• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,143 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

  • ...

Body Painting And BBQ

Chapter 9

Dr. Harshwhinny’s Cabin, Camp Everfree

Smokey Bones slowly cracked open his eyes and peered over at the clock hanging on the opposite side of the bedroom. There was plenty of sunlight filtering through the window, so he was able to read the hands with relative ease. It was only a little bit past seven o’clock in the morning. After smacking his lips, Smokey focused his attention back on the blonde-haired beauty snuggled up next to him. He planted a feather-light kiss atop her head, laid back on the pillow, and listened to the sounds of her breath while she slumbered.

His budding relationship with Dr. Harshwhinny felt like it had come straight out of the pages of some corny romance novel you’d find sitting on a grocery store magazine rack. Sometimes it just didn’t seem real. Yet, here he was, sharing a bed with an amazing woman, who, by all accounts, should have been way out of his league. And they’d met at Camp Everfree of all places. Reality was often stranger than fiction, some people claimed. After everything that had happened lately, Smokey was inclined to agree with that statement.

What were the odds he’d find romance at his age with someone who was as dedicated to the naturist lifestyle as he was? Astronomically low, Smokey surmised. If there ever was such a thing as destiny, surely it must have struck to bring them together this summer. Just as he was about to doze off again, Hilde woke up, rolled over, and kissed him on the lips.

Guten Morgen, meine Süße. Did you sleep well?”

Smokey wrapped his arm around her waist and held her closer to him. “For the most part, I reckon. Helps that I’ve finally got someone to snuggle with.”

“Ah, yes. I too enjoy cuddling with my oversized teddy bear,” Hilde answered as she felt a very familiar part of Smokey’s anatomy brush up against her stomach, “My goodness! Just look at how excited you are to see me this morning! I didn’t think you’d have it in you after everything we did last night. It feels as though I’m dating a man half my age, full of youth and vigor!”

Smokey blushed while he tried to ignore the current condition of his manhood. “C’mon now, Hilde. You know damn well that’s somethin’ I don’t have any control over.”

“Perhaps not. But the real question is: do want to take the opportunity to utilize it? I wouldn’t be opposed to going another round before breakfast. We can always shower afterwards…”

“Far be it for me to decline a lady’s offer.”

“No. I’m afraid you’re quite mistaken, Mr. Bones,” Hilde purred, “My offer is that of a rough n’ tumble cowgirl who wishes to ride her bull at the rodeo, not a lady. All you need to do is: lay back, relax, and allow me to take the lead. Understood?”

While Hilde had him pinned down by the shoulders, Smokey nodded. “Ride away, ma’am.”

About an hour later, a disheveled but very satisfied Dr. Harshwhinny padded out to the kitchen and started brewing a pot of coffee. Even though it had been a bit more expensive, she’d elected to stay in one of the deluxe models that featured a small kitchenette. She had nothing against the canteen (or its head chef in particular), but it was nice to be able prepare your own victuals without having to walk halfway across the camp just to get them.

The cabin also came with its own shower stall, although it was only big enough to comfortably accommodate a single person. Hilde was fairly certain that she could probably share it with Smokey if they squeezed in tight, but the communal showers at the center of camp were much more spacious. Plus, the public setting made it much less likely for them to be tempted to engage in any steamy, shower-room shenanigans.

Hilde lifted up her arm and took a cautionary whiff of herself. She wrinkled her nose in disgust when her suspicions were confirmed. The psychologist was relieved that there was nobody else around but Smokey to see or smell her in such a state. As if on cue, the veteran himself entered the kitchen a few seconds later. Hilde had to stifle a giggle when she noticed how red and shiny his penis still was. Smokey yawned, scratched his balls, and pulled up a chair at the table.

“We’re a right mess, ain’t we? Heh. I’m sure glad that I decided to come stay over at your place whenever we—uh—engage in less ‘wholesome’ activities and whatnot. Don’t imagine Wallflower would take too kindly to seein’ us like this.”

Hilde opened the fridge and retrieved a carton of creamer. “Certainly not. She seemed anxious enough just trying to cope with the fact that we’re officially dating. I can’t imagine how she’d react if she caught us right in the middle of having sex. Obviously, she must know that we’re both consenting adults but…”

“Yeah. I know what you mean. Hearin’ about it and actually seein’ it are two VERY different things. At least she’s got Fluttershy to hang around with when I’m not there.”

Hilde grabbed two mugs from the cabinet and poured coffee into them. She offered one to Smokey and set her own on top of the counter. “Mhmm. I think they suit each other quite well. Fluttershy is a timid girl, but there is a quiet strength buried deep insider her. A desire to protect and nurture those she loves. It makes me wonder if… she wasn’t abused as a child. The signs are subtle but present if you know where to look. Please forgive me, Smokey. Sometimes, my professional curiosity gets the better of me.”

“Nah, it’s alright. I’ve wondered the same thing myself.”

Hilde took a small sip from her mug. “Perhaps, she will discuss such matters with Wallflower in the future. I just hope I’m wrong about Fluttershy and that she is naturally that way. Abuse, particularly the sexual variety, takes many years for children and adults alike to cope with…”

Smokey got up from his seat and wrapped the psychologist in a gentle embrace. “See? That’s why I think you’re such an amazing woman, Hilde. Always thinkin’ about how best to help folks and takin’ into account how they’d feel.”

“And that, meine Süße, is one of the many reasons why I fell in love with you. Your sense of empathy and compassion for others is really quite endearing.”

Smokey chuckled. “Are you sure it ain’t because o’ other things?”

“I believe I made it rather clear what else I loved about you an hour ago, don’t you think?” Hilde whispered as she traced her fingers along Smokey’s hairy chest.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Smokey carefully slid his hands along her back and gave Hilde’s bare butt cheeks a good, firm squeeze. She gasped in surprise but enjoyed having them massaged ever so slightly by a pair of strong, manly hands. Hilde grabbed ahold of Smokey’s face and pressed her lips against his in a passionate kiss. Their tongues wrestled for dominance for what seemed like an eternity. When the couple finally broke apart, a thin trail of saliva dribbled onto their chins.

“Land’s sakes, woman! You’re somethin’ else.” Smokey panted.

“I’d… offer… to let you ravish me atop the kitchen table, but I’m far too tired and sore. Besides, we really ought to focus on finishing our breakfast and getting cleaned up. Hmm. That reminds me: didn’t you say there was a camp-wide event going on today?”

Smokey grinned sheepishly. “Heh. There’s always time for a good, old-fashioned romp later, I reckon. But yeah. You’re right about that. Miss Gloriosa told me there was some kind o’ cosplay shindig goin’ on later today. Only reason I know about it is because Wallflower seemed pretty excited about participatin’ in it with her girlfriend.”

“Indeed. I wonder how naturists would even go about ‘cosplaying’ in the first place? All the hallmarks of costumed characters stem from, well, costumes. Perhaps there’s some bodypainting involved? If so, I think it would be quite interesting to try out. What do you think?”

Smokey shrugged. “Hell, if I know. Never done anythin’ like that before.”

“It’s settled then,” Hilde proclaimed, “We shall participate in the event as a couple. Oh! Just think of what fun we’ll have! But… I must insist that we take a shower first. I’d rather not walk around camp smelling like sweat and sex for the remainder of the day.”

“Erm—right on, Hilde. Just lemme grab my bath pouf and we can get cleaned up.”

The Recreation Center was a bustle of activity. All of the guests who’d decided to take part in Camp Everfree’s first ever nude cosplay contest, eagerly waited in line to don their chosen “costumes” for the showcase later in the afternoon. In the spirit of fairness, Wallflower insisted that everyone, no matter their age or gender, was welcome to participate. Since it was intended to be a family friendly event, there was a strict policy put place in place that prohibited guests from wearing “costumes” that were considered overtly lewd, gory, or offensive.

Clothing itself was not permitted either (not that anyone wanted to wear any in the first place). Therefore, any contestant who wanted to participate had to create their “costume” via body painting, regardless of how much or how little of their skin it happened to cover. However, accessories were deemed appropriate. Such as: simple masks, jewelry, fake ears, etc.

Wallflower herself had chosen to attend the event as Batgirl. Her entire body had been painted a dark, navy blue to mimic the heroine’s patented latex suit and her arms and legs were painted in a shade of bright yellow to emulate the gloves, boots, and bat symbol that went across Batgirl’s chest. The only accessory that Wallflower wore was a simple, black eye mask.

In the meantime, Fluttershy was still inside one of the painting booths, patiently waiting for her stylist to finish up the “costume” she’d elected to wear for the contest. The young woman was relieved to find out that there were plenty of male & female artists alike at the camp who were able to create “costumes” for the guests.

Having a complete stranger run a wet paint brush and poke their nose around some of the most intimate places of your body was a tad nerve-wracking, but it was made somewhat easier by the fact that they too were nude and of the same gender. Fluttershy suppressed the urge to squeak out loud when she felt the paint brush tickle the outer edge of her vulva.

“Are you alright, Fluttershy?”

“I’m ok, Candid Canvas. It’s just a little bit… weird having a paint brush swished around my—umm—lady parts. You can keep going if you want.”

“I’m sorry. I should’ve said something before I started down there. Got caught up in my work. If it’s any consolation, you get used to the sensation after a while. Just be lucky you aren’t a guy. Trust me, having your junk painted is a lot more difficult to cope with. I’ve even seen some of ‘em get erections from it.”

Fluttershy blushed. “Oh, my goodness. I-I suppose that could happen.”

“It’s not really a big deal, so long as they don’t try anything funny. We just take a quick break and that’s usually enough to make their willies get soft again. Anyway, I believe we’re almost done here. And I have to say: you’re gonna look totally awesome! I just know it!”

Fluttershy shuffled her feet. “Do you really think Wallflower will like it?”

Candid Canvas gave her a thumbs up. “For sure!”

The timid animal care-taker did a three hundred and sixty degree turn and appraised herself in the mirror. With a nervous, shuddering breath she tried her best to feel confident about the way her “costume” looked. All of her skin, from head to toe, had been painted in a lovely shade of viridian. Her hair, lips, and nails were color coordinated in order to match each other; all a deep shade of glossy crimson.

Dark green ivy leaves and vines adorned her body as if she were a part of the Everfree Forest itself. A trio of triangular shaped ones had been strategically placed over her breasts and vulva to accentuate what would have normally been covered in the comic books. Fluttershy had to admit that “dressing up” as Poison Ivy made her feel powerful, if she was being honest.

Her mouth dry and her heart hammering inside her chest, Fluttershy waddled out of the booth on shaky legs. Everyone in the room seemed to direct their attention towards her as she made her way over to the table where Wallflower was sitting. She made sure that her girlfriend was finished drinking before she attempted to get her attention. Fluttershy didn’t want her to spray apple juice all over the place. Wallflower finally turned around after a gentle nudge to the shoulder.

“Mwahahaha! Hello, Batgirl. It appears that I’ve e-ensnared you in my vines like a Venus Fly trap! Not even Batman can save you now! Resistance is futile because I’m going to enjoy the sweet nectar of—oh goodness, I’m sorry! I just can’t bring myself to say it…”

Batflower’s eyes widened like saucers when she got the chance to finally take a long, detailed look at her supervillain girlfriend. “Oh gods… I can’t… you’re just so… UNNNNNFF!”

Fluttershy began to panic when she heard how labored Wallflower’s breathing had become. “Are you ok, Wallflower? You don’t sound so good. Oh my! Oh dear! Should I get you an inhaler? I can run over to the infirmary if—”

Wallflower held up her hand. “No, just gimme a minute to compose myself. I—ah—wasn’t expecting you to ‘dress up’ as Poison Ivy. Damn. Do you have any idea how freakin’ sexy you look right now? I mean, you REALLY nailed it, Shy.”

Fluttershy twirled a strand of her hair and blushed furiously. “Oh—umm—you really think so?”

“Yeah. I’d… kiss you right now but I don’t want to mess up your paint job.”

Fluttershy twiddled her fingers. “You can still kiss me if you want. Candid Canvas said that the body paint they’re using today is specifically designed not to smudge from sweat, saliva or water. It only comes off if you use a special soap. So, if you want to, we could—”

Wallflower didn’t need to be told twice. She immediately got up out of her seat, grabbed Fluttershy’s cheeks and kissed her with hungry enthusiasm. Whistles, catcalls, and good-natured laughter echoed throughout the Rec Center while their lips remained locked together. When the young couple finally pulled apart, both of them blushed profusely at the attention they’d attracted and tried their best to calm down before the situation spiraled out of their control. This was a family-friendly event, after all.

“Maybe later I could—um—capture Batgirl against her will and have my way with her while she stays with me at my evil lair.” Fluttershy whispered into girlfriend’s ear.

Wallflower nearly got a nosebleed at the thought, but managed to keep her composure. Supervillain themed foreplay was definitely one of her deepest fantasies. The situation was made that much better by the fact that Fluttershy was not only willing to indulge in it, but seemed to enjoy playing the part of a sexy villain. Even though a massive nosebleed had been averted, it took a little while longer for the tingling warmth of excitement in her loins to subside.

“I’m totally up for that later. But… could you do me a HUGE favor?”

“Of course,” Fluttershy replied innocently, “I’d be more than happy to.”

“Could you possibly tone down the roleplaying for a little while? At least for the time being? You’re doing a great job, by the way. But—ah—I don’t want to have an accident…”

Fluttershy leaned over and kissed Wallflower on the cheek. “I’m really happy that you like my ‘costume’ so much. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this sexy before. It’s so… empowering. Ahem. But yes, I’ll try not to get you excited while we’re still around other people.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

Meanwhile, a few stalls over, Gilda took a sip from her water bottle and sat down for much-needed break from body painting. She’d already had her entire body covered in tiger stripes, complete with a pair of fake fangs, and whiskers. Everyone at camp seemed surprised that she had any artistic talent to speak of. Granted, it was only a hobby but she’d gotten enough practice over the years to be considered decent by most people’s standards.

Before the event even began, Wallflower had made it quite clear that she didn’t want mixed gender pairings between the contestants and artists, in order to avoid any awkward or lewd situations. But Gilda was somewhat of an exception to the rule due, in part, to her status as a camp counselor. Or more aptly, the person she was currently painting happened to be an exception.

Timber Spruce stood just a few paces away, a nervous expression plastered upon his face. Most of his body had already been painted with emerald green snake scales to emulate a male gorgon from Greek legends. The only part of him that remained conspicuously bereft of coloring was his genitals. The young man sighed when he saw his girlfriend dip her paintbrush into a solo cup.

“Do we really have to do this?”

Gilda arched her eyebrow and scoffed. “We’ve been over this a million times, Tim. It’ll look stupid if we leave your junk unpainted. Just hold still, shut up, and lemme do my work.”

“I know but—”

Timber tensed up slightly as Gilda nonchalantly squeezed his head in between her fingers and lifted up his penis up so that she could paint the underside of his shaft. The sensation of the paint brush tickling him there wasn’t exactly uncomfortable, per say, but it was incredibly distracting. Try as he might, Timber couldn’t help getting a little bit excited.

Gilda huffed in frustration. “Would you please calm down? You know, it’s gonna take even longer for me to finish painting your cock if you get a boner half way through. Think about somethin’ else for a while. Like wrinkly, old ladies or cold showers. I dunno. Whatever.”

“Hmph. Well, that’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one getting your pickle tickled…”

Gilda immediately stopped what she was doing and stormed out of the stall. Whatever Timber was going to say died in his throat before it even had a chance to come out. With a heavy sigh, he shuffled his feet, not really knowing what to do. Just as he was about to investigate where Gild had gone, she came back into the stall with a solo cup full of… something. Before Timber could ask what was inside it, she walked over to him and dumped icy cold water onto his crotch.

EEEEEEEUUUUGGGGGHHHH!” Timber shouted in a manly voice (not really).

“There. Now you ain’t so excited anymore, are ya?”

“What the hell was that for, Gilda?!” Timber squeaked.

“Oh no! Don’t you dare get all pissy with me, ya big, fat pussy. It was the quickest way to make your dick soft n’ floppy again. And it clearly worked, if I may add.”

Timber’s cheeks flushed red, both from embarrassment and anger. “Bet that as it may, you could have at least warned me ahead of time what you were gonna do. S’not cool to dump ice water on a dude’s junk not matter what the circumstances are…”

Gilda ignored her boyfriend’s protests and continued painting. “Alright. You’ve made your point, Tim. If it’s any consolation, you can fuck me however you please while I’m still wearing my tiger stripes… once the contest is over, of course. Damnit! Hold still! I haven’t even gotten to your balls yet. Quit squirming so much.”

“Ok. I guess that’s fair. You really do look super sexy in those tiger stripes, Gilda. That’s part of the reason why I couldn’t help but get a little excited. Heh.”

Gilda grinned like hawk. “Bet yer sweet ass I do, buddy. Now I know why all of those nerds like to cosplay so much. Well, this doesn’t really count as ‘dressing up’ in my book, but you know what I mean. Feels good ta do somethin’ different every once and a while.”

“Yeah. It certainly makes things a whole lot more interesting around here. NOT… that they weren’t before but like you said: it’s a good kind of different. So—uh—what do you wanna do after we finish getting painted up? I wasn’t planning on competing or anything like that, but it be cool to see what everyone else’s ‘costumes’ are like.”

Gilda hummed in thought while she carefully cupped Tim’s scrotum in her palm. She did so in order to make it easier to paint. That particular part of Tim’s anatomy had an uneven, wrinkly surface. The young man had to stop himself from twitching when she began applying the brush again. He wasn’t quite as sensitive to direct stimulation down there, but it still tickled enough to be distracting. At least Gilda’s hands were soft and pleasantly warm. That was a plus.

“I’d be down for that. Heard that your sister was gonna set up the loud speakers and blast some tunes. I think it’d be pretty rad to get our groove on out there in all this fancy body paint. What do you say, big guy? Sound fun?”

Timber let out a nervous chuckle. “About that… I’m not a very good dancer.”

“Shit. Really? You seem pretty coordinated to me. This ain’t some hoity-toity costume ball for royalty, Tim. Just do whatever feels right. Nobody’s gonna judge ya for it. Besides, I’ll be right there beside ya makin’ an ass outta myself too.”

Timber reached down and stroked her hair affectionately. “There’s no way in hell you could ever look clumsy. Not with the awesome martial arts moves I’ve seen you pull.”

Gilda laughed. “Then you clearly haven’t seen me shit-faced drunk before, dude. Just ask Dashie. She’ll tell you how much of a klutz I am when I’ve had one too many. As a rule of thumb thought, I tend to shy away from booze if I can help it.”

“Mhmm. Me too. Too much of that stuff is never good for you. I suppose it’s a good thing there’s only virgin cocktails and regular drinks being served at the event today, huh?”

Gilda leaned forward and placed a big, wet smooch on her boyfriend’s penis. “Nothing virgin about this cock. That’s a true tale if I’ve ever heard one! Bwhahahaa!”

“Seriously,” Tim groaned while rolling his eyes, “That has to be one of the lamest jokes I’ve ever heard. But your bizarre sense of humor is one of the many things I love about you, Gilda.”

“And here I thought you stuck around just ‘cause of the awesome sex.” Gilda teased while sticking her tongue out.

Timber struck a pose similar to an ancient Greek statue. Given his current paint scheme, it was oddly fitting. “I fuck, therefore I am. Said no philosopher ever. C’mon, Gilda. Give yourself a little bit more credit than that. You’re fun to snuggle too.”

“Pbbft! You’re such a dork, Tim. But you’re my dork. Alright. Let’s get outta here and have some fun. I’d like to see if Smokey or Wallflower made any piña coladas. I’m in the mood for somethin’ cold n’ fruity right ‘bout now.”

Just outside the Recreation Center a few buffet tables had been set up along with a couple of loud speakers. Upbeat music of varying genres, played through them as the guests, ate, drank, mingled and danced. Most of them also happened to be in “costume”. Gloriosa herself stood a few paces behind one of the tables, sipping on a cup full of iced tea. She didn’t really consider herself much of a coplayer, but Flash had convinced her to participate just for the fun of it.

And so, after a lengthy makeover in one of the stalls, the owner of Camp Everfree had chosen to have her body painted like that of Wonder Woman. Luscious shades of cherry red and navy blue adorned her torso and legs, accented by metallic gold paint to emulate the boots, chest piece, and gauntlets of the Amazonian princess. A gold tiara rested upon Gloriosa’s head in place of her usual laurel of daises. All in all, she had to admit that the painter did a great job.

Speaking of super heroes, Flash Sentry came back from the buffet table with a plate full of potato salad and a club sandwich; a can of soda in his other hand. Ironically enough, he’d chosen to go as another member of the Justice League: The Flash. He was covered head to toe in yellow and red paint with little lightning bolts here and there to emphasize his speed. Overall, Gloriosa had to admit that he looked quite handsome with his body painted that way. Maybe there was something to this whole cosplay thing after all.

Gloriosa walked over to Flash and gently rubbed his back with her free hand. “I think we can consider this event a success, wouldn’t you say? Just look at how much fun they’re all having.”

“I’d say so. Especially, Fluttershy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so… confident. Of course, it helps that her Poison Ivy getup is so well painted. Heh. Betcha Wallflower’s gonna enjoy that later on, if you know what I mean…”

Gloriosa cocked her eyebrow. “Hmm? Ogling other women’s naked bodies again, I see. For shame, Flash. You have a perfectly willing female to feast your eyes upon right in front of you.”

“I—ah—hey, don’t be like that! Fluttershy’s not even into guys. Aww c’mon, Glory! Quit pouting like that. You know I think that you look gorgeous as Wonder Woman. The painter did a great job with the breast plate in particular. NOT… that the rest of you isn’t equally beautiful.”

Gloriosa shimmied side to side so that her bare breasts would jiggle slightly. "I happen to agree with you on that point. It’s odd though. This body paint really does make me feel like I’m wearing a costume, but I’m technically not wearing a stitch of clothing at the same time.”

Captivated by his girlfriend’s bountiful, womanly assets, Flash hummed in agreement. “Yeah. I’m just glad that having my—uh—junk painted wasn’t quite as awkward as I imagined. Tree Hugger seemed pretty chill about it the whole time. You don’t… think she was high, do you?”

“Knowing her? I’d say it’s a distinct possibility. Not sure if I’m entirely comfortable with the idea of her indulging in marijuana on a regular basis, but… at least Tree Hugger doesn’t openly smoke joints while she’s around the other guests or in the cabin. Although, after that little incident with the ‘special brownies’ and Mrs. Cake… I should probably set stricter boundaries.”

Flash shrugged. “Might be a good idea. I haven’t heard anyone complain about her behavior specifically. Do you want me to go have a talk with Tree Hugger? She doesn’t look like she’s doing anything right now. Uh—except playing the bongos and being painted up like… Garfield the Cat. Seriously? Where the hell did she come up with that?”

Gloriosa shook her head. “Nah. Let’s leave her be for now. I don’t want to be the buzzkill who winds up ruining the cosplay contest for her. Tell you what: if we hear any complaints after today, then we can talk to her together. Sound fair?”

Flash nodded and took another bite out of his sandwich. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Smokey Bones walking across the grass with Dr. Hashwhinny nestled up close by his side. Being a Marine, he’d opted to go with full forest camouflage and red bandana for his “costume”. Had he been hiding in the woods; Flash was certain that the burly chef would’ve disappeared like a chameleon and no one would have been the wiser. A shiver went down his spine thinking about Vietnam War movies where the hero did just that and killed the hapless bad guys in an ambush.

Dr. Harshwhinny’s getup was quite a bit more elaborate. She’d elected to coat her entire body in layer a light-blue paint. This, in of itself, was not unusual, except she had intricate, black-colored symbols depicting runes and various animals that went over it. They were etched all over her legs, arms, face, breasts, buttocks, and there even a few that snaked around her privates.

The good doctor was the spitting image of an ancient Celtic warrior. Appropriate, Flash mused, as both genders were known to have gone into battle completely nude. Supposedly, it was meant to intimidate their enemies but Flash could tell that there was a lot of cultural significance represented in the body painting itself. The symbolism was lost on him, yet it didn’t stop the young man from appreciating a work of art for what it was.

Although Dr. Harshwhinny was already well into her forties, she definitely had the athletic physique to make her “costume” look convincing. Not for the first time did Flash find himself appraising another woman’s naked body. Despite all the teasing Glory gave him about his wandering eyes, she did it with men at the camp too. He could easily tell why Smokey had been attracted to the professionally-minded psychologist in the first place. She was in excellent shape.

While Smokey went off in search of some refreshments, Dr. Harshwhinny walked over to where Gloriosa and Flash were standing and waved at them politely. “Good afternoon to you both. I was wondering when we might get the chance to become better acquainted. Of course, I do recognize you Mr. Sentry but I have yet to meet the proprietor of Camp Everfree.”

Gloriosa shook her hand and blushed at the praise. “I can’t take all the credit, Dr. Harshwhinny. My brother, Gilda, and Flash have all done a great job making sure that the day to day operations run smoothly around here. Oh, and I can’t forget Smokey and Wallflower too. The kitchen would be a mess if they weren’t around. Hahaha!”

“Indeed. Praise well deserved, I might add. You know, it’s been quite some time since I’ve had the opportunity to unwind and enjoy myself at a naturist-friendly establishment. They are not as—how shall I say—socially acceptable in Equestria as they are back in the Vaterland.”

Gloriosa frowned, but slowly nodded in agreement. “Yeah. It really is a shame. Frankly, I’m surprised that so many people decided to come back to Camp Everfree after we officially made it clothes-free. Tim and I were afraid that… it would be a turn off for some folks.”

Aber Natürlich. But! The most important to remember is: you and your brother represent youth and candor. In adapting modern technology to update and advertise your resort, it has effectively made a new generation more interested in the naturist lifestyle and the associated benefits.”

Gloriosa rubbed the back of her neck. “Ah… well, I guess I never thought of it that way. Do you think our grandparents would be proud of what we’ve done? I just want to make sure that we continue their legacy and make Camp Everfree into what they envisioned all those years ago.”

“I’ve no doubt that they are. Ahem! My apologies for getting so serious at a recreational event. I’m afraid that it’s simply my nature to ponder such matters. Oh! Where are my manners? I haven’t even told you my given name yet. I’m only ‘Doctor Harshwhinny’ with patients. Please, I must insist that you call me Hilde during my stay here. That goes for you as well, Flash.”

The camp counselor was a bit weirded out when CHS’s resident psychologist decided to give him an affectionate but EXTREMELY awkward hug. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around Hilde’s back and tried not to think about the fantastically firm, female flesh that was currently pressed up against him. Thankfully, Flash had (more or less) gotten used to nude hugs while staying at camp but he still had to concentrate in order to prevent himself from getting excited.

As if on cue, Rufus seemingly came out of nowhere and decided to join in on the fun. Flash wondered how the little guy always managed to stay so quiet. It was kind of creepy, if he was being honest. Flash assumed that the baby badger’s stealthiness must have stemmed from his needs as a predator. He was just glad that Rufus was so friendly towards humans. If National Geographic had taught him anything it was that Honey Badgers were vicious and often went straight for the testicles of animals far larger than they were.

Flash absentmindedly covered his balls while Rufus nuzzled his ankle. “Hey there, buddy. Would you like something to eat? I think there might be some watermelon over there.”

Rufus barked happily at the prospect of obtaining a treat. While Gloriosa and Hilde were still chatting, Flash came back from the buffet table with a bowl full of juicy-looking watermelon chunks and set it down in the grass. The baby badger didn’t need to be told twice. He immediately dug into his snack and made adorable, slushy crunching noises while he ate. Not but a few moments later, the bowl was completely devoid of fruit. Rufus looked up at Flash expectantly, his snout covered in watermelon juice and errant seeds.

Flash picked Rufus up in the crook of his arm and used a wet nap to clean his messy face. “Geez. You’re like a furry little trash-compactor. Hmm. I guess you would eat meat, huh? Let’s see if I can’t find you something a little bit more substantial.”

It was at that point, Smokey returned from the buffet table with a couple of drinks and a plateful of assorted goodies. Amongst the food gathered on his plate were: cheese cubes and coin-shaped slices of smoked sausage. Seeing that his girlfriend was currently engaged in conversation with his boss, the Marine offered the baby badger a slice of sausage as a gesture of goodwill.

Rufus gobbled up the meaty morsel, licked his chops, and gave Smokey the saddest puppy dog eyes he could muster.

“Hmph. You’re tricky little critter, ain’t ya? Bet that puppy dog act works on all kind’s o’ gullible women, seein’ as you’re an adorable fur bag. But damned if it didn’t work on me too. Alright. Have another bite o’ sausage. And here’s a cube of Colby Jack too.”

The baby badger nodded in affirmation after wolfing down what was offered to him and nuzzled Smokey’s hand in appreciation.

“Well, I’ll be damned. Pops always said to keep my wits about me when dealin’ with Honey Badgers on account o’ y’all bein’ so reckless n’ vicious. I reckon you’re the exception to the rule though. Is it true what everyone says? That you’re best buddies with Gloriosa?”

Rufus barked once to confirm that what Smokey had heard was indeed true.

Smokey whistled. “I’ve seen everythin’ now. A clever lil’ badger that acts like a puppy and understands human speech. What other crazy shit is goin’ on ‘round here, I wonder…”

Flash chuckled nervously. “Trust me. You don’t even know the half of it.”

“Don’t mean to be rude but I’ll take your word for it, kid. Reckon I’ve got enough on my plate as it is dealin’ with Hilde and cookin’ up grub for an entire camp full o’ hungry guests.”

Flash shuffled his feet in the grass. “Point taken. I suppose it’s my destiny to deal with Equestrian Magic and all the weird stuff that comes through the mirror portal. Ah—you know that your niece was using a mystical artifact that erased everyone’s memories, right?”

“I’m well aware of ‘Equestrian Magic’ and what it’s capable of, kid. All I’m sayin’ is that I have no intention of gettin’ myself involved in any more hocus-pocus hooey beyond what I’ve already seen with my Sweetpea. That damned memory stone thing nearly broke the poor gal. Shit’s way too dangerous and unpredictable to muck around with if ya ask me.”

“Well, I don’t disagree with you there but—”

Smokey placed his hands atop Flash’s shoulders and looked him straight in the eye. “Listen to me, kid. It’s for your own good that ya should avoid that shit like the plague. But I can tell that ya ain’t doin’ it ‘cause ya want to… rather ‘cause you have to. Gloriosa’s got some magic related issues of her own, I presume?”

Flash’s cheeks heated up but he nonetheless nodded his head in agreement.

“Heh. That sure explains a lot. Drama always starts and ends with the fairer sex, don’t it? In that case, do your best to protect and support that gal whenever she needs it. Even durin’ the times when she tries to push ya away. Just give ‘er a hug, let ‘er cry, whatever. So long as you’re there.

Smokey awkwardly cleared his throat. “Erm—well, I think ya get the idea. Alrighty then. Enough o’ this serious talk. It’s about time we head on over to where everyone else is and start dancin’. Ain’t polite ta keep the women-folk waitin’. Let’s get a move on.”

With an encouraging nudge, Smokey pushed Flash towards Gloriosa. The young couple smiled at each other when their skin touched. After a shared giggle, they held hands afterwards and both of them walked towards the gathered crowed with a slight spring in their step.

Gloriosa couldn’t help but shake her head when she saw her brother acting like an uncoordinated buffoon with this girlfriend close by. For whatever reason, Gilda really seemed to enjoy his idiotic display and rewarded Timber by showering him with affection whenever she got the chance. Kisses, tweaks, and a gratuitous display of certain womanly assets in motion. Her moves had certainly attracted the attention of more than one guest, that was for sure.

Gilda was many things, but subtle was definitely not one of them. The camp owner knew that she could never act with such wanton disregard for her own modesty in front of a large crowd. Especially, while she was nude. But… at least it made her brother happy. Even more so had they been in a private setting, Gloriosa mused.

As Flash and Glory approached the center of the crowd, an upbeat disco song began play through the speakers. Gloriosa’s melodic laughter filled the air when she finally let go of her inhibitions. Flash decided to throw caution to the wind and took his place beside her. They looked absolutely ridiculous with their sweaty, painted bodies gyrating wildly to the beat of the music. But the both of them were having a blast. If they’d bothered to look over to their left, the young couple would have noticed that Smokey and Hilde looked much the same.

Rufus skittered over to a relatively open spot in the grass and started doing some dancing of his own. He observed them all with a smile spread across his muzzle, satisfied with the knowledge that his human friends were getting along so well with their respective mates.