• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 16,380 Views, 1,308 Comments

The Night's Shining Armour - Appleody

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods and has some issues.

  • ...

38: Stuck in Goo

Chapter 38

Welp, that was tedious. Don’t get me wrong, King Iron Hide became weirdly amenable after my defeat, even going so far as to give me a couple compliments and tips. Each of which, were clearly meant for someone with actual muscles. The other minotaurs also seemed somehow less on guard. Probably, in part due to coming to the realization that I wasn’t some indestructible metal monster.

It was just that even without the threatening atmosphere, which I swear never fully evaporated, I had to sit in a room with my two friends listening to the minotaurs drone on and on about the disputed land claim. This was interspersed with periodic interjections from the alicorns, mainly Celestia, politely explaining how the minotaurs had absolutely no right to it. Obviously, these explanations fell on deaf ears, resulting in another tirade of honour-based rubbish being thrown in our faces.

By the end of the entire three hour back and forth, Loony was all but ready to keel over, and she would have if she hadn’t had been wearing a part of me. That was basically my only responsibility. Ensuring I held Luna in an upright posture upon her chair and stealthily flicking her fluffy ears when her eyes closed too far. She didn’t seem to notice my help, but that didn’t matter. If Luna believes she somehow managed to last through that meeting by her own will, that’s a plus in my book.

Anyway, as was expected the meeting finally concluded with, according to Celestia, half the usual payment of bits the minotaurs desired. Most likely, again according to Celestia, due to my brave but futile showing against Iron Hide. Pretty sure from the way she said it, she was fully aware that I’d probably have won a proper duel, seeing as I could easily have drained his magic or just possessed him and been done with it. Luna apparently disagreed with this belief, but chose not to elaborate until we returned home. I’d apparently been through enough today already.

She didn’t even talk about it in the carriage ride home, instead choosing to settle down against my side for a long-awaited nap. Obviously, I stopped keeping her awake at this point, as there was no need to keep the lovable fluffball from her desired rest. Celestia, despite her increased resistance to politics, didn’t take long to join my friend in her little nap, choosing to stealthily shimmy her hooves closer to the younger alicorn before mirroring the Moon’s action and laying her head upon the comfortable comatose pillow. It was quite cute to look at the two ponies. Even if this was what’s lead to my current predicament of being squashed beneath a pony pile. Ah, one of these days Celestia is probably going to try and sleep in the same bed, probably somehow using me as an excuse.

Struggling to look through the window past a feathery blockade, I let out another relieved sigh as Taurus’s capital continued steadily shrinking into the distance. Thank goodness the day’s finally over. No more dealing with obnoxious royals, just the delightful ones who matter. Obviously, it would be cruel of me to wake them, so I tried my best to act as a pillow while only periodically petting my soft pony’s fur with a gentle shoe.

It seemed like a decent idea to join the two in their blissful sleep, but an even better idea of how I could help my friends came to mind. Seeing that I exist in multiple places at once, and my smallest self is back in Canterlot, it wouldn’t take much for me to let Captain Armor know about our successful return. That’d probably help the sister’s out. They’d probably have sent a message themselves if they weren’t so tired, using one of those magic flammable scroll things.

So, being the loyal suit of mist I am, after a bit too long enjoying Loony’s content hums, I thought back to my Canterlot self… and came up kind of… wrong. It didn’t feel like I was in the direction of Canterlot at all. Not only that, but my smaller self felt so confined, like it could barely move. I suppose this is why you don’t abandon parts of your body in the middle of the throne room in front of everyone. Anyone could’ve picked me up. Rather annoyingly, it does make sense that someone would want to kidnap me. Granted, they probably think of it as stealing, but still.

My mist started to become a little agitated within the calm carriage, risking the unbearable sin of waking my beloved ponies. Okay, stay calm. This isn’t a problem. This is fine. I can figure out where I am. Not that I’ve ever tried to do that before mind. Well, apart from with that shard Twilight had taken from me. All I really did was try to draw it towards me though.

With that method in mind, I began mimicking my early attempts to draw myself together. This actually worked entirely as planned, rather than drawing my distant parts to me, it provided almost their exact direction. Now, when I say parts, I mean parts. Somehow, there were two separate pings. One of which was so incredibly weak, I could only ascertain its general location. It provided me with no other feedback, which made sense due to how the tiny shard reacted. From the direction, it seemed Twilight may still have some tiny fragments of me laying around, seeing as Ponyville was the origin.

That’s not really a problem though compared to the other place, which clearly had my miniature self within its misshapen direction. The changeling hive. Oh dear. Nope, don’t worry, I’m sure Skitter has an explanation.

Once again attempting to move my tiny self, I steadily became aware that unlike my current body, which was confined by warm fluffy pony bodies, it was instead confined inside some strange greenish goo. Not just confined, but completely submerged as well. Thank goodness I don’t need to breath, or my mini me would most certainly be dead. Not even the tiniest of air gap was left within my weird container. As it was, rather than killing me, the slime only made it incredibly difficult to move my comparatively tiny shoes.

Steadily squelching around my container, my helmet eventual came to a slightly transparent part of my prison. A transparent part that only really let through a green magical light. The only real illumination for a pony’s eyes to see by.

Okay, clearly the changelings have decided to take me somewhere for whatever reason. Maybe the princesses should hear about this? They’d know what to do. A soft nuzzle to the side of my true forms helmet, followed by a content hum put pay to that idea. Nothing bad had happened to me quite yet, so this is probably something I could deal with on my own. Better than ruining my friend’s nap. Not to mention the changeling alliance.

Seeing nothing better to do, I waded through the sludge towards the semi-transparent wall and pressed my shoes lightly against it. A little surprisingly, the wall bent outwards, almost like a flexible skin. Wait, this is one of those weird pods the princesses were trapped in before, isn’t it? Well, from how easily the changelings sliced them open with their horns, they can’t be that tough.

Forming a small blade at the end of my foreshoe, I mimicked the action of the changeling soldiers all those months ago and ran it across the strange material. The shoe blade travelled ever so slowly through the membrane, like a hot knife through custard, but it got the job done. Air bubbles started to pass through the forming opening and bubble past my helmet, while the slime dribbled out onto whatever surface lay outside. In the process, probably making a horrible mess for some unfortunate shapeshifter to have to clean up. They really should try to make their stuff less… bleh. Then again, who knows, maybe they like it?

Following in the goo river’s stead, I began pushing each part of myself through the created opening. Each part making a resounding ting, as it left confinement and dropped a small height to the ground, where a small pile of me formed.

Though the fall didn’t hurt at all, my shoe nevertheless rubbed the top of my helmet in an almost instinctual action, while my pieces reformed into my smaller self. The action only distracted me for a moment, before I took stock of my new found surroundings. Yep, pretty much what I’d expected. It looks like something from a familiar alien world.

As if on que, one of the nearby walls morphed out of existence and in walked two clearly not aliens. Even if their hard exoskeletons and buggy nature might make you think otherwise. Anyway, the two changelings appeared to have been walking quite casually right up until both their gazes firmly lasered in upon my still goop covered form.

Both bugs seemed to immediately freeze mid hoof step at my unexpected freedom, choosing to completely ignore whatever it was they were coming in to do. Probably moping up or something. Do changelings have maids?

“It’s free It’s free!” the smallest of the two bugs buzzed out in alarm, practically straight into the face of the other, who had a slightly more controlled response.

“You’re pointing out the obvious again! Go inform the Queen. I’ll keep it secure,” the second bug responded authoritatively. It didn’t really seem shaken in the slightest, so hopefully that’s a good sign.

What wasn’t a good sign, was the fact that the smaller bug didn’t really need to be told twice, before its elytra burst open and its wings rapidly carried it away, leaving me alone with the other bug. The brief amount of energy brought by the small bugs reaction seemed to ebb away into a steadily growing silence where we both stared each other down. Right in the eyes, at eye level. What a strange experience. Seems my mini self is practically regular pony size now. If that bug is pony size anyway.

Ignoring the weird foreboding feeling I was getting at my newfound situation, I waved a shoe at the lonely bug, and tried to cheerfully say, “hi.” It came out a little more forced than necessary to be honest.

So forced in fact that the apparently stalwart bug almost jumped backwards out of their shell. Seems he wasn’t as comfortable with the situation as he was pretending. Even so, after seemingly reviewing his options, the bug warily uttered, “hello,” back at me.

The horrible silence threatened to re-emerge, which I desperately tried to end with the only thing my helmet could concoct. “So, how’s it going?” Well, that felt pretty lame.

It was probably fairly anticlimactic for the bug as well, as he seemed to squint at me incredulously. Maybe he thought I’d do something terrible upon escaping? “I’m fine… for now.” Yep, definitely thinks something bad is going to happen.

In an attempt to assuage him of that perception, I gave the best diplomatic response all of my training had given me. “That’s good.” It didn’t seem to help, as the silence immediately resurfaced with a vengeance. Really need to give people something easier to respond to. Loony never has this problem with me.

With the newfound silence in place, the bug took a moment to look over his shoulder, probably praying for aid to come. Whatever aid did come to him, will hopefully not cause me too many problems. We are supposed to be allies after all.

Welp, this isn’t getting us anywhere. A quick mimic of a throat clear later had me regain the bugs attention easily enough. Part of me thought his head could’ve flown off at the rate it turned to me. My helmet might’ve if it were me. “So… you’re not going to let me go that way, are you?” I inquired while pointing a shoe into the newly revealed corridor behind the bug.

After a brief nervous lick of his lips, the bug slowly shook his head. From his temperament, it was clear how effective he thought he’d be at that. Probably just as effective as one of the random minotaur soldiers were. My helmet steadily tilted towards the ling’s jagged horn as a thought came to mind. Then again, these guys do have magical attacks… they actually tasted pretty good come to think of it. Just have to ignore the initial sting. Like spicy food.

With that idle thought, I took a few shoe steps towards the increasingly less stoic ling. His tail was clearly tucked firmly between his legs, and at each of my shoe steps forward, he mimicked the action backwards, inevitably causing him to leave the weird door wall unoccupied. Thus, allowing me to poke my helmet out into the corridor, where numerous other changelings could be seen. Each of which were standing guard at what presumably were door walls of their own. They were also clearly informed about what was unfolding, due to how they were all staring in my direction. A couple of them had their horn’s glowing with a tasty green magic, pointing vaguely in my direction.

An over exaggerated sigh escaped my helmet at this. Honestly, I can’t believe it. The debacle with the minotaurs has just been delayed and now I’ve been dragged into another, potentially worse, situation. Going out there could cause them to attack me, which could lead to them being hurt. If that happens, we can probably say goodbye to the changeling alliance I’d managed to fake into existence. Waiting for the Queen is probably the best thing to do. Not like waiting places anything else at risk.

Rather reluctantly at this realization, I briefly gave a friendly wing wave to the watching bugs, before retreating back into my enclosure. In the corner of my eye socket were a cacophony of relieved grins as the bugs seemed to congratulate themselves at scaring away the big bad suit of armour. That was all except for the one bug guarding my door who, due to some sense of duty, warily stepped back to his symbolic guard position.

Looking at the poor ling, who was desperately trying not to shiver at my eye contact, let me feel a pang of sympathy that almost kick started further attempts at conversation.

Luckily for him, the only thing my mist for brains could think to ask about was the weather, which probably wouldn’t do anything but increase the awkwardness. Clearly, the weather isn’t top of his list of priorities right now.

Pushing my failings at small talk away, I left the distressed ling to his pointless task and began exploring the alien esc room I’d self-confined myself to. The room in question, now that I’d started to look at it was quite strange. It was incredibly long, almost like a corridor. Evenly distributed along the room/corridor’s walls were numerous green glowing lights that struggled to illuminate the area below. Each one contributed to the increased dinginess of the area. If my helmet had real eyes, it’d probably have been quite difficult to see. Doubtless the changelings can probably see easily, otherwise they’d invest in proper lighting. Our thestrals would probably be fine too, due to the whole being part bat thing. Wonder if the changelings are nocturnal like thestrals, or just used to being underground?

While I contemplated this relevant issue to my current circumstances, my eye holes lazily glanced over the only other feature present within the room. That being the incredibly familiar pod I’d escaped from.

Looking the pod over, it wasn’t just familiar from the inside, but from the out as well. A mildly distressing image of my beloved Loony, and her sister being confined within identical containers irritatingly conjured itself within my mind at the sight. Almost subconsciously, the corded tail of my true form began to absently pet both freely snoozing alicorns. That wasn’t one our brightest moments.

It took a brief shake of my helmet to free myself of the saddening memory, and to once again return to exploring this small cubby of the hive’s only known feature to the fullest. By fullest, I meant the numerous other pods the room contained. Each one with a slightly differing colour of magic flowing out of the semi-transparent membranes they consisted of. Well, that doesn’t bode well.

Swallowing the worry down my lacking throat at what I’d find, my shoes carried me over to the nearest of the ten glowing pods. What my eyes perceived caused my mist to droop in disappointment. They still have those pony hostages? Bleh, I really thought the changelings were starting to trust us a bit more. Looking to the next line of pods didn’t make me feel any better. Bet the griffons are still looking for those missing birds. What are you supposed to do when one of your allies has been kidnapping not just your people, but those of your friendly nations?

There wasn’t much time to try and think of an answer, due to the sudden stamping of my guard’s hoof, followed by the uncharacteristically brave straightening of his posture. From just behind him, the sound of loud echoing hoof steps could be heard purposefully approaching. Somehow, despite the distance, being almost twice as loud as the guard’s singular stomp.

Okay, don’t worry, this’ll be fine. I’ve dealt with changelings loads of time before. Well, only really one changeling. A changeling in the form of Skitter, who for all intense and purposes is in my top five friends. Wow, that’s an impressive number of friends. Since when did I become so sociable?

Anyway, my favourable social position with one particular bug was probably irrelevant to the confident individual who brazenly stepped around the corner like she owned the place. Mostly because she did own the place. The changeling Queen’s usual sneer plastered upon her face as she halted beside her loyal guard and began levelling those predatory eyes upon me. An act that actually managed to get me to hold my non-existent breath. It was like her eyes were piercing my very soul, similar to my mist through a pony’s magic. The only thing I could really do was meet her gaze in what was hopefully not a sign of submission.

Our impromptu staring contest lasted a good minute and didn’t even end when Chrysalis broke the silence. “Slice, what has it been doing?” she inquired of her guard, with her eyes never once leaving me. Maybe I’m just that interesting to look at? Or more likely, she’s wondering what to do with me.

In response to the sudden address, the guard deeply bowed. “It said a few mundane words to me, and then stood by the nearest pony prisoner my Queen.” His words sounded much bolder, now that he perceived his Queen was here to protect him.

Bringing a hoof to her lips in a show of thought, the oversized ling audibly hmm’d before replying, “maybe it’s designed to protect the nearest pony? It seems like something Luna would put in.” Really should’ve expected that from Queen Empathy. Even the ponies closest to me used to think I was nothing more than a fancy spell. Now, is it better if she knows I’m a person, or not?

The smaller ling, Slice I think, seemed to regain some of his nervousness as the Queen smoothly delivered her theory to no one in particular. “Doesn’t that mean it could attack if we go in there?”

Chrysalis simply shrugged off the remark, seeming to somehow wordlessly dismiss the bug while her smirk only grew. A dismissal the bug was only too glad to receive. “Oh, I do believe we’ve already worked out a method of countering the current programming,” she seemingly gloated to the fleeing ling’s back without turning from her prize. Honestly, what does she want from me? Her eyes had been locked onto mine for what felt like an age, so it was almost a relief when she, with no prior warning, turned to look back into the corridor. “Come on, get over here little princess.”

Before I could ask the question on my lipless jaw, a very familiar voice chimed in from out of sight. One of my favourite pegacorn, but sounding unusually timid. “Erm, mother, I don’t think this is a good ide- eek!”

Before the unexpected voice could finish, Chrysalis rolled her slitted eyes, while her horn glowed a deep green. Almost the moment the green magic set into action, one worried Luna in her green glowing glory was gently placed ever so slightly behind the bug.

The most half-hearted, “Luna?” escaped me at the sight. ‘Somehow’, I could tell something wasn’t quite right. Not just because she was lit up like a Christmas tree with changeling magic, which was a major give away in itself. No, it was mostly because my true form was currently half buried in a combination of the real alicorn’s fluffy fur, soft feathers, silky mane and the slightest bit of drool; which has just started to steadily leak out her sleeping mouth. Honestly, the things I’ll tolerate for my Loony. Not that I don’t love the first few things, that fur is just the best. Maybe another nuzzle would be fine?

While my main form nuzzled my sleeping Princess, Chrysalis seemed to become even more pleased with herself. Most likely due to the apparent success of her deception. Okay, we can’t play this game forever and from what that duplicate said earlier, it’s pretty clear who she really is. With that my helmet tilted to regard the faux Luna, who seemed a little ashamed, before I said, “Skitter? I’m glad you’re okay after the whole minotaur thing. I was wondering what happened to you.”

My words seemed to rob the wind from underneath the Queen’s wings, causing her face to drop from that persistent look of superiority. She actually, for once, started to display what I could only describe as a hint of nervousness.

In comparison, the faux Luna seemed to look almost relieved before bursting into flames, revealing the expected love bug underneath. “Told you,” She muttered quietly, before attempting to step forward next to her mother.

I say attempted, because Chrysalis blocked her path with a dragon fly wing. Her hooves carrying her a few steps towards me, probably ensuring Skitter stayed out of harm’s way. It’s nice to see Skitter’s mother actually cares about her, but honestly, I’d never do anything to harm the little love bug.

“So, that’s how they managed it,” the Queen spoke more at me than to me.

“Erm, did what?” was all I could think to respond, while levelling a curious head tilt at my sort of captor.

That action may have mistakenly poked the bug, as she almost seemed to snarl, “don’t play coy with me construct. Your invention allowed the ponies to see us!”

Welp, at least she’s finally talking to me. She does seem pretty smart if she can figure out that much from this mostly one-way conversation. Maybe that was my bad, but I’ve never really thought to try hiding my abilities from anyone. Does it make sense to explain it? Due to indecision, I eventually just shrugged my small metallic wings noncommittally. “Sort of.”

A well-earned eye narrow was gained from that unsure remark, as Chrysalis demanded, “Explain yourself!”

Wow, she’s really confrontational. It’s been such a long time since anyone’s talked to me like this. Honestly, I can’t think of a time when anyone has yelled in my face plate, not even when they were trying to dent my armour did they spend time on that. In the hopes of lightening the mood a little, I answered the Queen’s question. “That’s more just a biproduct of what I am than what my main ability is.” Seeing magic just comes naturally to me.

“Yes, we know what you are. A conduit for magic, a far weaker one than the original,” Chrysalis muttered with a head tilt of her own. Her narrowed eyes continuing to bore into me, as if she were trying to read my mind. Maybe that’s a thing she can do. It seems like the kind of magic an alicorn esc creature like her would be capable of... If I were a fleshy anyway.

Seeing as all I could think to do was shrug once more, and whatever mind reading the Queen was attempting seemed not to be ending any time soon, another stand-off ensued. One where I couldn’t help noticing the slightly shorter Princess looking awkwardly between her defensive mother and my slightly nervous form. If my form actually appeared nervous, I couldn’t really tell.

Okay, Chrysalis is clearly waiting for me to do something. Not sure what that thing could possibly be, but it’s sort of gridlocking the conversation. At least there’s one lifeline to cling in order to end this nightmarish social situation. Tearing my gaze from the enthrallingly malicious eyes of the Queen, I focused upon my close friend to her side. “Erm, Skitter… how’d I get here anyway?” Hopefully that can lead to some sort of pleasant conversation, let alone give me some important answers.

Skitter’s gaze seemed to fall to the floor at my attempt to gain her conversational aid. “I… sort of, brought you?” came the most unsure response I’ve ever heard, almost like she didn’t quite want to say it.

“What?!” That may have come out a little louder than I’d have liked.

Reacting to my outburst, the Queen took a slight sidestep further in front of the smaller bug, only slightly obscuring her from view. “You heard her. She stole you.”

“Why?” Honestly, I was a little dumb struck by that. Why would she do that? It was almost instinct for me to try and get a better view of my potential betrayer, leading me to take a step to the side. An action that resulted in a very long and sharp glowing horn pointing at my mist. The sheer amount of tasty magic displayed, actually caused me to halt mid step. An action that Chrysalis took great pride in noticing.

As Skitter opened her mouth to answer, the Queen proudly butted in with her patented victoriousness. “Thanks to our idiotic sheep’s pointless altercation with those bull-headed morons, Princess Skitter was easily able to subvert the entire command structure of your former nation. Using this to her advantage, she stole one of Equestria’s most valuable tools, while simultaneously making a show of Luna coming to beg for help from her one and only hope.” Her monologue ended with the smuggest grin possible on a chitinous face.

That was more how than why, but it still hurts. It probably hurts more than any of those magic weapons that stabbed me. Heck, I can practically feel my mist falling heavily to the ground. It actually became quite hard to look at my friend with this revelation, my gaze only really able to look at her hooves, which seemed to be shifting awkwardly. Man, if Luna wasn’t currently hugging me right now, I think I’d be going searching for her. She wouldn’t stab me in the back… on purpose.

It sort of felt like my mind was going to go down a dark road, one which may have had me flee the situation back to my pleasant little carriage ride. Who needs three bodies anyway? That was up until Skitter’s mouth exploded out, “I didn’t mean to steal you! Honest.” That regained her my full attention, where she continued in a softer tone. “I just really wanted to help. After you came to find me and collapsed… bringing you with me seemed like the best thing to do at the time. It didn’t dawn on me that you were fine.” With every word she seemed to become less awkward, while her ears flopped back against her head. A head which was drooping steadily closer to the ground. The weirdest thing was that her eyes actually seemed to be getting a little damp, almost like she was going to shed a tear.

Poor buggy, has this been eating at her the whole day? She seems pretty sincere. From the way her mother is visibly biting her lip, it’s clear she didn’t want her to say that. It’s so hard to tell, why do changelings have to be masters at deception? In the end, it seemed better for my own sake to give Skitter the benefit of the doubt. “Thanks for looking out for me. It would’ve been really annoying if someone actually… stole me.” I’d have tried to smile comfortingly at her, but the best I could provide was a slight tilt of the helmet.

There was no immediate improvement in Skitter’s demeanour, but she did nod in acknowledgment of my words. “You did the same for me.” Her words continued in her quiet voice, as if she was sad to have to admit it. The standoffish energy really had been taken away from the situation.

“What?! When? There hasn’t been any word of previous altercations in Canterlot.” That was until Chrysalis started speaking again. Going that long without interrupting must have taken a monumental amount of will for the egomaniac. Maybe she just didn’t know what to make of our conversation? She definitely doesn’t look the surest anymore.

Taking a slight breath, my buggy friend looked to her mother before explaining, “she came to my rescue when Discord attacked Canterlot.”

Almost all at once, every ounce of arrogance Chrysalis was emanating into the room seemed to halt. “You had an altercation with that draconequus?” she carefully asked.

A slow nod was the only reply given.

“You… you never told me,” Chrysalis continued in a simultaneously concerned but disappointed tone. Suppose she probably feels like that was something she should have been told all those months ago, being Skitter’s mother and all that. Seemingly taking a second to process that information, the overside bug eventually shook it off and turned back in my direction. “So, you saved Skitter… from Discord… correct?”

With a now less hostile look levelled in my direction, I could only stand there while thinking back to that nightmarish day. I didn’t actually manage to save Skitter from Discord. He easily turned her into a breezie before wandering off to do who knows what. All I did was make sure she wasn’t stepped on by some unfortunate hoof. Rather than admit that small tit bit, I clung to the one opening for positive relations that was so generously provided, and bravely said, “erm, sure.”

“Why would you do that?”

Now that was an unexpected question to ask of your supposed ally. Especially when the lings made a show of trying to help the ponies earlier today. Wow, a lot has happened today. Can I get a break? Rather than choosing to nap, I answered to the best of my ability. “Because we’re friends?” Wow, why did that sound so unsure?

Chrysalis certainly didn’t look all that convinced, but her next of kin definitely looked a lot perkier than a minute a go. “It’s true, she even tried to help ingratiate me to the ponies when we formed our alliance. Without them it might not have worked out so well,” her voice seemed to almost lilt closer to how she spoke back in Canterlot. Right, knew she was always on my team. Never doubted Skitty for a second.

The Queen bug seemed to blink at her daughter for a few seconds, whatever she was thinking completely hidden from the room. Eventually, she clicked her serpentine tongue and shook her head, before subtly stepping to Skitter’s side. “Honestly, you can tell it was invented by a pony,” she muttered to no one in particular, before giving me a more even look. “So, you have an already established relationship with my daughter, Princess of the changelings? You must feel honoured.”

Is that her trying to be nice? She still sounds just as arrogant. One improvement though is definitely Skitter’s mood, which has gone from being a tear-filled mess, to now just partially covering her face with a hoof. From the greenish colouration of her cheeks visible through her leg holes, it was most likely from some unneeded embarrassment. “I like that she chose to be my friend. I don’t have many.” Well, five is quite a few if they all count.

At my admission, Chrysalis lowered her head down to eye level with my smaller form’s helmet and apparently sympathetically said, “that must be hard for you. No one wants to be alone.”

Now that’s a complete one eighty. Does she actually feel bad, or is she just messing with me? “That’s true.”

A light “hmm” escaped the bug alicorn before she looked at the ripped open pod behind me. I’m not going to apologise for that, they shouldn’t have put me in there. “So, seeing as the pod was not to your apparent tastes, where exactly do the Equestrians store you?”

Wait, she’s asking how to imprison me, isn’t she? Even if I’d willingly answer that question, how would you contain a weird smoke spirit creature? Suppose make an air tight room that can’t be pierced. Hmm, it’d probably have to be made out of some sort of strong material like metal. A brick room probably wouldn’t last too long if I put my cuirass into it. Then again, I’ve pierced steel armour before. Maybe if it was thick enough?

While I debated internally about how I’d build a prison for myself, Skitter decided to jump hoof first into the silence my thinking time was inadvertently creating. “Oh, we’ve been sharing a bed ever since the ponies found out about me.” Maybe she should have left it to me.

“Really? What does it gain from such an arrangement?” The incredulity Chrysalis felt was more than evident, thanks to the impressive eyebrow raise she was managing regardless of her steel like chitin.

“She sort of feeds me magic through the night. Plus, she is quite a pleasant bed warmer,” Skitty said a little too enthusiastically. At least she left out the fact that I was feeding on her excess magic as well.

“So, how did this come to pass?” the overbearing mother asked in an ever so slightly warmer tone, as her gaze slowly left the happier ling and returned to me.

“Well, it was always my bed. Just, when Skitter was asked to stay, I offered it up until Luna could find her a new room.” Honestly, Luna still hasn’t sorted that out, even though she’s promised on multiple separate occasions to deal with my housing issue. The only other bed Skitty has is her old maid bed, which she clearly has no intention of using again, if the way she’s stored her maid disguise’s uniforms in my cupboards says anything about it.

“Interesting, and you’ve taken a liking to your current arrangement?” A smile seemed to steadily be forming upon the matriarch’s face, as she felt whatever was happening was going her way.

To be honest, my main form usually uses Luna’s bed nowadays instead, so it didn’t matter that my mini me had its own sleeping companion. Does that lovable alicorn think of her room as my room as well? Maybe that’s why she never bothered to find another room? Loony does seem to enjoy hugging me while she sleeps. She’s even worn me to bed a few times. With this in mind, maybe it was actually okay that Skitter had effectively moved into my old room. Anyway, I did sort of ask the ling to look after my mini-Luna plushie. Wait, where is my mini-Luna plushie?

Stashing the issue of Luna’s missing birthday present away for later, I lightly shrugged my metallic wings, in order to ensure all of my thoughts on my sleeping arrangements, both positive and negative, were known. “It’s fine.”

At my reply, Chrysalis let a light laugh escape her, before gently nudging her daughter with a hoof. “Ah, yet again using the pony’s incompetence for your own gain. It seems the student is trying to become the master.” Why does she have to so openly show distain for my friends? I’m right in front of her, does she think she’s somehow tricking me?

From the received positive attention, the slight greenish tinge Skitter had turned seemed to increase dramatically. She actually seemed to be enjoying it before seeming to remember my presence, causing her embarrassment to rise exponentially. Her forelegs even threatened to rise again in an attempt to hide her face from view. So, is she embarrassed that she’s received affection she’s not used to, or because her mother is acting like this in front of me? Probably a little bit of both.

Seemingly ignorant of the embarrassment she was causing, Chrysalis turned back to me. “Seeing as you’ve been sharing a room with my daughter in Equestria. Would it be amenable for you to share hers here? She would love… to have you.” As she finished overemphasizing the last three words, the oversized bug seemed to lick her lips at the word love. They really do crave that love. How does that even work? Does the emotion somehow make it easier to eat magic? Does it affect the taste? Hmm, if they eat magic, it makes them a lot similar to me than the ponies are.

“Okay, so hypothetically speaking, if I was going to stay… only if there weren’t any other rooms available.” I spoke, while still clinging on to the vein hope of ending this conversation without causing some dreaded conflict.

“There isn’t,” came the sharp reply of the Queen, clearly wanting things to go a very specific way.

“Alright.” Clearly, she must have been lying. The hive is huge, but what else can I say to that? ‘You must be mistaken; you obviously have spare accommodation?’ That would just start this conversation circling back around areas I would hate to go again.

What could either of been a sneer or a smile persisted upon her face. “Excellent.”

“So… what now?” She does seem at least a little less hostile. Maybe things are looking up?

From the way the bug looked off to the side, before seeming to gently push Skitter towards me with a grin, she’d already thought of how to end our weird social encounter. “Now…? You can get acclimated to the hive, before going to your room… alongside your friend. I will decide how best to utilize you to further our goals in the coming days.”

So, she’s really going to push that I’m staying here. Not to mention the fact she thinks I now somehow work for her. There has to be some way to convince her. Oh, I know. “Erm, your offer to let me stay is a gracious one, but you don’t seem to have any magic for me to eat.” Now that is clutching at straws. I could easily take magic from the lings as much as I wanted. Besides, if there wasn’t any available, I could probably still last an extremely long time. The hypothetical thought of no food actually caused both my small form here and main form back with the alicorns to shiver. Why does food always feel like such a high priority to me?

As if somehow sensing more excuses were needed, Skitter decided to throw in her own reason for letting me leave. “Luna might get worried if little Eclipse is missing for too long.” Clearly from her words, and the way her hooves slid across the ground when pushed, Skitty wanted to let me go.

“Little Eclipse?” Chrysalis incredulously said, immediately switching from the annoyance my own statement had provided by latching onto my name.

“It’s what Luna called me. Eclipse that is.” Hmm, maybe this is an opportunity to subtly get some leverage against the forced rehousing. Turning to Skitter, I casually said, “I’m not sure anyone will notice the absence of this particular form, as they only really care about my original self.” I left a slight pause for dramatic effect, before continuing to say “… that is unless I tell them.”

With the majority of myself safely aboard a carriage, enjoying a nice cuddle with two of my favourite ponies, it would be quite difficult for them to stop me just blurting out exactly what Chrysalis is doing. Granted, I really didn’t want to start a second diplomatic incident in one day, but they didn’t need to know that.

Rather than take in the end of my statement’s intent, Chrysalis gained what I can only assume was a genuine grin and began nudging her daughter with her knee. “Look at that. Your newest loyal servant is already coming up with solutions.” Well, that couldn’t have been taken any worse. “You’d better come up with a more suitable name than Eclipse for your armour.” Or evidently it can.

Even Skitter blanched at that, instinctively starting to say, “mo- my Queen, I don’t think this is appropriate.” Damn right it isn’t. You can’t just change someone’s name, even if you’re royalty, or can you?

The laugh that elicited from the larger bug, could almost have been thought of as warm in comparison to her usual one. “Hush, lings say I never get you anything nice. Besides, your armour cannot have the same name as that pretentious moon pony’s.”

“Luna, is not pretentious,” I practically snapped at the overgrown mosquito. Okay, I shouldn’t lose my temper here. That’s how we end up in a second trial.

My, for the first time, hostile tone actually gave Chrysalis a moments pause, where she eyed me curiously. “Is she not? Then please enlighten us.” She began while sweeping a holed hoof across herself and her daughter. “What is that Nightmare to you?”

With an audible, unneeded throat clear to prevent myself correcting Luna’s name, I confidently stated, “my best friend.” After the implied insult, I had my main form give Luna a small scratch behind her left ear, even though she clearly could never have heard Chrysalis’s words. One day, people will hopefully forget about that dark time in Loony’s rule.

Seeming not to notice my forming irritation, the Queen scratched her chin in thought, before saying, mostly to herself, “hmm, a slight teething problem. I’m sure, given time, we can work that little kink out.” Now that almost caused me to growl, which is something my form has never done before. Quickly changing the subject, the growing pain in my greaves held out a placating hoof. “Now, onto the food situation. Am I to understand that the alicorns charge you with some form of arcane battery?”

Now that caught me a little wrong shoed, causing my annoyance to lessen dramatically. “No… I-I find my own magic.” My friends have never actually properly fed me. I just sort of take magic whenever I can, from anything around me. It’s probably been quite annoying for whoever maintains the various magical lights around the castle, but what else am I supposed to do? Not eat? I’ve already been banned from the statues.

An unexpectedly loud theatrical gasp escaped Chrysalis, which caused Skitter to almost jump out of her shell, while I was left wondering if it was genuine or not. “Really? Then you must be starving,” she did sound quite sincere, but the edges of her fanged mouth were definitely curling into a smile. “We can’t have that can we? Slice, bring in the thunderstone.”

Now, that got my non-existent ears perking. I haven’t seen a thunderstone in months, not since the time I accidentally possessed Luna on one of her diplomatic meetings. That thing tasted so good; it practically made my whole day. That and the fact Luna forgave me for the whole using her body without permission thing.

With poorly veiled anticipation, my helmet turned towards the door, where a familiar guard steadily strolled in with the most beautiful sight in one of his hooves. A real thunderstone. I’m not too proud to admit to taking a few unconscious shoe steps forwards at the sight. With monumental will, my shoes eventually stopped carrying me towards the most likely relieved guard. An action which Chrysalis observed with a hint of glee. “So, I was right,” she smugly stated, while for some reason gesturing for Skitter to take the treasured crystal. The beautiful glowing object never leaving my focus as it changed hooves between the two lings. “Come, take a look. We don’t bite. Well, we don’t bite metal anyway.”

After a blatant nudge from her mother, Skitter took a couple of hoof steps towards me, awkwardly holding the prize out in my direction. Almost mimicking her motions, I started to take a few shoe steps of my own towards her. If my empty mouth was capable of it, there’d probably be a trail of drool following the journey. Instead, my mist extended outwards towards the object in hopes of receiving it sooner.

As we both stopped opposite one another, a moment of clarity passed over me. Clearly, the bugs were up to something. Why else would they go through such a rigmarole? Looking up at the proffered hoof’s owner made me feel a little better. Granted, Skitter wouldn’t do anything to harm me, but why not just have the guard give it to me? Is Chrysalis trying to say she trusts me or something? That might actually be a good sign of a little head way.

With some genuine embarrassment at how desperate my mist was to claim the lightening imbued object, I respectfully asked, “Erm, S-Skitter… can I please have that?” It seemed like the right thing to do, rather than just snatching it from her hoof like some disrespectful jerk.

My buggy friend provided a light smile, before gradually raising her holed hoof to my eye level. “We did get it for you.”

Without thinking any further on those words, my mist greedily plucked the crystal from her grip and retracted straight into my open faceplate. It probably looked a little like a frog catching a fly at the speed I went. Skitter actually stood there for a moment looking a little bewildered at her now empty hoof. It was pretty hard for me to care though, as the second that glorious magical filled artifact passed the threshold of my imitation jaw, I was filled with bliss.

My entire being practically froze, as the magic was devoured without a second to waste. Even my mist that’d retreated back behind my helmet became motionless now I had what I wanted. Man, it’s been so long since I’ve tasted one of these, and this one seems to contain even more of the delectable energy source. Probably because the griffon’s stones had been used to charge up their equipment as well as me.

Off to the side of my friend, the distant smug words of Chrysalis could barely be heard over the best meal in months. “Any creature can be trained.”

With the sudden abrupt emptying of my snack, rational thought returned to me. So that’s her game, she thinks she can manipulate me like a dog? Honestly, she should be able to tell I’m a little more complex than that. Trying my best to show a little indignation at her comment, I unceremoniously opened my helmet and let the now dull object tumble out and clatter to the floor. With my irritation communicated effectively, I politely acknowledged my waiting friend and asked, “do you have anymore?” Somehow, eating more always makes me hungrier.

Skitter seemed to acknowledge the ruined gem, by nudging it with a hoof before seeming very pleased with herself. The young bug’s tail started to wag subtly, while her eyes brightened suddenly at the desire to answer my question. Clearly whatever she was going to say was going to be good. Sadly, for both me and her, Skitter never quite got the chance to spread her news.

“Empty? How on Equis...” Chrysalis rhetorically asked, while taking the empty gem from her daughter. Giving it a scrutinising eye, she surmised, “your enchantments must be extensive to be this power hungry.”

“I’m guessing that’s a no?” Seeing how surprised she was by my appetite, I decided to take that as an answer to my question. Even though Skitter’s potential good news prompted a yes. Maybe the lings have more, but they’re really expensive? I might end up eating them out of hive and home.

“Doubting the power of the changelings, are we?” Came the for some reason more than pleased supply. “Don’t worry, our resources are much vaster than that of the meagre ponies. You will have an allowance of one a week.” An exhale of disappointment originated from the Queens side, seemingly, that was what Skitter had wanted to reveal.

One a week!? I could hardly stop myself from jumping for joy. No more needing to sneakily eat the lights. No more subtly feeding off ponies. No more poison Joke farming… well, I’ll still do that. The more magic the better. Heck, at that rate, my mini me would become larger than my true self in no time. Outwardly, the only noticeable effect the revelation had, was the irresistible urge to let my corded tail swing freely. Not just on my mini self, but on my true form as well. I had to sort of hold it down with a shoe to prevent it whipping Luna’s rear.

“Ahem, that is more than enough,” I uttered in as even a manner as possible.

A response that seemed to please my two welcoming hosts. “Excellent, we may need to pay a few more small visits to our Griffonian … ‘friends’, but I believe it will be more than worth the effort.” Chrysalis said, likely already having planned for this conclusion, despite the unintended way of reaching it.

Hearing the casual mentioning of the bird nation caused me to turn back to the other still occupied pods. Some containing griffons and others ponies. “Okay, if I’m going to stay with you, I have one condition.” I’ve sort of already been bribed into staying, but maybe there is something a little less selfish I can do.

“Other than the free food that we are so generously providing your metallic hide?” Okay, she can lower that eyebrow. I may be sounding a little greedy, but Chrysalis would have me as a prisoner if she could. It makes sense to get as much out of this arrangement as possible.

Dancing a little more to my tune, Skitter politely asked, “what would you like?” Thankfully, circumventing my need to reply to her ever-narcissistic mother.

Turning my helmet so the question was mainly aimed in the more amenable bugs direction, I raised a metallic wing and gestured to the numerous other pods lining the room. “Ahem, I’d like it if you’d be kind enough to release all of these ponies and griffons… They are your allies after all.”

It may have only been in my helmet, but a deafening silence seemed to follow my request that dragged on for at least three agonizing seconds. Suppose that isn’t a long period of time, but it felt a little like life and death for these most likely innocent fleshies, so sue me.

Anyways, once the time had elapsed, two simultaneous responses came out with two different tones. The first of which was quite reasonable. “That sounds fair enough,” Skitter said with a smile before cringing and raising a holed hoof for shelter from her mother’s reverberations.

“NEVER! AH,” she growled out before seeming to notice her daughter’s reaction. Seeing your daughter cower in fear at your outbursts can’t be the most enviable state of affairs. I don’t even like it when ponies I barely know fear me. At the sight, Chrysalis seemed to rapidly cool down, going as far to aggressively bite her hoof in her fanged maw to somehow control her emotions. I’m not quite sure how potentially drawing her own blood with those pointy teeth could possibly help, but she eventually let out a controlled breath. She still didn’t look in the best of moods though. Ah, when is she ever? “These creatures are important assets for our hive. Assets that ensure the continued safety of every ‘ling here. Celestia understood that in our initial deal,” she finished by pointing an accusatory hoof in my direction.

“Erm, I can see that, but you’ve just proven to Equestria how valuable your alliance is by helping protect them from the minotaurs. Why would they betray you now?” Okay, this should’ve been expected, I’m sure the Queen of the infiltrators can be convinced to give up the people she’s taken to pointlessly black mail us. She probably isn’t that paranoid.

Seeing how the not quite loving bug just stared at me with her resting snarl, I turned to the ever-reliable love bug for help. If I had a mouth, I’d have mouthed “help me” to Skitter, but that not being the case, the blank faced look would have to do.

Luck, or Skitter, seemed to continue to be on my side, as she’d seemingly recovered from her brief spat of cowering and easily set about briefing her Queen upon the goings on of Equestria. Probably because it was her job. “Since starting that deal my Queen, quite a few of our citizens have started living quite well within the pony’s territory. Each of them managing to gather more than enough love to sustain our hive.” Thank you Skitty, I’ll let you hug me as much as you like if that works.

The words did seem to have a visible impact upon the overly emotional bug. She again raised her possibly perforated hoof, but instead of gnawing upon it, she scratched her chin in thought. “From what my scouts have witnessed, that is true. I suppose it is only eight political prisoners, hmm…” she seemed to relent.

When I say seemed to relent, it only took a quick glance at the number of magical glows each of the pods emitted to notice a fast one. “Erm, I’m fairly certain there’s ten full pods… your majesty,” I bravely corrected without a single waver in my ghostly voice.

As if not hearing a word I’d said, Chrysalis continued unperturbed. “Nevertheless, releasing these individuals will cost our hive dearly. So dearly in fact, that we may have to reduce your feedings down to just once a month.”

“Once a month? That’s just a quarter of what you said.”

What followed was a half-hearted look of sympathy, with an undercurrent of unmistakable joy. Mainly from the grin. “Oh, is that not enough, well I am terribly sorry, but you’ll have to choose. It’s hard to acquire storm crystals without a way into Griffonia,” she finished letting out the slightest of laughs. One which I’m fairly certain she wanted me to hear.

The briefest of sighs escaped both of my forms. It was so obvious that the changelings had been stealing those crystals. I mean, how else would they get them from the people whose leader they tried to assassinate? With the slightest tilt forward of my helmet, in possible shame, I muttered, “well, suppose I don’t know these people.”

“It would appear that our ‘guests’ will have to stay exactly where they are,” Chrysalis gloated clearly getting upon her high bug horse. Both her ears had perked right up, so she could hear my shameful words.

Maybe it would be fair to let the changelings hold onto them for a little longer? Who am I kidding? I could never look Loony in the eyes if I let this happen. “Fine, once a month and you free the ten prisoners… and erm... I won’t tell anyone I’m here. Deal?”

“Deal,” she stated without missing a beat, almost like she knew exactly what I’d say. After taking a moment to grin victoriously, she turned around and strode towards the door. “Now, follow your Queen.” Well, guess I’m employed now. With that decided, I began following the Queen and her daughter towards the door.

Skitter gave me a warm smile before looking up at the taller bug cheerfully. “Told you, you could catch more flies with honey.” Not quite sure those words were quite honey, but they’ll do.

That was met with the briefest of eye rolls. “Yes, but usually I find it is easier to catch more with manure.”

Author's Note:

Just wanted to say sorry guys for cutting the previous chapter. It was just so boring to write and likely even more tedious to read. The only bit of fun coming from Luna's mid diplomacy nap that Eclipse had to circumvent.

Now I'm in the same boat again deciding if I want to skip the next buggy chapter and move on to some regular pony shenanigans.

Comments ( 39 )

Awesome chapter, loved the wholesome pieces the most. Great humor ♡

Follow your queen? I would have exclusively followed Skitter, snuggel bug queen of Eclipse :raritywink:

So far I've enjoyed everything you've written, I'm sure that pattern will continue regardless what you deliver next :3

The bug-queen appears ...

Hmmm, maybe offer some 'healing pods' for hospital usage (being allies) could aid in smoothing out (future) difficulties ??

I could see that being a win-win if they could extract love while healing them. Would have to be careful not to let the "heal" them for too long though...

Glad you enjoyed it. I was a little worried the whole buggy situation may have come a little out of nowhere. I'd been wanting to write more with Skitter for ages.

I'm sure Chrysalis would love to see ponies voluntarily choosing to get into one of those 'healing' pods. It'd be like getting your food delivered.

I do like that idea, maybe I'll borrow it? ;)

Fun chapter it was funny to see how all expectation and plans of the lesser form of Eclipse getting captured going completely puff up into smokes. I am starting to think that the eating more magic is going to become a big problem later down the road if his hunger self control could be lost.

I actually enjoy these little buggy detours. Really fleshes out the world, and adds depth to the story.

Also like seeing Skitter as well. :twilightsmile:


Didn't she not confirm they were already getting enough love from changelings living out in pony society already? What purpose would it serve to keep those beings other than as prisoners and/or bargaining chips? I believe Chryssy schemes too much, but then she was always a grifter...

This chapter actually throw a Important question into being... what happens if Eclipse become bigger than his main body that stays with Luna?
His mind can multi task, but only occupy one body as main controlled piece.
Will Eclipse not care? Or might he be get a incident like a 'Soma situation'?




Why settle for some, when you can have more? 🤑
At first the changelings kept the prisoners for food, but later they sort of kept all the hostages they'd taken from Canterlot as insurance in case the ponies decided to attack Skitter. Can't trust your prey after all.

Nothing wrong with trying sate your appetite :)

Glad you're enjoying the random curve ball of a situation. Hopefully Skitter will appear a bit more often now. Chrysalis too.

I have the impression that part of Eclipse might become it's own being and maybe actually become the big antagonist of the story.

Soma was a great game. The genuine existential dread it exuded was pretty unique. Can't remember that third clip though.

Anyways, not sure if Eclipse will end up going down such a nightmarish existence as these. I'm sure he'll manage his separate forms if he learns to multi task a little better. He's done it before for short periods when he acquired Luna's birthday present.

Suppose we'll see what happens eventually.

Chrysalis just can't control herself, can she? Poor Skitty stuck chained to the whims of the Queen. Soon as she can whittle it away the hive will be hers.
Eclipse really needs some alone time to get the story, for all intents and purposes the changelings were successfully implementing the plan, so what gives?
Well at the very least the ponies have an accidental spy back on the changelings. Assuming Chrissy doesn't realize what Eclipse implied by saying he'd tell on them.

Most enjoyable :)
I have to wonder, will his mind actually split and become 2 different versions of the same base Eclipse? Or will the minds start to struggle for dominance?

You know... maybe Eclipse should create more bodies, one per friends made. That way it can spend time with them and protect them.
I guess all of them have to be even out in the magic overall mass and strength so its essence of them all stay roughly equal.
Its body parts learned from the main mind learned behavior as Twilight already stated.
- Luna Eclipse
- Skitter Eclipse
- Celestia Eclipse
... Perhaps one Eclipse for Spike the dragon? Spike is Twilight mental and moral compass, it stands to reason that Spike would make for a great overall opportunity to ask for a opinion where Eclipse is uncertain of his own.

Her greed and shortsightedness will be hrr undoing

Can't wait to see how Chrysalis reacts when the day finally comes when she learns just how special Eclipse is or the fact she's talking to THE eclipse and not some simple copy?

Great chapter, in regards to what to write next.... in my humble opinion "more text = more beterer" and anything that fleshes out the world is fun to read. However if it makes you get stuck on the chapter.... mabye cuting it or just having it "happen offscreen" is fine.

I wish you lots of creativity in chapters to come.....

It seems like people really like the angle that one of Eclipse's doubles will gain a mind of his own but i like the idea that he just gets better at multitasking. If you gave a computer a second harddrive it'll probably start by giving the other orders but eventually they will become one and the same and act accordingly. More like two puppets then two people.

This especially works out because Appleody doesn't seem to care how OP Eclipse is. Which is valid because this isn't exactly a story about getting stronger. (The disastrous life of Saiki K is a good example) So i don't see any reason why it would be bad. This doesn't mean it'll happen because they might continue using this limit on attention for story reasons. But it's a way it can progress

So, being the loyal suit of mist I am, after a bit too long enjoying Loony’s content hums, I thought back to my Canterlot self… and came up kind of… wrong. It didn’t feel like I was in the direction of Canterlot at all. Not only that, but my smaller self felt so confined, like it could barely move. I suppose this is why you don’t abandon parts of your body in the middle of the throne room in front of everyone. Anyone could’ve picked me up. Rather annoyingly, it does make sense that someone would want to kidnap me. Granted, they probably think of it as stealing, but still.

Soooo... He is Nigh-Omnipresent?

Sort of, he can move his consciousness back and forth from body to body. And he's shown to be able to half focus on multiple forms.

Now I'm in the same boat again deciding if I want to skip the next buggy chapter and move on to some regular pony shenanigans.

pony shenanigans? What about buggy shenanigans? Cause a little chaos in the hives, and Crysalis find out that Eclipse can feed the nymphs without harm, feed others, get her riled up and end up possessing her in a confrontation only to leave her asleep on her throne.

Eclipse seems like the type to want to see the little nymphs again to play with them.

He may improve, you never know

There'll be buggy shenanigans ahead, don't you worry. There may just be a funky order to events due to the whole in more than one place thing.

I wonder if someone can show Eclipse some pony or Changeling medical sciences, his/her magic is very versatile. Could result in come interesting result.

Evenly distributed along the room/corridor’s walls were numerous green glowing lights that struggled to illuminate the area bellow.


Cheers, I've made that correction

Yay! More Eclipse shenanigans!

>“Oh, we’ve been sharing a bed ever since the ponies found out about me.”
>Chrysalis: That's kinda sus Skitter

Noble of Eclipse to deprive himself of some pleasure to benefit the captives and griffons. Though, one has to ask what happens if Eclipse consumes too much magic. Chrysalis could be building far bigger a beast than she could have envisioned in that case.

Sometimes, it's okay to have a few less snacks to release some hostages.

I prefer the question, is it possible to eat too much magic? I mean, how could eating as much magic as ethereally possible, cause issues? ;)

Makes me wonder what the next situation will be, still waiting for that invasion of the possessed plush invasion during night and day court for some silly fun:

Eclipse’s naïveté knows no bounds

I personally enjoy Chrysalis' openly conniving attitude butting up against Eclipses bluntness and lack of tact. A rather delectable dynamic, especially with Skitter there to desperately try and keep them both happy.

Just the usual amount of shipping. ;)
I'm pretty sure no one will guess what's coming in the next chapter as it's a bit out there. Well, unless they remember some shenanigans Eclipse got up to nearly ten chapters ago.

Eclipse is like Spike is to Twilight, a great friend to care for and caring for them when in need:

Makes me wonder what Eclipse will pull of next:

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