• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 11,125 Views, 576 Comments

That One Time: Celestia and Luna Married the Mane Six - TheCrimsonDM

Have you ever gotten so drunk you forgot you offered the princesses' hoof in marriage to whoever brought your sister back? And how many 'es' there are in 'Princess'?

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Chapter Sixteen: When Fluttered Wings Lead to Stained Sheets

Chapter Sixteen: When Fluttered Wings Lead to Stained Sheets

Written by TheCrimsonDM

It was late, the moon shone through the balcony door with blades of its pale light falling upon the sleeping face of the most adorable pegasus in the land. At least that was how Luna felt as she stared down at the mare, holding her in a tight embrace and feeling the soft rise and fall of her body as she breathed. Fluttershy’s entire body smelled of honey and dandelions. It made Luna crazy with anticipation to find out what the mare tasted like, of course, she was too precious in her slumber to ever disturb.

One eye cracked open and stared up at Luna. A nervous smile spread over her lips. “Um… h-hi.”

Luna smiled down at her. “So to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence dearest, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled at her. “I um… w-wanted t-to know w-what you thought of um… this…” her eyes flickered down to where her body would be underneath the dark blue feathers of Luna’s wing.

Luna leaned down, her face hovering only inches away from Fluttershy’s. “You’re beautiful, more attractive than I dared hope. More stunning than even I feel worthy.”

Fluttershy smiled and her face turned a deep red. “R-really?”

Luna moved closer only centimeters away from Fluttershy’s lips. She could feel the tiny mare’s breath hot, and humid against her own. “I wanted nothing more than to be intimate with you the moment I saw, but you looked so peaceful in your sleep, I could not make myself wake you.”

Fluttershy swallowed. “Um… c-can I ask a q-question?”

“Anything, my love.” Luna was going to let her make the first move. After that, the game would be won and Luna would have her prize.

“Why did you tell Twilight that I dream of coupling with animals?”

Luna leaned back. “I… excuse me?”

Fluttershy blinked a few times. “T-Twilight said you t-told her that.”

Luna sat up. “I did no such thing.”

Luna’s eyes widened. There had been many conversations about dreams with Twilight, as the young mare had such an interest in how they worked. So many conversations and so many dreams yet not once did she ever recall telling Twilight that Fluttershy dreamed of breeding with animals. Needless to say, any sort of mood Luna may have been in was now ruined.

Fluttershy spoke again. “She was um… quite detailed with her description.”

Luna’s eye twitched. This planned night of fun going further south than that time she tried to invite Celestia to an orgy with whipped cream and bananas. She expected explosions to be happening soon and pony rears to catch on fire.

And no strange earth pony with an hourglass cutie mark and tie to save her this time.


A half-hour later Luna was out at night and all through the town ponies slept with hardly a sound. Or so Luna thought until she flew by a window that was cracked only to see three mares inside up to an activity that Luna herself was waiting eagerly to try on her wedding night. It was technically Wednesday now as it was well past midnight. Only two more days she told herself, and then true happiness and a happily ever after was hers. So long as Celestia’s fear of love didn’t allow for her to succeed at her plans to dismantle the marriage first.

Then again, never let it be said that Luna lost a game. Even when she did, she was a sore loser. Luna smiled knowing that in one way or the other she was going to win this game of theirs.

Ponyville was a quiet place, a happy place. If Luna hadn’t come back as an alicorn and was a mere pegasus she would have preferred to live here instead of the castle. In another timeline, in an alternate world this might have been possible. For now, she flew her way through the town enjoying the quiet peace that always came over her on nights such as these.

Her duties as Princess of the Night were numerous and varied. Helping ponies through their nightmares and helping them to process whatever deep trauma they were having was only one such thing. The more shifty side of politics she also handled, bribes, blackmail, helping ponies to go to a sleep they would never awaken from. All the jobs that Celestia was not very good at.

There were also the threats of monsters she had to contend with. The Everfree Forest which stretched on for miles, even going to the base of the mountain Canterlot sat upon was filled with such threats to pony safety. She had a special team dedicated to hunting these creatures down, and connections to a few that lived quiet lives in Ponyville.

Flying away from the town she made her way over the endless rows of apple trees. Off in the distance she could see the other farms all associated with the Sweet Apple Acres trademark. From carrots to potatoes. After looking at the genealogy of Applejack’s family, it turned out it was massive. It actually included several members of pies, cakes, and pears which shocked her. The pears and the apples had a long-standing feud after all… though she wouldn’t bring that subject up with Applejack anytime soon, she was already on unsteady ground with the mare.

The small red house that Applejack called home stood in the distance. She swooped down and made her way to a window. Her magic told her that her target was indeed here. Though she was uncertain of which room belonged to him. She knocked at the glass of a small room filled with children’s toys.

The window slid open and Applebloom stuck her head out rubbing at her eyes. “Luna, what are you doing here?”

“I am looking for Spike.”

She yawned. “He’s in the next room over, he’s a boy so he has to stay with Big Mac.”

Luna smiled. “Thy assistance is appreciated, Applebloom.”

Applebloom yawned again. “Luna… why are you taking my sister away from us?”

Luna’s heart climbed into her throat. “I… I am not.”

“Yes you are, you took her to Canterlot to get married and stuff. When she’s a princess she’s going to live up there…”

Luna swallowed. “I have a feeling she will have two homes after the marriage. There is no way I would ever take her away from the family that means so much to her. In fact, after the marriage I fully intend to come down and help out on the farm from time to time.”


Luna nodded. “Of course, how else to show how much I appreciate your beautiful sister than to help out with the things and ponies she cares most about in the world.”

Applebloom smiled. “Okay. Good night. Do I have to call you Auntie now?”

“Only if you wish to.”

Applebloom closed her window and went back to bed. Luna tried not to think of how cute it was that the small one called her auntie. Nor how excited she was to be part of this family after the wedding. She tried and failed. Maybe she would get a cowpony hat as well, oh and a bandana to go around her neck. She could chew a piece of hay just like Big Mac always did.

Speaking of which. She went to the next room over and knocked on the window a few times.

The window slid open and Spike’s head poked out. “Sup?”

Luna smiled. “So casual I see.”

“You’re marrying my mom, that means you’re going to be my step-mom soon, so… yeah let’s go with casual.”

Luna had to suppress a squee. Twilight came packaged with a child! Oh joy, she always wanted to be a mother. Surely Celestia would be just as excited to find out they could both be mothers. She levitated Spike up and out the window before closing it with another spell. Once Spike was safely on her back she began flying away.

Spike asked, “So what took you so long?”

Luna let out a sigh. “My apologies. I was so caught up with enjoying my brides’ company that I had nary a moment to come retrieve you. We saved you some dinner and cake in the fridge if you are hungry.”

Spike yawned. “Nah, I’m good. Just need to get a few things at the library first though. For Twilight.”

Luna made the corrections to her flight path as she headed now for the library. “I do hope the wait wasn’t too long.”

“No, it was fun. Apple family’s a bit confused but not against the whole idea. As for me, I just want to go to bed, check on Twilight and make sure she’s okay.”

Luna laughed. “She is doing just fine. She is no longer playing pirate though which is sad, I enjoyed that. As for checking on her, I fear her and Celestia are enjoying each other’s company tonight so you will need to wait until morning.”

Spike giggled. “Man, already? I thought she’d at least wait until the wedding to lose that virginity she values so highly.”

Luna laughed as well. “Seems my sister must have convinced her otherwise. What are we retrieving from Twilight’s that is of such importance?”

Spike grinned. “Oh just an educational book Twilight left behind when she became a pirate.”

“Aha, of course, she would. My little bookworm cares for her education more than she may for any of her friends or lovers.”

Spike joined in on the laughter too. “Well at least some things stay the same.”


It was late into the night before Luna had returned home to her quarters. She had dropped Spike off in Twilight’s old room where he quickly went to sleep and hid the educational material, safely inside a paper bag, somewhere inside the home. Luna cared not for what was in the book, she actually had bigger concerns on her mind. After the initial encounter with Fluttershy that night she feared that should Fluttershy spy her again the awkward tension would grow.

No, she should let things be for some time. Hopefully by the time the marriage actually happened she would be okay. It was late, and she was still tired. Not enough sleep the past two days. Her excitement could only carry her forward for so long. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day.

So for now she went to the kitchen to retrieve the two pieces of cake from the fridge she had saved for her and Spike. If he was not going to eat it, then she could only enjoy it to herself. Vanilla cake with a strawberry surprise in the middle, Celestia did know her cakes and know them well.

Returning to her room she paused for a moment. Last she left she had apologized to Fluttershy and left in such a hurry the poor mare may have gotten scared. It was just that Luna couldn’t stand to hear such a… slander against her. It was true that Fluttershy did have strange dreams of animals but not of breeding with them. Of breeding them sure, but that was entirely different.

Now she would go back to bed, once more alone and this time without the warmth of another body next to hers. With a sigh, she entered the room and shut the door behind her. On the bed sat Fluttershy. She looked at Luna with one eye, the other half of her face was covered by that long mane of hers.

Luna choked. “Fluttershy, why are you still here?”

Fluttershy winced. “O-oh… I… I’m sorry I’ll leave right away.”

Good job Luna, break her heart by mistake why don’t you? “No, please, that is not what I meant. I meant, why stay after such an awkward conversation, did I not scare you away?”

Fluttershy bit her lower lip. “N-no… um… I… I came here for another reason t-too.”

The cake floated over to the nightstand and was set down. Luna made her way to the bed and looked Fluttershy in the eye. “What can I aid you with my dear?”

Fluttershy was looking anywhere she could that was not directly at Luna. “I-I-I want t-t-to stay here with you t-tonight.”

Luna’s heart skipped a beat. “Truly?”

Fluttershy nodded.

Luna leaned in once more. Admiring that wonderful scent, and the alluring lingerie. Just as Luna leaned in Fluttershy shot her head forward, their lips met and hot fire raced down Luna’s face. Fluttershy pulled back a moment later. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Luna licked her lips. There was a hint of honey there. “Oh, Fluttershy. I am your fiancé, do not feel sorry. If you wish to spend the night with me I am more than pleased.” She looked Fluttershy up and down admiring the mare’s slender tall frame. “If you wish to continue kissing, or perhaps more, I would be even more than pleased.”

Luna reached out with a hoof and gently stroked Fluttershy’s chest. It was like pushing the button on a toy with opposable wings. Fluttershy’s wings came popping out, rigid, hard, and beautiful. “Oh… it seems somepony is excited.”

Fluttershy swallowed. “N-nopony… has um… d-done that in awhile… s-sorry.”

Luna leaned in, wrapped a wing around the back of Fluttershy’s head running through her soft pink mane. Their lips met once more only this time they stayed. Fluttershy’s hooves found their way on Luna’s chest, but they didn’t push, they stroked the tuft of fur there. Lips parted slightly for Luna and invited her tongue to come inside for a visit. The honey flavor of Fluttershy’s mouth and tongue were sweet, hot, and sticky. How could she resist?

They fell upon the bed with Luna on top of Fluttershy. Once she pulled away they were both struggling to gasp for air. Luna swallowed. “It um… it’s been awhile for me too.”

Fluttershy had a dazed look on her face. “S-so that’s what an alicorn k-kisses like.”

Luna smiled. “Of course my dear, now let me show you what other things an alicorn can do with their tongue.”

A hoof gently pressed against Luna’s chest and Fluttershy stared into her eyes. It was such a deep, meaningful look, one that even Luna couldn’t resist. Fluttershy’s lips trembled as she asked, “C-could you put on that um… thing Cadance got for you?”

Luna’s heart skipped another few beats. “How did you… nevermind that. Of course I can. Give me just one moment my love.”

The rest of the night was wonderful, intimate, and sticky, but it was far from restful.


Celestia woke early in the morning. Earlier than anypony else. Today she had special instructions to deliver the newspaper and a Celestia-sized cup of coffee to her bedroom instead of the dining room. She was not ready to meet anypony else. Twilight was still asleep on the bed, sleeping peacefully after a wonderful, peaceful night.

Still in her red bathrobe, Celestia used the light of the morning’s dawn to read by as she drank her cup of coffee. What she saw there wasn’t exactly surprising but it was exactly what she expected. Somehow she knew, just knew Luna was involved with this.

The caption read, “Scandal in the throne. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Twilight all engaged to be married to the five elements of harmony before the week’s end!”

Another mention in the newspaper mentioned the one time a gala turned into a massive orgy and how they should have seen this coming from the Princess of the Sun as she was always too warm. There were other mentions of Luna being the Princess of Passion. What was worse was the rumor of the onetime Luna may have, possibly, forced an entire village into an orgy as a tentacle monster… with no mention of the bananas or the whipped cream though.

Celestia let out a sigh. “Another loss to my dear sister… that changes today. For this war of ours is on. It, is, on.”

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