• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 4,627 Views, 175 Comments

My Feelings Have Shifted - rarityxspike

After Rarity has done something that Spike finds hard to forgive, he goes to talk to Luna. After talking with Luna he continues to have late-nights chats. When one night certain feelings emerge. Is he over Rarity?

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Chapter 10 - I'm here!

Spike and Luna were making their way to the dining room when they saw Celestia coming out of her room.

"Feeling hungry too, sister", Luna asked Celestia smiled.

"Yes, will Spike be joining us?", Celestia asked noticing Spike.

"He will be", Luna smiled. Spike looked at both princesses.

"Thank you both, for letting me have lunch here at the castle", Luna and Celestia both gave Spike a warm smile.

"Don't be silly, Spike, I've known you since you've been a hatchling, it would only make sense for you to have lunch with us when you're visiting", Celestia explained. Spike smiled and they all made their way to the dining room.

"So, Spike told me you invited him through his dream, sister", Celestia said while sitting down to eat giving her sister a 'certain' smile. Luna blushed knowing full well what her sister was implying.

"As you know, it is my duty to enter one's dream, plus, I said he is more than welcome, isn't that right Spike?", Luna said trying to stop her sister from assuming anything.

"Yeah, that's right", Spike smiled. Luna gave her sister a 'see, I told you' look. Celestia smiled.

"I'm joking around with you, sister, no need to get so defensive", Celestia said before starting her lunch. Spike looked down at his plate at saw the finest Rubies he had ever seen.

"You got these for me", Spike said shocked. Luna smiled.

"We've been ageing them for a special occasion, like a certain dragon visiting", Luna said smiling.

"Well, it's very much appreciated, thank you both", Spike said tucking into his lunch, Luna smiled and started her lunch.

A little while went by before they all finished their lunch.

"Wow! I forgot how filling rubies can be, I'm so full, thank you again", Spike smiled.

"You're very welcome, Spike", Celestia replied. Just then Spike yawned, Luna chuckled.

"Food coma, Spike?", Luna said still chuckling. Spike also chuckled.

"Ha! Yeah, something like that", they all laughed.
"It's so nice to spend time together again", Spike said realising how happy he was. Both sisters agreed.

They all continued talking, laughing and catching up, a couple of hours went by.

"Well, I'm going to get back to that book, I was reading, lovely to catch up though, Spike, I haven't had a laugh like that in a while", Celestia said making her way to her room.

"Yeah, me too", Spike said, he then looked at Luna, and his expression changed.

"I need to talk to you about something", Spike asked looking quite down.

"I know", Luna smiled, "and I'm here", Luna said comfortingly. Spike smiled a thank you before they both got up and made their way to Luna's room.

They both entered the room, Luna sat on her bed and patted a space next to her inviting Spike to sit with her, Spike walked over and sat next to the princess. Spike sighed.

"You knew something was wrong as soon as you saw me, didn't you?", Spike asked Luna.

"Well, dreaming of a manticore chasing you would suggest something's on your mind, but I could sense that you were troubled", Luna smiled letting him know it was okay. Spike felt a sudden sensation go right through his body, he felt happier finding out Luna could sense when he was feeling down.

"That's nice to hear", Spike smiled. Luna returned the smile while placing a hoof on Spike's claw.

"And you know you can talk to me about anything", Spike smiled at Luna.

"Well, I've wanted to talk to somepony about what happened, but just didn't want any drama", Spike explained.

"I completely understand, but you know me, I won't speak unless prompted and I listen to all the details before making any judgments", Luna explained while keeping her hoof on Spike's claw.

"I remember", Spike smiled remembering how Luna listened to him and how he would listen to her. "Okay, well, I don't how to start it... umm... you know about the feelings I had for Rarity?", Spike started. Luna nodded. "Well, we got into a relationship, but after about six months, she tells me that she only asked me out because she wanted to show me what a relationship was truly about, assuming I thought it was all flowers, dates, rainbows and sunshine", Luna was shocked. "She broke it off because she could see that I completely understand what a relationship entails, and didn't want to be in a serious relationship with me", Luna kept her word and continued to listen. "I was angry at first because she knew how I felt, but recently I have found myself feeling less hurt whenever I think about it, am I becoming numb?" Luna took Spike's question as a prompt to talk.

"I don't think so, Spike, I think letting the thought pass through your mind has helped you heal from the hurt"', Luna was about to say more but thought maybe she hasn't heard all the details yet and let Spike continue.

"When I was in my secret place, she came to find me and apologised for her extreme behaviour, and even though I liked her company I didn't love it like before but also wasn't feeling as hurt because I know Rarity and I knew her heart was in the right place", Spike paused before continuing. "We agreed to meet up on Saturday just gone on, and we had a picnic, and I started to see her as a close friend rather than, well, how I usually see her, am I just pushing away the hurt?" Spike asked.

"It's good you and Rarity can remain friends after what happened, and, I don't think you're ignoring the hurt, I feel you're just maturing and handing things better", Luna thought about how Spike said he felt around Rarity. "Also, it sounds like you might be getting over Rarity. Spike was very surprised at what Luna said, after all these years could he seriously be getting over Rarity.

"I... I guess I never thought of that possibility", Spike said still shocked at the thought.

"It's completely understandable, Spike, you loved her for years", Luna explained. Spike nodded, then just kept thinking.

"I mean, it changes a lot of things since I did spend most of my time trying to impress her and working to get enough bits to take her out", Luna smiled. "What?", asked Spike noticing Luna's big smile.

"You're such a sweet dragon, Spike, and you have matured so much", Luna just looked at Spike and started to notice little things she admired, her smile grew.

"Luna? Are you okay?", Luna gently shook her head.

"Oh, my apologies, Spike, yes I am okay", just then she noticed the sun was being lowered by her sister. "Oh, looks like it's time to raise the moon", Luna started to make her way to the top of the castle to guard the night.

"I'll come with you", Spike said following her.

"You don't have to, Spike, you should go and get some rest". Luna smiled.

"I'm okay, Luna, honestly, remember how we used to talk all night?", Spike smiled.

"I do remember, one night you couldn't sleep, so I offered a listening ear and then we ended making it a nightly thing", Luna said remembering the nightly talks they had.

"So, may I join you?", Spike asked.

"Of course you can, Spike", Luna smiled. "But we better hurry otherwise my sister will be wondering why I haven't raised the moon", Luna said hurrying Spike.

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