• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,145 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

  • ...

A Walk On The Wild Side

Chapter 7

Administrator’s Cabin, Camp Everfree

Gloriosa let out a loud yawn and scratched her stomach as she awoke to the sounds of the Everfree Forest. Once out of bed, she padded over to the windowsill and cracked it open just a tiny bit in order to allow some fresh air to circulate inside her room. Gloriosa had become more self-conscious about the distinctly musky, pine-like aroma of her own sweat as of late. The bedsheets she’d recently ordered online were specifically designed to be both comfortable and breathable. But since it was summertime, Gloriosa knew for a fact that she tended to sweat more often because of the heat and humidity.

Back when they’d still slept together in the same room, Timber had never once mentioned that her natural scent was particularly off-putting. Nor did he say much about it since her fusion with the forest spirit. Whether or not it was because he was used to the way she smelled or if he was simply trying to be polite, she couldn’t be certain. In any case, the likelihood of someone else (other than her brother) entering Gloriosa’s personal cabin without a direct invitation was highly unlikely, but she preferred to err on the side of caution.

With a few quick puffs of floral scented air freshener to the bedsheets, Gloriosa reassured herself that they wouldn’t smell too offensive. The fresh air would certainly do the rest. As per her morning routine, the young camp owner stretched out a bit before starting her day officially. With a few satisfying pops, Gloriosa felt limber enough to grab a towel and a handful of essential toiletries from the closet next to her bed.

While she was searching for the anti-perspirant, Gloriosa felt something fuzzy rub up against her ankle. She looked down and chuckled when she realized that it was just Rufus saying good morning. His coat was covered in dirt, twigs, and bits of grass but otherwise, he appeared to be in good spirits. She wondered how he had even managed to get into the cabin.

“Rufus, how did you manage to get into my room? I didn’t leave the door open…”

The baby badger gestured towards the windowsill.

“Did you seriously climb up the wall, and squeeze through that little crack just to see me this morning?”

He nodded.

Gloriosa sighed and scooped up the honey badger in the crook of her arm. “What am I going to do with you, Rufus? I guess I really should consider installing a badger flap on the front door, huh? Otherwise, you’ll wind up hurting yourself. Don’t do that again, ok?”

Rufus barked once to show Gloriosa that he understood her loud and clear.

“Geez, your coat is filthy! I guess you must’ve fallen down a couple of times out there. How’d you like to take a shower with me? I’m afraid you’ll just have to make do with smelling like my strawberry-mango shampoo. That’s all I’ve got right now. Is that ok with you, little guy?”

Rufus chittered excitedly and began swishing his tail against Gloriosa’s breast.

If anyone was bothered by the presence of a baby honey badger in the showers, they didn’t say anything. Rufus had, more or less, become Camp Everfree’s unofficial mascot ever since he started visiting Gloriosa. He was also very well behaved while in the company of other humans. Gloriosa was fairly certain that it had a lot to do with the amount of trust that he’d placed in her for saving his life. Occasionally, she would allow the younger guests to pet Rufus and give him veggie treats. Under strict supervision, of course. He was still a wild animal.

For whatever reason, she half expected Rufus to react adversely to having his fur shampooed. Instead, the little guy seemed to relish it. A few of the other guests who happened to be bathing in the adjoining stalls, giggled when she sprayed him with the shower nozzle. The badger let out a low, purring growl. He clearly enjoyed the sensation of hot water trickling over his furry body. Gloriosa laughed while she washed the last remaining suds from his underbelly.

After they dried off together, Gloriosa and Rufus made their way over to the dining hall. She checked the clock mounted on the wall and noted that it was only about a quarter after seven. Still fairly early for most guests to be awake on a Sunday morning. Ever the dutiful cook, Smokey Bones stood behind the counter, wearing only his apron, and manned the breakfast buffet. He nodded politely when he saw his boss walk up to place her order.

“Mornin’, Ma’am. What’ll ya be havin’?”

Gloriosa rubbed her chin in thought. “Hmm. I’m not sure. Do you have any suggestions?”

“Matter o’ fact, I do. Although, I reckon it depends on how hungry ya are right now, Ma’am. How ‘bout that furry little fella down there? What’s he like?”

Gloriosa shrugged. “I suppose I am a feeling bit hungry this morning. Running around a volley ball court all evening long does tend to burn quite a few calories. As for Rufus… give him a bowl of oatmeal. Add a little bit of brown sugar and apple slices on top as a treat, but not too much! I don’t want him to get sick.”

“Will do! One Sunday Mornin’ Hangover Special comin’ right up!”

The young woman arched her brow at Smokey’s supposed breakfast special, but she trusted his culinary expertise enough not to judge a dish merely by its title. About fifteen minutes later, Smokey stopped by Gloriosa’s table and dropped off a plate with a massive slab of chicken fried steak, scrambled eggs, tater tot casserole smothered in hollandaise sauce, and tiny side of mixed fruit. It smelled sinfully delicious. Deep down, Gloriosa knew the meal was terrible for her but she didn’t care. Her body needed sustenance and she wasn’t about to argue where it came from.

While Gloriosa and Rufus enjoyed their breakfast, Flash entered the dining hall. Since he only officiated the tourney, the young man wasn’t feeling particularly hungry. He wound up ordering a simple breakfast sandwich with a cup of coffee. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the beautiful proprietress of Camp Everfree wolfing down a forkful of steak and tater tots, seemingly without a care in the world. Flash chuckled to himself. It wasn’t the most graceful thing he’d seen Gloriosa do, but it made her seem like the kind of woman he could easily relate to.

Flash pulled up a chair across from Gloriosa and smiled. “Good morning. Seems like you’ve worked up quite the appetite, huh? You make Big Mac look like a lightweight.”

Gloriosa blushed heavily. “I—uh—don’t normally eat stuff like this. All that running around last night burned a lot of calories, so I got pretty hungry. Yeah…”

“Hey, there’s no need to feel bad about eating a hearty breakfast. I like steak and eggs too. Looks pretty damn good to be honest. Might have to ask Smokey to make it for me sometime.”

Rufus lifted his head from the bowl and barked a morning greeting to Flash. His entire snout was covered in brown sugar and oatmeal. Much to Flash’s amusement, the honey badger skittered across the linoleum floor and licked his ankle affectionately. Since his sandwich was still a little too hot to eat anyway, he picked up Rufus and used a napkin to clean his face.

“You sure are enjoying that oatmeal, aren’t you buddy?”

Rufus barked happily and nuzzled Flash’s arm.

Gloriosa felt extremely nervous all of the sudden. She stared down at her plate, and played with remainder of her fruit salad. Anything to avoid eye contact with the young man sitting across from her. While it was true that she’d spent quite a bit of time with Flash Sentry since his arrival at the camp, it was typically within a semi-professional capacity. Today, however, marked the first instance that she was asking him to spend time with her personally, on his day off.

She had no doubt that he would agree. Flash was a decent guy. What truly made her stomach twist into icy knots was what they would do together and the topics of conversation they would broach. It had been years since Gloriosa last went on a romantic date, and she was sorely out of practice. Not to mention the fact that she was, technically, still a virgin.

Gloriosa didn’t think that Flash was the type of guy who would force her into doing anything that she didn’t feel comfortable with, but sex was still a very real possibility. Especially, given their mutual attraction towards one another and the simple fact that neither of them had to worry about clothes getting in the way. They were free to explore each other’s bodies, unbidden by society’s rules and taboos. For the briefest moment, Gloriosa shivered with excitement.

While she imagined several romantic scenarios that involved Flash, an ethereal voice echoed in the back of her mind. Gloriosa’s eyes widened like saucers when she saw a svelte nude woman materialize in her mind’s eye. The woman’s skin was a deep shade of emerald green, her hair a long mane of thorny vines that spread down to her waist, and her eyes were as red as a rose in bloom. She struck a seductive pose and smiled with a mouth full of sharpened teeth. To her horror, Gloriosa realized that such a creature could only be the spirit of Gaia Everfree.

Worry not, innocent maiden. Flash Sentry seems to be quite smitten with you. As well he should be. You are fine specimen of the female form. By human standards, anyway…”

YOU! Of all times, why do you choose to speak to me directly now?!

Gaia laughed. “Because you obviously need my help. Who do you think has been giving you more confidence and sexual allure as of late? Certainly, not your fairy godmother.

Wait a second. Is that why my sweat has gotten way more pungent all of the sudden? I only started smelling like that after we fused together.”

Gaia mimicked the clicking sound of fingers snapping together. “Correct. However, I feel as though I should clarify what is actually going on, biologically speaking. I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong impression, innocent maiden~”

Ok, I get it. I’m still a virgin. You don’t have to rub it in. Just say what you’re gonna say.

Very well. You see, humans do not have particularly potent pheromones. That is why I have decided to strengthen them a bit and infuse your body with the barest hint of my essence.”

Gloriosa gasped mentally. “What?! That sounds an awful lot like mind control magic. If that’s what you’re doing to me, I want no part in manipulating—”

Gaia scoffed. “Hardly. I merely enhanced what was already there, Gloriosa. Pheromones do not force others to gaze upon your womanly assets, nor do they suddenly make others become interested in your wit and charm. That, my dear, you did all on your own.”

Then… what exactly do they do?

They make your natural scent more appealing. Think of it as nature’s perfume. Smell, after all, is a powerful sense that invokes strong reactions from animals and people alike. It really is a shame that you’ve tried to cover it up with that ‘bodywash’ of yours.”

Gloriosa sighed. “Yeah, well… I’m not about to stop bathing. That’s just gross.

Do as you please, Gloriosa Daisy. I shan’t force you to do anything. In any case, it’s best that we cease our conversation for the time being. Otherwise, your companion will begin to question your sanity. Should you require my advice, I’m only a thought away~

Flash reached over and placed his hand on Gloriosa’s shoulder. “Gloriosa, are you ok? You look a little stressed out. Is there anything I can do to help?”

OH! Erm—yeah, I’m fine. Just got a little lost in my own thoughts there. No biggie!”

Rufus skittered across the table and hopped onto her lap. He nuzzled his wet snout against Gloriosa’s stomach a few times to show his affection and looked up at her expectantly. He clearly wasn’t convinced that his favorite human was feeling alright. To reassure him, Gloriosa began running her fingers along his coat. He barked appreciatively and promptly curled up into a fuzzy ball across her legs.

Flash took a sip of his coffee and looked straight into her eyes. “If you say so. Gloriosa, you know that you can talk to me about anything, right? I don’t mind listening. Look, I realize that running a naturist camp is a tough job sometimes and it takes up a lot of your—”

“Thank you, Flash,” Gloriosa whispered while she gently squeezed his hand, “I really do appreciate you just being here with me this morning. Tim offers me his support as often as he can, but it’s different because we’re family and we’ve been running Camp Everfree for most of our lives. But… I promise that I’ll talk to you if the need ever arises.”

“Ok. That sounds fair.”

Gloriosa cleared her throat. “So… I was wondering if you had any plans today.”

“None that I can think of. Why? Do you need me to help out with anything?”

Gloriosa waved her hands. “Oh, no! I don’t need any help with anything today. Especially since it’s your day off, Flash. I was just… curious if you wanted to go on a hike together with me in the woods. Would that interest you?”

“You mean together, as in: just you and me? ALONE?!!”

Gloriosa blushed and began twirling a strand of her hair. “Yeah. I was thinking we could do something special today since we didn’t get to spend much time together during the tourney like everyone else did. What do you say, Flash? I’d really appreciate it if you could go with me…”

“I’d love to! When do you want to head out?”

Gloriosa bit her lip. “Oh, well… I was thinking we could start right after breakfast. IF that’s ok with you. You know, since you said that you didn’t really have anything else planned for the rest of the day. Does that meet with your approval?”

“Sure. That’s cool. So long as you don’t mind me making a quick pitstop to grab my hiking boots. As you can see, I’m currently not wearing any shoes…”

Gloriosa looked down at her own bare feet and giggled. “Yes, of course! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve run out of my own cabin and forgotten to wear shoes. It’s kind of like being nude too, I suppose. You forget that you’re not wearing clothes after a while…”

“Ain’t that the truth! Alright. I’ll see you in a bit then, Gloriosa.”

The young woman waved goodbye to her friend as she watched him (and his cute tushie) leave the dining hall. Gloriosa let out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding. Rufus barked twice inquisitively, and looked up at her with a curious expression. When his favorite human didn’t respond immediately, he tapped his paw against her thigh in order to get her attention.

“Oh my gosh. I just asked Flash out on a date, didn’t I?”

Rufus nodded and swished his tail back and forth.

“Don’t worry, Rufus. I intend to tell him how I feel. That part won’t be too difficult. It’s the magic part that I’m worried about. What if he thinks that I’m still some kind of deranged plant monster? UGH! I know I NEED to tell him about my resurgent powers, but… I don’t want to ruin the relationship we already have.”

Rufus chittered softly and licked her hand.

“Thanks for the reassurance, buddy. Well, I suppose things could be worse. At least Flash is used being around magical stuff. He dated a freakin’ trans-dimensional unicorn turned she-demon before he even met me and he’s friends with all of the Rainbooms. There’s nothing else I can really do at this point except be honest with him and hope for the best.”

After one final nuzzle, Rufus left Gloriosa’s lap and scampered off to do badger things.

It had taken every shred of Gloriosa’s willpower to psyche herself up for the hike. While it was fairly hot outside, the thin sheen of sweat that coated her skin was mostly due to nervousness rather than her body’s effort to keep cool. Flash had readily taken her hand while they walked together, side by side, in the forest admiring the flora and fauna. She pleaded to whatever god was listening that her hands weren’t all clammy and gross. If they were, Flash had yet to mention it. However, he may have kept that detail to himself in order to be polite.

The deeper they went into the forest, the quieter it seemed to get. Save for the occasional melody of a random songbirds or the hum of cicadas. Thankfully, since the canopy was so thick, it was much cooler than being out in the direct sunlight. Gloriosa lingered a few steps behind Flash as he walked ahead. She took a moment to admire the muscles that rippled across his chest while he crouched in the brush to observe a snake that happened to be slithering by.

He obviously didn’t have the sculpted physique of a professional athlete like Gilda. But in Gloriosa’s humble opinion, he was still in excellent shape. A slighter build, perhaps, but with just the right amount of muscle. And well-groomed too. She found herself blushing at that. It was pretty much inevitable that one noticed how men & women alike preferred to style their pubic hair at a naturist resort.

Gloriosa, more often than not, kept her attention focused well above Flash’s waist, but there moments when she found herself admiring his equipment. Since Timber never seemed interested in making an effort to groom his own privates, Gloriosa wondered how difficult it was for men to keep the hair that grew on their balls properly trimmed. Waxing was the most logical answer, she assumed. Gloriosa couldn’t imagine that using a razor (electric or otherwise) against all those wrinkly contours was easiest or safest method. Especially, if you didn’t have a steady hand.

The camp owner bit her lip as she watched the smooth, fleshy orbs dangle freely between Flash’s legs. It was the first time she’d paid such close attention to his family jewels. For a fleeting moment, she wondered what they might feel like in the palm of her hand. She’d read in a magazine somewhere that guys enjoyed having them played with and massaged (gently, of course) but she’d never found the nerve to ask. It was an embarrassingly intimate question to ask any man. Even to her brother.

All of the sudden, Gloriosa felt an intense, tingling warmth blossom deep within her loins. The sensation radiated throughout her entire body and made her skin flush, all the way from her head down to the tips of her toes. The slight breeze that blew through the forest made her shudder uncontrollably but not because she was cold. No, every part of her had become extremely sensitive to even the slightest tactile sensation. In order to test this theory further, Gloriosa ran her index finger along the inner portion of her thigh and nearly moaned aloud because of the intense, pleasurable feeling it gave her.

Something warm and sticky that definitely wasn’t sweat dribbled onto the ground below. Gloriosa clamped her legs together so quickly that there was slight smacking sound when her bare thighs connected with each other. Flash happened to overhear it and looked over at her with a concerned expression. The young camp owner hoped that he was far enough away not to notice what was really happening to her body. With a sheepish expression she carefully slid her hands over her privates and let out a frustrated whine.

“Gloriosa, are you alright? You seem a bit flustered all of the sudden. Do you need to rest for a while or get a drink?” Flash asked.

“Yes, I’m ok. I just need to… pee. Do you mind waiting until I finish my business?”

Flash shrugged. “Sure. Take your time. There’s no rush or anything.”

With a slight nod of thanks, Gloriosa bolted off into the woods in search of a nice, private set of bushes to hide behind. Much to her dismay, when she finally got a chance to check the condition of her womanly folds, they were slightly puffy and slick to the touch. She blushed fiercely when the smell of her own arousal wafted into her nostrils. It was an overwhelming musky aroma with a strong undertone of pine and flowers. She never recalled it smelling quite that strong before.

“Gaia! I swear, if you’re responsible for this I’ll—” Gloriosa hissed.

“You’ll do what, exactly? I only helped speed up the process of your inevitable mating session with Flash Sentry, my dear. You were already entranced by his girth like a hungry wolf licking its chops over a piece of fresh, juicy meat~ Now, you’ll be irresistible to your companion! Just one whiff of your womanly essence and he shall become putty in your hands.”

Gloriosa let out a frustrated huff. “That’s not the point! I mean, yeah, I do want to make love with Flash but I don’t want it to be forced by circumstances. Not when… I’m like this. Our first time being intimate together should be special and romantic. Forest Spirit or not, even you should have enough common sense to understand that.”

“And who says it won’t be? As I seem to recall, you share a perfectly amicable relationship with him. My impression of Flash Sentry is that he is of honorable character. It is highly unlikely that he would seek to take advantage of you physically. Therefore, how do these factors, added together, not constitute a pleasant sexual experience? Allow me to show you the true extent of what my powers are capable of, Gloriosa Daisy.”

Just to further emphasize her point, Gaia sent an intense burst of electric pleasure straight to Gloriosa’s g-spot, which caused the frazzled camp owner to roll around in the brush helplessly while she panted and moaned like an animal in heat. She continued to do so for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality, only about thirty seconds passed. Gaia cackled with glee in the back of her mind when everything was said and done. It made Gloriosa seethe with rage.

When Gloriosa finally managed to catch her breath, she realized that her entire body was soaked in sweat, her hair had become a matted mess, and she continued to shake from most intense, continuous orgasm that she’d ever experienced in her entire life. The commotion she’d caused even managed to attract the attention of some local wildlife.

A tawny-furred, male mountain lion peered at her curiously while she laid on her back, utterly exhausted and panting. Gloriosa probably would have screamed in terror had her brain not been floating in a cocktail of endorphins and post-orgasmic bliss. Instead, she let out a weak chuckle and looked back at the predatory cat. If she could befriend a couple of honey badgers, why not another apex predator? Perhaps, Gaia’s powers were useful for something, after all.

“What? Did I wind up scaring away your lunch?”

The mountain lion snorted contemptuously and cocked his eyebrow. With the elegance and grace that his species was known for, he glided through the brush effortlessly and jerked his head towards Gloriosa’s crotch. With an embarrassed squeak, the young woman realized that she was laying on the ground spread eagle, and quickly set about closing her legs in an effort to preserve her dignity. Or at least as much dignity as a nudist could have, given the circumstances.

Gloriosa’s cheeks turned beet red after she let out an angry huff. “Of course, you smelled me from a kilometer away. WHY AM I NOT FUCKING SURPISED?!! Sorry, big guy. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m just really frustrated right now. Tell ya what, if you stop by the camp later today, I’ll let you have some leftover pork BBQ. How’s that sound?”

The mountain lion purred in agreement and nuzzled Gloriosa’s shoulder to show her that he was not a threat. It was, perhaps, the strangest display of feline affection she’d ever witnessed. Considering, of course, that he could have easily maimed or killed her with those powerful jaws. This whole “Animal Empathy” thing definitely had its perks. With a single flick of his tail, he went off in the opposite direction, presumably to hunt other prey or quench his thirst. Whatever the reason, Gloriosa was relieved to be alone again.

“I hope you’re happy, Gaia! That mountain lion could have torn me to shreds!” Gloriosa rasped.

Gaia waived her hand dismissively. “Pssht. You were never in any danger. He could sense my presence inside you. If anything, YOU should be thanking me for giving you such a wonderful orgasm. Just think of how much better it will be when you become one with your paramour.”

“You’re still missing the point! I haven’t even confessed my feelings to him yet. And your idea of a foolproof plan is for me to just walk right up to Flash, wiggle my naughty bits in front of his face, then get on my hands and knees like some skanky whore?! No way! That’s not how I do things. I won’t stand for it! That’s putting the cart before the horse and you know it.”

Gaia begrudgingly nodded in agreement. “In the vast majority of cases, perhaps. But I have always been a being of action. For actions tend to speak far louder than words and they carry greater meaning. Surely, your beau would understand. Do you deny this? Creator forbid that I should EVER have to force you into my way of thinking…”

Gloriosa sighed. “Look, all I’m saying is: I hate it when you cause my body to go through such… extreme changes without my knowledge or consent. It makes me feel like I’m just a backseat driver along for the ride. Even when you’re doing it with the best of intentions. You and I, we’re stuck with each other from now on whether we like it or not. I don’t want to have to argue with you all the time.”

“Fair enough. I… apologize for taking unsolicited liberties with your physiology. It shan’t happen again. You have my solemn oath as a Forest Spirit. However, you’re wrong about one thing, Gloriosa Daisy. I chose YOU as the heir to my powers. It is destiny that binds us, not coincidence. I would appreciate it if you would not spurn my gifts as an inconvenience.”

An aura of pale, green energy radiated from Gloriosa’s fingertips and spread along the ground like a spiderweb. Where once there was only a patch of grass, beautiful flowers began to bloom, turning the area surrounding Gloriosa’s body into an impromptu garden. A single stem containing a ripe, juicy plum slithered over and plopped into her open palm. She took one bite and closed her eyes while she savored the delicious piece of fruit. Although Gloriosa wouldn’t admit it aloud, it was probably the best plum she’d ever tasted.

“I’ll… try to be a bit more open minded about your gifts. It’s just really difficult for me to see them as beneficial considering what happened when the Rainbooms came a long and—”

Gaia held up her hand. “Before you finish that sentence: yes, I agree that the purification was long overdue and entirely necessary. On my part, I can only offer you my sincere condolences for transforming you into a monster, Gloriosa. Yet, it is unwise to remain rooted in the past, plagued with self-doubt. You are a much stronger, healthier woman than before. It’s in your best interest to move forward and accept what you have become rather than deny it.”

“Fine. We can both agree on that much. At least it’s a long hike to the cave. That’ll give me some time to clear my mind and calm down a little bit. I’ll tell him how I feel once we get there and then reveal my powers to him. It’s the only way I can think of for us to have an honest relationship. Otherwise, how else can he possibly trust me if I’m always hiding what I am?”

Gaia hummed in approval. “A wise choice. For the time being, I shall withdrawal my presence while you converse with Flash Sentry. Should you require me for any reason, I am but a thought away. Good luck with your endeavor, Gloriosa Daisy.”

It took a little while for Gloriosa to fully compose herself once more. She tried her best to brush off any remaining blades of grass or twigs that remained stuck to her skin and hair. Without a mirror, it was impossible to know if she got all of it. If nothing else, she would tell Flash that she tripped over a tree root and stumbled around in the brush or something along those lines. As for the smell, there wasn’t anything Gloriosa could do about that.

At least, not without washing off first. Since they were literally smack dab in the middle of the forest, there weren’t any significant sources of water nearby, except within the cavern. Gloriosa hadn’t planned on taking a dip, but she was confident that Flash wouldn’t mind. Neither of them had brought along a bath towel, but the sun and open air would dry them off in no time at all. One of the many advantages of swimming in nothing more than your birthday suit.

When she finally met up with Flash, he was busy observing a pair of cardinals as they flittered around in the underbrush, looking for something to eat. Gloriosa carefully looped her arm around his midsection and purposely squished her breast up against his side. It had the desired effect. Gloriosa was certain that she’d gotten his undivided attention. Flash Sentry’s cheeks flushed ever so slightly at the intimate contact while they continued to make their way towards the cavern.

“Are you wearing some kind of new perfume? Because you smell really good.”

Gloriosa nearly choked on her own spit. “I forgot to wear any today. Although, I did take a shower earlier this morning. I guess it must just be my natural scent then. Hahahahaha! I was starting to get a bit worried that I might stink. What, with all the sweating I’ve been doing out here. Most women are pretty sensitive about their personal hygiene, you know.”

“Yeah, Sunset was like that too. Other than the whole ‘being a nudist thing’. She used to always use this mango scented bodywash. I liked to breathe in whenever we—oh, sorry I just made things SUPER awkward by mentioning my ex, huh? Forget I said anything…”

Gloriosa rubbed her hand along his hip. “It’s ok, Flash. I don’t mind if you talk about her. Sunset obviously meant a lot to you. The way I see it: you’re bound to make comparisons because she was your only point of reference. Relationship-wise, that is. Or did you have other girlfriends I’m not aware of?”

“No, Sunset was the only one. Twilight doesn’t really count since it was just a crush."

Gloriosa cocked her head. “Twilight Sparkle? You mean that nerdy girl who hangs out with the Rainbooms? I didn’t figure that she was your type. Erm—I mean, she seemed pretty smitten with my brother the last time she was here. They tried dating for a while, but it didn’t quite work out.”

“I’m talking about Princess Twilight. The one from the other side of the mirror portal. That’s… kind of why I gave up on her. Cross-Dimensional relationships aren’t exactly the easiest thing to maintain. Not to mention the fact that she’s royalty. Man, why am I always drawn to exotic, magical women? My life sounds like the plot line to some cliché rom-com anime.”

Gloriosa laughed. “C’mon, it’s not so bad! At least your life is never boring.”

“Well, that’s true. Never a dull moment.”

Gloriosa felt her heart pound in her chest while she looked straight into Flash’s eyes. “So… am I included on that list?”

“Umm—if I said yes, what would you have to say about that?”

It was at that precise moment, Gloriosa decided to throw caution to the wind and gamble big. For what she was about to do could not be interpreted any other way, nor could it be taken back. After closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she placed her hands upon Flash’s cheeks and pulled him into a soft, but heartfelt kiss. In the back of her mind, she saw Gaia smile and nod in approval. When Gloriosa finally pulled away, she felt slightly embarrassed at her forwardness but she knew that it had been the right thing to do.

“How’s that for an answer, Flash?”

Flash Sentry opened and closed his mouth several times, his face flushed. “Wow! I-I don’t know what to say. I gotta be honest with you, Gloriosa: I wasn’t one hundred percent sure if you wanted to take things any further than—uh—hanging out or whatever. Are you ok with… taking things further? Beyond being just friends, I mean. It’d make me so happy if you said yes. After what happened with Sunset, I didn’t think that I’d find another girl who—”

Gloriosa placed her fingers on his lips to silence him. “Let’s not get too caught up in the moment, Casanova. Before we commit to anything, there’s something very important that I need to discuss with you. After that happens, then you can give me your answer, ok?”

Flash deflated a little at Gloriosa’s insistence on having a serious discussion, but he understood that there was no point in arguing with her. He simply nodded and followed her towards a small cavern just a few paces away from where they were standing. Although he was far from an experienced spelunker, Flash noticed right away how special the cavern was. The entire ceiling was pepper with bioluminescent mushrooms that gave off an eerie, blueish glow. Even though the lighting was significantly dimmer than outside, the fungus eliminated the need for flashlights.

After a few minutes, the pair finally reached the end of the cavern. A massive pool of crystal-clear water, shimmered like a thousand diamonds in the dim, blue light. Flash figured that the ambiance was only further enhanced by the fact that there were actual crystals growing along the bottom of the tiny lake. From what he could tell, they were mostly amethyst and quartz.

Most curiously of all, however, was the mural painted on the back wall. It depicted a svelte, nude woman with emerald green skin, vine-like hair, and red eyes, surrounded by forest life. With a slight blush, Flash noted, whoever had painted her was quite the skilled artist. They’d made her anatomically correct in the best ways possible, accentuating all of her feminine qualities. Judging by the style, he estimated that it must have been hundreds, if not thousands of years old.

Flash’s reverie was broken when he heard a splash. Sure enough, when he looked over, he noticed that Gloriosa was already having fun, swimming around in the pool. She dove underwater and surfaced again. Her skin practically glistened in the dim light of the cave. Not but a moment later, she ran her fingers through her hair and allowed the long, wet locks to settle just above her breasts. Flash found himself entranced by her beauty.

Gloriosa giggled. “What are you waiting for, Flash? The water feels amazing!”

The young camp counselor wasted no time taking off his boots and socks. Unlike Gloriosa, however, he opted to slowly sink into the pool rather than dive in headfirst. He wasn’t entirely sure how deep it was and didn’t want to risk getting a horrific injury just because he was eager to join a bathing beauty. Much to his surprise, the water was fairly warm. Only slightly less so than your average hot tub. Gloriosa waded over to him and smiled.

“I was surprised by that too the first time I swam in here. Only later did I find out that the whole thing’s heated by a geothermal vent that runs deep underneath the cave. Isn’t it great? I can feel all of my stress and worries just melting away…”

Flash sighed as he sank deeper into the water. “Yeah, it’s nice. Umm—not to ruin the moment or anything, but what the hell is that on the wall over there?”

“Well, that’s part of what I wanted to discuss. What you see on the wall is a depiction of Gaia Everfree. Granted, I’m no archeologist but I’d wager that it’s been here for quite some time. Probably made by the first humans who inhabited this area. She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

Flash nodded. “Mhmm.”

“This is also the place where I first discovered the geodes. Or what was to become them. It was also the first time… Gaia bonded with me and gave me a taste of her powers. There really is no way to properly describe what having that kind of power is like, Flash. It’s… intoxicating.”

Flash felt his balls try to shrink back into his stomach. And it wasn’t because the water was cold. “Gloriosa, is there… something you’re not telling me? You know you can trust me. Whatever it is that’s got you acting this way, I wanna help you get through it.”

The camp owner let out a forlorn sigh and raised her hand out of the water. In an instant, a deep emerald aura flickered to life at the tips of her fingers. She pointed them towards the edge of the pool and closed her eyes. Flash gasped in surprise when he saw a bed of healthy, green moss sprout out of the ground and coat the surface in a matter of seconds. When he looked back at Gloriosa, she looked like she was on the verge of tears.

“When the girls shot me with their little Rainbow Laser Beam, I was purified. Or… at least to a certain extent. But… Gaia’s influence never truly left me. It just changed instead. As you can clearly see, I can still wield her magic with ease and it’s been getting stronger every day.”

Flash placed his hands on her shoulders and rubbed them gently. “I had no idea you retained Gaia Everfree’s powers. Is this what you were so afraid of telling me?”

“Yes,” Gloriosa croaked, “I-I didn’t know how you would react! The only other person who knows is my brother. I figured that it would be dishonest of me to keep this a secret from you. Especially, if you wanted to get involved in a deeper relationship with me. And—um—the fact that you’ve had experience dealing with magical girls before. Hahaha! Just your luck, huh?”

Flash treated the situation with levity despite how serious it was. “Yep. That’s me, alright. Always getting hopelessly drawn to magically gifted women. So… what all can you do?”

Gloriosa shuffled her feet. “I can grow plants, obviously. Like, ridiculously fast and whatever kind I want. That’s why my garden looks so healthy back at the cabin. I know I have this empathy with wild animals too. It’s hard to explain. I just know how they’re feeling and that they can somehow understand me. Kind of like Fluttershy’s geode, I suppose.

“Oh, and my body heals really fast too. That seems to happen automatically whenever I’m injured. I haven’t tried to heal anyone on purpose yet. The jury’s still out on that one. Maybe Gaia would know more about it.”

Flash let out a heavy sigh. “That’s a lot to take in. I need a second to process all of this.”

“Ah… sure. Take your time.”

Flash Sentry’s mind ran at the speed of light, desperately trying to make sense of what he’d seen and heard. On the one hand, he knew exactly how dangerous magic could be when it was wielded by those who had little self-control or morals to keep them grounded. Yet, he didn’t sense that from Gloriosa anymore. She had clearly changed since her battle with the Rainbooms. It took no small amount of courage for Gloriosa to lay herself bare (in all senses of the word) before him, and share her deepest secrets.

Flash felt conflicted. There was absolutely no doubt in his mind that he treasured the relationship he shared with Gloriosa. Magic or no magic. When he looked into her eyes, all he saw was a young woman who was simply trying to put her best foot forward and move on from her past indiscretions. When it came down to it, he could easily imagine Gloriosa becoming a more intimate part of his life. And so, despite the tiny sliver of hesitation in the back of his mind, Flash decided that he wanted to make things work between them no matter the circumstances.

Flash stepped forward and embraced Gloriosa with all of his might. She paused for a moment, utterly taken aback by the sudden show of affection, but she eagerly returned his embrace. The young couple stood like that for a time, the only sound that echoed through the cavern was Gloriosa’s quiet sobs. When they finally broke apart, Gloriosa sniffed loudly and hiccupped.

“Damn it. I look like a mess, don’t I? That’s probably the most unromantic thing I’ve ever done.”

Flash leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Yeah, well you needed a good cry. It made you feel a whole lot better, didn’t it? In my book, that’s the only thing that matters. Snot dribbles or not.”

Gloriosa let out a watery chuckle. “Way to flatter a woman. But seriously, thank you. I’m really happy that you still want to be with me, despite all of the baggage I’m carrying around.”

“Heh. I suppose you could say that I’m used to magical craziness being in my life. Makes things a hell of a lot more interesting, ya know?”

Gloriosa couldn’t help but laugh. Before she knew it, she was giggling, snorting and just generally making a fool of herself in front of Flash. But Gloriosa found that she didn’t care. It wasn’t long before he joined her and after she took a moment to compose herself, she wrapped her arms around Flash’s neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

Unlike the first time, Gloriosa felt more confident in herself and decided to explore a bit more. She slid her tongue deeper into his mouth and entwined it with his own, a delicate dance of supremacy and mutual desire. Gloriosa moaned softly when she felt him begin to massage her breast. He was very gentle of course, and applied just the right amount of pressure on her nipple when he ran his thumb over it.

The fiery heat from before blossomed in her loins once again. Her body screamed at her to give in and let nature take its course, but she resisted the urge to do so. Just as Flash was kissing the side of her neck, Gloriosa felt something hot and stiff poke her belly. She looked down, and sure enough, Flash was standing at full attention. With a wicked smiled, she slid her hand in-between his legs and stroked his manhood affectionately.

Flash let out a shuddering breath. “Gloriosa, I don’t think I can—”

Rather than responding verbally, she kissed him on the lips. The young woman then took hold of his hand and led him over to the bed of moss that she’d create a little while earlier. Gloriosa climbed out of the water, made herself comfortable on the impromptu bed, and spread apart her legs to give Flash an unobstructed view of her salmon pink folds. She blushed furiously when she realized that it was pretty obvious how aroused she was, even in the dim light of the cave.

Flash quickly followed suit and joined her. He sat on his knees, suspended just above her, his penis almost painfully stiff and twitching ever so slightly. Gloriosa swallowed a massive lump that had formed in her throat. This was it. She was finally going to lose her virginity. Her hymen had been broken long ago, but she couldn’t help wondering if it would still hurt. Flash was, by no means, small. Now that she’d had a chance to get a proper look at it, Gloriosa realized that his penis was actually quite thick. Obviously not as big around as Tim’s, but still noticeably so.

“Flash,” Gloriosa whispered nervously, “I have a confession to make. This is the first time I’ve ever been in an intimate situation with anyone. So—um—please be patient with me and take things slow if you can. That’s all I ask.”

“Oh. OH! I—erm—was under the impression that you’d already had sex before. Awww geez! I’m sorry, Gloriosa. I just assumed that you were ok with me touching your breasts earlier. I really should have asked. I hope I wasn’t too rough…”

Gloriosa reached up and caressed his cheek. “No, you were perfectly gentle. It felt amazing. Anyway, I guess you must think that I’m pathetic for being a virgin so long. I’ve dated guys before but I never really clicked with any of them. And with running the camp, I just… never had the time to accommodate a proper, lasting relationship.”

“You’re not pathetic, Gloriosa. Sometimes, it just takes a while to find the right person. I know I felt like I was never going to find another girlfriend after Sunset and I broke up. But then, a certain naturist camp owner offered me a summer job and my life suddenly changed for the better. Funny how things work out in the end, huh?”

Gloriosa giggled. “Yeah. I think I’m… ready now, Flash.”

“Ok. I promise that I’ll be gentle and take it slow. Don’t hesitate to tell me if you’re feeling uncomfortable or in pain at any point. We can always stop if it comes to that.”

Gloriosa finally started to relax and spread her legs a little bit wider. She wanted to make it easy for Flash to fit inside her. Before they began, she sat up and gave him one more affectionate kiss. Afterwards, they went about consummating their newfound relationship under the watchful eye of Gaia Everfree. The forest spirit hummed in approval and retreated deeper into her protégé’s subconscious. It would be incredibly uncouth of her to watch the young couple’s first-time making love together, so she decided to give them some privacy. Gaia did have standards to maintain, after all. There would be plenty of time to tease Gloriosa Daisy about it later.