• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,426 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

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13 The mastermind

Author's Note:

Sorry for the biggggg break but I had exams and I lost track of time.

Anyway, does someone know a good editor or is willing to help me with grammar?
I'm become a bit rusty with grammar because of my break so sorry inadvance.

Twilight didn't know what to do. The hall she was walking in was enormous. Polished marble sounded underneath her hooves. On the right and left were stained glasses picturing some of the important histories of the ponykind. And this everything was engraved in gold. Because of this, the castle had a specific feeling. Somepony would even say heavenly.

But it still belonged to her.

Her legs were shaking slightly. Who knew what she wanted from her. Maybe she knew who she was. This would be very bad. But how? She sealed her magic so nopony would be able to discover her. Furthermore, she was an average pony. Sure, she had beaten Ursa Major, but it could be explained by pure luck, right? Maybe she was skeptical about her so she decided to test her somehow?

Her heart run another marathon, while she tried to think of something that she did, and how to explain it. If everything went wrong she would need a way to escape too. Unfortunately for her, she didn't have the time for that.

"The princess would see you now." Said the royal guard allowing Twilight to enter the throne room.

The doors slowly opened showing what was inside.

Twilight gulped and walked inside. And everything started with a letter.

Twilight read many books with unexpected twists and turns but she never thought that it will happen to her.

Just like in those fantasy books, it was a sunny day. Twilight was spending time with her five friends, or more precisely having a picnic with them. For others, it was something normal, but for her, it was something more. Raised on The Moon only with her mother this simple activity was magical.

Well, until mail mare showed up.

"Letter for Twilight!" She announced while dusting herself from the earth she gathered when she landed. She wasn't alone too.

"Thank you Dizzy." thanked Twilight taking the letter in her magic. The hooves were occupied with dust and Dizzy.

"Oh! Who sent this letter Twilight?" Asked Pinkie, still bouncing. How she could eat anything like this, nopony know. I don't know anypony enough for this. Twilight shrugged and absentmindedly read aloud the letter without noticing the Royal seal.

As she read aloud her mod started dropping.

It was a royal invitation to meet Princess Celestia in her castle.

In short Princess Celestia learned of her little adventure with Ursa Minor and wanted to thank her. The meeting will take place Wednesday at noon at the Royal Palace. For her outstanding loyalty to other ponies and bravery, she will be rewarded. With what she didn't know. she didn't even know if she will be rewarded.

"Ohhh! You were invited to Canterlot to meet with Princess." Exclaimed Rarity."Darling, you don't know how jealous I'm. To talk with Princess in her own Castle!" And you don't know how I'm jealous now of you who isn't going to meet her.

"Ah thought that anypony could talk with Princess." Noticed Applejack.

"Ah yes, but it is not the same as a personal meeting. This shows that you are something more than normal ponies" daydreamed Rarity.

"Ah sorry?"Said puzzled Applejack. But it was too late Rarity was already deep in her fantasy world.

"The chance to talk privately with the most important pony in the whole world. The prestige is immersive. You can see the castle and the lives of the nobles. " She daydreamed. "Maybe even her personal chamber."

"Ok, we lost her." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. Rarity would comment but true to the word of pegasus she was really absorbed in her world.

"Nevertheless, It is a big privilege, sugarcube" Admitted Applejack."Not every day somepony can tame Ursa Minor."

Twilight sat there surrounded by her friends, which normally would feel good, but at this moment she could swear she was surrendered by Timberwolfs. And it was visible in her face and posture. She was in a deep hole with no way out.

"Um... are you feeling alright Twilight?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Oh? Y-yes I'm alright" She practically shouted these words."It's just a meeting with a Princess. In her own castle. With most guards... and nobles!" She added hurriedly.While you are a daughter of the most hated villain.

"Don't worry Twilight!" Exclaimed Pinkie Pie."It will be okay. I know what will help you. A big hug."

While Twilight's friends were occupied in the hug, with forcefully brought Rarity to reality, She could stop worrying.

When she crossed the door a warm voice greeted her.

"Hello, I was waiting for you." Seating in the middle of the room was a white alicorn drinking from an expensive-looking cup. "You can seat, I have prepared a nice cushion for you." She pointed to a big pillow lying on the ground in front of her.

Twilight looked around. She was in a normal room, at least for the castle. Some mirrors were hanging on the opposite wall, next to dressers and wardrobes. A big bed was on the left of the Celestia and a few chests probably for personal stuff.

She didn't know what sort of spells this chamber was protected, but before she entered a castle she cast a fast spell. For anyone other, it would seem normal, but the castle was practically coated in numerous spells. So it goes without saying that this room had to have powerful magic on it.

"O-of c-course" Twilight barely responded and cautiously sat down.

"You don't have to be so nervous little one, I'm not going to eat you." Celestia said, trying to light up a little atmosphere.No, but you can kill me and my mother. Seeing as it didn't work princess continued.

"I called you because I heard you defeated an Ursa Major."

"Wel-l, It's not true" Twilight responded. At a questioning glance, she explained the circumstances of that day.

"Oh, I see" She started but stopped. It was as she tried to formulate the next sentence."I will be honest with you."She looked at Twilight." I would probably count everypony who could do what you did on my hooves, including keeping your cool. And all of them are well-trained and old ponies." She took a sip from her cup."You have a true gift, a gift which should be properly used."

Yeah, I have. I'm too a daughter of your sister which you nearly killed and an alicorn of magic. So it should be no surprise. But the question is what are you planning. Mom wanted me against your little schemes

"That's why I decided to make you my personal student" She finished both her sentence and Twilight's hope.


"I know this is a big surprise for you, but it is a big opportunity for you too. You would have access to many books and teachers specializing in magic. Your talent will grow here without limits, so what will you choose?" One Twilight had to admit, Celestia knew how to bait a pony.

"C-can I have some time to think?" Twilight asked."N-not that it isn't great, it just I have a mother and... I want to talk to her too. If that's okay with you" She hastily added. For many Celesta would seem like it would hurt but something was telling Twilight that she didn't like it.

"Of course not. You have time to the next month. After this time I will come personally to Ponyville for the answer." It was obvious that this meeting came to the end.

"That's all my little pony you can go and see you soon."

Twilight stand up and left the castle, but her mind was completely elsewhere. It all could be summarised in one word.


Luna was on her way to raise her Moon in the Everfree forest like every night and every morning. It was a pain in the ass but it was necessary. It was a normal day for the most wanted villain while she tried to perform her duties.

Well, that's it before she heard some screams and growl from somewhere within the forest.

"What was that? Rarely normal pony would go to the forest this deep." She said under her breath as she decided to check. Every newcomer is a danger to her and her daughter.

Thanks to her colors she wasn't easily spotted on a dark night like this so she could watch the show.

A pink unicorn was running away from a pack of Timberwolfs. Luna could see that she was injured and more than frightened. Spell after spell was cast by a unicorn to tried scared the wolfs, but they knew when their prey was weak. The night alicorn was still impressed with the amount the magic this unicorn had, it was more than she should have.

Luna battles within herself to pressure her or abandon her. On the scale were her and her daughter's lives and this pony's life. But finally, she decided to help.Me and my weak heart.

She reached just in time to saw as the unicorn reached the edge of the ravine. Unfortunately, she didn't have good night vision and made one step too far. With a cry, she fell over and the timber wolfs were just reaching with their jaws when a beam struck them at the sides. Luna landed next to a lying unicorn, protecting her from the danger.

Luna and the animals from the forest had a few encounters and they fast learned that at night they should pick a fight with her, especially when they were tired. So they decided to abandon their prey. It was not worth it.

Seeing as the predators were retreating she focused on the unicorn. She was surprised that she was still alive and conscious after the fall. Just barely but it was enough to transport her to the nearest hospital. As for seeing Nightmare Moon? Who would believe a unicorn which just returned from death's bed AND Everfree Forest?

But as she lifted her with her magic she felt something odd. A spell was placed on the unicorn.

It wasn't an ordinary spell, it was too powerful. It was why she felt it when she decided to pick her up.
She cast the cancellation spell and what she saw changed everything.

A horn AND wings.