• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,144 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

  • ...

Of Flowers and Butterflies

Chapter 4

Dining Hall Prep Room, Camp Everfree

Wallflower Blush stood next to her uncle, Smokey Bones, and helped him butcher a whole hog for the cookoff planned later in the day. Originally, it was meant to be a competition but the camp’s owners decided to change it to a sort of potluck instead. Authentic Southern BBQ was a complex form of cuisine that took several hours to cook and prepare, therefore most dishes had to be started early in the day in order to be ready for consumption by lunch or dinnertime.

Despite her affinity for plants and nature, Wallflower enjoyed eating meat just as much as anyone else. She was also quite used to her uncle’s profession, so helping him out with the handling and processing of various animal products didn’t bother her in the slightest. It would have been just like any other time she’d agreed to work as his assistant, expect for the fact that they were spending the entire summer at a naturist resort.

Ever since she was a little girl, Wallflower had known that her Uncle Smokey was an avid nudist. He’d adopted the lifestyle as a way to relax and cope with everything that had happened to him while he’d served in Marine Corps during the Gulf War. He seldom talked about those days. But the wounds he carried (at least the physical ones) were apparent all over his hairy, muscled body. The one in particular that always stood out to her was the jagged gash that ran along the back of his leg. Based on the brief story he’d told her; it was caused by shrapnel from a mine that his platoon had triggered near a checkpoint.

Whenever she found herself looking at them, Wallflower couldn’t help but feel a certain sense of sadness mixed with profound respect. He was, what many would categorize, as an intimidating, outspoken, mountain of man. But deep down, Wallflower knew he was kind-hearted and always willing to help anyone at a moment’s notice. It was one of the many reasons why she loved him so much.

The young woman was, by no means, a practicing nudist. She’d reluctantly agreed to accompany her uncle to Camp Everfree mostly out of a sincere desire to help him. Even though she’d certainly heard of the camp before, Wallflower didn’t know that it had been converted into a naturist resort until after the fact. Uncle Smokey offered to let her back out of the arrangement when she’d learned of its new clientele, but she refused to do so despite her own trepidation.

Wallflower never considered herself to be a particularly attractive girl. Her breasts were of modest size, although pleasantly round overall. She had an average, girl-next-door sort of build, with a little bit of softness near her butt and thighs. Just enough to jiggle ever so slightly while she walked. Freckles dotted her entire body, something that her uncle swore made her look cute but she wasn’t entirely convinced that it was true.

A thick, bushy patch of forest green pubic hair rested betwixt her legs. Wallflower wasn’t a big fan of grooming her privates. Shaving utensils made her nervous, be they bladed or electric. And it wasn’t if she was going to impress anyone but herself by cleaning up. Considering the fact that she had managed to remain single during her entire teenage existence. Wallflower was terrified that she’d be teased mercilessly for how hairy she was down there like she had in the locker rooms at CHS. It was how she’d earned the cruel nickname “Wallflower Bush” during her sophomore year. However, everyone at the camp didn’t really seem to care at all so far. And that suited her just fine.

Even so, it had been absolutely nerve-wracking for a shy, introverted girl such as herself to get used to being nude around large groups of people all day long. Uncle Smokey reassured her that she would adapt to the sensation in no time at all, and after a certain point, she’d forget that she wasn’t wearing clothes in the first place. Within a few days, she’d become accustomed to her own nudity (and others) enough to function without having a full-blown panic attack, but Wallflower knew she wouldn’t be strutting her stuff around the camp anytime soon.

That was, until she found out that a few of her classmates from CHS were currently attending Camp Everfree as counselors. Gilda Steel Claw was someone that she didn’t really know at all, other than by reputation. Rumor had it that the tan-skinned tomboy was tough as nails and didn’t take anyone’s shit. Based one what everyone said, she had apparently turned over a new leaf recently and was much nicer than she had been before. Wallflower wasn’t sure if that was true or not. Gilda wasn’t exactly the type of girl she would typically associate with.

She’d conversed with Flash Sentry on a few occasions. And from what Wallflower could tell, he was a decent enough guy. He was also pretty popular amongst the female population at CHS, and was considered prime boyfriend material within many of the school’s social cliques. Not that Wallflower cared in particular. As Applejack would put it: Her barn door didn’t swing that way. Nor would it ever.

Wallflower had never attempted to announce her sexual preferences to her peers at CHS (out of fear that she might be bullied for that too), but she had opened up to her family back when she was fourteen and informed them that she simply wasn’t interested in boys. Much to her relief, they’d taken the news in stride and treated her the exact the same way as they had before. She counted herself lucky because some families out there weren’t quite so accepting.

Gilda and Flash were both aware that she was here on business with her uncle but their interactions within the camp had been scant and inconsistent at best. Everyone was simply too busy with their respective jobs to socialize on a regular basis. The potluck today was designed to give everyone a chance to do just that and unwind a bit.

Wallflower, true to her namesake, wasn’t too keen on socializing with a plethora of nude campers. She much preferred to spend her recreation time by herself, out in the forest, reading a good romance manga or fantasy novel, surrounded by the majesty of nature.

Smokey Bones closed the lid on the smoker and wiped his forehead with a damp cloth. “Welp, that about does it for the pig, I reckon. Don’t worry ‘bout the sides, Sweetpea. I’ll take care of ‘em. Go on and rest for a spell. You’ve been workin’ just as hard as I have. It’ll do ya some good ta wind down a bit.”

“Are you sure? I’m ok with chopping up the veggies for the coleslaw if you—”

Smokey gave her a look that brokered no argument. “Nope. I want ya to enjoy some of your summer break. Get out there and soak up some rays. Take chances. Make mistakes. Meet new folks and whatnot. Can’t very well do that if you’re stuck in here with me.”

Wallflower glanced down at her feet and twiddled her fingers. “Uncle, you know I’m not very good at talking with people. It makes me… anxious. What if they think I’m weird or—”

“You’re never gonna come outta of that thick shell of yours if you ain’t willing ta at least try conversin’ with folks. Don’t get me wrong: I’m mighty proud of ya for bein’ so brave about the whole nudity thing while you’ve been here. I know it ain’t easy for a shy gal like yourself ta get over your body image complex. Not that I think there’s a single thing wrong with the way ya look, but I reckon it takes guts nonetheless.”

“Oh… umm thanks?”

Smokey nodded. “That bein’ said: folks ‘round here ain’t gonna judge you like those nasty little teenage shits did back at CHS. Naturists, as a whole, are a lot more respectful an’ open-minded than that. Just take a deep breath, relax, and be yourself. That’s all there is to it, Sweetpea.”

“Ok. I promise I’ll try and… socialize a bit more from now on.”

Smokey affectionately ruffled his niece’s hair. “That’s the spirit, Sweetpea! Now, go on and git your bare ass outta my kitchen before I throw ya out.”

Wallflower went straight over to her cabin and fetched the latest volume of her favorite manga titled: Mystic Elf Princess Shuriyo. It was a was pleasantly warm, sunny day outside, so Wallflower felt that she was, at least, partially fulfilling her uncle’s wishes by choosing to read the book outdoors instead of lounging in her bed like she preferred. With that in mind, she ventured deeper into the forest and found a nice, secluded spot near the lakeshore.

Most people would have brought a towel along to act as a buffer between the ground and their bare behind, but Wallflower didn’t mind sitting on the grass directly. It was cool, clean and quite comfortable to sit on all by itself. She enjoyed the way it tickled against her skin. Just as she was beginning to read the first few pages, something or rather someone caught her eye. It only took an instant for her to recognize Fluttershy. The pink-haired woman was crouching on her knees just a few steps away, happily feeding a family of ducks with breadcrumbs.

Wallflower tried to keep her nervousness in check. She hadn’t expected anyone else to come out into the forest this far. Especially, not someone she knew from CHS. And of all people it just HAD to be the one girl she had a massive crush on. Ever since the first time she laid her eyes upon Fluttershy, she’d always reminded Wallflower of an elven princess. The pink-haired beauty had a slender build, an affinity for animals, and an air of natural grace that put most girls to shame. Seeing Fluttershy completely naked for the first time only made Wallflower’s desire for her grow that much stronger.

Fluttershy looked so beautiful and at ease feeding those cute little ducks. Just watching her made Wallflower’s throat go dry, her heart beat like a snare drum, and her legs feel as though they were made of jelly. How could she possibly talk to this elven goddess without making a complete idiot of herself? Wallflower desperately wanted to run away and hide in her cabin. But she found herself paralyzed by strange mixture of fear and desire.

And there it was. Fluttershy finally looked over at her with a serene smile. It was almost too much. With as much courage as she could muster, Wallflower wrenched her hand away from the manga and gave a polite wave. Much to her surprise, Fluttershy eagerly returned the wave and started walking towards her.

Before long, Fluttershy sat down in the grass next to her and observed the magna she still held in her grasp. The pink-haired woman was so close that Wallflower could smell her plumeria-scented shampoo and a faint whiff of her natural aroma. She smelled like a lazy summer afternoon in the countryside, complete with sunshine and a gust of clean, mountain air. It took all of Wallflower’s willpower not to drool and grin like a lovesick puppy.

Fluttershy gasped. “Oh, my goodness! Is that volume eight of Mystic Elf Princess Shuriyo? That’s one of my favorite series! I just finished volume seven a few weeks ago, but I’m afraid that I’ve had the time to get the next volume yet.”

“Ermm—yeah that’s it. Do you… wanna read it when I’m done? I’d be more than happy to lend it to you.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, please! That would be lovely. I’m terribly sorry, Wallflower. I got a bit ahead of myself there. How have you been doing since the—umm—memory stone incident?”

Wallflower wiggled her toes in the grass. “I’ve been… ok, all things considered. The other girls… are they, you know… cool now? Uhh—that is to say, are we cool? I just… don’t want there to be any bad blood between us is all.”

“Hmm. As far as I know, everyone’s made their peace with what happened. If you aren’t opposed to the idea, I think the rest of the girls wouldn’t mind getting to know you better. We know you weren’t completely in control of yourself when you did all those mean things with the memory stone. Magic artifacts have a tendency to warp people’s minds. And—umm—usually not for the better…”

Wallflower sighed. “That’s good. Maybe I will at some point. I know I said sorry before but… I still feel really bad about what happened. Could we… maybe be friends? O-only if you want to!”

Fluttershy scooted over closer to Wallflower and wrapped her in a half hug. “Why, certainly. I think everyone deserves a second chance. What, if I may ask, are you doing here at Camp Everfree? I didn’t peg you as the type to—umm—go to a naturist resort. No, offense…”

“None taken. And you’re right by the way. I’m definitely not a nudist. My uncle is the head chef here, so I decided to tag along and help him out for the summer. Plus, the pay’s pretty sweet too. And you? How’s come you’re here?”

Fluttershy laid down on her back and looked up at the forest canopy. “I decided to stay here because my friend recommended it. She’s more… dedicated to the lifestyle than I am, to be honest. But it hasn’t been too bad so far. I think I might come back and visit again someday. Not having to wear clothes all the time is much more relaxing and… liberating than I originally thought it would be.”

“Heh. That’s cool. My uncle’s always telling me that you simply forget that even you’re naked after a while. I don’t know if I completely agree with that but… like you said, it’s not too bad once you get used to it. So—uh—do you have any plans for the rest of the day? Like swimming or something?”

Fluttershy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Tree Hugger’s going to bring some food over to the potluck later. I’ll probably head to the beach with her when she does. I’m not the most athletic girl around but I do enjoy playing volleyball from time to time. Why do you ask?”

Wallflower swallowed a lump forming in her throat. “Well, I was sort of thinking that we could possibly hang out at the beach… maybe? If you don’t want to, that’s cool. I just thought that—”

“That sounds fun to me, Wallflower. Maybe we could even go for a swim or toast marshmallows by the campfire. I’d suggest hotdogs but I—um—don’t really like how they taste. They’re… kind of gross.”

Wallflower giggled nervously. “Yeah, I totally know what you mean! My uncle might still have some pineapple leftover, maybe I could bring that along and roast it. How’s that sound?”

“Oh, I absolutely adore pineapple! It’s really good in a chicken sandwich with teriyaki, lettuce, tomatoes, a just a little bit of mayo. Do you think you might be able to bring the ingredients to make them? If it’s not too much trouble, that is…”

Wallflower nodded vigorously. “I CAN COOK YOU ONE MYSELF IF YOU WANT!!!”

“Umm… ok?”

“Ah, sorry! I didn’t mean to yell at you, Fluttershy. I’ve been trying really hard to break it recently but… my bad habit of getting nervous around people still manages to creep up on me from time to time. Hehehehe.”

Fluttershy placed her hand on Wallflower’s thigh and gently stroked it. “I know the feeling all too well, Wallflower. There are quite a few things out there that scare me. More often than not, I usually wind up making a fool of myself. But I know that I have plenty of friends to help me whenever I need comforted or cheered up. I hope… that I can be there for you too whenever you get scared or nervous.”

Wallflower was keenly aware that Fluttershy’s statement was intended to be in the platonic sense. But she felt her heart hammer in her chest at the quasi-confession (it did sound pretty romantic, after all). She began breathing faster, her stomach twisted and turned. The unmistakable urge to vomit came roiling up her throat. Wallflower immediately cupped her hand over her mouth, desperate to choke everything down.

Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. Mere moments later, she sprang up from her spot, ran over to some bushes and puked her breakfast onto the ground below. Some women, when they did so, were dainty about it and threw up in small sequences. Not with Wallflower. Everything contained within her stomach came gushing out in a violent torrent that left her weak and shaking afterwards. She rolled over in the grass, curled up into a ball, and began crying.

Fluttershy rushed over to Wallflower’s side and began rubbing her back. “Oh, my goodness! Are you ok, Wallflower? Do you need me to take you back to the infirmary?”

“I… ughh—damnit. I’m sorry for being so pathetic, Fluttershy.” Wallflower croaked.

“Shhh. Stop that kind of talk. There’s nothing to be sorry for. Now, take a few deep breaths and I’ll help you get back on your feet. Do you think you can do that for me?”

Wallflower hiccupped. “O-ok. I think I just… need some water and a few Pepto tablets.”

One agonizingly long walk to the infirmary later, Wallflower found herself lying in one of the beds. For whatever reason, Fluttershy insisted on a wearing a cute, orange apron with a picture of a bunny on the front it while she cooked a pot of chicken noodle soup to help settle Wallflower’s upset tummy and replenish her energy. Wallflower felt her cheeks heat up while she watched her friend’s shapely posterior swish back and forth while she hummed a jaunty tune.

As cliché as it may have been for an otaku, Wallflower was a diehard fan of the naked apron trope and often fantasized about having a beautiful woman dress up that way for her in real life. Now that it was really happening, a lecherous grin spread across her lips as she continued to watch Fluttershy’s bare buttery yellow behind with rapt attention. Wallflower counted herself lucky that she didn’t have to worry about messy nosebleeds like so many hapless anime protagonists.

Even so, Wallflower discreetly lifted the bedsheets and took a quick peek between her legs just to make sure that she didn’t have to deal with any embarrassing wet spots or the distinct, musky odor that came with them. It was already bad enough that Fluttershy had witnessed her toss her cookies into the bushes, Wallflower DID NOT need to add a whole new dimension of awkward sexual tension to the already complicated situation she found herself in.

Wallflower nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Fluttershy place a bowl a chicken noodle soup onto the bed stand with a slight clatter. She slowly lifted herself up, since it was just plain foolish to try and eat anything lying down. After a few careful bites, Wallflower felt much better than before now that she had some actual sustenance in her belly again. The soup was clearly the stuff that came from the can, but it was the effort that counted. She let out a contented sight. Being taken care of by a beautiful girl was… nice.

Now that she wasn’t in danger of scalding herself, Fluttershy removed the apron she was wearing and placed it in the laundry hamper sitting over by the wall. She then padded over to the edge of the bed and sat next to Wallflower and looked over at her with a gentle smile stretched across her lips. Slowly, but surely, Wallflower began to feel flustered again. Her blush must’ve been particularly noticeable because Fluttershy’s expression changed to that of concern. The pink-haired woman leaned over and pressed the back of her palm against Wallflower’s forehead.

“Oh, dear. You feel feverish. Don’t worry, Wallflower! I’ll go get you a nice, cool washcloth. That should help bring your temperature down a bit.”

Wallflower knew damn well that a fever wasn’t the reason her face was currently redder than a tomato, but she couldn’t bring herself to tell Fluttershy to stop. The situation became even more awkward when Fluttershy laid down a towel on the floor along with a basin filled with water. Utterly confused, Wallflower sat in bed with a dumbfounded expression on her face.

Fluttershy peeled back the covers and grasped her arm. “Let’s go ahead and get you cleaned up. Just remember to take it easy and walk slowly. I don’t want you to fall.”

“Cleaned… up?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Mhmm. Fevers tend to make people produce a significant amount of sweat. And if we clean your entire body, it’ll help bring your temperature down more efficiently.”

Wallflower blushed even harder. “A-are you sure that this is absolutely necessary?”

“It is, unless you want to be clammy and sweaty all day. We’re both girls, so there’s no reason to feel embarrassed. Go ahead and stand on the towel if you would, please.”

Because we’re both girls is precisely why it’s a problem, Fluttershy! “I suppose you have a good point there. Let’s get this over with…”

Wallflower tried her best to relax while Fluttershy wiped her body clean. It was an extremely difficult task considering how intimate the contact was and the fact that Fluttershy wasn’t at all hesitant to run the washcloth over places that were quite sensitive to the touch.

Wallflower shivered when she felt an electric tingle run down her spine when the washcloth brushed up against her nipples. If that wasn’t bad enough, she was very ticklish near her stomach and giggled several times when the cloth slid over it.

However, that wasn’t the worst of it. Inevitably, once Fluttershy was finished washing her legs and feet, she focused her attention on Wallflower’s privates. It took every ounce of willpower in Wallflower’s fragile psyche to resist the urge to bolt out of the room. Just as she was getting used to the sensation of someone being around and touching the more sensitive areas of her body, she felt the washcloth glide over the most sensitive part. Try as she might, Wallflower could not help but let out a breathy moan of pleasure. Upon hearing this, Fluttershy immediately dropped the cloth and stepped away. Her face just as red as Wallflower’s.

“Oh, my goodness! I’m so sorry, Wallflower! I didn’t mean to touch your… happy bean like that. Please forgive me!”

Wallflower cupped her hands over her crotch. “My… what?”

Fluttershy looked down at the floor and shuffled her feet. “You know, it’s—umm—most people call it by many different names but… I mean your clitoris. Sorry.”

“Ehehehe! A happy bean! Yeah, that’s a pretty apt description. Don’t feel too bad, Fluttershy. Mine’s always been a bit bigger than the average girl, so it’s super sensitive whenever—WAIT A SECOND—why am I even discussing that part of me with you in the first place?!”

Fluttershy twirled a strand of her hair. “Well, to be fair, it’s not like we have anything left to hide from each other. Umm… physically, that is. But if you’re not comfortable talking about your own body, we don’t have to.”

Wallflower slowly lowered her hands, realizing that her new friend had a point. “I guess it is pretty silly for me to still feel embarrassed about people seeing me naked. Given the fact that we are at a naturist resort. Just… forget I even said anything.”

“I don’t think it’s silly at all, Wallflower. It takes time and a quite a bit of determination for introverted girls like us to get comfortable in our own skin. Trust me, I was a complete nervous wreck when I first came here. But now, I feel really good about myself.”

Wallflower rubbed her arm. “Be that as it may, years of bullying and self-depreciation don’t just magically disappear in a few days. Even at a place like this where everyone tends to be way more accepting. I mean, look at me! I’m frumpy! How can I possibly compare to a girl like you? You’re practically the spitting image of an elven princess.”

“An… elven princess?”

Wallflower gestured towards Fluttershy’s body. “Yeah. You’re slender, graceful, have silky smooth hair, flawless skin, and you’ve got that whole ‘talks with animals’ thing going on. If you weren’t standing here in front of me, I wouldn’t be surprised to find you in an epic fantasy saga or on the cover of an RPG.”

“Oh, my goodness,” Fluttershy whispered to herself, blushing furiously at the praise.

“Shit. I really just blurted all of that out loud, didn’t I?”

Fluttershy giggled and took hold of Wallflower’s hand. “Mhmm. You most certainly did. Thank you, Wallflower. I’m happy to hear that you think so highly of me. And for the record, I don’t think you look frumpy at all. You’re adorkable, in a… girl-next-door sort of way. Or at least I happen to think so.”

“Excuse me?”

Fluttershy waved her hands. “Please don’t take what I said the wrong way! I didn’t mean it as an insult! Adorkable is a slang term that one of my friends came up with to describe our other friend, Twilight Sparkle. It—umm—it basically means that you’re adorable and dorky at the same time. If you don’t like it, I’ll stop using it…”

“You… really think I’m adorable?”

Fluttershy cocked her head. “Of course, I do. Why would I lie about that?”

“Well, it’s just that… you’re the first person who’s ever told me that I looked cute. Other than my family, of course. But they don’t really count.”

Fluttershy gently massaged Wallflower’s back. “That really is a shame. I know exactly what it’s like to have low self-esteem because of bullies making you feel like you’re ugly and worthless. I promise that I really do want to be your friend, Wallflower. Make no mistake about that! And maybe, just maybe, I can help you make a few more along the way too.”

Wallflower felt her chest tighten as tears began to well in her eyes. “I… don’t know what to say.”

“It’s ok. You don’t have to say anything.”

Since she’d already embarrassed herself plenty of times in front of her new friend, Wallflower threw caution to the wind and wept openly. Years of pent up frustration, sadness, and anger trickled down her cheeks. She knew there was probably a disgusting glob of snot dribbling out of her nose, but Fluttershy wrapped her in a hug anyway. The pink-haired woman’s skin was soft and warm; as Wallflower breathed in Fluttershy’s natural scent, it put her troubled mind at ease.

Once she regained her composure, Fluttershy grabbed a few tissues and helped wipe up all the tears and snot that remained. Despite her initial embarrassment, Wallflower felt like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. For the first time in what felt like forever, she laughed with reckless abandon. In fact, she laughed so much that Fluttershy joined in and before long, the two of them were wiping tears of a different sort from their eyes.

Fluttershy reached over and grasped Wallflower’s hand. “Are you feeling better now?”

“Mhmm. Thank you, Fluttershy. I really needed that.”

Fluttershy smiled. “You’re very welcome. It was my pleasure. Oh—umm—by the way, do you have any plans for the rest of the day? As in, right now?”

“Well, not exactly. My uncle let me take the rest of the day off. Why do you ask?”

A slight blush colored Fluttershy’s cheeks. “I was wondering if you’d like to come back to my cabin with me. There’s something very special I’d like to show you. Think of it as… an apology for what I did with the—erm—washcloth.”

“If you still feel bad about earlier, I’m already over it. Accidents happen, so—”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, I want to do this.”

“Alright. If it’s that important to you, lead the way.”

As soon as Fluttershy opened the door to her cabin, a heavenly aroma filled the air. If Wallflower wasn’t mistaken, it smelled exactly like brownies. And delicious ones at that. Yet… there was something a bit off about the scent. There was a distinct, earthy undertone to it. Wallflower, ever the botanist, immediately recognized the smell of marijuana. Although it was unlikely to be in the smokable form (strictly prohibited on the camp premises). She hadn’t pegged Fluttershy as an enthusiast of consuming recreational plant products such as those.

Wallflower was about to ask about the smell, until she saw a tall nude woman lounging spread eagle on the couch. Her skin was similar in tone to Wallflower’s, except the woman had a wild bush of orangish-red pubic hair that matched the dreadlocks atop her head. Said hair was kept tied in place by a yellow bandana with daisies printed all over it.

She appeared to be in good shape, if the slight muscle tone in her arms, legs, and tummy were any indication. The woman’s pear-shaped breasts were full and well-rounded at the base. Her unusually large areola reminded Wallflower of unripe, green tomatoes. She practically had to bite down her own tongue to stop herself from snickering at the comparison.

“Sup, Flutter-Butter? Did you bring a new buddy along to hang out with?”

Fluttershy waved to her lounging friend. “Hello, Tree Hugger. Umm… yes, I suppose you could say that. I wanted to share some of my recent work with Wallflower.”

“Far out! I didn’t know you two were, like, so in-tune with each other. But hey! That’s cool. ‘Cause I’m definitely getting some good vibes from her. Way to align your chakras.”

Fluttershy crossed her arms underneath her breasts. “Please don’t tell me you decided to bake some of your ‘special brownies’ for the potluck tonight. I don’t know if the owners would take too kindly if you served that sort of… ‘treat’ to the rest of the campers.”

“No need to be such a square, Shy. The good people of Camp Everfree don’t have to eat them if they don’t want to. It’s a free country you know.”

Fluttershy let out an annoyed sigh. “Well, since you went to the trouble of making them, I suppose it would be wasteful to just throw them out. But you’d better label them properly!”

Tree Hugger waved her hand. “Chillax. I’ll take care of it. No biggie.”

Wallflower noticed that hippie’s chest and stomach were absolutely covered with brownie crumbs, indicating that she had been baking in all manners of the word. As she looked around the room, a long, cylindrical object lying on the floor caught her attention.

Upon closer inspection, she realized that it was a tie-dye colored dildo. And judging by the glossy sheen, it had been recently used. Wallflower felt her cheeks heat up as she tried to look away. Unfortunately for her, Tree Hugger seemed to notice and smiled at her like a Cheshire cat.

“Ah! You got a good look at Mr. Specialfuzzytingletime, eh? Don’t worry; he doesn’t mind if you shorten it to ‘The Fuzz’. What do you ya think, my dudette? Pretty sweet, right?”

Wallflower coughed awkwardly. “Yeah, it’s something alright…”

“See? I knew you were cool! After I chowed down on a few brownies, I got the urge to scratch my tickle with the rubber pickle, if you catch my drift. Man… those were some seriously wicked coochie flexes. You know, like the ones that leave you feelin’ like your whole body is floating on Jell-O.”

Wallflower rubbed the back of her neck. “Uh… I don’t think you can actually float on Jell-O. It’s a semi-solid, not a liquid. Don’t you mean your whole body felt like it instead?”

“Nah. I know what exactly I’m talkin’ about, sister. You want a brownie? They’re still warm.”

Wallflower shook her head. “No thanks. I’m… good.”

“Whatever. More for me. Hey, Shy! You can use Mr. Specialfuzzytingletime now if you want. Just—uh—make sure you clean him off first. Hehehe. How’s about you ask your new friend if she wants to double team. I dunno, she seems… kinda tense to me.”

Fluttershy’s face erupted in a furious blush. “Tree Hugger!”

“What? Was it something I said? Sharing is caring.”

“That’s not… why I brought Wallflower over here for.” Fluttershy mumbled.

Tree Hugger scrunched her eyebrows. “Oh, yeah! You were gonna show her your dirty cartoons or uhh—mango or whatever they’re called. Totally cool, Shy. She looks like the type.”

“They’re not dirty! I like to think of my doujins as romantic, sensual fiction.”

Tree Hugger casually scratched her pubes and yawned. “Po-tay-toe, Po-tat-toe. We’ve all got things we like to do. I don’t, like, ever judge people’s fetishes or hobbies. You know that.”

Fluttershy looked over at Wallflower and rubbed her hands together. “It’s as Tree Hugger said, Wallflower. I—um—write doujinshi as a hobby. Would you… like to see some of my work?”

Despite the painfully awkward atmosphere of the conversation, Wallflower couldn’t help but feel excited over this recent development. As an amateur fanfic writer herself, Wallflower knew how difficult it was to reveal your work to others without the benefit of a nom de plume to keep it anonymous. In a sense, she felt incredibly honored that Fluttershy would share something so personal with her. With her mind already made up, Wallflower nodded eagerly.

Fluttershy took her hand and led Wallflower over to a modest desk. Upon its surface was what one might expect from a budding mangaka: shading pencils, erasers, and panels in various states of completion. A slight blush colored Fluttershy’s cheeks, but she nonetheless encouraged Wallflower to inspect her work. One thing was immediately apparent to Wallflower. The main protagonists were both male and they bore a striking resemblance to Timber Spruce and Flash Sentry. Albeit, they had idealized facial features and anatomy. Your archetypical bishōnen.

Wallflower blushed at how great the anatomical detail was. Given the fact that Fluttershy had plenty of nude men to reference, it came as no surprise that the male characters looked so… accurate. She paused for a moment. This story was clearly set at a naturist resort! Some of the later panels featured other nude people of various ages and genders. It was good mix. As she continued the story, it became more and more focused on the male protagonists.

Towards the end, Wallflower saw the two of them share a passionate kiss underneath a massive pine tree, while they were having a romantic picnic or something along those lines. The scene became more and more steamy as it progressed. Until, the one that looked like Timber knelt down and began sucking the other guy’s—Wallflower’s entire face turned beet red after she closed the booklet. She knew she recognized the art style! It was from the renowned fujoshi author, Batafurai-Sensei. Now, that Wallflower realized who actually wrote the doujins, her pen name made a whole lot more sense.

Wallflower turned around towards Fluttershy and bowed. “Batafurai-Sensei! I’m honored that you allowed me to view your precious work in progress. I’ve been a big fan of yours for many years. Thank you!”

Fluttershy was so embarrassed that her entire body seemed to take on a pinkish tinge. “Oh, my goodness. I don’t know what to say. I wasn’t sure if you’d… ever read any of my works. It’s very flattering to hear you say that, Wallflower. Thank you.”

“Do you not realize how popular you are on the internet?!”

Fluttershy shuffled her feet. “Well, I do have some idea. That’s the main reason why I continue to create doujins and share them with everyone. Because it makes me happy to see that people enjoy what I write so much.”

“I’ve written some of my own fanfics, but nothing compared to this. Eeeeeeee! I can’t believe I’m friends with a famous doujin mangaka!” Wallflower shouted as she jumped up and down.

Fluttershy tried to hide behind her hair. “Really, I’m just an average girl who happens to be passionate about her work. It’s n-not that big of a deal…”


Tree Hugger started giggling uncontrollably. “Righteous! Looks like you’ve got yourself another rabid fangirl, butter-sensei. Welp, I’m gonna start packing up the brownies and grab something to drink. I’m, like, super thirsty for some reason…”

Fluttershy sighed. “Ok. But make sure that you label them properly like we discussed. Umm… Wallflower? I hope you understand that I don’t just tell anyone about my doujins. If it’s not too much trouble, would mind keeping my true identity a secret, please? Not everyone is as… accepting or enthusiastic about it as you are.”

“Sure thing! I completely understand. I promise that I won’t mention it to anyone else, unless you want me to. I still can’t believe that you’re really Batafurai-Sensei. Wow!”

Fluttershy rubbed her thighs together nervously. “So, I was thinking. Would you like to spend some more time with me today? I-I mean, like taking a nice, relaxing hike in the woods or something. We can still go swimming or toast marshmallows later at the potluck, but I’d really like to get to know you better. If you don’t mind, that is...”

“Yeah. I think I’d like that.” Wallflower replied with a blush of her own.

Author's Note:

The chapter in a nutshell...:rainbowlaugh: