• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 11,120 Views, 576 Comments

That One Time: Celestia and Luna Married the Mane Six - TheCrimsonDM

Have you ever gotten so drunk you forgot you offered the princesses' hoof in marriage to whoever brought your sister back? And how many 'es' there are in 'Princess'?

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Chapter Seventeen: When Morning Coffee Meets the Sun

Chapter Seventeen: When Morning Coffee Meets the Sun

Written by TheCrimsonDM

It was early morning and the servants had kindly led Rarity to the royal dining room. Inside Rarity was surprised to see she was not the first one to arrive. Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash were here already. Pinkie Pie was still asleep when she last checked, but there was a noticeable lack of any princesses in the room.

Rarity took a seat and found both of the other two mares in here were already eating. Figuring she wouldn’t be causing any additional harm eating before anypony else arrived she made sure to grab herself a nice stack of pancakes. Sure it was going to harm her diet a little, but with her getting married in a little more than two days she was going to be fine indulging in some sweets.

Rainbow Dash was already through her cup of coffee and half of her pancakes meaning that Rarity was able to sleep in well today. Maybe a little too well. “So, how are you two feeling about this current situation now?”

Applejack let out a sigh. “Luna’s sure is sweet, not sure about anything else but she clearly loves us.”

Rarity hummed happily. “Of course she does. Why do you think I felt her the perfect mare to marry us.”

Applejack chuckled. “Ah thought you just wanted to be a princess.”

“Oh hush you.”

Applejack leaned forward. “Why don’t you make me?”

Rarity matched her enthusiasm. “Oh, don’t tempt me. I know of better uses for that mouth of yours you know.”

Rainbow Dash stood up suddenly drawing their attention and reminding Rarity that the pegasus was still in fact in the room with them. “I GOT IT!”

Applejack looked at her. “Uh… got what?”

Rainbow Dash smiled and looked as though she had solved some impossible puzzle she was so pleased with herself. “I’m going to be the first one to buck Luna.”

Rarity spat her coffee out. “Excuse me!”

“You’re excused.”

Rarity stared, open mouthed. “But, but, but… why?”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “Because clearly Twilight’s going to be the first one to buck Celestia. So I’m going after Luna. I’m going to beat you all there.”

Applejack was busy using a few napkins to clean the dispensed coffee off of her face. “Ah take it you really are the fastest pegasus in Equestria.”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “Hey, it’s got to be somepony right? Besides, I gave it a full day to think it over and I think I like her.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “So it only takes twenty four hours to get into your bed. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Like I’d you let you in there. Applejack, maybe, you nah.”

“And what exactly is wrong with me?” Rarity glared daggers at her.

Rainbow Dash grinned. “You really want to know?”

Rarity stood on her hind legs, her forelegs balancing on the table. “Yes, yes I do.”

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to speak as the door swung open. Applejack nearly whispered. “Thank Celestia for the distraction.”

In came Luna and Fluttershy. Fluttershy’s cheeks were pink and something about her was different. The way she moved with every sway of her hips, the sensual power in each step, and how her tail was lifted up all made them stare. In fact Fluttershy’s tail seemed to be entwined with Luna’s, the two tails braided around each other. Luna draped a wing over Fluttershy and led the mare to her side of the table where they sat down together. Fluttershy nuzzled in closely to Luna’s side before looking with tired eyes at the coffee.

Rainbow Dash sat down, her mouth working silently. Even Rarity was unsure of exactly what had happened but the change in Fluttershy’s appearance had meant something surely occurred. Something that even she was not fully comfortable with. With a voice that came out far too timid for her own liking Rarity asked. “Are you two alright?”

Fluttershy hummed. “Mhmm.” She nuzzled closer and one of her wings slipped underneath Luna’s to bring a feathered tip down Luna’s back.

Luna cooed at the sensation before answering. “We had the most splendid of nights. It may even have been better then my first Nightmare Night.”

Rarity swallowed. “Um… did you get any good sleep?”

Luna smiled. “We slept… some. Yet, our activities kept us quite awake during most of the night.”

Applejack croaked out a question now. “We… as in the royal we?”

Luna shook her head. “No, we as in me and Fluttershy.” She looked down a bit and frowned. “I hope thou are not too upset with me. If you wish, any or all of you may share this night with me like me and Fluttershy shared the last.”

Rarity took another sip of her coffee, then a drink, then she chugged the entire thing in one gulp. She set it down and looked at Rainbow Dash. “Looks like you were too slow for once.”

Rainbow Dash groaned. “I LOST! To Fluttershy! Of all the ponies, I lost to Fluttershy… oh by Celestia’s sweet butt, how did that happen?”

Another much more mature and warm voice entered the conversation. “Is my butt truly that sweet?”

Looking over revealed that Twilight and Celestia had appeared alongside Pinkie Pie. The door wasn’t opened so Rarity figured they must have teleported in. Well at least there was plenty of breakfast for the three of them. There were also many questions about the two sets of ponies there, but Rarity was a lady, and a lady knew subtly. She knew exactly how to be subtle, and ask things in just the right ways as to get the best answers.

Applejack asked. “So, Shy, how was sleeping with Luna? Was the sex as good as they say?”

Rarity didn’t bother to not try face hoofing. In fact she attempted to punch her hoof through her own skull as a reminder that the mare she chose to love was about as dense as the walls of Tartarus. Well that only resulted in a small headache…

Twilight chimed in. “You slept with a princess too? I bet it was wonderful. Celestia’s the warmest, snuggliest pony in Equestria. I’m… still not sharing her with any of you.”

Pinkie Pie sighed. “Twilight, you’re so cruel.”

Twilight glared at her. “I have had, as Rainbow Dash would put it, dibs on Celestia for far longer than you.”

Rainbow Dash had sunken in her chair. Outdone by two of her friends she must have felt like a sore loser. Well that’s what stuck up rainbow ponies who couldn’t see how attractive Rarity was received; disappointment.

Celestia gave a knowing smile to Luna and Luna frowned. Somehow Rarity felt there was a message being passed between the two that she didn’t catch. Of course it would be easy for two sisters to do so, even Rarity and Sweetie Belle had their own secret code for certain things.

A newspaper was levitated from Celestia and brought over to Luna who grabbed it in her aura as she took a bite of a pancake. There were also dinner items on the table, mashed potatoes again, cake, and some strange concoction she wasn’t sure of, a stew of some kind. Luna seemed content to eat pancakes… again.

Celestia took a seat on her side of the table as she was joined by both Pinkie and Twilight. Luna read on her eyes starting to widen with each word. Eventually she looked away and said, “Scandalous? How could this be scandalous, are these ponies running the newspaper so daft they think they can dare to judge their leaders?”

Celestia smiled as she sipped at her coffee, her smile turned to a frown and she set it down. Without even realizing it Twilight seemed to be putting a few extra sugarcubes and cream into it. Celestia was too busy replying to even notice. “Why, my dear sister, they have every right to critique us on our behavior since we are the example. Of course this is also the entertainment news so they put a bad face on everything. Remember how we opened up an orphanage for lost kittens a few weeks back?”

Luna nodded. “Of course, it was filled to the brim with purrs and cuddles, and scratches.”

Celestia took another sip of her coffee and smiled this time seemingly unaware that Twilight had sweetened it for her. “Hmm, maybe it just didn’t have time to settle… oh the orphanage. Yes, that same newspaper said we were actively making the cat population issue worse.”

“But that is why we opened the place! So the cat population could find homes instead of alleyways.”

Celestia smiled. “Of course, but these ponies judge everything we do. So when we act without a great deal of thought sometimes things will come back to haunt us.”

Luna scowled and turned the page. “The article continues dear sister… wait… did…” She set it down and stared right at Celestia. “Did you really groom Twilight from foalhood to be your wife one day?”

Celestia swallowed her coffee and it was set down on the table with just a little too much force making it splash out. “Excuse me?”

“It says here that when your marriage plans to her having been in place for years, that you must have been grooming her from the age of eight years old to eventually be your wife. Everything from sexual education to how she styles her mane are apparently all designed to please you so that when the day came and you turned her into an alicorn you could use her as your perfect sexual pleasure thing.”

The cup of coffee was boiling over. Twilight yelped and had to scoot away. Pinkie Pie did much the same. Celestia took several paces back and revealed that her seat was now singed and small embers came off it from where her body touched. “Excuse me dear sister, I feel I must congratulate the author of that article for their bravery.”

A golden light consumed Celestia and then she was gone. Several minutes passed by and Rarity could almost swear she heard a stallion screaming somewhere far, far away. When the golden light returned Celestia’s body was actually steaming and the temperature in the room had grown by several degrees. She kept her distance from the table as she spoke. “I am done.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “What… what did you do?”

“I was so moved by his courage that I offered him a vacation. And he accepted it gracefully.”

Luna nodded. “And where was this vacation too?”

Celestia smiled. “Well at first I thought of the moon, but as you have explained numerous times, your moon is not a place for me to send things that displease me. So instead I found a better one. One where he could always be warm and reminded of just how courageous and brave he truly was.”


“The sun.”

Everypony stared at her for a long moment. Celestia put a hoof to her chest, breathed in deeply and exhaled. The steam on her back cooled and she once more walked to the table. Pinkie reached out with a hoof and Celestia stopped her with a word. “No.”

Pinkie retracted her hoof and looked sad.

Celestia explained. “I’m sorry, I fear my temperature is still a bit high right now. I do not want to hurt you… oh my, is that a burn?”

Pinkie Pie laughed. “No, I’m fine.”

Twilight looked down and away from Celestia.

Celestia lowered her head. “I’m terribly sorry… it’s been a long time since I’ve had to maintain my temperature around ponies I care for. Please forgive me. I’ll have Cadance heal those burns as soon as she awakes.”

Pinkie Pie laughed again but it sounded a little off. Not full of the general cheer and life it usually had. “I’m fine. Really.”

Celestia took a sip of her coffee and sighed. “Are you sure you want to marry me?”

Pinkie Pie nodded. “Of course, I love you! I just have to get used to… that.”

Twilight shot a glare at Pinkie which went unnoticed by the pink mare.

Celestia noticed and set her coffee down. She looked at Luna who was back to staring at Fluttershy. Neither of them seemed to have any care for whatever it was Celestia just did with the reporter that wrote the article or for Celestia’s rather high body heat. Rarity began to think maybe there were complications here she wasn’t aware of. The sooner they got married and turned into alicorn princesses the better. At least then they might not be accidently burned by Celestia getting angry, or as rumors suggested, having an orgasm… That last one was going to take some experimentation and probably a bucket of ice water.

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