• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,477 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

  • ...

7 Slowing down

"Ugh, where am I?" Twilight opened her eyes and blinked blinded by the bright sun. "What happened?" This isn't my home. She was on the white bed covered by a nice and warm blanket. Next to her was a small table with a vase full of flowers and a small note. Huh? Who left it here? She lifted it to get a better view of the text.

See you soon!

I should be happy that somepony left it for me but I can't shake the feeling like something big is coming.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a new pony coming through the door. "Oh! You’re up already. I must say you gave us a nice scare when you flared. Sweet Celestia, it was seen by everypony in the town. But back to the topic. How are you feeling?"

"Um.. good. I guess Ms..."

"You’re the new librarian, right? In that case nice to meet you! I'm nurse Redheart." The white mare answered with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too! Could you tell me what happened? The last that I remember is coming to my home." The events were still fuzzy and Twilight couldn't tell what was true and what was her imagination.

"Like always Pinkie prepared for the new pony, in this case, you- a welcoming party but you just run away! Knowing Pinkie, she caught up with you pretty quickly, and then... I don't know. There was a big bam and then searching for you. I still need to check the other patients so if that is everything I’ll go." With that explanation, Twilight sensed the question and slowly nodded. Seeing this the nurse left the room. Now I remember! This was a party? Nice to know. So.. I'm not exposed, that's a relief. But how I will explain this to the town? Before she could continue her thoughts, she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" She shouted. The door opened and she saw four ponies come through. What is Fluttershy doing here?

"How are you feelin' sugarcube?" The first was Applejack to ask.

"I'm guessing fine" An awkward smile appeared on her face. "But what are you all doing here?"

"You think we wouldn’t visit you? Ha! You made the biggest explosion I have ever seen! It was so cool!" Before Rainbow Dash could say something more, she was forced to the floor by a rope."What we wanted to say is that it was unexpected and even when you are new here you cared about us." Applejack said.

"Care? But how?" Twilight was confused when she helped them?

"You don't remember? You teleported Pinkie before the explosion. "This time it was Rarity who answered. "But that was nothing! I did it from pure reflex nothing more" Twilight protested.

"Yuppers! And it was amazing!" Came sudden voice from the left side.

"AHHH!" Twilight leaped into the air from surprise and stuck into the ceiling. She cast an eye on the pink, smiling pony standing next to her bed. She could swear she wasn't there a moment ago.

"Umm. Pinkie could you slow down for a bit? I don't think Twilight appreciates your surprises." Rarity said still staring at the stuck-in-the-celling pony. "Okie Doki!" Came the reply from the strange pony. "You can come down now." Twilight hesitated for few seconds, but ultimately let it go.

"We are sorry for Pinkie. She is... not normal" Rarity searched for a said pony, only to spot her looking at a vase. "We don't know how she is doing it, but to get back on topic. We are sorry for what happened and we want to inform you that your party will be moved to tomorrow. This is ok with you?"

"Umm, Could I... not have a party?" The room became so quiet that you could hear a fly. "What?!"

"How could you not want a party!!" Twilight finds herself facing a pink face too close.

"Well I'm not a social type of pony and I like quiet. And judging by your party there, it wasn’t in my style."

"Wait, wait, wait... You sounded like you didn't have a party ever."

"Yeah..." The surprised faces of them told her it was not normal. Before anypony could speak, Twilight continued. "Please, don't ask. I have a reason, why and I don't want to talk about it." For a few seconds, minutes nopony moved, frozen from shock.

"How?! Any parents should at least throw one party for their child. This is unacceptable. How my pinkie-sense didn't tell me this. This is super-duper important. You are like 20 years old! 20 years without a party, gifts, funny games, and moments."


"I need to do something. I will make the best party ever! With balloons, cakes, presents, funny games! No! That wasn't enough!"

"Pinkie..." Twilight tried again, without success.

"But first I will have a few words with your parents! How they could! Party is an important thing! Maybe your mother couldn't because of your father? I heard there are abused families by a male. Twilight, I will make sure everything is alright. Nopony can hurt others without consequences from Pinkie! I will..."

"DON'T YOU DARE TALKING LIKE THAT ABOUT MY FATHER! HE DIED PROTECTING MY MOTHER AND ME!" Twilight shouted with enough force to knock them from their hooves. It was going too fast, she wasn't prepared for it. She started crying. Mother did everything in her power and they dare to talk about her like that.

"Darling... We didn't know. We..."

"Leave." Twilight didn't meet their eyes. She kept crying in the bed in the hospital, while others left. She cried for hours, but even the deepest well can become empty and she still needed to be strong for her mother.

The next day she was signed out from the hospital. She came to her home and started reading. She could be well trained in old magic but she didn't know anything about present magic. The ponies from earlier left her in peace so she could focus on her mission.

The day flew by, Twilight finished reading books about magic and started reading about other stuff. She had time to calm down and rethink on what to do. She visited the Castle of the Two Sisters. She found it in ruin, big news for anypony who didn't know what Everfree Forest is. After she returned to the library she exercised for a bit. While on the Moon she constantly trained, to the point of obsession. Who could blame her, when it was one of the few things a pony could do there. Fortunately, her magic didn't suffer from the magic flare so she could place a few spells on the library. Better safe than sorry.

On the third day, she received knocking on the door. It was strange since It was a public library. Anypony could enter without knocking. When she opened it she was treated with five familiar faces. She thought that they were here to apologize. She wasn't wrong. The next few hours were spent explaining a few things about her. Not too much like she was the daughter of the famous Nightmare Moon, but enough to satisfy their curiosity. The atmosphere kept getting better and better with each passing minute. While they were preparing to leave one sentence made Twilight froze.

"You are our friend silly!"

This one sentence made Twilight feel good. Maybe she could have somepony to share her secrets with, but not now. It was still too early, but soon. At the end of these days, Twilight slept better than ever.

The following day she visited Fluttershy. Twilight knew various animals by name, but she never saw them personally. She even helped Fluttershy take care of some of them. It was relaxing. When asked if she had a pet, she explained that she never thought about it. She promised to think about it.

Unfortunately, her new daily exercise didn't go unnoticed by two ponies. At first, they couldn’t believe how fast she was. But it was nothing that a good race could fix. Twilight gained some insight into how much power ponies have, and she was very powerful compared to them. She needed to be careful.

In one word, everything was going smoothly.

Until... a week and a half before Summer Celebration.

ten days before Summer Celebration

Fate can be cruel. Twilight was slowly getting accustomed in Ponyville and now this?!? Is this some sort of joke? Every other pony was thrilled at the news. After hearing it, she apologized for a moment, explaining that she needed a moment for herself, and left.

Why here? What was she planning? This can't be a coincidence! I found a place to hide with my mother and when everything was going according to plan she is going to host here, of all places, her cursed celebration.

When she complained about her life she instinctually headed to Everfree Forest.

I can't do anything. If I try, she might discover me! But.. maybe... Not everything is lost. Like in the book: the darkest place is under the candle. I need only to keep quiet and everything will be fine.

She failed to notice a sound coming from before her. It was a very soft whisper from a hurt being. Only then it came through Twilight's rambling What is that? The closer she got the louder whimper became. Soon she could see what produced this sound.

It was a bird, for sure. But for all the knowledge she had, she couldn't remember any which had dark blue feathers and a red beak. It was small. It was laying on the ground with a terrible wound on its wing. Poor creature. You don't look too dangerous. Maybe those wolves attacked you? She tried to come closer but seeing this, the creature whimper trying to run away, unsuccessfully.

”Shhh. I won't harm you.” She lit her horn and cast a healing spell, from her mother's teaching. It was quite good since she upgraded this a little, it had useful effects. The bird stopped struggling and trying to run away.

"Where is your family, little bird?"


"Your family. Like dad and mom"


"You can only say this right?"


"Don't matter." Twilight came closer, lifted poor bird, and lay on her back."All right! I will take care of you, little guy or girl?" From its look, she deduced it was second."I will call you...Star, since I like stars"

With a newly acquired companion, she returned to her home. Then she tried to find anything about her new pet, but she didn't succeed. The next choice was Fluttershy, but unfortunately, it was the same. She had no idea what type of bird she was but promised to help her taking care of her.

The following days become blurp. Twilight didn't have much free time while helping for the Summer celebration, healing her companion, and preparing for her mother.

Even if she was tired she was happy and it was the most important.

Author's Note:

I'm alive!
... yet.