• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 11,120 Views, 576 Comments

That One Time: Celestia and Luna Married the Mane Six - TheCrimsonDM

Have you ever gotten so drunk you forgot you offered the princesses' hoof in marriage to whoever brought your sister back? And how many 'es' there are in 'Princess'?

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Chapter Ten: When Dreams are on The Line

Chapter Ten: When Dreams are on the Line

Written by TheCrimsonDM

During the next reading of the story Twilight watched as her friends all got a lot closer to Luna than she expected. The only one to stay here with her was Pinkie Pie, which was perfectly fine because Pinkie was only trying to take Celestia away from her, which was totally not a problem at all, and she was cool with it. Super cool.

It was becoming increasingly clear that at least Pinkie had her eyes firmly on Celestia and with a few of her distracted leers she noticed Pinkie had eyes for parts of Celestia that Twilight was not at all comfortable thinking about, let alone letting Pinkie think about. Maybe Twilight was not actually cool with this at all.

Something had to be done.

As Celestia finished the story for the twelfth time her mind was feeling sharper, clearer again. No matter how far she went, or how much of her was lost that one story always brought her safely home from the seas of madness. In this case it brought her back from being a pirate and trying to take princess booty… a phrase that even she couldn’t believe she went around shouting at others.

Pinkie Pie had inched closer to Celestia during the reading. Her wide blue eyes staring up at the fabled princess of the sun. “Princess, I am sooooo looking forward to marrying you. You have no idea.”

Celestia gulped, her cheeks turned a lighter shade of pink. “Oh, thank you, Pinkie Pie.”

A pink hoof reached out and landed on top of Celestia’s. It was so small and fragile in comparison as it squeezed. All Twilight could see in her mind were various ways to set Pinkie Pie on fire and fling her out of the balcony. How dare she move in on her turf! Celestia’s face was turning a deeper shade of pink. Was she liking this?

Pinkie Pie spoke quietly. “You know, I haven’t heard anything about where we’re all sleeping for the next few days. I was hoping we could share the same bed.”

Celestia replied. “Pinkie, as flattering as that is, we are not married quite yet. I assure you my sister has gone through great lengths to set up a private room for each of you.”

Pinkie smiled and her eyes lowered. “Oh, could you, show me to my room? It’s a big ol’ castle and I might get lost.”

Warning signals flared in Twilight’s mind. Her horn lit up and Pinkie was lifted up into the air by a red aura. “Oh no, Luna looks super lonely. Go give her a hug and have her show you where your room is until she’s happy again!”

She almost threw Pinkie Pie across the room and at Luna as Pinkie giggled. For her part she somehow managed to twist midair and land on her forelegs facing Luna. Luna blinked down at Pinkie who excitedly said, “Show us to our rooms so you won’t be sad please!”

Luna stood from her position where she was holding Rarity awfully close to her. A few moments passed by before the group left and the door was left open behind them by Cadance who seemed reluctant to leave. Twilight couldn’t risk the pony of love and lust to interfere with her plan here. Twilight called out to her. “Cadance, I think my friends have some questions for you about the wedding. Pinkie doesn’t know you’re the one planning it does she?”

Cadance blinked. “No, but why should that matter.”

“Because she might be upset that she isn’t planning it herself. If she knows it’s you, she would probably be very happy about it because she planned your wedding after all.”

Cadance bit her lower lip. “You might be right about that… okay I’ll go tell her now. I’ll come back soon, because I think you’re going to need some lessons as much as Celestia here.”

As she left and the door shut behind her, there was a locking noise as a golden glow surrounded the handle. For a long moment both Twilight and Celestia were completely quiet. Neither of them spoke. In fact, Twilight glanced over to the bed and realized with more concern, they were completely alone.

Celestia laid her head down with a deflated sigh. “Oh, I’m so glad you're back to us, Twilight. I need your help.”

Twilight swallowed. She knew Celestia might need this, but she didn’t know how desperate she really was… no matter how scared Twilight was of intimacy, if it made Celestia feel even the tiniest bit better then she would sacrifice anything. Twilight nuzzled in. “I… I know. I’m sorry I kept you waiting. I honestly don’t know how to do any of that, b-but if you tell me what to do, I promise I’ll try my best… do I have to get on the bed or um…”

Celestia looked at her. “Only if you want. No, this is much more pressing than even I was aware of. Pinkie helped me realize how important this is.”

Oh no, Pinkie set her off, got her in the mood so to speak. Now she was alone with Twilight and needed to help release that tension. Curse you Pinkie. “I-I see. Well I’m here now, so um… what should I do?”

Celestia looked back at her. “Help me find a way to get out of this seven way marriage.”

That was not at all what Twilight was thinking she would say, but it was so much better than what Twilight thought she was about to have to do. She could at least wait until the wedding night to lose her precious virginity. For now, she needed to help Celestia… not get married?

“Wait, you don’t want to marry all of us?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, it was my sister’s idea.” Her eye opened a bit wide and she quickly added, “I of course want to marry you, when you are ready but this is not how I planned to do it.”

Something cracked inside of Twilight’s heart. It was small at first, just a small pain but it started to burn soon enough. She blinked but her eyes grew wet. She couldn’t help it as something broke and her cheeks ran wet with tears as a result.

Celestia straightened up and a gentle, warm wing tip brushed some of the tears away. “What’s wrong?”

“I thought, ‘sniff’ I thought you were doing this because I took too long. I thought you needed me… needed physical… intimacy and I was, I was willing, for you. I just…” Twilight let out a quiet sob. “You’re not hurt because I took so long?”

Celestia shook her head. “Of course not, I am over a thousand years old, my patience is infinite, and with you being immortal I can wait for as long as you need.”

Twilight sniffled. “I think… I think I can’t wait anymore.”

Celestia gently stroked Twilight’s back. “How long do you think you could wait?”

“I… I don’t know?” Twilight sniffled. “I don’t want to share you, so if I can I will help you not marry the others, but I… ready or not, I want to be with you. As soon as possible.”

Celestia’s body grew warmer still. Particularly near where her flank where it was touching Twilight’s. “I-I see… if it is that urgent, I could help… right now.”

Twilight looked up at her. “Really?”

“If it must be now.”

Twilight smiled. “I-I can wait for the marriage, but thank you.”

Celestia let out a sigh. Twilight had the suspicion maybe she wasn’t as ready as she acted. Though the warmth coming from Celestia’s flank was an odd one. She had never experienced that part of Celestia’s body being so hot before. Hopefully that was a good sign. Still Twilight pushed herself up. “How do we stop you from marrying all of my friends and only marry me instead?”

Celestia bit her lower lip. “I’m not sure. I fear if my sister’s wishes are completely denied she will return to her old self. Now seeing how much your friends frolic to her, and how much Pinkie enjoys my company I would feel bad for breaking their hearts… somehow we need to stop this but in a way that nopony can be hurt. Perhaps if they all thought it was their own idea?”

Twilight thought for a good moment. The gears turning in her mind. There was at least one pony out of that group that might be swayed into joining Team Twilight and Celestia; and that pony was Applejack. However, even she was seemingly growing close to Luna…

Twilight ruffled her mane with her hooves. “Ugh, after all those strange dreams we’ve all been having how are any of us supposed to not think about it?”


Twilight looked up at her. “For the past three months or so each of us have been having um… intimate dreams about the two of you. Sometimes the two of you um… at the same time… as Pinkie enjoys.”


Spike was busy walking down to Sweet Apple Acres. A bouncy white filly was next to him. Honestly, every time they went on these heroic adventures Spike always got left with cleanup duty. At least he’d mostly given up on the idea of dating Rarity now, mostly. With Rarity and Applejack doing their super not obvious thing, he kind of had too.

Still he found peace from that somehow and was able to focus on the other things in life. Art, philosophy, laughing at Twilight’s current predicament. Most of all he, Discord, and Big Mac had started to hang out. He was wondering if he should invite Discord to the Ogres and Oubliettes game… maybe not. Roleplaying only seemed to be a joke to Discord, but hey, he was pretty fun. According to Sweetie Belle he had tried to help her get her cutie mark. He may have failed but he himself earned a place as one of the CMC… somehow.

Discord’s life was confusing at the best of times. Still along his way he was thinking of something more important to say once he dropped off Sweetie with them. Since Sweetie Belle and Rarity’s parents were around two days of the year, mother’s day and then father’s day respectively, the plan was to drop the kid off where she’d be safely looked after by Big Mac and Granny Smith.

Actually he ended up staying with them most of the time too. Not that he needed too, just that he enjoyed the company. No, it wasn’t the task at hoof he was thinking about. It was how he was going to explain it. Exactly how did he explain to Big Mac and Granny smith, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle that basically the Elements of Harmony were all going to be going to get princess groped soon? How indeed?


Celestia blinked. She had heard Luna say it straight to her face, but Twilight and her friends didn’t know. Perhaps that could be the weapon they needed to get the edge. If they found out they were being practically molested in their dreams, then they might grow to dislike the idea of the marriage… but that would only serve to sever the ties between them and Luna… hmm it might work, once.

Celestia could try it here and see how this plan of action might work. “What if I told you that those dreams you’ve had, were created by Luna as a way to… find out if you enjoyed her presence?”

Twilight looked up at her. “I’d… I’d… she invaded my dreams to do weird stuff to me and then have you do the same weird stuff sometimes, at the same time! Do you know what I dreamed you did with your tongue of all things?”

Celestia did not know, but she was imagining it now and cursing herself for almost wanting to have Twilight demonstrate it on the bed right then and there. Control, she must exert control over herself as she had for many centuries so far. Boring, lonely, frustrating, control.

Twilight blinked a few times. “But… but she liked it too… she liked kissing me…”

Yes, play on that. “OF course she did. She likes you, Twilight. As do I. However, going into your dreams to test that out was probably-“

“A relatively safe and harmless idea to gauge our interest levels. Yes I agree.” Twilight straightened up. “I might not be ready to actually try any of that but perhaps she was trying to teach me what I needed to know so our wedding could be… and she likes me on top of all of that. I… I still don’t want to share you but I can’t hurt Luna when she was willing to put her heart and self-esteem on the line. What if I had rejected her in my sleep, she would have been crushed.”

Oh… no.

Twilight let out a sigh. “This also means that all of my friends were… enjoying both you and Luna… I love them too, I don’t want to hurt them…. I’m not going to tell them Luna was the one to give us those dreams. But, Celestia, are you sure this… this can’t work somehow?”

Celestia smiled nervously. She had a plan and screwed it up so completely. Well there goes Twilight.

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