• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,426 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

  • ...

12 The show must go on

"Where we are going, mother?"

It was Saturday an hour after the sunset. Twilight and Luna were traveling the whole day. Where? Twilight didn't know, but her mother said that it was important. That's why they prepared a day before and make sure to notice Twilight's friends. She told them that they have something important to do in their old home. She didn't want to lie to her friends. It didn't feel right. All of them showed her kindness and generosity, yet they could tell them the truth. It would be too dangerous, but not for them they could escape. No. It was dangerous for them. Twilight didn't know when she started to think like that, but she could feel that something wasn't right. That lying wasn't good.

They were currently flying over a big city. If Twilight remembered correctly it was Manehattan. "We are going to one of my old places before my... banishment." The memory of loss was still fresh in Luna's mind even after thousand years. "I hope to find something which could help us."

"Could you be more specific?"

"No" Answered Luna.

Coated in camouflage spells they passed the city and soon saw a mountain. Twilight thought that they would fly over but Luna lowered her flight. She followed her.

"Somewhere here should be an entrance to one of the old outposts." Luna started carefully searching through the forest beneath the mountain. After a few minutes, she stopped near a rock.

"A rock? "

"Not a rock Twilight. Look closer." Luna encouraged. Twilight trotted closer and peered at a rock.

"It's not a rock, It's... steel!?" Gasped Twilight.

"Very good. This steel was formed in the shape and size of a big rock. I personally put many spells to deceive anypony who could think otherwise. Only powerful beings and with good magic sight can see that it is something more than rock."

"But why rock? It would be much easier to build a hut" Said Twilight.

"That's true but the rock is a much less obvious choice isn't it?" She lit her horn. "And before you ask how I know which rocks are which. Let's just say I know my outposts very well." The rock moved, showing a wide staircase disappearing in the darkness. "Come."

They lit their horns and went inside. This place was built with defense in mind. Each room has two doors, one to enter and one to leave in the case of attack. The doorframes were narrow with big and thick doors. Easily to lock and defend. Or they were. Now they were ruined shadows of their past. Twilight still could sense some magic in them but it was weak after all this time. Two mares walked past a kitchen, few bedrooms, magazines which you still could see wood and clothes piling inside.

"Here we are." They entered a room with iron and steel items.

"Armory" Twilight said.

"Excellent Twilight!"

"But it was a thousand years! Everything must be useless." Exclaimed Twilight.

"Well, when you are mostly correct we are not here for anything iron-like or even weapon, but I guess it could be counted as a weapon for you." With a smile, the princess of the night removed some brick from the back of the room exposing what was inside.

"BOOKS!" Before Luna could add another word, Twilight appeared inside.

"I thought some presents are due to being banished to the Moon, so I decided to make a small surprise for you." Twilight didn't acknowledge it. "Plus it could help us stay safe, even I can't know everything, and thousand years is a long time to forget some things."She looked at her daughter hiding in books. "So what do you think?"

She didn't receive any response.

"Twilight?" She nervously asked.


"Good Faust, I think I made a mistake." She used her magic to make Twilight listen. "Choose a few we must return somehow still. You have 5 hours." the moment she releases her daughter she immediately jumped at her books.

On the first hoof, we will probably have too many books to carry. I saw how she loved books she looked at how happy Twilight was. Currently trying to decide which book was more important and reading two others, smiling all the way.On the other hoof I can't say no to her. When she is happy I'm too.

It took much more time than five hours to take everything that Twilight want. Even then it was much. Twilight felt happy. She just received a late birthday gift which she was very thankful for. She had a mother and she was free, but how long?

Her aunt wanted her mother dead. They had nopony who could help them. When they were walking through the streets they have been surrounded by potential enemies. They couldn't sleep without worry. They didn't know when they would need to run. Every day was at the same time a miracle and torture. A miracle that they are alive and healthy and torture that they can lose it within minutes.

"What thou thinking, dear daughter?" The simple question pulled out Twilight from her thinking.

"You are returning to old dialect, dear mother" Twilight shot an answer to her mother. Still, Luna wasn't so easily sidetracked. At her questioning glance, she continued."I'm thinking about the situation."

"What about it?"

"We are alone. We can't trust anypony and if somepony discovered our secret we would be killed." She signed. "It's.... hard."

"I know, Twilight. I know." The rest of the journey was spent in silence.

The books were hidden in their hideout before they returned to Ponyville. It was a nice break from playing the role in Twilight's opinion.

Now, the only thing left is to return to normality, even if it isn't normal. Twilight thought to herself.And this sentence is completely incorrect.

"Gangway! Comin' through!" The sudden sound interrupted her overthinking.

"Augh! Snips, Snails! What's goin' on?" Twilight asked.

" Wha, haven't you heard?" Shouted Snails. " There's a new unicorn in town!"

"Yeah! They say that she's got more magical powers than any other unicorn ever!"Added Snips.More magical powers than any other unicorn? Okay... that is suspicious. Twilight thought.

"Well, we can't miss it then." Said Luna."We have just to leave our things at the home. After it, we would love to see it." Two colts run to the show, while Luna and Twilight went home.

"Okey left your things on your bed and books hide in a safe place for now."

"We are going to see her?" Asked worried Twilight.

"Of course." Replied her mother."I don't think she is really powerful, or we would already know. I think she is a showmare. It is usually well-known practice to boast."


"You don't have to worry, Twilight." Luna hugged her daughter."You still are learning your way through pony society so it may be confusing."

"Said the alicorn banished for thousand years." Smirked Twilight. Luna laughter.

"Point taken." She stood up and start leaving."Come on!"

Before that came to show it was well in full swing. Many ponies came to watch a performance. Such a show was a rare occasion in such a small town.

After a few minutes of pushing through the crowd, they finally saw the scene and Twilight's friends. In a different state than they expected.

"Twilight! You are finally here! You need to show this buffon true magic!" Yelled Rainbow Dash.

"She is a big meanie and she must learn her place!" Shouted Pinkie, while trying to bring her to the stage. She nearly succeeded but Twilight freed herself.

"Wait! I just came here! At least explain what is going on."

"Anypony else wants to challenge a Great and Powerful Trixie!" Came the voice from the podium. 'Great and Powerful' I see somepony has problems with ego.

"We will show you the true magic!" Replied Rainbow Dash.Talk about ego.

"This mare came here proclaiming to be the most powerful unicorn ever." Explained Applejack."We tried to show her that it isn't good to boast about herself, but..."

"she was better?" Finished Twilight. Rainbow Dash wanted to add something but she was interrupted.

"I see there is another unicorn who wants to challenge a Great and Powerful Trixie on her stage." Trixie was eyeing purple alicorn in disguise carefully."If so come here and let the audience decide!"

She has real problems with ego and she just wishes for somepony else to show her place. Twilight thought. But showing my skills and power is just asking for trouble. Especially since she seems to be traveling showmare. News travels fast that way.

"I don't think that would be necessary. I just got here and I didn't know what is happening. I would like to apologize for my friends' behavior."

"I see that you are too scared to face Great and Powerful Trixie, who vanquished the dreaded Ursa major!" Behind the showmare, the fireworks exploded and the spectacle continued.

"Twilight what are you doing?" Demanded Rainbow Dash.

"Watching the show" She replied in a quieter tone. "She is a showmare, it is her job to boast." She glanced at Trixie."Even if she has a problem with ego"

"If she has so big ego then you should show them and humiliate her. ... A bit."

"Says the mare who constantly boasts about being the faster pegasus."

"Hey! It's true."

"But it is beside the point."

"So you will not do anythin'?"Asked Applejack.

"No. How would you react if somepony came to your orchard and tried to show how to 'proper' harvest apples?"

"Point taken" After this show went somewhat normal. Not counting constantly boasting coming from the stage and remarks from blue pegasus.

"So what do you think of your first show Twilight?" the show ended without much issue from any of Twilight's friends. What was a surprise considering Rainbow Dash's ego.

"It was quite good, I guess? Trixie had a few good tricks in her hat, but her boasting... If she only stopped putting herself so high it could be much better." pointed Twilight.

"I know what you mean. I've watched many magic shows-" Twilight eyed her mother"- ok maybe a few, but they usually focused on making the audience shocked with their skills, not openly challenging them." Luna smiled. "Even then I missed such simple activities." Her daughter giggled. For anypony other, it could be meaningless, but for them, being exiled from Equestria for thousand years was something good, or in Twilight case something new.

Still, this couldn't explain why she was so lost in thoughts. Luna, as her mother, immediately noticed it.

"What are you thinking?" Starling her daughter.

"Well, you remember how This showmare mentioned Ursa Major?" She asked with a sheepish smile.

"Let me guess you want to know more." She knew her daughter quite well and it was obvious."Well, let's see what we can find in the books since a lot could be discovered about them in my absence, and then I will tell what I know."

Twilight enjoyed learning from her mother. She had immersive knowledge about spells and battles which now that ever were needed. And about writing it down? Well, she was doing it mostly to help her remember it. And if she couldn't ask her mother she could read it again in the future.

"... that's why they are so rare. Additionally, their favorite food is honey from Mountian bees. I think it was the best source of sugar in the winter. They stand out because of their immersive size and effect of magic. Even the most powerful unicorns would find themselves unable to affect them without using all of their magic. In the beginning, it could be hard to... "

The sudden roar interrupted her speech to the displeasure of Twilight and the small relief of Star. Both ponies immediately rushed to see what creatures could make that noise. And of course, it was Ursa minor.

"Well, at least it isn't Ursa major, but I feel like fate is playing a game with us." Commented Luna. Currently, the creature was on the outskirts of Ponyville, but who could know when it will change. The citizens of Poonyville were in mass panic, running in circles without purpose. For a town located such close to Everfree they are unprepared for anything.

Seeing a blue blur passing through town Twilight yelled."Rainbow Dash!" Probably deafening anypony who was too close to her. Note to myself: do not use Royal Voice. "Do you know what is happening?" Asked when pegasus finally came closer.

"Some colts decided to test The Great and Powerful Trixie by enraging Ursa Major." Exclaimed Rainbow Dash."How they thought that it was a good idea is beyond me." This caused gathered ponies to shake their heads.

"Well good news is that isn't Ursa Major but Minor. Bad news, if we can't do anything fast her mother would come." Seeing her friend's mood change from enraged to somewhere relaxed to worried she added."We need to evacuate ponies, I will take care of Minor."

"I don't know Twilight. I know that..."Pegasus started but was interrupted by Luna.

"We don't have time for this just do it!"

"Of course Nighteye!" Rainbow Dash zoomed to helping other ponies.

"What are you planning?" Luna whispered to her daughter. She was worried, she already lost her husband she didn't want to risk her daughter.

"She is just a baby and she seems cranky. I will try to put her again to sleep." She flashed a reassuring smile to her mother. "Don't worry I can take care of that." Then she galloped to stop this problem.

"I'm sure of that, but it will without question bring unwanted attention." On the first hand, she was proud of her daughter that she was trying to help others. On the other, she could only pray that it wouldn't come back to bite them later.

To do this I would need an immersive amount of magic. She thought while running to face Ursa Minor.But if I use too much I could release my alicorn magic and everypony would know it immediately.

She came to stop just in front of the big bear. It seemed that it didn't cause too much destruction. She could see some broken fences and minor scratches on a few houses. Nothing major, not counting something looking like a car with the roof, but she would later investigate it. A few ponies and Trixie got past her.

Fewer ponies to see me.

She started casting her magic. First, she needed to calm the baby down. Easier said than done. She used the wind to create coming music then to prevent the bear from making more destruction she caught it in her magic. She could feel Ursa's magic fighting with her.Mother didn't lie when she said they have high resistance to magic. And it is just baby. I don't want to meet her parents.

Moreover, she could feel her magic wanting to go. Currently, she was using only her unicorn magic, anything else could be suspicious. It was the battle of what was more powerful her magic or her will.

Remembering that there was an unused water tower she decided it would be a good bottle for the baby and filled it with milk from the nearest barn. I hope Applejack won't be angry about this.

She then gave a bottle to the baby and levitated it back to her cave. The path it left was easily trackable.

After it was done, Twilight relaxed. Ponyville was safe.At least for now. Who knows what the future will bring.

After the danger was averted ponies began to repair the damage. As Twilight saw it wasn't too much. Fences were was replaced and a few scratched on houses painted anew.

However, one pony wasn't so lucky. In all this mess Trixie's home was destroyed. She had lived and traveled with her wagon, but unfortunately, it was the first thing Ursa destroyed.

Twilight felt bad for her. Her home, her belongings, and money were gone. Sure she boast a lot but, It wasn't her fault for this. She came closer.

"Do you need help?" Asked Twilight. Trixie was sitting in front of her destroyed wagon back to the purple pony. When she turned to face her, it was evident that she cried.

"No! The great and Powerful Trixie doesn't need your help" It seems that even now she was sticking to her title. Twilight hasn't had much experience in interacting with other ponies, but she knew when the pony was alone. Her time with her mother on the Moon daughter her it. She started repairing her wagon without saying a word.

"Why?" Came the unexpected question. Twilight stopped her work and faced Trixie."Why are you helping Trixie." In truth, Twilight didn't know why. It will bring the attention of others to her, but she could feel it is right.

"Because you need help, there is something more to add?" After this silence fell upon them and soon Trixie started helping her. Soon her wagon was mostly repaired and her belongings recovered. Nearly all her money was found.

Unseen by the two of them another pony was watching them. With a bright pink coat and two wings sticking to her side was a pegasus mare. She was hiding in a nearby bush fascinated by the conversation Twilight had with showmare.

"Aunty will want to hear about it."

Author's Note:

Well, I'm back.
Sorry for the delay. I have a lot of work and no time.
And before anyone would ask. No, I don't ship Twilight and Trixie. I just did it for later chapters.