• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 4,626 Views, 175 Comments

My Feelings Have Shifted - rarityxspike

After Rarity has done something that Spike finds hard to forgive, he goes to talk to Luna. After talking with Luna he continues to have late-nights chats. When one night certain feelings emerge. Is he over Rarity?

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Chapter 9 - I've Missed You

Spike groaned as the sun broke through his curtains and reached his eyes. The dragon rubbed his eyes, stretched and yawned.

"Spike! Are you up?", Twilight called from outside his room. Spike sat up.

"Yeah!", Spike called back, then Twilight walked in.

"Are you going to be ready to leave in an hour?", Twilight asked as she realised Spike was still in bed.

"Yeah, I'll be ready in an hour", Spike smiled at Twilight, she then left his room to let him get ready. Spike got out of bed made his bed and started to pack.

Fifty-five minutes had gone by, Twilight looked at the clock and sighed.

"He said he'd be ready", Twilight said thinking out loud.

"Spike! You have five---", she then saw the purple dragon stood in front of her ready with his bag beside him. "---minutes", Spike let out a laugh.

"Five minutes? Just enough time for some breakfast", Spike walked to the kitchen and grabbed a snack, and let Twilight know he was ready to go.

"I suppose we can head off a bit early if you'd like", Twilight suggested, Spike, nodded in agreement, grabbed his suitcase and headed outside with Twilight. When they were outside, Twilight looked at Spike's bag.

"Umm... Spike...", Spike looked to see what Twilight was looking at.

"Don't worry, Twilight it's going to be on my back", Twilight smiled.

"Oh, right, okay, you ready?", Spike nodded and got on Twilight's back, then they made their way to Canterlot.

Twilight landed quite abruptly, it made Spike nearly fall off her back.

"Oh! Sorry, Spike", Twilight said as Spike got off her back.

"It's okay, Twilight, do you have to go straight back to Ponyville?", Spike was hoping he could spend a little time with Twilight before she left, but he knew the answer as soon as he saw her expression.

"I'm afraid so, Spike, I have to get as many things done as I can, I don't know when Celestia will need me next", Spike was a little disappointed, but he remembered why he wanted to come to Canterlot and smiled.

"It's okay, Twilight, I understand", Twilight was happy to see that Spike was smiling.

"Maybe I can do what I need to do, and next time we can visit Canterlot together"

"Really?", Spike's smiled from ear to ear.

"Of course", Twilight smiled, "Are you going to be okay?", Spike gave Twilight a warm smile.

"Yeah, I mean, Celestia has said my bedroom at the castle is there whenever I need it", Twilight just looked at Spike, at first, Spike was confused, but then he knew what she meant.

"Oh! Yeah, I'll be okay, Rarity and I spoke remember", Twilight smiled at the dragon's response.

"I know, just making sure, I care about you, Spike"

"I know, Twilight, I care about you too", they both smiled at each other.

"Okay, well, I better be off, I'll see you in a couple of days", Twilight and Spike hugged each other goodbye, and then Twilight made her way back to Ponyville, Spike waved until he was sure Twilight couldn't see him and then he made his way to the castle.

Celestia was in her room, reading a book when she heard a knock on her door, she assumed it was Luna.

"Come in!", Spike opened the door and walked in to find Celestia reading.

"Can I help you, sister?", Celestia asked while still reading and assuming it was Luna. Spike quietly laughed.

"I'm not sure, is my bedroom still available?", Spike tried to say in his best Luna impression. Celestia looked up from her book, realising that it was Spike and not her sister.

"Oh my goodness! Spike! What a lovely surprise", Spike walked over to Celestia and they hugged.

"So what brings you to Canterlot?", Celestia asked excited to see the dragon.

"Well, Luna visited me in my dream and said I'm more than welcome to visit", Celestia smiled.

"We have both missed you and Twilight", Celestia looked at her opened, bedroom door and then back at Spike. "Where is Twilight?"

"Twilight couldn't stay and had to go back to Ponyville after dropping me off", Spike gave Celestia a sorry look. Celestia just smiled.

"My! That pony is always busy doing something", Celestia and Spike both laughed.

"Yeah, but she did say next time, she'll make sure she's done everything so she can stay for a bit longer", Celestia smiled knowing that Twilight would still like to come and visit.

"That'd be nice" Celestia kept smiling at the thought, "I think Luna will be very happy to see you", Spike smiled remembering his dream.

"I hope so, where is she?", Spike asked.

"She's also in her room", Celestia informed. Spike thanked Celestia and left her to read her book and made his way to go and see Luna.

Luna was looking out the window, up at the sky lost in thought, until she heard a knock on her door. Luna slightly jumped before walking over to her bedroom door. She opened it to see Spike standing there with a bag on his back and a smile on his face. Luna couldn't help, but smile.

"Spike! Oh my goodness, you're here!" she pulled Spike into a hug which he returned.

"Well, thank you for the invitation", Spike said still hugging Luna.

"It's been so long since we've spent time together like we used to"

"Yeah, but after Celestia told me I was going to be Twilight's assistant, I kinda got a bit too busy to spend time with you", Spike started to feel a bit upset remembering the past. Luna lifted Spike's head with her hoof.

"It's okay, Spike, it wasn't your fault and you're here now", Spike smiled, Luna returned the smile and was glad she made him feel better.

Spike and Luna ended up talking for hours, catching up, talking about how things have changed over the years until Luna's stomach rumbled, she looked out the window and saw the sun high.

"Oh! I hadn't realised it was lunchtime", Spike also looked out the window.

"Wow! We've been talking for hours!", Spike said while he looked back at Luna. Luna smiled

"Just like old times, right?", Spike returned the smile.

"Like it was only yesterday", they both headed out of the bedroom. Spike started to make his way out of the castle until he was stopped by Luna.

"Spike? Where are you going?", Spike turned around to face Luna.

"Oh, I was going to go to one of the cafés in Canterlot for lunch", Spike pointed his thumb behind him. Luna smiled.

"Nonsense Spike, my sister and I would be more than happy for you to join us for lunch", Spike was surprised, but couldn't help smiling.

"Really?", Spike walked towards Luna.

"Of course, come along", Luna said walking towards the dining hall as Spike followed.

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