• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,479 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

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15 A little peak in the lives of Sisters

Life wasn't exactly how Luna imagined, but it could be worse.

Her daughter was in Canterlot studying under her sister, Princess Celestia. A sister who tried to kill her and banished her to the Moon for a thousand years. A sister with the main army, well weak army, but nevertheless army, on every her command near her. A sister who doesn't care for her sister at all.

A sister who could do anything to her daughter before she could do anything.

But Twilight was quite stubborn. She took it after her husband, and most of all, smart. She should be able to take care of herself. She was an alicorn with a lot of knowledge, possessing one of the most powerful artifacts known to ponykind, the Element of Magic.

Yet she couldn't stop worrying. She was her mother, after all, it was practically her main job.

Of course, she couldn't just abandon other things. She still needed to maintain the library in the absence of her daughter. Mayor Mare understands that nopony would decline a Princess. Or she hoped it would bring more ponies to the town, seeing as practically no pony important gained the eyes of the Highest Authority. It just begged questions and for sure someponies were too curious for their own good.

But the job wasn't that bad. If it was a big city, she would have a problem, but Ponyville was a small town, a barely outgrown village. More ponies came to take and gossip than to borrow books. Even then, it was a rare occurrence.

So she had plenty of time for her own purpose.

They still held cadence in their hideout. She placed several spells in case she tried to do something, but for now, she wasn't causing any trouble. She was regularly checking on her and slowly making it more like a true prison.

What is more interesting is that she hasn't said even one word. For all the time she had when Luna was with her, she retreated to the corner of the cell and carefully watched her. Not even good morning or 'die demon!' it was quiet ... interesting? If she could use this word.

She didn't try interrogating her. It wouldn't do much in her opinion. Of course, she knew this alicorn wasn't trained and she would break really fast, but it wasn't really worth it. If she was very loyal to Celestia, she would say anything just to mislead her or to make her happy. The best course of action was to wait. It was like preparing a good wine. You need time and everything would come at the right moment.

Besides, she was a good bargain chip if they caught her daughter, so it was pointless trying to lessen her worth.

There was one more thing to mention. Or Five.

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack would constantly come and ask how Twilight was doing in Canterlot. They would stop sometimes for tea, gossip about how fast Twilight will read the whole Canterlot Library or when they would see her again. Another time, they would help her with something if she needed it.

It was kinda nice knowing that someponies care about them. That they have a place that they could call home. Even if it was only temporary or until they were discovered. She only hoped that this bond will survive the test of time.

Everything was going according to plan. Twilight Sparkle was studying under her in her castle and nopony was the wiser. It was a shame that Sunchaser failed in practically everything she had ever hoped, but at least he showed her a good replacement.

Twilight Sparkle is an exceptionally powerful unicorn with a six-pointed star as a cutie mark. She befriended five mares that, by her calculation, represent five known Elements of Harmony. She had a natural talent for magic and incredible intellect.

The only issue was her past. She told her she was traveling with her mother from far-away countries and that bore many questions. If they constantly traveled, then why she didn't hear about them earlier? If they lived somewhere and then move here, what convinced them to do so? There were so many questions without answers. But because of her problems with other rulers, she couldn't check it very well. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially since that day, when her relationships with other rulers become strained. Dragons were getting bolder and zebras were still waiting for Luna.


Her heart still ached, even after all this time. That day, thousands of years ago, showed her so much. So much pain, and her sister's tears. So much sadness that she missed. It is true that she wasn't the best sister to her, focusing on anything but her. And when she was gone, she learned. She lost a pony that could support her no matter what. A pony that helped built this country from the ground.

Without her, the relationship with others crumbled. It took her all her knowledge of half-trues and politics to keep dragons from attacking them. Zebras stopped trading with them and left Equestria. Even now, Equestria is barely holding without her.

That's why she needed to do everything to rescue her sister from this Nightmare. To show her she loves her.

Back to the topic, Twilight currently was saying in the west tower of the castle. It was a special tower, prepared especially for her students. Many spells were placed by her to allow peace of mind, body, and soul of the inhabitant and allow her to spy sometimes. She couldn't just trust that everything was going perfectly. She learned this lesson with Sunset.

Her newest student loves books. She was always eager to learn more. Always reading more than was needed. It was kinda cute. She found her with the nose in the book on many accounts. Moreover, she had the patience of a politician.

And she needed it when dealing with nobles.

From the moment she decided that Twilight would become her student, the nobles become restless. How a commoner could be better than them. They were chosen from the rest of Equestria and everypony should be thankful for it. When they graced somepony with their presence, they would become offended if nopony would be honored. Anypony who climbed where they should be, the nobles would correct it.

Dealing with them was a nightmare.

Unfortunately, she could just deal with them. It would cause a big backslash and that was the last thing she wanted now.

And since Cadence vanished, she had even more to deal with. It could be a coincidence. Just after she sent her to find anything about Nightmare, she disappeared. It wasn't that simple to kidnap alicorn and most would leave her alone knowing she was connected with Celestia.

She didn't know what the future might hold, but she had hope.

Author's Note:

A little view of Sisters before the main action.
I hope you like it!