• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 4,627 Views, 175 Comments

My Feelings Have Shifted - rarityxspike

After Rarity has done something that Spike finds hard to forgive, he goes to talk to Luna. After talking with Luna he continues to have late-nights chats. When one night certain feelings emerge. Is he over Rarity?

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Chapter 38 - A Ring Of Compliments

“Okay, what do you love about me?” Luna asked, Spike smiled.

“Physically, I love the way your mane flows, and how the sparkles look like stars, I love the shape of your eyes, I love the colour and the feel of your coat, you have a gorgeous smile and how soft your lips are,” Luna smiled at Spike and gave a kiss. “Non-physically, I love how generous you are, you’re kind, the fact that we can have a laugh together, the way you appreciate every moment, you’re honest, loyal, the way you used your magic to turn edible charms into real charms so you had a charm bracelet from me, was so sweet, you’re so romantic, and you make me feel so loved and special,” Luna slightly teared up at Spike’s words.

“You’re the sweetest dragon in all the Equestria,” Luna pulled Spike in for a hug.

“So, that’s the only thing you love about me?” Spike said jokingly. Luna broke the hug.

“That is not true!” They both laughed.

“So, what else do you love about me?” Luna thought for a second.

“As you say, physically, I love your spines as they’re rounded, which makes it easier to snuggle into you, and your scales are surprisingly comfortable. I love your sparkling green eyes, and non-physically, I love how you love, you’re sweet, romantic, caring, and you love to snuggle, what more could I want,” Spike smiled and gave Luna a hug which she instantly returned and they sighed in contentment.

“You make me so happy,” Spike said, while hugging Luna.

“You make me happy too,” Luna said, while continuing to return Spike’s hug.

A few moments passed before the hug came to an end, then a second later, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in!” Twilight opened the door, with Celestia next to her.

“How did the shopping go?” Spike said, hoping for another signal.

“It went well. I actually found these sunglasses.” Twilight pulled some heart-shaped sunglasses she had bought. “How do they look?” Luna smiled.

“They’re cute, Twilight,” Spike was wondering if had missed a signal.

“Thank you, Luna. It was like finding the perfect little gem.” Luna looked at Celestia.

“And you sister, did you have a good time?” Celestia smiled.

“I did, thank you. I can show you what I bought later, if you’d like?”

“Are you guys hungry?” Twilight asked. Spike and Luna looked at each other and then back at Twilight.

“I guess we’re a little hungry,” Spike replied.

“Okay, well, would you like some dinner?” Spike thought for a second.

“Okay, sure, would you and Celestia like some help?” Spike asked. Twilight and Celestia looked at each other, Celestia gently shook her head.

“No, we should be okay.” Spike and Luna seemed surprised.

“Oh, okay, well, thank you for making the dinner,” Celestia smiled.

“It’s the least we can do for how much you’ve done, Spike,”

“Well, we better get dinner on the go, see you in around half an hour?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, we’ll see you at the dinner table in half an hour,” Spike smiled, which Celestia and Twilight returned before leaving Spike and Luna’s room.

Celestia and Twilight make their way to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

“So, do you have any ideas?” Celestia asked.

“I was thinking I could put it somewhere, but then how do I tell Spike where I put it?” Twilight didn’t know what to do. Moments passed without the two alicorns saying any about the ring. Celestia went to pick up some sapphires to put with Spike’s dinner when she had an idea. She grabbed the sapphires and went back into the kitchen to tell Twilight.

“I have a plan,” Celestia said as she came through the door.

“About the ring?” Twilight asked. Celestia put the bowl of sapphires down on the counter.

“During dinner, they won’t be in their room, you could go and use the “restroom”, and put it underneath the bed, then when you come back you can ask Spike to do something that will get him out in the kitchen like refill your glass or something, and before dinner you can put a note where he’ll see it saying where you put the ring,” Twilight had never seen Celestia so excited about something before.

“That’s a great idea! Plus, you seem so excited about this too,” Twilight said, noticing Celestia’s tone.

“Twilight… my little sister is getting married, of course I’m excited,” Celestia said, smiling ear to ear.

"Has Spike asked or has she said yes yet?" Twilight asked, noticing Celestia's ‘are you serious right now’ look. Twilight noticed Celestia’s look. “What?”

“Have you seen those two? Do you really think she’s not going to say yes?” Twilight smiled.

“Okay, I see your point, but she may have a reason to say no. You don’t know what is going on in her head,” Celestia jokingly frowned.

“You spoil sport,” both Twilight and Celestia laughed. They continued to make dinner.

“So, the plan?” Celestia asked.

“The plan is great, thank you for helping me,” Twilight gave Celestia a smile, which the white alicorn returned.

“You’re welcome, Twilight. Let me grab a piece of paper and a quill, and then I’ll continue helping you with dinner.” Celestia went to grab what Twilight needed for the note.

’I hope all this goes well’ Celestia thought as she left the kitchen.

“What do you think they’re making?” Spike asked while stroking Luna’s mane while she laid on his chest. Luna looked up at the young dragon.

“Well,, if I know my sister, and adding the fact we had a big lunch, something simple like pasta with cheese,” Spike smiled

“I’m cool with that,” Luna smiled and snuggled back into Spike’s chest.

“Me too.” It wasn’t too long after there was a knock on the bedroom door. “Why is it always when I get comfy?” Luna said annoyingly, but jokingly. Spike let out a slight laugh as they both sat up. Luna went over to the door and opened it, and saw Twilight.

“Oh, I was waiting for you to say, ‘Come in!’” Twilight said, surprised that Luna answered the door, “I thought I would come and tell you dinner is ready since it has only been twenty minutes,” Twilight smiled, which Luna returned.

“Thank you, Twilight, we’ll be there now,” Luna informed.

“Great! See you in a minute.” Twilight made her way to the dining room.

Spike got up from the bed and the young dragon and the princess of the night walked to the dining room together.

Celestia and Twilight were already sitting at the table, patiently waiting for Spike and Luna. After everyone had sat down, they started to eat.

A few moments passed when Celestia looked at Twilight and Twilight looked back, they subtly nodded at each other.

“Excuse me, everypony, I just have to use the restroom,” Twilight smiled and left and when she was sure no one was looking she a “wrong turn” towards her bedroom, she went into her room grabbed the bag the ring and ring box was in and quietly left her bedroom and made her way to Luna and Spike’s room.

Everyone was still eating their dinner when Luna had finished her drink.

“Excuse me, while I just go to the kitchen to get a refill,” Celestia internally freaked out, but she couldn’t show it.

“I can do that, I need to, I need a refill myself,” Spike said before Luna stood up. Luna smiled at Spike.

“It’s okay, can refill both of ours,” Celestia was finding it so hard to show she was freaking out. She subtly took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm herself, but it didn’t work. Spike smiled back at Luna.

“Well, your highness, I can get a refill since you’re royalty and shouldn’t have to lift a hoof,” Spike said jokingly, as he got up and grabbed both his and Luna’s glass. Luna chuckled at Spike’s tone.

“Why thank you, kind sir,” Luna said, playing along with Spike’s joke. The young dragon bowed at Luna and went into the kitchen. Celestia felt a massive relief. She didn’t know what she would’ve done if Luna went into the kitchen first, and saw the note.

Twilight came out of Luna’s and Spike’s bedroom after placing the bag underneath the bed, and made her way back into the dining room. As she entered, she saw Celestia, Luna, but not Spike.

“Where’s Spike?” Twilight asked

“He’s just refilling our glasses,” Luna replied. Twilight sat down now, knowing that she shouldn’t have to do phase two of her plan.

Spike walked over to the sink to refill the glasses, as he leaned over to turn on the tap, the note fell on the floor, Spike didn’t notice and refilled the glasses and went back into the dining room with two glasses full of water.

“Here you go,” he said to Luna as he sat down and placed Luna’s drink on her coaster.

“Thank you,” Luna replied. Twilight and Celestia were confident that Spike saw the note and was just playing it off to not raise any suspicions. As Twilight had almost finished with her meal, she got up to refill her drink and noticed a note on the floor as she walked into the kitchen. She picked up and realised it was her note for Spike. Knowing he wouldn’t have just left on the floor she also released he hadn’t seen it yet, she freaked out a bit, but she did some quick thinking, stuck the note back up in a more noticeable position, refilled her glass and went into the dining room. Twilight had a plan, but Spike had finished, and everyone else was also almost finished with their meal. Twilight needed someone to finish their drink first, luckily as she was going to start thinking of another plan, the pony who hadn’t had a refill yet, Celestia, finished her drink and was still eating.

“Would you like some more water, Celestia?” Twilight asked, hoping she would say yes.

“Actually, I’d like some for after my meal,” but before Celestia could get up.

“Spike, since you have finished, would you mind refilling Celestia’s glass for her?” Spike grabbed the glass that Twilight was moving towards with her magic.

“I don’t mind,” Spike got up and went into the kitchen. As Spike walked over to the sink, he saw a note. He took it off of the sink and read it.

’Hey Spike, I have put the ring underneath the bed in yours and Luna’s bedroom, this is the only real onyx engagement ring we could find, but we think it’s perfect and we hope you do too


Spike smiled, refilled the glass and chucked the note in the bin. Spike went back into the dining room and gave Celestia her glass.

“I just need to use the restroom, I’ll be right back,” Spike said, heading towards the bedroom.

“There’s no need to head back, we’re all nearly finished, we’ll all be done by the time you get back,” Luna said, not wanting Spike to trouble himself with coming back, when there was no point.

“Okay, well, I guess, I’ll see you in the bedroom,” Luna nodded, as she had a mouth full of pasta and Spike made his way out of the dining room. Spike made sure no one was looking when he went into the bedroom. He entered the bedroom quietly, looked under the bed, took out the bag, and looked at the ring inside the box. Spike gasped.

"Thank you Celestia and Twilight, it's perfect!" Spike said to himself. "I'll pay them back for this," he thought out loud.. He then closed the ring box, and put it back underneath the bed and chucked the bag in the bin, just in time too, as not a second later Luna walked in.

“Spike! That was fast,” it shocked Luna, at how fast Spike seemed to go to the restroom and get back to the bedroom in just under a minute. Luna closed the door and yawned.

“Food coma setting in?” Spike asked. Luna went over to the bed and led down.

“Yeah, I just need a quick nap before I raise the moon, I have time,” Luna opened up her arms for a cuddle, Spike smiled and snuggled into Luna’s chest.

“I love the fact that you like me snuggling into your chest too,” Luna closed her eyes and smiled.

“Why would I not?” Spike smiled and closed his eyes and they fell asleep feeling special and loved.

Ten minutes had gone by and Luna opened up her eyes to find Spike still asleep on her chest. She moved slightly, trying not to wake him up, but he opened his eyes.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” Spike yawned and smiled.

“It’s okay,” Spike looked outside, and the sun was lowering up, “Time to raise the moon?” Luna looked outside to see what her sister was doing.

“Yeah, do you want to come with me?” Luna sat up, as did Spike.

“Always,” they made their way to the top of the castle where Celestia just finished setting the sun.

“Goodnight, sister, goodnight Spike” Celestia smiled as she walked by.

“Goodnight,” Spike and Luna said in unison. They smiled at each other for a second before Luna raised the moon. They looked back at each other.

“I love you, Luna,” Spike said, looking into Luna’s eyes.

“I love you too, Spike,” they gave each other a kiss and guarded the night together.

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