• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 16,440 Views, 1,310 Comments

The Night's Shining Armour - Appleody

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods and has some issues.

  • ...

15: Cleaning the Mess

Chapter 15

Once clear confirmation of confidentiality was achieved, the love pony lost her angry glare and even had a slight tear fall from her eye. “Aunties, I was so worried about you.” She said before she tried her best to embrace both larger mares with her wings. A gesture both ponies returned gladly.

At the display both Skitter and I had slightly different reactions that resulted in the same outcome. Skitter just slightly licked her lips while I thought about how happy they looked. The end result was the alien desire to be part of that hug for once. Ah well they are a family.

In likely a bid to both help improve the standing of the bugs and ease Cadance’s worries, Celestia spoke up, “Cadance, there was no need to worry for us. It was all just a little misunderstanding.”

I’m pretty sure the 'lings were well aware of what they were doing. They were probably trying to cover up their involvement with the Griffonian assassination attempt. Well, that’s the past now. I hope they don’t try again. Those griffons are on our side after all.

While still covering the smaller pegacorn in a wing Celestia then turned to the watching guards, “My little ponies, I’m going to reiterate that we have returned with new found friends in the Changelings. They are to be treated as guests to our kingdom and we are to make them feel welcome.” She then gestured to me with her other wing, “This is Princess Skitter, and she will be acting as their diplomat. Now you know this means that she must be given the utmost respect.” At the end of her speech, I caught a glimpse of Loony rolling her eyes.

With the impromptu speech concluded, Shining Armor saluted, followed by the surrounding guards who’d fallen into a position of attention. He then turned to his guards and said, “Okay ponies, it appears that our moment to shine is over. You are all dismissed back to your regular duties.”

With that, the ground-bound guards began marching off in various directions, while the pegasi flew away. It appears many of them weren’t heading back to the castle. Huh, seems like Shining had pulled out all the stops for a potential invasion. Better to be safe than sorry.

Despite the feigned looks of respect the guards showed us as they wondered past, it was easy to tell it would take them a while to warm up to our newest bug. To be fair she has lived here for years so she isn’t new, more newly discovered.

Once the display was over and the majority of guards had left our vicinity, Luna turned away from her fellow pegacorns and gestured to Skitter. “Come along Eclipse, the gala may still be transpiring.” Somehow, I doubt that and if it is still on, it’s just another obstacle between me and my bed.

Skitter seemed a bit apprehensive to follow the blue horse, but after a moment she looked back to her waiting 'lings, “Please tell our Queen I’ve made official contact with the ponies.” Without hesitation, the disguised bugs bowed before taking the carriage off into the air. More likely to hide somewhere in the city than return to the hive. After that, she moved over to the ponies who’d begun walking into the castle.

Behind us the only male voice of our group chirped up, “Princess, I have a question.” At that, all four mares turned to the stallion. After an awkward cough, shining continued, “I meant for Princess Skitter.” With that Celestia and Cadance decided to continue catching up behind us. They really need to stop this whole Princess thing, it’s getting ridiculous. At least he was showing some respect, but still.

The 'ling simply tilted her head to the stallion in curiosity, “Sure, what’s wrong?”

Quickly shaking his head, the lone stallion continued, “Nothing, it’s just out of curiosity. How did it go from you kidnapping the highest in our land, to a peace treaty in less than a day?”

At that the royal bug just tilted her head for a moment in thought before casually saying, “It was a pretty complicated situation back home.” It’s probably best to keep the whole being forced into peace talks by a possessing enchantment spirt thing to as few people as possible. “Eclipse was quite effective at convincing me.”

Due to the stallion’s dissatisfaction with the answer I decided to elaborate, “Look Shining, you really needed to be there.” Well, I wasn’t gonna blow my cover.

After that, the captain simply decided to drop the subject, muttering something about, "Crazy bug ponies," and we continued down the corridor.

As the distance to the room the gala took place in decreased, Luna cleared her throat, “So, Princess Skitter.”

“You can call me Skitter, Princess.” Came the curt reply from the smiling bug. Oh, thank goodness, please end the agony of constant title use for all.

“Yes, well Skitter then. When dost thou believe thine clothes will need to be changed?” She said in the politest tone she’s ever used with the bug. Seems she really wants us to separate.

With Luna’s words, my newest friend's smile faded slightly and turned away from the slightly larger pegacorn, “I think I’m okay for the moment.” She said quietly. The bug appears to still want my protection. It’s nice to be wanted.

“Mayhaps thou art fine, but we were thinking of somepony else,” Luna said flatly. Aww she’s thinking about what I want. Really hope it isn’t because she wants her dress back. That’s what it is, isn’t it?

For a moment the bug seemed to debate something before simply saying, “Oh… ok.” She then began removing her helmet. She almost seemed to start to shiver again.

Before she could pull off my helmet, I stopped her hoof which seemed to confuse the 'ling, “Luna, don’t you think it would be okay to wait the day?”

“We were only looking out for thy best interests,” the moon pony responded while looking at my chest piece. Suppose that’s a good way to tell who she’s speaking to.

“I know and I really appreciate it,” That got a smile from my friend, which she immediately lost after I continued. “But, you remember when you had to do diplomacy without your regalia?”

Luna seemed to go a little rigid at that and kept her voice steady. Probably trying to hide her irritation, “Yes friend, and whose fault pray tell was that?” That was ages ago, really hope she’s forgiven me for that.

“Exactly, it would be negligent of me to do the same thing to another,” I’ve gotten her there.

That seemed to catch the fussing pony slightly off guard. “As long as thou art comfortable we are happy.” She then seemed to slightly grumble to herself as we continued. She might not be happy but at least she’s letting me make the decision.

After the decision was made, Skitter let out a breath and perked up a little. Seems I’m actually pretty good at making the younger diplomat feel safe. Luna probably should’ve employed me for something related to diplomacy rather than as an advisor. Wait, I’m working beyond the scope of my job right now. Wonder if they’ll pay me extra? Then I can go about not buying anything with the extra money.

Upon reaching the hall where the gala took place, I was finally met with a welcome surprise. The doors to the room were already open, due to lacking hinges, allowing me to see the devastation our absence had triggered. Each table, once covered in food, had been turned over, spilling their contents across the floor. Random animals wandered around, eating said food, and a number of statues alongside supporting columns had been knocked over.

Seems like the nobles had one heck of a party without us; with the added side effect of killing the gala. Loony will be disappointed. Oh well. Bed time it is then. Can’t wait.

Celestia immediately reacted to the view with what could have been a small amount of panic, as she quickly trotted ahead of us. She then held her wings open across the doorway, only slightly blocking our view.

Is she really trying to hide this from the bug? We’ve just been forgiven for kidnapping her. Skitter's opinion likely can’t be negatively impacted by a dishevelled room. Suppose it may make the ponies look like disorganised crazies, but she probably already thinks that’s true about them anyways.

Once the Princess had had a moment to think, she made a suggestion, “Skitter would you like to enjoy a meal with us in our private dining area? I imagine you're quite hungry after the excitement we’ve had and we would be remis as hosts to allow you to go hungry.” She then gave us a polite smile. That’s a pretty good excuse to turn around.

“It’s fine Princess. After that hug your sister gave me, I could probably go for the rest of the week without a bite.” Came the bug's response while she casually stepped to the side of the large pony. Huh, seems being genuine friends gives a lot more energy. Wonder how many love gems that’ll be?

A sigh left the pegacorn after her hopes were dashed, “It is surprising what transpired in our absence, isn’t it?” she said to no one in particular. Hey at least the gala is over. Really thought she’d be happy about that.

My wearer appeared not to hear Celestia’s complaint and just turned to the mare with a request, “Princess, I’d like to return to my maid duties so I can assist with the gala clean up.” She then gave the ruined room another look. Please don’t, the longer this takes the longer this day will last.

The pegacorn appeared not to be sure of how to react and settled for shaking her head, “I cannot allow you to clean up our mess. You’re a diplomat and having you complete mundane tasks on our behalf will reflect negatively upon us. However, we are all honoured by your offer to assist.” Thank you Celestia, your reasonable words save me again.

“It could serve as thy penance for ruining a perfectly joyous occasion,” Came the muttered words of my blue friend behind us.

The side eye Celestia gave her sister said exactly what she thought of that, “the deal we have formed is enough.” Yeah, no slave labour required.

As if desiring to prove me wrong, Skitter turned her full body to the pegacorn before proudly stating, “The deal you formed between Equestria and our hive clearly states that ponies will not intervene in jobs changelings have attained for the purpose of acquiring love.” There has to be some sort of loop hole to get us out of this. Can’t believe I promised to let her wear me for the rest of the day. At least the day is nearing its end.

My friend simply stared at the changeling for a moment causing the bug to lose a little confidence in her statement. However, after a few moments of the staring contest, it was Celestia who somehow lost. She even started to appear a little embarrassed, “That may be true, yet we were hoping that you specifically would be acting as a diplomat while other changelings continued their jobs.” The pegacorn then started to get worried, “You are considering to do both then?”

How bad would that be, if no one came to ensure the deal was signed? The ponies could just go back on their promise. Deals by word of mouth are pretty unreliable. Saying that, I’m not actually sure why a signed piece of paper is more significant. Maybe its due to being physical evidence of the deal?

“I’ll be sure to attend all diplomatic functions,” came the bug’s formal reply. “It’s just everyling outside the hive has a duty to provide what they can.” Pretty sure the Queen would have excluded her from that duty. Diplomacy is probably more important than what one bug can harvest.

It seems I’d backed the wrong horse in this situation as Celestia just looked back at the wrecked hall, “Well as the deal states, I can’t stop you. Please don’t work too hard, we will have much to discuss tomorrow.”

“Really?” came a disbelieving, happy reply. Seems our bug didn’t think the ponies would let her continue her old life. Neither did I, to be honest.

With permission granted, no warning was given before a large green fire ball engulfed us. This prompted Celestia to slightly step back from the unexpected display, while Luna moved to almost grab us. “What about Eclipse?”

What about Eclipse indeed. This green fire is trying to do something to me, I can only hazard a guess as to what. Well, it’s probably best just to eat it before it does any harm. Sorry Skitter. As the fire burned, my form suddenly felt quite a lot less support and to be honest it felt almost empty. Pretty sure the bug didn’t just spontaneously combust.

When the fire had burnt out, after what felt like several minutes later, I found myself lying on the floor with a worried Luna crouched over me. “Eclipse art thou well?”

“I’m fine, I think. All of me is still here.”

After quickly looking over myself, the unmistakable sound of a higher pitched Skitter groaning rang out from within my helmet. She’s turned back into that light grey unicorn, Swift Clean. Suppose it would be easier to help clean up when all your comrades aren’t terrified of you. It’s a shame she collapsed under my weight.

Once the newly formed pony regained her bearings, she tried to stand. This, however, had an unintended consequence. “Wow sister, doth this not remind thou of a foal trying on their parent’s garments?” sniggered my once concerned friend.

Clearly, my shoes were now a few sizes too big and the only thing preventing my helmet falling over her eyes was me holding it up. I’m not sure why, but this feels really embarrassing. So much so that it’s even making Swift's face turn red. My bad.

Celestia showed a little more concern for the grumbling bug. Managing to supress her laughter at our plight, “Princess are you ok?”

Once the grumbling had died down, Swift started to complain verbally, “I’m fine, the armour was supposed to change as well.” She then lifted up her hoof causing my shoe to fall off.

“Hey! Don’t go blaming me. I was worried about what your spell might do.” For all we know, it could have erased me from existence. Then everyone would have been left with some mundane clothes or something. Bet my death would put a spanner in the diplomatic talks. At least I can prevent magical effects like that.

The newly formed average sized unicorn attempted to take another step, to the amusement of the princesses, before giving up, “Well this is just impossible.” She is pretty small now.

“If you want, you can take me off.” A loop hole in our agreement has been found and shall be exploited.

“What? But...” came the stuttered reply before she steeled herself, “Wait, I can try.”

Is she really that worried the ponies will pounce on her the second I’m out of the way? A sigh escaped me; swore I’d never be a dress again dammit. “Look, don’t worry. I’ll sort this out for you.” The things I do for my friends. Ok, so what do maids dress up like? Now isn’t that the question? Black and white dress, then what? Bleh, wish one of those maids were visible through the door.

Well, best guess all the way. First, my colour scheme changed to the aforementioned black and white, before I morphed the solid metal into cloth. I then extended the sleeves down each of the pseudo maid’s legs as tightly as possible, leaving white frills at the top of the front. For the rear, a simple skirt was created that went down to her knees. To finish up, I gave the now blushing pony silver shoes and a silver tiara. One pony maid, with clothes that actually fit, served and ready for duty.

Upon viewing the dress, my best friend immediately lost her expression of humour. “What? Doesn’t this look ok?” Maybe it’s a little too out there. Just to be sure, I did a little twirl and had Skitter stand on her hind legs to better show off to the irritable Luna. “It looks ok, right?” Where’s Rarity when you need her?

“Please don’t parade me around like that,” came the even redder pony’s response. At that, I returned to a seated position, allowing the disguised bug to examine herself. “Erm, as for your choice, it’s really fine. Probably too good for a maid really.” She then started pulling on her sleeves. “Did you have to be so skin-tight?”

“Yes, mine friend, we too are curious as to why? You leave little to the imagination.” Luna quickly spoke up while pointing an accusatory hoof, “And why, pray tell, is thy tiara so familiar?”

All I could really do was shrug, “There’s only really one design in my brain, erm mist.” It’s hard to come up with ideas on the spot. “Also, you guys have no idea how embarrassing it was not to fit properly.” Not sure why, though it probably wasn’t helped by the princesses laughing at me.

After a moment Swift decided to pat her chest, probably sensing something wrong with my style. This resulted in a metallic clang. “Don’t think I’ve ever had a maid’s uniform with built in plate armour.”

“What happens if we’re ambushed again? My last dress was definitely not fit for that purpose.” It was like Rarity never considered an assassination attempt.

Luna frowned slightly at that, “Thou need not always worry about others coming to harm thee. In times of peace thy form should be allowed to reflect that.” She then continued, “We hope thou will still be willing to accompany us to future events such as the gala.”

“Of course, it’s just we need to prepare for these things.” My words caused the dark mare to smile at my chest piece before giving an envious stare to my wearer.

Once my best friend was given her desired answer the pseudo maid decided to thank me in a slightly embarrassed tone, “Thanks for doing this for me. You might be a tad bit revealing, but this should be more than fine.” How am I revealing? This form covers her in more places than my copy of her armour. Most ponies are naked anyways.

Just to prove my newest friend right, one of the servants wandered out of the main hall and started to walk past us. He mustn’t have noticed the Princesses because when he spotted Skitter, he immediately let out a strange whistle, “Hey Clean, is that the new uniform?”

Swift swiftly replied, “It’s just a prototype.”

The unnamed servant continued on his way with one last remark, “Well hope it becomes standard, could really spice things up around here.”

As our group watched the oblivious servant wander off, I couldn’t help but comment, “That felt highly inappropriate for the work place.” That got a chuckle from the tallest alicorn who I sense was taking a note of that particular stallion’s behaviour.

My wearer just ignored the comment saying, “Don’t worry about it,” and started to walk towards the door, “Now if you will excuse me, there is a gala to clean up.”

“Wait,” came a shout from Loony causing the bug to wince. “Thou must be careful with thy horn,” She then rubbed her hoof down my sleeve, “Eclipse is quite easily damaged in such a form.”

It did hurt when that changeling tore me before, but I don’t think it’s something a unicorn could do by accident. Their horns are nowhere near as jagged. It’s like comparing a rapier to a long sword. More for stabbing than slicing.

Skitter just shuffled about on her hooves for a moment, eager to leave, before responding, “Don’t worry Princess, she is in great hooves. I can even have her washed before returning her to you.” I can wash myself thank you very much. When Luna didn’t immediately reply, my wearer started to become a little more antsy, “Can I go?”

The pegacorn only nodded slowly in response, which caused Swift to live up to her disguises name as she sped through the door. She’s clearly trying to prevent anymore setbacks.

Behind us, Luna immediately started to complain to her sister, “That changeling is clearly using our faithful armour to get her way.”

“Come on sister, we need to ensure everything is still running smoothly,” came Celestia’s reply having clearly ignored the disgruntled pegacorn.

“We wish to ensure nothing happens to our only advisor,” Luna shot back. Surely, she has more staff now.

The older sister clearly started to listen once Luna started to be so sharp and decided to put her worries at ease. “You know from experience they can look after themselves. Hey, they even did a good job looking after us. There is nothing to worry about.”

Just before the 2 became impossible to hear over the distance Luna made one final complaint, “We do not so easily trust the one that ensured thy capture.”

Well, I’m sure Celestia will help cheer up Loony. That’s what sisters are for right? What I’m more worried about is the fact that I’m stuck cleaning up this terrible party instead of being in bed. Not only that, but I’m pretty sure these ponies will be freaked out if my mist floats about. Woe is me and all that.

With the two sisters out of ear shot, Clean started to walk at a more leisurely pace towards the biggest eye sore of the room. A large golden statue of Celestia was on the ground currently surrounded by a servant and a few maids. Those maid uniforms are pretty plain. Ah doesn’t matter, I’m not changing now.

Anyways, the gathered ponies were all clearly bickering over what to do with the, likely heavy, solid gold pegacorn. Swift herself only stood and looked at the sculpture. A small “Hmmm” was all that escaped her lips.

Well seems helping with that’s our first job. “Er, Clean. Are we gonna help those ponies?” I quietly whispered into her ear.

At that my wearer just tilted her head before lightly poking her horn, “Pretty sure that’s beyond everypony here.”

“Well, they had to get it up somehow. Besides, this time they have a changeling princess to help,” She still didn’t appear convinced, “Hey I’ll try to help too.”

With my final proclamation, Swift actually seemed to become thoughtful, “Ok, we did sign up for this.” Well, she did.

“That’s the spirit,” I bet they have a cart to move this thing. All we need to do is get someone to bring the cart and maybe get some sort of lifting system set up. It’s going to be a pain but that’s life.

However, my buggy wearer seemed to have her own idea on how we were going to sort out the statue. “Okay then Eclipse, let’s see what you can do,” she said through gritted teeth while her horn lit up. Oh no, she isn’t really gonna try and lift that thing by herself, right?

Ignorant of my exasperation, the light grey maid’s aura surrounded the golden statue. Said aura was an incredibly dark green. Darker than any of the changeling’s auras I’d seen within the hive. After a moment the, probably very heavy, statue casually floated into the air, much to the surprise of the surrounding staff who just stared and gasped.

“Er, Skitter, this is all well and good, but where are we gonna take that?” As if to answer my question, she returned the ruined masterpiece to its stand before finally relaxing. Well, that doesn’t really achieve much. That statue needs to be out of the room, right? At least it’s not a tripping hazard anymore.

She seemed pretty happy with the move anyways, “I have to say your armour is impressive. Didn’t even really feel anything when we lifted that.” She said jovially, she then looked at my sleeve, “Did that affect you at all?”

Huh, now that I think about it, was there really even a drain? It was so small it wasn’t even worth noting, “Not really.” Wonder if I could lift it by myself? Real levitation has to be at the top of my list to learn. Seems like I could be good at it. “And the armour does have a name you know."

“Sorry I didn’t mean…” Seeing the other occupants of the room take notice of us Clean made one final reply, “Seems the ponies had a lucky find in you.” Before she awaited her fellow cleaning staff. Welp, radio silence from now on I suppose.

The first pony to approach us was a white earth pony maid. From the way she galloped, and subsequently latched onto our side, something was worrying her. “Swift! Where’ve you been? We thought something terrible happened,” yep, it was my keen observation that noticed this pony’s distress, “Bucket even said you were kidnapped by giant bugs.” That’s not quite true. Seems Cadance didn’t keep the entire thing under wraps while we were away.

Another maid approached, this time an orange pegasus, presumably Bucket, who immediately rejected the comment, “Did not! That was you over reacting.” She then pointed an accusing wing at our captor.

For her part, Skitter just happily returned the distressed mare’s hug. Hm something's tasting good again. These ponies are probably the bug's regular food source, maybe even her friends.

From behind the two, a more masculine voice came from a unicorn servant, “The last sight seen of you was of a terrified pony apparently running for dear life away from our fair Princesses. They seemed quite eager to catch you. Was something wrong?” He then gestured to the gathered staff, “We have all been trying to surmise the reason as you may have guessed.”

While continuing to hold her snack, Skitter just smiled, “it wasn’t really a big deal, nothing bad was happening.”

“See Duster, told you there wasn’t any giant spiders or whatever,” came the sarcastic words of Bucket.

“My husband swore he saw a giant bug and he’s in the guard,” was the panicked response. Seems the guards have loose lips around here. We’d only been gone a few hours.

Those words caused my wearer to tense up for a moment. I actually thought she might tell her comrades in cleaning the truth. “There was just an important job the princesses entrusted to me that they needed keeping quiet. I may have gotten a little nervous at first but it’s all sorted now.” Well, she is an infiltrator, lying is probably second nature.

Her words caused the surrounding ponies to relax a little. All of them except for the one within our personal space. She immediately stepped back from us and asked excitedly, “ooo, what was it they wanted you to do? Was it to help clean out the giant bug’s nest or something? I won’t tell anypony.” That’s probably what she said to the guard before telling everyone.

Instead of answering the world’s biggest gossip’s question, Skitter instead asked one of her own. “So, what happened after I left?” She began gesturing around the room with a hoof before pointing at herself, “Could the gala not stand without me?” It is a pretty legitimate question. This place looks like a bomb has gone off.

Duster was only too happy to change the subject. “Swift, you should have seen it. Almost all at once everything just seemed to go wrong,” she began with a faraway look in her eyes, “The moment the Princesses began running we all knew something was going to happen.” Seems she needs some therapy.

After a moment of silence, the servant decided to continue Duster’s story, “Yes, well once the Princesses had left to recruit you for their mission, that repugnant Prince Blueblood managed to knock over Celestia’s precious statue. Apparently, the stallion was retreating from one of the element bearers I suspect he’d wronged.” Well, that explains the statue.

Seeing as her original question went unanswered, Bucket seized her chance to talk about some other gossip, “I saw a rainbow maned pegasus catch it though.” Yeah, I saw that. Wonder how it ended up broken then? “She was pretty impressive before it became too heavy. If it were me, I’d probably have dropped it before smashing it against all the columns.” She said that last part with a curious smile. At the mare’s words I pointed Clean’s head at the roof and saw some open sky. Ok, so that’s why the ceiling is starting to cave in. Not sure if we can fix that. Probably above a maids pay grade anyway. Definitely above mine, or maybe its below. Who knows?

“That was nothing compared to the animals and that crazy yellow Pegasus,” Duster spoke up once more, “She just charged in with so many animals and screamed at the top of her lungs how we were going to love her. I can still remember that evil stare.” So, there’s a crazy Pegasus somewhere. That’s great, hopefully she’s been arrested. Seeing as there was still various animals in the room, it seems possible she may have escaped.

Skitter then asked a stupid question with a coy smile, “Did the ponies shouts cause anyone to love her?” It’s all about methods of gaining food with this one. Maybe that makes sense seeing as her people are starving.

“Of course not, everyone ran away in terror leading to the remaining devastation,” the distressed maid spoke up again pointing to the numerous flipped over tables and food strewn across the floors. At least the animals probably ate some of the mess.

After the quick briefing, my wearer wasted no time in rallying her troops, “Okay here’s what we are going to do. Duster and Bucket will start collecting up the wasted food and disposing of it.” She pointed to the two maids. “Dapper and I will commence the removal of the tables and chairs.” She pointed at the newly named servant. “Once that’s done the four of us will work together to slowly herd the animals out of the room. Make sense?” The three other ponies saluted before getting to work. Seems they’d never get any work done without the royal bug.

It didn’t take us long to remove the tables and chairs from the room and with the maids' aid, the animals were easily corralled and caught by Clean's and Dapper’s magic. It was actually pretty interesting working as a team to catch the little rabbits and deer. Much more entertaining than how I usually spend my off time anyways.

With the assigned tasks complete our group began focusing on the smaller tasks of collecting up discarded or smashed cups and plates. At one point we even found a smashed glass slipper. It’s crazy that these nobles would wear such dangerous hoof wear.

Once the room was absent of any workable mess, the rubble was declared someone else’s problem, the 3 shattered ponies and 1 happy changeling decided to call it a day.

After goodbyes had been said we left the other serving staff to go about their business and began heading down a corridor. Wonder where we are going?

A sigh escaped my wearer before she spoke up to no one in particular, “Glad I got to see them again.”

I decided to speak up for the first time in over an hour, “Those ponies did seem pretty interesting. It was nice to actually speak to the ones cleaning my room.” They always hide from me when they see me coming. Maybe I’ll try to talk to them again. At my sudden words, Skitter for a moment appeared to almost jump out of her shell. “Is something wrong?”

The heavily breathing mare stood holding her chest for a moment before regaining her stride, “Sorry about that. It’s really weird to think that this is you.” She then used her rear hoof to knock my skirt. No need to kick me.

“Oh, ok. Well, where are we going anyway?” I’ve been down this route before. Maybe we are going to the library? I’d much prefer to go to bed but a good book would be fine.

“I’m heading to my room,” the mare said happily while continuing to walk.

“It might be best for you to see Celestia or Luna first to ensure they’ve assigned you one. The guest rooms are quite nice.” It probably would be best to ask Celestia seeing as Luna’s guest rooms are probably full of dust. Saying that I really should go and visit Loony, she seemed pretty down before we left her.

Skitter laughed lightly to herself before responding, “I already have a room sorted out.”

“You mean from when you were a maid?”

“Still am,” came the response, while she casually pointed to me. She really wants to just be a servant. Why? From the fight with us, she seemed pretty take charge.

Welp if she’s going to her old room, seems my escort mission is almost complete. Meaning once I’ve seen to Loony, I can go to bed. Just can’t wait.

As if in an attempt to ruin my plans, a familiar irritating voice rang out from behind us, “Maid, halt immediately. I have something that requires your attention.”

Oh no, not him. Please. Let it be anyone but this stupid stallion. Skitter just stopped in her tracks, turned to Blueblood and with a casual smile and simply asked, “What’s wrong?”

“A major issue has occurred within my quarters and I require one of the lower ponies to deal with it,” the stallion stated pompously while tilting his head towards a nearby room, “You don’t seem to be doing anything important, so you best get to it.” But my bed.

Deciding to intervene in this situation I quietly whispered to my wearer, “You should just drop your disguise. That’ll get rid of him and changelings are allowed in here now.” There is no way I’m helping this jerk with anything.

Sadly, the maid within my wearer raised its ugly head, resulting in a light sigh before she went to say, “I’ll get right to…”

Thankfully she was interrupted by my favourite bat pony, I mean thestral, who casually dropped between us from the ceiling. Really need to find out how she does that. I’m going to focus on finding her aura from now on. This caused Blueblood to yell out and jump back while my wearer only took a slight step away.

Crescent immediately commented, “Prince Blueblood, this isn’t just a simple low born pony. She’s actually a foreign diplomat who’s taken a disguise for her own perceived safety.”

Once the idiotic unicorn had regained what little composure he had, he began looking over Skitters form with a sceptical look. “Really?”

The disguised buggy princess didn’t seem too happy about the reveal and simply looked down while quietly replying, “apparently yes.” Seems she doesn’t want any regular ponies finding out about her origin. There is no way that Blueblood will believe us without Skitter losing the disguise.

To my surprise, the air headed fool immediately changed his tone, “Good heavens I must apologise. I should have known from your attire. It is clearly not suited for one meant for menial work.” He then gave a light bow. Wonder if they’ve told people that we’re negotiating with shapeshifters.

This actually caused the bug to look up at our adversary and give a genuine smile, “It’s ok, the disguise is meant to throw ponies off, so I don’t mind.”

“I should think not,” Blueblood stated before looking us in the eye and asking, “May I ask why you picked that particularly troublesome form?”

With those words, Skitter started to look herself over. “What’s wrong with it?” she said tersely.

“My dear ambassador, it would be far easier for me to state what is right due to how vast the list of wrongs is.” Ouch. This guy really can’t help being a jerk.

The princess just folded her ears back at that, “But ponies look like this. I’ve checked.” He’s probably trying to irritate you on purpose.

The white stallion simply leaned in close before asking, “Well do they though?” Then instead of waiting for an answer he continued, “The individual you’ve picked is probably on the lower tier of pony society for looks, mannerisms and social status being just a maid.”

“What’s wrong with the mannerisms? They’ve been acceptable for years.” Seems the bug doesn’t like people questioning her infiltration skills.

The pony opposite us simply put his nose into the air, “Let’s just say that this particular maid was always in a bad mood while wearing a false smile. It was truly revolting. But what makes her worse is that she reported me of all ponies to pony resources for my royal behaviour.” Wonder why?

We ended up just staring at the irritating unicorn for a second before Skitter simply said, “I think I’m needed for a diplomatic meeting of some sort.” I really hope that makes this guy disappear.

Sure, enough the stallion started to make tracks to walk away but not before making one final remark, “But of course. Just remember to at least change your face. Nopony takes an ugly mug seriously.”

As the stallion disappeared down the corridor Skitter turned to the night guard and quietly said, “I based this on myself.” Now that she mentions it, her two forms look pretty similar just one is decidedly taller with no fur whatsoever.

I decided to try and put my newest friend at ease, “You know I think your pony form looks perfectly passable, so must everyone else if you’ve lived here as long as you say.” To be honest I don’t really know what counts as good looking in the pony world. They all seem pretty similar. Well, the ones with the fangs are slightly more adorable.

Rather than continuing the self-deprecating line of thought, Clean decided to question our saviour from pointless work, “Where did you come from?”

Said thestral was still scowling adorably while baring her tiny fangs at the retreating noble and finally decided to take notice of us. “I was ordered by Luna to protect Eclipse from all threats to his well-being. Blueblood was counted as one of these threats.” She is very good at her job. Keeping me away from that guy will earn you many brownie points from me.

“Don’t you mean protect the foreign diplomat?” I said that with the intent of making Skitter feel a little safer. Bat mare is probably a good pony to have at your back.

Crescent just chuckled at that and slightly shook her head, “Don’t worry tin head, I’ll continue babysitting you.” She then began wandering off to probably crawl onto the ceiling out of sight. I really hate it when she says that. “Oh, and before I forget, Princess Skitter, your room hasn’t been prepared yet.” With that message passed on she left us apparently for real. I will locate her little hidey hole at some point.

Once the distraction was over, the royal bug continued on her way, “Does Luna have her follow you everywhere?”

I really hope not, “Probably.” She could be hiding within any shadow, I swear.

As we continued further toward our destination, Skitter began zeroing in on a room that seemed pretty familiar for whatever reason. “Well, here we are. Home sweet home.”

When my wearer reached up to open the door, I decided to slow her hoof to protect her from the horror I suspected within, “Erm, Skitter, maybe we should go and wait for your new room.” That room is familiar for one terrible reason.

Rather than accepting my warning and waiting, the royal just decided to open the door with her magic instead. She probably thought I was just a little restrictive dammit. “Why? I’ve had this room for… ages.” The bug slowly finished her sentence as the destroyed internals came into view, “Oh right, this is where it happened.”

Oooh. I really need to take her mind of this, “So this is the room from your dream?” Her ruined safe place.

The only word that escaped the bug was a “yep,” as she steadily walked into her old room. She then wondered over to a set of drawers and began digging through a number of maid uniforms.

Why would she need so many? Does she even wear any clothes other than her armour? She can just create anything from thin air, “Erm, if you’re looking for your armour, Luna had it collected by the guard. I’ll make sure they return it all to you.”

“Oh, yeah thanks. Mother would have been a tad cross if I’d lost that,” Skitter said absently while continuing to look through the uniforms. Eventually she found what she was looking for, a small bag filled with rocks. “At least my love crystals weren’t damaged.” She smiled lightly at her words and absently appeared to pour pink mist into some of them. That must have been the left overs from Loony. She doesn’t really feel quite as bloated anymore.

Once the bag was secured, she collected a few of the maid uniforms and placed them upon her back before wondering over to her ruined bed. After a few light pokes with her hoof, it seemed the bed was no longer satisfactory. “Look Skitter, I’m really sorry for what happened to your room. We were just defending ourselves.”

A sigh escaped my wearer as she walked out of the room with her tail between her legs, “So were we.” Once the room was vacated the mare carefully closed the door behind us before sitting down to stare at nothing in particular.

Ok, we have one unhappy ambassador/friend. It is my job to fix this apparently. I’m sure there’s a spare room somewhere. Maybe Luna would know? She hadn’t sorted a room yet like and she clearly doesn’t enjoy Skitter’s presence. Oh! I know a room she can use. Let it be known that Eclipse, the possibly enchanted spirit armour, never abandoned a friend in need. “Hey, if you want, you can stay in my room until I get Luna to sort one out.” That’ll probably get Luna working to get the 'ling out of her guest room.

Skitter looked up at no one, ears pricked up, “are you sure that would be ok?”

“Yeah it’ll be fine,” I responded before standing her up and trotting down towards my room.

“Woah, steady on,” came a slightly panicked reply, “I can walk myself.”

“I know where my room is and you can use a rest,” to be honest it’s nice to move under my own power and if we go at her sad dawdle, I’ll never get to sleep.

Upon reaching my room I opened the door and raised a hoof into the air, “Welcome to casa Eclipse.” Before I allowed her to wander in.

After entering my room, she casually looked over my small collection of things. I’d only really picked up a few books from the library. Still hadn’t actually finished that book on the everfree to be honest. Seriously it’s so thick.

“What’s with the blue plant?” came an expected question.

The only other item of note was an object I’d retrieved from the Everfree, “That’s just an enchanted flower I took from the Everfree. Luna let me go to ponyville with a pot to see if I could make a little mana farm for myself. Don’t touch it, its poisonous.”

“I’ll make sure not to,” my newest resident decided to put her spare uniforms into my closet, “Why is this place so empty? You really need to get shopping.” Hey I do have bits, it’s just difficult to buy things inside the castle.

At her remark I took the chance to make a joke, “Well I could sleep in the closet but the hangars aren’t as comfortable as the bed.” My wearer just looked into my mirror at that, “You know, because I’m currently a dress.” Well, my joke died.

Rather than respond to my terrible attempt at humour. The bug put away her clothes and inspected my bed. This left me with one final opportunity to ask her a question before I went looking for Luna, “So Skitter, I’m curious about something. Why did you come and see me that time in the library?”

While answering the question the bug decided to test out my bed, “Well, I would like to say it was to scout out the pony’s newest weapon,” I kinda felt myself droop a little at that, “But if I’m honest, I just thought you were going to be interesting.”

“Huh, well I hope I was interesting.” was all I could think to say. Hopefully I don’t bore her out of her mind. That’s probably a terrible quality in a friend.

“I would say you are,” Were Skitter's final words before she closed her eyes.

“I’m glad,” I’m a bit of a sucker for complements apparently. “Hey Skitter are you going to take me off?” After a few moments a light snore originated from the mare, “Seriously? You haven’t just gone to sleep that quick.” Denying reality all I want doesn’t really change things. I’ve tried many times in the past.

What I don’t get is, don’t ponies need to get washed and naked before bed? Ah it doesn’t matter changeling standards are probably different. She probably also likes to sleep near others like those changeling foals. I’m just the sentient security blanket. Suppose sleeping on a pony is as comfortable a place as any. I’ll go see Luna in the morning, she won't mind.

Author's Note:

If anyone's curious chapter 13,14 and 15 were all one chapter in my notes. Really need to sort out my pacing.

Edited by Sebastian99.