• Published 15th Oct 2019
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My Feelings Have Shifted - rarityxspike

After Rarity has done something that Spike finds hard to forgive, he goes to talk to Luna. After talking with Luna he continues to have late-nights chats. When one night certain feelings emerge. Is he over Rarity?

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Chapter 7 - Everything Is Okay

"Are you nearly done, Spike, dear?", Rarity said loudly so Spike could hear her as he was in the kitchen.

"No, I am done", Spike replied with a slight chuckle while walking into the living room drying his claws. Rarity smiled.

"Thank you, Spike, you help out so much", Rarity then patted the seat next to her on the sofa.

"Come sit, I'd like to snuggle with my little Spikey-Wikey", Spike put down the towel and made his way over to the sofa with a big smile on his face. As he sat down, Rarity snuggled into his chest.

"I love these moments we have together", Spike said putting his arms around Rarity and started stroking her mane. Rarity cooed.

"Me too", Rarity smiled and looked up at Spike. Spike looked down at Rarity. As they looked at each other they got closer and closer until they k---

Rarity woke up and noticed herself snuggled into the pillow and nearly kissing it.

"Oh, my stars!", she said as she sat up. She rubbed her eyes.

"Another dream about him? But this time we were... never mind, it was just a dream", Rarity then got out of bed and started to make her way downstairs and make herself some breakfast.

"I'm so excited about today", Rarity said excitedly.

"I get to see, Spike", Rarity could feel herself getting overexcited.

"*clears throat* Now, Rarity, there's no need to act like that, it is very unladylike", Rarity said composing herself and started making her breakfast.

Spike was dusting the seats around the cutie map when Twilight walked in.

"Spike... you're up", Twilight said slightly shocked.

"Yep! Just thought I'd get an early start", Twilight started to get concerned.

"Spike, you've been working exceptionally hard all week, and now you're up early working, are you sure you're okay?", Spike finished the last seat at looked at Twilight to see that she was worried about him.

"What do you mean, Twilight? I'm okay", Spike said with confusion in his tone. Twilight hesitated before she spoke.

"Well... it's just that... recent events have happened and I'm worried that you're working so hard because you're trying to keep yourself busy so you don't have to deal with the hurt", Twilight said looking more concerned.

"Twilight, honestly, it's not that, I'm okay", Spike said, then he thought carefully about what he was about to say next.

"I do worry about yours and Rarity's friendship though, I understand what Rarity did was extreme, and out of order, but her heart was in the right place, she was trying to help me, and I don't want you two to not be friends because of this", Spike looked down at the floor. Twilight smiled and raised Spike's head to look at her.

"I understand, Spike, maybe I should talk to Rarity, it's just that, at that moment, I was shocked, hurt, and confused with the fact that I didn't hear it from you first", Twilight explained.

"I think we should go and see her today", Twilight continued. Spike started to worry, as he knew he was supposed to be meeting Rarity in secret today.

"Uhh... I don't know, Twilight, Saturday is usually her busiest days, maybe tomorrow would be best, as the shop will be closed", Spike said knowing full well, she wasn't opening the shop until after their meeting.

"No worries, Spike, we'll just pop over before she opens up the shop", Twilight said as she made her way to the kitchen. Spike knew this he wasn't going to be able to stop Twilight, so he sighed.

"Oh, okay", Spike said trying to hide his disappointment.

"Have you eaten, Spike?", Twilight called from the kitchen.

"Yeah!", he replied. Spike walked to the library part of the castle to see if he had incorrectly placed any books.

About an hour goes by and Spike was sat on his bed when he heard a knock.

"Come in, Twilight", Spike called. Twilight opens the door and steps into the dragon's bedroom.

"Ready to go and see Rarity?", Twilight asked, but she could see Spike was a bit uneasy.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Spike, I mean, if you're not ready to see Rarity just yet, I can go on my own", Twilight said feeling a bit guilty. Spike looked up at Twilight and gave her his best smile.

"No, it's okay, I'm ready, let's go", Spike got off his bed and passed Twilight in the doorway.

"Okay, if you're sure", said Twilight following Spike closing his bedroom door with her magic behind her.

Rarity was just putting on some makeup when she had a thought.

"Why do I feel the need to put in some extra effort?", she quickly brushed it off and continued with her makeup.

"Perfect", said Rarity as she looked at her makeup in the mirror. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Who could that be this early?", Rarity walked over to the door and opened it to find Twilight standing there with Spike standing next to her. Rarity gulped.

"Umm... Twilight... what a pleasant surprise, what brings you by today", Rarity looked down at Spike and he mouthed the word 'sorry', Rarity looked back up at Twilight.

"I came to apologise for my outburst, Spike and I spoke and I know your heart was in the right place, even though was very extreme", Twilight said sincerely. Rarity sighed in relief.

"You don't have to apologise, Twilight, it was wrong and out of order, I'm sorry, I just hope we can still be friends", Rarity looked at the ground feeling guilty.

"Rarity, of course, we're still friends, I just had so many emotions and thoughts going through my head that I just exploded, we'll always be friends", Twilight said reassuring Rarity. Rarity lifted her head and smiled.

"Thank you, Twilight, you have no idea how much that means", Rarity continued to smile and Twilight returned the smile.

"Well, I hate to leave you so soon, but I wanted to let you know that everything is okay, we'll be on our way", Twilight took a few steps before Spike spoke.

"Twilight is it okay if I stay here, I feel like we need to talk", Spike rubbed the back of his neck, he didn't know how Twilight would react.

"Sorry, Spike, as you said, Rarity's busy days are Saturdays, it might be best to come back later", Twilight suggested.

"Oh, Twilight it's okay, I'm not opening until later today, and I feel we need to talk as well", Rarity said playing along with Spike's little lie.

"Well, okay, I suppose you deserve a break, Spike you certainly have been working hard this past week", Spike smiled at the fact that Twilight believed him.

"Well, I'll see you later", Twilight said as she waved and walked back to the castle. Rarity and Spike both waved until they couldn't see Twilight anymore, then they both walked into the boutique.

"I'm happy to see you, Spike", Rarity said smiling at the dragon.

"Me too, a couple of hours earlier than planned, but you know", Spike said as he chuckled.

"Would you like to head to 'Spike's Solitude' now or rest here for a bit and then go?", Rarity asked. Spike thought for a second.

"We can go now if you're ready, and we could take some snacks if you'd like", Spike suggested. Rarity beamed at the idea.

"Like a little picnic, what a splendid idea", Rarity went to the kitchen and grabbed a few snacks and put them in some Tupperware which she put in a saddlebag, it wasn't long before she was back in the living room.

"Ready, Spike?", Rarity asked.

"Ready, Rarity", Spike responded. Both Rarity and Spike headed to 'Spike's Solitude'.

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