• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 16,440 Views, 1,310 Comments

The Night's Shining Armour - Appleody

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods and has some issues.

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14: Welcoming Committee

Chapter 14

With the carriage's landing taking her mind off previous events, Luna spoke in a slightly lighter tone, “Well at least we can return to the joyous gala.” That party is so dead.

That thought seemed to ruin Celestia’s thoughts of a victorious return to safety, “Hopefully it will have concluded without our presence sister.” It did seem to be taking a turn for the worse before we left with all that destruction and mayhem. Everyone seemed to be running for their lives, not just us.

Luna just stuck her nose slightly into the air, “We shall best hope not.” She began before gesturing to Skitter, “We were most enjoying showing our beloved dress to the nobles.” Wait that’s me. Arg, do I really have to be the dress again. What if we get ambushed? The protection is subpar at best.

Once the moon made her harrowing proclamation, she cast a quick spell to make herself seem more presentable. It probably wasn’t the best for their fur being inside those weird pod things. At least her magic is clearly working now. She then opened the carriage door and stepped outside. The moment she did so, whatever lay before her caused my friend to freeze in place. “Hark friends, it appears yet more issues plague us this day.” Hope it’s the end of the gala.

Distant muffled shouting could be heard which likely meant the gala was a lost cause. It also implied an even bigger headache which Celestia seemed to be suffering from, “Will today ever end?” She then turned to me and Skitter, “Well my dear little changeling. It is time for Equestria to meet the real you. Come along.” She then disembarked to witness whatever irritated Loony, “Are all of you serious right now?”

When I attempted to follow my friends off of the mobile coffin a large amount of resistance was felt from my wearer. She seemed pretty reluctant to remove her rear from the carriage’s cushioned seats. “Erm Skitter, it’s time to go.”

“Eclipse can’t you see something's happening out there?” came the reply, “It's best if I don’t get involved so your rulers can smooth it out.” Seems someone’s afraid to meet the ponies.

Still there is clearly a problem out there, “I can see that but what if they need my help? How can we protect them from in here?” See, I can make valid points too, little bug. What if they get hurt again? I’d never forgive myself.

“They are royals present in their own home. What could possibly harm them?” Well, the smart-arsed bug had me there. Still there does seem to be quite a lot of rushing hoof steps outside. That can only be bad for business.

After what felt like forever I had finally had enough of Skitters attempts to hide from the action. It took me long enough to remember a certain griffon was almost assassinated at his dinner table. “Look Princess, I know what you said but we really need to know what’s going on so, erm sorry.”

“What for? I’m not going out there.” With Skitter’s last words of nervous defiance I decided to try and look outside. “Wait,” to which my wearer wasn’t really a fan. Luckily for me, she wasn’t all that prepared to resist a push from my angle.

All that was required was for me to stick my helmet out the door to see what was going, so that was what I did. Peering through the opening allowed me to see a very familiar and unexpected picture. Rows of day guard were lined up pointing various weapons not just in the carriage’s direction but at Celestia and Luna as well. Aren’t those jerks on our team? They never aren’t pointing weapons at me.

With my curiosity peaked Skitter immediately pulled us back into the carriage while making a very strange squeak sound. “Sorry about that,” still the view gave me some important information. Namely we were screwed, again.

The worst part was that Skitter’s threatening squeak signalled our presence to the vigilant guards, “There’s another one of them bugs!” came the shout of an unfamiliar voice.

“Come out or we will fire upon you and your associates!” came another aggressive voice. Are they really going to shoot the princesses?

For all intense and purposes, I think Skitter reacted pretty well, “Oh no, Oh no. no no no. This isn’t happening,” came her initial reaction that I’m not referring to. After a few moments though she repeated her breathing exercise from the void world. This seemed to calm her down to the point where she began looking in a mirror and attempting to straighten my helmet.

The royal bug then asked an unexpected question, “so Eclipse, do you think I look intimidating?”

Pretty sure that meek smile and general placid attitude won’t have any ponies running for the hills. Saying that, the fangs and slitted eyes might prompt a crossbow misfire. “You don’t scare me if that helps.” Well seeing as I’m a weird spirit armour thing, it probably doesn’t.

A soft sigh left the bug, “Okay then, time to represent changelings everywhere.” With that declaration the royal bug stepped out of the carriage with as much confidence as possible.

Immediately, it felt like the eyes of every single guard had fallen upon us. Not to mention the sheer number of crossbows. Seems we are public enemy number 1. In an attempt to appear visibly unfazed, Skitter just started to casually wander over towards my two friends. Safety in numbers and all that.

Speaking of them Celestia seemed to be standing pretty impassively waiting patiently for whatever was going to happen. On the other hand, Luna was clearly incredibly angry from the way she periodically snorted and stamped the ground.

“So, what now?” I quietly asked my navy-blue friend.

With a quick flick of her tail in frustration, Luna disappointingly stated, “Rather perturbingly, we must wait for our guard captain to arrive. He will return order to this mess.” She then began staring down the nearest guard with murderous intent. The poor stallion appeared to be quickly mouthing sorry repeatedly.

After the exchange Skitter decided to take a seat next to Celestia upon the cold hard ground. This prompted my other friend to give the bug a quick look with a slight droop to her ears, “Once this situation is sorted out Princess, rest assured the ponies will welcome you with open hooves.” Looking at our welcoming party, I somehow doubt that.

“Hope so, that anger is really hurting my head,” Skitter said while rubbing her horn. It’s just spicy, I actually think it tastes quite nice. Wonder if you could hurt a changeling with emotions? Spice is technically a poison to stop you eating a plant.

Celestia just turned back to her sister and sighed, “Why do our guards threaten every non pony guest? It is getting quite absurd.” To be fair to them this time, the changelings did kidnap you earlier today. In fact, the main culprit is standing right before them.

My wearer did seem quite put off by their anger though. She even started to look back to the carriage we came in. Really hope she doesn’t plan to run for it. Thankfully the royal bug had a more noble thought, “er, Princess Celestia, would it be possible for me to dismiss our carriage. I’d really like my fellow 'lings to be out of harm’s way.” Ok, getting rid of your means of escape is pretty much the opposite of running. Well done, points for bravery.

Sadly, Celestia had to burst our chitinous friends bubble with an understanding smile, “It would be best to wait until Captain Armor intervenes. We wouldn’t want to spook the guards with our actions.” To her credit, Skitter only looked back to the carriage once more before accepting the decision. Her disguised guards were just standing diligently watching the 4 of us, probably waiting for orders to attack or flee.

Speaking of the devil, a familiar white unicorn with a blue mane appeared galloping from the gatehouse. He could really have arrived sooner. You would have thought news of the Princesses rescue would travel faster. We’ve been stuck here for ages.

Celestia was the first of our little group to recognise Armor’s presence. “Ah, Captain. It’s good to see you. We’ve returned with news of new found friends,” She loudly declared to everyone present. Friendship really is a big deal to her, and I’m not too sure the changelings count as friends yet. More not enemies that could still stab you in the back.

The unicorn in question stopped a distance from our group and gave a cursory look over each of us before responding, “Princess we are glad to see you safe and happier to hear your good news.” I’m sensing a but here. “However, in light of recent events we still need to take precautions for the welfare of the kingdom. I’m sure you understand.”

That didn’t seem to sit well with my slightly agitated friend, “What precautions pray tell have the royal guard threatening those they have sworn to protect?” Pretty sure the angers clouding her mind a little bit there. The potential enemy are shapeshifters after all.

Shining just gave an apologetic look to Lulu, “Look Princess Luna, if that is who you are, is well aware that those who attacked us can take the form of other individuals at will. I’m sure if you are the real Princess you can bear with us while we figure out how to confirm your identity.”

My friend then turned her angry glare upon me or more likely Skitter, “One of those creatures did take the form of Celestia once.” Skitter for her part just tried to look anywhere but at Luna. She seemed to be finding the side of Celestia’s head very interesting. With the constantly moving aurora mane I couldn’t help but agree. One day I’ll have to sit and watch Celestia’s mane like I do Luna's during night court.

Forever the mare of reason Celestia had an apparently clear idea of how to confirm our identity, “Captain, there isn’t any need to fret. I have all the proof you need.” She then began walking towards the stalwart stallion with an amused grin. What’s making her so happy?

Sadly, it would seem an amused look is quite suspicious according to the on-edge unicorn, because moments after she began walking forwards a pink shield enveloped the entire area including our escort. That thing sure contains a lot of magic. To Skitter’s displeasure, It’s kinda making my borrowed mouth water a little. “Regretfully princess, we cannot allow you to approach. If you’re an imposter you could be trying to take out the leadership.”

Seriously, is this guy that high up in the government? Wouldn’t a General or Colonel be more important? Hang on, isn’t Cadance a Princess too? I bet she’d be way more amenable.

My newest friend decided now was the time to speak up, “These ponies are really suspicious. They seem like they’d be very effective in preventing infiltration.” Despite her attempt at complementing the guard’s skill, Shining Armor still shot her such a scathing stare that the love bug couldn’t help but tactically retreat behind Celestia. Wow and she was being nice pretending they hadn’t easily infiltrated Canterlot years ago and probably have again.

Seeing the clear anti diplomacy coming from our own guards, a random disguised changeling from our carriage began to loudly hiss. He then spoke in a familiar voice, “Do you seriously believe we’d be stupid enough to allow our Princess into your presence undisguised without some sort of deal? She could have just walked in from the city and you would never have noticed.”

If the barbed comment had affected our buzz kill of a captain, his face never twitched. In fact, he was just staring at our group clearly contemplating his next move.

With the continued deafening silence Skitter took her chance to smile and wave at the disguised Slice. I wondered where he’d gotten to. It made me feel a little bit guilty abandoning her friend without any warning. Glad she’ll get her chance to catch up, well if she doesn’t send him home that is.

Okay, there’s one piece of proof the bugs could never fake, probably. So, here goes, “What about your armoured friend? Changelings can’t disguise as inanimate objects, so how could they imitate him.” I had to speak through Skitter to hide my presence from the other bugs. She didn’t act so surprised this time.

The question seemed to give the unicorn pause as his eyes inspected me. While he did so I carefully removed one of my shoes from Skitter's hoof and tried to stealthily wave. My friend then caught my shoe and carefully put it back on once she believed Shinning had seen me. That kinda proves she’s on my side, right?

Sadly, even though the unicorn witnessed my presence he still had a pretty unfounded concern, “The enchanted armour came to us so recently that we have very little information on it.” He then took a breath. Is he going to say the changelings planted me as a spy or something? “We don’t know if being an enchantment means its allegiance could be easily changed by interfering with its spell matrix.”

“Our Eclipse would never betray their oath to us,” came some quite defensive venom tipped words from Moony who punctuated them with a stamp. Careful of the flooring, taxes pay for that.

Really wasn’t expecting to be written off as an artifact now of all times, “Look captain, Eclipse is more than an enchantment.” I hope.

“That isn’t what Twilight believes, so I’m sorry Eclipse, but we still have to take precautions.” There might have actually been a hint of pity from the insulting jerk just then.

Wow, well this sucks. I’ll just have to hope that the resident magic expert of Equestria is wrong about that. What would happen to me if someone modified me? Would I die? Betray my friends? Do I only like Luna because she wore me that one time? Could you use that same magic on a pony as well? So many unimportant questions without answers.

My deliberations must have been giving off some negative vibes as not only did skitter start to pat my chest piece, but Luna also put a wing around me while providing a reassuring smile. She even resisted giving a death stare to Shining. Having friends is the best.

While my little pity party was occurring Celestia sat as close the shields edge as she could and continued to give her Captain a cheeky smile, “Well Captain, the proof that I possess is of quite a sensitive nature and pertains to one Twilight Sparkle.” She then raised an eyebrow at the now slightly sweating unicorn, “Do you really want me to blurt this out in front of everypony when I could just whisper it to you?” Yeah, you tell him.

Shining had lost his calm calculating demeanour by this point and had to supress a gulp, “Sadly this is a risk I will have to take on behalf of all Equestria. Twi will just need an apology later.” Wow you are one terrible friend. Still Sparkle must be important to him if knowing something about her personal life is possible proof.

Having had her bluff called, my aurora maned friend lost her smile and sighed, “Okay then, Armor, if there is no other way.” She then paused for a moment apparently thinking of a way out of the situation. I couldn’t help leaning Skitter in closer. This is bound to be interesting.

“Right then, so this particular situation pertains to a very specific magic lesson involving love related magic that both you and Cadance volunteered for.” Skitters ears popped up at that. Shining Armor started to go red, “When my faithful student attempted said spell, she made a slight error resulting in both her and…”

Before another word could come out of the horse’s mouth, a loud shout echoed from behind the guards, “STOOOOOOOOP!” Along with a certain pink pegacorn, who was galloping as fast as her little legs would carry her. She could of ran in before Shining caused my newest existential crisis.

The now very out of breath pony began trying to explain between massive gasps, “Can’t you see their love for our people?” No, I assume only changelings can do that. Wonder if I have any visible love for these ponies? I’ll have to ask Skitter. It would be nice to know I’m a real person with real emotions.

The clearly relieved guard captain, just slowly shook his head back and forth. In an attempt at helping my wearer spoke up, “I can see that she cares about everypony here. Including the guards pointing crossbows at her.” Like I thought, changeling.

Some of the guards started to lower their crossbows a bit and many had clear looks of unease. They probably don’t want to take the threatening defenceless love bugs word for it.

Eventually Cadance embraced the obstacle to my bed, before whispering something into his ear. Whatever it was prompted the pony’s horn to lose its glow causing his manly pink shield to wink out of existence. Shame I never got the chance to eat that. Meh, I’ve probably had my fill of magic from Luna’s love anyways.

Armor then decided to casually approach our group as if nothing had happened before looking to the Princesses, “You know it was for the good of the kingdom, Right?” He then seemed to droop his head in a submissive manner, “I’m in trouble for this, aren’t I?” From the unimpressed glare Luna was providing, it only seems like the answer was certainly yes. What I don’t get, is why he just let us out on a gut feeling from the lowest ranked royal. I get that they’re good friends, but come on, Celestia’s story seemed miles more compelling.

Before appropriate judgment could be passed out by my first friend, a white wing blocked her sight line, “Ah Captain, both my sister and I are very impressed with your strict measures in our absence. It warms my heart to know my little ponies could keep the kingdom safe in our absence.” Safe from an enemy that walks in the front door and doesn’t try to fight back.

After Celestia’s words, many guards who’d moments ago appeared incredibly nervous and despondent at inconveniencing their lord and saviour, now stood tall and bursting with pride. Maybe she’s just trying to give her guards a win. It might actually make them perform better with positive reinforcement. Still, they did threaten a foreign dignitary. They need a minor slap on the hoof at minimum.

The almost glowing mare had a large smile as she looked at each of her guards now standing to attention. Her gaze settled upon the slightly dishevelled pink pegacorn besides Shining. Wonder what happened to her? Maybe she’s just really unfit. One reason having a metal body is better than a meat one I suppose.

With a slightly strained smile she gave the highest-ranking ponies an order, “You’d better keep that story to yourself.” Celestia just smiled at that.

My wearer on the other hoof decided the story was too interesting to let up, “I think a story of this nature would help cement bonds between our peoples. Learning about your kind's love magic could be a great boon to us.” Well, that was polite.

Yeah and I think it sounds pretty compelling. What actually happened to Twilight?” One of my wearers hooves immediately covered her mouth at that. What? Like she doesn’t care about that part. Is she really expecting to get an answer anyway?

Celestia just let out a melodious laugh at our combined comments which immediately stopped after Cadance's gaze became a little more aggressive. She’s trying to compete with Luna here. “It pains me to say this but some secrets must be kept between a student and her teacher.”

On the larger mare’s other side, her smaller sister began trying to whisper in her ear, which caused Celestia to smile again. Sensing a threat to confidentiality, Cadance turned her gaze upon the blue pegacorn. “I can see how you lost access to the element of loyalty auntie, if you’re willing to go against Twily like this.” Wow, it’s just a bit of gossip. Not like she’s trying to betray her friend.

“Ok, okay we shan’t ask our sister. We are sorry for the offence.” Luna quickly responded while back peddling.

Wow, note to self, don’t mess with Twilight when Cadance is around.

Author's Note:

Here's part 2 of the previous chapter :)
Elden Ring has just come out and I'm not gonna lie, its probably going to be distracting me quite a bit. Praise the sun or whatever the new equivalent is.