• Published 15th Oct 2019
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My Feelings Have Shifted - rarityxspike

After Rarity has done something that Spike finds hard to forgive, he goes to talk to Luna. After talking with Luna he continues to have late-nights chats. When one night certain feelings emerge. Is he over Rarity?

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Chapter 5 - An Explanation With A Royal Invitation

Spike stood outside the castle, trying to mentally prepare himself for a 'royal' outburst. He gently pushed one of the castle doors open, and to his surprise, it didn't squeak.

"Huh? Twilight must've oiled these doors", Spike said to himself. Then a voice came from the other room.

"I didn't have to, there's a spell for that", Twilight came out of the room, with an annoyed look. Spike was about to explain himself, but then he remembered he's not supposed to know, and he made a promise to Rarity.

"Hey Twilight, are you okay? You seem annoyed", Spike said pretending to be clueless. Twilight walked over to Spike.

"Rarity popped by to see you today," Twilight said glaring down at the dragon. Spike inconspicuously gulped.

"Oh, uhh... did she? Did you tell her I went for a walk?" Spike said trying to not look worried.

"Yeah, she came to apologise about last night's events", Twilight was waiting for Spike to say something when she realised he wasn't going to, so she continued,

"Is there something you want to tell me, Spike?", Twilight asked getting more annoyed at the dragon's silence. The young dragon sighed.

"Okay, Twilight, the truth is Rarity and I, aren't together anymore, she explained that she was only going out with me because she didn't think I knew that there's more to a relationship than just, well, you know, the honeymoon phase", Spike looked down to the floor. Twilight's expression went from annoyed to sympathetic.

"I know, Spike, Rarity told me, but it would've been better to hear it from you first, why didn't you tell me?", Twilight asked. Spike looked up at Twilight and saw she wasn't annoyed anymore.

"I'm sorry, Twilight, I promise I was going to tell you, but I just wasn't ready last night, it hurt too much", Spike explained. Twilight gave Spike a sympathetic smile.

"It's okay, Spike, I understand, I'm sorry for my little outburst, and thank you for telling me", Spike managed to make himself smile a little. Twilight cleared her throat.

"Well, I'm going to get back to that book, you have no chores that need to be done, so feel free to relax".

"Thanks, Twilight", after they both smiled Twilight went into the other room and Spike went to his bedroom.

Spike walked into his bedroom and shut the door. After he led down on his bed, it wasn't long before he fell asleep.

----------Spike's Dream----------

"Huh? Where am I?", Spike said out loud, while looking around. After realising where he was, he suddenly became scared and confused.

"How did I end up in the Everfree Forest?", Spike tried to keep calm.

"It's okay, Spike, you've been here before, so you should be able to find your way out", Spike looked around one more time, found a path and started to follow it.

Spike started to hum a tune to try and distract himself from his scary thoughts. All of a sudden he heard a roar from behind him, he turned around to see a manticore running towards him. Spike yelled and started sprinting.

"GAAH! Where did that come from!?", as Spike looked behind to see how close the manticore was, he tripped over a log and fell face-first on the ground, he quickly turned over on his back and saw the manticore, close and approaching him slowly. Spike panicked and started kicking his legs until he felt his back hit a tree. As the manticore approached it slowly started to glow into a blinding light, Spike shielded his eyes and when he managed to open his eyes again, instead of seeing a manticore, he saw Princess Luna.

"Luna! Boy, am I glad to see you", Spike said finally managing to get up.

"Likewise, Spike", Luna smiled.

"Thank you for saving me, but what are you doing in the Everfree Forest?", Spike asked.

"You're welcome, Spike, I assure you, you are safe, also it is my duty to enter other's dreams", Luna explained.

"Wait, I'm dreaming?", Spike asked while looking at himself.

"Yes, this is a dream", Luna saw that Spike wasn't too happy.

"Is everything okay, Spike?", Luna asked. Spike looked up to see a concerned alicorn.

"Yeah, I guess", Spike sighed, Luna wasn't convinced.

"Spike, you can talk to me, remember how we used to talk before you moved to Ponyville"

"Oh yeah! I miss those", suddenly Spike could feel himself waking up.

"You're more than welcome to come to Canterlot, Spike", Luna said as she and everything around her started to fade.

----------End Of Spike's Dream----------

Spike woke up, remembering what Luna said.

"Maybe I should go to Canterlot", Spike thought out loud.

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