• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2012
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The Man. The Legend. The World's Strongest Writer

Comments ( 205 )

Shining took a deep breath and held it as he dipped below the water's surface. He reached out with his hands and felt for Twilight. He briefly got a handful of her butt before moving lower to her legs. There was only the briefest moment of hesitation from her before she spread her legs and he moved his head between them. He planted his feet into the sandy floor of the lake and stood up. Twilight held his head with her hands to steady herself as her weight settled on him. But her frame was light, and he was strong. He had no trouble supporting her.

Oh hoh hoh. This could be so taken out of context. Good story mate. Amazing job.

You and me both, brother.

9578968 Actually, this story was partially inspired by some vandalism at Pinecrest High School. And of course that scene from The Simpsons.

Eh both worked for the story.
So you do you man.👍

I still have the old art. I never delete anything.

Now that's the educator of the masses we need.

. It's a naturalist resort!

Reckon you’re going for naturist. Unless everyone’s studying the local ecosystem sexily.

What a hilarious concept! :rainbowlaugh: The characters’ chemistry is also very good! Keep up the good work!

> calling Buster your brother within earshot of Shakespearicles

Oh my god that’s amazing

I take the the old thumbnail was breaking a rule or two?

And so the legendary writer throws his hat into the ring.

So, I thought it said 'Pinterest Resort' and I was about to gtfo. Then I checked my eyes and realized life wasn't as bad as I thought.

No. It was fine. But I guess seeing EQG Shining Armor was making people drive-by down-vote.

Alternate cover art:


And so the legendary writer throws his hat into the ring.

> throws hat
> hat achieves orbit

"Here we are!" Twilight said. She looked up at the sign for Camp Everfree. A different sign had been put up in front of it with neon letters. "Pinecrest Resort?" Twilight asked out loud. Shining just shrugged. It was his first time seeing any of it. A few of the letters on the sign had blinked out for 'Pinecrest', the P, R, and first E.

To quote Channel Awesome survivor Matthew Buck:


I mean... not the best design, but it fits the overall story fine.

I don’t know about clever. Maybe witty or knowledgeable at best?

WHEW DAMN!! This is going to be a Fun read!

This feels like it needs a sequel

Then I saw the cover art...

Not gonna lie, I do like Watersports!

As with any story of yours, this was an amazing read. Fun, sexy, interesting, etc. Great job!
I do gotta say, however, this story must be one of the most sprinkled with proofreading errors of most of your stories. Quite a bunch, and a few kinda big ones, it was a bit offputting. :ajsleepy:
Still, great story!

"Twi, what are you doing?"
"Making a mess," she said, slipping two fingers into herself.

I came!

Damn, I must be losing my touch. Or perhaps I never had one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

That... Was... Intense... And I loved it!!!

*Reads title and short summary* Ok.

*Inspects cover art*

... Oh. Oh.

Two things.

One: I like this. I like this a LOT. I like a lot of your work, but casual nudity (and the subsequent sexualization thereof) is one of my *favorite subjects,* ifyouknowwhatImean

Two: I've never been to a nudist resort (due in part to my fetishizing of them, which I recognize is pretty inappropriate and contradictory to their intended purpose, not to mention my financial situation and my own self consciousness regarding my body). But I have conducted significant... independent research into how they work (confused? Don't be; I literally just explained how I get off on the idea of a culture that utterly lacks any sort of sex/nudity taboo, which is part of why I like the Exhibiquestria concept so damn appealing) and, while I may be wrong, I am pretty sure that most places don't have a "3-strike rule."

In fact, there seems to be a pretty standard boilerplate FAQ on the websites for most nudist/naturist resorts, and the question "what do I do if boner happens?" is addressed as follows:

Relax. Don't worry about it. It happens, and we all understand. Similarly, humans are visual creatures, so of course you're going to LOOK, but staring or leering isn't cool. You don't need to hide anything, but don't go around shoving it in people's faces either. This is why people usually have a towel; in addition to hygiene (naked butts pass on a lot of germs through seats!) it gives men a quick way to cover up so as not to make others uncomfortable, and/or make things less embarrassing for themselves.

Basically, there are rules against being a creep: no touching people except when context dictates, and never in sexual ways or in a way that violates consent; no jerking off or having sex, except in your rooms.

But other than that stuff -- which is really common decency, really -- no resort would PENALIZE you for something you literally can't control. That's just bullshit.

(Wow, that got wordy. Sorry about that.)

"She could here his panicked breathing behind her as soon as he realized what he had done."


""Okay, good. I have one team left, but we're short one girl," she said, pulling her leg back in a different pose that had her heel at the back of her hear while she leaned sideways. It took every ounce of his willpower to keep his eye looking up at hers."

I'm not sure what word "hear" is supposed to be, here. Head, probably?

Also, like I mentioned (read: rambled about) in chapter 1, no one would have been upset with him if he had looked. In fact, that would have been on HER for (potentially) being intentionally provocative.

9580724 9580707 I'd be happy to fix any errors you find.

9580998 Notice, that it was only one random (misinformed?) male patron, and Twilight who ever made it an issue of it. All that worry and drama over really nothing. But that would not have been nearly as funny to write or read about. :trollestia:

My only complaint (besides the three-strike rule, which isn't a thing and never factored into the story anyway so there is no reason not to cut it out) is that Twilight didn't tell Glory and Timber about her and Shiny being brother and sister as they were leaving, so they wouldn't be afraid of being exposed.

Easy favorite for me. Great work, as usual.

9581051 I wrestled with the idea of doing that. (And her getting pregnant.)
Like, "Hey you guys were pretty loud in your tent last night."
"So were you two in your cabin."
*le gasp!*
"jk, Shining is my brother too."
I played with the idea a little with Twilight talking to them in the hot tub about her fantasy, and them 'role-playing'. But ultimately it would have made no rational sense for her to tell them the truth that weekend, (even knowing about Timber and Glory).
And besides, they need something to talk about the next time they visit the resort.

For some reason I misread it and assumed it was Timber who said that. That does make more sense.
MAYBE would have been nice for someone to correct him, then, given the inevitability of it, but it does make it more believable.

When I get some free time again I'll try to re-read it and mark all the details I find and PM ya ^ ^

Added a little something to the last chapter for you. :raritywink:

9581058 Thank you.
I would appreciate that!

Aww, you shouldn't have!

(now it's going to look like I was ranting about even more nothing than I already was)

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