• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,475 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

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17 Cracks in the rock part 1

Days flew past Twilight like a speeding pegasus. Days turned to weeks and weeks to months with the same routine. Learning consumed most of her daytime, but the night was still hers. She acclimated to being active during the day.

But she still missed her friends. And her mother.

She started writing to them more often. Usually asking what changed and how life was treating them. Canterlot wasn't her home, it was the place of the sun and Celestia. She didn't belong here, but she still needed to play her role.

Speaking of her role. Celestia started to give her more and more time one on one and more magic books. She could feel that the pressure was growing and something will happen. What will, she didn't know. The unexpected visits from Celestia and additional lessons were beginning to be a big nuisance. Thankfully before that happens she gained access to the forbidden library. The method wasn't as good as a free pass, but it was enough. Who knew that her little accident with Blueblood was the answer she was searching for?

As for her punishment? Celestia found a bizarre, or maybe strange answer to this.

Every day exactly after dinner she would lecture Twilight about the importance of good manners while walking in the garden.
Nobles threw a fit when they heard what punishment Celestia have her, but who would listen to them anyway. But Twilight knew that Celestia had ulterior motives, and judging by her moves she wanted to become close to her.

Like it will happen anytime soon.

Today's lesson was in a specific place in the garden. Royal Garden was separated into several areas, most of them were closed to visitors, and only a few were open 24/7. And Celestia chose areas with statues. The statues were ranging from big to small, from unicorns to even centaurs and sphinxes. For others, they were an interesting attraction, but Twilight knew the truth. She still remembered her mother's stories about the creatures they represented. They represented every villain and creature defeated by 'Harmony'.

Which meant they were all defeated by Her Highness Celestia 'alone'.

And they weren't alone.

A school trip from Ponyville was with them. They were on cloud nine when they saw Celestia. Twilight couldn't help herself from chuckling seeing small fillies bombarding Alicorn with questions. They were relentless. Every answer brought two more questions. some even tried to climb her as some sort of mountain to conquer. A ruler of Equestria was reduced to a mere toy for small ponies.

Thankfully, for Celestia at least, she excused herself explaining that she had things to do. The trip proceeded to find their next target. And seeing the lack of guards they have made themself known already.

"Now, since any obstacles are out we can proceed with your lesson" Declared Celestia, after fillies left. "Where we ended our last lesson?"

"On good manners while dealing with egoistical nobles." Answered Twilight."Very good! Nobles can be compared to cats. They will fight for their rights, but do nothing when they don't need to. Furthermore...." Celestia continues talking about different topics completely unrelated to the original purpose of this punishment. And Alicorn in disguise hadn't had a slighted idea why she was doing it. If I compared it to something a would say she is rambling as an old mare, which lost her reasoning.

"I'm sorry?" A voice interrupted them. A small colt was standing near them. If Twilight remembered correctly he was on a trip from Ponyville. "I'm lost. Can you help me?" He looked up with her eyes wide open. The strongest weapon was used, known to small children- puppy eyes of cuteness. It was very effective on Celestia. Well, on Twilight too.

"Of course, we will help you!" Celestia spread her wing over the young colt."Now where you last have seen your friends?" Celestia, Twilight and followed a colt into the garden. Twilight could swear that this smart colt become 'lost' on purpose in order to be with the ruler of Equestria longer. Ah, young ones, they are full of energy and always in trouble. Twilight shook her head and then blinked. I sounded like my mom.

"There they are!" Shouted happily colt. They weren't searching for even 2 minutes. It only reinforced her previous suspicion.

"Thank you, your Highness. He always gets lost on our trips." The teacher and caretaker- Cheerilee said while bowing. "I'm sure that Your Highness is very busy and..."

"Hey! That's not fair" Interrupted another voice. It belonged to a white unicorn filly, Rarity's sister." He had more time with Princess! I'm pretty sure that he got lost on purpose."

"That's not true!" Replied colt. "I just saw something interesting and the next moment you were all gone."

"So it is our fault for your disappearance?" The teacher stepped between two ponies."Stop this. It is not his fault that..." She tried to stop this, but it was fruitless."She is right!" This time it was Applejack's sister. "You can't just ask Princess for help, she is a very busy pony."

"Well, my main purpose is to help other ponies..." Celestia tried to help. Only to get a face full of hopeful looks from young ponies. "So you will help us all?" They replied as one.

"Well, maybe not now and not all, but..." Started Princess. "Why not?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Yeah! Why not? You already helped one of us, so why not all of us?"Somepony from back said.

It started to reassemble a battle between grown-ups and children. Each side getting louder and louder with fewer arguments. In truth, it looked like no one was winning this quiet sudden shouting match. Twilight decided to not participate in this. For one it is pointless to argue with colts and fillies. When they become obsessed with something it is hard to change their minds. Especially for Sweety, Scootaloo, and Applebloom.


Maybe because Twilight wasn't particularly enrolled in what was happening in front of her that she heard that. And maybe because she was a few good feet away from them, that she heard it.

She looked around, there was nopony else with them, not even the guards, which was very strange. With this big commotion at least someponies would be interested in what was happening.

Soon the sound repeated itself. After a while, Twilight located the source.

It was coming from Discord's statue.

Discord- a spirit of chaos and disharmony, defeated by Celestia and Luna over Thousand years ago.It had to be quite a busy year. He was trapped in stone by Elements for his regime.


This time it was much louder and Twilight could see cracks on the surface spreading like a snake on an otherwise smooth stone.

"Why are you craking? It doesn't make sense." As she said it a large piece of stone fell off revealing a yellow claw. Her eyes went wide. The conclusion of what was happening wasn't good. She would be that stupid to put him here, right? She begged herself. She wasted no time to inform Celestia.

"Princess!" Twilight galloped to the sun Alicorn.

"Not now Twilight" Answered Celestia without waiting an eye on her."I'm busy."

"Discord is freeing himself!" This caused a reaction.

"WHAT!?" But it was too little too late.


Author's Note:

There you go, as promised a new chapter.

Next will be in one and halt month.

Have a nice reading.

PS. Sorry for the mistakes in spelling. This chapter was done in fast mode.