• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 11,044 Views, 576 Comments

That One Time: Celestia and Luna Married the Mane Six - TheCrimsonDM

Have you ever gotten so drunk you forgot you offered the princesses' hoof in marriage to whoever brought your sister back? And how many 'es' there are in 'Princess'?

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Chapter Thirty Five: When Rainbow Gets Licked

Chapter Thirty Five: When Rainbow Gets Licked

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Pinkie Pie found herself walking the halls with Cadance by her side. They were going over details of the wedding. Even if Pinkie respected that a surprise party wasn’t a surprise if she knew everything about it, she still wanted to go over some suggestions, including the cake she had in mind to bake. Cadance was one hundred percent behind the idea as well.

“Pinkie, that cake sounds amazing. I’m sure something like that will calm everypony’s nerves and make Celestia and Luna both want you all the more.”

Pinkie Pie grinned. “I’m a simple mare with only a few simple goals in mind. I want to finish my make out bingo. I want to bake cakes. I want to become a Pinkie sandwich between Celestia and Luna, and I want to plan parties for the rest of our eternities together.”

Cadance smiled. “Sounds like you have it all figured out.”

“I know, and I’m the only one right? All the others are acting c-r-a-z-y.”

“Well can you really blame them? A wedding is just so exciting!”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Yeppers, but they got to realize like, we’re all getting married to each other. So like… we’ll all be getting some princess action in due time. Can we just be patient?”

Cadance laughed as well. “Apparently not.”

They came to Cadance’s bedroom where she had most of her plans as far as Pinkie could tell. Pinkie wasn’t here to steal any plans but she was here to help out. Apparently Twilight had gone off the deep end, but Pinkie wasn’t worried. Twilight didn’t even have any magic, what were a few pranks going to really do to ponies?

They opened the door and Pinkie saw a copy of herself on the bed. Shining Armor was right behind her and moving his hips as the Pinkie on the bed was giving a most satisfied look to them. She even waved at them.

Pinkie Pie glanced up at Cadance who was staring slack jawed at the event happening on the bed. “Um… C-Cadance, you know that’s not really me there right?”

Cadance shut her mouth. “Pinkie, please be quiet.”

Pinkie Pie put a hoof to her mouth and zipped her lips. Even she wasn’t crazy enough to make this situation any worse. Instead she followed Cadance into the room. Cadance walked up to the bed, pulled her hoof back, and swung it at the Pinkie on the bed. Her hoof went right through and the illusion flickered before fading completely.

With the sinful illusion broken, it was revealed that Shining Armor and Spike were still on the bed mercifully passed out. Cadance growled as she whirled round and saw somepony in the corner of the room. Pinkie looked over and saw somepony she didn’t expect. Trixie Lulamoon, the great and powerful magician was there. She had been tied to a chair, her eyes were strained and she was staring at them with wide eyes.

Cadance took a step toward the captive magician and Trixie pleaded. “Trixie is sorry! She was forced to do this, if she didn’t her cape and hat were going to be burned. Trixie’s mom made those for her!”

Cadance continued walking toward her. She reached out with a hoof and Trixie flinched. “You’re not supposed to be here until tomorrow.”

She undid the rope keeping the stage mare tied to the chair and Trixie leapt forward. “Trixie knows this, she was coming early to speak with you about what would be the most appropriate magic tricks to celebrate the marriages for the rulers of Equestria. She did not expect to be foalnapped by a crazy purple unicorn wearing all black.”

Cadance raised an eye. “Unicorn?”

“Yes, she had a horn, but did not use any magic on Trixie. She had a black one piece suit, it made her look like some kind of spy.”

Cadance let out a sigh. “I’m sorry you got caught up in this. Apparently, there’s a prank war going on?”

Trixie’s ears folded back and she took several steps back. “No, not another one.”

Pinkie Pie jumped in between them. “You’ve been in one?”

“Yes, and it ended horribly for everypony involved. Prank wars only escalate until nothing is left. If possible this needs to be stopped before the wedding or there may not be a castle left to have Trixie perform in!”

Pinkie Pie grinned. “Gotcha, I didn’t expect you to be here though.”

Cadance looked down at the mare. “You were the one who suggested I get a stage magician and my only two options were her, or her dad. Honestly, I think Trixie is prettier so…”

Pinkie laughed. “She’s also not going to flirt with all the brides.”

“That too.”

“Excuse Trixie,” Trixie stated. “She is far superior to her old man, and her skills for illusions far exceed his.”

Cadance nodded. “Yeah, they do. You actually even got the smell of sex in there somehow in addition to the sound of the bed springs with that spell.”

“If Trixie couldn’t be perfect her mementos were going to be burned… please don’t let them be burned.”

A hatch opened up in the ceiling and a package came falling from the ceiling before closing again. It read, ‘for the stuck up know it all, you know the one that’s not me’.

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Well at least she’s self aware.”

Trixie sighed as she opened it. Inside were her trademarked cape and hat. “Well at the very least Trixie got her attire back. She will return to her room and practice there with the door barricaded. Please let her know when this war is over.”

With that Trixie turned tail and trotted out of the room. Pinkie Pie laughed. “This is only just starting to get fun. We got Trixie involved.”

Cadance frowned. “That’s my concern. Also… did you know there was a secret entrance in the ceiling?”

Pinkie Pie shrugged. “I usually find them by mistake. I’m sure Twilight did all this like, super duper research and stuff to find them.”

Cadance nodded. “We should look for the others as quickly as we can.”

A trio of screams sounded from down the hall as the sounds of a venerable stampede could be heard. Both Pinkie and Cadance stuck their heads out of the door and saw Luna, Rarity, and Applejack galloping down the hall. They were all covered in a white powder and screaming as they ran. Nothing was chasing them but they looked frightened to the point of mania.

They took a quick turn and ran through a door leading to one of the ‘oh too many baths’ Celestia had in the castle. Pinkie Pie giggled. “Itching powder, nice one, Twi.”

“Itching powder? Oh come on?” Cadance shook her head. “I don’t think Twilight is thinking these through, she could have gotten me to kill you.”

Pinkie Pie waved a hoof. “Oh you couldn’t kill me. Maybe hurt me, but killing me is really, really hard to do. Even Twilight failed and left one of me alive, she’s living in Manehatten now as a detective.”

Cadance stared at her. “I… I’m just glad you’re on our side.”

Pinkie Pie bounced into the hall. “Come on, I have a feeling I know where she’s going next. It’s the same place I’d go if I was her.”


Rainbow Dash had done this at least a couple times before. Not nearly with this much aggressiveness though. Finding herself quickly on her back with a yellow and pink mess on top of her she was unable to resist Fluttershy’s mouth as it consumed her own. Oddly enough, the honey flavor Fluttershy usually had was so mixed in with the flavor of apples she had to pause and register who was on top of her.

She also didn’t know why Fluttershy was on top of her. Honestly Rainbow Dash just came into the kitchen to get a bite to eat. She needed a snack and a nap. Being sexually mauled by the oversexed pegasus was probably the last thing she really wanted.

In fact, she didn’t really want this at all right then. She pushed Fluttershy off of her and shook herself clear of the fog in her head. “Oh my Celestia. Will everypony just stop for two seconds! Not all of us want to hump ourselves to death.”

Fluttershy blinked at her. “Rainbow Dash?”

“Don’t you ‘rainbow dash’ me!” She snapped. “I just came in here for some food.”

“You were eating apples.”

“Yes, yes I was, and I wanted another one.” Rainbow Dash looked around and saw that the apples were all dried out husks or complete cores. “Dang… so I guess Twilight did give me the last one.”

Fluttershy leaned forward. “I need more apples. You smell like an apple. You tasted like an apple.”

Rainbow Dash swallowed as she took note of the slit pupils, the sharp fangs, the bat-like wings and the extra fluff on Fluttershy’s chest and rump. “Oh… crabapples, your Flutterbat again aren’t you?”

Fluttershy licked her lips, making sure to lick her sharp teeth. “More, apples.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t have to be warned twice. She fled into the hall she came from and down it as fast as she could. Not too surprisingly Fluttershy was close on her tail. A mad look in her eyes. This was not how Rainbow dash was losing her virginity.

She took a sharp turn and saw it only seconds too late. Twilight was standing there with a bucket in her forelegs. She threw it forward splashing Rainbow Dash with a sweet sticky liquid that caused her swerve out of control and hit a wall. Rainbow Dash stopped long enough to pick herself back up and taste the sweetness on her lips. Apple cider…

Rainbow Dash cursed, “By Celestia’s flaming butt cheeks.”

The next moment she was tackled to the ground with Fluttershy sitting on her back and using a hot slimy tongue to lick the apple cider off of her fur. Twilight stood some distance away. She was wearing a black stealth suit that was not made for alicorns so her wings were underneath it and bulging out of the sides. A wicked grin spread across her lips. “Feed my pet, you may have Rainbow Dash, and I, I will have Celestia!”

She cackled madly before taking the stealth suit off revealing the black sexy dress beneath. She then slid into the ventilation shaft as if she was coated in butter. Once gone Rainbow Dash was left attempting to struggle against a surprisingly strong Fluttershy who was busy licking the back of her head.

“Well… great.”

Rainbow Dash was at least happy that despite being mounted in the hallway with about as much dignity as a mare of the night living in a brothel, she could at least be content with the fact that this was not sexual for Fluttershy. She was honestly just licking her clean from the sticky cider. Any and all potential dry humping was surely accidental.

At least that’s what Rainbow Dash told herself for the five minutes she was forced to lay there while Fluttershy did her thing and made her way slowly down to the lower back of Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was finally getting worried that maybe Fluttershy wasn’t going to stop anywhere polite.

She bucked and kicked only to receive a hiss followed by a painful bite on her flank. Those teeth sure did smart. Rainbow dash called out. “Anypony there? I kind of need help?”

Pinkie Pie and Cadance came rounding the corner. Pinkie Pie was laughing. “Looks like you’re getting a nice hot bath.”

“Haha, very funny, now please get her off of me before she starts licking something that I don’t want licked.”

Cadance’s horn lit up and Fluttershy was dragged, kicking and hissing off of Rainbow Dash. Once free all Rainbow Dash could feel was absolutely disgusting. She was covered in cider, and saliva… and really needed a bath.

Pinkie Pie smiled. “Well I guess she was be-cider self when she saw you.”

Rainbow Dash growled. “Pinkie, no. Just no. All of my no. I’ve had enough with these horny wives of mine today.”

Cadance smiled. “Fiancés, Rainbow Dash, you’re not married yet.”

Rainbow Dash glared at her. “Even Celestia was getting way too into kissing me. Like, seriously, I know how awesome I am, but come on, some moderation ponies!”

Pinkie Pie laughed.

Cadance offered a weak smile.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “So, Twilight’s officially gone off the deep end…”

Cadance replied, “Yeah and we need to find her, and fix her before the wedding tomorrow. She foalnapped the entertainer of all things.”

Rainbow Dash looked up at them. “Um… it might be too late now, but she did mention she was going after Celestia…”

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