• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 11,126 Views, 576 Comments

That One Time: Celestia and Luna Married the Mane Six - TheCrimsonDM

Have you ever gotten so drunk you forgot you offered the princesses' hoof in marriage to whoever brought your sister back? And how many 'es' there are in 'Princess'?

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Chapter Thirty Seven: When Friends can Relax

Chapter Thirty Seven: When Friends can Relax

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Luna retired to her room but quickly found she wasn’t alone in here. There were three ponies in here with her. Rarity, Applejack, and then being held down between the two of them a very bat-like and upset Fluttershy. Fluttershy was hissing at the two and judging but the fang marks on each of them, they’d had a hard fight dragging her into here.

Rarity spoke first. “Luna, my moon, please help. She is growing out of control and will not stop lusting after Applejack as if she was some kind of prized salmon.”

Applejack nodded. “Ah’d already been licked by half mah friends in the past few days, AH’d like to at least stop the biting.”

Luna chuckled to herself. “My apologies, Fluttershy. I suppose it’s been so long I forgot that the more intimate I become with a pony the higher chance they have of evolving into something greater than before. Honestly, my sister should help balance that out with the rest of you but Fluttershy has scarcely left my side the last few days.”

Her horn lit up and Fluttershy was wrapped up in a blue aura. Her wings began to look more feathery than before. Her fangs shrunk. Her eyes returned to normal and she stopped hissing. Once she looked more or less normal again Fluttershy eeped.

Rarity and Applejack got off of her and Fluttershy stood up. Her face was turning so red she looked almost like the words most adorable pimple. “Applejack, Rarity… I’m sorry.”

Fluttershy stood up and walked herself out of the bedroom. With that done Luna looked at the other two. “Do you two wish to stay?”

Applejack and Rarity both gave each other nervous glances. Rarity spoke. “Well, we might want to um… create a balance between our two beautiful brides. Isn’t that right darling?”

Applejack nodded. “Ah’ll be honest. Ah can’t become a batpony because Ah fear Ah might try to eat myself… maybe Ah’m more scared AH’ll succeed.”

Rarity added. “That sounds like the kind of trick only Pinkie Pie could pull off… I might be interested in watching.”

Applejack marched to the door and walked out. “Nope.”

Rarity let out a sigh. “I suppose I’ll just have to ask Pinkie Pie to show me how she does that later.” She smiled at Luna. “Please do get some good rest, after all you’ve been through because of our shenanigans, you deserve it.”

Luna watched her leave and shut the door behind her. Knowing that those three really cared for her made her heart flutter. She wasn’t sure if she’d get any sleep after such displays of affection. Even though she laid in bed, and her eyes closed, she was sure that all she could do was think about how much those ponies loved her. It wasn’t like she was going to… fall… asleep.


Rainbow Dash was leaning back on her cloud covered balcony and overlooking the sunset. From her view here she saw the moon as it began to rise and the sun as it began to fall. Stars were only just now beginning to sparkle to life in the sky far above. She let out a sigh of relief as she finally found a quiet moment to herself.

Three balconies down she saw Fluttershy standing there looking out over the sunset. She looked normal again, well she was still wearing the pink collar that Luna had gotten her but she looked like a pegasus again. Rainbow Dash called over. “Hey, Fluttershy, you good?”

Fluttershy looked at her, her face turned red and she stuttered something in reply but Rainbow Dash couldn’t hear her. “Sorry, what was that? You have to speak up when you’re like sixty feet away from me.”

Fluttershy moved her mouth again but Rainbow Dash caught none of it. “Fluttershy, I’m too lazy to go over there, I’m just going to assume you're okay.”

Rarity came out of her room onto the balcony next to Fluttershy’s and yelled back. “She said she’s sorry about trying to eat you.”

Rainbow Dash snickered. “Tell her it’s all good.”

Rarity pouted. “She can hear ‘you’ just fine.”

“Then why does she need you to yell at me?”

Applejack came out of the room next to Rainbow Dash’s. “Because, Shy ain’t too loud you know.”

Twilight flew in from above them to land on her own personal balcony at the very end explaining as she did. “Just because you can create enough volume with your voice to carry your yelling to Fluttershy does not mean that Fluttershy can’t hear you. She is just incapable of creating the vocalizations needed for such loud sounds herself.”

Rainbow Dash watched as Twilight turned to face them. “Hey, Twilight, you gonna be staying in your room tonight?”

Twilight shouted back, causing Fluttershy to flinch. “Of course, it’s the night before my wedding night and it would be improper for me to sleep in my wife’s bed. In fact she isn’t supposed to see me after dinner tonight at all until the wedding. I will be implementing invisibility spells to assure this as to not cause any bad luck.”

Rainbow dash laughed. “Since when did you believe in bad luck?”

Twilight called back. “Since I found out I was getting married to you.”

Pinkie Pie popped her head out. She was not in fact on her own balcony but instead on Rainbow Dash’s and holding a bingo card that had all of the eight brides faces on it, even hers. “Oooohhhhh, sick burn!”

Twilight called out. “I did no such thing. I merely made a playful jest, I did no burning of any sort.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. She studied the bingo card and noticed that Pinkie had an X on there for everypony on it except for Rainbow Dash. She even had a mark for herself. “Uh, what’s that for?”

Pinkie Pie looked at it. “It’s my bingo card, if I win I get something special. I really want to win. I actually started this card months ago, and had to travel to Manehattan to get the mark for myself.”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Neat, so you’re trying to get my mark now? What do I need to do, stamp it or something?”

Her ears folded back. “Well… kinda yeah. I didn’t want to bother you with this, but then I realized I could get something really good if I win.”

“What do you get?”

Pinkie Pie smiled. “Well Discord said I get to have a happily ever after, though he didn’t say everypony else would get one.”

Rainbow Dash groaned. “Great, so it’s a weird game you’re playing with him. Got it.”

“He said it would be physically impossible for me to win. I think it’s because of the mark for myself but then I realized… he was talking about you.”

Rainbow Dash stared at her. “So, if I help you win, I’m basically beating him at his own game.”

She nodded.

“Cool, what do I do?”

Pinkie Pie smiled. “Just sit there and close your eyes.”

Rainbow Dash did as instructed. She couldn't wait to get one up on Discord, the expression he made when he lost at a game of chance was always priceless. When she felt Pinkie’s lips meet hers and her eyes opened wide she stared at Pinkie who was now busy kissing her. Pinkie Pie pulled back and grinned. “Thanks.” She then marked an X on the card and it lifted up into the air and vanished.

Rainbow Dash looked back down at Pinkie only to find she was missing, she looked over from her sun chair and realized Pinkie was now on her own balcony now staring up at the sky. “I… you know what, at least you’re not trying to hump me.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “That’s for after we’re married silly. All these ponies trying to move too fast and beat the game before it even starts. I swear, half of you are speedrunners.”

Rarity replied. “Marriage is not a game, Pinkie.”

Pinkie waved a hoof. “Sure it is, and I plan to be the bestest at it. I already got major scores from Celestia for being able to make cake.”

Rarity shouted back. “You’ve been trying to sleep with Luna too!”

Pinkie Pie looked way across at her and blinked a few times. “Nuh-uh, trying implies I didn’t already succeed.”

Rarity began stammering something and Rainbow Dash laughed. Out of all of them Pinkie was oftentimes the most surprising of them. Either that or the most manipulative and evil. She couldn’t figure it out but that was a job left for smarter ponies. Pinkie was their bard of heart and she could stay crazy and wonderful as long as she wanted too. For now, Rainbow Dash just wanted to take one final night to relax as a single mare before she was hitched. Apparently everything was going to change, and being a knight-princess-Wonderbolt was probably going to change a lot.

Applejack was the next to yell. “So, considering the amount of us there are, whose all, ya know, going first?’

Rainbow Dash hollered back. “First for what?”

Applejack fixed her with a stare. “First to bed after the wedding?”

Twilight shouted. “Obviously I’m getting Celestia first, I’ve been waiting for this for years, ever since that fateful cucumber. I had to use my teeth to remove it, I'll have you know!”

Everypony stared at her, not quite sure what to make of that sentence. Choosing the better part of sanity they ignored it. Fluttershy squeaked. Rarity smiled and shouted, “Fluttershy nominates me to be the first one with Luna.”

A book flew through the air slamming into the back of Rarity’s head. Everypony stared at the culprit, Fluttershy. Twilight let out a sigh and shouted for her instead. “What Fluttershy really said was that I was going to also bed Luna first.”

Another book flew this time it hit Twilight in the face. Twilight rubbed at her nose. “Okay fine, she said that she wanted Luna first, if that’s okay with the rest of us. Honestly I don’t want to have another book thrown at me so I guess I’ll choose to be okay with it.”

Rarity shouted next. “I agree, those books really hurt, darling.”

Fluttershy huffed, her face was as red as could be but she looked satisfied with those responses.

Applejack shouted back at Rarity. “Ah think you and me should probably share Luna.”

Rarity shouted back. “Agreed, that way neither of us feel guilty.”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “You’re both weird.”

Applejack looked at her. “What about you, don’t you care?”

“Nope? It’s gonna happen when it happens.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Since I want both of the Princesses at the same time, I guess I have to wait until everypony else has already had their fill. I’m going to get slippery, sloppy, sixths!”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Does it really matter in what order we actually do this in? I mean besides Twilight and Fluttershy apparently? We’re all going to be gross and covered in someone’s nasty sauce by the end of it.”

Rarity called out. “We’re missing the really important part, darling. The wedding night is just the start. Our honeymoon is going to be the real challenge. I think we’ve spent three days confused, arguing, and playing pranks on one another more than actually thinking long term here. Then there will be living situations after that.”

Applejack called back. “Already covered the last part. Ah’m still living on the farm but Luna and Celestia are welcome to visit anytime, they’ll be family after all.”

Rarity put a hoof to her chin. “Well I technically have two different homes… I guess I’ll just have three now.”

Twilight cried out. “I still want to be a librarian, but I want to be Celestia and Luna’s house wife! So I kinda need a house.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Why are you so insistent on such a simple thing? You could be anything you want. You’re a princess.”

“And I want to be a housewife!”

“But, darling-“

“The next book being thrown at you is coming from me.”

That brought a laugh out of everypony there. Rainbow Dash felt like she could fully relax for the first time in a few days. Things were changing and moving pretty fast, but she was the fastest pegasus in Equestria. If she couldn’t keep up with this speed she had no right calling herself that anymore.

Rainbow Dash heard a knock at her bedroom door. The others all turned as she did so they must have gotten similar knocks at the same time. Going to open it, Rainbow Dash saw her servant. A small pegasus mare with bouncy curly blond hair and white fur. She was a contender for a Pinkie clone if she ever saw one.

“Hiya!” she said in a bouncy tone.

“Sup, Surprise.”

“Lady Rainbow Dash, it’s dinner time and I bet you're hungry flying around all the time right?”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “You know it!”

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