• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 11,120 Views, 576 Comments

That One Time: Celestia and Luna Married the Mane Six - TheCrimsonDM

Have you ever gotten so drunk you forgot you offered the princesses' hoof in marriage to whoever brought your sister back? And how many 'es' there are in 'Princess'?

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Chapter Seven: When One Wakes the Princess

Chapter Seven: When One Wakes the Princess

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Celestia had to force herself to re-read the letter sent to her at least six times before her mind could even begin to grasp what was going on. “Twilight is a pirate…”

Cadance purred. “Exotic, sounds like she’s into the roleplay.”

Celestia looked at her. “Well she did teach me how to roleplay, so yes she is ‘into it’ if you will.”

Cadance smirked. “Oh really, and what did you roleplay?”

Celestia smiled brightly. “I wanted to live the life of a simple peasant earth pony farmer. She was the princess who took me away on a grand scaling adventure.”

The smile Cadance gave her was one of pure evil, for some reason she felt lucky Shining Armor had left to attend to some lesser matters around the castle else she feared he would join in on whatever Cadance’s plans were. “Was the plot any good?”

“Oh of course, Twilight had an excellent plot.” Celestia proclaimed. “Of course there were a few plot holes, but I loved to help her fill those.”

Cadance stifled a laugh. “I’m sure you did.”

Celestia wasn’t exactly sure what was so funny about this, and she had the feeling that she didn’t want to know. They were busy trying to make their way down the halls without waking up Luna. The last time she interrupted Luna’s sleep still sent shivers down Celestia’s spine after all. Still the preparations for a marriage happening in technically less than a week were frightful. At this point she only had one defense against this, one singular plan of attack to stop the wedding at least temporarily while she searched Canterlot for every, single, copy of the law and burned it.

A small maid with pink fur and a white mane walked past them. A brief whisper was heard from her as she passed. “Thirty two.”

Celestia smiled. Thirty two had been found and disposed of so far. That only left… one hundred and sixty seven, if her count were accurate. Given what she knew of Luna, she estimated at least another forty copies of the law to exist. Time, time was all she needed.

Cadance asked another question. “Did you ever have a plot for Twilight to play in?”

Celestia smiled. “Of course, but mine was… not as well structured. Don’t get me wrong, it was big, and it was glorious, but it was soft compared to Twilight’s and the holes just couldn’t be filled no matter how many things we tried.”

At that point Cadance couldn’t contain it and started laughing like a madmare.

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Honestly, I do not see what is so funny with a story having some issues. It turned out that neither ogres nor oubliettes could fix those issues. However, Twilight still had fun with my plot and I suppose that is all that mattered. Oh, and she was a wizard.”

Cadance was still howling with laughter as they passed by door. A burst of cold energy shot out from under the door and tendrils of shadow whipped out wrapping around both of them. Celestia looked up to see the mark of a crescent moon above the door and her heart stilled. The door itself was padded deep indigo with violet buttons and trimmed with black lace around the edges. Why she couldn’t just have a normal royal door was beyond her but Celestia had long since stopped trying to understand her sister’s sense of taste.

What she hadn’t done was let the tendrils holding her hostage have their way with her.

The door burst open and a dark silhouette stood inside. A pair of moonlit eyes glared at her. Celestia swallowed. “I’m sorry, dear sister.”

Luna’s voice came out like a crackle of lightning. “Doth thou think I care? My slumber is precious and once more thou hath interfered with it. No more I say, thou shalt receive full punishment for these crimes.”

A lone tendril lifted up, it coiled and snaked in the air. Glistening wet around its surface. The way it wiggled was almost suggestive. At the tip it held aloft a single feather taken from a highly prestigious pillow.

Celestia’s horn lit up. “You wouldn’t! Not when we’re talking about our future wives.”

The feather inched closer to Celestia’s barrel. Luna’s voice hissed. “I care not for the topic at hoof, only for the interruption of mine sleep!”

Just as the feather was about to make contact with Celestia’s soft, unprotected belly, Cadance cried out. Luna looked over to her as well as Celestia. Cadance for her part was looking at them, upside down and with a face so red that it almost looked like a pimple attached to a mare’s body. Her legs had been spread open by the tendrils and one of those tendrils was inching ever so closely to a very special place.

Luna gulped. “Niece!” the tendrils vanished and Cadance dropped unceremoniously to the floor with a thud. Luna trotted out. “My apologies, Niece. I fear that perhaps I lost control a little there.”

Cadance looked up at her. “I might be the princess of love, but even I draw the line somewhere.”

Luna let out a sigh. “At least I did not accidently do more. Sleep deprived Luna, is not safe at work Luna. There are only two things that would set me into a spiral of dark magic the likes of which nopony has seen before. Interrupting my sleep, and blocking my marriage. Luckily thou art here to help with that. So please, stand, in fact I believe it is time to send for our lovely brides. Before the press ponies catch wind of who they are.”

Celestia stared at her. “Luna, we need to talk in private.”

Luna smiled. “Could it wait for after we secret our new princesses here?”

“I fear not. I still have concerns and I wish for some…help in calming those. As our fellow, co-wife. You are the only pony I can turn to for help.”

Luna’s smile faded a moment her eyes looked to the side as if she was thinking about it. The smile returned as quickly as it left. “Of course, you are still scared. I assume our niece has taught you well?”

“Yes… even if it was unwanted, I fear I learned more than I bargained for.”

Luna’s magic wrapped around Celestia’s neck and dragged her inside shutting the door behind them and leaving Cadance outside. “Tell me, whatever is the matter? Do you need to practice first, I can help with that.”

Celestia chose very wisely to ignore what kind of practice Luna was talking about and sat down. She had to try and make this work, to make Luna see some reason. This was her only chance especially if she was going to drag them here today. “Luna, what if some of them are straight?”

“This is the term used to describe stallions who prefer mares and mares who prefer stallions correct? The once average pony desire… back when there were enough stallions to share.”

Celestia nodded. “Although odd now in days, due to the lack of stallions, there are still those who do not enjoy the romancing of the same sex.”

Luna’s horn lit up and her body began to change. “Oh, I do have this one covered my dear sister.”

It was almost like a horror picture the way Luna’s muscles grew thicker, her muzzle more broad, her chest strong and masculine. Even her rear end had become a taught, muscular machine. Between Luna’s legs now rested a very large… Celestia couldn’t look away.

Luna laughed in a deep, sensual voice that sent shivers running to the wrong parts of Celestia’s body. The thick, rumble of his voice made Celestia’s everything go red. “I may only be able to hold this form for a few hours, but it should be more than enough to please any and maybe even all of our wives.”

Celestia, lost for words could only say, “What if they don’t um… like you?”

Luna’s smile never wavered. “Oh, do not worry my dear sister. I have been coaching them in their sleep. Each one of them have had pleasant responses to both you and I. Of course I have not used this form with them and I feel it would be a most appropriate surprise… what are you staring at?”

Celestia couldn’t look away, she had never seen anything so wrong, yet so right as a strong, masculine, sexy as all get out alicorn stallion. Instinctively her body was edging closer, her tail lifting. It was only once Luna’s masculine hoof gently touched Celestia’s face lifting it up to look at her that Celestia began to remember this was actually her sister standing before her.

Luna’s form shrunk and returned to the smaller feminine form it once had. “Sister, does this… interest you? I could use a practice partner if it does.”

Celestia stood up. Noticed that the floor where she had sat down now had been singed in the perfect shape of her buttocks. She forced her tail down with magic and stomped off to the door. “You are never to use that spell in my presence again. Also please retrieve our brides posthaste, I feel this wedding cannot happen soon enough.”

Luna squealed with joy. “Of course! I shall see to it as we secret away our brides. Nopony shall be made the wiser.”

Celestia left the room, shut the door behind her and slid down to the floor with her back against the wall. Cadance’s face was still red. “So… you discovered the spell I should never have taught her.”

Celestia glared at her. “Why? Why would you do that?”

“Well to quote you, what if some of them were straight?”

Celestia closed her eyes. “I’m going back to my room.”

“Oh, need some privacy after that do you?”

“No,” Celestia cried. “I am going to prepare for Twilight’s arrival. Nothing else.” At least… probably nothing else. No laying on her bed imagining that rugged, handsome god Luna had transformed into pushing her down, getting on top of her and-

Celestia stood. “Actually, you are coming with me and demonstrating once more what techniques I need to use on Twilight after we are married.”

“I could teach you that spell if you wish?”

Celestia glared at her. “I do not think Twilight would appreciate that.”

“Twilight isn’t your only bride.” Cadance said with a wink.

Celestia had already began walking away. “I will inform you if I wish to know. For now, show me myself and Twilight.” So that she may purge her mind of the thought of herself and Luna.


Luna had mentioned she was going to secret away her brides, and she had meant it. This was in her mind a task that was going to take awhile as even though she knew where they all lived she did not in fact know where they all were at the moment. Perhaps Celestia had expected her to have some guards go out and fetch them. There were three in mind, three adoring and loyal bat ponies she could use, but as with most things, she was a princess of Equestria and ruler of the night. If she was going to marry these fine mares, she was bringing them home herself.

When Luna first teleported inside the Golden Oaks library she was surprised to see more than just Twilight there. In fact all six of her lovely maidens were there. Well… maiden might not be accurate for half of them, well for more than Twilight and Rainbow Dash anyway, but they were lovely none the less and she couldn’t judge, it wasn’t like she was a maiden herself.

With all eyes revealing their surprise and awe for her she basked in their gazes for a moment. The first one to speak was Rarity. “Princess Luna! What brings you here so soon?”

Luna walked up to her and stretched out a wing gently stroking Rarity’s cheek. The mare’s cheeks went pink with an adorable blush as she looked down and slightly away. “Don’t look away my love. I am your princess, your bride, you may look as long as you desire.”

Rarity’s vision looked back up to her, eyes glistening. “Thank you.”

It was Twilight who came up to her next. First she felt a heavy weight drop upon her back, and then lavender hooves wrap around her neck. A newspaper folded into the shape of a saber lashed out at Rarity thwacking her on top of the head Twilight’s voice cried out, “Back ye demon, this be my treasure ye be eying up!”

Rarity took several safe steps back away from the threatening thwack of the sword. Luna looked up to see Twilight Sparkle wearing a pirate hat and floating a paper ship next to her head. “Twilight, my love. I knew you were possessive, but I did not know you were so playful as well. Please, don’t be upset that they wish to share some of the treasure too. As captain of this here crew, should you not at least part with some small amount of it for them?”

Twilight frowned and then let out a sigh. “If me treasure be asking it, then I shall relent. Scallywags, here me and here me now, I may share this piece of booty, but the other is mine and mine alone. Any who dare try to take that one from me be losing an eye and walking the plank.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Yes sir, Captain Twilight!”

Luna smiled as well. “I knew you all were the best choice. I love all of you.” She looked to Spike who was sitting on the staircase. “I will be back for you, but could you let their families know that I have taken them away for their weddings. Thank you, Spike the Heroic Dragon and First mate to Captain Twilight.”

Her horn lit up and the entire room flashed blue leaving the bewildered dragon there all alone.

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