• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,145 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

  • ...

Professionally Undressed

Chapter 8

Smokey & Wallflower’s Cabin, Camp Everfree

A gentle morning breeze blew through the open window and carried the scent of fresh pine into the bedroom. Smokey Bones slowly cracked open his eyes and took in a deep breath through his nostrils, savoring the fragrance of nature. He peered over at the digital alarm clock sitting on the bed stand and grunted when it read 5:18am. Even on his scheduled day off, Smokey’s body wouldn’t allow him the luxury of sleeping in. It was simply the end result of conditioning over the years, both from serving in the Marines and his profession as a chef.

Smokey clambered out of bed and did a few stretches to limber up. He sighed in relief when he heard a few satisfying pops and cracks. After taking a few moments to appreciate the relaxing sounds of birdsong from the forest, his bladder promptly reminded him that it needed emptied. Smokey padded over to the bathroom, ready to do his business, only to realize that it would impossible to do so with morning wood.

With a resigned sigh, the BBQ pit master made his way out to the kitchen to make some coffee in the meantime. It would take a little while before his penis became flaccid enough to manipulate properly. He’d didn’t want to accidentally spray the entire bathroom with pee just because he was eager to empty his bladder. Plus, it would’ve made Wallflower quite upset.

Smokey yawned and scratched his balls absentmindedly while he watched the coffee pot brew. He wasn’t too worried about his niece seeing him with an erection. They’d seen each other naked plenty of times and she was old enough to know that it was a natural occurrence. He shifted his attention towards the bathroom when he heard the toilet flush. Smokey was about to greet his niece as she walked into the kitchen but was surprised to find out that it wasn’t her.

Fluttershy’s face turned beet red when she noticed the sordid state Smokey was in. “Oh, my goodness! I-I’m terribly sorry! I didn’t mean to barge in on you, Mr. Bones. Wallflower was still asleep and I had to pee and… well—umm—the COFFEE SURE SMELLS GOOD!”

“Nah, don’t worry about it. Just a bit of mornin’ wood is all. It’ll calm down soon enough.”

Although she wasn’t physically attracted to the opposite sex, Fluttershy had to admit that Wallflower’s uncle was a healthy, well-proportioned man. The expression: ‘grower, not a shower’ certainly fit the situation, she mused. His manhood was, perhaps, only slightly larger than average. But what it lacked in length, it more than made up for in sheer girth. She coughed awkwardly and tried to avert her eyes. It was like staring at a thick, veiny tree trunk!

“Yes, of course! My brother used to get… e-erections first thing in the morning too. Although, he was a lot more vulgar about it. Don’t get me wrong; I love Zephyr Breeze. But he can be a real jerk sometimes. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stare so intently at… your p-penis, Mr. Bones. I hope you’ll forgive my rudeness.”

Smokey shrugged. “Nothin’ to apologize for, darlin’. Ain’t like I was tryin’ to hide my pecker from anyone in the first place. Part n’ parcel o’ the clothes-free lifestyle, I suppose. Anyway, did y’all sleep together last night? Can’t say I remember you comin’ in with Wallflower.”

“Well, yes we did. BUT! Umm… not like you think. That is to say: we didn’t actually have sex. I don’t think we’re quite ready for that level of intimacy just yet. Maybe in a little while, I hope.”

Smokey smiled. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that. Some folks like to take things slow. I can respect that. Lemme ask you somethin’, Ms. Fluttershy. Do you love my niece?”

Fluttershy twirled a strand of her hair and giggled. “Oh, yes. Very much so! I know we haven’t been together for very long, but I can feel it in my heart that I want to be with her. She’s… an amazing woman. Sometimes, I can’t believe how lucky I am to have met her.”

“Glad to hear it. And I’m sure she feels the same way about you. Wallflower’s always had trouble puttin’ herself out there and makin’ friends. Part o’ the reason I took her with me this summer was to get her to come outta her shell. Might o’ been a bit devious of me not tellin’ her that she’d be hangin’ out in her birthday suit the whole time, but… I think it was for the best. Just look how far she’s come.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Mhmm. I was absolutely terrified about exposing myself in front of so many strangers when I first arrived here too. But now, I feel a whole lot more confident about my body and how I look. It’s very… liberating.”

“As well you should, darlin’. That there is one of the perks of bein’ a nudist. Gives folks a chance to get back in touch with their natural state o’ bein’ and whatnot. Of course, in your case, it helps that you’re already such a beautiful young lady to begin with. If anyone says otherwise, lemme know. I’ll kick ‘em in the teeth.”

Fluttershy blushed profusely and shuffled her feet. “Thank you.”

“You’re quite welcome, Ms. Fluttershy. Welp, looks like my Johnson’s finally decided to calm down for a while. I’m gonna head over to the WC and choke the chicken. Feel free to pour yourself some coffee. Creamer’s in the fridge if you need it.”

While Smokey was taking care of business, Wallflower finally decided to roll out of bed and join her girlfriend at the table for some breakfast. Once Fluttershy had finished pouring three cups of coffee, she took a seat right next to Wallflower.

Smokey scratched his balls once more and walked straight into the kitchen. A tiny smile spread across his lips when he found his niece cuddled up next to Fluttershy, enjoying the peace and quiet of the early morning. The two of them shared a kiss and continued to converse amongst themselves about what they were going to do for the remainder of the day.

“Mornin’ Sweetpea. How’d you sleep?”

Wallflower yawned after taking a swig of her coffee. “Much better now that Fluttershy’s started sleeping with me. She’s definitely a cuddler. Not that I’m complaining, mind you~”

Smokey chuckled when he heard Fluttershy meep. “Yep. I reckon that’s one o’ life’s most profound pleasures. Nothin’ quite compares to it. What do you two lovebirds got planned for today? Anythin’ special?”

“Not really. We might go over to the Rec Center later and try our hand at basket weaving. Fluttershy claims it’s pretty relaxing and therapeutic but… I can’t say I’ve ever done it before. Maybe it’s worth a try? If not, there’s plenty of other things we can do. How about you, Uncle Smokey? Why do you plan on doing with your day off?”

The grizzled veteran took a big bite out of a sesame seed bagel and chewed on it thoughtfully. “Hell, if I know, Sweetpea. Ain’t too many folks I know ‘round here. Reckon I could take a stroll along the beach or somethin’. Sunrise is a fine sight this time o’ year.”

“C’mon! Don’t be like that! Maybe you’ll meet some new friends like I did.”

Smokey stared at the floor and sighed. “Doubt it. I might be as nekkid as the day I was born right now, but that don’t change who I am or all the shit I’ve been through over the years. Nudists are a helluva lot more acceptin’ than most folks but… I’ve seen the looks everyone’s been givin’ me when they think I’m not payin’ attention. Somewhere between pity ‘n downright intimidation. That kid, Timber Spruce, looked like he was about to piss himself when we first met.”

Wallflower got up from her seat and wrapped her uncle in a gentle hug. He returned the gesture in kind just a few moments later. “Uh—that may very well be but you can’t just give up. Remember what you told me: you don’t know until you try! Please, Uncle Smokey. Do it for me, if you won’t do it for yourself. I just want you to be happy…”

“Alright. You’ve got a pretty damn good point there, Sweetpea,” Smokey admitted. “I’ll go on and try my best to make some friends today. Besides, if I didn’t, I’d be a big, fat hypocrite for not practicin’ what I preach. Can’t set a bad example for my niece now, can I?”

Wallflower kissed her uncle on the cheek and giggled. “Good. I knew there was at least one reason why I’ve always looked up to you.”

“Makin’ wise cracks now, are ya? Never thought I’d see the day,” Smokey joked while he ruffled his niece’s hair.

“Welp, I’ll leave y’all alone for a while. Gonna head out to the beach for the time bein’. If nothin’ else, I suppose I can go for an early mornin’ dip or whatever. See ya later, girls!”

Given that it was just barely six o’clock, Smokey didn’t think that he’d run into too many other guests so early in the morning. Most of them were likely still fast asleep. That suited him just fine. He needed some time alone to let his mind wander and come up with ideas. Like how to strike up a casual conversation with a bunch of random, naked strangers.

Smokey watched a flock of mallards fly by while he continued his stroll along the beach. After they passed, he bent down and chucked a smooth pebble as far it he could throw it. The pebble landed a significant distance away with a resounding plunk as it hit the surface of the lake. Unable to come up with any good conversation topics that didn’t involve military-grade firearms, explosives, or BBQ, he kicked a mound of sand and sighed.

“What the hell am I doin’? Nobody in their right fuckin’ mind is gonna want to waltz up to a muscled stranger with tats n’ war wounds and talk ‘bout the weather. ‘Specially not any women. That’s for sure! Most of ‘em probably think I’m one second away from draggin’ their ass back to my cabin like some kind o’ Neanderthal. Heh. I sure am hairy enough to pass for one, at least…”

The sound of splashing suddenly broke Smokey out of his reverie. At first, he thought it might have been a big lake trout trying to catch a bug, but the closer he listened, the more he began to realize that the splashing was far too loud for fish that size. Sure enough, when he cast his gaze towards the sound, he spotted another person. A woman, in fact.

He had to admit that she was quite the skilled swimmer. She effortlessly made her way back to the shore in just three breast strokes. The woman took her time getting out of the water, since she didn’t seem to be in any hurry to go anywhere. Smokey watched her intently as she casually walked onto the beach. It was like witnessing the birth of Aphrodite from the sea.

The glow of the early morning sun reflected off her glistening, bronze-hued skin. Her entire body was toned with trim muscle, not excessively so, but it was quite obvious that she’d put in a great deal of time and effort into taking care of herself. Her modest, pert breasts were capped by a pair of equally perky pink nipples. They barely moved while she continued to walk. Although her breasts weren’t very large, they retained their teardrop shape effortlessly, which was yet another indication of her physical fitness.

Her blonde hair was cut fairly short with a slight curl in the back. However, while wet it gave the impression that it was slightly longer than it would have been while dry. Overall, it looked much sexier that way too (in Smokey’s humble opinion). A neatly trimmed strip of blonde pubic hair rested between her legs, signaling that the woman was indeed a natural blonde.

The woman paused for a brief moment in order to retrieve a towel from the bag she’d brought along with her. Time seemed to slow down to crawl as she shifted her gaze towards Smokey. Her icy-blue eyes stripped everything away and it felt like they were piercing his very soul. The woman’s stern expression did little to ease Smokey’s apprehension. He cursed himself for watching her so intently. It made him feel like a peeping tom who’d had the misfortune of getting caught in the girl’s locker room.

Before Smokey could even utter a single word of apology to her, the woman calmly dried herself off and approached him. She paused for a moment and inspected him like an owner would check a prized stallion at a horse race. With an amused smirk, she placed one hand on her hip and extended the other in a handshake. Utterly gob smacked, Smokey gripped her hand firmly and shook it, not really knowing how to gauge such a reaction.

“Good morning, Mr. Bones. I hope that Camp Everfree is treating you well.”

Smokey’s eyes widened when he immediately recognized the woman’s crisp, professional tone. It couldn’t be. There was absolutely no way it was her. Yet, the longer he looked at the nude woman standing before him, the clearer it became that he did indeed know her. She was none other than Dr. Harshwhinny, CHS’s resident student counselor and psychologist.

“Mornin’, Dr. Harshwhinny. I—erm almost didn’t recognize ya without your suit.”

Dr. Harshwhinny chuckled politely. “Yes, well… I believe it goes without saying that we’ve both seen far more of each other this morning than we’re typically accustomed to. I must say: I’m quite surprised to see you here, Mr. Bones. Is this your first time visiting a naturist resort or are you a seasoned regular?”

“No, Ma’am. I’ve been a nudist for ‘bout twenty-five years now. This is the first time I’ve ever been to Camp Everfree, but it ain’t the first time I’ve worked as a cook at a naturist resort. Won’t lie to ya: it’s a pretty lucrative gig. The folks that run these places tend to have money.”

Dr. Harshwhinny nodded. “I imagine so. In any case, I’m delighted to hear that you’ve taken to the naturist lifestyle. My mother was originally from Germaney, you see. She was quite the ardent supporter of the FKK movement and raised me in a clothes-free household even after she decided to move to Equestria with my father. Of course, I have to dress professionally in my line of work but I still love being nude whenever and wherever possible. I’m sure you understand.”

“Yeah, I totally get it. You look great, if you don’t mind me sayin’! Erm—not that you didn’t before… it’s just a helluva lot easier to tell when you’re not… wearing any clothes. Aww damnit! That didn’t quite come out right. I hope ya don’t think I’m some kind o’ pervert.”

Dr. Harshwhinny waved her hand. “Mr. Bones, you are certainly not the most perverse man I have ever encountered. In fact, I take it as a great compliment that you’ve noticed the fruits of my labor. I, too, have noticed your own well-maintained physique. We’re both experienced nudists, after all. I think it would be rather silly if we felt embarrassed about showing off our bodies in front of others, don’t you think?”

Smokey chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. “Fair point, I reckon.”

“By the way, how is Wallflower doing? It has been a while since my last session with her. Has she been able to handle her social anxiety any better?”

“Not to sound rude, Dr. Harshwhinny but you should probably ask her that yourself. I don’t think it’s my place to analyze Wallflower’s current state of mental health. She is a grown woman capable of handlin’ her own affairs and I intend to respect her privacy. I apologize if I’ve caused you any offence.”

Dr. Harshwhinny smiled. “None taken, Mr. Bones. I wouldn’t dream of breaching patient confidentiality. Nor would I expect you to betray your niece’s trust. I can call her cellphone later when the opportunity presents—”

“Oh! Sorry, I misspoke earlier. She actually came to Camp Everfree with me this summer to work in the kitchen as my assistant chef. I also thought it’d be a great opportunity for her to build some confidence and come outta her shell a bit.”

Dr. Harshwhinny hummed. “Interesting. A bit extreme for a girl with her condition, but staying at a naturist resort would certainly help give Wallflower the positive encouragement she needs regarding her body image. And I’m certain that the camp guests are far less judgmental than her peers back home. Perhaps you have the makings of a professional psychologist, Mr. Bones.”

“Nah, I ain’t even close to bein’ one o’ them. I’m just a concerned uncle who loves his niece and wants to help her out any way he can. That’s all there is to it.”

Dr. Harshwhinny placed her hand atop Smokey’s shoulder. “Wallflower is very fortunate to have such a supportive and loving family member present in her life. It makes the path towards healing and acceptance that much easier.”

“No doubt about that. Hey—uh—since you seem to be on vacation and whatnot, how’s about we make things between us a bit more casual? There ain’t no reason we can’t be friends while we’re here, right? For starters, I insist that you call me Smokey. None o’ that Mr. Bones business. Makes me sound like an old fart.”

Dr. Harshwhinny giggled. It was melodic and feminine despite her professional demeanor. “Very well, Smokey. Then I must insist that you call me Hilde. It’s short for Brünhilde. However, since Germaneic names tend to be a mouthful for most Equestrians, I took the liberty of shortening it.”

“Wow, that’s a real pretty name. I like it. Did that come from one the Valkyries?”

Hilde’s eyes lit up in surprise. “Indeed, it did! I wasn’t aware that you were familiar with Germaneic folklore, Smokey. Have you seen any of the classic operas about them, by chance? My favorite is Der Ring des Nibelungen. The music of Wagner is simply sublime! Particularly during the third act of the second opera—oh, goodness. I’m rambling, aren’t I? My apologies. Opera happens to be a great passion of mine.”

“Sorry, Hilde. I only know bits n’ pieces of stories. Nothin’ much more than that. You know, a passin’ curiosity. But it’s totally fine that ya like opera. Ain’t really my cup o’ tea but… I don’t mind listenin’ to the instrumental parts from time to time. Helps me relax.”

Hilde’s cheeks flushed pink while she cleared her throat. “Ah, well it’s good that you have an open mind when it comes to such matters. Do you enjoy… listening to other classical music?”

“Yep. Sure do. Particularly in the mornin’ while I’m settin’ up my BBQ for the day. Erm—the smoker, that is. Although, I enjoy metal and country most of the time. You ever had traditional, southern BBQ before, Hilde?”

Dr. Harshwhinny shook her head. “Not as you described. At least, I don’t think I ever have. I’m very particular about the food I eat, you see. Much like an exercise regimen, one’s diet must be adhered to in order to ensure a healthy body and mind. But… I see no harm in trying new things, so long as it’s not to excess.”

“Great! It just so happens that I’ve still got some leftover pork from the picnic. Officially, I don’t have any cooking duties today but I’m sure nobody’ll mind if I sneak into the kitchen for a spell. Um—if you ain’t opposed to the idea, I’d very much like you to join me for lunch.”

The nude psychologist placed her hand on her chest and gasped in a theatrical manner. “Why, Mr. Bones! Are you asking me out on a date? We’ve only just met. Whatever shall I wear?”

“I reckon a smile will do just fine, Ma’am. The dress code ‘round these parts tends to be rather lax, as I understand. In all seriousness though, do you… wanna join me for lunch? I promise it’ll be tasty. Might even be some beer left in the fridge if you’re interested.”

Hilde paused for a moment and gave it some thought. She was definitely interested, but she didn’t want to appear overly eager to accept Smokey’s invitation. Hilde was actually quite surprised that he’d wanted to speak with her in the first place. Even without a shred of clothing on, her persona and manner of speaking tended to exude an aura of curt professionalism that had, in many instances, led to men being intimidated by her presence.

Suffice to say: her romantic life was practically non-existent at this point, despite her best efforts to make it otherwise. Hilde tried her best to remain positive about her situation, but there were times when even she would get lonely and ponder why things weren’t going her way. Hilde certainly hadn’t planned on making any romantic advances on anyone during her vacation at Camp Everfree, but she sensed a unique opportunity with Mr. Smokey Bones.

The veteran may have tried to disguise his physical attraction towards her earlier as a polite compliment, but Hilde recognized a lustful stare when she saw it. The middle-aged woman couldn’t help but feel proud that she’d managed to capture his attention so thoroughly. It was, in many respects, a justification of all the time and effort she put into maintaining her trim figure. She practically had to bite her own cheek in order to stop herself from giggling like a teenager. How many years had it been since she felt so sexy and desirable?

Hilde had to admit that Smokey was cordial and quite pleasant to converse with too, even though their interests seemed to vary somewhat. That was fine, of course. Everyone had different tastes. And despite the numerous scars that adorned his hairy body (the origin of which she was fairly certain of but wasn’t sure if he was comfortable enough discussing openly), he was in excellent physical condition and attractive for a man his age. All in all, Hilde could say without a shred of doubt that she was ready to take chances and see where things would go with Smokey.

“Uh. Hilde? Earth to Hilde! Are you alright? You’ve been starin’ off into space like you’re havin’ a stroke or somethin’. I can carry you back to the infirmary if you need to lay down for a while. Overexertion ain’t somethin’ you should be foolin’ around with if—”

A fierce blush colored Dr. Harshwhinny’s cheeks when she was finally jolted back to reality. “Ich bin einfach abgedreht! Ah—please excuse my momentary lapse of consciousness, Smokey. There are times when I tend to… lose myself in thought. I assure you that I am perfectly fine.”

Smokey couldn’t help himself. He laughed at Hilde. For the life of him, he couldn’t figure how a woman her age had any right to look so freakin’ adorable, but the proof was right in front of him. He laughed even harder when she crossed her arms underneath her breasts, scrunched her lips, and pouted like a child who’d had their candy taken away.

After taking a few moments to compose himself, Smokey walked over to Hilde, placed his hand on her shoulder, and rubbed it gently as a consolatory gesture. Hilde didn’t make any attempt to flinch away from the contact, but she did give Smokey the stink eye.

“Sorry, Hilde. Laughin’ at ya wasn’t very gentleman-like o’ me. But I just couldn’t help it! Ya looked so cute, poutin’ and blushin’ up a storm like that.”

Hilde’s entire body seemed to flush pink with embarrassment. “Congratulations, Mr. Bones. You have successfully made me feel young again. To what effect, remains to be seen…”

“Aww, c’mon! Don’t be like that. I was just tryin’ to give you an honest compliment. Alright. Fine. I’ll say somethin’ embarrassin’ too, if it’ll make you feel better. You’re way more than just cute, Hilde. You’re downright breathtakin’. Couldn’t keep my eyes off of ya while you were comin’ outta the water. It was like watchin’ Aphrodite herself emerge from the surf.”

Hilde suddenly found the sand beneath her feet very interesting. “I would hardly consider my beauty to rival that of a Greek Goddess, Mr. Bones. Your words are obviously sincere, but there’s no reason you should be comparing me to—”

“Nope. I won’t here none o’ that. I’m allowed to compare you to anybody I damn well please. Even if that somebody happens to be a goddess. So, quit puttin’ yourself down and humbly accept praise when it’s given to ya.”

Hilde finally looked up at Smokey and gave him a shy smile. “Very well, then. You present a rather compelling argument and I appreciate your straightforwardness. It’s quite… refreshing to hear such words, if I’m being honest. How many years has it been? Suffice to say, it’s been a long time since anyone has made me feel like a woman. Thank you, Smokey.”

“Much obliged. That’s a real damn shame, though. You deserve to be treated like a proper lady, Hilde. Tell ya what: if no one else’ll do it, I will. You can take that promise to the bank. Anyway, I reckon I oughta head back to camp. Lunch ain’t gonna make itself, after all.”

As Smokey started walking away, Hilde chased after him and grabbed his arm. “WAIT! Um—please don’t go just yet. I’d prefer to… spend some more time with you this morning. Perhaps we could… take a walk together and chat or something along those lines? Ah—please, forgive me. I’m terrible at being spontaneous. It goes against my analytical nature, I’m afraid.”

The pleading look that she gave him was powerful enough to be considered weapon’s grade adorkable. Smokey let out a resigned sigh. He simply couldn’t bring himself to deny her request. The combat veteran couldn’t recall how many years it had been since he’d properly socialized with any woman around his age. To put it bluntly: he was horribly out of practice.

Yet, for some reason that he couldn’t even begin to fathom, a beautiful, and highly intelligent psychologist (way out of his league) seemed to have taken a liking to him. Despite not having formulated much of plan for the remainder of the day, Smokey decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. He took the bull by the horns and awkwardly charged forth.

Smokey turned around and offered his hand, to which Hilde took into her own without hesitation. “A relaxin’ walk on the beach sounds real good right about now. We could even watch the sunrise together. That suit your fancy, Hilde?”

“Yes, indeed it would. And do you know what the best part about it is? We can take as long as we please. I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t have anything else planned for the rest of the day. That’s what makes vacations like this so fun!”

Smokey laughed and shook his head. “Hot damn! Ain’t you just full o’ surprises! I took ya for the sort who’d get all bent outta shape if ya didn’t keep to your precious schedule.”

“In my professional life that is very much the case. However, I specifically came to Camp Everfree to leave all of that behind. To let loose, relax, and allow myself to be free of any constraints. There is a certain beauty to the sheer simplicity of all, don’t you think?”

Smokey shrugged. “Can’t argue with ya there, darlin’. Runnin’ around buck nekkid all day is about as free of constraints as it gets. Unless, o’ course, I’m mistaken…”

Dr. Harshwhinny laughed melodically. “Quite the literal interpretation, but no less accurate. Mhmm. The warmth of the sun’s rays as they touch my bare skin, the gentle morning breeze as it blows through my hair, the coarse grains of sand as they shift between my toes… nothing can ever compare to the sense of freedom I’m feeling right now. And to be able to share all of it with someone makes this moment all the more precious to me.”

“Waxin’ poetic now, huh? Gotta say, Hilde. You certainly have a way with words.”

Hilde looped her arm around Smokey’s and pressed herself against him ever so slightly. The chef felt his heart hammering inside his chest at the sudden, intimate contact. The power of a woman’s touch was not to be underestimated. Especially, when said woman was wearing absolutely nothing at all. Smokey had to take in a few deep breaths to compose himself.

Surely, Hilde must have been aware that her delightfully firm, yet paradoxically soft breast was currently squished up against his arm, right? When he finally gathered up enough courage to glance over at her, the blonde-haired woman had a slightly bashful but otherwise mischievous smile on her lips. That little minx knew exactly what she was doing!

“You are correct, Smokey. I’ve been known to wax poetic whenever inspiration strikes me. And believe me when I say: there are plenty of things that have given such inspiration this morning. Present company included~”

Smokey felt his cheeks involuntarily warm up as he cursed himself for having so little control of his emotions. It didn’t help matters that he was so close to Hilde now that he could easily detect her pleasant, feminine aroma. A curious blend of sweat, strawberry shampoo, and lavender-scented perfume wafted into his nostrils. Smokey thanked his lucky stars that he’d remembered to put on a dash of cologne and deodorant before leaving the cabin. The last thing he wanted was to offend such a lovely lady with his body odor.

The only response he gave to Hilde’s compliment was a brief grunt of agreement. He couldn’t trust his voice. It probably would’ve cracked if he’d said anything. That would have been terribly awkward, not to mention embarrassing. As they continued to walk along the shore, neither of them said anything more. They didn’t need to. The pair enjoyed the sights and sounds of nature for the remainder of the morning in comfortable silence.

Wallflower hummed to herself while she sliced up a row of beefsteak tomatoes sitting on the cutting board before her. Without a shred of doubt, she could say that she was happy that her uncle had finally managed to snag a day off. However, working in the kitchen of a naturist camp was definitely not for the faint of heart. Fortunately for Wallflower, Fluttershy had graciously volunteered to help her out in the kitchen. A good thing too because it was a lot of hard work trying to cook for dozens of hungry guests.

At the moment, the green-haired teen was busy trying to prepare a batch of turkey club sandwiches and a simple, marshmallow fruit salad to go along with it for dinner. The kitchen was fully stocked with all the ingredients, it was just a matter of getting all of the individual components assembled properly.

The assistant chef smiled as she surveyed her handiwork. The tomatoes were cleanly cut and organized into stacks. That only left the bacon to be fried and the turkey to be run through the meat slicer. The lettuce and bread were already cut and portioned out. She’d asked Fluttershy to go back into the cooler and pick out the freshest portion of mesquite smoked turkey available. Wallflower knew it would be incredibly tasty. She’d helped her uncle prepare it just two days before.

The bacon, however was a bit trickier to prepare. Under normal circumstances, she would simply lay the strips out on a rack and cook them in an oven as need be. But the camp owners had bought a piece of equipment that she hadn’t expected: an industrial-sized air fryer. Not only could it hold more bacon than a regular oven, it would make the meat crispier and cook it in about half the time. Plus, it eliminated the hazard of being scaled by hot bacon grease.

Wallflower cringed when she recalled a story that her uncle had told her. Years ago, when he first started cooking at naturist resorts, he’d gotten his testicles burned by an errant glob of sizzling bacon grease. From that point forward, he’d adamantly refused to cook in any kitchen without an apron to protect his manhood. She honestly couldn’t blame him. Cooking in the nude was not without its risks.

The young woman padded over to the sink and washed her hands after she loaded the final tray of bacon into the fryer. When she turned around to check and see if Fluttershy had returned with the smoked turkey yet, she was greeted by the sound of two voices conversing. One was her uncle, and the other was a woman she definitely recognized but did not expect to hear from during her stay at Camp Everfree. Panic seized Wallflower’s body as she froze in place.

Smokey waved to his niece. “Howdy, Sweetpea. Looks like you’re hard at work makin’ tonight’s supper. I promise I won’t bug ya for too long. I just gotta grab some o’ the leftover bbq pork from the other day. Promised Hilde that we’d eat lunch together. Hey, are you ok?”

Wallflower’s voice came out as a restrained squeak. “N-never better!”

“Alrighty then. I’ll just go ahead and fetch what I need.”

Dr. Harshwhinny walked over to her patient and wrapped the green-haired teenager in a gentle hug. “Good afternoon, Wallflower. It’s so good to see you again. I wasn’t aware that you were working with your uncle at Camp Everfree. What an excellent opportunity this must be to help you come to terms with your social anxiety and body image issues. I’m proud of you!”

“Uhh—yeah, it sure is. Dr. Harshwhinny, please don’t take this the wrong way but… WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE AND WHY THE HELL ARE YOU NAKED?!!!”

Dr. Harshwhinny chuckled. “I should think the reason is obvious, my dear. We are currently staying at a naturist resort. Is it not customary to conduct one’s affairs in the nude here?”

“Well, yeah I totally get that part. UGH! What I meant to say is: I didn’t realize that you were a naturist or that you were even interested in visiting Camp Everfree in the first place. And why haven’t I seen you up until today?”

Dr. Harshwhinny smiled patiently. “I only just arrived here a day ago, Wallflower. And to answer your other question: I’ve been a nudist my entire life. Born and raised. It’s typically not a detail that I tend to share with my patients. I hope you understand.”

Wallflower shuffled her feet and rubbed her hands together. “Ok, that’s cool… I guess. I’m sorry for yelling at you, Dr. Harshwhinny. My anxiety kind of got the better of me there. You know how I can overreact sometimes.”

“Indeed. The important thing is: you recognized your mistake and apologized for it. Other than that, how have you been faring? By the looks of it, you appear to be much more confident in your own skin. I assume you must have gotten used to being seen in the nude around others for prolonged periods of time?”

“Yeah, I am. It was difficult at first, but after a while… I started to feel a whole lot more comfortable. Then it just sort of became second nature. Who knows? Maybe I’ll… try out this whole nudist thing when I get back home. Not sure what my parents will say about it, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.”

Dr. Harshwhinny nodded in understanding. “Excellent! I can certainly relate to the feeling.”

At that very moment, Fluttershy returned from the cooler and dumped the smoked turkey onto the meat slicer tray. Without so much as a warning, she scampered over to her girlfriend and wrapped Wallflower into an affectionate embrace. Fluttershy’s skin was covered in goosebumps and still a bit chilly from being exposed to the cooled air. Wallflower could quite clearly feel her girlfriend’s erect nipples as they rubbed up against her back.

But… it went a long way towards calming her down. Wallflower returned Fluttershy’s affection with a soft kiss to the lips. When the young couple finally broke apart, Fluttershy turned around, only to realize that they now had an audience. She blushed fiercely and tried her best to hide behind the flowing pink locks of hair that adorned her slender frame.

“Oh, my goodness! I-I swear, I didn’t know there was anyone else here! I’m sorry if my display of public affection offended you, ma’am. Do you… know this woman, Wallflower?”

Wallflower bit her lip. “She’s my therapist. Dr. Harshwhinny’s her name. I’ve been seeing her to help me get over my social anxiety, amongst other things…”

“Nice to meet you, Dr. Harshwhinny. My name is Fluttershy. I’m… Wallflower’s girlfriend.”

“Ah! I thought you looked familiar. You attended CHS as well, didn’t you?”

Fluttershy bowed. “Yes, ma’am.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Fluttershy. This is most unexpected! I wasn’t aware that you’d formed a romantic relationship with someone else while you were here, Wallflower. I must say: you have quite good taste! You two make such a lovely couple. Congratulations.”

Both girls blushed profusely but took the compliment in stride. “Heh. I wasn’t really expecting anything like that to happen while I was here but… one thing kind of led to another and, now I can’t imagine my life without Shy. Weird how that works, huh?”

“While we’re on the subject of relationships, I have an announcement of my own to make. During my swim this morning, I had the pleasure of getting acquainted with your uncle, Wallflower. After giving the matter some thought, we’ve decided to start dating. Obviously, we’re still in the early stage of our budding romance but I honestly can’t remember the last time I felt so happy being with someone. Your uncle is a very special man.”

Wallflower’s mouth gaped open like a fish. “WHAAAAAAAAAATTTTT????!”

Smokey returned with a plate full of pork bbq and a couple of beers. “Huh? What’d I miss?”