• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,477 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

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4 First days

Somewhere in Everfree Forest

After saying goodbye to my mother, I released the spell that should take me to the surface of Equus. Unlike my mother, I didn't know any place by sight so I was aiming for some small village. No towns with lots of lights, because it seemed too easy to be spotted. Even then with the speed of my traveling spell, it took some time. In the end, I landed in a strange place.

Everywhere around me were tall brown things with something green on top, they were motionless. I remembered Luna telling me about the flora and animals. If I remember correctly it was a tree. It looked safe but better safe than sorry. I don't know if Celestia saw anything and already started preparing a hunt for me.

I had no idea where I should go, so I just went forward. Maybe I'll find somepony or at least some sign to explain where I am. After a few minutes, I encountered some green things covering the ground- grass? They were funny to touch and had a faint smell. Interesting. There's so much food, but where are predators?


I spun around to see two big green lights in the bush, they were moving. I heard something big coming for me. When it finally left the bush I got a closer look at it. Such a strange animal. Its whole body was covered in the same material as the trees. It was almost as big as me if not bigger. I didn't want to fight it, so I started backing away. It seemed fate had a different idea because I heard another growl from behind me.

There were two more creatures. I was surrounded by them. Note to myself: strange tree-creature hunts in herds. Luckily they were not prepared for prey with wings. I flapped my wings twice and I was already high in the sky, leaving a surprised opponent. Too much power, but thanks to that I was able to locate the nearest village. The next hour was spent trying to fly in that direction. I was experienced in flying in no atmosphere conditions, not on Equus. Eh, I’ll train later.

I landed and walked, still carefully looking for trouble. Fortunately, nothing more came across my path. Eventually I reached some sort of field with trees planted in rows, just as the sun rose. My first time with somepony else is here. I only hope that everything will go smoothly.

Before Twilight got out from the forest she cast an illusion on her wings. An alicorn from the forest would cause massive rumors, which Twilight didn't want. For more security, she added to the illusion don't-notice-me spell and a protection spell. Then she walked out.

Rows after rows of trees. Big, small, brown, and yellow, every shape and size. And every single one was covered in red, oval things. Maybe they were apples. While watching the scenery a new sound reached her ears. It sounded like somepony was hitting something. Time to see who it was.

An orange-colored pony with a brown hat on her head stood near buckets full of fruits. It was obvious that she was working hard. She looked like somepony who’d be nice and could be trusted. Well, you only live once.

"Good morning, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and ..." She was interrupted by an orange pony shaking her hoof violently.

"Well, howdy-doo, Miss Twilight, a pleasure makin' your acquaintance. I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like makin' new friends! " Twilight wasn't prepared for a reaction like that. Not to mention how eager she was to dislocate her whole hoof.

"Friends? Actually, I—" Twilight realized that this pony no longer was shaking her hoof. She stopped, embarrassed.

"So, what can I do you for?" Applejack said, trying to hide her smile. She knew that her hoof-shake was a bit too much for some ponies.

"Oh! Well, I just need directions to the nearest library and I’ll be on my way." Libraries should have plenty of information for me.

"If you’re goin' to Golden Oak Library you should go to the town center and you’ll see a big tree, you can't miss it! So where are you from? I didn't see you earlier." The orange pony taking a closer look at Twilight.

"Umm.." I completely forgot to think of some sort of backstory. I just can't appear out of nowhere and it not bring attention.
And if I just start lying I’ll soon lose my own story. Think Twilight, what to do? If I can't lie and can't say true maybe something between? This should be good. "I'm a traveler from a far-off place who just came across this village."

"Really, but where’s your luggage? You must have some things with you. It’s pretty dangerous, especially in the forest! It’s home to some freaky creatures like Timberwolves." Applejack said with a worried look.

"Timberwolves?" Twilight couldn't remember any beings from the tales from her mother.

"You didn't know? They’re living plants in the shape of wolves, dirty varmints. You can't kill them, only slow them down temporarily, sugar cube."

"Oh, so that's what everypony calls them. Unfortunately, I already met them. But thanks for your good intentions. I’ll be on my way now, thanks" Twilight tried to walk away only to discover that she couldn't.

"Now hold on, sugar cube! I can't let you go without checking you for any injuries. And it seems that you don't have anything on you so you’ll be our guests." Twilight wanted to argue, but she found couldn’t. She was being dragged by the tail by the farmer pony.
If my mom saw me she’d die from laughter. I have to make sure that she never learns of this. Her mind wandered while she was dragged to the house.

"Granny! We have a guest!" Applejack shouted while entering the house. "She was attacked by Timberwolves and doesn't have a place to stay. Oh, she doesn't have money either." The only pony she could be referring to was a green-colored pony with a scarf on her neck. "Oh. She’s asleep. I’ll tell her later about you. Now to get you something to eat." With those words, Applejack trotted to the kitchen while Twilight sat on a simple wooden chair near the big red table. The inside of the house looked nice and cozy. Everything was clean but showed signs of constant use. While Twilight was examining the house and thinking about what to do next, Applejack returned with a round orange object.

"Here you go miss, apple pie from the apple family. Bon Appetit! " Twilight was intrigued by this food. She had never eaten before, there wasn’t even any water to be found. "If you want more, it’s in the kitchen. I need to finish the harvest. See ya!"

Twilight was left alone with the big apple pie. She didn't know how to start eating it. She shrugged and cut a piece using her magic. Then she levitated to her mouth and took a bite.

It was divine. Crunchy on the surface and soft inside. The taste was perfect too. She didn't know what taste it was, but she didn't care. She inhaled it before she could register what she was doing.

"Whoa, I’ve never seen somepony that hungry" A young voice brought Twilight back to Equus. It came from a yellow-colored pony with red hair wearing a red bow on top of her head. "I'm Applebloom and you?"

"Twilight, Twilight Sparkle, and well... I had never eaten something as tasty as this." Twilight said while levitating another pie from the kitchen. A filly wanted to say more but was interrupted by shouting "Applebloom did you finish your homework from school? And please don't interrupt somepony else while they are eating."

"I will Applejack!" The filly shouted. Then she murmured under her nose. "I hate math."

"Why?" Twilight loved mathematics and couldn't understand that somepony could hate it. "It’s a beautiful subject!"

"Are you kidding? I’ll never understand it, and it’s not like I need it anyway." Applebloom said. In her voice, Twilight heard frustration.

"Well, maybe I can help you?" Twilight had never taught another pony. She was anxious to try it. I'm interested in how different mathematics is from what Luna taught me.

"Really? And what can you do?" The filly asked with suspicion.

"You’ll never know if you don't try. Let's find out ok?" After the filly nodded, Twilight said "Ok show me what’s hard for you"

Teaching Applebloom took more time than Twilight expected, but it was worth it. Her math problems were easy to correct and even more fun to exercise. Twilight liked teaching her and found out what she knew was more than advanced. In the end, she showed the filly that math was everywhere all the time. They were so loud that they woke up Granny Smith, but after she saw how much fun Twilight and Applebloom were having she decided to leave while smirking under her nose.

When Twilight finished teaching it was time for dinner. Alicorns in disguise don't mind another delicious pie. Also, she received apple juice made fresh from harvested apples this morning. While eating Applebloom explained what Twilight taught her, and they were fascinated. They asked if she could come by sometime and help her in school since they were busy with harvesting apples. She didn't mind, but she needed a place to stay and she couldn't abuse their hospitability.

"There’s a vacancy for a librarian in Golden Oak Library and since you would come there anyway way not become a librarian. Even temporarily I think they’d be very grateful. They’ve had problems finding somepony to fill this job."

With this information and acquired hope for a better tomorrow Twilight headed to Townhall. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard to find the needed information and make some friends. The next instance was heading right to her. It was a pink pony with a poofy mane. She looked happy and nice.

"Hi. My name is" Twilight couldn't finish her sentence when this pony gasped and sped off somewhere, vanishing instantly. "Well, there go my hopes."