• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,476 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

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10 Searching


Canterlot, the capital of Equestria stood proudly on the side of the mountain. Beautiful, white buildings sprout from the ground everywhere. Ponies living there lead a peaceful and good life. Why they wouldn't? Princess Celestia lived there. They didn't need to worry. She would protect them from any harm. Of course, there were some issues like nobility. Proud arrogant ponies that see only their noses, not caring about others. Fortunately, they were kept in check by Princess.

So everypony was happy.

Well, nearly everypony.

Inside one of many rooms in Canterlot Castle sat pony. She was completely absorbed in books. The topics of books varied from purification magic to sealing magic. Yet she didn't find a solution to her problem.

"Aunty Celestia, can I come?" Came the voice from behind a closed door. It was a warm and nice voice, belonged to a good-hearted, young alicorn with a pink coat.

"Of course Cadence, you may enter." Replied Celestia. The door opened and alicorn entered.

"Aunty, what is happening?" Her voice was filled with worry. She was watching older alicorn with concern. She was usually stoic and calm. But lately, something has changed. There was more nervousness in her move and talk.

"A lot dear niece and not always good." She looked at Cadence. "You remember when I told you about a monster Nightmare Moon? "

"Yes, but how it is related?" The princess of Love narrowed her eyebrows."It is an only old legend."

"It is not a legend, my dear niece." Younger alicorn froze.

"Over one thousand years ago I banished her to the Moon. For thousand years she was unable to return, but a few weeks ago she returned."

"She returned!? But how you can be so sure about it?" Asked Cadence.

"I already fought with her and lost."Answered Celestia.

"But shouldn't we had already had Eternal Night like in legends?" Came the shaking voice.

"That's why I am surprised." After a while, she continued."I planned to use Sunchaser to gather the only power able to heal her, Elements of Harmony. To make it easier for him I had to fight her and I did. She beat me, but when I thought she would banish me to the Sun, she ran away.

From that moment I didn't hear anything. I had spies in every corner in Equestria, but she didn't show up in any place where she could gain followers. Not even a single long night after she beat me! It's strange. I'm worried that something could happen to her."

"What? Why? I thought she is evil." Cadence sat next to Celestia and spread her wing over elder Alicorn. "Should we be more worried about how to contain her than if she is okay?"

"She wasn't always evil." She signed."Before she was known as Princess Luna, the Bringer of the Night. We were sisters, founders of the Equestria. We ruled together for many years in happiness. Or I thought. I was blind to her suffering. Our subjects started hating her and loving me. I refused to believe it for so long. For so long that she was finally corrupted and she killed my elite guards. Only one was enough alive to deliver news and then died." By the time Celestia started crying. "I wanted to help her, but I was powerless. She was winning and to rescue our subject I banished her by using Elements of Harmony." Cadence stared dumbfounded. One evening she was informed that she had another aunt and that aunt is going to destroy the world. It was a bit too much for her."I hoped that Elements could bring her back from her corruption. Now I don't know what to do."Celestia was openly crying. Seeing this Cadence tried to calm her.

"Aunty, everything will be alright. Breath in, breath out. We WILL rescue her, but we need a plan."Cadence allowed Celestia to cry a little longer. She kept it inside very long."Don't give up. I'm sure she is waiting for you."

"Thank you, niece."

"So what's the plan?" Asked Cadence.

"First we need to locate her. She was always better in spells and war, so you must be careful. Try listenings to rumors, maybe we will be lucky. " Celestia wrote a plan on the piece of paper.

"Shouldn't we use Royal Guards?" Younger Alicorn thought aloud."I'm sure they would be much more successful"

"That's not a good idea. While I'm sure they are adequate they tend to gossip too much, which could raise a panic."Exclaimed Celestia.

"Very well and what you will do?"Asked Cadence.

"Suncheser failed to gather Elements. What more, now they will never trust him, so I need to find another Bearer of Magic. Luckily I maybe have somepony. In Ponyville I met a purple unicorn with a starburst cutie mark. The same as an Element of Magic. What more she seems to be already friends with other Bearers. It can't be a coincidence."

"Are you sure? We don't know her. "

"Cadence, now we don't have much choice. We must try everything that we can. I will test her. From that point, I will decide."

"So somepony saw me?" Asked Luna in her disguise. She sat inside her daughter's home, the Golden Oak Libary in Ponyville. The morning was busy, because of three fillies that decide to fight with 'evil' alicorn.

"Yes, three fillies came here in the morning. I believe their names were Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom. Two of them are sisters to Rarity and Applejack, the last is orphan. Fortunately for us, no pony seems to believe them. However, they already told guards about it. Now it is only a matter of time before Celestia will come investigating." Luna sighed. She knew it was unavoidable. She only hoped to had more time before it would happen.

"Eh. At least they saw me in Everfree Forest not here. We need to find a better place to create a hideout. I need to visit the old castle too. There should be still some things from my ruling. If we are lucky maybe some magic and history books. Celestia could move capital in one day."

"About it." Luna looked at her daughter. "I found a cave deeper in the forest. It is practically invisible from the sky. with a little magic, it could be a good place. Still, we need to know how magic developed in thousand years. Knowing what your opponent has is a step closer to victory."

"We will worry about it later. For now, I'm just happy that I can enjoy this time with you."Luna smiled. After losing her husband she didn't think that she could smile again. Until her daughter came.

"I'm happy too, mom. But we still need to prepare." Luna faltered. She knew it too well.

"You made a checklist." Twilight smiled.

"Yep!" Luna groaned.

A few hours passed since the planning and library was back in a normal state. Twilight alone in the library reading a book.

"Hi, Twilight! What are you reading!?" Twilight bolted from the spot. She spun around to meet a smiling pink face.

"Pinkie! I told you that I don't like it when you show up from nowhere without informing me beforehoofe! You remember what happened last time, right?" For Twilight Pinkie was more enigma than the future itself. She tried everything and still she could find nothing. It could be helpful while dealing with Celestia.

"Yep!" Twilight had deja vu. "What are you going as for Nightmare Night?" She asked while jumping like a kangaroo.

"Nightmare Night?" Twilight repeated.

"You know. It is the best night of the year. You dress up as one of your favorite ponies. Or a dragon, or yaks, or even evil alicorn of the night who wants to bring Eternal Nigh because she felt betrayed by her subjects. So in the first attempt, she was beaten by her sister, but she isn't finished. She returned many years later. Only a group of friends can stop her. Oh! maybe one of them would like cupcakes. You know with frostbites. They are my favorite. I like others too, but my dentist says that It is not healthy. Pffff, just look at me. I'm healthy and good. Maybe alicorns like them too? It would be so funny if I knew one. I would give her my super special with double frosting XXL cupcake with a surprise. She would be so happy. Hmmm, maybe I could dress up as a cupcake. Everyone could taste me! It would be edible. But to make one I would need so many ingredients and Mrs. Cake and Mr. Cake weren't very happy last time. So would choose my other costume. So what is your costume?"

Twilight officially gave up. She was done. Pinkie was impossible. She learned that while dealing with this unnatural being with unexplainable abilities you are doomed.

"Pinkie slows down I haven't understood anything since word know. And no, First know. So please repeat it." Twilight pleased.

"Nightmare Night is a time of the year when you can dress up like somepony else and gather sweets. Everypony can do it and it super funny. Ponyville usually decides to make a special decoration like a bat's scary maze or something different." Pinkie exclaimed in one breath. How?

"Okay, Pinkie. So when it is?" Interesting. I didn't find anything about it. Maybe I should read Celebration and Feast?

"In the next three days!" Twilight's smile vanished. Nightmare Night had the same date as Star Day, her favorite celebration. She wouldn't miss it for anything in the world.

"I'm sorry Pinkie, but I must refuse." Pinkie stopped bouncing.

"What? Why? It is the bestest holiday in the world."

"Maybe, but I have something and I can't participate in this." Twilight explained.

"But, but.." the many of Pinkie Pie straightened. "I know but It is personal so please don't take it personally." The doors to the library opened and a green unicorn entered.

"Now if it everything, I must take care of new quest/client. See you soon." While Twilight was helping the new pony one thought was in her mind.

Celestia took even her only holiday.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, should I rewrite the first chapter? I could write more about life on the Moon. What do you think?

About Celebration you will learn later.

What is your opinion about my story?