• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 11,120 Views, 576 Comments

That One Time: Celestia and Luna Married the Mane Six - TheCrimsonDM

Have you ever gotten so drunk you forgot you offered the princesses' hoof in marriage to whoever brought your sister back? And how many 'es' there are in 'Princess'?

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Chapter Twenty One: When Mares Need Attention

Chapter Twenty One: When Mares Need Attention

Written by TheCrimsonDM

After receiving the bulk of the information she needed from Shining Armor as well as learning the magazine she was in possession of was something ponies used for personal pleasure she felt both better and worse at the same time. She was also told that these magazines might be illegal to put in an open section of the library, something about them being restricted to eighteen year old ponies. Which then brought up the question of how old she was again. She was nineteen perfectly old enough for a ‘dirty’ magazine. Though she wasn’t quite sure why it was called dirty when it was clearly kept in good shape.

She secreted the magazine back to her room. No intention to use it but it was technically on loan from Big Mac. She’d need to make sure Spike returned it… oh Spike wasn’t eighteen… well those were pony laws for ponies. Spike was plenty old enough and seemed to know more about these things than she ever did so he must be ready for this kind of stuff. At least that’s the comforting lie she told herself to make sure she didn’t think much harder about why he had such a thing.

After storing it away safely under her bed she went out intent on the second most important thing she was going to do that day. She was looking for Princess Luna, her other soon to be wife. She’d not been in the right headspace to properly investigate her sooner and after realizing that even if she were to ever lose Celestia she might still have Luna, well… she would be happy with that. Hurt beyond all belief and a mess for many, many years, but happy.

Searching around the castle had revealed nothing. She caught Cadance and Shining in their room. Shining Armor sniffing and asking, “Why does it smell like vomit?”

Cadance replied by dragging him into the bed. “Don't worry about it. It's time for baby making attempt number six hundred and seventy two.”

Twilight made sure to close the door they so carelessly left open. Soon she found Pinkie Pie and Rarity chasing Rainbow Dash around the castle with a makeup set. Poor Rainbow Dash could escape Rarity but with Pinkie’s help she was going to be caught eventually.

Applejack and Fluttershy were in one of the game rooms. They each had a set of cards in front of them. Applejack asked. “Do you have any kings?”

“N-no… I’m sorry. Um, Go Fish?”

Applejack cringed. “Don’t be sorry Shy. You’d be losing if’n you did.”

Well she’d leave them alone to their game. At least they weren’t trying to play solitaire together. They didn’t have access to Twilight’s personal rulebook for two player solitaire after all. Moving further on she began to realize she was being followed by a guard. She lowered her head and stopped to let the guard catch up. He got within ten feet of her and stopped. Turning around she met his eyes and realized she knew this gray pegasus. “Wind Fury?”

He nodded. “My princess.”

“The stallion who always role-played as a female bard?”

His cheeks turned a bit pink. “You uh… remember that?”

She smiled. “Well if any pony was going to be my personal guard, I’d ask for no better.”

He smiled. “I’ll be the best guard to ever serve you, Princess Twilight.”

“Good, then show me where my wife is. I need a discussion with her.”

He blinked.

“Luna, specifically.” Multiple brides Twilight, this was going to be a nightmare.

He nodded and began leading the way. “Her schedule for the day rarely changes. It has only been greatly changing these past few days. For the most part during the day one can find her in her private quarters. Though the law states if anypony should wake her for anything less than limited time cake sales or for a fire that is currently raging inside of her room, then they are subject to any and all of her whimsies.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I am one: a princess of Equestria. And Two: her future wife. I think I’m always going to be the subject of her whimsy.”

Wind fury cringed. “The last guard who accidently woke her up discovered the rough way that he was in fact gay.”

Twilight looked at him. “How does that happen?” She thought about it for a few seconds and then decided. “Never mind. I’ll ask her myself if I actually care that much.”

Once at the dark and cushioned door he nodded and began to back off. “I trust you will be safe, but I fear the same will not be said for myself.”

Twilight grinned. “Good, besides I won’t need any extra company for what I’m looking for in here.”


After what felt like a good hour of running around the castle even Rarity’s energy faded. With Rainbow Dash not stopping for an instant she decided to leave the thing alone. Catching her kissing Celestia was cute, and a good sign for their upcoming marriage, but it was also annoying that she was the fastest pony in Equestria.

Having finally given up the chase, Rarity made her way up to the royal wing and realized that with as quiet and as peaceful as it was she was almost completely alone up here. Fluttershy and Applejack were in the middle of a card game and Applejack was losing from the sounds of it. Pinkie Pie had vanished off to who knows where. Celestia was busy with her daily life and in her office with a very much ‘do not disturb’ kind of guard out front of it. Luna was obviously asleep.

Looking for Twilight proved only to find Spike the Dragon walking down the halls instead. He smiled and waved as he made his way toward her. “Hi, Rarity.”

Rarity smiled down at him. “Hello, Spike.”

Rarity saw an empty lounge room nearby and led him into it. “So, how has your trip to the castle been going so far?”

“Got to listen as Shining Armor tried to explain what porn was to Twilight. That was hilarious.”

“Are you kidding, no way? How has she not seen any before, especially not your copy of Dragon Butts?”

“I hide that stuff in the one place she’ll never look.”

She stared at him. “Where at?”

“Inside a hollowed out copy of Quesadillas And How to Make Them.”

Rarity nodded. “I see, I hear Twilight has problems with them.”

“They are very cheesy.”

Rarity wasn’t sure why that would bother Twilight when her favorite food was Spike’s Dragon Roasted Nachos… actually those might be her favorite as well, but she’d never tell the little dragon. It would go straight to his ego and his crush… speaking of which. “Spike, I fear we may need to talk.”

He took a seat on a lush red couch. “Probably. Your life is going completely bats right now.”

She took a seat next to him but left a good foot or two of distance. “About your feelings toward me.”

He chuckled.

“What? What’s so funny? Aren’t you heartbroken?”

Spike stared up at her. “I was, for a long time, like last year when I saw you and Applejack kissing. After that though it all made sense and even if I still think you're hot, I’m not going to try dating you or anything.”

She blinked. “So… you gave up on me?” somehow that revelation stung.

“Well, yeah. It’s not worth chasing something you can’t get.”

She stared down at him. Was he rejecting her? No, no, no, and more no. “But if you tried hard enough, maybe you could?”

He shook his head. “Not going to bother trying. There are other mares out there for this handsome dragon.”

She licked her lips determined to make him notice her again so she could be the one to say he had to give up. He was not allowed to be the one to let her go. “Handsome is right.”

Spike stared at her. “I am?”

“Of course. In fact if Applejack and Luna hadn’t swept me off of my hooves I might even consider… well… I am marrying seven other ponies, what would adding a little dragon on the side hurt?”

Spike jumped down. “Yeah, no.”

“Excuse me?”

“I said no.” He began walking off. “I’m not going to tell anypony about this, but no.”

Rarity jumped off the couch. She was losing him. She had to do something, anything. She turned around and began shaking her hips. “You sure, if you leave you’ll never get to enjoy this.”

He didn’t even turn around as he walked out the door. “Sorry, Rarity. I’ll still help you out because I’m your friend but romance is meh.” He paused, took one last look back at her and laughed. “Nice butt though.”

With that he was gone. Rarity stood there for some time staring at the empty space. This did not just happen. That was a changeling in disguise right? Spike gave up on her, no… she just… she would shove this little event deep into the recesses of her mind, lock it up in a vault, and never dwell on it again.

Celestia’s head poked in. “Spike told me this is where I could find you, Rari-“

Celestia’s eyes were firmly on Rarity’s hindquarters as they were sticking up in the air drawing attention. Without a moment’s hesitation Rarity shook her hindquarters. “Interested in some marshmallow pie?”

Celestia turned around. “No, but I think there is cake somewhere I can eat in peace without a bunch of sex crazed mares trying to hump me off my throne.”

Well at least she was gone… and didn’t take more than a passing glance at her hindquarters. Somepony had to stare at it. She didn’t work really hard to maintain such a perfect booty for no reason. She nearly shouted. “I demand somepony stare at my butt!”

A servant with fur matching her own and a dark blue mane appeared as if out of nowhere. She came into the room and sat down. Rarity recognized her as her own personal servant. Vanilla Daze? That might have been her name. She spoke in a quiet, timid voice. “Are you sure?”

Rarity felt herself losing control. “I am positive.”

The mare made her best intent to stare. “I apologize if I am not doing this correctly. I am straight you see.”

Well… forcing a straight mare to admire her butt was probably the highlight of her day. Honestly even Fluttershy got more attention than she was.


Twilight sat in front of Luna lying on her massive but not quite Celestia sized bed. Their eyes were locked onto one another and Twilight could still taste pure night on her tongue. It was sweet, almost too sweet. “Well… um… that was nice.”

Luna’s eyes raced down Twilight’s body drawing invisible lines Twilight could almost feel. “Are you sure that all you wanted was a kiss?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, I wanted more, but I figured this was better taken care of first.”

Luna laughed. “It usually is. Now where else did thou want my lips to go?”

It took a moment before Twilight caught on, longer than she had wanted. Her face flushed red from the question. “N-nowhere. Yet… No, I had a question about how you um… feel about me?”

A dark blue wing reached out and gently stroked Twilight’s cheek. “I love you.”


“Why shouldn’t I? Thou are attractive, intelligent, and have an interest in our stars. One thing I so adore about thee is thy naivety and innocence. Of course it goes deeper than that.”

Twilight met those dazzling teal eyes. “Deeper?”

Luna let out a small sigh. “Please do not laugh.”

“I would never.”

“Thou are my hero… all of ye. I was trapped for so long in such a dark place, unable to feel warmth, love, or joy. It was like a nightmare I could not awaken from, most of the time I spent in that darkness I cannot even recall. The first memories I have are of thee and thy friends, thou were talking about the elements of harmony, going on the most heroic monologue I had ever heard. Then there was a blinding rainbow light, one that scared me, but felt so warm and loving. The next moment I noticed I was small, and these lovely heroes stood before me. Thou… you stood before me.

“I have had feelings for thou ever since that day, but feared with thine attraction to mine sister thou would reject me.”

Twilight snuggled into that wing. “I… I don’t know if I would have. Explaining it like that, I think I might have asked Celestia if it was okay. At this point I still don’t know if she’d allow it. Now that I’m marrying both of you though, I want to learn more about what could be between us. Not just theory though, I want practice.”

“Oh ho, so is that why thou came to me with a request for a kiss?”

Twilight laughed. “Yes, and you are a more gentle kisser than Celestia. Not sure if that’s better or not yet.”

Luna smiled. “I thought I smelled minty fresh breath. I assume Celestia forgot how long and thick her tongue is.”

Twilight pawed at the soft bed. “M-maybe…”

Luna’s hoof covered Twilight’s. “Do not fear, I may get passionate but I never forget just how much bigger I am than those I bed. It is understandable thou want to take things slowly, and I shall explore thee at thy own pace.”

Twilight smiled. “Those dreams you gave me were pretty nice too.”

Luna’s cheeks turned pink and she looked a little down. “Oh… so thou found out?”

“I haven’t told anypony yet, but I have a feeling they figured it out on their own. Still they were nice, and I’m starting to understand what you were trying to do in them.”

Luna smiled back. “It’s difficult when I can only work with what my dreamer is able to imagine themselves. I’m sure our dreams will become far more interesting from now on.”

Twilight smiled. “Just one rule.”

“Anything my bookworm.”

“No butt stuff.”

Luna frowned. “Are you sure? I quite enjoy it.”

Twilight matched her frown. “I don’t want to be in pain, Luna.”

“Oh no, I meant that I enjoy it.”

There was silence for a moment as Twilight’s mind began to work out what she was saying. Once she did Twilight felt her face grow pale. Part of her wanted to just throw up again. Instead she opted for the better option. “I’ll think… about it.”

Luna giggled. “The look on thy face is priceless. And do not worry, I will not force thou to ever do anything you are uncomfortable with. Even when me and my sister bed you, it will be only at a level thou are comfortable with.”

Twilight was about to ask if she meant bedding them both at the same time and thought better of it. She did not in fact want the answer to that. Unlucky for her she figured she might get that answer far sooner than she was comfortable with.

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