squarely upon the back of the charging beast between its middle heads. Completely on purpose and no one can say otherwise.

The overgrown lizard paid my landing no mind and began chasing my former captors further into the forest smashing through bushes, trees and boulders. My only solace came from the fact it was so large and cumbersome it lacked the agility to immediately catch up to the little nuisances.

For my part in this, all I could do was hold on for dear life hoping not to be thrown off before enacting my plan. Okay, I’m on its back, so magic drain time. It’s the one thing I know how to do reliably and it hasn’t failed me yet. “Don’t worry ponies I’ve got this.” Best to let them know how it’s going.

The ponies didn’t really react like they heard what I said, continuing to sprint through the trees with practiced ease. At least they seem to know where they’re going.

With the crusaders unfaltering pace and my magic draining, the hydra steadily slowed down. Clearly it was tiring and knew such spry prey would no longer be worth the effort. The three of them together were barely a mouthful. With its original targets lost the four heads turned to me.

At this moment the thoughts going through my head were pretty mixed. The first one was, yay heroism successful. Sadly, it was mostly drowned out by the second one. Wow this thing looks mad.

“Hey erm, ya know it’s, ahem wrong to hurt innocent people? Heh heh.” The creature continued to stare at the tiny metal bug stuck to its back, “You know they’ve escaped now, so we might as well be civil, right?”

The hydra was so convinced by my sincere words that it opened the jaws of two of its mouths and grabbed both of my rear shoes before beginning to pull. Ok, just keep draining, it’ll go down, won’t it? Whatever I do I can’t let go.

With the best will in the world I gripped onto the hydras scaly hide but with each passing second, I could feel my entire body being stretched out further and further. When I looked back it kind of looked like I was a spring being pulled to its limits and the hydra wanted this spring to snap, and oh boy it did.

Pain similar to Celestias demonstration rang through me only hundreds of times worse as my legs were pulled clear from me. Just gotta hold on, its fine. Who am I kidding? yeah right. Even if I wanted to let go right now I probably couldn’t with the amount of fire coursing through my mist. Losing entire limbs is so much worse than just a small amount of smoke.

Okay, just need to shut out the pain it’ll be okay, I can just magnet back together, its fine. Looking up at the menacing eyes I came to a realization, “Don’t do it, please I need those.” With a great amount of glee the lizard swallowed my legs whole. “That’s not even food for you!”

This thing apparently didn’t care and was clearly irritated by my continued existence, so again tried its best to rectify it. This time the attempt game from a roll onto its back. Now I did see this coming but if I were to jump off, what would I do next, hmm? Anyway, upon pressing its full weight upon me the only result was a me shaped whole in the ground before it again stood up.

With it's enemy now covered in dirt, the lizard began to roar at me. It would have intimidated me if a familiar feeling hadn’t returned. My legs, I could feel them again. They must have gotten close enough to me while inside the creature’s neck. Still feeling the agony of separation, I tried to magnet them back to me which had a most peculiar effect.

Two of the heads immediately stopped their psychological warfare and instead began to wheeze and gasp. The unaffected heads began to look concerned and began biting at the area I assumed my legs were at. Yeah just try and clear that blockage, “give me back my legs!”

Blinded by panic, Snaky clearly wasn’t thinking straight and began whipping its head around smashing the trees around us. The pointless tantrum would probably have continued indefinitely if it wasn’t for the smashing of a small glass bottle. Said bottle released a green gas that covered not only me, but the entire hydra.

Okay, what now? I can barely see. The effects upon the hydra were rather more pronounced. It's heads steadily stopped whipping around and eventually its body tumbled down to the ground. Oh, I win? Well time to get my legs back.

Still within the smoke, I got to work. Dragging myself along the beast’s necks probably would have looked pretty awkward, but it was the only way to easily bring my legs to an exit point. Upon reaching the beasts mouth, both limbs magnetted back to their original positions and almost all was well. Oh dammit, it’s in my shoes, it’s in my legs, it’s in so many places, bleh.

While scraping out as much of the hydra innards as possible, I couldn’t miss the sound of light hoof steps upon the path. The bringer of smoke themselves I presume? Before me stood a strange black and white pony with a brown cloak. When I say they were black and white, I don’t mean black mane white fur but full-on alternating stripes covered what I could see.

Upon noticing my staring, the strange pony seemed surprised, “I expected you to be asleep, and counting sheep.” Okay, is this mare trying to help me or harm me?

“Gas won’t work on me, I don’t need to breath.” Well best stand ready incase she’s got anything else in that bag of tricks. She seems to have a stick as well, is that a weapon?

“How strange, you make for an interesting change.” think some parts of my brain went missing inside that hydra, because she sounds really weird for some reason.

“So, are you here to attack me as well? Just know that hydra was right where I wanted it,” did that come off as a threat? Well, it’s a pony so off course it did.

“No need to fret, for I am no threat,” huh, well maybe it’s my lucky day. Maybe she saw the tiny ones.

“Well, if you aren’t hunting me, maybe you could help me out,” At that point the hydra wheezed slightly. I reacted in a calm and dignified manor resulting in a minor yelp and a slight defiance of gravity, “More than you already have I mean, heh.”

As if sensing my intent, the stripy pony responded, “Stranger, the foals are out of danger.”

“Foals, you mean the fun sized ponies?” the mare just looked up at me giving a confused nod, before I dropped from my branch, “oh thank goodness, Rarity would have killed me if something happened to her sister.” Also, the other two matter, even the orange one.

Well, I’d better catch up to them no telling what could happen, “Wait you must halt your gait.”

“What why?” I said while starting to walk past her.

“All will be Fine if you do not pass this battle line,” she said while stepping in front of me and giving me an analytical stare.

Dammit I knew she was bad news. She’s probably kidnapped those ponies. At that I attempted to run past her receiving a quick tap to my foreleg for my trouble, causing me to unbalance and trip. “Hey I’ve messed with bigger things than you.” At my words she tapped me upon the helm. This strike again knocked me off balance, she’s really good at the. “What do you want?” I said while getting to my shoes a second time.

“For what reason, does your head bare poison?” what’s she talking about. She then raised her stick once more and lightly taped the flower I’d picked for Luna.

“It’s just a flower, I erm picked it for a friend,” well that’s embarrassing. I then tried my best to cover it with a hoof for better protection. It survived the hydra, so I’m sure it’ll be fine but the thought still counts.

“An ill present you have chosen, for a flower of poison you have taken,” after expelling her warning she seemed to somehow relax.

“It’s okay, I’ll warn her of the effects,” I’ll tell her not to eat it, job done. I’d hate to make Luna sick. “Anyway, if the flowers poison is magical, I’ve dealt with that.”

After that, Stripe pulled a pair of tongs from her bag and expertly removed the flower from my helmet, before examining it with a critical eye, “It appears any magic fragment, seems to be absent.” She seemed quite surprised at the revelation. Maybe these flowers are pretty dangerous?

Before I could respond the mare expertly replaced the blue beauty, “Hollow now you must follow, the foals worry for your soul.” Hollow? I may be empty, but I have spirit thank you very much.

Just before setting off, there was one final thing bothering me, “erm pony, why aren’t you afraid of me?” at that she just seemed confused, “Not that I’m complaining or anything it’s just, well I just want to understand something.” Maybe I can figure out how to better introduce myself to others.

“Why would I fear, someone so sincere?” huh she just thinks I’m a good person, is that it? She knows I wanted to help the fun sized foals. “It is a shame you must ask such a question, and my name is Zecora.” She said with a coy smile.

Oh whoops, “Oh yeah, nice to meet you,” I forgot to ask her name again. She looked at me expectantly for a moment like she wanted me to say more. “Oh, erm please lead the way.” The pony just shook her head and started walking down the path.

After a short walk along the winding path, we came across a really strange tree. It kinda reminded me of Twilight's, but with a much creepier vibe. Okay I’m certain she’s not some psycho who eats people. She’s just your average stripy pony, who wears a dark cloak and lives in a deadly forest.

Upon opening the door, my fears soon fled at the response.

“Zecora you’re ok.”

“We were a might bit worried about ya’ll.”

“Did ya get the ghost?”

Few, at least the girls are ok. Maybe I should just leave now? Zecora didn’t give me that option, for as soon as she stepped inside, she greeted the ponies, “Greetings friends I’ve returned from my quest,” Before pointing me out, “and I have brought a new guest.”

Oh ok, well best shoe forward and all that, “Hi tiny ones, I’m glad nothing happened to you.” With that I braced for their inevitable response.

Rarity’s sister was the first to act, by approaching me and giving my right foreshoe a light hug, “Thanks for stopping the hydra, I really didn’t know what we would have done.”

The miniature apple followed on with, “Oh mister, ya’ll don’t need to worry about us, we know this here forest like the back of our hoof.” Before giving a bright smile. Oh well that’s a nice surprise.

Finnally game Rainbows clone, “Don’t touch that thing, what if its just biding its time?” Well two out of three isn’t bad.

With what happened next you could say I’d shown three out four. Once I’d wiped my shoes, Zecora calmly closed the door behind us, before turning to the orange pony with disappointment, “Scootaloo, do not treat your hero like a zero.” Technically Zecora did everything but ok.

“But Zecora, Rainbow said…” the tiny pony wilted under the striped ponies gaze, “Okay erm ghost, thanks… I guess.” She then looked up at me filled with determination, “but I’m watching you buster.” Is this her playing nice?

“May I offer a drink since we are no longer on the brink?” Zecora asked before I could start arguing with the orange filly.

“Oh, yeah that would be great,” I could do with a pick me up. The three fillies also gave confirmation of their desire. Zecora then went to a pot and began boiling some water. Looks like a hot drink is on the menu.

While the fillies were distracted with the tea making process, I took my chance to survey the tree house. It was quite unique compared to the other pony homes so far, which isn’t saying much as all the ponies seem to be snowflakes.

Anyway, the entire room was filled with various jars and pots upon tons of shelves, each with a different ingredient label. There were also a number of creepy masks hung up. Zecora had some weird tastes in décor. The final peace DE resistance, was a cauldron bubbling away in the centre of the room. This cauldron gave off a distinct smell similar to that of the sleeping gas. Well, that’s the potions origin then.

With my snooping completed, I couldn’t help but become painfully aware of the three small pairs of eyes staring at me. The three ponies clearly wanted to say something, but just didn’t know how to start. I couldn’t help but sigh, todays a long day.

At my apparent acknowledgment of their presence, the apple pony ended the painful moment, “so mister, what’s with that there flower?” while gesturing to my helmet.

Huh oh yeah I forgot about that, “this? it’s a present for a friend of mine.” Wonder if she’s looking for me?

“Ya know its cursed right?” She looks a little concerned. Is this plant really that bad?

“Don’t worry, Zecora said I’ve drained the magic,” I then pointed to the pony for her to reinforce my point. She just gave slight smile and tilted her head side to side in a gesture of non-commitment, “See.”

All three of the mini clones gave me a sideways glance before the horrifying silence returned. Maybe I’ve been here long enough to leave. Why did I accept the tea? It’s holding me prisoner.

Rarity’s sister was next to break the silence’s hold upon us, “So what's it like being the ghost of the Everfree?”

Wo what? I’m not a ghost. I’m not even related to the Everfree. “Look I don’t think you lot are interested in what its like to be me.” At that moment my striped saviour arrived with hot beverages.

“Oo oo, zebrican tea my favourite.” Sweetie clearly was looking forward to the escape from this conversation as well.

Zecora just smiled at sweetie as she began downing the tea before hoofing me a cup, “I did not wish to pry. Please don't take this to imply disinterest. In us would you be willing to intrust?” she said while looking into my eye holes.

Dammit Zecora, you were supposed to save me from this, not continue it further. Looking over at the fun sized ponies, I couldn’t help but notice the interested looks on their faces. Even Scoots lacked her perpetual angry glare.

Sighing again, I tried to think of what being a spirit is like. I have had a physical body briefly when I ‘borrowed’ Luna’s, so maybe I can tell the difference.

“Okay fine if you’re all interested.” What’s interesting about me? “Well for a starters I can fit through really small spaces with my mist if I shrink my armour down.” Is that interesting?

“So, you can’t faze through walls?” why would Sweetie think that? “How’d you invade our home then?”

Oh she still thinks I’m haunting them, “Rarity invited me in.”

Sweetie just looked a bit surprised, “So you know my sister? She gets involved with the weirdest people.” Okay at least she thinks I’m a person.

“So, I can change my form,” Okay just a quick demonstration what to take? With a quick look at the masks in the room I decided to try an armour with a similar design, while also Shrinking down to regular pony size. This resulted in a floating tribal mask along with plant patterned metal armour.

Well, this looks pretty good. The massive amount of mist surrounding me wasn’t the best though. Seems a smaller form has less room for my smoke.

“That additional armour looks very traditional.” Well at least zecora finds that impressive.

“Wo, that looks like it was made for Zecora,” even Scoots likes it.

“Well being my nature, I can be worn by others like a suit of armour, to I suppose protect them and stuff,” at that proclamation my audience just stared at me, “Not that I’m offering myself up or anything.” The foals all made a sound of disappointment and with my untrained eye it seemed like even Zecora was. “Maybe one day.”

Quickly returning to my original form I really struggled to think of anything else to say. Well, there was one more thing. “Ponies don’t really like my kind.” Not receiving any response, I continued, “Most ponies are afraid of me, the ones that aren’t barely tolerate me and I’m getting scared that the ones who like me don’t respect me.”

My audience started giving me strange looks. This is why you don’t talk about this stuff. “I’m actually thinking about leaving pony society, I could quite easily become this ghost of the Everfree you keep calling me.” I really hope Luna would forgive me.

At the conclusion of my words, the third stifling silence set in and I couldn’t help but stare at my fore shoe holding Zecora's tea.

After a moment a small hoof tapped my shoe. Upon looking up, only slightly these ponies are tiny, I saw a genuine look of concern. Of all the ponies to approach me, the little orange one had.

“We know ponies might not like you at first,” that’s blatantly obvious, “But you know ponies used to be afraid of Zecora for being a zebra.” Is that different to a pony?

“But she looks like a pony, the same as you,” Saying that, they were afraid of Crescent that thestral guard and she looked like a pony too. “Okay, I get why.”

“Hollow do not wallow,” Zecora just giggled giving a knowing smile before pointing at the fillies, “they are slow to trust, but in the end they must, for friendship is just.”

That couldn’t help but remind me of my first contact with the pony princesses. Even Luna was cold towards me at first, but her sister suggested friendship and others began to warm up. Friendship really is important to these people. “I suppose you're right.”

“Yeah she is, and you can’t leave Equestria. You have to come back so we can say we caught you,” Scootaloo said with a determined expression.

Do I have to? They clearly don’t want me. Suppose someone needs to escort these little ones out of the forest. “Don’t worry I’ll come quietly,” I said while raising a placating shoe. “Thanks for the, you know, just thanks.” I’m so bad at this.

“Hey ghostly, don’t forget to drink that there tea,” oh dammit Apple I’d forgotten I couldn’t eat stuff.

The cake still nestled in my chest piece should have been enough for that. Well, I can’t just give it back that would be rude. Just gotta do the same trick as with the cake. Extending my mist down into the cup I began pulling the tea into my helmet. Hmm the warmth is quite pleasant. Shame about the lack of taste.

“He’s using a straw!” Scootaloo began laughing at me

“Hollow how do you swallow?” Zecora began looking at me curiously.

“Not really sure to be honest, suppose it’s one of my many talents,” What sort of question is that? Zecora just smiled at my improving mood.

“We still haven’t found our darn special talents but one day,” Apple seemed to be day dreaming at her words.

I couldn’t help but laugh a little, “You all seem pretty talented, you managed to track me down and capture me.” This cheering up is a two-way street.

Two of the little ones began to laugh a bit, but old grumpy faced scoots wasn’t happy again, “You know it’s not nice to laugh at someone, who can’t find their cutiemark.” Cutiemark? Is that like their CV?

“Well Scoot I’ve never heard of such a thing and to be honest likely don’t have one.” Luna did say she would write me up some qualifications.

At my proclamation, the three fillies gasped and all at once let off a tirade, “All ponies have cutie marks, it shows who they are!” While scoots gestured to zecora's rear.

Are they talking about those pictures? I’ve seen so many pictures of apples, sparkles, weapons and tools. Do these marks have a meaning? Celestia and Luna's are just the sun and moon. What could that mean? Luna did say she ruled creatures of the night. “So, if I wanted to fit in better, I’d need one of these marks?”

The three little ones all nodded exuberantly before Zecora stepped in, “Not every species has a mark, yet they all contain a spark.”

That does make sense. The griffons I’ve seen didn’t have any marks and they seem fine. It doesn’t matter very much though, if I’m surrounded only by ponies. I really should get one.

These pictures show off who you are. Maybe a picture of armour? That’s a bit boring, maybe a shield would be better. I do work for Luna and her mark was pretty interesting. Okay, I’ve got it.

Using my ability to modify myself I set about emblazoning my own branding upon my rear. “So, girls what do you think?”

The three fillies all rushed to my behind, Well that’s a little weird. Upon my flank was the mark of a shield with a copy of Luna’s mark in the centre.

“Wow you can just choose your cutiemark? That’s so unfair.” Sweetie pouted.

“Well, it is within my nature,” I went to smile but instead just stared at the little pony.

“Hate to burst your bubble, but its in the wrong place,” Scoot helpfully pointed out.

“Erm woops.” With the little one standing on her hind legs she guided me to the appropriate positioning and my mark smoothly moved over to near my misty tail. “Thanks.”

“Can you give us our marks like that?” She looked up at me with hope.

Oh, dear time to crush some dreams, “As far as I’m aware I can only change myself. Sorry little one.”

The crusaders all became downcast at that, before Sweetie noticed something, “It’s getting super late we need to get back before my sister finds out.”

Well, looks like the return to the unwelcoming town is nigh. With that the four of us bid Zecora goodbye.

“Farewell friends ensure you do not forget to dispel, lest you trigger an alarm bell.” That is a weird goodbye.

It turned out Zecora’s hut wasn’t far from the town and the three fillies knew the exact route to take. They must visit her often. As a result, the colourful unfriendly town appeared through the trees much faster than I would have liked.

Upon breaching the treeline, a most peculiar event happened. A rainbow blur sped towards us at what could have been the speed of sound, before instantly stopping in the air a meter in front of us. What floated before us was a slightly irritated Rainbow dash, wearing a peculiar suit of rainbow armour.

“Where have you three been?” She said to the fillies before pointing to me, “and why are you with that?” Okay she’s in a bad mood.

“We were just trying to get our ghost hunting cutie marks,” Scoots proudly proclaimed before giving Rainbow a raised eyebrow, “erm Dash what are you wearing?”

The floating pony seemed to go slightly red, “Never mind what I’m wearing,” She then looked over to me.

Okay, she clearly wants to know what I’ve been up to, “I was just wondering through the woods and the girls found me. Walking them back seemed like the right thing to do.” Hoping for some brownie points here.

“As long as you guys are safe,” the regular sized pony then pointed at me, “Don’t think you’ve heard the end of this, Luna’s been worried sick.”

At least she isn’t accusing me of kidnapping or anything, “Okay well I’ll head over to her, have you seen her?”

“She’s just leaving the fashion show, come on.” At that the rainbow mare flew off at high speed.

Well, there’s no way anyone’s catching up with her. As if to punctuate my point the three fillies started to run after the Pegasus at an equivalent snail’s pace. Well, I’m not running.

I can’t believe Rarity managed to talk about clothes all day. Poor Luna must be sick to death. Still glad I managed to avoid it. Okay, there’s a lot of ponies outside now and is that a stage? Pinkies parties are truly crazy. Welp the crowds where Rainbow went.

Upon closing the distance, it was clear the party had come to its end and the ponies were leaving whatever event pinkie had put on.

“Eclipse!” a familiar shout rang out from the crowd and a familiar tall, radiant, blue, pegacorn came galloping in my direction. Upon reaching me she immediately hugged me resulting in an aww sound from the crowd. “Thy actions were foolish friend; we were so worried when Rainbow told us of thy exploration.” She then stepped back and looked into my eyes, “Whatever possessed thou to enter such a place?”

I would have responded if not for a slight distraction, “He’s ruining Luna’s coat!” Damn Rarity can shout. Looking down at the best princess’s blue fur I couldn’t help but notice the mud that had rubbed off.

Really wish I had a fur coat like that, “Luna, I’m so sorry.”

“Friend it is fine we do not mind thy transgression as long as thou art ok,” She then looked me over, “Thou will require time with the armourer nay?” she couldn’t help but smile.

“Fine, as long as there isn’t an armour stand involved.” Those armour prisons are a curse I tell you. “What happened with Rarity’s problem anyway?”

“Nothing much, we just told her friends the truth after a demonstration,” she seems quite pleased with herself. “Rarity was so happy she invited us to a communal sleep over.”

“Well, if that’s all it was, are we heading back home now?” If it’s getting late, we might miss our train.

When I turned towards the train station the best princes suddenly stopped me, “Eclipse, thou hast received a mark it appears…” upon getting a better view she immediately blushed.

“Oh, yeah these ponies calling themselves crusaders taught me their significance,” they seemed to think that the world revolved around them, “I thought since I work for you and your my best friend, I should have a similar one.” It’s the first time I’ve seen the princes speechless. “Oh yeah I also found this,” I then hovered over the blue flower, “Thought you might like it, careful though it normally has a poisonous magical effect.”

The flower knocked Luna out of her state of shock. “We shall treasure such a gift my friend,” she said before taking the depoisoned joke in her magic, “About thy mark, we art honoured thou would make such a choice.” Is this mark a bigger deal than I thought?

With that the two of us headed off towards the train together, after the crowd of ponies stopped watching our display of friendship. Well, I’m really glad I didn’t run off now.

“Would thou be willing to attend the Gala as our plus one in a few days,” what? Another party?

“Only if you stay nearby to protect me from the angry ponies,” That last party went so wrong the moment I wondered off.

She just gave me a knowing smile, “Of course my dear Eclipse, we hope thou will stay as close to us as is possible.” Good I’d hate to scare more ponies

“On a side note, do you think Celestia would like my slice of cake?” I said while holding the still pristine cake from Pinkies party.

Author's Note:

Rhyming's hard.
You won't believe how much was cut out of this chapter.