• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 11,120 Views, 576 Comments

That One Time: Celestia and Luna Married the Mane Six - TheCrimsonDM

Have you ever gotten so drunk you forgot you offered the princesses' hoof in marriage to whoever brought your sister back? And how many 'es' there are in 'Princess'?

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Chapter Thirty: When Ponies Pair Up

Chapter Thirty: When Ponies Pair Up

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Celestia had dragged Rainbow dash off to her quarters. The two of them lay on the bed staring into one another’s eyes. The small pegasus looked up with expectant and nervous eyes. Using one of her wings she gently stroked Rainbow Dash’s cheek drawing lines that made the mare shiver with delight. It had been a long, long time since she had known such power over a pony to make them feel as much pleasure as she desired them to have.

Leaning over she brought her muzzle within centimeters of Rainbow’s. Their breath mixed in the air between them. The small thing’s breathing was fast, shallow, and her heartbeat, if Celestia heard it correctly, was as faster than Rainbow Dash’s flight speed. Gently Celestia leaned over pressing her lips against Rainbow Dash’s.

The mare’s wings shot out instantly becoming rigid and hard. It was just a simple small kiss, but it drew so much pleasure from the mare she had what some referred to as a ‘wing boner’. The power Celestia felt was amazing. She couldn’t help herself as she kissed again, and once more. Rainbow Dash had started kissing back at this point, seemingly confident in what was happening.

It was when Rainbow Dash’s lips parted, perhaps on purpose, perhaps on instinct, that Celestia moved forward with her plan. Learning from her last experience she kept herself in as much control as she could and their tongues met. Rainbow Dash had an interesting flavor that she had not expected. It wasn’t skittles!

Somepony, somewhere, at some point in time had lied to her about that.

Rainbow Dash tasted like morning dew, or like a rain cloud just after a light shower. It was a down to earth, simple flavor that Celestia could get used too. Keeping herself in control was a lot easier with Rainbow Dash than she’d expected. No shoving her tongue so deep she made the mare vomit, just barely going in far enough to get a taste.

Once she pulled back she began kissing along the side of Rainbow Dash’s neck drawing lines of pleasure and gasps from the mare. One of Celestia’s wings reached further back and stroked something that made Rainbow Dash jump.

Just as Celestia was about to go a little further she felt Rainbow push her wing away with a hoof. Was her advance being rejected? Celestia paused, unsure. Maybe she just wasn’t in a comfortable position.

Rainbow Dash spoke in a volume just above a whisper. “C-Celestia…”

Celestia swallowed. Oh no, what did she do wrong this time? “Yes, my Raincloud?”

“Could we just… kiss?”

Celestia pulled her wing back. “Of course, whatever you’re comfortable with.”

Rainbow Dash met her eyes. There was uncertainty and fear inside them. “I’m sorry.”

Celestia offered a smile but was feeling just as scared inside herself. “It’s quite alright.”

“I just… haven’t gone further than making out before, I don’t want to do that yet you know. I might be fast but even I can take some things slow.”

Celestia blinked. Had she forgotten the mare was a virgin? Of course Rainbow Dash would want to be more careful before doing anything a little more intimate. She likely accepted that today was the last day such things were going to be a possibility but if Rainbow Dash didn’t feel comfortable jumping the gun just yet, then Celestia could hold off for her. Though she really did want some practice as she was a little worried that if she didn’t get someone then her first time with Twilight might just break the poor thing.

Rainbow Dash looked down and away. “I… you’re not going to stop kissing me are you?”

Celestia used her muzzle to lift up Rainbow’s chin by nuzzling her. She went back to kissing soon after to let the mare know she did nothing wrong by requesting they hold off on some more of the intimate parts. Celestia was patient, she could wait for Rainbow Dash to be comfortable with such things.

For a while they stayed there, kissing, lightly touching, holding each other’s hooves. It was going well and she could feel Rainbow Dash relaxing more and more by the moment. They might very well go a little further if Rainbow Dash’s interest was any indication.

Of course that’s when they heard something from a good distance away crash followed by the sound of shattering glass. Celestia pulled away from Rainbow dash. For a moment they watched the door in silence.

Rainbow Dash swallowed. “It wasn’t me.”

Celestia groaned. “I know… and I think I also know who it was. Let’s go check on our little cleaning princess and baker to see exactly what they broke this time.”


With luck it turned out that the royal bath waters had some sort of enchantment on them that made the waters cleanse a pony of any sort of stink, stain, or otherwise unwanted substance. So it was no time at all before Rarity and Applejack were not only clean but smelled good as well.

Laying back in the tub Rarity looked up at the ceiling and murmured to herself. “So… we’re both hunting Princess Luna then?”

Applejack whose name was soaking wet, her hat removed and looking back at her with a pair of the greenest eyes Rarity ever did see replied. “Ah don’t think hunting is the right word fer trying to get intimate with our mutual fiancé, but ayep.”

Rarity barely heard her as she stared at that freckled face. Despite the fact this morning had been ruined she couldn’t help but to admire Applejack’s simple beauty. There was something utterly adorable and lovable about her. If she wasn’t already exhausted from all the adrenaline running through her she might be tempted to jump Applejack’s bones then and there. Instead she settled for staring.

Applejack waved a hoof. “Equestria to Rarity. You in there?”

Rarity smiled. “Just admiring your beauty.”

Applejack’s cheeks went pink and she looked away. “Thanks…”

“I can’t wait to see you in your wedding gown. You’re going to be the most beautiful bride there.”

“Oh shucks, Rares. Ah’m sure you’ll be taking the top spot easy.”

“No, nopony can top you my dear.” Rarity’s horn lit up and she dragged Applejack closer where she wrapped a leg around her waist. Applejack leaned her head on Rarity’s shoulder and let out a sigh of content. “You truly are the most beautiful thing in Ponyville, and I could be no happier than to call you my wife.”

Applejack snuggled in. “You know Ah feel the same.”

“Maybe we should work together than.”

“Together fer what?”

“Work together to get Luna to be with us. If we team up surely nopony or force could stop us from our mutual fiancé’s loving embrace.”

Applejack laughed. “So basically you want mah help to get us to have a threeway with Luna.”

“I hadn’t thought about it that way, but yes. It’s exactly what I want.”

“Alright, but on one condition.”

Rarity didn’t want to make conditions here but if it was important to Applejack she would. “What is it?”

“We ask Luna to turn herself into a stallion fer us. Trust me, yer gonna like it.”

Rarity had no idea what she meant by that, but as strange a request as it was, Rarity could allow it. After all, she was there to get Luna to notice her so she could be an important bride, instead of just some random pony that lucked out in marrying her. “Alright, darling. It sounds only fair.”


Twilight was feeling a bit miserable as she scrubbed the walls with a brush. Pinkie Pie was singing to herself as she cleaned her half of the dining room. How did things go so out of control? Twilight was sure that Pinkie Pie started this, so how did they get to the point of destroying everything with lasers and cannonballs? Actually Twilight wasn’t so sure about how that started. She just felt bad for destroying Celestia’s dining room.

Very few times in her life could Twilight say that Celestia was ever disappointed in her, fewer more could she say Celestia was actually angry with her. The last time she’d seen Celestia so upset was when Twilight uncovered Chrysalis’s plans in the Canterlot Wedding. Things were different this time because she wasn’t going to turn out to be right and have some evil changeling responsible for everything. No, she was at fault here and had to fix this mess herself.

They were at least most of the way done by then. Twilight wasn’t allowed to do anything more than a simple telekinesis spell. Sure she could take advantage of the wording and use multiple instances of it levitate a hundred brushes and clean everything at once. She could, but even she wasn’t dense enough to do that and risk Celestia’s ire twice. After all, at the end of the day they had to share a bed together… or Celestia could kick her out for the evening…

She decided to just clean everything the old fashioned way.

It took a good couple of hours to fully clean this place. The one thing they did need help with was getting new chairs. Some of them were destroyed beyond repair, and Twilight might have used a less simple spell to repair the damage done to the table and the chairs she could fix. Especially Celestia’s favorite chair.

Once finished Twilight smiled. “Well that went well.”

Pinkie Pie grinned. “Yeppers. It was a lot of fun though!”

Twilight laughed. “Yeah, it was. I really needed that… thanks.”

Pinkie Pie wrapped a foreleg around Twilight’s neck and dragged her into a full on kiss. Before Twilight even knew what was going on Pinkie’s tongue had slipped into her mouth and was having it’s way with Twilight’s. The first thing Twilight noticed was that Pinkie tasted like cake… just, how? The second thing she noticed was that she was somehow on the floor now with Pinkie Pie on top of her.

One of the buckets was spilled over and the two ended up rolling over into the dirty water getting soaking wet but their mouths didn’t stop for an instant. Hooves caressed each other’s sides and flanks. Wings worked a pink back and ran through curly tangled pink hair. They kept rolling over knocking a chair or two over as well as a few more buckets. Something else fell off the table and clanked loudly as it hit the floor.

Twilight and Pinkie didn’t even need to pull away for breath. At some point Twilight thought it wise to try flying so she could stop hitting things as she made out with Pinkie. It was a good idea until, not being able to see the ceiling, they hit the chandelier and the entire thing came crashing to the floor. After that they hit the table hard enough to knock it over and break the table leg they just fixed.

They didn’t stop kissing until Celestia’s voice rang out and a golden aura surrounded the two of them forcing them to separate. Twilight struggled to go back to Pinkie for a moment before her mind began to clear and she looked at the renewed destruction around them.

Celestia was there with Rainbow Dash next to her. Rainbow Dash had some lipstick stains along her neck. The stains belonged to a massive pair of lips… Celestia sized lips.

Still Twilight couldn’t think of that as Celestia stared right at her. “You two can’t even make out without destroying everything in sight, can you?”

Twilight swallowed, her mouth still tasted of cake and frosting. “It’s… it’s not my fault. Pinkie Pie started it.”

Pinkie Pie raised a hoof. “Yes I did.”

Celestia closed her eyes and shook her head slowly before sitting them down. “New rule, no making out in the dining room. Also, I’m not going to ask you two to try cleaning anymore. Just… go.”

Twilight lowered her head. This was the second time she had disappointed Celestia. With slow steady steps she walked out of the dining room. The first time she was scared and just wanted to fix it. This time she was disappointed in herself. Her heart was breaking as she realized just how much she might have pushed Celestia’s buttons.

Pinkie Pie didn’t look much better as she matched Twilight’s pace.

Celestia let out a sigh as her horn began to glow. “Come, Rainbow Dash. We’ll go fetch a few servants to clean this properly.”

Rainbow Dash glanced back at them. “I’m sure they didn’t mean to do this… this time.”

Celestia shook her head. “That’s why I’m only disappointed this time and not angry.”

Somehow hearing that hurt Twilight in a way she couldn’t quite put into words. Today was going to be a long day.

Just outside of the dining room she found Luna. There was a mischievous look in her eyes as her horn lit up. “Twilight, my love. It seems like you're having a hard day. What if I helped you… have more fun?”

Twilight offered a small smile. “Well… Celestia is still angry with me but… maybe it’ll help distract me.”

“Oh I think distractions a plenty are in store for you.” Luna’s horn gave off a bright glow and Twilight felt a cold welcoming presence press into the folds of her already weakened mind. There wasn’t any resistance as the cold swept over her and she began to care less and less about Celestia being angry with her. After all, it was her wedding tomorrow, and she deserved to feel like the best, the happiest, and the most powerful of them all.

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