• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,143 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

  • ...

A Legacy Left Unfulfilled

Chapter 1

Administrator’s Cabin, Camp Everfree

Gloriosa Daisy reclined in her faux leather office chair and let out a weary sigh. Three weeks had passed since she became possessed by the spirit of Gaia Everfree and went on a rampage, destroying large swaths of her family’s beloved camp. Both Timber and the girls reassured her that it wasn’t really her fault, that the wild magic was mostly to blame. Yet… the guilt tortured her still. That’s why Gloriosa had run herself ragged over the past two weeks, doing everything in her power to get things back to working order again.

She looked at the growing pile of invoices stacked atop her desk and frowned. Camp Everfree wasn’t exactly the most profitable venture, and when expensive repairs were added into the mix… money became a serious issue. Fortunately, the Rainbooms had all agreed to hold an impromptu charity concert the week prior in order to raise additional funds for the camp’s reconstruction, but such a fleeting source of income could only go so far.

Gloriosa rose from her chair and decided to go outside for a nice, long walk. Sitting around in the office all afternoon and stressing out over bills wasn’t healthy and it’s not like they were going anywhere. It was as beautiful a day as anyone could possibly ask for. Perfect for spending some time outdoors and getting a much-needed dose of fresh air to help clear her mind.

After walking for a half hour or so, Gloriosa headed deeper into the woods towards the oldest part of the camp. The quaint little cabin situated amongst a small clearing in the trees had been built by Günther & Magdalena Birchwood shortly after they’d emigrated from Germaneia to establish a better life for themselves in the land of Equestria. While the rest of Camp Everfree had been remodeled and updated over the years, their cabin had remained the way it was originally built, out of respect to the camp’s founders.

The cabin itself was kept fairly clean. Gloriosa and Timber took turns tiding it up every other month, since people seldom stayed in it. She happened to notice that a thin layer of dust had settled on everything, reminding her that it would need to be cleaned again soon. For whatever reason, Gloriosa suddenly felt a pang of nostalgia wash over her, she couldn’t quite explain why but it gently beckoned her to head towards her grandparent’s old room.

Their room looked like it always had, tidy and smelling faintly of pine. Gloriosa paused when she happened to notice an errant beam of sunlight shine through the window illuminate something underneath the bed. She hadn’t ever thought to look under there simply because there hadn’t been any reason to before. Her curiosity piqued, she crouched on the floor in order to get a better look at whatever was under the bed.

To her astonishment, it was a large, cloth-covered trunk with two brass clasps to keep the lid on tight. The kind that wouldn’t have looked out of place in a museum. She grasped the leather handle on the side and began to pull, only to find that it was extremely heavy. With a little bit of extra elbow grease, she managed to slide the trunk out onto the floor. She carefully unlatched the clasps and opened it to see what was stored inside.

Much to her surprise, there was a large burlap sack tied with string sitting in the left-hand corner. The imperial eagle of Germaneia was emblazoned on the front, along with a few words written underneath. After untying the string, the bag sagged over and revealed its precious contents. The entire thing was filled to the brim with solid gold Reichsmarks, which by now, were worth a fortune. Gloriosa felt her chest lighten and her spirits soar. She and Timber would never have to worry about money or paying the bills ever again!

The gold was not the only thing that caught her attention. Right next to it was an ornate wooden box carved from polished oak. Inside were a few nick-knacks and various mementos that her grandparents had collected over the years, but one thing stood out to her. It was an old color photo taken a little over a decade ago, while she and Timber stayed at Camp Everfree during their two-week long annual summer outing.

Günther stood knee deep in the lake with a grandchild on either said, a happy smile etched upon his face while he observed them firing squirt guns at each other. Magdalena laid on a beach towel nearby, content to watch her family while they frolicked in the water. The scene would be what many would consider ideal for a postcard or even a movie. Save for the fact that none of them were wearing so much as a stitch of clothing.

Gloriosa often heard her grandparents say that they were ardent followers of the Freikörperkultur movement or FKK for short. As children, neither she nor Timber really understood all the subtle nuances of the Germaneian sub-culture. They came to the conclusion that their grandparents simply liked to be naked whenever possible. Gloriosa and Timber’s parents, however, weren’t particularly fond of the naturist lifestyle themselves. But they allowed their children to wear whatever they wished during those two weeks at Camp Everfree. Which, more often than not, meant nothing at all.

Tears formed in Gloriosa’s eyes as she ran her fingers over the photo. Fond memories of hiking in the woods, playing hide and go seek, swimming, and telling ghost stories around the campfire flashed before her. They were simpler times. When she enjoyed the tactile sensation of pure freedom as the wind tickled her bare skin and waking up every morning, never having to worry about what to wear. After all these years, her heart yearned to feel that way again.

Gloriosa was perfectly comfortable with the way her body looked, but she never truly considered herself a naturist like her grandparents. Yet, the more she reminisced, the stronger her desire became to embrace their way of life and try it out for herself. It wasn’t exactly a compulsion, but rather, a gentle voice in the back of her mind that encouraged Gloriosa to convene with nature as nature had always intended. The young woman paused for a moment and wondered if she was truly rid of Gaia Everfree or if the forest spirit’s influence on her had simply become more benign after her ‘cleansing’ by the Rainbooms.

A yellowed piece of parchment resting at the bottom of the box caught Gloriosa’s eye. She unfolded it carefully, not wanting to damage the document due to its advanced age. It was written in her grandfather’s flowing script and detailed his original plans for Camp Everfree. In it, Günther reluctantly admitted that he was forced to compromise on the camp’s original layout due to the nudity taboo being so deeply ingrained into Equestrian culture. The money, he said, was to rebuild the camp at a time when the people of Equestria had matured enough to embrace the ideals of the FKK without disgust or suspicion. He had not specifically mentioned her name, but Gloriosa felt as though she had been destined to find this letter and enact her grandparent’s lifelong dream. She placed the letter back into the trunk and closed it. There would be plenty of time later to appraise the value of the gold, but for now, she needed to tell her brother about what she’d discovered and her big plans for Camp Everfree’s future.

While she gazed at the forest through the window, an idea popped into Gloriosa’s head. She immediately began taking off her hiking boots, followed by her socks, and eventually the rest of her clothing and folded it into a neat pile on top of the bed. Without a shred of hesitation, she marched straight out the door and took in a deep breath of fresh air. A satisfied smile spread across her lips as she felt the sun warm her skin. Euphoria filled her entire being, like this was the most natural thing in the world. It just felt right.

With a barely contained giggle, she raced back towards the pier where she knew she would find her brother. As she suspected, he was still busy repairing some of the damage and hadn’t even noticed her arrival. She slowly crept up behind her brother and wrapped him in a surprise hug, causing him to drop his hammer and yelp. Recognizing that it was just his sister being affectionate, he relaxed a little but couldn’t quite help but feel that something was off.

“Hey, Tim! How’re the repairs going?”

Timber’s face paled when he realized exactly what was off. There was no mistaking the sensation of a woman’s bare breasts squishing up against your back. “Glory, please don’t tell me that all the stress has finally made you go off the deep end…”

Gloriosa let go of her brother and turned around to face him. “Quite the opposite, actually! I’ve never felt better in my entire life! Just wait till you hear what I found in Papa and Nana’s cabin!”

Timber tried not to stare out of polite respect, but found himself doing so anyway. It had been years since he’d seen his sister naked and it was quite apparent that she’d grown into an attractive, young woman. Not that he ever thought she was ugly or anything like that… but seeing her without a stitch of clothing really put things into perspective.

Much like her grandmother, Gloriosa certainly didn’t lack for size when it came to her chest. Her perky, tear-drop shaped breasts were the perfect blend of soft curves and supple firmness. Since she enjoyed hiking, swimming, and yoga so much, her body was lithe, like that of a trained athlete. She had plenty of muscle tone, particularly around her stomach and legs. Timber thought it suited her, and only added to her feminine charm. Clusters of freckles dotted her entire body, yet another trait she inherited from her grandmother. Nestled in-between her legs was a neatly trimmed, inverse triangle of mulberry-colored pubic hair.

Timber felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. “Glory, what’s gotten into you? Why did you decide to start running around buck naked all of the sudden? Not that there’s anyone else around to see, but it’s kind of weird. Even for you.”

“I’ve decided to take a page from Nana & Papa’s book and starting living like they did. Do YOU have a problem with that?!”

Timber rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, I guess not. It’s just so… out of the blue. Does this have to do with the forest spirit? You know, when it possessed you? If that’s causing you mental problems, maybe we should talk to the Rainbooms again and they could—”

“No, I’m perfectly fine! Never better!”

“Alright, but this is going to take some getting used to. Do you expect me to get naked too? I mean, I don’t suppose I’d mind taking my clothes off right now since I’m all hot and sweaty from working on the pier. But—umm…”

Gloriosa shot him a knowing smile. “It’s awkward? Embarrassing? C’mon, Tim. You know I won’t judge. The fresh air feels great! Just try it out for a while. If things get weird, you can always put them back on. No biggie.”

Timber shucked his clothing off quickly in order to get it over with and to make sure that he didn’t lose his nerve halfway. Now completely naked, he stood in front of his sister, desperately resisting the urge to cover up his privates. Even though it was a little embarrassing, he had to admit that it felt good to finally get out of his sweaty clothing.

Gloriosa snickered when she noticed the thick, dark green tuft of pubic hair surrounding her brother’s crotch. “I can see that you’re not a big fan of manscaping, huh?”

“S-shut up! There’s no way in hell I’m putting anything sharp or metallic anywhere near my junk. Besides, it would probably look stupid if I tried to do anything. I’ve—uhh—never been particularly good at shaving...”

Gloriosa playfully punched Timber’s shoulder. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll find a nice girl someday who’ll be willing to help give you a trim down there.”

“Yeah, like that’ll ever happen…”

Gloriosa frowned at her unintentional faux pas. “Sorry, Tim. I didn’t mean to open up old wounds.”

Despite their initial infatuation with each other, Timber and Twilight were simply not meant to be a couple. They’d tried dating a few times after the whole magical incident, but the two of them eventually discovered that their personalities and interests didn’t match up very well. After one final date at the movies, the pair mutually agreed to end their short-lived relationship. Timber still talked to Twilight from time to time, but more as a friend rather than a lover.

“Don’t worry about it,” Timber dismissed, “It still hurts a little when I think about Twilight sometimes, but I’ll be ok. No sense in obsessing over the past.”

Gloriosa let out a sigh of relief mentally, happy to have avoided an unpleasant topic of conversation. “Seriously, you have nothing to be ashamed of! Plenty of people out there prefer to let their pubes grow out a bit. In my humble opinion, I happen to think that the au naturale look suits you quite well. Makes you seem more mature.”

“Are you implying that I’m not otherwise?”

Gloriosa squatted in the grass and took a closer look at Timber’s dangly bits. “You know, I was going to make a tasteless joke about you being a dork but… damn. I can’t believe how much you grew up down there. Talk about a one-eyed monster!”

GLORY!! I can’t believe you! That’s just wrong on so many levels and—”

Gloriosa crossed her arms underneath her breasts. “Oh really? Well, isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? Don’t think I didn’t notice you eyeing me up earlier. Now that I’ve gotten a proper look at the goods, you may consider us even. So there!”

Timber’s face turned beet red. “I… that’s not… fair.”

“Isn’t it though? We’re a pair of healthy, young adults. It’s only natural that we’d want to check out each other’s naked bodies. Look at me, Tim. Can you honestly that I'm not objectively attractive?”

“Fine, I’ll willingly admit that you’re attractive. From a purely objective point of view, of course. I guess… I never realized how much you’d grown up until now. It’s kind of strange thinking of you as a woman,” Timber reluctantly admitted while he gestured towards her chest, “But—erm—it’s pretty obvious that you are one based on such overwhelming evidence.”

Gloriosa leaned over and kissed her brother on the cheek. “And you’ve obviously become a man. Why don’t we take a nice, refreshing dip in the lake? Like back when we were kids. C’mon, it’ll be fun and help us cool off.”

After a quick swim and some horsing around, the siblings sat on the beach, side by side, and watched a few ducks as they floated by the pier. Timber had to admit that it felt good to spend time with his big sister like this again. It reminded him of the care-free summers they’d spent together while they stayed their grandparents. He reached over and took hold of her hand, to which she grasped gently and with equal affection.

“So, what was it that you wanted to tell me earlier?”

Gloriosa blinked owlishly. “Oh, right. I nearly forgot! While I was cleaning up Papa and Nana’s cabin, I found an old trunk underneath their bed. You’ll never guess what I found inside!”

“What’s that?”

Gloriosa’s eyes practically sparkled. “Gold! Like an actual bag full of antique gold coins. And they’re probably worth a fortune at this point. Tim, we don’t ever have to worry about money ever again! Isn’t that great?!”

“Really? That’s awesome!”

Gloriosa nodded. “I know, right? But I found something else important too. Something… that I think we need to have a serious discussion about.”

“Ok… I’m listening.”

“There was an old letter inside too. More specifically, it was written by Papa. It detailed their original plans for the camp. I’ve been thinking, Tim. I’d really like to honor their memory by making Camp Everfree into what Nana & Papa always envisioned: a full-fledged naturist resort.”

Timber shuffled his feet in the sand. “Look, I completely understand where you’re coming from but what would everyone think? Even if we’re set for money, I still want people to visit the camp. Won’t this… alienate some of our client base?”

“Most likely. Some ignorant people out there still believe the old stereotype that naturists are just a bunch of perverted exhibitionists. But on the other hand, imagine all the new clients we could potentially attract! After everything that’s happened, I truly believe this place needs some serious rebranding. Think of it as a grand reopening!”

Timber looked up at the sky while he considered Gloriosa’s proposal. It had been a long time since he’d seen her talk so passionately about the camp or anything else for that matter. Even though he suspected that her recent enthusiasm for adopting the naturist way of life had more to do with the forest spirit’s lingering influence on her mind than nostalgia, he just couldn’t bring himself to go against his sister’s wishes. Although embarrassing at first, Timber decided that hanging out in the nude wasn’t too bad once you got used to it. In fact, it felt downright refreshing. Maybe, just maybe, it was worth doing so on a more permanent basis.

“Ok. If that’s what you want to do, we’ll go ahead and give it a try. We owe Nana & Papa at least that much.”

Gloriosa grinned from ear to ear. “Don’t worry, Tim. I’ve got this!”

Flash Sentry looked outside the window and watched as the trees zipped by in a green blur. The bus ride to Camp Everfree was a fairly long one, but he didn’t mind. The Camp Counselor position he’d applied for spanned the entire summer, paid handsomely, and provided food and lodging free of charge. It was a little odd that his job interview was nothing more than a brief web chat with Gloriosa Daisy. Much to his surprise, she’d actually recognized him and said that she’d love to have him as a counselor. Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, Flash humbly accepted the position without a shred of hesitation. What struck him as odd though was the utter lack of people who’d joined him on the bus, save for a rough and tumble tomboy sitting towards the front.

Normally, Flash didn’t have any problem socializing with strangers. It really was the best way to make new friends. This time, however, he hesitated to approach the white-haired woman. He didn’t necessarily want to jump to conclusions based solely on her appearance, but she looked like someone who ate nails for breakfast without any milk. The slightly irritated scowl she wore while listening to her E-pod didn’t exactly convince Flash that she was in any mood to talk.

The bus driver announced that they had arrived at Camp Everfree and helped the two of them gather their luggage. Without further ado, they made their way towards the administration cabin. It was a fairly long walk to the camp itself, so there was plenty of time to talk along the way. Flash was surprised to see the woman finally remove her earbuds and offer him a fist bump.

“Sup? The name’s Gilda. You here for the counselor position too?”

Flash nodded. “Sure am! I’m Flash Sentry, by the way. It’s nice to meet you, Gilda.”

“Cool. I’m glad someone around here isn’t too much of a pussy to strike up a conversation with me. Most people simply prefer to keep their distance. I guess they must think I’m gonna murder them or somethin’.”

Flash blushed slightly. “Oh! Well, that’s a shame. You seem nice enough to me.”

Gilda threw back her head and laughed. “You are so full of shit! I saw how you avoided sitting anywhere near me on the bus. That’s alright though. I know that I don’t exactly look like the approachable type. Hopefully, none of that should matter while we’re here at the camp.”

“I’m sorry, Gilda. I didn’t mean to judge you.”

Gilda slapped Flash on the back. “Like I said, dude: it’s not a big deal.”

Flash looked over at Gilda and noticed that she was only carrying a backpack. While he understood that lodging and food were going to be provided, it seemed rather odd that she would take so little along with her. Especially when one considered the length of time they would be staying at the camp. Did she expect the owners to supply uniforms as well? Flash quickly dismissed the thought when they finally reached the administration cabin.

Once inside, Timber Spruce and Gloriosa Daisy stood side by side right in front of a large desk. The siblings smiled at them politely and offered some refreshments. After they pulled up a couple of chairs and sat down, Gloriosa began to explain what their job responsibilities were, the general layout of the camp, where they would be staying for the remainder of the summer. Once she was finished, Gloriosa gestured towards a pair of baseball caps with the Camp Everfree logo emblazoned on the front hanging on a nearby rack.

“Alright, you two. It’s time to discuss the dress code. Those hats over there shall be your official Camp Everfree uniform. In order to adhere to local ordinances and zoning regulations, both of you are required to be nude at all times. However, shoes and accessories such as backpacks are acceptable to wear when appropriate. Any questions?”

Flash’s eyes widened in shock. “Hold on a second! Did you just say that we have to be… nude?! When did that change? It wasn’t like that the last time I was here.”

“Indeed, I did. Camp Everfree has since become a legally sanctioned naturist resort, Mr. Sentry.”

“But I thought the brochure said this was a nature resort…”

Gilda laughed at Flash’s expense. “Are you a fucking moron? Oh, my gods! You really don’t know what a naturist actually is, do you? Bwahahaha!”

“Just for the sake of argument, let’s say I don’t.” Flash mumbled.

“Ok. I’m sorry for making fun of you, dude. I thought you did your homework and read the application properly before agreeing to take the job. Naturists are people who enjoy nature and the simple pleasure of being nude as often as they can, amongst other things.”

Realization suddenly dawned on Flash Sentry. The ease with which he got the job, the unusually high pay, the complete lack of additional passengers on the bus. It all made perfect sense now. Flash broke out in a cold sweat as his stomach began to churn with nervous dread. How could he have been so stupid?

Gloriosa cleared her throat. “Mr. Sentry, while I agree whole heartedly with Ms. Steel Claw, I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable about your duties. I won’t lie to you: my brother and I really need your help. If you decide to leave now, it would put us in a bind as far as getting the camp opened in time when the guests arrive. However, I won’t force you to stay here.”

Flash wrung his hands together, desperately trying to figure out what he was going to do. Casual nudity wasn’t exactly his cup of tea. The idea very idea of baring his body for all to see during the entire summer made him a nervous wreck. Intellectually, he knew it would probably wind up not being a big deal. Naturists were used to that sort of thing, after all. In the end, despite his trepidation, Flash didn’t want to be a burden and let everyone down. He’d made a commitment to the camp owners and he was determined to stick with it, no matter what.

“I made a promise and I’m keeping it. Just don’t expect me to get used to the whole ‘being nude 24/7’ thing right away. I’ve never done anything like this before…”

Timber placed his hand on Flash’s shoulder. “No worries, Mr. Sentry. We understand. If you guys don’t have any more questions, you’re free to explore the camp or do as you please for the remainder of the day. Tomorrow, the camp officially opens up to guests. Lunch will be served in forty-five minutes. We hope to see you in the dining hall!”

Flash walked out of his cabin approximately ten minutes later wearing nothing but a satchel over his shoulder to carry some toiletries. The accommodations were clean and comfortable, but lacked additional space specifically meant for bathing. It was why there was a large, communal showering complex located in the center of the camp. When he entered the changing room (ironic given the circumstances), Flash noticed that Gilda must have had the same idea because she was standing in front of a locker, rummaging through her own assortment of toiletries.

He found it very difficult not to stare at her intently. It wasn’t every day that he got the opportunity to see naked women in the flesh. Gilda’s bronze-hued skin was entirely free of blemishes save for a nasty, faded-pink scar etched across her right shoulder. Her breasts were small and pert, but that was understandable given her taught, well-muscled physique. Flash absently wondered if she was a kickboxer or something akin to it. People didn’t just casually develop muscle like that without a specific reason or going through an intense training regimen.

Flash’s face reddened when she bent over to retrieve something towards the bottom of the locker. By his reckoning, her butt cheeks looked firm enough to bounce a bit off of. Not that he would ever try something so stupid. Gilda would beat him to a bloody pulp if he did. His eyes slowly drifted down towards her waist, where he noticed that she didn’t have a spec of body hair between her legs. Given how smooth it was, he could only assume that she waxed regularly.

It was a stark contrast to the modest patch of dark blue pubic hair covering his own crotch. He’d read online that some women preferred men clean shaven, but Flash wasn’t entirely sold on the idea. Just for the sake of experimentation, he’d removed all of it off one time and found that it made his penis appear slightly larger but strangely childish at the same time. He hadn’t cared for it. Instead, Flash allowed his hair to grow out a little and maintained it on occasion.

Gilda turned around and grinned. “Great minds think alike. I’m about ready to hop in the shower and freshen up before lunch. You can join me if you want.”

“Oh! Sure, that’s sounds great. Lead the way!”

Gilda wrapped a towel around her neck and chuckled. “Well, you certainly seem eager to get cleaned up. Or are you just happy to see me?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Gilda pointed down towards his waist. “Let’s just say you’re giving me a standing ovation.”

Flash immediately cupped his hands over his growing erection and blushed profusely. “GAH! I didn’t even notice that I was getting a—aww shit! Gilda, I’m so sorry. I can come back later and take a shower on my own if you want.”

“Relax, dude. Boners happen. This isn’t exactly the first time I’ve seen a dick before.”

Flash bit his lip. “You mean… you’re not mad at me?”

“Pffft! Hell no! To be honest, I’m flattered that I was even able to get a reaction outta ya. Most guys think I’m either too scary or not girly enough. Can’t help it. That’s just the way I am. If people don’t like it, then they can go pound sand for all I care. Oh, and by the way, you don’t have to keep covering yourself up. Ya know, since I’ve already seen your dick at this point.”

Flash hesitantly removed his hands and followed her into the shower room. “I—erm—alright, if you say so. I’ll just start… washing up if you don’t mind.”

Gilda turned the knob on the shower handle and let the hot water cascade over her body. “Man, that feels fucking awesome! I was starting to get some serious swamp ass on the ride over. At least I won’t have to worry about that anymore while we’re staying here.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s one of the advantages of being naked all the time. You never have to worry about what to wear or getting anything dirty.” Flash agreed while he scrubbed his stomach with a very manly, pink bath pouf.

“Damn straight it is! That’s why I never bother to wear clothes at home. Started living as a nudist about five years ago and let me tell ya: I’m never going back. The parents about had a shit fit when they found out, but I could care less what they think. My body, my life, my rules.”

Flash closed his eyes while he washed the shampoo out of his hair. “Now, I understand why you’re so nonchalant about this whole situation. But I think that’s really admirable, Gilda. That you’re so comfortable in your own skin. I wish I was…”

“C’mon, Flash. You’re a decent enough lookin’ guy. All it takes is a little bit of self-confidence. Showin’ off your body shouldn’t make you feel ashamed or immoral. ‘Cause being nude is the most natural thing in the world. We were all born that way, after all. Just hold your head high and own it. Trust me; once you do, you’ll feel a whole lot better about yourself. I know I did.”

Flash looked down at his feet and sighed. “You make it sound so easy.”

“Don’t act like you’re all alone in this, ya dweeb. I’ll be your—umm—cheerleader or whatever you wanna call it. The least I can do for my new friend.”

Flash shot her a confused look. “Do you really consider me a friend?”

“Sure. Why the hell not? We’re gonna be spending a lot of time around each other over the summer, so I figure we might as well be. Don’t you want to?”

Flash waved his hands. “Of course, I do! I didn’t mean to imply otherwise! You just surprised me is all. I was under the impression that you didn’t get along with other people so well.”

“Nah, that’s a fair assessment. Or at least, that’s how I used to be. Got my ass handed to me when I was bein’ a royal bitch to one of my BFF’s friends. I ain’t perfect and I still fuck things up from time to time, but I try to be friendlier whenever I can. Life’s too short, and all that.”

“Thanks, Gilda. It means a lot to me to know that I’ve got someone to watch my back.”

Gilda shot Flash a cocky grin. “No problem. Just make sure you don’t stare at mine too hard. Not that I’m keepin’ score or anything like that.”

“I already said I was sorry…”

Gilda quickly dried herself off with a towel, and put a noticeable saunter in her step as she walked out of the shower room. “Oh, I know. I’m just having way too much fun teasing you.”

Despite Flash’s best efforts to focus his attention elsewhere, the young man was completely mesmerized by Gilda’s gloriously toned behind as they made their way over to the dining hall. It didn’t help matters that she was moving her hips in a purposefully exaggerated manner just to tease him further. Flash had to close his eyes, take a deep breath, and think of the most unsexy things imaginable to keep himself from getting excited all over again. Thankfully, it was only a short distance.

The dining hall hadn’t changed much since he last saw it. Except for a few more decorations and what looked like a state-of-the-art coffee bar. A major perk of staying at Camp Everfree, Flash mused. He was a hopeless caffeine junkie. Flash felt his balls try to shrink back up into his stomach when he noticed that Gloriosa and Timber had done away with their clothing too. They sat next to each other, casual as could be, enjoying a bowl of what appeared to be homemade chili and cornbread. Flash grabbed a bowl of his own and sat down across from Gloriosa. She greeted him with a polite smile that made him smile in return.

“Glad you two decided to join us. I hope you don’t mind that my brother and I got started already. We didn’t have much for breakfast this morning and worked up quite an appetite. Please, help yourselves to as much as you’d like. There’s plenty to go around.”

Flash took a bite and savored the chili’s rich, smoky flavor. “This is some of the best chili I’ve ever had! Who, may I ask, made it? I’d like to compliment the chef.”

“Oh, I did! It’s an old family recipe my Nana used to make. Normally, there’d be a fulltime cook around to make all the food, but he’s not coming in until tomorrow. Thought I’d make something special to celebrate your first day here. It was either that or takeout.”

Flash scrunched his brow in confusion. “They actually deliver take out all the way out here?”

“Technically, yes. But it’s extremely expensive and significantly more awkward now that we’re become a dedicated naturist resort. Chili and cornbread were a much simpler option by comparison.”

“Have to agree with Flash, on this. The chili’s kick-ass, boss.” Gilda happily agreed.

“Thank you. And please, call me Gloriosa. I know that you two are my employees, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends too. We like to keep things casual here at Camp Everfree.”

Gilda leaned back in her chair and let out a loud belch. “That’s fine with me. Feel free to call us by our first names too if ya want. Hey, is that fancy coffee machine over there workin’ yet? I’ve got one hell of a hankerin’ for something caffeinated.”

“Yes, it is. Would you like me to make you a latte?”

Gilda’s eyes sparkled with glee. “Sure, if you’re offering. Flash, you want anything?”

“Huh? Oh… yeah, I’d like a latte as well if it’s not too much trouble.”

Gloriosa got up from her seat and padded over to the coffee machine. “Don’t worry, this shouldn’t take any more than few minutes.”

Flash caught himself staring at Gloriosa the whole time she was making their drinks. He could honestly admit that Gilda had her own unique charm as a woman, but Gloriosa was on whole different level. There just wasn’t any comparison. Her entire body had the perfect balance between muscle tone and feminine curves, not too much of one or the other. And the way her breasts jiggled whenever she—Flash closed his eyes for a moment and desperately tried to collect his thoughts.

His palms were sweaty. His heart felt like it was going to explode out of his chest. The queasy, fluttery feeling of butterflies tumbling around in his stomach made Flash want to puke and giggle like a schoolgirl all at the same time. This wasn’t love, but Flash knew for certain that he was hopelessly enthralled by the beautiful, nude goddess known as Gloriosa Daisy. The very thought that he now had a huge crush on his boss made him want to weep at the table. Why did he always wind up getting attracted to amazing women who were way out of his league?

Flash blushed as he took the coffee cup from Gloriosa. “Thanks again. This looks really good.”

“Do you mind if I ask you a question, Flash?”

“N-no, I don’t mind. Ask away!”

Gloriosa leaned forward just enough to squish her breasts atop the surface of the table. “I’m going to organize a relaxing nature hike for our guests tomorrow morning. Would you mind coming along with me as an extra guide? I could really use your help.”

“Yeah, sure! I’d love to! Just tell me when, and I’ll be there.”

Gloriosa giggled. “Excellent! Meet me over at my cabin around seven ‘o clock. See you then!”