• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,476 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

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9 Hiding

Everfree Forest
Summer Sun Celebration

The rays of light shot through the leaves of the forest. Anypony could be fooled if he didn't know it was Everfree Forest, one of the most dangerous places in Equestria. So it was strange seeing two ponies coming through the forest if somepony would be brave enough to enter there first. The first pony was a big black alicorn with a flowing, shining, dark blue mane. On her head rested a helmed and she wore four horseshoes. On her chest was beautiful and scary armor with the imprinted symbol of the moon. Her pupils were like snakes and she had bat-like wings. She was known in Equestria as Nightmare Moon, a foals eater, one of the legends from tales. She was powerful and feared by many. But for the second pony, she was something else. For Twilight Sparkle, young princess, the bearer of Element of Magic, she was the most important pony. Nightmare Moon was her mother. She knew her by her true name- Princess Luna.

"So what happened while we were on the Moon?" Asked the bigger alicorn, interrupting the silence in the forest. She wasn't a very patient pony, especially when it comes to seeing her daughter, the last true member of her family.

"A lot! I'm still wrapping my head about today's knowledge! They have a whole new area of magic! The number of spells for healing is more than double before... you know. And book! Why you didn't tell me they are so good!? They have books for anything, agriculture, magic, history, fashion, bio..." Twilight was interrupted by a hoof hitting her head. "Hey! What was that?!"

"We asked if thou are alright! Thou know how we were worried?" Luna hugged her daughter tightly. "We were worried that Celestia caught thou! We couldn't bear the thoughts of losing thou too! Like thou father..." For anypony else, the face of Nightmare could be scary, but at that moment, Twilight could see only worry for her. She sighed.

"I know mother. I missed you too, but we will have time for a proper family reunion when we will be in my new home."

"Wery well, but thou must tell us more later." They could hear the sound of ponies talking and having fun. The Summer Sun Celebration was in full swing, so many more were still celebrating. It seemed nopony notice the lack of the face on the Moon. They were happy, unaware of the monster from the tale for foals."What they are doing?" Twilight knew what her mother asked about, but she didn't want to answer now.

"I will explain later, now we can't have you walking in open in your Aerilic form. They will recognize you instantly, so you need to let it go." Twilight looked at Luna. She was right. Even from only an old, dusty tale everypony could recognize Nightmare Moon. The only solution was to return to her normal form. Not many ponies, specifically only Twilight, knew that alicorns could have two forms. One "normal" form where they were slightly more powerful compared to their Aerilic form. Usually, they were slightly bigger and have wings than before ascension. But it changes in their second form. In second their power source is connected to their represented responsibilities. For example, Luna pulls power from the Moon itself. Luna discovered it while she was fighting in her many battles. However, she had never told her sister about this. Not that she didn't try, she was just ignored. But she didn't hide it from the public, she used it many times in the past. When Twilight was born she thought her it, but her daughter still had problems with transformation.

"Are thou sure?" With the nod from her daughter, she reverted to her old form. The armor she wore disappeared and her dark coat turned to dark blue. Now she was only slightly larger than a normal unicorn. "Good, but you still need to hide your wings. If I'm right nowadays there are only two alicorns and any news will raise questions." Twilight said. Seeing questioning look she exhaled. "Later" Luna didn't like it. So much changed since she interacted with anypony other than her daughter. It will be hard to fit again.

Princess lit her horn and her wings vanished. She lost few more centimeters and her coat became a little paler.

"Well, it must be enough. True be told it strange seeing you like this." She pondered for while and then shook her head. "Not important. Now come with me I will show you my new home." They came out from the forest. The celebration was still going. The air was filled with laughter and the sound of chatting. Something that Twilight was already similar to. Maybe, just maybe everything will be alright after all.

"Once more! You can go it!" Shouted Luna at Twilight to encourage her. They were deep in the Everfree Forest. Deeper than ever before. A few days earlier the family founded this spot far from any unwanted eyes. It was big enough to do practically any exercise necessary to keep in form alicorn. And it was a nice break from a normal day.

After Celebration Twilight introduced her mother as Nighteye to her friends. They didn't have any issue with the new pony living in the library. Mayor Mare was surprised a little but ultimately agreed. She even offered to help Luna in search of a new job. The only problem was Pinkie Pie.

"Oh my gosh! You are Twilight mother! Nice to meet you! What do you like? I like a cherry cupcake. They are so delicious! Especially with newly made cream with sprinkles. Where had you been? Twilight didn't want to talk about her family, maybe you can tell us something. What do you like doing? I'm sure it is baking. Everypony loves backing. Oh, what types of games would you like at your party? Maybe pin the tail? Never mind I will think of something. Now have this moon pie." With this she disappeared like she appeared, leaving stunned Luna behind. Who was this mare and how she knew that I like moon pie? She shook her head.Better one. How she made it? Only my chef knew of this recipe because only I was eating it a long time ago. She noted to keep an eye for the energetic mare. Even consulting with her daughter didn't help her.

After this Luna and Twilight settled down to discuss what to do next. Princess Celestia knew that Luna was somewhere free and knowing her she would do everything to catch her. In her research Twilight didn't find any clue about what happened to the Therstal. They seemed to vanish completely and utterly without any trance.

This wasn't good.

Sunchaser was still around. Even after most of the pony folks express hatred towards him, Celestia still decided to leave him be. Why Celestia was keeping him in Ponyville was beyond Twilight, but she must have a good reason. Something was not right, but she didn't know what. Next pony to the list of tracking.

But the biggest surprise was when Luna saw Star.

"This is Star. Say hi to my mother." Twilight gestured towards the bird. The response was usually "Who" Purple pony smiled. She becomes accustomed to the little fellow. What she found amazingly cute was her place of sleeping. It didn't matter where she would sleep Star was always near her.

Luna carefully studied her. She circled carefully examining every feather on her body. For Twilight it was unusual. Why her mother was so interested in her pet and companion.

"Twilight could you tell me where you found her?" Finally, Luna asked.

"In Everfree forest. She was alone and hurt. I heard her and since then took care of her." Twilight didn't like where it was going.

"I was afraid of it." Princess of the night frown. "And any of your friends didn't know anything?" At a nod, she explained. " Before my banishment, there were few species of very rare and powerful animals. Ursars, Watchers, Night Owls, and many more, but one kind stood out from them all. When all of them were somehow connected to the night and powerful, the last had the most useful ability. They were called Amugs. They have the ability to adapt." Seeing the confused face of Twilight Luna explained in greater detail."While others could change fast enough they could change even their magic. They could create a special bond with other species. Both partners shared magic and how long even one was alive other could be killed." At this statement, Twilight's jaw fell. She could believe it.

"Yes, that's true. Yes, I saw once how it was possible. The last with the bond died peacefully in his sleep with his partner. Because of this, they were heavily hunted. Her feathers were excellent for ingredient in any potions. You must know that you can't force this bond or you will face grave consequences. "

"Wow, they seemed extremely overpowered, but why they are not well known. I asked Fluttershy about her, but she didn't know anything." The need for knowledge was showing in her eyes. This world was so much more interesting than Moon.

"For a very simple reason. They are antisocial. They tend to stick with others of their kind. What I told you is practically everything known about them." She paused. "Just as us." At this news, Twilight smiled.

"Well, it seems an excellent opportunity for science! Maybe we could find others" Twilight patted her pet.

"I'm afraid that is not possible."

"What do you mean?" Her voice trembled.

"While they are antisocial towards others species, they are extremely protective towards their kind, especially young." Luna's face expressed only sadness. "Only hundred was known to live before my banishment. It seems that now it is only one."

From that moment Twilight solemnly swore to protect little Star. To give her everything she would need. Ultimately she was just like them, alone and in a dangerous world. They both train, read and sleep. Twilight was on nine clouds to study Star and expand her knowledge.

"Excellent Twilight you got this!" Now the family was training. Who knows when that should need this? Twilight had attached to her legs and wings big pieces of stone while fighting with her mother. This was exhausted, but very productive.
For magic, She had to train alone. She already exceeded her mother in a few kinds of magic, so she could train her anymore.

"I think it will be enough for today, the sun is rising and you need to open the library." Luna was more powerful at night so she didn't need much sleep, night vision was included. For Twilight the bond with Star gave her permanent night vision in darkness and better vision in a day. Quiet confident.

While Twilight was heading towards the library, Luna was lowering her Moon. Since she was free she would allow her sister to command her Moon. The only regret was that no pony could praise her for her work, but it was irrelevant. the most important was her daughter.

Only if she knew.

"Come on! The monsters await!" Shouted the orange, pegasus filly to her two companions.

"Scootaloo I don't think it is a good idea." came the voice from a white unicorn."It's getting dark and in Everfree Forest lives many dangerous monsters, like that zebra!"

"Oh, don't be a chicken, Sweetie Belle! We must catch at least one if we want our cutie marks. It would be easy." Scootaloo exclaimed."And what better time we could choose than night?"

"I don't know, maybe day?" Said yellow, earth pony."Mah family is very careful when it comes to this cursed forest."

"So how we could get our cutie marks in the monster hunt in your opinion, Applebloom?" Asked Scootaloo.

"None? I don't want a cutie mark like this." Said Applebloom

"A agree with Applebloom. It isn't safe. We could be eaten or petrified, or worse we could become silent!" The Sweetie Belle shivered.

"How to become silent is worse than be dead?" Deadpan Applebloom.

"Oh, you see, when you are dead you..." Started a white unicorn.

"I found something!" Shouted pegasus."I hope it isn't timberwolf." An orange filly said.

"So what it is?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"I don't know, but something shines here." The three fillies slowly looked beyond bushes. And what they saw caused them to froze.

"It this...."

"Nightmare Moon?!" Shouted the trio in unison. They knew very well the legend of the mare from the Moon. Practically everypony knew it.

"But it is impossible she is just the legend from the old filly book. Mah grandma read this legend to me many times. She shouldn't be here!" Said the terrified filly.

"But she is and she is doing something!" Scootaloo noticed. It was true. The dark alicorn's horn was alight. They looked around to see what she was doing, but nothing was different.

"Maybe she is just practicing?" Scootaloo exclaimed. She didn't want to admit that while she wasn't scared of monsters from Everfree, Nightmare was a different matter.

"It is possible. What do you think Sweetie Belle?" Whispered AppleBloom. But she didn't receive an answer."Sweetie?" They looked at her friend. She was looking at something in the sky. They followed her eyes. At this moment they noticed that Moon setting, while near-transparent magic was coating it. The same magic as Nightmare Moon.

"She is lowering Moon" Said Applebloom in disbelief.

They watched this magical spectacle. Even if it was the work of a creature from nightmares it was beautiful. They could look away. Finally, Moon vanished. They wake up from their trance.

"We... should leave... now" Scootaloo whispered and slowly not to make a sound turned around and left with her friend. They needed to tell their sisters and Rainbow Dash.

"Nightmare Moon? This is an only old tale. You must assume things" Applejack said.

"But sister, we are telling the truth! In the Everfree Forest was Mare from the Moon! And she was commanding Moon. You must believe me!" Applebloom begged her sister.

"Applebloom, I didn't say that I don't believe you, I just think you saw something else and you blew it up" Filly wanted to add something but farmer pony wasn't done. "I'm sure it was nothing, sugarcube. Now work won't do itself." She trotted to the barn. Applebloom stood there, not knowing what to do. After a few moments, she went to her friends.

"So nopony believes us?" Applebloom asked.

"My sister wasn't even paying attention. She was in the zone. You have bigger chances talking with the wall." Said Sweetie Belle.

"I exclaimed what happened in the forest to Rainbow Dash, but she thinks that I made it up! I even tried Royal Guards and nothings. Only 'Yeah great!'" Pounted Scootaloo.

"So what we will do?" The trio sat in deep thinking. Nopony wanted to believe them. They were alone.

"Well, if nopony wants to help us, we must take it in our hoofs!"Said Scootaloo with determination.

"So... You want to fight with Nightmare Moon"

"Well... maybe not fight... for now, but we must show them that she is real. But how to do it?"

"Maybe we could find something in the library?"Proposed Sweetie."Good idea" Before Scootaloo could acknowledge her objection two friends were already on their way to the Gold Oak Library. So without a choice, she galloped after them. If anypony else it was it would cause quite a rumor but Cutie Marks Crusaders were always running somewhere. It was the usual view.

Finally, they arrived at their destination.

"Oh! Hello! What can I do for you?" They were greeted by Twilight. But it all fell on deaf ears.

"No time! We are searching for information about Nightmare Moon." They were so absorbed by their little task that they didn't notice shock on Twilight's face. "We must stop her before she caused Eternal night!" At this Twilight yoinked the books from them using her magic.

"Wait, wait. Why you think she wants to cause Eternal nigh. And more important why you think that she is real?" Twilight asked.

"We saw her in Everfree Forest last night when we were hunting monsters. She was commanding the Moon! We tried to tell our sisters but they don't want to believe us. So we took this matter in our hooves. Do you have a book describing how to defeat an evil alicorn?" The young eyes were locked on the librarian. They were using their secret technic. Puppy eyes.
It was super effective on normal ponies.

"Sorry, but no. Alicorns are extremely powerful beings. You don't stand a chance against one. But I don't think you saw one." The fillies were puzzled. "Everfree forest is a magical environment with unknown numbers of creatures living there. You could have seen an illusion created by one of the creatures. Even if it is true, which isn't, I can't give you any information on how to defeat alicorn."

"Why not?" Scootaloo asked.

"Simple if you had this knowledge you could kill anypony else. And it wouldn't please your sisters and your idol too Scootaloo" Exclaimed Twilight.


"No but! Just forget about it. I'm sure it was nothing important." Twilight lightly kicked them from the library."If you want to know anything else you are welcome." When she watched the fillies trotting to their homes she closed her doors.

This isn't good.

Author's Note:

Sorry for not writing so long. I had exams and simply not enough time to think about it. Now when it is almost over I can focus on it.