• Published 15th Oct 2019
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My Feelings Have Shifted - rarityxspike

After Rarity has done something that Spike finds hard to forgive, he goes to talk to Luna. After talking with Luna he continues to have late-nights chats. When one night certain feelings emerge. Is he over Rarity?

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Chapter 32 - Rarity Kissed Me

Spike couldn’t sleep after his nightmare, but at least he could rest.

“I need to get to Canterlot and see Luna,” Spike thought out loud. Spike saw the sun’s rays break through his curtains, so got out of bed, opened the curtains and went to see if Twilight was up.

Spike walked into the main hall to see Twilight sat on her throne, with a cup of tea and a piece of hay toast in front of her.

“Morning, Spike,” Twilight when she saw the young dragon walk in.

“Morning Twilight,” Spike said slowly, as he was still tired. Twilight could see this.

“How are you feeling, Spike?” Twilight asked, remembering the events of the day before.

“A bit better,” Spike replied, then he remembered something, “Twilight, am I right in remembering you say I have four days off?” Twilight nodded, as she had just taken a bite of hay toast.

“Yes you are, Spike, how come?” Twilight asked after she finished her mouthful.

“I was thinking of going to see Luna,” Spike smiled at the thought of seeing Luna. Twilight could see the smile on the young dragon’s face, which made her smile.

“Okay, fair enough, would you like me to take you there,” Twilight offered.

“Only if you’re not too busy, Twilight, I don’t mind getting the train to Canterlot,” Spike smiled to let Twilight, it’s okay.

“Don’t be silly, Spike, I can get you there faster, so you can spend more time with Luna, you’ll have more bits to go out with her and I can start my project after I drop you off, assuming you want to go after breakfast,” Twilight smiled, which Spike returned.

“Umm... yeah,” Spike said, slightly embarrassed that Twilight knew when he wanted to go.

Spike was just finishing getting things ready when he heard Twilight called up to him.

“Spike! I have finished! I’m ready when you are!”

“Okay, Twilight!” Spike responded, packed the last things and made his outside.

Spike walked outside to see Twilight waiting and ready.

“Ready, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, and thank you for taking me, Twilight,” Spike smiled, which Twilight returned.

“You’re welcome, Spike, I can see how happy Luna makes you,” Spike suddenly remembered his nightmare, but played it off.

“Yeah, I know she’ll never hurt me,” Twilight smiled and then took off to Canterlot.

It didn’t take long for them to reach Canterlot. Spike got off Twilight’s back.

“Thank you again, Twilight,” Spike smiled.

“You’re welcome, Spike, I have to go now, but tell Celestia, I will be visiting next week after my project,” Twilight said, knowing Celestia will ask.

“Okay, see you later, Twilight,” Spike held his arms out for a hug.

“Have fun, Spike, I’ll see you in four days,” Twilight said as she hugged Spike. After the hug, Twilight flew back to Ponyville. Spike’s nightmare just kept playing around in his head, as he walked upstairs to reach the top of the castle. As he was walking across the hallway, he saw Celestia.

“Spike! How wonderful to see you again! Is this another surprise visit to Luna?” Celestia said quietly, not knowing if Luna knew the young dragon was coming.

“You could say that,” Spike smiled, then remembered, “Ooh, Twilight said she’ll be visiting next week, after she’s finished her project,” Celestia smiled.

“Wonderful! I look forward to her visit,” then Celestia leaned into Spike, “I’ll let you get to Luna, she’ll just be in her room resting,” Celestia went to her hall, while Spike made his way to Luna’s bedroom.

As Spike approached Luna’s bedroom door, he knocked.

“You may come in, sister, I’m not asleep, I’m just resting,” Spike heard through the door. He opened the door and saw Luna resting on her bed.

“Have you upgraded me to being your sister?” Spike asked jokingly. Luna looked up and saw Spike smiling at her. She quickly got up and ran over to Spike.

“Oh my goodness, Spike! You’re here! I’ve missed you, I’m so glad you’re okay, I was so worried after you had that nightmare,” Spike hugged Luna tighter. Eventually, they shut the bedroom door, and they both sat on the bed.

“Yeah, there were some events that day that may have caused that nightmare,” Spike said, wanted to, but also not wanting to tell Luna.

“Oh my goodness, Spikey, what happened,” Luna looked at Spike with concern, but also pure love. Spike looked into Luna’s eyes, and suddenly felt comfortable enough to tell her everything.

“Well, Rarity came by to see if I was free for a picnic...” Spike started.

“Okay, so she was ready to see you?” Luna responded after noticing Spike’s pause.

“That’s what I thought, anyway, we were just talking and all of a sudden her expression changed and... well... she kissed me, but I pushed her away immediately,” Spike didn’t know how Luna was going to react, and he heart was beating rapidly. Luna didn’t have any expressions on her face, which made Spike worry more.

“...oh, so she wasn’t ready to see you,” Luna chuckled. Spike was relieved and confused.

“You’re not mad?” Spike asked. Luna looked at Spike and the young dragon could see pure love, and stars as bright as the night sky in the princess’ eyes.

“No, of course not, your nightmare just makes more sense, I know you love me, and I love you so much, I will never hurt you,” Luna held her arms out for a hug which Spike accepted and they just led there enjoying each other’s company.

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