• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,143 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

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It's Always Sunny In Camp Everfree (II)

Chapter 15

Wallflower’s Cabin, Camp Everfree

Sunset rapped her fingers against the wooden door a few more times just to make sure that Wallflower was actually inside the cabin. Much to her surprise, a dark-skinned woman with silky green hair opened the door instead. She was about a head taller than Sunset and her insect-like eyes were, admittedly, somewhat intimidating but shown with genuine curiosity. The woman blinked a few times, placed her finger on her chin, and cocked her head to side.

“Good morning. Who might you be?”

Sunset smiled nervously at the slight, other-worldly echo of the woman’s voice. Other than that, it sounded smooth and seductive. “Oh—uh—hey there. I’m Sunset Shimmer. I’m a good friend of Wallflower Blush and I was wondering if she… might be available?”

The exotic beauty smiled, showing her fangs as she did so. “Of course. Please, follow me, Miss Shimmer. We were just sitting around watching what Wallflower calls ‘Ann-e-may’. I believe the program is called: ‘Little Mechanoid Academia’. I’m afraid that I don’t quite understand the premise of the series fully just yet, but it appears to chronicle the adventures of cybernetic organisms as they attend a local academy.”

While Sunset followed the woman inside, she took a moment to look her over more closely. Sure enough, her gut instincts proved correct: this person was the spitting image of Queen Chrysalis. Or… her doppelgänger in this universe, at any rate. Sunset’s gaze lingered on Chrysalis’s ample bosom and shapely curves while she walked towards the living room. Far longer than was considered polite, even by nudist standards. Sunset bit her lip and let out a frustrated sigh.

Luna’s unshorn fetlocks! Why does Chrysalis have to be so freakin’ sexy on this side of the Mirror Portal?! I could handle this situation a whole lot better if she was as ugly and ill-mannered as good ole’ bug butt. BUT NOOOOO! Look at her skin; it’s so smooth and shiny~ Damn it. I’d be lying to myself if I said I wasn’t a little jealous. Her hair is gorgeous too. Ok, Sunset. Just take a deep breath. All have you have to do is not act like a complete dork in front of Chrysalis and Wallflower and everything will be fine.

When Sunset finally saw Wallflower, she couldn’t help but giggle at her friend. The green-haired girl was sitting on the couch, legs spread wide, munching on a bowl of cereal. The TV directly in front of her was airing the anime Chrysalis had mentioned before and it was in Japanese. Chrysalis bowed slightly and introduced herself, then proceeded to plop down on the couch next to Wallflower.

In a move that left Sunset dumbstruck, the woman grabbed a breakfast sandwich wrapped in aluminum foil off of the coffee table and began chewing on it while she watched the anime. A stray bit of egg remained on her upper lip as a remnant of her enthusiastic feast. Without a second thought, Chrysalis’s long, forked tongue shot out and lapped it up. Sunset took her place on the opposite side of Wallflower and patted the girl’s shoulder. At least the couch wasn’t made of some cheap, scratchy fabric or fake leather. Sunset tended to avoid buying furniture made from those materials because they were incredibly uncomfortable and unforgiving on bare skin.

Wallflower smiled, her mouth still full of cereal mush and milk. “Hey, Sunset! Long time no see. We were just about to watch the latest episode Little Mechanoid Academia that aired earlier today. Erm—in Japan. Time difference, remember? Care to stick around and join us? Oh! There’s also some Coco Puffs in the cabinet if you’re interested.”

“It’s good to see you too, Wallflower. Uh… no thanks. I already had breakfast. So, what’s the anime about? I don’t think I’ve ever seen this one before. Heh. I mean, I don’t usually watch that much anime to begin with but… never mind. Just give me the abridged version.”

Chrysalis crossed her legs and stretched out her arms. “It is as I stated earlier. The core plot device of this… tele-vision program appears to be a showcase of the characters’ daily interactions with the other students and the activities they engage in. Wallflower described it as the ‘Slice-of-Life’ genre. I don’t know enough about human culture to know if that’s accurate.”

Sunset placed her hands upon her lap and nodded. “Right. Hey—um—is there any way you could possibly turn on the subtitles? I don’t understand Japanese…”

Wallflower shot Sunset a dirty look but complied with her request. “Fluttershy and I don’t usually need them and Chrissy… well, she’s like scary quick at learning languages. She did some weird magic scan on my Japanese dictionary and after watching a few episodes, she suddenly understood everything. It—um—kind of freaked me out a little bit to be honest.”

“Sorry that I’m just plain old, Sunset Shimmer.”

Wallflower snorted. “You? Plain? As if! You’re a freakin’ unicorn prodigy from an alternate universe full of multi-colored ponies. And, I might add, you have super powers too! Your life is practically the plotline of a Mahou-Shoujo anime! How much better does it get than that?”

Sunset’s cheeks flushed while she twiddled her fingers. “Erm—I’ll admit that there might be a shred of truth to that. But right now, I just want to lead the life of a normal person. Without all the extra drama. Having magic and powers is pretty cool, I guess, but there’s a lot of responsibility tied to them. You should understand that from handling the Memory Stone.”

“Ah, the cliché, and WAY overused Uncle Ben superhero speech. I totally get what you’re saying, Sunset. But a normal life is pretty much impossible for folks like us. Think of it as a Pandora’s box sort of deal. Once you open it, you can never go back to the way things used to be. Although, I’m not sure you ever had a normal life to be begin with…”

Sunset leaned back on the cushion and sighed. “A fair point, in retrospect.”

“Sure, I have some regrets over how I abused the power of the Memory Stone but I would go through it all over again in a heartbeat. Because without magic, I never would have become friends with all of you girls or gotten the chance to love Fluttershy the way I do now.”

Sunset smiled. “Aww. That’s very sweet of you to say. Fluttershy’s a lucky girl to have someone like you by her side. I’m glad that you two were able to connect while staying here.”

Chrysalis chuckled. “Indeed. I can practically taste the sugary-sweet aura of love surrounding you, Wallflower Blush. A testament to the strength of your relationship with her. Bravo~”

Wallflower’s entire body took on a rosy hue. “Yeah—well, I was just expressing my honest opinion on the whole situation. But it still feels like I’m the lucky one. Anyway! I apologize if my text sent you into panic mode, Sunset. If you’re only staying here because of me, I can ask Gloriosa to give you a full refund for all of your expenses.”

“Nah, I’m good. I’ve always wanted to stay at a naturist resort for the longest time. The opportunity just never seemed to present itself. Plus, I’ll be able to make a ton of new friends who share my passion for the clothes-free lifestyle while I’m staying here! Like Chrysalis, for instance. That is: if you’d like to be my friend.”

Chrysalis placed her hand on her chest. “Me? Yes, I’d very much like that if you’re willing. Pardon my frankness, Sunset Shimmer. But I sense a lingering hint of suspicion buried just underneath your cordiality. In fact, it is not dissimilar to what I felt with Adagio Dazzle.”

Sunset rubbed the back of her neck. “I’m sorry. It’s not exactly intentional. You seem like a good person, Chrysalis. Really! It’s just that… well, the Chrysalis I—we knew from Equestria was downright evil, cruel, and manipulative. For both of us, it’s difficult not to see you in that light.”

“Most curious. Adagio Dazzle mentioned much of what you just said. I simply wondered if your perspective was any different from her own. What I wouldn’t give to study universal differences in greater depth. Alas, I lack the proper equipment to do so and for the foreseeable future. That is, unless, humanity manages to advance their current technology by several thousand cycles.”

Sunset let out an awkward chuckle. “I have enough trouble figuring out human-tech at its current level, let alone something way more advanced. Equestria isn’t exactly what you’d call modern when compared to Earth. It took me forever to get the hang of everything…”

“Thankfully, my magic allows me to comprehend any technology with a simple scan. Granted, I was already considered well-educated amongst my own kind but it has certainly eased the process of assimilating into human society to a great degree.”

Sunset whistled. “Damn. That’s pretty impressive. Now, I’m sure Twi will want to study you.”

“A fellow scientist, perhaps?”

Sunset nodded. “Yep. You two would get along like peanut butter and jelly, I suspect.”

Chrysalis’s brow furrowed in confusion. “I’m afraid that I don’t follow.”

“Oh yeah, you wouldn’t know what those are. Peanut butter and jelly are spreadable condiments that you can put on two slices of bread to make a sandwich. They complement each other, flavor wise. Hence, the expression I used.”

Wallflower gestured towards the kitchenette. “We’ve got all the fixings for ‘em if you want to try making a PBJ for yourself, Chrissy.”

“I may try one later. For now, I am sated from eating this so-called ‘Breakfast Sammich’. Poultry and meat products are far more appetizing to my palette than mere… condiments. You must understand that my dietary needs tend to be more carnivorous in nature than what the average human consumes. My body converts animal protein into calories more efficiently.”

Sunset held her hand over her mouth and snickered. “You sound just like Spock!”

The poor alien looked even more confused as her ears drooped slightly. “Again, you have confounded me by using cultural references that I am unfamiliar with. If it’s not too much trouble, I would ask that you try to explain them in greater detail from now on.”

“He’s a character from another TV program called: Star Trek. It’s a show about a space captain and his crew as they go around and explore the universe. Mister Spock tends to use proper vocabulary whenever he speaks and he’s also a scientist. Kind of like you, Chrysalis. That’s why I thought it was funny. You remind me a lot of him. Does that make sense?”

Chrysalis frowned. “Not really. But I shall take your word for it, Sunset Shimmer.”

The fiery-haired nudist mentally sighed to herself. She hadn’t realized how often she’d come to rely on idioms and human pop-culture references during casual conversation. It would make talking to Chrysalis a bit more difficult but not impossible. At least this alien version of her seemed to be well-mannered and polite. That made it a hell of a lot easier to befriend the woman.

Sunset was concerned that Chrysalis would pull the old: ‘Alien Royalty’ card and throw her status around like a giant wrecking ball, treating everyone around her like lowly peasants. Yet, so far, she hadn’t even insisted on using her formal title. It was a refreshing change from the old unicorn nobility Sunset had been forced to deal with during her time in Equestria.

In a way, Chrysalis reminded Sunset of Princess Celestia whenever they had tea time together in the castle gardens. Thoughts of happier times with her former mentor made Sunset feel melancholy all of the sudden. Despite knowing that she could use the Mirror Portal whenever the moon phase was properly aligned, Sunset had only attempted to reconcile with Celestia when she needed to do some research on the Memory Stone with Princess Twilight.

Sunset’s reverie was abruptly cut short when she felt Chrysalis reach over and caress her shoulder. “Are you not feeling well, Sunset Shimmer? You seem upset about something. Is there anything I can do to cheer you up? Would you would like me to make a PBJ?”

Oh yeah. I nearly forgot that she can read people’s emotions like an open book. “I was just thinking about someone that I used to know back in Equestria. A former… mentor, you could say. It’s nothing you need to concern yourself with, Chrysalis. I’m fine.”

Chrysalis grasped Sunset’s hand and lifted her off of the couch. “Regardless, I would like to try making you the sandwich. Please accompany me into the kitchen if you would.”

Sunset looked back at Wallflower and realized that she was far too engrossed in her anime to notice anything else going on around her. A totally dorky thing to do, but well within the scope of her usual behavior. With a shrug, Sunset gripped Chrysalis’s surprisingly soft hand and went with her into the kitchen. Sunset was also taken aback by how strong the other woman was.

One flash of green magic later, a diagonally cut, de-crusted Fluffer Nutter sat on a plate. Chrysalis encouraged Sunset to eat the sandwich and watched her expectantly. Sunset sat down carefully (the chair was made of solid wood without any kind of padding, not something you wanted to sit down on haphazardly while nude) and took a single bite out of the sandwich. When it tasted exactly like she would have expected, Sunset made quick work of the rest.

After licking the last bit of fluff from her fingers, Sunset looked over at Chrysalis. “How in the world did you know that I liked Fluffer Nutters? They’re definitely not the same thing as a PBJ.”

Chrysalis’s cheeks flushed green while she played with a strand of her hair. “I was able the glean the information from your mind when our hands touched. Please don’t get upset! I was not my intention to… invade your privacy. It is simply the way my people communicate.”

“I understand but could you please tell me the next time you decide to do that? Most people don’t take kindly to having their minds read. Believe me! Interestingly enough, I can do the same thing when I’m wearing my geode. Other than that, I can’t do magic like I used to as a unicorn.”

Chrysalis bowed slightly. “I shall take what you said into consideration. A unicorn is a fanciful creature in this world, is it not? At least, that is what I assumed after reading Fluttershy’s thoughts. She seems to have a lot of those. Is it… unusual for humans to have so many?”

Sunset giggled. “For her? Absolutely not. She loves animals of all kinds. Even the ones that only exist in stories, cartoons, and games. You’re right. Unicorns don’t actually exist on earth. I used to be able to cast magic similar to the way you do it, except through my horn. Never been able to do it since becoming a human. My guess is that they don’t have enough of a mana pool.”

“Your theory has merit. It was evident to me from the very moment I awakened that magic does not flow in abundance on Earth like it does back on my home planet. What little there is to be had here appears to be… foreign in nature. Like the geode Fluttershy wears or Gloriosa Daisy’s choloromancy. I have yet to understand this curious phenomenon myself.”

Sunset shrugged. “Between you and Twilight, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

Chrysalis bit her lip. “Forgive me, Sunset Shimmer. But I must confess something to you. While I appreciate all the hospitality Wallflower Blush has shown me thus far, I cannot help but feel restless sitting inside this cabin. I wish to go outside, stretch my legs, and enjoy the sunlight. Would you mind accompanying me while I partake in physical activity?”

“Oh? Erm—sure, Chrysalis. I wouldn’t mind going for a refreshing dip in the lake myself. It’s a beautiful day outside. Can your people even swim? I just didn’t want to assume that—”

The princess giggled melodically. “Indeed, we can. A swim in the lake sounds lovely.”

“Cool! Why don’t we head on over to the beach then? I’m pretty sure Wallflower won’t mind if we borrow a couple of towels. Don’t worry! She won’t get mad at us. I promise.”

Chrysalis shuffled her feet. “Very well, then. If you are certain. Let us be on our way.”

Unsurprisingly, a fair number of Camp Everfree’s guests had chosen to take advantage of the sunny weather just like Sunset and Chrysalis did. There was a pretty even mix of ages and genders across the board: ranging from small children all the way up to senior citizens. Sunset took it as a good sign. The broad customer base meant that Gloriosa and Timber had done a good job at advertising Camp Everfree as a resort that was welcome to everyone.

Of course, it also meant there were no restrictions placed on guests being families or married couples. Sunset wasn’t sure who would stay at a naturist resort specifically to seek out a romantic partner. But she supposed that it must be relatively difficult (amongst humans anyway) to come across single, like-minded individuals who shared a passion for the clothes-free lifestyle.

That being said: no one had specifically harassed either of them while they swam in the lake. However, it had not escaped Sunset’s notice that several young adults milling about the beachfront (male and female alike) had given them both appraising looks. It didn’t bother Sunset, per say. She was comfortable in her own skin and had absolutely no qualms in admitting that she was proud of the way her body looked. It took a lot of hard work to keep a trim physique!

Yet, when she glanced over at Chrysalis, Sunset couldn’t help but feel a slight twinge of jealousy. Her figure was more rounded and curvaceous, but not in the sense that she was overweight in any way. It was probably just fat being in all the right places. Speaking of fat, Sunset watched her new friend’s bountiful breasts bounce around while she waded in the water.

Sunset looked down at own her chest and sighed. Come to think of it: I’ve had human breasts for years now. Sure, the big ones are always fun to play around with but I bet they’d be a real pain in the ass to deal with all of the time. Just think of the constant sore shoulders and neck pain!

Being a former unicorn, Sunset wasn’t the biggest fan of shaving any part of her body either, but she eventually got into the habit after a bit of practice. Upon discovering laser hair removal, Sunset decided to never go back to the traditional methods of disposable razors, electric shavers, and wax even though laser treatments were typically more expensive.

The one place she did not compromise on was the fiery tuft of pubic hair betwixt her legs. Back when she was still new to the human scene, she’d seen pictures of woman who’d completely removed theirs. Sunset had tried waxing all of hers off once just to see what it was like and found that it made her feel too much like a child. From that point onward, she kept her pubes neatly trimmed along the edges, but let it grow nice and thick towards the center. It was an ever-present reminder of her femininity and confidence.

It was with this in mind that Sunset felt slightly confused when she took a more in-depth look at Chrysalis. Sans the silky locks that cascaded down from her head, (Sunset wasn’t convinced that was even hair in the first place) the alien princess didn’t have a single hair on her entire body. It was as smooth and shiny as polished stone. Not only that, but it practically glistened in the afternoon sun. Sunset had to admit that Chrysalis was probably one of the most beautiful creatures she’d ever seen before. By human standards, of course. Mares were different.

After sunning themselves on the shore for a little while, the two women decided to hold hands (it gave the impression to the casual observer that they were a couple) and take a leisurely stroll along the beach. Chrysalis didn’t seem to mind the companionship, but she did quietly thank Sunset for fooling everyone into thinking that they were a couple. The alien princess admitted that she was open to the possibility of making a few more friends, but she was in no way ready to commit herself to a deeper relationship with any humans beyond that. At least, not yet.

Sunset nuzzled Chrysalis’s shoulder affectionately. “I’m really proud of how you’ve handled yourself so far, Chrysalis. My first month on Earth was an absolute fucking mess. I got so depressed one week that I very nearly drank myself to death. I can’t even begin to tell you how hard it was adjusting to a life without other ponies and magic.”

“Thank you, Sunset Shimmer. I will freely admit that there are times when I entertain dark thoughts as well, but everyone I have met at Camp Everfree thus far has been nothing but supportive and friendly. I cannot express how much that means to me.”

Sunset grinned. “You’re very welcome! None of us want you to feel like you’re an outcast or unwelcome anywhere on the camp grounds. As for the larger world outside Camp Everfree, well… I don’t know if they’ll be ready for you just yet. You might want to make a plan.”

“Thanks to Gloriosa Daisy, there shall be plenty of time for me to plan. If worst comes to worst, I can always don a disguise and seamlessly blend into human society. I know that I… tend to garner a lot more attention in my natural form.”

Sunset chuckled awkwardly. “Ah… well, that’s because you’re considered exceptionally attractive by human standards. Yeah, I know it’s really weird to think of it that way. It took me a while to realize it myself when I first changed into a human woman.”

“An astute observation. I detected a great deal of lust radiating from a few of the guests while we were swimming together. I wasn’t certain if such a pattern of behavior was normal for humans who’ve declared themselves as naturists. I base this only off of what Gloriosa Daisy told me.”

Sunset sighed. “Yes and no. I mean, the answer is kind of complicated. Regardless of whether or not people are comfortable with nudity or they happen to be naturists, at the end of the day, it’s basic human nature to desire the company of those we find attractive. Do your people think the same way about dating and relationships? Erm—generally speaking, that is.”

“Indeed. I’ve had my fair share of male suitors over the cycles. However, in most cases, they believed that my intellect and straightforwardness negated the possibility of enacting any kind of long-term relationship. In other words: males of my race prefer subservient, docile, dull-witted females to be their life mates. I have not learned enough about human cultural norms to judge whether or not this is the case on Earth, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was.”

Sunset hummed in thought. “Sometimes it is. Humans have become a lot more open-minded when it comes to relationship roles. Or so Rarity tells me. Personally, I’ve never experienced a situation like that myself, so I’m probably not the best person to ask.”

Chrysalis nodded and didn’t say much else after that. As the pair walked further along the beach, they made their way towards the more secluded side of the lake where few guests ever stepped foot. Mostly because it was a fair distance away from any of the convenience facilities such as the restrooms, showers, and canteen. Yet, Sunset happened to spot an individual a short distance away. An individual whom she had much trepidation over meeting. It was Flash Sentry.

Sunset’s heart thundered in her chest. She felt a cold sweat begin atop her head and trickle its way down to the soles of her feet. Simultaneously, her stomach decided, at that very moment, that it was the opportune time to perform a series of barrel rolls that would make Peppy Hare cry out with glee. Chrysalis must have sensed the sudden change in Sunset’s emotional state, for she looked over at her new friend with an expression of concern.

“Is everything alright, Sunset Shimmer. You appear… distressed.”

Sunset cursed under her breath. She could tell that her butt cheeks were getting sweaty again. “That guy standing over there fixing the bat house is Flash Sentry. He used to be my boyfriend before I turned into a power-hungry demon. We broke up shortly before all of that happened. Suffice to say: we’ve got a complicated history together. I don’t know if I’m ready to face him just yet. The last time we were here, I didn’t pay as much attention to him as I should have…”

Chrysalis gently rubbed Sunset’s back. “We can approach him together as a pair if you are uneasy about speaking with him alone. There is comfort to be had in the strength of numbers. Or… would you prefer to turn back and return to camp instead? The choice is yours.”

“No, I think this is something that I need to do. Avoiding him all the time won’t solve anything. Ok. Just give me a second to collect myself. I don’t want seem like I’m a nervous wreck.”

Chrysalis cocked her head. “But your emotional signature suggests otherwise…”

“I know that! It’s—ugh—sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you. Humans tend to hide what they’re truly feeling on the outside sometimes, in order to avoid awkward situations.”

Chrysalis blushed lightly but nodded in understanding. “Pardon my ignorance. My kind tends to be more open about our emotions than humans. I promise to be more cautious from now on.”

As expected, Flash greeted the both of them warmly as they approached. Not having seen Flash out of his clothing for quite some time, Sunset took a moment to appreciate his naked body once more. She wasn’t disappointed in the least. He was noticeably in better shape now than we was while they were still dating. It must have been the end result of all of the exercise he was getting while working at Camp Everfree.

Sunset giggled to herself quietly when she witnessed Flash do the exact same thing with her body. The smile that he gave her was enough to make Sunset’s heart melt all over again. At the same time, it made the former unicorn regret ever breaking up with him in the first place. Regardless, of how necessary it had been right after she’d been purified of the demonic influence that afflicted both her mind and body for so long. Sunset resolved to make it up to Flash in any way that she possibly could. He deserved that much.

Sunset walked over to the young man and waved to him. “Hey, Flash. Long time, no see. You—umm—you look really good! Nice and healthy! Must be all that exercise and fresh air, huh?”

“Hi, Sunset. Heh, thanks. I guess it must be all the exercise. You look great too! But then again, you were always beautiful no matter the circumstances. What brings you to Camp Everfree?”

Sunset shuffled her feet in the sand. “I just wanted to come back and check it out, now that it’s become a dedicated naturist resort. You know me! I hate wearing clothes! Hahahaha!”

“Mhmm. After I filled out an application, Gloriosa invited me to come work here as a camp counselor over the summer. The whole ‘you have to be naked all the time’ clause in the contract was a bit difficult to get used to at first, but now I can see why you enjoy it so much. I haven’t felt this relaxed and at peace in what seems like forever.”

Sunset smiled. “I can tell. You certainly look a lot more comfortable.”

“Yep. For sure. Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t see you standing over there, Chrysalis. How’s everything working out for you so far?”

Chrysalis bowed. “Greetings, Flash Sentry. As well as can be expected, I suppose. In due time, I believe I shall visit Gloriosa Daisy’s office and inform her of my anticipated vocation. Most likely, I shall endeavor to improve and repair Camp Everfree’s technology as best I can.”

“Sounds like it’s right down your alley. I mean, I would assume so.”

“Indeed. Might I pose a question to you, Flash Sentry?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

Chrysalis ran her fingers through her hair. “I sense a strong, emotional bond between you and Sunset Shimmer. She informed me earlier that you two were mates at some point. I can’t help but wonder: how often do human couples engage in sexual intercourse with each other?”

Both Sunset and Flash’s faces turned beet red. They knew exactly what the answer was to that question, but were hesitant to broach such an embarrassing topic. Chrysalis couldn’t exactly be blamed for her curiosity; she was an alien who was unfamiliar with human customs and taboos. Knowing full-well how uncomfortable Sunset was at talking about anything sex-related, Flash decided to step up to the plate and try to explain the subject to Chrysalis as best he could.

“Uh—well, you see… not every couple is exactly the same. Some people have sex more often than others, but as a general rule of thumb, if a couple has strong feelings for one another they… tend to do it whenever the opportunity presents itself. Does that make sense?”

Chrysalis hummed in thought. “Then, would you say that you and Sunset had sex often?”

Flash chuckled nervously. “Chrysalis, that’s not… something you would typically ask someone during a casual conversation. But, if you must know, we did have sex on a regular basis. I honestly can’t recall a time when I didn’t enjoy being with her. What we had was pretty special.”

Sunset stomped her foot in the sand. “FLASH! I can’t believe you’d just blurt that out!”

“C’mon, Sunset. There’s no need to get all bent out of shape. It’s not like Chrysalis is a total stranger to either of us. She’s genuinely curious about how humans interact with each other and what our culture is all about. I don’t want to give her a false impression.”

Sunset crossed her arms underneath her breasts and huffed. “You always were a terrible liar.”

Flash cleared his throat. “Anyway… I’ve meaning to ask you a question too, Chrysalis. Is it true that you’re able to shapeshift into other people and possibly animals too?”

“I possess such an ability. Although, it is not something that I can do all the time. It requires a significant amount of concentration and magic power on my part. Do you wish to see a demonstration? There aren’t any other guests around currently. It would not attract attention.”

Flash and Sunset both agreed that they were curious as to how Chrysalis’s ability worked. The alien princess asked them both to stand a few paces away while she went about gathering the magical power required to fuel her morphing ‘spell’. In the blink of an eye, green pixilation began to swirl around Chrysalis’s feet until it engulfed her entire body. When it was all said and done, she remerged as an exact copy of Flash Sentry, save for her eyes. She kept them her natural color in order to make it easier for everyone involved to tell it was her. In a perfect impression of Flash Sentry’s voice, she greeted them both with a flourish.

Sunset blink owlishly. “Sweet Celestia! Your transformation is downright uncanny. Is all of that just an illusion or did you actually change your entire body to become his?”

“I assure you that this is all very real, Sunset Shimmer. Feel free to touch me if you need convincing otherwise.”

Sunset knew what Chrysalis’s hand felt like. But she didn’t think touching her there would be enough to prove that she had truly changed into Flash Sentry. There was one particular part of Flash’s anatomy that immediately came to Sunset’s mind. A part that she knew, for a fact, would be impossible for Chrysalis to maintain as a mere illusion. It would be VERY awkward touching Chrysalis there but… it would serve to put all of Sunset’s doubts to rest.

Hesitantly, Sunset got onto her knees and scooted closer to Chrysalis’s waist. A slight blush colored her cheeks as she slowly reached her hand forward to grasp what looked exactly like Flash’s penis. As she carefully ran her fingers along its length, Sunset was completely dumbfounded to find out that the alien princess’s member was indeed physically solid.

Sunset nearly laughed out loud when she took a closer look at ‘his’ balls and found the cute little mole that Flash was always so embarrassed to talk about. The warm feeling of nostalgia shattered in an instant when she heard a soft, distinctly male moan emanate just above her. Not realizing that she’d inadvertently been rubbing her thumb along ‘his’ head for a while, Sunset immediately let go of Chrysalis and fell flat on her rear end.

At that moment, all Sunset wanted to do was bury her face in her hands and cry. Out of pure instinctual habit, she’d completely forgotten that Chrysalis wasn’t actually Flash. As for the alien princess in question, she didn’t seem too bothered by what had happened. Although, she was now sporting a full-fledged erection. When Sunset glanced over at the real Flash Sentry, he appeared as though he was about to die of embarrassment. His entire body, from head to toe, had taken on a distinct, rosy hue. Sunset honestly couldn’t blame him. She was mortified as well.

Chrysalis looked down at her erection and gave the head a few experimental pokes. “Most curious. I hadn’t realized how sensitive human penises are to physical stimulation. Particularly, the structure of the glans. It is far spongier than—oh goodness—it appears to be leaking some kind of clear fluid at the tip. Flash Sentry, would you care to explain what—”

Flash took hold of Chrysalis’s hands and blushed profusely. “That’s a lesson for another day, I think. While we appreciate your willingness to transform for us, Sunset and I would prefer that you turn back into your regular form now. If it’s not too much trouble…”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Chrysalis morphed back into her natural self in a flash of green magic. While she observed some ducks floating around in the lake, Flash made his way over to where Sunset was sitting in the sand and helped her up, but neither of them could find the courage to speak beyond muttering a thank you. The sheer awkwardness of the situation was simply too much for either of them to bear.

Flash wished both of the women well and returned to fixing up the remaining bat house. While they walked back to camp, holding hands once more, Chrysalis sensed that she had made a rather serious blunder, if Sunset’s melancholic aura was anything to go by. Mending social faux pas wasn’t her particular strong suit, but Chrysalis didn’t want to ruin her budding friendship with either Flash Sentry or Sunset Shimmer. The alien princess bit her lip and tried to find the appropriate words to express her condolences.

“I’m sorry if I… caused you or Flash Sentry any discomfort or embarrassment. I should have been more cognizant of the fact that I had transformed into someone who was once your mate.”

Sunset sighed. “No, it was partially my fault too. I should have been paying more attention to what I was doing. I guess I got caught up in the heat of the moment and forgot that you weren’t Flash. Look, Chrysalis: that whole situation between the three of us might have been super awkward, but I don’t want to you to think that we’re mad at you.”

Chrysalis’s ears perked up. “Thank goodness! I was afraid that neither of you would want to be my friend after what happened. It seems that I still have much to learn about human behavior…”

Sunset laughed. “Yeah. Don’t we all. Let’s just call it water under the bridge and move on.”

“If that is what you wish, then I shall comply. One thing before we move onto another subject. While you were… stroking me, I could tell that you poured a lot of love into your ministrations. You’re serious about reclaiming Flash Sentry as your mate, aren’t you?”

Sunset blushed and nodded in agreement. “Mhmm. Flash was telling the truth when he said that we had something special. I’ll tell him how I feel about us getting back together later though. In a more private setting. That kind of conversation isn’t meant to be heard by anyone else.”

“Understood. Would you like to get a milkshake with me? Fluttershy introduced me to the dairy-based concoctions a little while ago and I found them quite delightful. I don’t have much in the way of human currency yet, but I’m certain that I have enough to purchase two drinks. Think of it as… a token of apology. What say you, Sunset Shimmer?”

Sunset smiled. “Sure. I’d like that!”

Chrysalis breathed a sigh of relief. She was glad to have distracted Sunset Shimmer from the complex bundle of emotions that lingered underneath the surface of her usual, laid-back aura. Truth be told, she had taken the liberty of reading Flash’s aura while they were conversing and found an interesting fluctuation. It was the same curious signature that Gloriosa Daisy exhibited from time to time. Chrysalis bit her lip while Sunset Shimmer continued to converse with her.

She couldn’t be certain without confirming her hypothesis verbally between the two of them, but Chrysalis feared that Flash Sentry may have already moved on from being Sunset Shimer’s mate and shifted his attention towards making Gloriosa Daisy his new mate. That is, if he had not done so already. There was still a strong sense of affection in his heart for Sunset Shimmer, but it was nowhere near the same level of intensity as Sunset Shimmer’s own aura. Whatever the case was, Chrysalis vowed to stay out of their private affairs. If Sunset Shimmer needed a friend to talk to or a shoulder to cry on after her discussion with Flash Sentry, she would gladly offer both.