• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,145 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

  • ...

Baring It All

Chapter 5

Lake Clarity Beach, Camp Everfree

Timber and Gloriosa sat down in the grass for a moment to take a quick break and hydrate themselves. Everything was coming together nicely for the much-anticipated freestyle volleyball tourney and potluck dinner. Since it was still early in the summer season, the sun typically did not set until at least eight or nine o’clock, but the siblings planted a few tiki torches around the premises just in case some extra lighting was needed. The buffet tables were set up a few yards away beyond the lake shore. Campers would have a walk a short distance to retrieve their meals, but it eliminated the possibility of sand getting mixed into everything.

Neither sibling said a word. Each content to listen to the ambient sounds of nature and the occasional passerby. The only sound shared between them was that of Rufus snoring softly as he napped beside Gloriosa’s leg. Try as she might, Gloriosa couldn’t find it in her herself to encourage the little Honey Badger to go away even though she knew it wasn’t good for him to hang around humans so much.

His visits had started becoming more and more frequent as of late, but by no means did he spend all of his time at or around the camp. This, she reasoned, was a good enough excuse to keep bonding with him because he seemed perfectly capable of looking after himself. She idly ran her fingers along his coat, occasionally scratching behind his ears. To which he responded with a contented purr. Gloriosa found herself smiling. He was just so gosh darn cute.

Timber watched Smokey Bones direct Flash and Gilda as they set up the BBQ stand that would serve the slow-roasted pork he and his niece, Wallflower Blush, had prepared earlier in the morning. He’d only vaguely recalled meeting her in a brief encounter during orientation. She was, apparently, extremely self-conscious and had some kind of severe form of social anxiety. At least, that’s what Smokey Bones had told him and his sister before they were introduced.

The young resort owner was no clinical psychologist, so he couldn’t exactly judge if coercing a girl like that to work at a naturist resort was really the best way to help alleviate her mental and emotional issues. Because baring your body in front of so many people all the time, was the most literal way to put yourself out there and break down barriers that might not otherwise have the opportunity to be weakened. However, casual nudity was not an easy thing to get used to for some people. Especially, ones not accustomed to the lifestyle.

Speaking of causal, Timber found himself pondering his current relationship with Gilda. They’d had sex several times since their meetup at the rec center, and each time it kept getting better and better. More so due to the fact that Timber was getting some much-needed experience in the ways of pleasuring women. But he was also starting to learn Gilda’s favorite positions and all of the sweet spots that drove her wild.

In fact, late one afternoon after they’d gone swimming together, she’d remarked that her asshole was particularly sensitive to touch and that she REALLY enjoyed a good bout of anal sex from time to time. Timber nearly had a panic attack after she finished saying it. Gilda merely laughed off his concern and said that she made sure to clean it out thoroughly every morning whenever she took a shower. Despite his trepidation, Timber reluctantly agreed to try it out with her later that very same evening.

Their encounter had not… gone as smoothly as he would have liked. Even with plenty of lubrication (Gilda apparently had a stash of the stuff and it was fruit-scented no less), Timber had trouble inserting his girth into such a tight space. The physics of it simply did not work. Although she’d denied it profusely, Timber suspected that Gilda was very uncomfortable for most of the evening, given some of the pained expressions she’d made. If that wasn’t enough evidence, her awkward gait the next morning pretty much confirmed it.

Gilda wasn’t the type of woman who enjoyed being doted on, but when Timber finally broke down and asked her if she was ok, the tomboy quietly admitted that she was, indeed, in a significant amount of pain. Never in his life, did Timber ever imagine that he would lie next to nude woman, in his own bed, and nurse her by holding an icepack up to her sore butthole.

Yet, that’s exactly what he did. And surprisingly enough, that was fine with him. Mostly because Timber felt guilty. He was pretty sure that the sheer thickness of his penis had caused her discomfort in the first place. Gilda assured him that she was just as much to blame, since she could have asked him to stop at any point.

After a while, they shared a good laugh together. Both of them realized that they were simply trying their best to make their respective partner feel good. When Timber and Gilda finally started to relax and get more comfortable, the two of them discussed various topics at length: like their favorite music, tv shows, books, anything really. Surprisingly enough, he discovered that they had quite a lot in common. It was the first time Timber truly felt like he had connected with Gilda on a more personal level.

Deep down, Timber’s heart yearned for her to be more than just a female friend to occasionally have sex with. He desperately wanted her to be his girlfriend. A selfish desire to be sure, since he’d never asked her how she felt about their current relationship or if she even wanted to take things further. From his perspective, she never seemed terribly interested in romance.

An icy knot formed in his stomach the more he thought about it. What if things turned out the same way as they had with Twilight? Their breakup had been amicable, sure, but it still took a heavy toll on Timber’s psyche. His depressive mood had lessened considerably since reopening the camp, yet there were times, when he was all alone with his thoughts, that it silently crept back up on him with a vengeance. Timber didn’t want to ruin his current relationship with Gilda by awkwardly blurting out his true feelings for her.

Timber blinked owlishly when he felt his sister tap him on the shoulder. She was still petting Rufus, but she seemed much more concerned than before. With a slight blush, Timber realized that he had been zoning out again. He promptly directed his full attention towards his sister.

“Tim, what’s wrong? You’ve been staring over at Gilda for the past five minutes.”

“I—erm—sorry, I was zoning out. Don’t worry about it. I’m ok.”

Gloriosa scowled at him. “You and I both know that’s not true. Something’s bothering you. Or, more aptly, someone is bothering you. Are you worried about Gilda? Did something happen between the two of you? Please, Tim. I want to help you. That’s what big sisters are for. Talk to me.”

Timber let out a weary sigh. “You know we’ve been hanging out a lot lately and… doing other stuff, right?”

“You mean having sex? Yeah, I figured as much. Go on.”

Timber shifted uncomfortably despite his sister’s succinct response. “Well, that’s just it. The sex part is really awesome and she’s good at it too. But sometimes… I just want to snuggle with her or talk about stuff. She’s really fun to be around and we have so much in common! I—awww fuck! Glory, I think I’m… falling in love with her. What do I do? What if this is all one-sided?!”

“Tim, it’s perfectly normal to have doubts. However, we have to draw the line somewhere. Even if your feelings do wind up being one-sided, you’ll regret not letting her know about them. Mind you, I’m no expert when it comes to love, but I do have female intuition. If Gilda truly was opposed to the idea, why would she choose to spend so much time with you instead of other guys? It’s not as though you’re the only guy here she could potentially hang out with.”

Timber rubbed his chin in thought. “That’s a good point. I never looked at it that way. Gah! Why do women always have to be so complicated? Why can’t they just come out and say what they mean? It’s not fair…”

Gloriosa waved her hand. “Oh, I don’t think Gilda has a problem with that. Maybe she’s just trying to gauge your feelings first. Or it might be that she simply isn’t very good at dealing with romantic situations. Take your pick. Honestly, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I can tell that she likes you. Not so much in words, but by the way she’s acted.”

“Alright, I’m convinced. Even if it’s painfully awkward to tell Gilda how I feel about her, I have to man up and do it! I just… need a little bit of help figuring out the when and where. Uh… Glory, do you have any ideas?”

“You can be such a dork sometimes,” Gloriosa snickered, “How about you invite her to sit with you at one of the firepits after the volleyball tourney? You two can snuggle up close to each other, eat some marshmallows, and listen to ghost stories. Then, when the mood gets nice and romantic under the moonlight, you confess to her!”

“You know, that’s actually a pretty great plan. Not bad, Glory. You’re more of a romance expert than you give yourself credit for. So—uh—do you think I should kiss her too?”

Gloriosa scrunched her brow in confusion. “Huh? Haven’t you guys kissed before?”

“Of course, we have. Just not the romantic, expressing our love for one another kind. Ermm—more like the: ‘I’m going to slide my tongue down your throat’ kind. Ughh. I can’t believe I’m talking about this with my own sister.”

“Ah, I see what you mean. Sure, why not? If you’re going to confess to her, you might as well go full ham. Just look at my little brother! He’s all grown up and ready to sweep a girl off her feet!”

Timber shot his sister a half-lidded stare. “I’m surprised you didn’t make some crass joke about me wanting to get in her pants or something like that.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Tim. She’s not wearing any. And neither are you, for that matter! Just think of what your noble title would be if this were a romance novel. Sir Timber Spruce, first of his name, Knight of the Nude Order, wielder of the legendary sword: Big Willie. Bwhahahaha!”

Timber’s entire face flushed with embarrassment. “It seems that I spoke too soon…”

Fate seemed to have it out for Timber Spruce because only a few moments later, Gilda walked up to them and took a big, long swig from her own water bottle. Given how little she cared for decorum or modesty, the tomboy simply plopped down in the grass Indian-style right next to Timber and punched his arm. Even though he was still blushing from what Gloriosa said before, the young man returned the gesture in kind, hoping that she wouldn’t notice the color of his face.

Gilda started cracking her knuckles. “Man, it’s too damn hot outside today. Glad we’re havin’ this potluck/volleyball shindig later in the evening. Otherwise, we’d be sweatin’ our asses off. Dude, are you ok? Your face looks redder than a tomato. Do ya need an icepack or somethin’? ‘Cause heatstroke is not something ya wanna fuck around with.”

“Yeah, I’ll be ok. Just need to drink some more water and rest a bit.”

Gilda didn’t look convinced but she decided not to push the issue further. “Alright, but lemme know if ya need anything. I don’t want ya passin’ out or whatever.”

“Sure thing. You’ll be the first one to know. I promise.”

Gilda weaved her hands behind her head, laid back, and crossed one leg over the other. “Hey, Timber. Do ya wanna be on the same team for the volleyball tourney? You’re in decent shape and pretty tall too, so I image you’ve got one hell of a spike.”

“Yeah, I’d be ok with that. And you’re right, by the way. Since I tend to hang out at the beach a lot because of my lifeguard training, I’ve gotten pretty good at volleyball over the years.”

“Cool. Just make sure to keep an eye on your balls. Wouldn’t want them ta get smacked around accidentally from all of that moving around. I’m not a dude, but I heard that it’s real painful for those puppies ta get hit or whatever.”

Timber clamped his legs together slightly, well-aware of the soft, fleshy orbs that dangled between them. “Uhh… thanks. I’ll be extra careful.”

Gilda suddenly got onto her hands and knees and peered down at Timber’s crotch. “Hmm. Ya know, for as many times as we’ve had sex, I never noticed just how freakin’ big your family jewels are. But it does make a certain amount of sense, considerin’ the monster cock that’s attached to ‘em. Proportions an’ all that. Must be a real pain in the ass havin’ ‘em bounce around all the time. Same goes for big tits, I guess. Makes me glad that I don’t have ta deal with either of ‘em.”

“Gilda, please! Can we not talk about that right now!” Timber hissed.

“Huh? Why’s that? We’ve been over this, Timber. Ya ain’t got nothin’ ta be ashamed of. Besides, it’s not like your sister hasn’t already seen your junk plenty of times before.”

Timber avoided eye contact and began twiddling his fingers. “You know damn well that I’m still sensitive about the… size of my penis. Don’t you remember when I hurt you right after our little picnic lunch in the woods?”

Gilda scoffed as she crossed her arms underneath her breasts. “Of course, I remember! And I also remember that ya were so worried after we got done fucking that ya carried me in your arms the whole way back to my cabin like some frou-frou fairytale princess.”

“Well, you were waddling around like you were in a lot of pain and discomfort. I didn’t want you to hurt yourself any further. So, sue me for caring about your wellbeing!”

Gilda’s cheeks took on a pinkish hue. “I-I never said that I hated it. Especially, the part where ya took care of me afterwards. I wouldn’t let just any guy hold an icepack on my asshole, ya know!”

Gloriosa stood up and snapped her fingers. “I just remembered that we might need some extra roasting skewers for the marshmallows tonight! I’ll—uh—let you two have some space. To discuss… things amongst yourselves. See you later at the volleyball tourney, Tim.”

As he watched his older sister walk away towards the dining hall, Timber wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and hide underneath his bedcovers back at the cabin. Gilda, in the meantime, had sat back down and scooted closer to his side. In an uncharacteristic gesture of tender affection, she planted a gentle kiss on his shoulder. When he looked over at the tomboy, she wore an expression somewhere between guilt and sadness. Unsure of what else to do, Timber simply wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer to him.

“Look, I didn’t mean ta embarrass ya in front of your sister like that. I’ve been workin’ real hard to keep my temper under control, but sometimes it still gets the best of me. I’m sorry, Timber.”

Timber rubbed his fingers along her arm. “I know you weren’t trying to be malicious about it. You’re just the type of girl who doesn’t have any filters. I really should be used to it by now…”

“If I didn’t say it before, I want ya to know how much I appreciated what ya did for me back at the cabin. I know I was bein’ stupid. I should’ve said that it hurt. But most of the guys I’ve ever had sex with tended ta get real pissed off whenever I asked them ta stop abruptly. I guess, I didn’t want ya ta think that I was bein’ a party pooper. Ermm—no pun intended. Heh.”

Timber sighed. “Gilda, I want to know that there hasn’t been a single instance where you’ve been an inconvenience to me. And you never will be. If something’s bothering you, don’t ever hesitate to let me know, ok? Sex is fun and feels great but it’s not worth getting hurt over.”

“Fair enough. I’ll—uh—take that into consideration the next time.”

Timber stood up and offered her his hand. “That’s all I ask. Now, why don’t we head over to the beach and see who else will be participating in the tourney this evening?”

The potluck/tourney wasn’t set to begin for at least another four hours, so there was still plenty of time to kill until then. Gilda focused her gaze upon the surface of Lake Clarity and idly sipped on a can of coconut water. She was surprised that the camp even had any in stock. It was way better than that artificial sports drink crap that came in fancy, plastic bottles. With a shrug of her shoulders, she assumed that one of the siblings must have been a fan of the stuff too.

Gilda wiggled her toes in the sand and watched as a school of tiny, silver fish swam around, looking for something to eat. A small part of her felt guilty for not doing anything to help out around the camp, but Gloriosa had insisted that today was supposed to be all about rest and relaxation. Especially, for the counselors and staff. With no phone or computer to distract her, the tomboy’s thoughts inevitably drifted towards Timber Spruce.

What kind of relationship did they have exactly? And what did she want out of it? Gilda had to admit that their current arrangement was pretty damn great. Timber’s lack of experience had only been a factor the first two or three times they had sex. Now, he was quite skilled at the art of pleasuring a woman (or more precisely Gilda). She was confident that he would make any number of lucky girls happy from this point forward. The real question was: Did she want to become one of those lucky girls?

The young martial artist smiled as she recalled all the time she’d spent with Timber, the way he’d acted, what he’d done for her. Matters of romance and dealing with the rush of confusing emotions that came with it had never been her strong suit, even though she tended to be outspoken about everything else. Given her muscular physique, gruff demeanor, and tomboyish appearance, Gilda hadn’t had much luck finding a man (she’d been approached by lesbians quite a few times before much to her dismay) who was interested in her as a person rather than just as a casual fuck buddy. Technically speaking, she’d never actually had a boyfriend before.

Most guys seemed to gravitate towards mild-mannered, polite, little princesses with bouncy boobs, a trim waist, and obvious feminine charm. Not once in her life had Gilda ever been any of those things and she wasn’t about to start now. But Timber was different. From the very first day she met him, he’d accepted her for everything that she was without hesitation or reservation. The more she thought about him, the more she yearned to be with him. After tossing her empty can of coconut water into the recycle bin, Gilda crossed her arms underneath her breasts and sighed.

“I guess there’s no denyin’ it at this point,” Gilda quietly admitted to herself, “I’m… in love with Timber Spruce. What the hell am I gonna do about it though? Ugh! I wish I’d asked Dashie’s hoity-toity, gossip-whore friend some advice on how to deal with this romance shit.”

Gilda let out a surprisingly girlish squeal of surprise when she felt someone place their hand on her shoulder. Out of pure instinct, she grabbed the offender’s arm and flipped them onto the ground with a meaty thud. With her legs spread slightly apart, Gilda straddled the perp’s midsection, clenched her fist tightly, and bent her elbow at an angle, ready to deliver a painful strike to the face if necessary. Her eyes widened in shock when she finally realized it was just Timber. Gilda quickly scrambled to her feet and helped him get up, feeling extremely guilty that she’d attacked him.

“Sorry, I should’ve said something first. Didn’t mean to scare you.” Timber wheezed.

“Damn straight you should have! I could’ve really hurt ya, ya big fuckin’ doofus!”

Timber rubbed the sore spot where he landed on his back. “Anyway, I’m done checking out the roster for the volleyball teams. Do you… maybe want to go for a swim or something? We’ve got plenty of time to kill and… I’ve got nothing better to do at the moment.”

“Yeah, same. Sounds as good a plan as any, I guess.”

“Great! We’re actually going to be swimming over to the other side of lake, if you don’t mind. There’s something very special that I want to show you. Don’t worry! I promise that it’s not far away. We can easily make it there without drowning.”

Gilda shrugged. “Eh, ok. I’m always up for a good workout. Lead the way, Captain.”

The swim itself was fun and refreshing, if a bit uneventful. Gilda and Timber took some time to goof around and act like kids, splashing each other, dunking, those sorts of things. Once they had their fill, Timber got really serious all the sudden and insisted that they swim over to a secluded edge of the lake that Gilda couldn’t recall ever seeing before. Then again, Camp Everfree was a pretty big place. It made sense that there would still be places left around the property where people rarely stepped foot on or even knew about.

When they finally arrived on shore, the scenery looked exactly like the rest of the forest. Or, at least, as far as Gilda could tell. Ferns, scattered leaves, fallen logs, a thick canopy of trees that kept the temperature slightly cooler than directly out in the sun. Gilda couldn’t help but wonder if Timber had managed to hit his head when she flipped him over on the beach. That was, until, they walked a short distance further into the forest and came upon a secluded grotto.

Gilda appreciated the beauty of nature just as much as the next girl, but this was something truly spectacular. Dark gray boulders were arranged in a rough semi-circle around a crystal-clear pond that was so pure, she could easily see the bottom of it. Unlike the surrounding area, the ground was blanketed by a thick layer of moss instead of grass and bits of woodland refuse. The whole scene looked like it belonged in one of those epic, high-fantasy movies or a video game. It was almost too picturesque to be real.

“Do you like it? Glory and I used to come here when we were kids. It was our little secret. Not even our grandparents knew about this place.”

“It’s beautiful, Timber.” Gilda breathed.

The young man felt some of the nervous energy churning in his stomach turn into pure elation. He was beyond relieved that Gilda was enjoying he and his sister’s secret spot so much. Creating a romantic atmosphere was not something that he had much, if any, experience with despite dating Twilight for a short time. Slightly emboldened by his impromptu plan, Timber carefully slid his arm around Gilda’s waist and pulled her closer to him. Unlike at the beach, there was no immediate, violent reaction from her, she actually returned the gesture and gently rubbed her fingers along Timber’s hip.

“C’mon, let’s get a bit closer to the pond. I want to show you something.”

Timber guided his friend over to the edge of the pond and encouraged Gilda to crouch down with him. He scanned the bottom trying to find what he was looking for and found a small cluster of amethyst crystals towards the opposite edge. He was no geologist and had no idea why they were there in the first place, but Glory had always found them pretty. Especially, when the sunlight hit the crystals at just the right angle, making them glow with a purplish hue.

Gilda must have felt the same way about them because she stared at the crystals for quite some time. Given that crouching on your knees wasn’t exactly the most comfortable position to maintain for a while, the two of them eventually decided to sit next to one another in the moss and admire the sights and sounds of the forest.

Timber’s heart raced in his chest. Now that he absolutely certain how much Gilda meant to him, she’d never looked so beautiful than she did at that very moment. It was now or never. He needed to tell her how he felt. Even though his hand was shaking slightly and no doubt sweaty, Timber reached over and took hold of hers.

“Gilda, there’s… something important I need to tell you.”

The tomboy didn’t say a word. Instead, she looked Timber directly in the eyes and subtly encouraged him to continue.

“I know we’ve only been friends for a short time, but I feel like we have this special connection. Like I’ve known you for years. And as weird as it may sound, you’re the first girl I’ve been this comfortable around. It’s really fun to hang out with you and we’ve got so much in common. I think we’re also very—erm—compatible when it comes to sex as well. So… I guess what I’m trying to say is: I love you.”

Gilda smiled from ear to ear. “I know.”

“Thank goodness! I was worried that you didn’t feel the same way about—HOLD ON A SECOND! Did you just… Han Solo me?”

Gilda’s entire face erupted in a fierce blush. “Fuck off! I was tryin’ ta sound cool, ya prick! That was the only line I could think of on the fly. It just sorta came outta my mouth automatically. In case ya haven’t figured it out, I ain’t the smoothest operator when it comes ta romantic stuff. I’ve never had anyone confess ta me like that before…”

“Ok. Fair enough. I’m not either.”

Gilda scooched closer and rested her head against his shoulder. “I dunno. I think ya did a pretty good job sweepin’ me off my bare feet. And for the record, it’d make me the happiest girl in the world if you’d be my boyfriend. So long as ya don’t mind puttin’ up with all of my quirks.”

“What do you think I’ve been doing up to this point?”

Gilda reached over and gave his nipple a hard twist. “Don’t push your luck, buddy.”

“Ow! That really hurt! I keep forgetting how strong you are…”

Instead of responding verbally, Gilda shifted her position so that she was straddled over top Timber’s waist like they had been back at the beach when she flipped him over. Except, this time she wrapped her hands around the back of his head and pulled him into a soft, but passionate kiss. There was no tongue wrestling or hungry desire behind it, just a girl wanting to savor the feeling of her boyfriend’s lips against her own.

Once Gilda pulled away, she ran her fingers along his chest and trailed them down to his stomach, appreciating the firm muscle just beneath the surface. She giggled to herself when she felt something else that was even more firm brush up against her arm. Sure enough, when she shifted her attention towards the gap in-between Timber’s legs, his penis was completely stiff and standing at full attention.

The entire time Gilda had known him, it never ceased to amaze her how quickly he managed to get an erection. Given the size and thickness of his manhood, there were plenty of veins down there to give it a steady supply of blood for just that purpose. Not for the first time did Gilda wonder if the process was painful or uncomfortable for Timber. She’d never bothered to ask. Nonetheless, Gilda bent down and planted a feather-light kiss on the tip, which made Timber gasp in response. When she looked back up to see him, Timber had the most adorable expression on his face. It was somewhere between affection, embarrassment, and eager anticipation.

Satisfied that she had his undivided attention, the tomboy traced her finger from the base of his balls all the way up to the underside of his head. She knew for a fact that Timber was extremely sensitive there and that it would elicit an instant reaction. He involuntarily clenched his legs together, thrusted his hips forward slightly and made a strained hissing noise through his teeth. Gilda couldn’t help but smile when she saw a tiny bead of precum form at the tip.

“Well, it looks like somebody’s ready ta go.” Gilda teased.

“How could I not be? You’re just so damn… sexy when you do that kind of stuff.”

Gilda’s heart soared as she bent down and kissed her new boyfriend on the lips again. “Flattery will get ya everywhere. Now, how’s about we take things a bit further? I want ya ta make sweet love ta me, Timber. Nice and slow. We ain’t in any hurry ta be somewhere. So, let’s take our time and enjoy every second of it.”

Roughly two and a half hours later, the newly minted couple returned to camp and headed straight to the showers. Even though they’d swam part of the way back, Gilda and Timber were both adamant about wanting to make sure that no part of their bodies still reeked of (or were covered in) sweat or other unmentionable bodily fluids. They didn’t mind if everyone at camp knew that they were a couple now, but it was just plain embarrassing if everyone smelled it too.

Otherwise, the two of them were still very much basking in the afterglow of their passionate, love-making marathon underneath the shade of the forest canopy. With only about an hour left until the potluck, Gilda and Timber decided to take a quick catnap together back at Timber’s cabin after they got done showering. Neither of them wanted to show up to the volleyball tourney acting like a pair of shambling zombies.

Once they were tucked in under the covers, Timber wrapped his arms around Gilda’s waist and basked in the simple pleasure of feeling her bare skin pressed up against his own. She was still warm from the shower and smelled like men’s shampoo and bodywash, but that suited him just fine. He took in one last breath of her sent and gently kissed the back of Gilda’s head before closing his eyes. She sighed contentedly and immediately began to fall asleep.