• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 16,440 Views, 1,310 Comments

The Night's Shining Armour - Appleody

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods and has some issues.

  • ...

12: Double Agent

Chapter 12

Okay, so this has gone better than expected. I may have been separated from my Loony, but at least the changelings aren’t aware of me, thanks to Skitter. It was hard not to think about the bug, as I used her legs to carry me back down the corridor. This can’t be allowed to distract me; I’ll just apologise later.

As casually as possible, I walked back through the corridor Skitter had brought me down. Eventually making it to the two large doors, that lead towards the terrifying bug monarch. Okay just stay calm, she can’t see me and even if she did, I’m her daughter. She’d probably just tell me to go to bed or something.

Just as I was walking past the imposing doors the flanking guards both saluted me which did surprise me, but not as much as the large scream that was emitted from behind them. “I don’t want to hear any excuses; I WANT TO HEAR ABOUT RESULTS!” Wow, Chrysalis has a set of lungs that might even put Luna to shame.

At that sudden outburst, I couldn’t help my in-built reaction. Going from a casual walking pace to a full gallop, in an attempt to make as much distance from the disgruntled royal as possible. Swear I heard one of the guards laugh as they disappeared into the distance.

After a minute of galloping and another sharp turn, I ran straight into an obstacle. This caused me to trip and land upon Skitter's back. May have lost my cool there for a moment, I thought while scratching my helmet.

“Anybug get the number of that carriage?” came a familiar voice I’d heard moments ago. Sprawled out in front of me was none other than Skitter's friendly guard. What’s his name? He didn’t look injured but was still clearly laying down.

Seeing his state, I quickly jumped to Skitter's hooves. Okay, what to do? Run off and leave him or stay and apologise? Leaving him may be the best solution to remain hidden, but he might come after me. With that my decision was made. “Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” This seems like the correct response.

He steadily shook his head, and looked up at my offered holed hoof. “Princess? Are you ok?” you’re the one on the ground. He then grabbed the limb before heaving himself up.

Yeah, just was in a bit of a rush,” I said sheepishly. What was this guy’s name again? I’m sure I heard it before.

Whatever his name was, casually brushed himself down before smiling at me, “Ha, I’ll say. Never seen you in such a panic before.”

Okay, this guy knows the Princess a bit too well me thinks, “Well something made me jump okay.”

The guard raised a knowing eyebrow, “that wouldn’t so happen to have resulted from a shout from our glorious Queen capable of shaking the entire hive, hmm?”
Queeny is definitely louder than Luna. Saying that, my fluffball managed to wake up a foal half way across Canterlot with her shout. Maybe they are about even? At this moment I realized the changeling was still looking at me for a reply, so in a panic I just nodded vigorously.

A laugh was the response at Skitters apparent admission, before a hoof was placed upon my shoulder, “You’ll get used to that again after a few days.” The bug then stepped back and gave me a curious look, “You seem to have perked up slightly, weren’t you going to bed?”

Right, why would Skitter be wondering around? “I just thought a walk might do me some good,” that’s as good of an excuse as any.

“Yeah, I’ve heard that. It’ll help clear your head from that… experience.” At those last words the bugs ears started to droop slightly. Is that a look of pity? Doesn’t matter, he still bought my excuse.

Well anyway, it was nice seeing you again. I’m going to… continue my walk, erm yeah,” With that, I tried my best genuine smile and walked past the concerned changeling. Now to try and find the correct route. I’m still positive it was down here.

After a few more steps I began to notice the steady clopping of shoes other than my own. Turning around I found the same guard following behind. He smiled back at me when we made eye contact. Okay this is bad, why’s he following me? Is he suspicious?

Something must have shown on Skitters face as the guard responded, “Would it be rude to request I join your walk Princess?” He then without waiting for an answer increased his pace to walk beside me, “I am assigned to see to your wellbeing after all.” Does this guy have the same job as I do in relation to Luna?

Regardless of his job, I really don’t want this bug with me. He’s probably going to rat me out immediately. While giving a half-hearted smile I said, “I was hoping for a quiet walk to be honest.” So go away.

“No worries here,” at that rather than taking the hint, the bug in question just ran his hoof over his lips before continuing to walk beside me.

I couldn’t help sighing out of exasperation. This looks like the best I’m going to get. As long as we aren’t talking, he can just stay out of my way. “Fine let’s go,” maybe I can ditch the bug later. Now I’m sure this is the right way.

After a few minutes of walking down the potentially correct route, I began to notice something about my current companion. Every so often he would look in my direction and try to catch my eye. One time I made the mistake of looking at him and he started smiling before I turned away. It really feels like he wants to start a conversation. Are guards supposed to act like that? That made me wonder something else. Skitter gave this guard some magic, and only gave magic to the other bugs that were dying. Really hope that doesn’t mean this guy is more than a close friend. It would suck to ruin someone’s relationship. Oh well.

While trying my best to ignore my irritating follower, I came across my second obstacle. A solid wall. Fairly certain that there wasn’t a wall here before. Pretty sure it just opened when we approached. Okay don’t panic, I can get through this. In an attempt to inspect the wall, I carefully ran Skitter's hoof across the surface. Okay that is most definitely a wall. Is there some sort of command or something? Open sesame maybe? This can’t be the end of the journey, what would Luna think?

After a few moments of wondering, a light tap was placed upon my shoulder, “Ahem.”

At the sudden stimulus, I couldn’t help knocking away the offending appendage. “What are you doing? I’m thinking.” It was then that I noticed the wall had opened a little way over from where I was standing, and a smug bug was standing in my way. “Oh

“Princesses first,” the bug said with a bow, never once losing the smug look.

At seeing my obstacle so easily removed I couldn’t help hugging the guard. Luna I’m still on my way. This is going way better than I thought, only a few more doors and it's home time. It was then I realized I was still holding a struggling bug. “Oh, sorry about that. Thanks…” oh no, what was his name? Stab or something… maybe cut. This is embarrassing.

After I released the bug, he suddenly started gasping for breath before responding, “It's ok… Princess, I can tell something’s on your mind.” He then regained his senses and fell into step next to me once again. “Shall we continue?”

Of course,” at that, I made my way into the middle of the next corridor and immediately paused. Right the way is open and there’s two directions to go. Was it left, or right? Is this even the same corridor? This place is a damn maze, how do the bugs find their way around?

“Princess? You really seem to have lost touch with this place.” My faithful companion eyed me, while I bit my shoe in idle thought.

It has been a long time.” A long time meaning I’ve never been here before. Maybe I should just pick one and if its wrong double back? For all intents and purposes a walk to clear your head has no destination, right?

“If I may be so bold Princess,” the armoured bug continued, “Maybe you should follow me. I think I know where you want to go.” He then pointed to the right and started to walk further ahead.

There is no way this guy knows I want to find some ponies; how could that be the right way? Well, there isn’t any harm I suppose, as he can open all the doors I need. “Okay lead the way my friend.” My unwitting ally only smiled in response, and turned to walk down the corridor. Okay whatever your name is, lead me to my fluffy ponies. With a final bit of hesitation, I began following the bug’s path.

Following the changeling made the journey a lot easier. Not needing to worry about which way you’re going or having to open any random walls is pretty nice. If he actually leads me where I want to go, I’ll have to find a way to thank him.

After a short walk through many walls and past many guards, my personnel guard stopped, “Okay Princess we’re here.” He then pointed to a particularly armoured door with flanking guards. The bug really came through? Who’d have thought.

I smiled back to him, “Thanks for the guidance,” before heading over to the door. Both guards began to give me appraising looks. Alright you’re their Princess so hopefully in charge, this’ll be easy. “Could you two open the door for me please?” That’s probably how Skitter would talk right? She seemed polite in the library. Maybe that was just an act?

At my words both guards reacted by quickly bowing their heads and the closest responded, “We would never impede you from this your majesty.” Were these guys expecting me to do something? They then began opening the large doors with their glowing horns. “They’ve been waiting for you.”

Thank you,” was all I could say before walking past the two into the room. At least they didn’t react like I was out of character. Once the two of us had passed the threshold, both guards resealed the massive doors behind us.

Inside, the room was incredibly bright compared to the rest of the hives dingy lighting. It was also a fairly large space with clearly enough room for many prison cells. Sadly for me however, it appeared almost bare. Off to one side was a few small containers, and at the other was a large number of small holes in the wall. The only other thing or person of note, was a lone changeling with a white hat who appeared very happy to see me.

Well, this definitely isn’t a cell block. I then turned to my betrayer who smiled innocently at me. Thanks for nothing. The white hatted bug began to beckon me over. Right new problem to deal with. “Princess you’re here,” she excitedly exclaimed. “We weren’t expecting you until tomorrow after we'd heard about today’s fiasco.”

Ah and there’s my out, “Well, if you’re not ready for me, I’ll just come back tomorrow.” Really don’t want to have to do whatever job you have for me.

This led to a pretty surprising reaction from the bug who’d rushed over to me, “No no no Princess, we are always happy for you to come whenever you please.” She then pointed over to the holes behind her, “It’s always a wonderful surprise for the little ones when you visit.”

Huh?” Little ones? I couldn’t help cocking my head at that. What is this place?

“I’ll just go and get them,” My wordless question went unanswered, as the hat wearing bug wondered over to the openings and made a strange chirping sound before looking back at me. Is that supposed to be a word? Hope they don’t expect me to speak like that.

In response to the weird chirp, multiple quieter chittering sounds began emanating from the holed wall alongside small ominous glows coming from each hole. She better not be summoning some sort of demon on me. I am not too proud to admit, that I retreated back to the safety of my guard.

After a few more seconds, something a little smaller and less intimidating than what I expected jumped out, or fell out, of one the holes. The little creature appeared to be a miniature version of the bugs around me, with an even shorter stature than that of the crusaders. That was when it dawned on me, it’s worse than a demon. It’s a changeling foal!

Upon landing on the floor, the tiny bug rolled around for a minute before finally managing to get to it's hooves. All the while making the same chittering noises and occasionally buzzing its wings. After gaining it's bearings, it began scanning the room with its eyes until they rested upon its target. Which apparently was me.

As soon as the tiny thing locked onto me it immediately let out a high-pitched squeak before bounding over to me. It's attacking? I’m sure its tiny size makes it perfectly puntable. Before I got the chance the tiny insect pounced and gripped firmly to my foreleg, which I’d raised in self-defence.

I was about to start trying to shake the bug off, when the hatted bug intervened, “Aww she’s so happy to see you.” Once I’d gotten a good look at the little bugger, she was pretty cute. The entire time she held my leg she hadn’t stopped chirping and rubbing her muzzle against me. Clearly, she knows Skitter then. “Scarlet would’ve been just a grub when last you were here,” came the answer to my unasked question.

She’s a friendly little thing,” I couldn’t help petting the small bugs head with a hoof. This caused the happy chirping to increase.

“Missed you,” came a small voice. Wah, it talks! Forgot she was a person for a second there. The surprise made me stop my petting and realize something else. There’s quite a lot more chirping than just the one little bug’s.

Looking up from my newest passenger, I could see a small herd of the fun sized bugs approaching me. Each of them had a similar look of excitement on their face. Seeing this, I couldn’t help but let Skitter’s ears go flat in concern. Really hope I’m not supposed to know all, how many? Eight of their names.

Sitting down, I tried my best to seem welcoming. Okay stay calm, these little guys are no threat. Just deal with the situation calmly and nothing bad will happen.

Sitting down may have been a mistake, as it allowed a couple of the bugs to climb up onto my back where they began gripping Skitter’s wing covers. Is it okay for them to do that? Another bug which was smaller than the first, hugged my other foreleg but pushed its hooves through my newly acquired leg holes. Now that definitely doesn’t seem ok, it feels weird. My time spent with pony foals proves I’m bad at this. How am I supposed to know what’s normal?

Wonder how my observers are taking this display. At that, I casually looked over to the two larger adult bugs, who were still smaller than me. My first target was the loyal guard. He looked pretty impassive, just casually watching each of the foals. Well, that isn’t the most helpful, at least he isn’t obviously weirded out. Sneaking a look at the nanny bug put my mind more at ease. She had a pretty clear, warm smile upon her face. Guess this is how it always goes down.

After the squirming bugs started to get settled and the chirping quietened, the initial bug, erm Scarlet spoke once again. “Princess, have you brought snacks?” At her words I just gave her a look. If I’d known we were coming to meet these lot maybe I would have. What snacks would a little bug want anyway? Do they like biscuits? Don’t think I’ve ever given snacks to anyone. Well, apart from that cake one time.

Snacks?” The chittering sound soon returned after my vocalization. Some of the others also started chanting for snacks, while also bouncing up and down. Really don’t know what to say here. Before I could respond I suddenly felt a pull of magic come from my foreleg. The smallest bug had started to drain my magic in a way that felt much more like an external attack, than that of Skitters earlier drain. Well, I’d better stop that.

“The Princess has had a long day little ones,” came the voice of my saviour, “some dastardly ponies tried to harm her.” We were only defending ourselves guys. Not our fault our attackers were harmed.

After my guard’s words the fun sized bugs all gasped, and some even stepped back. The one feeding didn’t seem to notice or care however and needed to be stopped by the nanny.

Don’t worry kids, all the changelings with me are fine now,” need to do some damage control here, “the ponies weren’t interest in trying to kill us.”

This confused the foals. “What were they doing then?” came the shy response of a bug perched upon my shoulder.

What is the most diplomatic way to describe what happened? There is no way a changeling would blame herself for the pony’s attack. “They were trying to defend themselves. Just the same way we were. Sometimes things just go wrong.” Trying my best to channel Celestia there.

My words caused the foals to once again calm down, and prompted the caretaker to comment, “Don’t worry about the ponies little grubs. Our queen prevents any of the prey from harming us.” She wasn’t there during the fight. How could she possibly of helped? Propaganda for the young that was.

Once the wave of worry had fully passed over the grubs, their focus firmly shifted back to their earlier desire. “So, is there no snacks today?” one of the bugs sadly said, which was followed by a chorus of “awwww.” Seems they were looking forward to a meal.

They have quite a one-track mind,” I said to the caretaker, while patting the littlest bug. Their disappointment is kinda making them more adorable.

The caretaker laughed slightly in response, “What can you expect from the young? You were like them too once you know.”

Looking across the little forms I couldn’t help thinking, these guys are all pretty skinny, so much so that you could almost see the ribs. Maybe feeding them won’t be that bad. Three full grown bugs have already had their fill and I’m still doing fine. I should definitely have enough magic to feed their tiny bellies and rescue the ponies. “Maybe they can all at least take some mag… love?”

The caretaker raised her hoof to get my attention, “Princess I must protest, while your desire to feed them is admirable, it wouldn’t…” She hesitated for a moment clearly nervous about reprimanding a royal. “It wouldn’t be wise as they don’t know when to stop.” So, the little ones might drain someone to death by accident? For future reference, don’t let them near ponies.

They’ll stop when full right?” Please don’t say they’ll over eat themselves to death.

Her response was to tilt her head at me, “Well yes, but that would take an astounding amount of love.” What just to have a meal big enough to fill them up? These guys are big eaters. How could they possibly feed everyone?

With that thought in mind, I decided to be a little cautious and looked to the first miniature changeling. “Hey erm, Scarlet,” I whispered prompting the bug hugging my leg to become a bit shy and hide her face at Skitters apparent sole attention. “Hey little one, could would you like to get some food?” the bug immediately looked up and nodded eagerly, “Well eat up, but make sure you’re not too greedy.

At that, Scarlet immediately began feeding once again, likely not paying attention to anything after eat. The energy drain was actually pretty mild like I was expecting despite the pink light show. “This is actually fine.” Might have sounded a bit too surprised for the watching bugs there.

To my side, the caretaker looked on with a look of increasing worry prompting my noble guard into action. “Honey, don’t worry. Our Princess is one of the wisest of our kind, that’s why she’s a royal. If she says she can handle one grub then she can.” Yep, I totally know that my magic was enough for this. There was no guessing about it, honest.

Yeah Honey its fine, I’ve had a large harvest from Equestria.” My words started to put the now named Honey at ease. That was until my next action. With the confidence I’d gained from feeding the first bug, as well as the hungry looks the other bugs were giving me, I decided to open the flood gates. “Okay everyone, I think it’s okay for you all to get involved.

Immediately seven more pink streams joined the first, as each bug didn’t even bother to hesitate once permission was granted.

“Slice! You have to do something.” Honey cried out in desperation before her mouth fell open. That pink cloud is probably pretty big for a reason. Maybe mistakes have been made. After a few moments I actually started to feel something. This is kind of reminding me of when Luna tried to break a shield I was fuelling. Maybe I should say something?

Before I could say anything, the last of the pink streams cut out. Huh, piece of cake. Probably going to need an extra-large snack when I get home. Still, it was worth it just seeing each of the content little faces stop paying attention to me. Each of the little bugs gradually let go and dropped to the floor. Hopefully from full bellies and not over eating.
Looking over to the two adults, I could see two very different reactions. The first from Honey was one of pure shock, “I thought the royals could hold a lot of love, but that’s just insane. How can you be willing to give up so much for some random 'lings?” Maybe really over did it there. Hopefully that statue has enough to refill me.

Erm okay think of something, “they’re the future of the hive. We want them to be strong.” That sounds about right.

“I guess but filling eight grubs. They take so much more love than an adult. It’s just amazing.” Honey then began removing the two bugs that had fallen asleep on my back. Forgot about those two. If what she says is true, I wonder how much magic I actually lost? I always feel hungry for more regardless of how much I’ve eaten. No use worrying about that. Seems now might be the perfect time to leave.

Over to the side, I saw my loyal guard in an apparent day dream with his mouth open and drool steadily spilling out. Upon noticing my sideways glance, the guard immediately stopped and stood to attention. “Sorry Princess. Just can’t wait till we can get a bigger piece of Equestria for the hive.”

I stood up at his words, “You know, Equestria might be willing to trade their love to us without any need for us to take it.” Maybe, depending on whether or not the bugs harm what they feed on. Those foals could easily kill a pony, thinking back to when I fed on Applejack.

My guard looked away slightly, “If only.”

Enough of this distraction, there’s a Princess to save, “Slice would you be so kind as to escort me to our latest prisoner?” Should have done this from the start. At least I know his name now.

Slice responded by bowing his head and saying, “by your will,” before moving over to the room’s door and opening it with his magic.

Just before following the guard, I turned back to Honey who was busy putting the miniature bugs back in their holes. “Honey, thanks for having us. I’d love to stay but we need to leave for another engagement.” Can’t help feeling a little guilty there. Would they normally have spent more time with the Princess? Suppose it’s not really important.

“You know you’re always welcome Princess,” she responded while placing the one I think was Scarlet back to bed. Those little guys all look the same to me. “Especially when you bring us such precious gifts.” At that I gave my best smile before following Slice out the door.

Once the two of us had made our way further down the corridor, away from any other changelings my guard began to voice some concerns. “Do you think it’s a good idea to meet these creatures again so soon after your conflict? Maybe you should have that nap you were talking about, come back tomorrow with a clearer head.” Okay still no suspicion. Just have to remain calm. The bug is just showing some worry for Skitter, that’s all.

Slice, there’s no need to worry,” I couldn’t help hesitating. Okay, why does Skitter want to see the prisoners? “I just want to check something.” Ah dammit. Really should have hesitated more, that’s not a great reason.

My armoured comrade just sighed at my response and continued to lead the way. As long as he’s not questioning me, its fine.

After many twists and turns through random walls, we eventually came upon a similar armoured door. The only real difference to the nursery being the six guards instead of two. That’s probably more like it for the changeling's most wanted.

Just as we approached the doors and I was debating what to say to allow my entry, the doors glowed green and opened from within. From the doors came a bug I’d seen once before, carrying Celestia away across the sky. What’s this jerk’s name again? If he’d surrendered, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

“Chitter!” came a bitter voice from my side. At the sudden vocalization from my guard, the distracted bug almost jumped out of his skin. Seems Slice doesn’t like this guy either. Probably due to the fact that from their point of view he left their Princess to die.

Once the bug had regained it's breath it turned to us, “Hey! Slice you nearly gave me a heart attack.” It was then he noticed that there was two of us stood in front of him. “P-P-Princess! It's so good to see you,” he stuttered out before immediately bowing. His bow was so deep that he practically laid on the floor in front of me. “So, no hard feelings about, erm well you know? Heh.”

You are the source of all my current problems. I wish I’d managed to drain your magic like the others.

“What are you doing here?” Slice asked before I could start berating the bug. That’s probably a good thing, regardless of what I feel about this guy. Feigned forgiveness is likely the path of least resistance to reaching my goal.

In response to slice’s question, the bug looked up, “I just wanted to see the ponies who almost bested our Princess.” He then steadily got back to his hooves and looked straight into my eyes, “The white one is supposed to be the most powerful pony to exist and we beat her easily.”

It wasn’t that easy, there was like ten of you. Not to mention the fact that we were surprised and surrounded on a day meant for celebration not fighting. In the end all I said was, “We did cheat.

Those words were met with a chorus of laughter from not just my guard but the six guarding the room as well. Once the laughter started to die down, Slice simply stated with a smile, “but of course, that’s what changelings do best.” Well, no honour among thieves and all that.

“Anyway, I brought along a few love crystals just to see how many these so-called mighty creatures could fill,” Chitter continued, while starting to hold out a few pink glowing rocks.

Filling love crystals? Does that mean they’re draining my friends magic? Are they hurting them? Without hesitating I immediately pushed past the offending bug and entered the room. None of the guards even attempted to halt my entry and a couple even stepped aside. Perks of being the Princess.

The sight that lay before me was quite undesirable I can say that much. You’d think I’d be happy to be met with the sight of both Luna and Celestia, but well there was a slight problem. Not only were they both unconscious, which makes teleporting out a problem, but they were both encased in some kind of green, gooey container. That does not look comfortable. Especially since they were both upside down.

I couldn’t help letting Skitter's mouth fall open at their condition. Okay no emotions just continue the charade until you think of something. “So, h-how many did you fill?” I stammered slightly. Keeping your cools hard.

Chitter responded in a tone almost as nervous as mine, “I did get permission first you know.” He then held the crystals out once again, “Just two your highness. The regular ponies were so much more efficient in Equestria when they were genuinely happy.”

That last statement piqued my curiosity, “So how many of those crystals could you fill if they were conscious?”

The bug just looked at me for a moment, “Erm non princess, I’d be too busy avoiding being turned into glue.”

I couldn’t help rolling Skitter’s eyes at that. Really wish I could roll my eyes all the time. It’s such a good way to get your irritation across. Saying that, if I convinced Luna to let me do that, she’d likely never see straight again. “Chitter, just humour me.

This caused my nemesis to pause and look thoughtfully at the crystals within his grasp. “Well back in Equestria I could fill ten a day from all the normal ponies I met without anyone noticing.” He then looked back to the Princesses, “If I could stay around them for long enough maybe they could each fill eight each, before they noticed something was up.” That’s probably how these guys have been getting food for ages.

While attempting to show as much interest in the bugs story as possible, I approached my friend’s pod things and placed a hoof on Luna’s. I’m here don’t worry. Wish they could hear me, there’s so many guards. Looking around the room I could see another four guards patrolling as well as a few other pods containing a few winged ponies. At least I never got any ponies killed during the kidnapping.

Right, what’s my next action? Eleven guards total and one spy, that’s worse odds than last time. At the same time both Luna and Celestia are incapacitated. It does seem possible to tear these with Skitter’s horn, but would releasing them even wake them up? Celestia is likely still under the changeling’s spell and Luna might have been placed under one without my presence. Well, it’s pretty obvious there’s no way to disable all eleven bugs before one raises the alarm all by myself.

At my growing nervousness, a voice piped up from behind me, “Don’t worry Princess, these ponies won’t be harming any changelings anymore.” Slice was smiling at me from behind. That’s the worst part about this situation, I have to force Skitter to betray her family. Now that is something I really don’t want to be responsible for. This sucks. I really need a new plan.

“So Princess, do you think the hive will manage to get enough love without our Canterlot harvesters this year?” Came Chitter's voice from my other side. That prompted me to look at the crystals in his grasp once again.

I hope so,” I really meant that, “How many of those crystals does it take to feed the average changeling?” Maybe the changeling’s food shortage is the solution.

“Well, the standard ration has always been one crystal for two days Princess,” came the confused response. I suppose Skitter should be familiar with that.

Anyway, the bugs are short of food and depend on the pony’s magic to live. They clearly are planning to steal more magic than they already have. It’s likely our discovery of their hive has accelerated these plans. Maybe if I could convince the Princesses to sell some magic, the bugs would just let them go. We don’t need to be the villain of the changeling’s story.

Right, I know what to do. Turning to the closest guard I said, “I wish to converse with one of the Princesses.

Immediately I had the full attention of every 'ling in the room and a couple of guards even peaked in through the doors. They all appeared shocked by my statement and just looked at me for a short time, clearly unsure of what to say. After a moment one of them gained the confidence to speak up, “With respect Princess, you are aware how dangerous these creatures are? They may just be ponies but they are capable of moving the sun and moon.”

Slice then gave his two bits, “I can tell you want to prove you're brave, but facing down the Nightmare again isn’t really necessary.”

I’m not trying to show off here, “Slice I have an idea that could help improve the quantity of food for the hive, we just need to speak to the ponies to see if it might work.

“How could waking them up improve our food supplies? They feel no love for our true form.” Came the words of Chitter. Do the emotions of others really affect the food they receive? Wonder how much food I could give to a bug I actually like? “Anyway, we can’t wake them up without permission from the Queen. Her word is above all others. Including your own.”

Well then, I’d best go and see the Queen once again.” I simply stated before quickly tapping Luna’s pod and turning to leave the room. “Slice, there isn’t a moment to lose!

The bug who was previously giving me a worried sideways glance, immediately stood to attention attempting to mask his surprise at my tone, “Yes Princess.”

Are you ready to escort your Princess to the Queens throne?” I followed up. This is probably the only way I can get us out of this. More diplomacy than I think Luna wanted, but hey, if it works.

After my request the guard spun 180 and started to walk out of the room. I followed hot on his hooves. After that ordeal I took a few deep breaths. Didn’t realize I was holding Skitter's breath there. Could I cause her to suffocate? That’s a terrible thought.

Once we left the room, I went to trot back down the route we had previously taken. Think I’m getting the hang of this place. My pace however, was immediately slowed when I realized my escort had started to head another direction. All he said was, “This way's faster Princess.”

I know that, I’m just in a bit of a rush,” Why is this place so poorly designed? I bet it’s to throw off invading soldiers or something.

Slice only laughed at that before asking, “So what's with the sudden change?”

I’m not sure what you’re referring to.” Okay cracks are really forming now. I really have no idea what a bug’s regular day would have consisted of. Probably not annoying the Queen twice in one day though.

“It’s just you normally try to avoid the Queen’s audiences for as long as possible,” My guard simply stated as we made our way to the throne room.

Some things are just too important to put off,” is the Queen really so intimidating that her own daughter won’t even speak to her? This is starting to seem like a bad idea. When are they ever good?

The guard didn’t respond to that and we made our way at a steady pace back towards the throne room. Upon reaching the familiar large doors, I was for the first time stopped by the flanking guards.

“Queen Chrysalis is busy at the moment,” one of the guards stated while holding up a hoof to block my path, “It might be best if you come back later Princess.”

Well, this is another chink in the armour. I suppose the Queen does have responsibilities to attend to. The longer this takes the more likely my discovery will be.

It’s ok, this is quite important. I’ll just wait till she’s finished.” With that I parked my rear off to the side of the hallway, and began thinking of what I would actually say to the giant insect.

After forever of waiting, the doors opened steadily and out came a stream of changelings. About twenty in total. As each one past I tried to get their attention until finally I caught the last bug. “Hey, has my mother finished her meeting?” Gotta play the Princess card whenever possible.

The bug in question seemed surprised by my interception and quickly responded, “Our Queen has almost completed her meeting.”
Cool,” with that confirmation, I decided to quickly head into the room before the door swung closed.

“I said almost!” came a panicked cry from behind me as the doors swung shut. Whoops, might have gotten a little bull headed. No turning back now.

What met me on the other side of the door made me wish I’d paid more attention. Around the large once empty room, were many changelings. So many in fact, I had no idea how those previous bugs would have possibly fit in, it’s so cramped. Maybe they flew above? Each of the individual bugs were all too busy staring in the same direction to notice my intrusion.

That was all except for one. This bug was facing the opposite way to the rest while sitting upon her oversized chair. Her only hint of noticing my presence was a slight glance and a raised brow before she continued speaking.

“Commander Strike will be ensuring all participating changelings have enough food for the event. This will likely mean an increase in rationing until the day is upon us. Any more questions?” came the words of the Queen. Her question was met with a large gap of silence. “Excellent, your training will be hard but once the promised day arrives, no 'ling will ever need suffer starvation again. I swear this to you as your Queen!”

Once the speech appeared to conclude, the various bugs around me began stamping their hooves, buzzing their wings and raising their voices. I assume that’s supposed to be cheering.

That however was short lived with the Queen's next vocalization, “Now get back to work!”

Immediately the excitement died down, and each of the unarmoured bugs began filtering out towards the exit I was standing in front of. I was so distracted dumbly staring at the Queen that I had to quickly jump out of the way of the incoming tide. “Sorry,” was all I could think to say to the leading bug. They only looked at me for a moment before continuing past.

Okay, well now it’s time for my mission to end, hopefully. Well once this massive que of bugs disappears, there might as well have been a solid wall of chitin blocking my path. This left me twiddling Skitter's hooves, while having to endure the periodic glances of the Queen. She is clearly aware that I’m here to see her. The anticipation is going to kill me.

The periodic smiles I was getting off the leaving bugs weren’t really helping my nerves. Looks like they all know who I’m supposed to be. Even as the tide thinned out to a dribble, I still didn’t approach the throne. Electing to wait until the very last moment to initiate my plans.

“Ah, Skitter, thank you for waiting so patiently,” came the voice of Chrysalis. It seems the regular 'lings have all left now.

At the apparent summons I glanced up to the Queen and began my approach. I couldn’t help but gulp at the sight. She is really tall compared to me and does she really need all those guards? Okay, just have to appear strong and like I know what I’m talking about.

Queeny then spoke again before I could make a start, “By waiting patiently I mean, why have you barged into the middle of our meeting?” She had a pretty sinister smile upon her face to go along with those words. Is she actually angry or is that just how she looks permanently?

Okay time for me to try for an Oscar. Looking directly into the Queen's slitted eyes I began, “Sorry mother but what I know couldn’t wait.

“So important, that you had to skip out on the rest I suggested you take?” Chrysalis responded, while leaning slightly forward. At least she seems interested.

My Queen, I know of a way we can easily increase our much-needed food supply,” As long as she’s willing to make a deal with the ponies. Hey, if they eat magic maybe they could feed on my statue or even farm that joke plant I found in the Everfree.

In response the Queen stood up from her throne and placed a hoof upon my shoulder. “Skitter, we already have a plan.” Hey a good ruler should listen to all their options. Queeny then sighed before continuing, “Soon there is an upcoming event within pony society that will make the ponies even more vulnerable than normal. At that point we shall make our move, conquering Equestria and ensuring our people are fed. Can you imagine it? No 'ling going hungry again.” She then sneered or maybe smiled at me.

I couldn’t help but recoil from the Queens touch. Hey maybe that’ll help sell Skitters distaste for her plan, “Mother, surely there’s a better way than conquest.” Okay, here goes my recently learned knowledge of changelings, “If we attack the ponies their fear of us will taint the love, it’ll make our harvest so inefficient.

“That doesn’t matter. The loves quality may reduce but the quantity, it will be uncountable.” Chrysalis stated while standing to her full height.

Surely we can do better than what we’ve been doing in Griffonia? We shouldn’t aim to be the villains in other country’s stories.” Okay, that might have been a mistake to bring up.

“This is completely different to what’s been happening in their territory. In the end it will be better for all.” She really wants me to agree with her before even hearing my suggestion. I suppose you want your family to agree with your methods.

How is conquest any better than attempted assassinations? If anything, it won’t just hurt Equestria but many of our own people in the process.” I tried to take a step forward to emphasize my words, but my legs refused to move any closer to the being who could squash me flat.

My words still had some of the desired effect, granted not for the reason I wanted. “None of our assassination attempts went on record.” She said while taking a step back, “How did you come by this information?”

Thought that was common knowledge dammit! Suppose remove from office doesn’t necessarily mean assassination. “Well, you see, the ponies had detected our magic on the assassin,” That makes sense, right? “Which means the ponies likely already have something in place to locate our forces.” Ha come back from that.

“The assassination of that blasted pigeon was necessary to secure the future of our hive, just like our newest strategy will also secure our future.” Chrysalis then came down eye level with me, “What does it matter if our food has to suffer for the changeling’s prosperity?!”

Okay, this isn’t getting anywhere fast. Let’s just try and force the issue of my plan. “Equestria is a very different place to Griffonia. In the time I’ve spent there, we’ve managed to collect so much love without a single pony finding out let alone being harmed.

“Yes, it is true that the harvests from Equestria are well above the records from any other nation.” She began while scratching her chin. Now we are getting somewhere. “That’s why we need to control this food source before its lost to us forever.” Why is she arguing with me? Clearly, she isn’t used to people talking back to her.

Mother the pony’s new abilities will likely make an attack difficult regardless of the method,” I reasoned, “I’m just trying to come up with another solution that could help prevent bloodshed on both sides.” How can you reason with the unreasonable?

Chrysalis gave me a sceptical look, “I can see no peaceful path that leads to a positive outcome for us.” She then hesitated for a moment and decided to prove my initial assessment wrong, “Nevertheless we shall hear out your suggestion.”

Now we are getting somewhere, “Well to start with this plan will work best if we can get the pony monarchs to cooperate.

“Hmm, Blade go and fetch our high value trophies,” the Queen gestured to one of her armoured guards, who immediately set off, hopefully to fetch my friends. She then turned back to me, “If your plan requires cooperation, I’m sure we can ensure that with or without their consent.” Okay, that doesn’t sound ideal.

Ahem, well my plan relies on the fact that we were able to harvest love without harming anyone,” including no coercion of ponies, “If we can come up with a beneficial deal for the ponies, they hopefully will allow us to harvest as much food as we need.

“Your idea sounds too optimistic for my liking,” the large insect began while shaking her head, “For it to gain any traction the masquerade would have to fall. That is something we cannot allow to happen.”

Don’t you think the masquerade may have already fallen?” She should be aware that the ponies know something’s up thanks to their missing leadership.

At my words the Queen stamped her hoof as if to reinforce hers, “That is why we must act fast, too much is at risk.”

Doesn’t this masquerade of theirs involve them remaining completely undetected by any other species? “Your idea to attack the ponies will not only drop the masquerade sooner, but reveal the changelings to the rest of the world’s nations in a negative light. How could we possibly cover up the seizure of an entire nation?

That last part seemed to finally catch onto something in the Queens head as she rather quietly responded while beginning to look down, “It’s the only chance we have.”

I tried to give the her the most understanding smile Skitter’s face could manage. Now we are getting somewhere. Especially since the guards have carried in my friend’s gross containers. Why do they have to be so gooey?

At the containers arrival Chrysalis continued to appear slightly melancholic for a moment before returning to her very angry state, “Guards, open the white ponies pod! She’s too weak to resist us.” She isn’t weak, she was just hit on the head from behind. I bet she could win a rematch.

“What about the other one?” the guard asked. Yeah, Luna shouldn’t have to endure that weird slime prison.

“Leave it be. We don’t know what the nightmare is capable of,” she then leaned in closer to me before whispering, “Don’t worry, I won’t let the Nightmare harm your plans.” Well, I can’t think of any reasonable argument to get Luna out of there. Looks like she’s going to have to endure confinement a moment longer. It’s probably for the best anyway, she might have been a bit hot headed.

With the Queen's instructions, the unnamed guard approached my friend’s container and sliced it open using his jagged horn. Man, those things are sharp. This resulted in the pod unceremoniously dumping its contents across the floor, and leaving me with a very disappointing sight.

In front of me lay a very bewildered Celestia, who was clearly awake due to the blinking and funny sounds she was making. She was completely soaked with her mane and tail in a completely disastrous state. After a moment she rolled onto her front before blearily looking around the room. “What happened? Luna are you there? Wh-where am I?” Oh no poor pony.

Before the confused pegacorn could get her bearings the Queen loomed over her, “Where are you? At our mercy of course.” Way to be diplomatic.

To her credit Celestia only looked up at the giant sneering bug and without a waver in her voice asked, “What is it that you want with me?”

“What I want... is for your precious cattle to continue feeding my subjects ravenous hunger,” Chrysalis replied in a superior voice. She then pointed at me, “My daughter wishes to go over the proposition for us.” Thanks for the worst introduction, ever. The Queen then looked to me while tilting her head towards her prisoner.

With that Celestia’s gaze fell to me and I noticed a hint of recognition in her eyes. Sadly, not at my presence but at the identity of Skitter. “You’re the one from the gala, aren’t you?” Now she’s looking nervous. Really wish I could say I’m on your team.

Well here goes. With only the slightest bit of hesitation, honest, I began, “Erm, yes that was me, so anyway despite your attack on our people we have a gracious one time offer available to you.” That sounds like what a changeling would say right?

My acting may have been a little too good as Celestia reacted to my accidental accusation with wide eyes and a pretty loud interruption, “We never intended to enter conflict with you! We were just interested in talking over some perceived issues.” She then attempted to reason.

“Do not raise your voice in my presence!!” Chrysalis responded while also pushing Celestia lower to the ground with a hoof.

I really wish she didn’t do that, “Thank you mother. Look Celestia, we are presenting you with a deal that could put those issues you mentioned to rest.” She probably doesn’t know how bad those issues really were for her ponies.

At my words, the Princess's face brightened as much as a drenched ponies could, “Equestria is up for anything that can help improve the bonds of friendship between nations.” She then made the mistake of smiling at my diplomatic partner.

Celestia’s smile was met with a disapproving laugh and the shake of my wearer’s Queen’s head. She probably thinks showing the desire for peace is weakness or something stupid like that. This luckily caused my second favourite pony to look back in my, likely more amenable direction.

So, we are suggesting a sort of trade deal along the lines of the one you made with the Griffonian empire.” Wait a second, she doesn’t know the bugs knew about that. Ah she probably already worked out who was behind the assassination attempt anyway.

Rather than mention anything concerning the changeling’s infiltration, she instead raised an eyebrow at me and simply said, “Do you not think that your measures were a bit extreme for a simple trade deal?”

Ah dammit. I couldn’t help but scratch my chin at that. This feels embarrassing and it wasn’t even me who did the kidnapping, “We’d prefer it if you’d forget about the previous unfortunate events. Now the deal will go as follows; your people will allow our changelings to freely harvest love without intervention and we shall promise to never harm a pony again.” When I say it like that it sounds pretty terrible.

“Do you not think that deal is pretty one sided?” Celestia asked apprehensively. Yeah I should have seen that coming. What could the changelings possibly offer?

Chrysalis was all too happy to come up with another offer, “It’s that or you and your precious sister can spend the rest of your miserably long lives in a pod dreaming of happier times.” I think Chrisy would prefer that option really.

My friend seemed to fade out of the conversation for a moment, “Chess with Luna forever?” she muttered under her breath. She then remembered where she was and after shaking her head she reiterated her point, “It’s just, if you were to provide something of worth to my people, the deal will be more likely to work long term.”

“The changelings will never bow to the demands of our lesser!” the worst negotiator ever responded. I’m really glad Luna is sleeping through this.

Okay, I need to try and take control of this situation, “Mother the pony can’t harm us with her suggestion. Maybe it’ll be something that costs us little?

My ‘Mother’ only grumbled slightly at me, before gesturing to the dishevelled pony laying on the floor, “Come on, out with it then.”

Celestia met my gaze for a moment, “Thank you. Princess Skitter.” To which I nodded in return before she returned her focus to the irritable bug, “I believe if my ponies were to receive something in return for their, erm love was it? They will be more willing to part with it.” Suppose she doesn’t know the bugs harvest magic from ponies.

Chrysalis replied with an offhand, I mean offhoof comment, “Letting them live isn’t enough?” Dammit stop trying to be the big bad guy.

Celestia started to awkwardly giggle at that, “erm, ahem well it both is and isn’t.” She then appeared to look around the room for an appropriate response. “Letting someone live is just basic common decency in Equestria. I was thinking that if the bugs were willing to do jobs for us, we could pay them more.”

“You expect me, to release my people into your slave labour force? You are either joking, stupid or insane! Well, which is it!?” Wow, I think Chrysalis has far more powerful lungs than Luna due to the newfound ringing of my ears.

Okay more damage control again. “So how about this Princess. You are aware that before your people accosted me, I was a maid in your castle, yes?

I could see the white mare resist rolling her eyes at my comment, “Yes, but we didn’t mean ...”

Well, it just so happens I was doing that job while also harvesting love for the hive,” I quickly interrupted my pony friend before she could anger the Queen again. “If you could allow for the same arrangement for other changelings with assurances, they will not be accosted like myself. Things could go back to the way they were, no harm done. An official agreement would do wonders to ease any issues my people have with your unprovoked attack.” Really sorry about making you the bad guy.

Celestia seemed to consider my words for a momen,t before a smile steadily grew on her face, “I understand what’s wrong now. Your people have always been present out of our sight and we have accidentally broken the peace between us.”

Well, no it seems like the changelings were just scouting Equestria for the past few years. Nevertheless I nodded in response.

“We would be glad to officially recognise the peace we have shared.” Result!! “Do changelings harvest more love from those they befriend?”

“We have spent many years observing your kind pony,” Chrysalis chimed in, in an attempt to ruin everything, “They view all other species as terrifying monsters. They would never willingly befriend beings such as us.” Seems Chrysalis might be a bit bitter about something.

Wait I can use Skitters own words, “Mother remember when I first returned? I mentioned I’d made friends with ponies in Canterlot.

The rolling of her eyes showed me what she thought of that.

Okay now to plan my own escape as well, “If I return with the ponies, I could prove that ponies and changelings can get along. Then you’ll see how much love I can bring back.” Then the Princesses will just have to deal with a confused Skitter when we get back.

“We would gladly accept you as a diplomat on behalf of your people Skitter,” came the warm response from Celestia, who’d taken the time to finally stand up.

Chrysalis on the other hand seemed to be almost horrified at my idea, “You’d place yourself into such a dangerous position, willingly? What happens if they try to use you as a hostage?”

Yeah, I don’t think Skitter would volunteer for this, but I need to get home. We can deal with the fall out later. I just turned to look at the Queen with as much confidence as I could, “Then you can just continue with your other plans.” I’m sure they’d just add a rescue mission in as part of their invasion, which they won’t need to do.

The dark bug seemed to forget Celestia’s presence for a moment and fully turned to me, “Skitter, do you seriously believe that if the ponies find out who you really are they wouldn’t reject you?”

Wow, she really wants me to say no here. I had to stop myself from immediately saying yes and instead settled for saying, “I’m not sure, but it’s my belief that ponies will, given time befriend anything." My belief anyways, not Skitter’s. I’m living proof of that. “I won’t let you down.” Should I go in for a hug? I have no idea what a changeling would do here. Best just let the bigger bug make the move.

Rather than moving in for a hug, the Queen stepped back a little before looking over to Celestia who was currently wringing out her mane. “Okay Princess, you have a deal. Blade release the other one.” Ha seems Chrysalis might actually be trying to show some respect.

At that instruction, the guard repeated the same motion as with Celestia's pod, and to my delight, Luna tumbled out. However, unlike with Celestia she began coughing and bounced to her hooves immediately, before crying out, “Face us Knaves!”

Oh no, please don’t ruin this. With my silent cry ignored Luna ignited her horn and tiny blue sparks sputtered out of the end. Upon noticing her dilemma, she looked up at her horn before four spears pointed at her from all sides. Please don’t get yourself killed metres from the finish line.

Thankfully, Luna saw the futility of the situation giving Chrysalis a chance to defuse it in her own special way, “Celestia please keep a leash on your pet. You wouldn’t want us to euthanize it would you?” She really has a way with people.

“Who art thou referring to cretin? we shal… wah!” came Luna’s interrupted response, as Celestia quickly grabbed her by the ear. Before whispering something, I couldn’t quite make out. Whatever was said caused Luna to slump her shoulders and lose her bravado. Well seems she knows when to play nice at least.

“Such methods will not be required Queen Chrysalis; my sister is perfectly capable of listening to reason,” Celestia said before making a request, “Will it be possible for us to now leave your home? Spending time with you has been great, but we have a gala to return to.”

Her brave joke was met with a for once not unpleasant laugh from the changeling monarch, “yes yes, I’ll have a carriage prepared for you. My guards shall take you home. You’ll find pony flight magic quite ineffective here.” Hmm does that also include horn magic? Because I’m pretty sure Luna usually has more magic success than sparks.

Chrysalis then gestured to the guards escorting her guests, “Take them to a chariot, make sure the windows are blacked out. We wouldn’t want them coming back uninvited.” Welp, I didn’t think she’d magically trust the ponies.

As the princesses were escorted a way, I swear I heard Luna ask one where her armour had gone. She really wants to give the game away it would seem. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad she’s thinking about me, but there’s a time and a place.

Once the two were out of ear shot my ally in diplomacy deflated a little and turned to me, “Skitter, I hate this plan. If it wasn’t your idea, I never would have gone along with it.”

Like that wasn’t obvious, “I know mother, I won’t let you down.

Just before I set off after the ponies, the Queen had one last thing to say, “Skitter, if they harm you in anyway, we will be ready. Operation wedding fall may have fallen through, but we have other plans that we will keep in the works to ensure your safety.”

I wish you wouldn’t plan to betray us like that, “Well I think that’s the smart thing to do.

Chrisy only smiled at that, “I know. That’s why I’ve kept their guard’s hostage as insurance as well.”

Oh dammit, I forgot about them. That final statement left me lost for words. All I could manage was, “Good bye for now.” Before I headed off after my salvation.

Upon reaching the carriages, I could see a regular wooden carriage pulled by four pegasi preparing to leave. Seems the bugs are taking us back undercover.

When I boarded the carriage, I was immediately met with a tired but happy Celestia and a very concerned Luna.

“Princess Skitter, I’m so glad you saw the truth of our situation. Hopefully in the future, this deal will lead to a much more beneficial relationship between our two peoples.” She then gave me the broadest smile which I returned.

Luna on the other hand grabbed my shoulder with a hoof and asked, “Where hast thou left our Eclipse?”

Can those bugs hear us up front? I hope not. Trying my best spy communication I said, “Where you left him.” That response seemed to slightly calm my friend. Hopefully she knows I’m here.

Hearing my name being thrown around Celestia became curious, “Wait Eclipse? Sister they were with you before the…situation in Canterlot. Where have they gone?”

Okay, here goes, “hey Celestia long time no see,” I said, while waving Skitter’s hoof in her face.

She seemed to immediately grasp the situation at that, as she began to frown before saying, “well, this doesn’t bode well for our future relationship with the changelings.”

As I tried to look through the blacked-out window, I could only hope that she was wrong.

Author's Note:

I was gonna upload this tomorrow, but well it was ready today so, enjoy. :)