• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,145 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

  • ...

An Out Of This World Family Reunion

Chapter 20

Sunset’s Cabin, Camp Everfree

It was midafternoon and Sunset Shimmer was on her way back to the cabin after grabbing a to-go meal from the dining hall. The daily special was, surprisingly enough, a Chicken Chesapeake sandwich on toasted sourdough with a side of seasoned curly fries. The former unicorn had developed an appreciation for human food (which included animal proteins) over the years despite being a vegetarian back when she lived in Equestria. Although meatless options were certainly available, Sunset had a pragmatic attitude when it came to her dietary needs. Her simian-like body was specifically designed to be omnivorous, so why not take advantage of it?

Sunset set her takeout bag on the kitchen table and padded over to the fridge to find herself a suitable beverage. With a bottle of lemon iced tea in hand, she plopped her bare behind in a chair and dug in right away. After a few delicious bites, Sunset sighed to herself. It just wasn’t the same without Twilight around. The cabin was terribly quiet and seemed… empty somehow.

She’d return, of course, but who knew how long her experiments with Chrysalis would last? It was never a set amount of time. It could be just a couple of hours, on other occasions, all day long and well into the evening. Sunset stuffed a handful of curly fries into her mouth and chewed them slowly, pondering as she often did when a pressing issue bothered her. Was she jealous?

“Sweet Celestia! I really am upset that Twi’s not spending more time with me,” Sunset reluctantly admitted to herself, “Why though? It never bothered me this much before.”

Sunset’s analytical mind worked through all the various possibilities and could only reach one, logical conclusion. It certainly couldn’t be that reason… could it? A slight blush colored her cheeks while she took a few gulps of her iced tea. The wonderful conversations they had together, snuggling, the occasional kiss here and there, all of it felt like a completely natural progression of their relationship. A relationship that was beginning to look less and less platonic as each day passed. Given enough time and the right circumstances, she might—

Sunset buried her face in her palms and let out a frustrated groan. “What am I even supposed to do with all these complicated feelings? She’s my best friend for Celestia’s sake! Is it wrong for me to… want more from her? ARGH! I think I might be falling in love with Twilight.”

The distraught gamer finished the rest of her meal in contemplative silence. It was the only thing she could do besides pacing around the cabin in a full-fledged panic attack. Sunset scampered into the bathroom and splashed her face with ice cold water a few times, hoping that it might help clear her mind. The exercise did nothing more than make her bacon-esque locks wet and floppy. Ironic, considering that she hated it when people compared her hairdo to the thin, salty strips of meat. She actually enjoyed eating bacon, regardless of how much the annoying description fit.

One quick toweling off later, Sunset shuffled into the living room and flopped, belly first, right onto the couch. She glanced over at her game console and tried to find the motivation to start a livestream, but it just wasn’t there. Her mind was far too preoccupied with thoughts of a certain lavender-skinned dork who—Sunset grabbed one of the pillows, pressed her face against it, and screamed as loudly as she dared. There was no denying it. She definitely needed to talk to someone about this whole situation and get some advice on how to proceed forward.

Adagio was out of the picture right away. Sunset and the former villain might have become good friends recently, but Adagio Dazzle wasn’t exactly the greatest person to go to for advice concerning romance. Or life in general, really. Given her brusque attitude, Adagio would probably suggest something along the lines of throwing caution to wind and snogging Twilight when the opportunity first presented itself. Not… the best approach. By a longshot.

There was always Dr. Harshwhinny. She was a professional therapist, after all. However, Sunset felt that any conversation with the good doctor would just wind up sounding too much like a session with one of her patients instead of the casual approach that Sunset was looking for.

After going through a mental list of friends and acquaintances staying at Camp Everfree, the only person that seemed worth talking to was Gloriosa Daisy. Sunset only had a passing familiarity with the camp’s owner but she figured they might be kindred spirits because of their shared past as magically-enhanced egomaniacs and reformed baddies. It’s not like Sunset had anything to lose if Gloriosa knew about her situation regarding Twilight. With a heavy sigh and grim determination, she got up off of the couch and lumbered towards the door.

At least the weather was pleasant and warm during the walk over to the administrator’s cabin. The door was open, so Sunset let herself in… but she could find no sign of Gloriosa anywhere. A stack of paperwork sat atop her desk, neatly filed in the ‘FINISHED’ pile. Otherwise, there wasn’t much evidence to suggest that she’d been in the office recently. One of the windows was open, so Sunset decided to take a peek outside. Sure enough, she spotted the freckled woman, crouched on her knees, busy attending to her little vegetable garden out back.

Sunset was about to announce her presence when she witnessed Gloriosa use her magic on one of the tomato vines. The red fruit immediately became shinier and plumper than it had previously been just seconds ago. Sunset had to cover her mouth to prevent herself from gasping too loudly. Since when did Gloriosa have magical plant-growing powers?!! And why hadn’t she mentioned them? What worried Sunset the most was the fact that Flash had said nothing about them either.

Gloriosa smiled and patted the ground near her feet. “Good afternoon, Sunset. Would you care to join me? I know gardening isn’t for everyone, but I can give you a basketful of some of my homegrown veggies to take back to your cabin. Doesn’t that sound good?”

Sunset rubbed the back of her neck. “Erm—sorry, Gloriosa. I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”

When Sunset sat cross-legged in the grass next to her, Rufus popped out of the bushes nearby and skittered over to Gloriosa’s side. He barked once to get her attention, and nuzzled his snout against her thigh when she began running her fingers through his fur. After a little while, he climbed up on top of her lap and let out a throaty snort. Gloriosa rolled her eyes at the badger.

“Alright, calm down. You can have a piece of okra.”

While Rufus was munching on his treat, Sunset cleared her throat. “So—umm—you seem to have a knack for gardening, huh?”

“One could almost say I have a magic touch.”

Sunset picked a tomato off the vine and took a bite out of it. “What’s up with that anyway? I know you and magic haven’t exactly been the greatest match for each other as of late, but you can’t expect to hide your powers forever. Is Gaia Everfree still… in your head somehow?”

“Not exactly. She spoke to me briefly after the seven of you purified my body with rainbows or whatever that was. As time has passed, her magic simply became my own. I don’t really have a more detailed explanation than that. I guess I’m the new guardian of the Everfree Forest now.”

Sunset swallowed another bite of tomato and sighed. “Does Flash know about all this?”

“Mhmm. He was one of the first people I revealed my powers to.”

Sunset leaned back and watched a hawk soar above the clouds. “Good. If there’s anyone around here who’s used to that kind of thing, it’s Flash. You’re not… having any evil thoughts, are you? It doesn’t seem like it to me, but I just want to be sure. For your sake and everyone else’s.”

Gloriosa sighed. “I appreciate the concern, Sunset but I got this. My demons, whether internal or literal in my case, have all been dealt with. I’ve come to accept the fact that I will no longer lead a normal life from this point forward. For better… or worse.”

“Sorry, if I sounded all preachy and self-righteous, Gloriosa. It’s just that I’ve been where you are right now. I used to be a mon—a person who lusted for power and dominance over others, no matter the cost. That being said, I truly believe that everyone should be given a second chance at redemption. Ehem! Anyway… I wanted to make sure everything was cool.”

Gloriosa reached over and placed her hand on Sunset’s thigh. “It’s alright, Sunset. I’m glad that you care so much about me. Was there something else you wanted to talk about specifically or would you rather discuss the finer points of eggplant cultivation?”

Sunset returned the gesture by holding Gloriosa’s hand. “Yeah, it’s pretty serious. Not like life or death serious but… somewhat of a personal issue that I need to work out. Ehehe. The sooner the better, ya know. Because if I don’t figure what to do, I might jeopardize the friendship I have with someone I care deeply about.”

Gloriosa used her magic to fill a basket full of veggies for Sunset. “Let me guess: you have unrequited feelings for this friend of yours and you don’t know how she will react if you confess?”

“Exactly,” Sunset shouted while waving her hands in the air, “What if Twilight doesn’t feel the same way about me? I-I mean, she basically admitted that she was gay but that doesn’t mean she’d be interested in dating me specifically. AGGGH! I’m not even sure what her type is…”

Gloriosa giggled. “That certainly didn’t take long. I thought I was going to have to drag the information out of you with a series of painfully awkward questions. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t particularly enjoy asking twenty questions. However, that’s what I like about you, Sunset. You always get straight to the point.”

Sunset rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled. “Well, I don’t like beating around the bush when it comes to important stuff like this. Please tell me you’ve got some sagely advice to dispense! I’m desperate for anything. Even just a little, tiny nugget of wisdom.”

Gloriosa blushed furiously and twirled a braid of her hair. “To be honest, I was still technically a virgin until Flash and I hooked up. Sure, I’d dated some guys here and there but it was never anything as serious as what you’ve got with Twilight. At least, that’s what I’m assuming.”

“Yeah. We’ve been best friends for a couple of years now. Heck, I’d even go as far to say that I know Twi better than I’ve ever known anyone else. Maybe even my own family. She’s… precious to me, Gloriosa. I just don’t want to ruin what we’ve got with my own selfish feelings.”

Gloriosa frowned and patted Sunset’s shoulder. “The only advice I can really give you at this point is to follow your heart. I know it sounds cliché, but there’s merit to it. You’ll end up regretting it if you don’t tell her how you feel or pretend that those feelings don’t exist. If she’s as good a friend as you claim, then I don’t think it will matter what you tell her.”

Sunset laid down in the grass and allowed Rufus to curl up right next to her stomach. She reached over and began stroking his back, partially to give the little guy some affection, and to keep her hands occupied with something while she pondered. Perhaps, the best method was the most direct. Gordian knot and all that. Sunset finished what remained of her big, juicy tomato and tossed the inedible top portion off into the bushes. A few moments later, she was surprised to hear the sound of soft snoring and realized that Rufus had fallen asleep.

“He must’ve gotten tuckered out from all that swimming earlier.” Gloriosa whispered.

“No worries. I don’t mind if he cuddles up next to me. His fur’s super soft today.”

Gloriosa nodded. “That’s because he showers with me. I use my special conditioner whenever we bathe together, so I guess that’s why his coat is silky smooth. It’s made from all-natural ingredients. A bit expensive but totally worth it. Flash certainly seems to like the scent.”

“Flash used to love the smell of my strawberry shampoo. Especially right after we had a good, sweaty fu—erm I mean, I probably shouldn’t be discussing those sorts of things with you in detail. Ehehe. Doubly so, since you’re Flash’s new girlfriend. I—uh—thought about what you said earlier and I think you’re absolutely right. Twilight deserves to know how I feel.”

Gloriosa laughed. “I’m glad I could help you somehow, Sunset. I do have another suggestion if you’re up for it. Mind you, this is just my personal opinion. It’s what I would do in your particular situation.”

“Sure. I’m open to any suggestions you’ve got at this point.”

Gloriosa gestured towards the tree line. “Take Twilight out for a romantic picnic date in the forest. It doesn’t have to be fancy or planned down to the second. Just be spontaneous. Let things happen as they will. I think you’ll find that’ll be all you two need to set the mood properly.”

Sunset smiled to herself. “Hmm. Yeah, that does sound nice.”

Gloriosa stood up, levitated Rufus into her arms, and allowed the little badge to snuggle up against her bare breasts. He let out a soft purring noise and continued to sleep soundly. “I’ll let Smokey know that you’re in the market for a picnic dinner pack then. In the meantime, feel free to take those veggies with you and do whatever you please with them, my treat.”

“Thanks. If the tomato was any indication, I’m sure they’re all tasty.”

Gloriosa’s hand lit up with a viridian aura and flowers suddenly began to sprout underneath Sunset’s feet. The former unicorn yelped in surprise and jumped back a few steps. “Every vegetable in this garden should be. I used my magic to help them grow healthy and strong. You know, I was terrified of my powers at first but now I think I’ve come to… enjoy using them.”

Sunset knelt down and observed the flowers. “I’d certainly call this progress. Just remember that with any kind of magic it’s always better to keep calm and exert control, rather than let it control you. I think we learned that lesson the hard way but a little self-introspection never hurt anyone.”

“I’ve noticed how much easier it is to cast spells now that I’ve accepted Gaia Everfree’s magic as an intrinsic part of my identity. Both in the mental and physical sense. As an extra-dimensional being versed in such things, do you think it’ll have other effects on my body?”

Sunset stood up and rubbed her chin in thought. “I used to be a prodigy of Equestrian magic… back when I was still considered Celestia’s protégé. Don’t get me wrong: I can still pony up like the rest of the girls and go Super Sunny Mode™ during specific circumstances. But—umm—it’s been a long time since I considered myself an expert on anything related to the mystic arts.”

“You really don’t have any idea, do you?”

Sunset shook her head. “I’m afraid not. Humans just don’t have the appropriate equipment or methods to test magic yet. Twi’s working on it, but it’ll be years before it becomes mainstream. If I had to make an educated guess though, I’d say there’s a good chance you’ll live for at least a century or two longer than everyone else… maybe even longer.”

Gloriosa’s face paled. “Are you serious?!”

“Unfortunately, I am. You have to understand that Gaia Everfree was a wicked-powerful forest spirit. The level of mystical energy she possessed was substantial. Even by Equestrian standards. She was at least on par with the Sirens, I’d say. There’s a good chance you might be ageless…”

Gloriosa swallowed a lump forming in her throat. “I suppose I won’t know that for certain until a significant period of time has gone by. Sunset, I’m just worried about all of the people I love. I can’t even begin to imagine how lonely it must get when you outlive—”

Sunset wrapped Gloriosa in a gentle hug. “Hey, don’t get yourself all worked up over it. I know plenty of people who can help you cope with immortality if that’s where your life is destined to go. In fact, I was thinking about writing to Princess Twilight anyway, so I’ll mention it to her.”

Gloriosa sniffed and wiped away her tears after Sunset let her go. “Sorry about interrupting your nap, Rufus. Sunset and I didn’t mean to wake you up prematurely.”

The baby honey badger yawned and offered an encouraging bark. When Gloriosa petted his head, he nuzzled her breast with his snout and wagged his tail. Gloriosa laughed and ruffled the fur along his tummy, making the badger wriggle around in her arms. After one more affectionate kiss, Gloriosa put Rufus down and he scampered off to go see his mother in the forest.

Sunset picked up her veggie filled basket and kissed Gloriosa on the cheek. “Well, it was nice seeing you, Gloriosa. If you ever need to talk about anything, my cabin door is always open.”

“Thank you, Sunset. I’ll keep that in mind if I have any more magic issues.”

Sunset playfully punched her arm. “C’mon, Gloriosa. Don’t be like that! We’re friends now, aren’t we? Can’t you just come over for a casual chat or eat a greasy cheeseburger with me?”

“Yeah! Erm—I mean, we totally are. Sorry, I didn’t mean it to sound that way.”

Sunset chuckled. “I’m just teasing ya. It’s all good! See ya later, Gloriosa.”

When Sunset finally arrived back at the cabin, she made quick work of putting away all the veggies in the fridge to ensure they would stay fresh. She sighed to herself as she brewed a pot of hazelnut coffee. Twilight was still with Chrysalis and hadn’t yet returned. It was not without some annoyance that Sunset wished Twilight would’ve taken her phone with her. Even if she had, Twilight was the kind of person who tended to get caught up in her experiments anyway.

Sunset poured some creamer into her coffee cup and took a sip. “I guess that’s what I get for falling in love with a nerdy girl who’s into experimentation. Well, the scientific variety at any rate. Jury’s still out regarding sex. We’ll—uh—just have to cross that bridge when we get there.”

The fiery-haired nudist tried to focus on more productive topics. Thinking too much about bumping uglies with her best friend would lead to… heated fantasies that Sunset wasn’t entirely certain she was ready to entertain just yet. Especially, when it had been such a long time since she’d last been intimate with another woman. Or anyone, for that matter. Sunset hoped that when the time finally came to consummate their love, she’d give Twilight her best and that it would be enough.

Sunset put down her mug and groaned. “GREAT! Now, I’m thinking about sex even more! Hmm. Since no one else is around, I could probably rub one out quick before writing to the princess. Couldn’t hurt, right? Masturbation is perfectly natural in these sorts of situations!”

After about twenty minutes in the bathroom with her favorite vibrator, Sunset emerged with a goofy smile spread across her lips. She’d spent far more time pleasuring herself than originally intended, but by no means was that a bad thing. Sunset desperately needed a release from all of the sexual tension that had been building up inside her lately. In the hazy bliss that followed three consecutive orgasms, she felt like her entire body was floating on cloud nine.

Sunset padded over to the set of drawers she always kept the journal in and took it with her when she plopped onto the couch. Her skin was still flushed with a rosy pink hue and sensitive to just about any tactile sensation. Sunset bit her lip hard. She was trying her best to focus on writing and had a very difficult time resisting the urge to continue what she’d started earlier.

In the end, Sunset was tired of denying her pent-up urges and threw decorum out the window. She laid back on the couch, got comfortable, spread her legs apart slightly, and played with herself while she wrote to Princess Twilight. Sunset refused to feel guilty about what she was doing. Besides, it’s not like the princess could see what was doing anyway. After letting out a satisfied sigh, Sunset willed her thoughts through the journal and waited for a response.

Good afternoon, Sunset. It’s so nice to hear from you again.”

“Likewise, your highness. Anything interesting going on over there?”

Yes, actually. Starlight and I have been trying to figure out a way to visit the human world without using the Mirror Portal. Right now, we’re just about ready to give the spell a test run.”

Sunset sat up and diverted her full attention to the conversation. “Hold on a second. Wouldn’t a spell of that magnitude and complexity require tons of power to cast?”

“Correct. That’s precisely why Starlight and I are the only ones testing the actual casting method. I invited Sunburst over to my castle to act as our impartial third party to record the experiment. Oh my gosh~ Isn’t this exciting?! Just think of all the possibilities it could bring!”

Sunset’s stomach churned at the thought of her little brother being present at a dangerous magical experiment involving a crazy-powerful unicorn sorcerer and an alicorn. Although it had been years since she’d last seen her family, that didn’t mean Sunset was apathetic to their health and well-being. Sunburst was intelligent but he tended to get wrapped up in the moment.

“Just be careful, Princess. I don’t want any of you getting hurt. Especially my little brother.”

“WHAAAAT?!! You’re Sunburst’s older sibling? He always talked about you but never mentioned your name directly. This is, like, the most mind-blowing piece of information since—I dunno—but it’s HUGE! I swear, he better not be keeping any other big secrets from me…”

Confused by the new speaker, Sunset furrowed her brow. “I’m sorry but who am I talking to?”

“Oops! I nearly forgot to introduce myself. This is Starlight, speaking.”

“Oh. Like I was telling Princess Twilight, you guys need to make sure you’re taking the proper safety measures with the spell. Things could go south if there’s—”

“Don’t sweat it, Sunset. We’ve got that part covered. I’m more interested in the fact that you and Sunburst are related. I guess it’s obvious in hindsight, but like… WOW! How’s come neither of you mentioned it before. Is there bad blood between the two of you?”

“It’s… complicated, Starlight. Let’s just say that my parents didn’t quite see eye to eye with the direction of where my life was headed. After my fall from grace, it just seemed natural for me to stay in the human world. Because I didn’t have much to go back to. I do miss Sunburst though.”

“Well, I’m sorry to hear that. Family drama is never any fun to deal with. So… are you serious about wanting to see him again? Sunburst, I mean.”

“Don’t get me wrong: it’d be nice but I know he’s a busy stallion.”

“You’re in luck, Sunset. Sunburst and I were planning on taking a nice, relaxing vacation together soon. What better place to do it than in a parallel universe! From what I saw before on my previous trip, the human world seems like a pretty cool place. Wouldn’t you agree?”

The former unicorn’s mind came to a screeching halt. “What do you mean together? Are you guys dating or something? And interdimensional travel isn’t something you should ever make light of! Even if you have the power to make it happen with your own horn.”

“To answer your first question, yes we’re officially a couple. In fact, Sunburst and I have been BFFs ever since we were just foals. So, it wasn't that big of a step for us to take our relationship to the next level. Look, I can totally understand your apprehension towards powerful spells but I wouldn’t have agreed to this experiment if I didn’t think it was safe.”

“Ok. Please be careful. I want my brother in one piece when he gets here.”

“This is Princess Twilight again. We’re going to start channeling magic into the spell matrix now. Whatever you do, DO NOT leave the spot where you are currently, Sunset. I need to use the journal as a focal point. We—erm—wouldn’t want any unfortunate accidents.”

Before Sunset even had the chance to ask any more questions, the air began to vibrate with arcane energy. The smell of ozone tickled her nose and made her skin tingle. In a brilliant flash of concentrated mana, the entire cabin lit up like a neutron star and a loud crackling noise, not unlike a bolt of lightning, soon followed. Then there was nothing but blinding whiteness.

When Sunset finally came to her senses, she felt a sticky wet spot right underneath her butt. Somehow, during all the chaos, she’d managed to make a big mess all over the couch. She blushed furiously even though there was no one else around. It was an involuntary reaction on her part, but one that she was nonetheless embarrassed by. With a resigned sigh, she carefully got up off of the couch and tried to collect her thoughts.

Even after a few moments had passed, Sunset’s heart was still thundering in her chest. She took in a deep breath to try and calm herself but it did little to help. Unsure of what else to expect since the journal had disconnected, Sunset went about unpleasant business of cleaning up after her little accident. While she was placing the couch cushions outside to dry, a young couple approached her from the far side of the forest. They were completely nude and had curious expressions on their faces. Sunset sighed to herself. That answered one question.

Starlight pretty much looked the same as before, except the wavy little tuft of pubic hair nestled in-between her legs was now visible due to her lack of attire. The counselor’s breasts were only slightly larger in volume than Twilight’s and rounded towards the bottom. Overall, Starlight had a pretty nice figure as a human woman, Sunset surmised. Sunburst was tall, lanky, and covered from head to toe in two-toned, rusty orange hair. It was obvious that he was having a difficult time adjusting to his new, bipedal body (to be fair, he’d never experienced being human before and all the anatomical differences that went with it). Sunset giggled to herself.

Without a shred of hesitation, Sunset ran up to her little brother and embraced him with all of her might. It took the young man a few moments to collect himself, but he returned the gesture by carefully wrapping his arms around Sunset and rubbing her back. When they broke apart, Sunburst adjusted his glasses awkwardly and gave his big sister a smile.

“Hello, Sunset. It’s great to see you again after all these years. Even though… this isn’t exactly the body I’m used to seeing you in. How’s your… life in the human realm been treating you?”

Sunset reached over and ruffled his frizzy hair. “Not too bad, little bro. For the first time in what seems like ages, I’ve finally found happiness. I’ve got a decent job and plenty of friends.”

“Oh. Well, that’s interesting,” Sunburst replied hesitantly, “You’re not planning on visiting Mom & Dad at any point, are you? I know you guys aren’t exactly on speaking terms, but—”

Sunset rubbed her hands together. “Sunburst, can we please… not talk about them right now? I just want to focus on spending time with you and having fun while you’re here.”

“Alright. That’s fair. But promise me that you’ll at least give it some thought. Despite how much they hated what you did with the Element of Magic, I know both of them still love you, Sunset.”

Sunset shuffled her feet in the grass. “We’ll see.”

Starlight cleared her throat loudly. “Not to interrupt, but do you mind answering a question?”

“Sure. What’s on your mind?”

Starlight rubbed her chin in thought. “The last time I was here, I recall you telling me that humans always wear clothing in public. Shouldn’t we find something to cover ourselves up?”

“Normally, that would be the case. Humans have a bunch of weird taboos when it comes to nudity. Even after living in this world for as long as I have, I still don’t quite understand it. But! You’re both in luck. We’re smack in the middle of Camp Everfree. It’s a naturist resort.”

Starlight scrunched her brow in confusion. “I don’t get it.”

“Naturists are a subculture of humans who don’t mind being nude. Kind of like Ponyville.”

“Huh. I guess there’s no harm staying like this then. One less thing for us to worry about. Still, having teats all the way up here is… weird and a bit unsettling. They’re big too! The stupid things jiggle around a lot whenever I move. How did you ever get used to that sensation?”

Sunburst gestured at his dangling manhood and blushed like a tomato. “Ugh. Tell me about it. I don’t have a sheath to keep everything tucked away! It’s all exposed and flopping around…”

Starlight looked down towards his waist, licked her lips, and patted Sunburst’s back. “C’mon, Sunburst. It’s not that bad. Your equipment’s all in one piece and in working order. Still, it’s kinda weird not having fur either but the open air feels incredible on my bare skin.”

Sunset chuckled. “Yeah, there are ups and downs to being a human. I’m not sure where you guys are going to be staying. I’d have to check with Gloriosa. She’s the owner of the camp.”

Starlight’s hand suddenly lit up in a turquoise aura. She opened up what appeared to be a rift in the time-space continuum and pulled out a hefty sized, silk pouch with her Cutie Mark emblazoned on the front. “Not to worry! I came prepared with a sack full of bits.”

“Sweet Celestia! Did you just cast a pocket dimension spell?!!”

Starlight shrugged. “Sure did. What’s the big deal?”

“Humans aren’t supposed to be able to cast magic like that.”

Starlight giggled. “In case you haven’t noticed, we’re not exactly natural-born humans. Long story short: Princess Twilight and I figured out a way to anchor our mana reserves to Equestria. That means we can both cast spells here just as effectively as if we were still unicorns.”

Sunset frowned. “Man, I’d love to have my old magic back again. Even for a day…”

Starlight wrapped her arm around Sunset’s shoulder. “You know, you could always come back to Equestria and visit for a while. I’m sure everyone would be happy to see you. Hahaha. It doesn’t have to be RIGHT NOW, of course but—just something to think about.”

“Maybe later. I’m in the middle of dealing with a complicated situation at the moment.”

Sunburst rolled his eyes. “Aren’t you always? My sister, Equestria’s premier drama queen.”

Sunset’s cheeks flushed bright red while she waved her hands in the air. “I swear it’s not on purpose… this time! Jeez. Cut me a little slack, Sunburst.”

“All joking aside, I always worry about how you’re doing because you never write or come to visit. Can you blame me for being a little cynical? Anyway… what kind of trouble are you in this time? Is there some ancient, magical beast that got released from the depths of Tartarus, hellbent on destroying humankind? Sirens? A time traveling egomaniac?”

Starlight narrowed her gaze at Sunburst. “Ha. Ha. Very funny. I’m the luckiest mare alive to be dating a comedic genius! Maybe you should ask Sunset if Flurry Heart managed to escape through the Mirror Portal and turn everyone into fire-breathing snails.”

Sunset blushed even harder and shuffled her feet in the grass. “No, nothing dramatic like that. I promise. Look, I… don’t know if this is the right place to talk about my issue. Why don’t you guys come back with me to the cabin, we can get some refreshments, and relax for a bit.”

Sunburst let out a frustrated huff but nodded in agreement. “Fine. I was getting thirsty anyway.”

While the two former ponies cuddled together on her bed (the couch definitely wasn’t an option), Sunset started yet another pot of coffee for them and herself. Once it finished brewing, she carried the coffee mugs and a plate full of thin-mint Sailor Scout cookies to her unexpected guests. Sunset then plopped onto a comfy beanbag chair across from the bed and began sipping on her cup. The caffeine boost she got did wonders to clear her mind and mentally prepare herself for a difficult conversation. She could really do without Sunburst’s less than stellar attitude but Sunset honestly couldn’t blame her little brother for feeling that way.

“I guess you guys can stay here for the time being. There’s plenty of cabins still available, so I imagine Gloriosa won’t have any trouble getting one set up. Are those real Equestrian bits?”

Starlight crunched on a cookie. “Sure are. Solid gold too. That’s gotta be worth something to humans, right? I would’ve brought jewels instead, but Spike was running low on his stash.”

“I don’t foresee your payment being an issue.”

Sunburst took off his glasses and rubbed his temples. “I’m sorry for being so rude to you earlier, Sunset. With all that weird stuff happening so suddenly, I got frazzled and lost my temper.”

“It’s ok. You have every right to be upset with me, Sunburst. Ever since I decided to live in this world, I neglected everything and everyone I used to care about in Equestria. Including my own family. Once I get my own personal issues sorted out, I’ll… try to visit Mom & Dad.”

Sunburst closed his eyes when Starlight began running her fingers through his frizzy chest hair. “We need to let bygones be bygones and start over, ok? I just want you to be a part of my life again, Sunset. That’s all I ask.”

Sunset’s voice cracked. “Me too, little bro. I’d really like that. EHEM! So… how long have you two been together for? Is it a recent thing or has this being going on for a while?”

“I’m not entirely sure. It’s not like we’ve been counting how—OOOWW SWEET CELESTIA THAT HURT!! Why do human males even have teats? IT MAKES NO SENSE!!”

Starlight chuckled. “Welcome to the club, pal. I found out that little tidbit of information the last time I came through the portal. What Sunburst meant to say was: our second anniversary was just last month. Ehehe. Not marriage, of course. Just when we got together.”

“Seriously, Starlight? Did you have to twist it so hard? Why do you have to be so viol—”

Starlight leaned over and silenced her partner with a kiss to the lips. “I do it in the name of love, Sunburst. Even though you can be a clueless dork sometimes, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Come to think of it, you’re a lot like a certain princess I know…”

Sunset cleared her throat. “Do you guys need some privacy? I can leave if—”

The lounging couple blushed, now acutely aware of their nudity and that they were cuddling in bed together. Starlight let out an awkward chuckle and began poking the mattress. “To be honest, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have sex in a body like this. Everything feels so different from being a pony. No bad, per say. Just… different. Won’t you satisfy my curiosity?”

Sunburst looked like he was about to have a cerebral hemorrhage. “STARLIGHT! Do you even have a shred of self-respect left at all? I can’t believe you’d suggest something like that in front of my sister! Erm—well, actually I can but… THAT’S NOT THE POINT!!”

Starlight shrugged and began massaging Sunburst’s inner thigh. “Eh. Not really. You know how I get super frisky after casting a complex spell matrix, so… it’s not like being stuck in a human body is gonna change that. What do ya say, my nerdy stud-muffin? Up for a roll in-between the sheets? Just think what you can tell all your friends!”

“Tell them what exactly?! You know I’m not into that sort of thing.”

Starlight pepped his chest with kisses. “That you popped your extra-dimensional cherry~”

“Starlight, we really shouldn’t. We’re guests in my sister’s cabin, for Celestia’s sake!”

Starlight giggled. “I didn’t hear a no in there~ Besides, it looks like your sorcerer’s staff seems amicable to the idea. See? You could even say he’s rising to the occasion.”

Sunburst, mortified beyond measure, stared at his older sister with a pleading expression. “Sunset… I’m REALLY sorry about all this but there’s no stopping her once she gets started. Do you—um—mind going out for a little while? I promise that we’ll clean up after ourselves. Please?”

Sunset rubbed her temples. “Fine. I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. Just don’t break anything.”

The bacon-haired naturist barely closed the door behind her before when she heard the mattress begin to creak and muffled giggling. Mostly on Starlight’s part. She didn’t even want to think about what her brother was doing or what would be done to him. With a resigned sigh, Sunset decided that her life had always been destined to be full of weird and wacky situations.

Family reunions had never been Sunset’s forte, but she was genuinely happy that her little brother had found himself a successful career and a girlfriend to boot. Sunset snickered to herself while she walked out onto the grass. How had he managed to hook with a crazy mare like Starlight? It probably had a lot to do with the fact that they were childhood friends, Sunset mused.

An errant thought raced through Sunset’s mind as she made her way towards Lake Clarity beach. How in the heck would she tell Twilight that Starlight & Sunburst currently were staying in the cabin? It wasn’t so much an issue of sparing the room as… accidentally bargaining in on their carnal activities. Once again, Sunset’s annoyance with her best friend’s decision to go traipsing around the camp, for hours on end, without so much as a cellphone to communicate with others made the former unicorn’s blood pressure rise.

Sunset closed her eyes and engaged in a series of tantric breathing exercises that Tree Hugger had taught her during an afternoon yoga session. Over the years, she’d gotten better at controlling her volatile temper but it still managed to sneak up on Sunset every once and awhile. After a few moments of self-contemplation, she cleared her mind, walked along the shoreline, and hummed a jaunty little tune to herself. Despite all craziness, it was still a nice day outside.

Before long, Sunset came across a striped beach towel laid out along the sand with a chest cooler sitting nearby. The owner must have been nearby taking a swim in the lake or something to that effect, so Sunset didn’t think too much of it. That is, until a certain black-feathered turkey vulture impeded her path. In what can only be described as graceful, Sunset let out a squawk of terror and fell flat on her ass. Thankfully, the sand was soft enough to absorb most of the impact.

Lucifer hopped over to Sunset. “My goodness! Are you alright, Miss Shimmer?”

“Yeah. I didn’t mean to react like that, Lucifer. I just… wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

Lucifer fluffed his wings. “You’re not the first person to have an adverse reaction to my presence. And you certainly shan’t be the last.”

Sunset ignored her faux-paus and chuckled. “If you’re here that must mean Adagio is nearby.”

“Indeed. I wanted to sun myself and she was in the mood for some fresh fish.”

Suddenly, as if summoned by name, Adagio burst out of the water with a still wriggling Rainbow Trout in her mouth. Without a shred of hesitation, she devoured the fish like an ancient predator of the sea… which was a pretty accurate description of her natural form. Aside from looking stupidly sexy while wet (Sunset would admit that much), Adagio was markedly different somehow. Ignoring the fishy gore that covered her face, it appeared as though she’d grown razor sharp teeth. Her skin was slick and seemed to glisten in the sunlight… almost like scales.

Sunset felt like she was going to throw up when Adagio started crunching on the bones. “Ugh. That’s just wrong on so many levels. Does she always eat fish like that?”

“Well, only when she doesn’t think anyone else is around to judge her for it.”

When Adagio turned her head, Sunset caught a glimpse of what looked like tiny, webbed fins where her ears normally were. It was at that exact moment that the golden-skinned woman finally realized that there was another person present. Sunset smiled sheepishly and waved. Was it weird? Yep. Was it Awkward? Totally. Did Sunset have a ton of questions about just what the hell was going with Adagio’s decidedly fishier appearance? You bet. For the time being, Sunset decided to act casual and let Adagio explain what was going on if she felt so inclined.

Adagio walked onto the beach and stood in front of Sunset. Her cheeks were flushed pink. “Hello there, Sunny Buns. I take it you saw everything?”

“Sup, Dagi? Hey—uh—I wasn’t trying to stare or anything but…”

Adagio did a terrible job of trying to act nonchalant by putting her hands on her hips and striking a confident pose. It didn’t fool anyone. “Can’t get enough of my sexy body, eh? Drink in my splendor as much as you want, sweetie. It’s a free country. SO… what brings you out here besides indulging your voyeuristic fantasies?”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Got kicked out of my own cabin by my little brother and his GF.”

“Ah. I imagine there’s a colorful story behind that.”

Sunset wiggled her toes in the sand. “Sure is. Just don’t feel like telling it.”

“A shame. I, for one, have always been a fan of juicy stories.”

Sunset waved her hand in the air. “Tell ya what: you explain to me what the hell’s going on with your body, and I’ll spill the beans on my little brother. Sound fair?”

Adagio took a seat next to Sunset and sighed. “I suppose so. In all honesty, I don’t have an explanation for my current appearance. I believe that it’s a similar phenomenon to what you and your human gal pals go through when you ‘Pony-Up’. “

“Wait. So… you think that you’re getting your siren magic back?”

Adagio shrugged. “It’s possible. But even if I am, my abilities aren’t the same as before.”

In an instant, Adagio’s entire body morphed back to being completely human again. Sunset did her best not to cry out in surprise. Instead, she reached over and patted her friend’s thigh. “That’s a good thing, Adagio. It means that you’re getting back in touch with Harmony.”

“But how? My jewel was shattered when—,” Adagio eyes widened when she came to a sudden realization, “By the Seven Oceans! I ‘Fishied-Up’ because the forces of Harmony recognized my capacity to love another being. Genuine love. Not just a casual fuck buddy every so often type of deal. FUCK! I don’t want to be some goodie two-hooves! I’m a badass, alpha bitch.”

Sunset laughed. “And you still are. Becoming one of the good guys isn’t some strict dichotomy of choosing one aspect of your personality to throw away over the other. More like… a process of self-improvement and accepting that there’s more to life than absolute power.”

“Is this how it went for you as well? After the whole she-demon incident?”

Sunset watched as a mallard flew overhead. “Trust me; you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of, Dagi. It means that you’ve finally taken the proper steps to becoming a better person. For me though, I had six wonderful friends who helped me get through the darkest time of my life.”

Adagio scooched over to Sunset and cuddled up next to her. “Don’t you dare breathe a word of this to anyone else, Bacon Bits! I’m still in the process of trying to figure out exactly what direction my life is going. Especially concerning my relationship with Tree Hugger.”

“Do you love her?”

Adagio’s cheeks flushed pink while she twirled a strand of her hair. “I’ve never been—it’s complicated. Now that I know what Tree Hugger’s true intentions are… I must admit that it’s nice to be able to be myself around someone other than my sisters. There aren’t any expectations when we’re together, no rules… it’s quite lovely. Hah. The sex is fantastic, by the way. She actually knows how to do all that shit in the Kama Sutra. In case you were wondering.”

Sunset shook her head. “I wasn’t curious about that at all. But—uh—thanks for sharing?”

“Anytime, sweetie. I know you’d do the same for me.”

Lucifer hopped over to his Mistress and nuzzled her side. “Shall I deliver today’s catch back to the cabin for cleaning and preparation this evening?”

“Whenever the mood strikes you, Lucy. By all means, relax a little while longer if you like.”

Sunset held up her hand. “Would it be too much for me to ask a tiny favor?”

Adagio cocked her brow. “Like what?”

“If it’s not too much trouble, could you have Lucifer deliver a message for me?”

“I don’t see why not. What’s the message?”

Sunset chuckled awkwardly. “Please let Twilight know that she should knock before entering the cabin. Just in case my brother and his girlfriend are still going at it. That’s all.”

Lucifer nodded. “Duly noted. It shouldn’t be too difficult to locate Miss Sparkle’s whereabouts. Her magical signature is quite unique, after all. Ta Ta for now, ladies.”

“Hmm. You’ll have to introduce me to your wayward brother, Sunset.”

Sunset shrugged. “Maybe later. Assuming they haven’t teleported back to Equestria yet.”

“I assume that asking you how such a thing even is possible would be a moot point?”

Sunset wrapped her arm around Adagio’s shoulder. “Yep. The only thing I wanna do right now is chill with my friend on the beach and drink beer. Sound good?”

Adagio laughed and dug out a bottle of expensive-looking brandy from the chest cooler. “I’m fine with the first part, sweetie. However, beer is the drink of plebeians and rednecks. If you intend to hang out with a woman of class such as myself, only a classy cocktail shall do.”

Despite how fancy (and obviously pricey) the alcoholic beverage was, Adagio served their respective portions in red solo cups filled with ice, a spritz of lime, and club soda. Sunset generally didn’t waste her money on such high-end booze but it was delicious and, more importantly, free of charge. The two former Equestrians sat together in comfortable silence for a while, content to sip their drinks and watch the clouds float by.

That is, until a certain, lavender-skinned scientist showed up with a frazzled expression on her face. Much to everyone’s surprise, she poured herself a drink and plopped down next to Sunset. When she didn’t say anything, Sunset tried her best to come up with a way to ask Twilight what was going on without sounding awkward but her tongue became tied. Sunset’s shoulders sagged.

Twilight let out a deep sigh. “I guess we’re not alone in the cabin anymore, are we?”

“Sorry, Twi. I didn’t exactly have a say in any of this.”

Twilight took another swig of her drink. “Well, at least I can study another magic being.”

Adagio kicked her feet in the air and licked her lips. “Aren’t you forgetting someone, sweetie? I’m plenty fucking magical myself. You could always study me as an outlier. PSHHHT! Whatever. You’re obsessed with Princess Bug Bitch right now. I get it.”

“How drunk is she?” Twilight whispered into Sunset’s ear.

“Honestly? I have no idea. She poured a hell of a lot more brandy in her cup than mine.”

Adagio finished up the dregs of her cocktail with a smack of her lips and a resounding belch afterwards. She proceeded to crawl over Sunset’s lap and position herself in the space between Twilight’s legs. The nude bookwork immediately tensed up, unsure of how to react to the drunk interloper invading her personal space. Smirking, the former villain began placing a series of sensuous butterfly kisses along Twilight’s thigh until she paused and took in a deep breath.

“Mmm. You smell like lavender with just a hint of sweat. What a lovely aroma~”

Twilight blushed and attempted to clamp her legs together. “Adagio! I-I don’t think I’m entirely comfortable with you being so close to my pri—”

Before Twilight could even finish her sentence, Adagio was out cold. She snored loudly and little droplets of drool dribbled out of her mouth. It made Twilight feel VERY uncomfortable, embarrassed, and slightly excited all at the same time. What made things even worse was that Adagio didn’t seem to have any issue using the frazzled nerd’s crotch as a makeshift pillow while she slept. A few affectionate nuzzles down there made Twilight squeak out in surprise. On the verge of an impending anxiety attack, Twilight looked over to her best friend for a solution.

“Sunset! What do I do?!!” Twilight hissed.

Thinking fast, Sunset hoisted the drunk siren over her shoulder and laid her down in the grass nearby. The towel probably would have been a better place but she didn’t want to risk Adagio accidentally ingesting a mouthful of sand. She’d get covered in bits of grass, yet it was better than suffocating. Once Sunset made sure her friend was comfortable, she sat down next to Twilight and wrapped the young woman in a gentle embrace until she calmed down a bit.

Sunset stroked Twilight’s hair. “Sorry, Twi. I didn’t think that was gonna happen.”

“It’s ok. Adagio probably didn’t mean to do any of that on purpose.”

Sunset wrapped her arms around Twilight’s waist, then gently pressed her bare breasts against the other woman’s back. Twilight tensed up for a split second but relaxed once again when Sunset placed a kiss in-between her shoulder blades. “Who knows? Dagi can be a shameless flirt.”

Twilight chose to ignore her best friend’s less than satisfying explanation and traced her hand along Sunset’s thigh instead as a gesture of affection. “So, I’ve been thinking…”

“Oh yeah? You tend to do that a lot.”

Twilight let out an annoyed huff. “Sunset! I’m trying to be serious here!”

“Ok. Chill, Twi. I’m all ears.”

Twilight adjusted her glasses. “Like I was saying: with all of the experiments I’ve been running with Chrysalis, we haven’t spent much time together as of late. How’d you like to have a girl’s night out? Just the two of us. We can go hiking, make smores, swim, anything you want.”

Sunset’s heart beat just a little bit faster. “Really? Erm—I mean that sounds great. I’m totally game for it if you are. I’m cool with whatever you want to do.”

Twilight breathed a quiet sigh of relief. “It’s a date then!”