• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 16,441 Views, 1,310 Comments

The Night's Shining Armour - Appleody

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods and has some issues.

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24: Paperwork

Chapter 24

Sometimes it’s nice to just have a nice relaxing day. The past few days have been devoid of crazy dragon, bird ponies and annoying unicorns. This has given me plenty of time to get back into reading a few books. When I get to the library, I’m going to pick up a book about the elements. It would be nice to know how our nations super weapon actually works.

A sudden familiar shout put pay to that idea. “ECLIPSE, THY PRINCESS REQUIRES AID!”

The shout was so abrupt, that it took me a moment to realize Lulu might be in trouble. She barely ever calls for me like this… that much. Without wasting anytime, I altered course from the library and began galloping down the corridor.

While galloping down the corridor, I passed many ponies who were casually going about their work day. The guards were even still at their posts, trying their best to look stoic. I was starting to wonder if I’d heard the shout in the first place, but ignored the rogue thought. If Luna needs me, I’ll be there and if not… well, I’ll just say hello and ask her to recommend a book.

Upon seeing my target, Luna’s office door, I started to slow down and only slightly barged through. “Luna, I’m here. What’s wrong?”

A few minutes later, I asked, “Erm, Lulu, this document says something about Equestria not respecting the land claims of somewhere called Taurus.” When no response came, I tried to look at the pegacorn to my side. I say tried because she currently had her head buried in a pile of paperwork considerable larger than herself. “Luna, this seems important.”

The only response I received was a dissatisfied grumble from beneath the pile. “I’ll just put this in the “to look at later” pile.” Carefully I added the sheet to a collection of paperwork I’d dubbed too important for me.

Ever since the battle with Discord, many ponies have been hailing Loony as the hero who single hoofedly defeated him and averted Equestria’s destruction. Alongside Celestia’s extended bed rest, this has led to a considerable increase in ponies attending night court. At first, she was quite excited with the new flow of ponies to her domain, taking each of their requests with gusto.

However now? Looking at her current dishevelled state, it’s pretty clear the novelty has firmly worn off. Having so many ponies suddenly respect you is apparently a double-edged sword. It’s actually making me a little glad that most ponies are too wary to give me work directly. Yep, I only need my small group of maybe four friends. Five if Rarity counts.

Looking over to Loony again, I grabbed another piece of paperwork off the top of her head. Hmm, another request for the crown to forcibly remove individuals squatting in the Smoky mountains. Well, that’s denied.

After a good hour of solid work, Luna’s office started to look more like a place of work and less like a child’s attempt at a den. The rooms other occupant had also started to perk up a little, thanks in part to the delivery of a nice cup of tea. “Thanks for the help,” a now visible Loony said, after sipping the life-giving tea.

“I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t help you out, I think?” To be fair, once I got into the rhythm of removing the documents from Luna’s head and organising them according to their association, it became pretty interesting. Does that make me a nerd? Who wouldn’t find attempts at getting a 1% tax relief for steel production interesting?

“Be that as it may, We still appreciate the assistance. It is unclear to me how Our sister can deal with all this,” Luna said warmly, while glancing at her small pile of now organised documents and putting down her cup. Heh, I’d always try my best to help out Loony. That’s not even for the potential reward of her sharing her tea with me. Really hope she offers to share that with me. Maybe I should ask?

A methodical knock at the office door beat me to my request. That better not be more paperwork, we’re barely halfway as it is. “Wonder who that could be?” Luna asked with a knowing smile, as her aura surrounded the door handle. Hmm, was she expecting someone?

When Lulu swung open the door, I couldn’t help wishing for more paperwork. Instead of paperwork, there, in all her purple glory, was the annoyance Twilight. “Afternoon Princess,” she said in her usual upbeat tone, before looking to me and giving a quick wave and a quieter, “Eclipse.”

In response I looked over to her for a moment and said, “hey” before returning to my work. She isn’t here to see me, so I might as well continue sorting this out. We’ve probably got hours of work ahead of us and that’s without any distractions.

“Welcome Twilight, please come in,” Luna said in a more welcoming tone, while gesturing her forward with a hoof. The small unicorn smiled at that and closed the door behind herself. My friend then pointed at a tea pot, “would thou like any tea? Eclipse hast just made a pot.” Aww, I wish I had some right now. Hope she doesn’t take it all.

Thankfully, Twilight didn’t appear to be here to steal what was left of the tea. “Oh, no thank you Princess. I’m just here to explain a few more of my findings,” she crowed while holding up a hoof. That got me to lower my current paperwork, so I could see her. Okay, she might have something important to say, so I just have to look like I’m paying attention. Hmm, this pony wants permission to build homes on a farmer’s land. He’s seeking permission from the crown because the farmer is refusing to sell. Ha, another easy one, denied. With that, I formed my shoe into a stamp and stamped Luna’s denying signature.

As I reached for the next document an excited statement from Luna piqued my interest. “Really, thou hast managed to learn more of Eclipse? How?”

In response, the purple unicorn produced a small glass vial from somewhere. Its contents, causing me to ignore the next document entirely. “With this of course,” she said holding it in a hoof for us both to see. Within the bottle was a small, black piece of metal that appeared to be shaking about.

“Is that, what I think it is?” I asked hesitantly.

That caused the unicorn to frown slightly. “Yes, I thought you might want it back before we get to far into this,” she said while removing the vials lid. Almost immediately, the small shard left the bottle and flew towards my right foreshoe. Upon colliding with me, with some force, the shard seemed to cease to exist while simultaneously filling a hole I never knew existed.

While I carefully inspected my shoe for the shard, Loony piped up, “Ah, thou must feel good to be whole again.”

“I suppose, I do feel better now, maybe?” I said to Loony before turning to Twilight, “Erm, thanks I guess.” For returning the part you stole. I then proceeded to shake the newly whole shoe, due to a slight sore sensation that started to creep in.

My response caused the purple unicorn to awkwardly turn away for a moment, before her eyes perked up with what I assume was the desire to spread knowledge. A clipboard suddenly appeared next to her surrounded by a purple aura. “That shard was the key to gaining a deeper understanding of you, as it possesses many of your traits without any sapience,” she began reading off in a practiced fashion.

After the irritating feeling subsided, I started to pay more attention to our invader. “If it was so useful to your research, why did you change your mind and give it back?” With a slight pause I added, “not that I’m complaining or anything.”

For the briefest of moments, Twilight’s eyes shifted to Loony before meeting my eyeless gaze. “The shard was starting to become inert causing me to worry it might run out of magic. In an attempt to preserve it, I channelled some magic into it.” She took a quick breath before continuing, “The end result was the shards immediate attempts to move in a singular direction. From its behaviour just now, it was clearly attempting to return to you.”

“Huh, normally pieces of me can’t get that far away.” Wonder if I could have manipulated it if I’d known of its existence. Oh well, I’ll never know.

After my interruption, the unicorn continued in a slightly embarrassed tone, “The charging process did have some slight unintended side effects.” Don’t tell me something was broken. “As soon as the shard gained a little magic, it immediately began taking magic from everything around it, which included me and my close friends.”

That had me tensing up a little. “At least it didn’t kill you.” Wow, that is really lucky. When I’ve fed off ponies before it would have been all too easy for me to keep going until they had nothing left. Suppose the shard has a lower capacity than me.

Twilight then said something unexpected in a grateful tone, “I know. Thanks for that by the way.”

“Huh?” Thanks for what, draining your magic? That didn’t sound like sarcasm.

At my questioning tone, the unicorn elaborated, “from the experiments I’d been doing, it’s clear that the shard should have drained all of the magic it could find. Instead, it left everypony with just enough magic to survive. We all lost consciousness like Applejack did in your fight. It took just over 24hours for our magic to return to normal levels. Rainbow handled it the worst as she couldn’t fly all day.” So, I’ve got an angry Rainbow to watch out for? That’s nothing new.

Due to my silent contemplation, Loony decided to ask a question, “Is thou suggesting, Eclipse subconsciously chose to spare thou and thy friends?” No way, I had no idea that shard existed.

A nod from the scientist had me questioning that. “It’s the only explanation.” Does that mean every part of me is alive? Nooo, if it was me, I wouldn’t have eaten any of their magic. Well, I’d have tried not to. Hmm.

“Did you find anything else?” I asked with my voice betraying my new found intrigue.

That got me an enthusiastic nod in reply. “I managed to figure out what it isn’t made out of.” That doesn’t sound very impressive. Heedless of my sudden waning interest, the purple mare continued, “The material is quite like magic and can even form more of itself through its consumption, however once the magic is converted into that strange miasma, it is permanently changed into another state. A state our science currently does not understand.”

“That means I’m not an enchantment then, right?” You know, that’s some of the best news I’ve heard today. Heh, it’s the best news I’ve heard all year. No pony maker for me, hopefully. “How’d you figure that out from that little piece?”

In response the purple unicorn gave me a look like it was obvious, “to be honest, my theory is proven right just by looking at you.” She then pointed a hoof at me.

Her action prompted me to review myself. Erm four shoes, chess piece and smokiness. Yep, there’s nothing sticking out. “I’m the same size as I’ve always been.”

“That’s just not true,” Twilight began dismissing my remark, “your miasma is clearly darker and denser than before your erm, defeat of Discord. Don’t even get me started on your eyes increased glow.”

Miasma is such an ugly word; smoke is just more appealing for whatever reason. Wait a second, “you know, my eyes don’t glow right?” I don’t even have eyes.

Before the encyclopaedia could again dismiss me, Loony casually interrupted, “actually, they do.”

“What, since when?” Is there a mirror in here? It’s difficult to look at your own eyes. Especially when you didn’t know they existed in the first place. Maybe I can go cross eyed? The attempt left me staring into the darkness of my own helmet. An act that most people would likely find unsettling, me included.

When my vision returned to normal, a small hand mirror was hovering in front of me surrounded by a pleasant blue glow. Rather than question where the helpful pegacorn retrieved the implement from, I began staring into my eye sockets. It was difficult to make out, but upon leering for long enough, two faint red glowing orbs could be seen. If I wasn’t looking for them, I would never have noticed. Huh, that glow looks like the glow Loony’s eyes had when she last wore me.

Still, that begs the question how anyone else could see them. “That glow is barely anything, how’d you even notice?”

“We like to think we pay attention to all our friends changes in appearance,” Lulu said with a smile.

I suppose if anyone would notice it would be my best friend. Not even going to ask how Twilight noticed. She was probably watching me sleep or summit. Luna’s word gave me another pause, “So, the glow is definitely new then?”

“We believe that thy increase in magic from Discord has allowed thine eyes to shine brighter than ever,” Luna said warmly before somehow looking more deeply into my orbs with half lidded eyes, similarly to when we shared a bed. “We think thine eyes are quite charming.” Is she still tired? I suppose that’s to be expected. Even if she was showing signs of fatigue, the look she gave me was quite pleasant. It even encouraged me to keep looking back.

After however long it was staring at my friend, I started to wish Loony had told me of my new condition earlier. If Twilight noticed it, then other ponies might have as well. The staff are probably going to be all freaked out again at the demon walking around. Ah well, what’s done is done.

The stray thought broke me from the strangely entrancing gaze of the night’s warden and reminded me of another individual present in the room. Twilight was standing awkwardly, clearly waiting for our unspoken conversation to end. Whoops, to be fair it wasn’t my fault. It’s so easy to get lost in those two pretty light blue pools. Hope Loony doesn’t think that was weird.

When it became obvious my staring was complete, Loony also turned to our uninvited guest and cleared her throat. “Ahem, is that all thou came to tell us about Twilight?”

The use of her name caused the unicorn to jump slightly, “Oh yeah, I mean no, heh.” She then started to look at her clipboard again, while occasionally glancing up my direction. She’s going to ask me to take part in more experiments again, isn’t she?

Instead of that, Twilight began doing a calming breathing exercise before lower her clipboard and turning to me. This is going to be good. “Erm, Eclipse, I’m here to thank you for saving Celestia. I-I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t dealt with Discord.”

Well, I didn’t really do all that much, Luna and Celestia did quite a bit of work. In fact, Loony probably carried us all by herself. If anyone needs a thank you it’s her. Rather than complaining, I simply said, “You’d probably have blasted him with the elements and turned that snake to stone.”

“We would have tried our best, but Discord’s magic was very effective against my friends,” Twilight said trying to give me more credit than was deserved. For a moment her eyes looked down to her clipboard before she continued, “another thing, I wanted to thank you for dealing with the changelings.”

Has she got this thank you written down? Why now of all times? “I just wanted to help my friends. Don’t worry about it.”

That seemed to take the wind from her metaphorical wings, as she immediately looked down and scratched the floor with a hoof. “Yeah… right,” she said before looking over to Luna.

In the corner of my apparent eye, I could see the moon pegacorn make some sort of gesture towards me. Upon turning to look at her she made an attempt to smile as innocently as possible. Okay, something’s definitely up and Loony is a part of it. The weird atmosphere that was forming prompted me to ask the two, “is something wrong?”

While Luna’s smile became a little strained, Twilight became resolved and sighed before steeling herself, “I’m just going to come out and say this. Eclipse… I’ve been a terrible friend.” She then stood there and let the words hang in the air.

“That’s a shame, but I’m not really the person to give advice on that area.” Why bother the Princess with this? Suppose Loony is her aunt, but still.

“To you,” Twilight blurted out the moment I stopped talking.

To me? Since when have we been friends? This is probably the first time we’ve ever had a real conversation. We’re more like casual acquittances that would prefer to occupy different rooms. “Okay?” was all I ended up saying in an unsure tone.

The confusion in my response seemed to spur the unicorn on, “it’s been made clear to me that when Celestia requested me to learn more about you, I didn’t treat you with the respect you deserved.” Oh, I get it now. Her mother has given her a telling off and now she’s been told to make amends. Celestia did mention how Twilight was desperate for her approval.

Twilight then raised a hoof in Loony’s direction. “Luna has been pretty good at helping me see how I made you feel.” That got me to look in the smiling pegacorn’s direction with a slight head tilt. How would she know what I felt about Twilight? I don’t think we’ve ever spoken about her. To be honest, I normally avoid talking about her all together. Maybe that’s how she noticed?

Rather than ask Luna how she knew, I simply asked, “When did you two have chance to talk about this?”

That gained me a non-comital shrug of Luna’s good wing, “We may have visited young Twilight once or twice.” She then turned to Twilight with a grin, “We had some very productive chats.” A shiver seemed to course through the unicorn’s body at those words. She then started to scratch her hoof absently.

If I could, I’d have given Loony an incredulous look for that. As it was, my blank expression left Loony sitting there, innocently smiling away.

Before any further questions could be asked, Twilight bravely said, “It’s my hope that you can forgive my past actions so we can start over.” That got me to look back at the sad unicorn. Wonder how long she was writing down that speech for?

Loony was still smiling in my direction trying her best not to subtly nod at me. She clearly wants me to forgive Twilight. Huh, she’s probably the one who told her to come here today. A fresh start could make my life easier; she might even leave if I forgive her. This paperwork isn’t going to do itself.

After a pseudo breath of mist, I inevitably said, “Okay Twilight, I’ll forgive you. This once.” Off to my side, Loony clearly had to stop herself from raising her hoof and calling out in victory. Yeah, just this once Lulu.

A much realer breath was also released by the room’s youngest occupant, who’d even put a hoof to her chest in relief. “Oh, thank you. That’s been eating at me for weeks,” she said with the widest smile a pony could ever do. Except for Pinkie, but I’m not sure if she’s really a pony.

Wait a second, did she say weeks? That would mean… “Luna, did you seriously go and talk to Twilight the day after those experiments?”

She blinked at me in apparent surprise. “But of course,” she said like it was obvious, “We, ahem, I was just trying to look out for thy best interests.”

That brought Twilights awkward hoof rubbing to the forefront of my mind. The same forehoof as my once damaged foreshoe. “Loony, did you…”

A moment of silent past causing my best friend to curiously tilt her head and ask, “Did We what?”

Looking at Loony’s curious innocent face answered my question for me. There is no way she did anything to that little unicorn. That hoof rubs probably some sort of nervous tick. Asking the question will probably be insulting, so what should I say? Oh, I know. “Thanks Loony, I’m glad you’re looking out for me.”

That had a desirable effect upon the navy pegacorn, causing her to once again give me that strange half lidded stare, while her cheeks reddened slightly. “I will always look out for thou, my closest confidant.” I’m glad she’s there to look out for me. Anything could have happened if the sisters didn’t take me in. They really are benevolent people.

Luna’s look lasted for just a moment before she addressed the room, “We will be glad to put all of this nasty business behind us.” She then turned to the magic unicorn in the room, “many thanks for coming all this way. Thy promptness is most appreciated.”

“You know I was waiting for any opportunity Princess,” Twilight said with her newfound smile, before turning to the suit of armour in the room, “I know it’s a longshot, but I was wondering… if you would be interest in further study?”

That earned her a stare that hopefully can burn a hole through concrete. Really, can’t you wait five minutes? Luna seemed to agree with my internal assessment becoming slightly guarded. “We believe Eclipse will approach thou when he is ready. For now, We are both quite busy.”

Looking at the small pile of paper in front of Loony and the cup of tea she was neglecting, before taking a peek at my own mountain almost made me laugh. Some of us have. Nope, don’t complain, it was my choice to organise it like this.

“I can’t say that was unexpected,” Twilight began slightly downcast, “but just so you know, I’d be taking every safety precaution possible.” She then sighed for a moment before continuing. “I specialize in learning new magics, I was hoping maybe it could be a part of my apology to help you learn more about yourself,” she finished off with a weak smile.

Wow, looking at the deflated unicorn is actually making feel bad for her. Who’d have thought that? Maybe I should throw her a bone? Or some hay, heh. “What do you think I could get out of further tests?” Aside from a pain in the shoe.

Seeing the slightest chance to convince me to take part, caused the unicorn to hesitate for a moment before she looked back to her clip board. Once her checklist was reviewed, she more confidently said, “maybe we could discover where you came from? Hopefully it will benefit you to know more about your makers, wait, I mean parents.” She began biting her lip after that.

Hmm, learning about my origin should probably be high on my priority list, but do I want to be in this particular unicorn’s hooves again? It wasn’t the best experience. Saying that, she does seem pretty repentant and Luna clearly believes in her. The final nail in the coffin was the thought that Celestia would probably want me to get along with her daughter. Fine, let’s take that extended olive branch and hope it isn’t full of thorns.

When I returned my attention to Twilight, she was awkwardly fidgeting again, while trying her best to look anywhere but at me. Probably shouldn’t have been staring at her the entire time I was thinking. My lifeless gaze probably isn’t the nicest experience. Oh well, let’s just get this over with. A simple reply of, “okay, let’s give it a shot,” was all that was needed to once again make the unicorns day.

She immediately lit up and appeared to start a little happy jig before remembering her audience. Flush with embarrassment she calmly said, “ahem, thanks for not discounting me.”

“B-but thou remembers what happened last time, yes?” Loony suddenly piped up to my surprise. With my decision she’d lost her happy smile and was now radiating concern. Really thought she’d want me to go for it. Before I could confirm her question, she spoke again, “We believe ‘twould be safer if thy origin is left between the two of us.”

Well, we don’t know it yet and I’m pretty sure we never had any plans to investigate it. From the pleading look she’s giving me, it’s obvious she doesn’t trust her niece as much as she wants me to believe. Oh, I know how to fix this. With a quick nod to Loony, I turned to the discount scientist, “to keep Luna happy, I’d like some conditions to be met before any experimentation.”

“That’s fair enough,” Twilight remarked as a quill appeared above her clipboard poised ready to write.

Okay, these conditions probably require a lot of thought. Ah, I can probably just add more when I think of them. We can get the obvious stuff out of the way right now. “Right Twi,” I began, while scratching the bottom of my helmet, “for the first and probably most important rule, I’d like assurances that there will be no unnecessary pain. If it gets to the point where, hypothetically, you want another sample, I’ll decide if you can have one.”

The scribbling of Twilight’s quill followed my every word, before she said with an apparently reassuring smile, “Don’t worry, I’ve done every test I could think of on the piece you donated.” Yeah, donated.

Putting that aside, I continued listing off various rules for Twilight to follow, managing to somehow fill an entire page. The rules that I came up with didn’t seem to improve Loony’s mood until I finally said, “I would like you to provide any pertinent information for a test to both me and Luna the day before it is carried out. Oh, and lastly, I’d like Luna to come with me. If she wants to that is?” That last one is just for a bit of morale support.

My final request caused a blue feathery appendage to wrap around me and gently pull me to Loony’s side. “We would not allow these tests any other way,” she said slightly defensively. Maybe this was a mistake.

Not seeming to hear Luna’s tone, Twilight finished noting her new rules before happily saying, “most of these are easily done. Would you be up for a quick test or two today? Luna can look over my notes before we head to the lab.”

Sensing Luna’s unease, thanks to her healthy wing now crushing me into her side, I tilted my head towards the pile of paperwork and said, “I’m a little busy.” That immediately gained me some freedom from my fluffy prison, allowing me to reach a shoe to grab from my pile. “See?”

For the first time, the purple unicorn seemed to realize that she was interrupting our work. With wide eyes she quickly turned and started walking towards the door. “Oh, that’s okay, I’ll just get out of your manes. Not that you have a mane which isn’t a bad thing, unless that mist counts as one, anyway I’m going now,” was quickly rambled off as a purple aura gripped the door handle.

Before she could escape, Loony decided to prove she had no ill feelings towards twilight by saying, “Thou were not in our way Twilight, far from it, in fact thy presence was a breath of fresh air from the monotony We have been experiencing.” Huh, for a second, I thought she was harbouring some resentment. As if to prove my next thought wrong Loony continued, “if thou wishes, thy assistance would be much appreciated.” Oh, offloading your work on a novice, eh? We don’t need her; I like doing this myself.

Sadly, from the new found sparkle in Sparkle’s eyes, it was clear what her answer was going. “You want me to help with your royal duty’s?” she said in disbelief. With a nod from Luna, the unicorns horn went out and she quickly hopped onto one of the spare chairs. “What do you need? I’m ready for anything.”

With a sigh, I floated some paperwork from the central pile over. “These are some of the minor issues the nobles have brought up. Just separate them into important and to ignore piles.”

A light tap on my helmet signalled some disapproval from my back warmer’s owner. “Thou said those were important for us to look at next,” she said playfully.

“Well, I was just trying to ease you back in. You seemed a little overwhelmed to begin with.” That came out a little more defensively than I would have liked. Still, it made sense to give her the simple stuff first, seeing as the major issues literally buried her. Looking to her side She still hadn’t even glanced at the small pile of too important for me paperwork. Hopefully Twilight’s help will allow her to start reviewing that sooner rather than later. Those issues probably won’t go away on their own.

The nature of my reply caused my friend to giggle out “I know” as she raised a teapot and poured some tea for the now distracted unicorn. That was supposed to be my share. Really should have asked for some.

As if my internal complaint had been vocalized, Luna carefully picked up my helmet and put it on for a quick sip of her own tea. “Ah, thanks Loony.” A final thought struck me, before I returned to my work. Luna is way too nice to have done anything harsh to Twilight.

Author's Note:

This chapter was meant to be longer, but I've been distracting myself rewriting chapter 2. If anyone's interested, its gained about 2000words on the original. That being said, the events that take place are all identical to the original chapter, so nothing will be missed if you don't reread it.