• Published 5th Nov 2021
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The Night's Shining Armour - Appleody

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods and has some issues.

  • ...

11: Infiltration

Chapter 11

This is a terrible idea,” I reiterated for the fourth time.

“Yes Eclipse, we are all well acquainted with thy views on our plan.” Luna said while looking me over. It does rely heavily on me, so my complaints are justified.

“With respect Princess, maybe another plan would be more suitable.” Shining Armor interrupted. Ah the voice of reason. I’ve always liked him. “Who’s to say the armour would be capable enough?” Ouch but fair.

Wonder if Celestia is ok? “Have those scouts come back yet?” Shining just shuck his head at me. Really hope I haven’t gotten them killed.

“Silence everypony,” Luna said looking at the two other conscious occupants of the room, “Now Eclipse, thou remembers the plan, yes?”

I couldn’t help but sigh, “yeah, there isn’t much to remember.” Speaks to how bad this plan is.

“Well enlighten us as to the steps,” she began, gesturing with a hoof.

Okay, I’m going to go to the bugs home, undercover, worn by this one,” Gesturing to the ex-maid I was currently adorned to, “Once I’ve arrived in their home. I will locate Celestia, free her and fight my way out.” A terrible plan.

From the look on 'Cleans' face, Luna could see what I thought. “Do not forget, that we shall be accompanying thee,” she smiled sympathetically. “Dost thou not remember that thy previous actions saved Our royal behind?” That doesn’t affect this plan in the slightest.

Twilight decided to voice some of her concerns, “Princess, how’s your armour supposed to find the bugs home? Does it have inbuilt tracking spells?” I’m not a piece of equipment.

“We are not so sure about that young one, but the solution is quite simple,” Luna paused for effect clearly thinking her plan a masterpiece, “We shall awaken the bug and it will carry Eclipse to their destination.”

“But if the bugs awake, how are you supposed to tag along?” Shining seemed to be getting increasingly concerned.

“Well Captain, we shall be asleep and she will capture us the same way she ensured the capture of our lovable sister.” At the mention of her sister, Luna’s eyes hardened.

I put a holed hoof on her shoulder, “Look Loony, we’ll try our best to find your sister, she’ll be returned to you good as new.” Just not with this plan.

At my touch, she initially flinched back, “Sorry Eclipse, tis strange being comforted by the being responsible for our sister’s disappearance.” I can understand that. After she shook off the initial shock, she put a wing around me, “We know that thou will see our sister home.”

Okay, well I still have worries about this idea,” it relies too heavily on my acting for one.

“Fine, it would be foolish of us not to address the concerns of my chief advisor,” she then gestured for me to speak. I’m sure my role isn’t chief advisor.

Somehow, I doubt this is going to go my way, “Ok, first problem. Once I’m in, how do I find Celestia?

“Easily, this creature shall lead thou to the prisons when she attempts to incarcerate our royal form.” Moony spread her wings at the last word, trying to seem impressive. Admittedly she does look pretty cool.

Right ok, maybe the bug does lead me to the right place. What happens if there are too many guards? I can guarantee that there will be more than ten bugs.” Get your way out of that one.

The moon pony giggled in response, “We believe that the standard insect soldiers will be no match for our combined power!” That’s a bit too much ego. At the continued giggling I realized something. Oh, she’s joking, “Without any magical restrictions, we should be able to easily teleport out once our sister is found.” Ok, if teleporting is that good, we might be fine.

There was only one final chink in this plan’s armour I could exploit. “What happens if she shapeshifts while wearing me? Her normal regalia changed to the maids outfit.” Get out of that one Moony.

With my trump card lade, my friend tilted her head in thought, before quietly saying, “Thou will just have to try and mimic the new form.” Oh, I suck at changing under pressure. The earlier fight should be evidence enough. With no final flaws in the plan to point out, I went silent, “We trust thy misgivings have been addressed?” I just stared at my friend. “Then we should get ready to begin.”

Twilight at this point decided to chip in. “Princess can I come to? Celestia needs our help and I would never forgive myself for abandoning her.” How can she possibly come? The bugs would never think a unicorn just happened to wonder in and knock themselves out.

Luckily for me, Shining Armor was the voice of reason again. Putting a hoof on the distraught unicorn's shoulder he said, “Twily your clearly emotionally compromised. The Princess knows what she’s doing, you have no reason to worry.” Yeah, save your friend from the emotionally compromised pegacorn why don’t you. That armour can just fend for it's self.

Moony cleared her throat, “If everypony is quite finished, could the two of thou leave us to our plan.” She then gestured to the door with a wing.

Shining armour bowed in response, before walking past me, “Please keep her safe.” I’m going to try my best; I’d never let anything bad happen to my blue fluffball. The two smaller ponies then left the room before closing the doors.

“Now metal one, thou must assume the correct form.” I knew that. Looking at the light blue chitinous regalia on the floor before me, I steadily mimicked it's structure, becoming much lighter and thinner than my standard metallic one.

The end result was pretty different to the Princess of the nights standard regalia. Rather than just having a small chest piece, the bugs royal wear stretched the entire length of her body. There were also large openings on the top to allow her elytra to open and release her wings. No symbols were adorned upon this chest piece, which was a stark contrast to the ponies I’d seen. Probably due to no rear end marks. Her hoof shoes were pretty standard, apart from the fact they had holes that mirrored those of the legs. For what purpose, who could say? The final piece was the headdress, which seemed like a mixture between a crown and a helmet. Clearly this bug was kitted out for a fight.

After my transformation was completed, Luna gave me the once over, “Hmm, dost though have use of the wings? They appear much different to a pony’s.”

At her words I attempted to open the bugs shell, which felt entirely alien, before flapping the wings a few times. “I can make them move a bit if that’s what you’re asking.

That did not seem to please the Princess, “Yet another set back,” she said under her breath. Doesn’t she believe in the plan? That fills me with confidence. “Well my friend, assume the position and we shall put our plan into action.”

Okay, she was laying somewhere over here I think a little way from the window. Well let’s get uncomfortable. After I arranged myself on the floor in as sprawled out a position as possible, Luna put her horn to my head, or the bug's, and cast a spell. She then took a few steps back from me and laid down herself. “Do not worry thyself armoured one, we shall see thou on arrival.” She then cast another spell and her own eyes drifted closed.

Nothing to do now but retract my mist and wait I suppose. This waiting is going to be pretty tense. Just have to make sure I don’t move at all, easy. Maybe Shining Armor should come in and stop this. We still have time. Okay, just remain calm, Luna sort of believes in you, once the bug wakes up it’ll all be fine.

After an agonizing five minute wait, the first signs of life occurred, when the bugs wings buzzed on their own accord. Right battle stations super relaxed, play it cool. With the passage of another minute the bug let out a slight groan and rubbed her forehead with my shoe. She then struggled to open her eyes, before inspecting the room. Looks like she doesn’t remember where she is.

She seemed pretty calm and luckily, clearly hadn’t noticed the change in her apparel. Well, the plan hasn’t immediately failed. A high-pitched squeak suddenly occurred and I found myself being rapidly ran to the other side of the room. Ah welp the bugs seen Moony, heh.

Seeing no immediate escape, the bug laid out as she had before hoof and began shouting, “I surrender! Don’t hurt us.” Well at least she isn’t so tough without her backup. After a few moments of hearing nothing but the bugs panicked whimpers, she started to steadily quieten down and take a look at my friend. This creature isn’t very observant if it's only just noticed her sleeping.

'Calm' gradually got to her hooves, before making a slow and steady approach towards the terrifying sleeping blue fluff ball, only occasionally stopping at any potential sign of life. Once she was close enough, the shaking bug raised a hoof before lightly poking my friend’s furry body. As soon as contact was made, Swift immediately backed up out of the pegacorns reach. Come on, Lulu isn’t going to bite, probably not anyway.

“What happened?” you got what you deserved, that’s what. Clearly seeing Luna unconscious was an unexpected victory for the bug. One she was not quite sure how to deal with. “Shade, Spy! Are you two ok?” At least she cared about the other bugs, I suppose. Really shouldn’t have forgotten about them.

After a few moments of shaking her comrades, my unknowing wearer's heart rate began to increase. Is she afraid? They’re only unconscious. She then looked to my friend. It felt like the bug might even shed a tear, “How could you do this to us?” What? you attacked us, self-defence isn’t wrong. With that I started to feel a pretty minor energy drain as a pink mist left the bug's mouth and floated into her two comrades. Is this how they reverse a stun spell?

Once a perceived acceptable amount of pink magic stuff had been transferred to her comrades, the bug just sat and waited. The wait didn’t take long, as mere moments after the mist stopped both bugs sprang to their hooves as if wide awake. “Did we win?” the darker one said, while the other just turned to me, I mean 'Swift', “Princess, are you ok? what did she do to us?”

“Everything’s fine, I’m just glad that you two are ok.” Skitter said happily, she then took on a more solemn tone before gesturing to my Princess. “She tried to drain us of our love reserves.” Love reserves? “It seems with you two she was successful. Something must have gone wrong when she got to me. I’m fuller than I’ve ever been.” By full does she mean with my magic? “I’ve got so much love I even managed to fill you both to the brim.” She finished with a slight smile.

“Huh, so this is what it feels like to be full.” The darker bug said, “Feels kind of nice.” Do these guys need magic to live more than ponies? My bad, I wasn’t really trying to kill them.

“Shade, it might feel good but don’t lose focus of our situation,” said the one, who by deduction must be spy. “What are your orders Princess?”

“We need to get out of here before any ponies come by,” Skitter said, while looking back to the door. “There isn't a moment to lose.” She then started to walk towards the broken window. Hey aren’t you forgetting something.

“Princess what about the pony monarch? She knows about the masquerade.” Thank you Shade. If I don’t have her, there isn’t any teleporting escape plan. “She seems too dangerous to bring back to the hive. Maybe we should just euthanize her?”

NO! we can’t just kill the pony’s ruler. They’ll come looking for revenge,” Oh thank you buggy. You may have betrayed us, but at least you won’t go that far. She then seemed to debate for a moment before saying, “We’ll keep the same plan. Take her back, erase her memories and let her go. Simple plan and no one need be harmed.” To be fair on the bug, that isn’t really an evil plan. Maybe I misjudged her.

“Okay no need to bite my head off, it was just a suggestion.” Shade the most hated bug said. It’s a good job she felt as strongly about sparing Luna as I did, almost gave the game away there. “We’ll carry the Princess just in case she awakens, that’ll give you chance to escape.”

Skitter just smiled back at her underlings before buzzing her wings. Really wish we were carrying Loony. I’d ensure she wasn’t dropped. With my friend collected, the three bugs with their two passengers flew out of the broken window. I thought flying was bad with Luna. It’s so much worse when someone you don’t trust is behind the wheel.

The flight took a lot longer than I was expecting, taking us across so many different parts of Equestria. Eventually taking us so far that the luxuriously green grass transformed into barren dead land. Resisting the urge to look at the new sights was awful. Our buggy would probably notice somethings up if her head started turning on its own. Luna would let me look at things whenever I wanted, this sucks. Luckily for me being a dead land meant not much changed, meaning staring into the distance let me see enough to sate even the most curious mind.

That was until a massive structure loomed in the distance. A tall spikey structure that didn’t appear natural. Covering the outside of this so-called building, were many holes and jagged walls. As the bugs were beelining towards it, it was obviously important to them. Have they built their home to resemble themselves?

Once we were close enough, a fresh hole opened up to welcome the three bugs, allowing them to enter the structure. After they entered, the hole began sealing itself behind us. Okay, this is bad. “Princess, I’m so glad you’re ok.” Came a buggy voice ahead of us. “Chitter said the nightmare had eaten you.” The offending armoured bug waiting for us approached, and immediately pointed a spear at Loony. Easy with the pointy end buggy.

“Yes, well no thanks to him,” Skitter said indignantly. From her point of view, he did leave her to die. “Anyway, we managed to capture the Luna diarch. She needs to be taken to the Queen immediately for a memory wipe.” Oh dear, well a memory wipe isn’t so bad. Wait, what if they wipe away more than just the bugs? Could they ruin Luna’s mind? Hope they haven’t already done Celestia.

Fortunately, or unfortunately the bugs had other plans. “That won’t be necessary Princess, the Queen’s orders are for us to incarcerate this pony along with the larger one and for you to give an immediate report.”

“Oh ok,” Skitter started to seem nervous again as her companions began carrying Luna away, “Be careful with her ok.” We need to go that way to find Celestia, come on Skitter work with me. To my dismay she then turned around and followed the bug guard. Right, I could possess her but that guard might notice. Hmm, I’ll just have to remember where to go.

Trying my best to remember the corridors I would need to take seemed almost fruitless. Numerous times during the journey, walls warped and created new pathways while old ones were sealed off. How could anyone navigate this place? It’s like it's alive. The only important bit of information I could gather, was the sheer number of bugs we walked past. All of them appearing busy with various tasks none of which I had chance to inspect, thanks to my wearer's lack of attention. She’s likely seen it all before. At least the bugs seemed happy to see us.

At the end of our stroll through bug central, we reached a set of large black doors flanked by yet more armoured guards. Right, so is that where the queen is? My question was answered by our escort, “Princess would you require any love before this meeting?” These guys really care about the feelings.

My wearer just smiled back to the guard, “It's okay Slice, Equestria is just bursting with love. I’m so full that I have some spare for you.” She then repeated the same action she performed with her two companions in Canterlot, again draining a small amount of magic from me to produce that pink mist. Just an all you can eat buffet over here.

The guard seemed surprised and immediately bowed, “Th-thank you Princess it is my honour to receive such a gift.” He then regained his senses, “Please let me get the door for you.” A green glow enveloped the large black door, before it began creaking open. Why make these doors so big? The ponies did it, now the bugs. Seems to cause more difficulties than they’re worth.

With the doors fully open, my wearer nodded to Slice the guard before entering the large intimidating room. Green is a really weird colour to use for all your lights. It makes this place seem so creepy. Seems it’s so creepy that even the royal bug was slightly intimidated by it. Or it could have been the bug in the centre of the room who clearly stood a head taller than Celestia. That’s probably it.

Said giant bug appeared to be busy talking with a bunch of other smaller, but equally intimidating bugs before we walked in. All eyes had immediately turned to us, including that of what I can only assume is the Queen. She immediately began to bare her teeth at us, or is that a smile? Before commanding her current companions, “Leave us at once.” The other bugs all bowed and bid a hasty retreat, while my bug and queeny stared each other down. Clearly the bigger bug was winning this staring contest.

Once the other occupants of the room had left, the Queen took a breath before gaining a pointy toothed smile. “Skitter, it’s good to see you after so long.” Okay I was expecting something else.

Skitter started to look down, “It’s good to see you mother, I…I just wish it was under better circumstances.” Makes sense that the Princess would be the Queens daughter. Makes me wonder where Equestria’s Queen is.

“Yes indeed, don’t be shy, you may approach the throne,” the way my wearer reacted to the gentle request, it may as well have been a command. From how she quickly walked forward to stand just a metre from the oversized black chitinous chair. “I’m afraid for now we must skip the pleasantries and discuss recent events. You are aware of why the masquerade exists, hmm?” The queen cocked her head as she asked the question.

“Yes mother,” Wow, Skitters been a bad little bug it would seem.

“Please enlighten me, as to the reason then,” the bigger bug horse commanded.

“To keep the changelings safe,” So, these guys are called changelings, makes sense.
Skitter seemed to gain a moment of bravery, and looked up to her disappointed mother, “But it wasn’t my fault, we didn’t have a choice the ponies…”

“I don’t care for your mistakes child,” the queen interrupted, “I’m just glad you can take advantage of the situations they put you in.” She then smiled at the confusion Skitter was clearly showing.

“Huh, what do you mean?” well you did screw up, but at the same time captured us so that’s why she’s not as mad. Doesn’t take a genius.

“Taking down the rulers of Equestria completely underprepared, I couldn’t be prouder,” the Queen then stepped down from her throne and hugged us. Wow her skin is solid, she probably doesn’t need armour to stop swords. “Your blunder has presented us with a unique opportunity in a time of crisis.”

“Crisis my Queen?” my wearer's heart rate increased rapidly. Not sure if that’s from hearing of the crisis or the fact the Queen that could crush her head like a grape is hugging her.

The Queen released her vice like grip and looked away, “The Griffonian empire has become increasingly organised as of late thanks to their blasted emperor.” Chrysalis then looked back at us, “after our most recent failure to remove him from office, their security has increased and many of our safe houses have had to be abandoned.” Well at least Luna was right that they were behind that assassination attempt. Hope she doesn’t say I told you so.

After a moment the Queen brightened, “That’s where your acquisition of the pony monarchs comes in, Equestria will destabilize without them and we will be free to enact our plans to end changeling hunger forever.” Queeny then threw her head back and let out a pretty maniacal laugh.

“But mother, if we wipe the Princesses' memories, we could continue to harvest love as before.” Skitter said hopefully, “If we antagonise the ponies in this way, they may be more dangerous than the Griffons.” Yeah, you tell her. Apparently, I’m on team Skitter now.

Chrysalis just tutted before saying, “Griffons are highly territorial predators bent upon hunting our harvesters,” She raised one hoof for emphasis, before then raising the other. “Ponies are placid herbivores, terrified of their own shadows; how could they be worse?” Hey some of them are brave enough to charge a weird suit of armour for no reason.

Skitter looked her Queen straight in the eyes, “The ponies have learned how to see changeling magic.”

This caused the imposing bug monster’s mouth to drop open. I never thought I’d see queeny speechless. After a moment she regained her composure, “Are you certain of this? If they are aware of the masquerade, we may have a larger problem than I thought.” She seemed to be almost pleading the smaller royal to be wrong.

“It’s confirmed. Princess Luna herself, erm I mean the Nightmare, outright told me of our strange magic. That’s how I was discovered.” She then smiled slightly in an attempt to reassure her parent, “When I was questioned, they didn’t know of changelings, just of a strange magical signature.”

“Be that as it may, how were you able to remain undetected for so many years?” Wow, Skitter really worked in Canterlot for that long. “Your infiltration skills must have improved considerably.”

My wearer began to perk up more at the veiled complement, “I just avoided being in the presence of anyone I thought would notice me. It worked out most of the time and even when the pony Princesses saw me, they weren’t suspicious.” This prompted the bug to scratch her chin with my shoe, “Their magic detection seems to be a more recent development.”

“Any idea of where these puny creatures came up with such a powerful spell? They clearly could not have come up with such on their own.” The dark queen questioned. You’re clearly underestimating the ponies here; they’ve built so many interesting things. Like buildings that make sense.

Skitter frowned at the comment clearly agreeing with me before sighing, “There were two obvious changes before my discovery, the first was the Princess sending off her private student, a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, to do field research.” Now it makes sense as to why that unicorn locked herself in her lab, it's literally her job.

“And what of the other?” the queen goaded her daughter to continue.

“Last week the ponies found a strange enchanted artifact in Ponyville.” Is that me? “So far, apart from it being sapient and a suit of armour, it's capabilities are unknown, but the princesses seemed very interested in it.” I suppose I’m pretty mysterious to an outsider looking in.

“I’ll need to organise for this Twilight to be captured and questioned, if she came up with the spell, she may know how to counter it.” Hey leave that little pony alone, it’s me you want. Chrysalis then smiled to herself, “Now, for that enchanted armour, if the Princesses are so interested, we can likely make use of it ourselves to help bolster our army. Do you think a changeling could wield it?” Alright you can have Twilight she was pretty annoying anyway, just leave me out of it. Just kidding.

“Not sure it’s possible to wield it mother,” Skitter said with a bowed head, “Should I prepare to return to Equestria? Maybe I could find out about the spell?”

“No, with that spells presence it will be far too dangerous.” The large bug then placed a hoof on our shoulder, “I would prefer it if you remained by my side where I know your safe.”

My wearer seemed surprised by the response before quickly saying, “but I know Canterlot so well, I think many of my friends there would be able to help me.” Wonder how many other infiltrators are present in my home. I’ll have to do a full sweep when I get back.

Queeny gave us quite an ill-deserved condescending look, “Skitter, you really shouldn’t forget ponies are our prey, you shouldn’t befriend those that you hunt.” Did she really want to be friends with me back in the library? “Now it’s been nice to see you again, but I have work to get to, sorting out this mess. I suggest you get some rest after your ordeal with the Nightmare.”

“Yes, my Queen.” She replied sullenly before walking in a sulking fashion towards the door. Guess ponies can get along with anyone. Suppose I’m proof enough of that.

After we pushed through the doors, that same bug guard was waiting. “So, how’d it go?” after a moment of looking our way the changeling gained a sympathetic look, “do you want to talk about it?” Is Skitter really sulking that much?

Skitter shook her head, “No Slice its fine, I’m just a little tired,” my wearer then started to walk down the opposite corridor to where we came from. That’s the wrong way to Luna dammit. “I think my bed is calling to me.”

“Would you like me to walk with you?” Seems this guy might be a good friend of our bug.

“No, it’s okay, I’ll come see you later.” At that she continued sulking down the corridor leaving behind a pretty disappointed friend.

After the recent events I’d witnessed, a little internal debate took place. From what I’ve seen so far, it’s pretty clear that this Princess is firmly in the ponies are friends not food camp. It might even be possible to reason with her. She seems to like ponies more than the Queen anyways. Having her on my side would be good as she could show me where Luna is kept. Shame she likely wouldn’t trust me. She’d probably call out for help the moment I revealed myself.

With that final thought, I made my decision that a move needed to be made. As she turned another corner and was out of the sight lines of any guards it was now or never. Immediately, I locked ever joint before releasing my smoke to further hold the bug in place.

“Wha-whats happen...” She tried to say before I held her jaw closed with my mist. From Skitters point of view it, probably went from a casual slightly mopey walk to her room, to being completely restrained by her own garments.

Feeling a little guilt at the clearly rising panic from the little bug, I tried to at least comfort her a little, “Really sorry about this, but I’m just going to borrow you for a bit.” You can probably bet how little comfort that was. Immediately I could feel attempts to cast unknown spells, which I blocked before the bug settled for beating her wings as hard as she could, resulting in an incredibly loud buzz.

Okay so, I’ve only done this once before with an awake pony by accident. All I did was try to walk around against my wearer so here goes. At that I attempted to walk the bug further down the corridor causing my mist to fill the spaces between my armour. That resulted in my mist occupying the same space as the terrified bug. Once that occurred poor Skitters wings stopped beating and her muffled voice went silent, hopefully before anyone noticed.

Did it work?” Ah success, wow Skitters wings are killing me. That’s hopefully the worst thing I’m ever going to do in my entire life. Still the sudden ability to breathe again is amazing. Wonder what it tastes like to eat as a changeling? Wait focus, have to save Luna… and Celestia, not forgetting her. Some Pegasus guards as well.

With those final thoughts I set off back down the way Skitter had come.

Author's Note:

I felt real bad writing that chapter end. :)

Also sorry about the longer wait for the chapter. I've been struggling to get chance to write due to my shift pattern.