• Published 15th Oct 2019
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My Feelings Have Shifted - rarityxspike

After Rarity has done something that Spike finds hard to forgive, he goes to talk to Luna. After talking with Luna he continues to have late-nights chats. When one night certain feelings emerge. Is he over Rarity?

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Chapter 16 - I Have Fallen For Him

"Spike could you come here for a second?", Rarity said from her inspiration room. Spike came walking in.

"Yes, Rarity how can I help?", Spike asked. Rarity looked at her new creation before answering Spike.

"What do you think of this new dress", Rarity asked looking back at Spike. Spike looked at the dress for a second before answering.

"It's beautiful, Rarity, all your creations are", Spike smiled.

"Really?", Rarity smiled. Spike walked over to Rarity at looked into her eyes.

"Yes, it takes somepony beautiful to create something beautiful", Spike said loving looking into Rarity's eyes. Rarity looked into Spike's eyes and felt her heart melt.

Rarity slightly opened her eyes.

"I love you, Spike", Rarity realised what she just said and woke up completely. "What? Another dream, but do I---?", Rarity thought about what she said, "I do! I have fallen for Spike?", she got up and then remembered something, "He's coming back from Canterlot today, I can't wait until Saturday, I must tell him today, I just hope he believes me", Rarity said thinking out loud and remembering what she had done.

Rarity, after getting ready and having breakfast, quickly made her way to the castle hoping Spike would be home from Canterlot.

"If he's not back, I can wait", Rarity said thinking she might be early. As she reached the castle she saw Twilight coming out.

"Twilight", Rarity said to get the purple alicorn's attention, Twilight looked around to see Rarity and walked over.

"Hi Rarity, I was just about to come and see you", Twilight informed.

"You were?", Rarity asked.

"Yeah, how come you came over here?" Twilight asked.

"I came to talk to Spike, is he not back yet?", Rarity asked hoping Twilight would say he was back.

"No, he sent me a letter last night from Canterlot saying he wanted to stay for a bit longer, and since I won't need any assistance until for a couple more days, I said he can stay until then", Rarity's expression changed almost instantly.

"Oh, I see, so why were you coming to see me?", Rarity asked trying to change the subject.

"Well, he asked me to let you know he won't be able to meet up with you on Saturday as planned", Rarity tried hard to hide her disappointment. Twilight could see Rarity was disappointed.

"It's okay, Rarity, he said he's okay after what happened", Twilight smiled trying to cheer up Rarity.

"It's not that, it's... something else", Rarity said hesitatingly. Twilight could see something was bothering Rarity.

"Would you like to come into the castle and talk about it?", Rarity thought for a moment and quickly came to the conclusion that Twilight would understand.

"Yes, that would be nice", Rarity gave Twilight the best smile she could.

Both ponies walked into the castle and entered the main hall, Rarity sat on her chair, Twilight could see Rarity was anxious.

"Would you like some tea, Rarity?", Twilight asked.

"That would be lovely, Twilight, thank you", Rarity smiled, then Twilight headed to the kitchen.

How do I even start it? Hey, you know how I faked a relationship with Spike and dumped him, well now I want a real one... yeah, because that's going to sound normal.

Before Rarity could think on how to tell Twilight, the purple alicorn came back with the tea. Twilight sat down and placed a cup in front of Rarity and herself with her magic.

"What's on your mind, Rarity?", Twilight asked. Rarity was still unsure on how to tell Twilight, so she just decided to wing it.

"Well, you know about the fake relationship I had with, Spike?", Rarity said trying to start. Twilight nodded.

"Well, it was nice having him around and caring about me", Twilight continued to listen to Rarity. "His cooking was amazing, the way he cleaned was perfect and I enjoyed his company", Rarity stopped to show that she wanted Twilight to talk.

"It's okay, Rarity, I'm not mad that you and Spike were going to meet up on Saturday, you don't have to explain how much he means to you, honestly, it's okay", Rarity took a deep breath as she knew she had to blatantly say it, as Twilight wasn't getting it.

"No, Twilight, I mean, I...I have fallen for Spike", Twilight was shocked, she had to compose herself before speaking,

"Wait! You fell for him now, after you dumped him because you didn't want to be with him?", Twilight said very confusedly.

"I know it sounds weird, but having him around for six months, and then not having him there made me realise how much I loved his company and recently I have been fantasising about wanting to do the things we never did like, snuggle, go on dates and... well you get the idea", Rarity stopped herself before she got carried away.

"You have truly fallen for Spike?", Twilight asked to confirm what Rarity had said.

"Yes, I have", Rarity said softly, "I came by to tell him, hoping he would believe me", Rarity explained.

"Right, I see, and you want to have a proper relationship with him?", Rarity nodded.

"Yes, I want to be his special somepony", Rarity smiled at the idea.

"Would you like me to write a letter, letting him know?", Twilight asked not knowing what Rarity wanted to do.

"No, it's okay, I'd rather tell him in person, I'll take him out and tell him when he comes back, I don't want to bother him while he's having a nice time in Canterlot", Twilight thought for a second and understood where Rarity was coming from.

"That makes sense, I can let you know when he is back if you'd like", Twilight suggested.

"Yes, thank you, Twilight, that will prevent me from coming over too early next time", Rarity sipped the last of her tea.

"Thank you for listening and being so understanding, Twilight", Twilight smiled.

"Of course, Rarity, as long as your sure your feelings are pure and true", Rarity smiled.

"Oh, believe me, they are", Rarity was so happy she managed to get it off her chest and it was met with a positive response.

"Well, I'm sure, Spike will be more than glad to hear that", Twilight smiled knowing how long Spike has had feelings for Rarity. Twilight noticed Rarity's cup was empty.

"Would you like another tea, Rarity?", Twilight asked.

"I would, thank you, Twilight", Twilight grabbed both cups with her magic and returned to two freshly brewed teas.

"There you are, Rarity", Twilight said as she placed the cup in front of Rarity whilst also sitting down a placing her tea in front of herself.

"Thank you, Twilight", Twilight and Rarity continued to talk about what Twilight was studying this week and the new things she has learnt about it.

After about an hour or so, Rarity realised the sun had gone down slightly.

"Oh, I hate to be rude, Twilight, but I must get back to my boutique, to finish my line for tomorrow", Twilight looked at the sun and also hadn't realised the time.

"Oh, sorry Rarity, I didn't notice it had gotten later", Twilight saw Rarity to the door and waved until she couldn't see her anymore, shut the castle doors and continued studying while Rarity made her way back to her boutique to finish her new line to sell the next day.

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