• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 11,120 Views, 576 Comments

That One Time: Celestia and Luna Married the Mane Six - TheCrimsonDM

Have you ever gotten so drunk you forgot you offered the princesses' hoof in marriage to whoever brought your sister back? And how many 'es' there are in 'Princess'?

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Chapter Thirty Two: When Flutters Craves Apples

Chapter Thirty Two: When Flutters Craves Apples

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Applejack had to admit, she felt a little dirty about wanting to get romantically involved with Luna. A little bit. There was some ingrained part of herself that said, over and over again, that this whole situation was wrong and that she and Rarity should be doing what normal ponies did and staying with each other. However, after seeing that masculine hunk Luna could become and that one solitary kiss, she knew it was too late. She’d fallen for Luna. At the very least she and Rarity were both in agreement that they should share Luna so there was no cheating going on.

What was unfortunate about deciding this was the fact that every time they seemed to get close to Luna something happened to ruin their plans. From Rarity needing last second adjustments to their wedding dresses, to a stampede of random animals inside of Luna’s bedroom, they were being blocked by fate itself. If this continued they’d have to request the help of somepony that was potentially going to cause problems for them… but also one who could break through the chaos of the world with a force that was beyond nature: Pinkie Pie.

For now they focused on what they could do together. Especially since they were cleaned now of any and all the filth covering them from the skunk. Now Rarity was good at charming ponies, she was in fact, really good at it. Applejack on the other hoof had barely gotten enough courage to ask Rarity out in the first place and she never would have done so if it wasn’t for that one night they had a sleepover at Twilight’s. The fact Twilight kept trying to do sleepovers after that was weird but neither of them felt comfortable doing that again.

The halls were quiet but not empty so the two of them had taken the opportunity to hide away in Rarity’s room after the bath. Originally Applejack thought there might be other ideas going through Rarity’s head, but when she pulled out a white board and marker she realized that they were only making plans instead.

Rarity smiled. “So, plan ‘Threesome with the Princess of the Night’ is underway. Ideas?”

Applejack shrugged. “We could just tie her up, Ah got mah lasso and Ah’m pretty sure she likes that stuff.”

Rarity shook her head. “Darling, please… if we do that, she’ll need to give consent first, then we tie her up and have our ways with her. Also I feel that her ability to transform as you suggested might be hindered by such a thing.”

Applejack conceded. “Ayep, didn’t think about that.”

Rarity smiled. “Romantic dinner, just me, you, and her. Somewhere private with nopony else involved.”

“Sound’s fancy, but Ah reckon with how high strung everypony is that won’t work so well. Especially if Pinkie or Fluttershy show up.”

Rarity put the marker to the white board. “I noticed that too.” She drew Fluttershy’s name, put a circle around it, and then an X through it. “She’s blocking us, I am almost positive of it. And she is intelligent. Using my fears of my body type against me and animals against both of us…”

Applejack nodded back. “Not to mention she’s getting a bit creepy looking too.”

Rarity frowned. “You noticed that as well… I fear maybe it’s something to do with Luna’s ambient magic. You’ve heard the stories right?”

“Not really.”

“Stories of how Luna single hoofedly created the batpony race. Some suggest it was through terrible magic, others say by prolonged exposure and sleep, some even suggest they were her children though… well… I haven’t seen evidence of either princess having children.”

Applejack suggested, “Twilight?”

“Well that’s just a rumor, surely she wouldn’t marry Twilight if they were related… Luna might.”

“Well Ah guess incest is on the table.”

Rarity arched an eyebrow. “Oh, how often has incest been on the table at your home? Applebloom eats from that table you know.”

Applejack narrowed her eyes. “Rarity, Ah ain’t never slept with Big Mac.”

“I was thinking Braeburn but okay.”

“He’s mah cousin fer Celestia’s flanks sakes!”

Rarity gave her a knowing smile. “I’m joking. Pinkie’s the one putting incest on the table… I’d stay away from tables if I were you.”

“Noted. Now what are we gonna do to get Luna in bed with us that’s timely and reasonable?”

“First we need to distract Fluttershy. As well as Pinkie Pie…”

“Hmmm, we could distract one but the other still proves to be a problem don’t it?” Rarity’s eyes lit up with glee. “Unless we distract them with each other.”

Applejack stared at her. “And then what?”

“Sneak in Luna’s bed, risk waking her up, and letting her ravish us with everything she has.”

Applejack nodded. “Alright, Ah’m interested, but how do you reckon we get them distracted.”

Rarity’s grin grew wider. “I have just the idea! Oh Pinkie!”

They waited a few seconds. Applejack half expected Pinkie Pie to appear out from behind a painting or something. When nothing happened. Rarity called again. “PINKIE PIE!”

Still nothing. She walked to the door opened it up and looked up and down the hall. “That’s strange, usually that works wonders.”

Applejack shrugged. “Too bad there isn’t a party she’s missing.”

A pink blur dropped from the ceiling and rebuilt itself into the image of Pinkie Pie. She stood there only an inch away from Applejacks’ muzzle. “Hiya, cus!”

Applejack swallowed. “Howdy.”

Rarity smiled. “Pinkie Pie, did you know Fluttershy didn’t have a party yesterday?”

Pinkie Pie looked at her. “Oh really? What party did I miss? I thought I got everything already.”

“She missed her ‘first time sleeping with Luna’ party.”

Pinkie Pie gasped. “YOU’RE RIGHT! I need to hurry up and fix that. Thanks for letting me know.” She looked back at Applejack. “Oh and I need to do this because I’m only missing two places on my makeout bingo now.”

Applejack opened her mouth to ask what she was on about and instantly regretted it as Pinkie darted her head forward and shoved her tongue into Applejack’s mouth. The kiss lasted only as long as it took for Applejack to shove Pinkie off of her. Pinkie wiped a hoof at her lips and grinned. “Wow, you really do taste like apple pie.” She began hoping toward the door. “Okie Dokie Lokie, time to party with Fluttershy and then complete my bingo.”

Once she was gone, Rarity closed the door, locked it, gave a little sigh and unlocked it. “Well I’m sure that was traumatizing for you.”

Applejack looked around. “Ah need to brush my teeth before Ah start doing anything with my mouth involving Luna.”

Rarity laughed. “Well, if she really is as much of a packaged stallion as you say, you’re also going to need to dislocate your jaw too.”

“Haha, very funny, Rares… Uh… actually you might be onto something there.”


Fluttershy had been enjoying her time with Luna, but with their different hours she found herself wide awake in the slumbering embrace of her love, her princess, her moonlight. It was warm, but not so warm she was uncomfortable, and her eyes were adjusting to the darkness of the room well. In fact she could make out the shapes of most of the items in here with no extra light needed. Of course only the shapes were visible so details were still a mystery to her.

Still even in this loving embrace she found herself growing a little restless. Gently moving out of the embrace she pulled herself away from Luna and crawled out of bed. Luna shifted a little but never woke. The poor mare had been sleeping rather roughly from what Fluttershy could tell. She deserved more sleep. Hopefully once the weddings were done with and everypony settled down, and stayed away from her Luna, things would be okay.

Once outside of the bed she made her way to the door and cracked it open. She was surprised to find that it was bright, really, really bright out here. She slipped out of the room shielding her eyes with a wing. With her rear hoof she closed the door behind her. Moving was a little hard, parts of her still felt sore from being used a whole lot more than they were used too.

Luna was nothing if not filled with endurance. Moving onward she walked down the halls suddenly aware of every detail missed in the shadows. A spot of dust behind a table, a mouse hiding underneath a desk, a spider living amongst the leaves of a fern. One thing she didn’t notice earlier though was the trace scent of apples in the air. They smelled… good. Her nose followed them as she searched for the source.

Eventually she found herself walking toward the hall where their rooms were. The Hall of Friendship as it were. Inside she saw Applejack walking up to her. Applejack tilted her hat, “Howdy.”

Fluttershy marched up to her and pressed her nose into Applejack’s chest fur giving it a few sniffs. The mare flinched but stood her ground. Applejack smelled good, really good. Like really, really good. Fluttershy could feel her mouth salivating, she licked her lips, and her teeth, her k-9s felt a little sharper than usual.

Applejack took a step back. “Um, Ah know Ah just took a bath but Ah can’t smell that good can Ah?”

Fluttershy’s wings shot out wrapping around the back of Applejack’s head pulling her in close. No, she wasn’t getting away so easily, not when she smelled so good. Fluttershy moved her muzzle and smelled her, looking for the source of the scent. Trailing her muzzle along her delightfully sweet neck, up across her cheek to where her lips were.

The scent was irresistible. Fluttershy pressed her lips against Applejack’s and forced her tongue inside as the mare froze in her grasp. The inside of Applejack’s mouth, though not nearly as magical as Luna's, tasted of the most delicious, juicy apple she could imagine. If her mouth tasted this good then…

Fluttershy pulled back suddenly allowing Applejack to get a breath of air. With her wings she shoved Applejack’s head into the floor and proceeded to climb on top of her back using her hips to keep that head down. Fluttershy reached out with a wing and moved that swishing tail away. The smell was even stronger here. Fluttershy moved her teeth along the edges of Applejack’s flanks going toward the base of her tail. The smell was heavenly.

A pink head appeared right in front of her vision. Bright blue eyes stared into Fluttershy’s. “I know she smells and tastes good.” Pinkie gave Applejack a lick somewhere that caused Applejack to make the most adorable noise. “But you have to wait to try out the apple pie.”

Fluttershy growled at her. “This is my food.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “No, I think it’s actually Rarity’s at least until we’re married. Oh, but we have something more important to do, and I can give you all the apples you want. Have you ever tried apple flavored cupcakes?”

Fluttershy growled. Looked down at the precious apples on her friend's flank. She gave them a lick, and then a bite causing the mare to yelp. “Mmmm… You’re going to take me away no matter what I say aren’t you?”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Now you’re getting it.”

Fluttershy climbed off of Applejack’s back and put her wings back where they belonged against her side. They were a little rigid though so she had to struggle to keep them in place. “Lead me, Pinkie.”

As Pinkie Pie led them away Fluttershy stopped only long enough to look at the red faced Applejack. “I’ll come back to finish this meal later.”

The two of them left and Fluttershy had no problem with swishing her tail and swinging her hips to entice her future meal. Never before had Fluttershy realized just how attractive Applejack really was, and now she couldn’t wait to enjoy her later. For now she’d entertain the pink pony, after all even she knew that nopony could defeat Pinkie when she wanted something done.

Pinkie Pie giggled. “You’re going to love it, I have the best, ‘Just got laid by a princess’ party ever. Rarity had a different name for it but it was kinda weak.”

Rarity cried out from behind them. “I thought it was tactful!”

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