• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 4,626 Views, 175 Comments

My Feelings Have Shifted - rarityxspike

After Rarity has done something that Spike finds hard to forgive, he goes to talk to Luna. After talking with Luna he continues to have late-nights chats. When one night certain feelings emerge. Is he over Rarity?

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Chapter 39 - One Princess, One Ring, One Question

Spike and Luna were sleeping after guarding the night together. Spike slowly opened his eyes, to see Luna was only on his arm. Usually, he would pull her closer, but today was important. He had to get up before her, so he gently got his arm out from underneath her. Slowly, he got up and quietly left the bedroom.

“I’m so glad she’s not a light sleeper,” Spike said quietly to himself once he shut the bedroom door. Spike made way to the castle entrance and saw Celestia heading to her bedroom.

“Morning, Spike, you’re up early for someone who guarded the night,” Celestia smiled.

“Well, tonight I plan on proposing underneath her beautiful night, but I want to take her out first, I was thinking about Il Ristorante Romantico,” Celestia smiled.

“You remembered her favourite Italian restaurant,” Spike smiled and blushed at Celestia's comment. “Well, a little tip from me, you do need to make a reservation if you want a certain time slot,” Celestia informed.

“Thank you, Celestia, I’ll be sure to stop on my way to the flourist,” Spike began making his way to the castle’s entrance, but then he remembered, “Oh , before I go, how much do I owe for the ring you got?” Spike asked, wanting to pay Celestia and Twilight back. Celestia knew that Spike wanted to give Luna a special day.

“Leave it for today, I know you want to make Luna feel special, so maybe wait until tomorrow,” Celestia said, not wanting Spike to worry.

“Thank you, Celestia. Right, I better get things done before Luna wakes up,” Spike said, just before leaving the castle.

“You’re welcome, Spike, good luck,” Celestia said, while seeing Spike off.

Spike went to Il Ristorante Romantico. Inside, he saw couples and ponies on dates. The decoration was red, pink, white and had hearts, but it was not too much, it was nice. Spike walked in and saw a sign that said, ‘Wait here to be served, with no pony behind, so he patiently waited. It wasn’t long before a blue mare with a long blonde mane came to stand at the front.

“Sorry for your wait, sir,” she smiled.

“Oh, that’s okay, I haven’t been waiting long,” Spike said, letting the mare know it’s okay.

“Are you looking for a table?” the mare asked.

“Actually, I was wondering if I could make a reservation for today?” The mare was caught a bit off guard as ponies rarely make reservations on the day.

“Oh, I’d…uh… have to check,” the mare got a book with her magic and started scanning through the pages. “Unfortunately, the earliest we have today is later this evening at six o’clock,” the mare gave Spike a sorry look. Spike smiled.

“That’s perfect,” the mare was shocked.

“Oh, great, so how many are in your party?”

“Only two,” the mare wrote the reservation in.

“And I just need a name to put the reservation under,”

“You can put it under Spike,” Spike said confidently

“Okay, a party of two, under the name Spike, booked in for six o’clock this evening,” the mare said, double checking she had everything correct.

“Thank you, see you at six,” Spike waved as he left and made his way to the florist.

Spike went into the florist and looked around the perfect bouquet of roses, as he was looking he was losing hope as they all seemed to be too small or have other flowers mixed in. Eventually, he went up to the counter.

“Excuse me, have you got a bouquet of a dozen roses,” the pegasus behind the counter smiled and went to the back for a couple of seconds and came back with what looked like freshly bloomed roses. “They’re beautiful, how much?” Spike asked.

“Twenty bits,” the mare said softly. Spike counted twenty bits from his pouch and gave them to the mare behind the counter. She counted them, nodded and gave the bouquet of roses to Spike.

“Thank you,” Spike left the florist and had one last stop before heading to the castle, which was the bakery.

As Spike entered the bakery, the amazing smell of freshly baked goods instantly hit his nose.

“Mmm!” Spike went up to the counter, where a broad stallion was waiting.

“Hello sir, how can I help you today?” the stallion smiled. Spike smiled back.

“Hello, I would like two freshly baked croissants, please,”

“Coming right up,” the stallion grabbed two croissants, “Would you like them in the same bag or separate bags?”

“Oh, uhh… separate bags, please,” Spike said, not expecting the question. The stallion put each croissant into a bag.

“That’ll be ten bits,” Spike counted ten bits from his pouch and gave them to the stallion.

“Here you go,” the stallion counted the bits.

“Thank you,” the stallion gave the croissants to Spike, and he made his way back to the castle.

When Spike made it back to the castle, he went straight to the bedroom, opened the door, quietly to still see Luna sleeping. He walked in, closed the door, put down the croissants and leaned over to stroke Luna’s mane.

“Hmm,” Luna cooed, while trying to snuggle into Spike, and slowly opened her eyes when she realised she couldn’t feel him. Spike was standing there smiling with a beautiful bouquet of roses. Luna sat up and rubbed her eyes.

“Afternoon, gorgeous,” Spike chuckled. Luna looked over and processed the bouquet.

“Aww, Spike, they’re so beautiful, thank you, what’s the occasion?” Luna said, smelling the flowers.

“No occasion, I just love you so much,” Luna smiled, put the flowers on her bedside table and opened her arms for a hug. Spike sat on the bed and gave Luna a hug. While they were hugging, a smell hit Luna’s nose.

“I can smell… croissants,” Spike broke the hug and smiled.

“You have a good nose on you,” Spike leant down and grabbed the two croissant bags. “One for my gorgeous princess and one for me,” Spike chuckled while handing Luna her croissant.

“Spike, this is so thoughtful, I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” Luna smiled, and began eating her croissant.

“Just being yourself is enough, Luna,” they both smiled and continued eating their croissants.

Hours have passed. Spike and Luna have just spent the whole day together. Luna suddenly noticed something.

“Do you know what's weird?” Luna asked.


“Twilight and my sister haven't come to check on us all day,” Luna laughed.

“Well, maybe because they know we're having dinner out,” Spike laughed. Luna stopped, confused.

“We are?” Spike stopped laughing, but continued to smile.

“Yeah, I made reservations for just us at six o’clock,” Luna beamed.

“You’re taking me out, where to?” Luna asked excitedly.

“Ahh, well, you’re just going to have and wait and see aren’t you,” Luna jokingly pouted

“That’s not fair,” Luna started to laugh. “No, but seriously, I’m excited,” Spike smiled

“Well, I suppose we better get ready,” Spike said, grabbing a tuxedo from the wardrobe.

“Ooh, we have to dress up, it must be a fancy place,” Luna said, while going to the wardrobe, looking through her dresses. “What do you think about this one, Spike?” Luna held up a dark blue dress, with stars all around and a moon that matched where her cutie mark is with a rim that looked like clouds. Spike stared in awe.

“That’s amazing, you’re going to look stunning in that,” Luna smiled. They both got changed, and headed towards the restaurant.

“Oh, so we’re not going to Épices Florales, because that’s back that way,” Luna said, looking back in that direction.

“No, we're going somewhere else,” Spike smiled. A few moments passed, and they arrived at Il Ristorante Romantico, Luna noticed.

“Oh, I forgot about that place, it’s my favourite Italian restaurant,” Spike chuckled.

“Well, I remember you saying that at one point, so I got us reservations here,” Luna slightly gasped.

“That was ages ago, and you remembered!? And you're taking me here!?” Spike laughed.

“Yes and yes, now come m’lady, let us enjoy a delicious Italian meal,” Spike held out his arm, and they walked into the restaurant together.

Spike and Luna walked up to the front of the house mare.

“Hi there, I have a reservation under Spike for six o’clock,” the mare looked through the book and found Spike’s name.

“Ahh, here you are, party of two. We have a table in the corner for you,” the mare said, pointing to the table. Spike looked at Luna, who nodded.

“Yeah, that is okay, thank you,”

“Right this way,” the mare guided them to their table and handed them a menu each. “Can I get you guys any drinks while you decide?”

“I’ll have water, please,” Luna replied.

“And for you, sir?”

“Make that two,” the mare smiled.

“Of course, be bright back with your waters,” the mare headed towards the kitchen. Both Luna and Spike picked up and looked at the menu.

“Wow! Everything has changed since I was last here, but it all looks delicious still.

A few moments passed, and the mare came back with the waters.

“Here you are. Are you ready to order or do you need a bit more time?” Spike looked at Luna, which made the mare look at Luna.

“Actually, yeah, I’ll have the honey and herb pizza,”

“Okay, is that with the hay fries or without,” the mare asked. Luna looked at Spike.

“Order whatever you, trust me, I have enough,” the mare smiled and Spike’s kind words. Luna smiled and looked back up at the mare.

“With the hayfries, thank you,” the mare nodded, wrote down Luna’s order and then looked over to Spike.

“And for you, sir?” Spike quickly scanned the menu again.

“Hmm… I’ll have the spicy spaghetti, please.”

“Of course and what level of spice would you like, Dolce, Medio, Piccante, Molto Piccante or Intenso,” the Italian didn’t throw Spike at all. He thought for a second.

“I was thinking Molto Piccante, as I like spice, but I’ll play it safe and go for Piccante,” the mare smiled.

“And would you like some parmesan to put on top?”

“Yes, please,” the mare finished writing down the order.

“Okay, I bring your food out as soon as it’s ready,”

“Thank you,” Spike said, just before the mare went to give their order to the chef. Spike looked back at Luna.

“What?” Luna smiled and asked, noticing Spike just looking at her.

“How did I get so lucky?” Luna’s smile grew.

“Believe me, Spike, I’m the lucky one,” Spike smiled and shook his head.

“Just look at you, you’re so beautiful, I love you,”

“I love you too,” they leaned and kissed each other, while being careful not to tip over their water.

They enjoyed their meal, Spike paid, and they talked for a while before leaving the restaurant, and continued to talk while they were walking back.

“Thank you so much for a delicious meal, Spike, it was so lovely,” Spike smiled.

“The food was amazing, but the company was perfect,” Spike said, smiling at Luna.

“I agree,” Luna smiled back.

“So, you’ve had a lovely evening?” Spike asked.

“Spike, I couldn’t have asked for a better evening, it was perfect, I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me, you have made me the happiest princess in the world,” Spike was so happy, he couldn’t believe how a mare could be so appreciative of all his love, care and effort.

“Well, you may be a princess of the night to every pony in Equestria, but you’re my one and only princess, you have made me so happy, I have never been happier,” Luna and Spike smiled at each other and had a long, passionate kiss before continuing to walk back to the castle.

Spike and Luna went straight to their room after getting back.

“I would love to just rest and cuddle you, but my sister will be lowering the sun in less than five minutes,” Luna said, feeling like she was disappointing Spike.

“It’s okay, Luna, I understand,” Luna gave Spike a weak smile and began made her way out of the bedroom and to the top of the castle to raise the moon, as she left the room, Spike quickly and quietly grabbed the ring box from under the bed, Luna peered her head around the door.

“Aren’t you coming?” Luna asked, confused.

“Yeah, I’m coming, the full stomach is slowing me down a bit,” Spike laughed, which made Luna smile.

They made it to the top of the castle as Celestia passed them, they all said goodnight to one another. Luna then raised the moon.

’This is perfect’ Spike thought.

“It’s so beautiful, you create the most gorgeous nights,” Luna turned around to face Spike.

“You make them perfect, Spike, the time I have spent with you has been the best time of my life,”

’This is it’ Spike took a deep breath before he spoke.

“Luna, I love you so much, you bring out the best in me, you never judge me, you appreciate all the things I do, I have never felt such intense feelings before, the time I have spent with you has made me happier than ever, you mean the world to me, and I never want to end, so I have an important question for you, my princess,” Spike got the ring box out, got down on one knee and opened the box to reveal the ring, “Luna… will you marry me?” Luna was in shock, which Spike expected, what he wasn’t ready for is that Luna wasn’t smiling and she wasn’t saying anything, she was supposed to be surprised for sure, but that’s it, this worried Spike, “Umm… Luna?” Spike said, still down on one knee.

“Spike… I—”

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