• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,426 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

  • ...

14 Exchange


In all honesty, Twilight should have seen this coming. Her visit to Canterlot Castle wasn't a downright failure, far from it, she was still alive, free, and, more concerning, invited to study in Canterlot. Study as a personal student of her majesty Princess Celestia. And that's where the shoe pinches.

"But it could help us immersively! Nopony would suspect that Princess Celestia's precious student is working for you. Like they say: The darkest place is under the candle! " She argued.

Just after her meeting, she wanted to outright decline it. Working under the nose of one of the most powerful and influential ponies in the world? There was so much to go wrong. In fact, she couldn't believe that she just left easily. They didn't check her background? She was sure that the pony, from who knows where suddenly showing up and doing heroic acts just ask for questions. Was Celestia that desperate? It was risky. If she would be discovered by any chance she would spend the rest of her life in prison, at the best, and considering that she was an alicorn that was a long life.

But prons were more persuasive. Twilight would have access to the biggest and the most advanced magic knowledge in Equestria. Furthermore while studying she would be able to spy on Celestia much easier than before. She could counter any of her plans before they could do any harm to her or her mother.

But still...

"No means No! Twilight. I already lost my husband and I'm not ready to lose you too. There are just too many ways to go bad." Luna argued with her daughter. "We don't know so many things about the world now and nothing about Celestia and what she is capable of."

"That just proves my point!" Twilight remarked. "That way we could gather valuable intelligence for the future. And then I would be less suspicious in her list."

"And if she somehow discovered who you truly are? What then? Do you think it would be easy to escape that Tartarus? " Twilight's brow furrowed. That was true. If she was discovered it would be nearly impossible to escape with Celestia and her guards on her tail. Well, at least Celestia. The guards were laughable at best. The only advantages they had were their weapons and trinkets, like their magic suppression rings. They were already useless since she had stolen some and learned how to disable them.

"Well that's true, but we can't just hide forever. Somepony will eventually find out and then what? This is a miracle that Celestia is keeping this secret. Who knows why."

"There is too much happening in such a short amount of time, Twilight. It can't be a coincidence." Luna explained. Smaller alicorn only raised a brow.

"You said that something more happened." Twilight pointed out. Her mother blinked.

"Oh, right. I didn't tell you about her." Twilight concentrated, there was something more, and judging by her mother's tone not so good.

"I found another alicorn when I traveled through the forest."

"Another Alicorn?" Twilight was genuinely surprised. They were sure that only Celestia was the only other alicorn beside them. This changed a lot.

"She seems much younger than you and for sure she didn't get any training. I spotted her when she was running from timberwolves injured. She didn't know a way and fell down the ravine. No normal pony would wish to explore this forest so I came closer. That was when I noticed a powerful illusion spell on her." Luna finished bringing her daughter to the topic.

"So another alicorn without training and survival knowledge or she would be in that situation. That means that she was used to or at least lived without the need to gain that type of knowledge. But why would she enter Everfree forest? It is obvious that she wasn't ready for it."

"Maybe she had a mission there?" Luna proposed.

"It is highly probable. But more important. Did she see you?" questioned Twilight.

"I think so" Admitted Luna."That's why I locked her in our hideout."

"Our hideout isn't prepared for captured alicorn and we can't just release her. Nopony would believe foals but alicorn? We would have guards within hours here searching for you." Twilight signed. "At least she isn't trained so she shouldn't be able to escape easily."

"But in the same matter, it could be good that we captured her."

"What do you mean?" Luna asked, not liking where it could go.

"We have a possible trade card if something goes wrong with my plan." She smirked. Luna's eyes immediately narrowed her eyes.


"Oh come on!"

It took a whole night to convince her mother to let her study under Celestia. It didn't come without some rules too. She had to write at least one 'report' per week and if she didn't Luna would immediately come for her. She would also bring her pet with her under the illusion of an owl. This should bring so much attention to her.

As for alicorn. She would be locked until she wouldn't pose a danger of relieving their home.

Cadence stirred. The last thing she remembered was her run from timberwolves. She of course knew of the dangers of the Everfree forest but she thought that she could deal with them without problems. This bit her quite nicely.

She opened her eyes. She was in some sort of cave. It was illuminated with a few candles spread through the room. They were pinned to walls or standing on crates.

And it would be pretty much everything.

There wasn't a door from what she could see. The walls and floor were bare with little pebbles lying everywhere. The only relatively normal homely furniture was a table near her.

She tried to stand up, but the sound of metal stopped her next movements.

She looked behind her and her only healthy leg was shackled in a chain. What's more, where she had injuries she had newly done bandages. Where am I?

"I see that thou are awakened." Cadence's head snapped to the source of the new voice, and she instantly regretted getting up from bed.

Nightmare Moon.

"What's your name?" Her voice wasn't malicious or angry. There was only a little bit of interest and caution. This wasn't something that felt right coming from her.

"W-what? How did..." Came her unsteady and unfinished question.

"I spotted you when you were running from timberwolves. " Even if her voice wasn't outright frightening her whole body was. "It would seem that nopony taught you the art of fighting." She started circling her like a shark preparing to take a bite. A monotonous sound of horseshoes hitting rock spread through the cave. Cadence could swear that her eyes were penetrating her very soul. Never leaving her even for a second. While she was doing it, a short burst of magic was checking the chains and her bandages. Making sure that she couldn't escape.

"W-what do you want to do with me?" Even her voice was wounded. Uncertain and quiet like she didn't want to provoke a predator to attack.

"For now?" She looked into her eyes. They weren't cold, but enormous intelligence and countless ages of wisdom shone through them."For now nothing. Later we will see."

Author's Note:

Still, I have problems with grammar, but I hope this time is better.
Thanks for any advice and correction in advance!
Have a nice day!