• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 16,441 Views, 1,310 Comments

The Night's Shining Armour - Appleody

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods and has some issues.

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32: Court Interruptions

“’Tis one of Our finest cakes, We are quite proud of it,” the pegacorn beamed from her throne, as she held out her hoof. In said hoof, was a picture from only an hour ago. One that contained the same navy pegacorn with a similar bright smile, despite the flour she was coated in. This time however, she was holding a small cake with a miniature icing moon on the top.

Yeah, turns out setting up a party could be quite an interesting thing to do, even if one of your fellow planners wasn’t quite themselves. The thought of that party prompted me to look around the large, mostly empty throne room, before letting out a light sigh. I kinda wish we could’ve stayed to see how it’d turned out. Bet the princesses would have loved it.

As the thought ran through my helmet, another picture was held out in Loony’s hoof. This time of her sister, clearly enjoying the contents of a used cake mixing bowl with her tongue. A content sigh escaped my friend at the sight. “We believe our sister was in paradise. So much cake for one pony.”

With a slightly mischievous tone, I decided to add, “if you look at the next picture, Loony’s licking the spoon.” True to my words, the next picture was one I’d panned slightly to the left, catching a very greedy looking Moon with her spoon, jealously eyeing her sister’s now almost clean bowl. Half of the bowls contents were also now plastered across Celestia’s usually pristine white fur. Part of me thought Luna might have been tempted to lick it off, like she had some icing off of me, but she easily managed to restrain herself.

In a small attempt to defend her past self, Loony turned to me and said, “’twas good cake batter. We could not let Our sister’s newfound cooking skill go to waste.” Once she’d finished, she looked back to her sister’s happy face and pondered, “who would have thought, all it would take was borrowing Pinkiepie for one day?” I think the correct way to say that is, Pinkiepie borrowing Celestia for the day.

The mention of the pink magic pony, piqued the interest of the third member of our group, who’d been quite enraptured by our little showcase. “Sooo, was this Pinkiepie teaching you to cook? She must be good,” came the words of the royal changeling Skitter, off to Loony’s other side.

Luna turned to the slightly shorter bug with a coy smile. “In a way. Her method of teaching Tia would, most likely, be considered quite intrusive by most.”

Those words prompted me to shake my helmet, before I looked to the undisguised bug tilting her head in adorable confusion. When the two of us had signed up to cover Sunny’s day court, we were quite surprised when the love bug was already there waiting. Apparently, Celestia had been trying to encourage the fellow royal to come to day court so ponies could get used to her kind.

She’d obviously been successful, as Skitter had been meeting the sun at the same time every day to engage in the usual day court. Hopefully, that means that the two have formed a bit of a friendship, Skitter seemed to be quite nervous around her before. All I can say on the subject, is that it’s nice to see her so comfortable in her own shell for once. She’s normally a maid when I meet her.

While Sunny’s idea does seem pretty decent to me, there hasn’t really been any evidence of ponies learning much of anything about changelings at all. It would help if one actually showed up to day court today.

“So, did you catch any of Eclipse?” Skitter asked optimistically, while trying to get a look of the next picture in the pile.

“Technically, Our stallion is in all the pictures of Us,” Loony began, while gesturing to her past self’s apron, my fabric still marred by icing. “But yes, We have a few of his valiant steel.” She then set about sifting through the many pictures of the two pegacorns, before finding one of the few starring me. I was the one holding the camera most of the time, so there were a lot less of me. Who’d want to see a tin can when they could see the princesses acting so adorably together?

The moment the picture came into view, the bug princess covered her mouth in an attempt to halt clear oncoming laughter. It didn’t stop her amusement showing through her softly buzzing wings though. What was captured within the image wasn’t embarrassing per say, it only showed my usual metallic form retrieving a baking tray out of the oven. The only problem, was the bright pink oven gloves I was wearing over my shoes. Each emblazoned with patterns of colourful balloons.

“Pink- ‘Celestia’ made me wear them. She said it was for safety,” I rushed to defend my lack of choice of adornment. It was obvious I didn’t actually need them. You can’t burn metal that easily. Then again, the sun can be awfully bright sometimes. It still hasn’t burned me though. Ah, it doesn’t matter that I wore those gloves, I’d turn into most things Loony asked me to with no issue. In the past she’s had me act as her dress numerous times, same for Sunny really. Anything to keep my friends happy.

“I think you look very pretty,” Skitter said in a slightly calmer voice. Either in attempt to reduce, or increase my embarrassment, it was hard to tell. The light buzzing behind her didn’t really seem to decrease. Her tone sounded a little more encouraging, but not her words as she continued to say, “like a real house mare.” A house mare, seriously? At least she isn’t saying I look like something that would eat one.

“Our sister is a masterful prankster, is she not?” Loony pointed out, after her own laughter subsided. “We are always glad when she aims for another.”

“Wait, Celestia actually pranks people?” Skitter said, with thinly veiled surprise. “She hasn’t ever pranked me.”

“Thou have yet to make thyself a valid target, but do not worry. Thy time will come… eventually,” Loony finished a little forebodingly, causing the young bug to swallow a little nervously, before her smile returned due to the warm atmosphere. Oh no, she might get you to wear pink oven gloves… the horror. Her pranks have never really been too bad. One thing is quite funny though. The fact that people are always surprised by Sunny and Loony both enjoying a little prank now and then. Suppose everyone thinks their deities are above such mortal concerns. Saying that, Luna doesn’t really do the whole pranking thing very much. It’s normally a Celestia started it type situation when she gets involved.

Anyway, as things are probably quite evident from the current topic of conversation, today’s day court has been a very slow affair, in terms of workload anyway. This is most likely due to all the nation’s papers going out of their way to mention the all-powerful sun, hosting a party in some backwater town. Everyone most likely thinks without Celestia, day court has been cancelled. That’s fine by me, I can get behind a day of pleasant conversation with friends, while enjoying a book with my slightly smaller self. One of those rare nice and relaxing moments where nothing stressful is going on. Wonderful.

As the cursing thought finished its trip into the back of my helmet, stress decided to rear its ugly head, as it inevitably always does when a day is looking up. This stress came in the form of a loud bang on the rooms front door. A single bang that soured the enjoyable atmosphere we were all basking in.

The sudden sound caused an immediate reaction from both of my friends. Skitter stopped leaning over the pegacorn and tried to sit up straight, while supressing yet more laughter. Laughter, most likely due to Loony almost throwing the pictures into the air, before deciding to unceremoniously shove them underneath her throne cushion. Once they were hidden, she took a moment to ensure she was giving the opening door a stern look. Probably due to the unannounced entry.

My friend’s irate expression softened, once the perpetrator pushed open the door enough for us to see them. It was a lone day guard pegasus, who appeared to be busy rubbing his muzzle, while trying to bow with just three legs. Heh, seems he thought he could pass through walls. Not even a spirit can do that.

Trying her best to ignore the guard’s plight, Loony began to speak with an authoritative air, “please, approach the throne. Dost thou have an important message for Us?” Hopefully, only we could see the slight curving up of her lips. There’s no need to hurt the overzealous guard’s feelings.

Not requiring the need to be told twice, the pegasus rose from the ground, and began trying to approach the throne at the fastest walking speed possible. As he approached, it was quite clear his lungs were working overtime and he was struggling to stop his wings from flopping to the ground. The sight of his state, caused me to nudge a little closer to my pegacorn for a little comfort. He clearly had some dire news I didn’t want to hear.

Upon reaching a comfortable speaking distance from the throne, the guard hoarsely said, “there’s trouble at the Taurus border.” Hmm, Taurus? That name rings a bell for some reason.

As his condition became a little clearer, Loony stood from her throne and approached him. When she was in range, she gently placed a hoof upon his shoulder and warmly said, “please, take a moment to gather thy breath. We can wait for thou to recover, before receiving thy full report.”

The guard, who’d clearly been about to continue croaking, nodded in gratitude, before taking a seat opposite us. His laboured breaths started to steadily slow down after a few seconds at rest, but his weathered state remained. When he looked back up towards us, he found a glass of water floating within a green energy field waiting for him. A beverage which he greedily stole.

Off to the other side of the now empty throne, Skitty was smiling to herself at likely managing to help a little. I’d have helped too, if I had a glass of water ready. Or if I’d thought of it. Wait, is there any cake still stashed around here? Ah, Luna and Skitter have probably eaten it all by now.

Looking a little more prepared to speak with the highest in the land, if you don’t count Celestia being a little taller, the unnamed guard began to dole out his report. “I’m a border guard, posted to our eastern flank with taurus,” he said before taking a pause to sip a bit more of the life-giving fluid. “Normally, all we have to deal with are a couple of bandits once in a blue moon…” After finishing his sentence, the pegasus bit his lip, before nervously looking into Loony’s eyes.

As expected, Loony only flicked her ear at the odd phrase, before using a hoof to gesture for the nervous stallion to continue. I doubt she’d be offended by such a statement, even if she is the blue moon. Hey, she’s existed for a thousand years. She might even have been the one to coin the phrase.

While I debated on the effects an immortal ruler could have on the evolution of language, the guard gravely continued. “This time, it was different. This time, there were hundreds of them!” The sharp increase in volume and general threat brought my attention back to the important conversation.

“Hundreds thou says?” Loony replied in a measured tone, while lightly rubbing her chin with a wing.

“Ye-yes my princess. And they aren’t dressed like bandits either, they bare the mark of Taurus itself,” the guard hastily added, feeling the need to get back to four hooves at his reveal.

To my side, Skitter had clearly tightened up her limbs. It would take an eagle eye, or my curiosity to notice that the tips of her hooves were shaking slightly. Most likely at the chance of having to be involved in yet another dangerous situation. I felt for the little love bug, she’s never won any of the fights she’s been a part of. What’s more, her sense of the guard’s emotions probably didn’t help her own state.

In stark contrast, Loony only tilted her head in thought, before asking, “tell me young stallion, what hostile action have these soldiers taken?”

A little taken aback by the question, the guard thought for a moment. He then looked to his ruler and desperately said, “they’re lined up on our border in ranks princess. It looks like they are preparing to advance at any moment. They could have started moving while I made my way here!” It’s a real shame more ponies don’t know that message spell the princesses seem to use. Then again, a pegasus can’t use magic… I don’t think. Well, they do still have their glows, so do the mundane ones as well. Hmm, wonder what it takes to cast real spells?

Rather than be visibly alarmed by the statement, Loony actually seemed to perk up a bit. That’s why she’s in charge I suppose. Best not to show fear in front of your troops, I mean guards. “Excellent work…” Luna began praising the guard, before pausing to bite her lip for some reason.

An action that was quite confusing, until a certain insectoid advisor quietly whispered, “Flawless Strike.” How would Skitter know that guy’s name? Has he been around the castle before? Suppose she’s putting that maid knowledge to good use.

Rather than question the reason for that knowledge, Loony happily gripped onto it. “…Flawless Strike. Thine efforts have assisted Equestria immensely this day. Return to thy quarters and rest for now.” Hmm, the princesses do seem to take pride in knowing their guards’ names. She probably doesn’t know his, because he’s a day guard.

Taking the acknowledgment of a job well done, Strike almost flawlessly bowed on his tired legs, before making his way to the rooms exit. Most likely for a well-earned collapse into a comfortable mattress. Wish that was me, because we’re probably going to have to deal with this issue.

As we watched the guard make his desirable escape, I turned to the Moon and asked, “So, what now?” Could we go share your bed and wait for the guards to deal with the situation? Wish that was a possibility.

“What now, thou says?” Loony said, while turning to me with a beaming smile. “Now ‘tis time for this blue moon to take action.” Pretty sure that isn’t how you use that statement. That means Sunny probably devised it as some long-term prank.

“This is going to be bad, isn’t it?” I replied, ignoring the apparently cheery mood the life and death situation had put my friend into.

A quick shake of her head had me reconsider the fakeness of her happiness. “Nay, this shalt be another in a long line of welcome distractions this day. Come, We shall send for Shining Armor and rally some honour guards.”

Placing her good wing over my back, she began encouraging me to follow her out of the room with a light tug. “Yes, this will be a momentous occasion. Thou will see.” Oh, well she clearly understands this situation on a level I don’t. Hopefully, that means there’s nothing to worry about. Maybe this won’t actually take too long.

As I began following my best friend’s lead, a small voice rang out from behind us. “Erm, is there anything you need me to do?” The young changeling, actually appeared a little hopeful as she asked. Probably also latching onto Loony’s lack of worry.

Looking over my back, Loony paused in thought, almost appearing like she forgot Skitter was still present. She then turned to a random point upon the rooms high ceiling and called out, “Crescent, watch over Princess Skitter as she maintains Our sister’s court.”

Following her gaze, I spent a long time staring at the spot my moon was conversing with. When nothing materialized, I turned back to my pegacorn and informatively said, “I think she’s on break.”

The mare in question let out a light giggle at my response, before a familiar voice picked up from behind me. “By your will my princess.” What the? How can she be there? All it took was a slight break in my line of sight and now she’s right on top of us. Could Luna see her?

Apparently not noticing my questioning gaze, the thestral mare moved over to Skitter’s side. The bug in question also giving the bat an inquisitive look.

For once, the curiosity of how Crescent manages such a feat got the better of me. “So, I have to ask. How do you keep doing that?”

Deciding to play dumb, the wannabe vampire coyly replied with a question of her own. “Doing my job?” That’s a question I ask about myself every day.

Deciding to persist in my endeavour, I simply said, “Well, yeah.”

“Thestral magic,” was the disappointing answer. A simple question gets you a simple response, I guess. Why is ‘magic’ a pony’s answer for how everything in the world works? How does the sun set? magic. How does the weather work? Magic. How does a pegasus fly? Magic. I half expect them to say, how does a door open? Magic. Well, it would be if they used their magic, but that’s not the point.

Rather than complain to the impassive guard mare, I said, “I see.” Evidently, the thing her magic apparently stops me doing. No, she’s definitely not using magic, it would make her stand out like a Christmas tree. Changelings are actually harder for me to spot when undisguised.

Still taking in the appearance of the guard, Skitter turned back to the night and hesitantly asked, “erm, Luna, what exactly do you want me to do?”

The navy pegacorn looked at the slightly shorter bug for a moment before saying, “pony the day courts of course. We cannot allow Our ponies to think we have forsaken them.” The way she said it, made it clear to everyone she thought it was an obvious issue. To be honest, it probably isn’t. Only one pony actually visited today, and it was only to inquire as to whether or not they could attend the once in a lifetime party of the sun.

“Okay, I just wanted to make sure,” Skitter said before being engulfed in, what some would find, an alarming green fireball. Once the fire subsided, any trace of the love bug was gone and, in her place, stood an identical copy of Loony, regalia and all. She then proceeded to delicately sit upon Luna’s empty throne, before smiling back at us both. “If my mother could see me now. She’d be so proud.” Her borrowed smile faded slightly, when she noticed her newfound thestral guard giving her a funny look.

Rather than request Skitter not to impersonate her, like I’d have expected, Loony clopped her hooves together and said, “ah, an excellent idea. Now Our sister will be unable to claim We skipped out on this. Now Princess Luna, please take care of Our ponies for Us”

“We will try Our best,” the duplicate responded in her best impression of Loony’s royal tone. The slight nervous crack at the end of her speech, the only hint something was off. Oh, and the massive green glow she was emitting, but no one else ever notices that.

With the body double sorted, the two of us made Our way out of the throne room. The moment we left ear shot of the others, I decided to share one problem this double situation could potentially cause. “You know someone might actually come to her with an issue. She can’t really do anything to help them, Skitter doesn’t have any authority within Equestria.”

“She has Ours until We return,” Loony replied confidently, without breaking her stride. “If it is abused, Crescent will deal with her.” Suppose that’s fair enough.

Author's Note:

Maybe I should have had a full chapter on day court shenanigans. I really prefer the slice of life stuff, and Skitter needs some time to shine. I do love a love bug.
Ah well, I've already committed to a slight issue getting in the way of that.