• Published 15th Oct 2019
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My Feelings Have Shifted - rarityxspike

After Rarity has done something that Spike finds hard to forgive, he goes to talk to Luna. After talking with Luna he continues to have late-nights chats. When one night certain feelings emerge. Is he over Rarity?

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Chapter 1 - The Argument

“Wait...what!?” Spike said in shock.

“I am sorry Spike, I never meant to hurt you”. Rarity stood there with tears in her eyes, trying so hard to calm the young dragon down.

“Hurt me!? You led me on! You knew EXACTLY how I felt about you!”. Rarity flinched.

“I thought it was a harmless little crush”, Spike was taken aback by Rarity's assumption. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, he thought Rarity finally felt the same way.

“Rarity! You led me on!”

“Spike! I wanted to show you what a relationship entailed. As I said, I thought it was a crush, I had no idea it would come to this”. Rarity responded holding her tears back.

“What the actual hell!? That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in my life!!”. Spike was so angry, he couldn't even think straight, all he knew was that he had to get out of that boutique. Spike took a deep breath and headed for the door.

“I have to go”, Rarity ran after him.

“Spike! Wait!”

“No, Rarity! With time I may be able to forgive you, but I will never forget how you truly feel about me”. Spike placed his claw on the handle.

“You don't have to worry about me any longer, Rarity, I'll stop bothering you and move on”. Rarity gasped. “Spik---”. Spike turned around and cut her off.

“So thank you for making it easier! See you around, Rarity”. Spike pulled down the handle and left the boutique before Rarity could say another word. Rarity couldn't move, she could only let her tears roll down her face and let out a little whisper.

“My Spikey-Wikey... I'm sorry”.

Spike walked towards the castle and didn't even think of looking back.

When Spike got to the castle he decided not to go in, instead, he decided to sit outside the front door and look at the stars. As he was looking up, he noticed two stars in particular. A few seconds passed by and the stars started to take the form of the sparkle in Rarity's eyes. Spike quickly snapped out of his daydream and shook his head.

“No! I have to forget about her!”. Spike said to himself. It wasn't long before the cold, night air managed to get underneath Spike's scales and he had to go inside. As he walked in he went straight to his bedroom, and as his head hit the pillow.

“Spike!! Is that you!?”. Spike groaned as he didn't want to talk to anyone.

“Yeah, Twilight, it's me!”. Spike reluctantly responded. Twilight walked into Spike's bedroom.

“Did you have a lovely time at Rarity's?”. Twilight asked with a smile on her face. Spike didn't want to talk let alone answer questions, so he responded simply.

“Yeah, it was great!”. Spike tried his best to smile. Twilight noticed the young dragon's weak smile and tilted her head slightly.

“Are you sure? You seem down. Has something happened?” Twilight questioned.

“No, nothing has happened, sorry Twilight, I am just tired”. Spike lied as he got into his bed. Twilight smiled and made her way out of Spike's bedroom.

“Okay, goodnight Spike”

“Goodnight, Twilight”. After Twilight shut the door, Spike rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. The night's events kept running through his head. Eventually, he couldn't take it any longer and he started to quietly cry.

“How could I be so stupid?”. Spike whispered to himself.

Spike cried until no more tears would fall and he fell asleep after he managed to stop sniffling.

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