• Published 14th Mar 2019
  • 10,911 Views, 2,238 Comments

A Phoenix Beyond the Veil - The Philospher's Stone - gerandakis

Displeased with her mentor, Sunset Shimmer looks for a new option, she finds it in a Mirror Portal, deep in the vaults of Canterlot. Together with Philomena, she sets out on a journey. Two worlds of magic will be changed forever, by a small error ...

  • ...

72 - To Return

Chapter Seventy-Two

To Return

Occasional wisps of steam and smoke blew past the compartment window as the Hogwarts Express made its way south. Seeing how for some of them, namely Luna, as well as Dean and Parvaty who also wouldn’t be joining their trip to Equestria, it was their last chance to legally make use of their magic, they were quite happy to use it to its fullest.

Both the Burrow and the home of the Grangers were, of course, warded against magical detection, so the ministry wouldn’t be able to pick up on magic being used there, no matter by whom, but Mrs. Weasley would never allow her underage children to use magic regardless and the Grangers were unlikely to let Hermione use magic without Sunset’s oversight either, so even they wouldn’t be allowed to use magic until they went to Equestria a few weeks from now.

The only one who would be allowed to use magic freely was Harry as he would be staying with Sirius over the holidays.

As such, much of what they had learned in the year’s charms and transfiguration classes found liberal use whenever it was convenient. The same was true for all the things Sunset had taught them when it came to Equestrian magic. Of course, magic wasn’t the only thing they were doing.

Not long after they had left the Highlands, the witch with the snack cart had come by and Harry, Hermione, and Sunset, having the most money of the group, had picked up some of everything which the group were now enjoying.

At the same time, Ron and Sunset were once more engaged in a match of wizarding chess and most of the others were playing a game of exploding snap. Ron and Sunset, having the greatest experience with healing magic, had to repeatedly interrupt their game to heal minor burns or restore singed eyebrows.

“You know, games like that make me question the sanity of the wizards and witches who come up with them.” Sunset muttered after she had to heal a fourth set of burned fingers. “And the self preservation instincts of those who play them. Maybe you should try playing something less…”

“Explosive? Where’s the fun in that?” Ginny offered, doing her best to look perfectly innocent. Harry noted that it was funny the one who had yet to have so much as a bit of soot on her face was the one suggesting that.

“Sure. If you say so,” Sunset replied, turning back to her game of chess, just waiting for the next explosion.

“Says the one of us who is practically fireproof,” Seamus pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

“Hey, I’m not fireproof. I just happen to be good with a kind of fire that doesn’t hurt.”

“Oh come on sis, you gotta admit it’s fun.”

Sunset turned to look at her sister with a crooked smile. “Fun to watch from behind a shield? Sure. Anything more than that … I don’t know. Must be a human thing.”

“Maybe,” Hermione agreed as she absently placed her next card, “this game is mostly popular among teenagers from what I hear. Our age group is known to have fights on occasion. Does that happen in Equestria?”

Sunset nodded slowly, waiting for Ron to decide on his next move. “Among earth ponies and pegasi that tends to happen sometimes. Unicorns are more likely to have an impromptu magic duel. Mind you, with how much magic the average unicorn actually knows, that tends to end up as a magical shoving match, but among royal guard recruits or in Princess Celestia’s school things often get a bit more interesting.”

“Wait, I thought you didn’t have any combat experience?”

Sunset smirked at Ron as he finally made his next move. “I don’t. The goal of an Equestrian magic duel is to outdo or humiliate the opponent, not to harm them.”

Hermione let go off her hastily conjured shield, having caught the next explosion just in time, and hummed thoughtfully. “It probably is a cultural thing then.” She quickly cleaned the soot off Dean’s clothes with a spell, while Ginny beside her did the same for Lavender.

Sunset simply shrugged as she quickly drew her wand to reattach Seamus’ eyebrows. Again. He had gotten very unlucky this round.

In that vein, things continued into the early afternoon. They were maybe another hour or so from reaching London when the compartment door opened to reveal three familiar faces.

Draco Malfoy and Gregory Goyle were looking rather unsure of themselves and decidedly uncomfortable. Malfoy also looked to be surprised and confused by something, but quickly refocused. Vincent Crabbe meanwhile was standing a bit behind them, openly smiling at Sunset the moment the door slid aside. “Hey Sunset. I think they’re ready.”

Seeing how her and Ron were right beside the window, Sunset got up and simply teleported across the compartment before her friends could move to get aside, reappearing right beside the three. “Excellent. Come then, let’s have a quick chat before we get to London.”

Long used to her casual use of magic, Crabbe took his two momentarily dazed friends’ hands and pulled them along as Sunset’s magic slid the door shut behind them.

Sunset led the three to the end of the car where they could stand on the outdoor platform, wind in their hair, and talk without prying ears.

When they arrived, Malfoy couldn’t restrain himself any longer. “Did you put an expansion charm on your compartment?”


“But- But that’s illegal without a permit.”

“Actually no. That’s a bit of a legal loophole for the time being. That law refers to a very specific expansion charm. Because I used a different one, it can’t actually do anything.”

“There is more than one of those charms?”

“Not until I brought one along from my homeland and combined it into a third with the local version. Now there’s three.”

Crabbe simply chuckled at his friends’ confusion. “Told you she was good with magic.”

After a moment, Malfoy simply shook his head. “We’ll worry about that later. Not why we’re here. Crabbe told us this morning what the two of you have been up to all year.”

“Oh, how did you catch on?”

“Greg thought he could beat me in a fistfight,” Crabbe fell in with a smirk. “Thought I’d show him what I learned.”

Goyle shook his head in shame. “He didn’t even hit me once, just kept using my own strength against me. I just couldn’t keep up anymore.”

Sunset couldn’t help a smirk. “Oh the value of training.”

“I went to bed after,” Crabbe supplied, “but this morning they kept bugging me about it until I told ‘em.”

Sunset leaned against the wall of the car and looked at Malfoy and Goyle. “So, what happens now?”

“I’m not sure how my father will react to this,” Malfoy finally burst out.

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Why would he react to it at all? Does he need to know?”

Malfoy had been about to say something, but stopped, surprised by her response. Sunset smiled, deciding to play to the ideas of Slytherin and Malfoy’s own ambitions.

“Unless you don’t think you can keep it a secret from him, there is no reason your father needs to know until you are ready for him to learn. As a Slytherin, surely you know not to reveal information until you stand to gain the greatest possible advantage, don’t you?”

For a moment, Malfoy looked like he was going to get angry about the implication there, but Sunset pushed ahead.

“Besides that, what I can teach you will make you a more powerful Wizard, something that will place you above your peers and perhaps someday, above him. Isn’t that worth a little risk?”

Goyle already seemed to be convinced, even before she’d said any of that. From the way he was glancing at Crabbe, he was more concerned about learning to be able to do what his friend had done than any possibility his parents might find out.

Malfoy still seemed skeptical, however. “I can learn anything I need to from Hogwarts.”

Sunset simply smirked. “Really? There are things Hogwarts doesn’t teach. I know magics that this world has no idea of. Not yet at least. I’m working with Professor Flitwick to combine our magical knowledge, but Hogwarts, while it may be special, is still a school. That means bureaucracy and that takes time. By the time the curriculum actually gets updated, you’ll probably already have your OWLs, maybe even your NEWTs. You could study then, of course.”

She smiled widely. “But why wait? I can teach you the same things right now.”

Malfoy looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “This world?”

Sunset smiled mysteriously. “The universe is much bigger than you may think. You’ll see what I mean soon enough. Think about it. Vincent knows how to contact me.”

With that, her form wavered and faded away.

Goyle turned to Crabbe. “Does she do that often?”

Crabbe simply rolled his eyes. “All the time. Remember that training dojo I told you about. She teleports us there from somewhere else every time. I have no idea where the entrance is. I only know that it’s hidden.”

They both turned to look what Malfoy thought about the matter, but he was gone. Turning quickly, they found the door back into the car swinging shut behind him. When they followed, they saw him slowly walking down the corridor, a hand stroking his chin thoughtfully.

“Crabbe, you’re coming by my house next weekend when your parents meet with mine, right?” At Crabbe’s nod, Malfoy continued, “I’ll have an answer by then. I… have to think about this.”

With the characteristic squealing of metal on metal, the Hogwarts Express came to a halt. Thanks to the train leaving Hogwarts far earlier on its way home than it left Kings Cross on its way there, it was still mid afternoon and the sun was still up, giving the students and their parents ample time to get home.

With the train having come to a halt, the group no longer needed to worry about being knocked over by the train suddenly jerking to a stop and could easily get up and take their luggage. Sunset waited for the others to leave before swinging her bag, which also contained her shrunken suitcase, over her shoulder, making sure Philomena, disguised as usual, was perched on her other shoulder, and getting up herself.

As she passed the door, she snapped her fingers, smirking slightly as the compartment snapped back to its original dimensions, then slid the door closed.

Her friends were waiting for her in the corridor and they got off the train together. Waiting until the trains stopped to even get up let them avoid the initial rush of students eager to greet their parents and they calmly walked along the corridor and stepped off the train.

Looking across the platform, it only took them a moment to find the group of adults waiting for them. The Grangers, Mrs. Weasley and Xenofilius were standing side by side as usual. After the Easter holidays, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Finnigan had also joined the group alongside the elder Mrs. Longbottom.

Dean’s and Parvati’s parents weren’t too far from the group either and, rather than the Dursley’s (who couldn’t have reached the Platform anyway) Sirius was awaiting Harry after Philomena had gone to fetch him a few hours ago.

Greetings and hugs were exchanged, gossip was shared, and the group chatted for a few minutes before, one by one, the families set off towards the exit to make their way home.

Finally, only the Weasleys, the Grangers, Sunset, Harry and Sirius were left. They exchanged goodbyes for a little longer, then Mrs. Weasley shepherded her children off towards the large, wrought iron gate back to the muggle part of Kings Cross. Sunset got everyone else to gather around and the group soon vanished, leaving for the Granger home where Philomena would take Harry and Sirius back to Ponyville.

In the basement of an old, forgotten pureblood manor in rural France, a dark magician made his latest attempt to interface with the magic of a remarkably stubborn artifact, just like he had been doing for the last few months.

He had tried three times already that day alone, but, after a quick break to recover his magic, still weakened as it was, he pointed his wand at the stubborn little pyramid and began casting the next version of the spell he had been experimenting with.

For nearly half an hour he slowly pushed aside layer after layer of defenses meant to prevent the very thing he was trying to do. A few of the spells reacted, but, with months of practice, he managed to avoid any of them spiraling out of his control without triggering any more.

...diot! What is he trying to accomplish?!

Quirrell nearly lost focus on his spell upon hearing the angry voice in his head. Master?

What? You can hear me?!

Yes, master. I can hear you. Finally. After all these months.

Impressive. You’ve found a way to contact me. Admirable work. Tell me, what has happened in the world while I was away?

And so, Quirrel told his master, of how he had fled England. How he had been pursued. How he had finally managed to throw off his pursuers near Avignon. He was about to explain how he had then gone to this manor he happened to know about when his master interrupted him.

Enough!” his voice was weaker than it had been before. “Tell me another time. This trap still weakens me. But now that we can speak, even if it is only for a few minutes at a time before I must rest, we can plan. Give me a few hours to recover. Once I know what has happened in the world, I can come up with a way to break free of this infernal contraption. I haven’t been idle the last few months. I have studied this device. We must find out who holds the key to unlock it. Breaking it will not work.

Worry not my loyal servant. Our victory will come yet.

Author's Note:

And here we are.

This concludes book one. Book two is now released and available here.

And with that, I thank you, my dear readers.
Goodbye for now.

And keep an eye out, for 'A Phoenix Beyond the Veil - Amalgam' is coming up next.

Comments ( 116 )

Nice! Looking forward to the sequel!:yay:

Looking forward to the next book, this has been a real adventure and would like to see more of it!
(Also, ya might want to look at the chapter title.)

possible Trixie in next book

One always forgets about something, don't they ...

Well, overall this has been one of the better stories of this type. Frankly, I enjoyed most of what occurred here, the only thing I can honestly say I disliked was Sunset who lacks any kind of real personality or defining character traits beyond being great at everything. After the first act she doesn't really experience any kind of character growth and what little growth she had experienced was so rushed that it robbed it of what little impact it may have had. Not to mention she's often used to rob the story of any real tension or conflict.

Here's hoping Sunset is more than just perfect in the next book.

Just tell when you begin the book two so that everyone is not forced to check everyday if you began the book 2

Sorry Tom. 4 magic users are the keys, and none of them would help you willingly.
Add the fact that all 4 must 'turn their key' at the same time... yeah, that part of you isn't going anywhere.
The other parts of his soul, however...

And while I'm being a bit cheeky, you forgot the dash/hyphen (which ever you prefer) in the title of the last chapter as well!
But in all seriousness, this has been great. Are you planning all doing all the books, by the way? I mean to ask that but forgot.

I know. That was just me forgetting to re-format the title from the name of the GDoc I imported it from.

As far as the time frame goes, I will be covering all the books, but probably going further than that. As far as events go, as has been the case already, some things will remain, but a lot will change. That effect will only be snowballing further.

One main difference is that the Voldemort and his followers are not and will not be the driving force behind the plot. They're meant to be more of a background threat that strikes on occasion which is why I've put him in more or less the ideal position to play the long game.

You're gonna do a sequel right

Are you one of those people that don't read author's notes?

But this story was good i love this story was very interesting

Again, if you had read the AN on the last chapter, you would not only know that a sequel will be coming in about a week or so (if everything goes as planned), but also what that sequel will be titled.

This concludes book one. Plans for book two are already in place

Oh, so that's why this fanfic has "Philosopher's Stone" in the title; because it only covers the first book.
Makes sense now.

Great job on this my good fellow, I eagerly await the second book.

Yeah, only Sunset railroaded Prisoner of Azkaban in the first book with OP abilities that I am not really sure supposed to exist in the first place.

I'm hoping it was more of a "get this stuff out of the way to make way for a new plot" kind of decision, rather than just a "Sunset needs to look awesome" kind of decision.

Another "student" from Equestria, along with several other things, makes me think the author is trying to do something different and cool here, but for once, I'd like a (non-abandoned) HP crossover fic that doesn't fall into endless slice of life, and doesn't make characters OP for reasons that don't seem earned.

OP characters can have a purpose, but I'd just like to find a fic without one or several.

I highly look forward to the next story in the series! Keep up the excellent work!:twilightsmile:

An amalgam is a combination of two or more substances, used to bind things together.

Also, :yay: one of the few non-sucky HP crossovers is continuing!

That is only one of many things the Amalgam could be ...

It wouldn't actually, an amalgam is specifically defined as being made up of two different substances. All parts of his soul are made of ... well ... soul.

Is it, really? I don't see why either side in this conflict would want to put him back together.

And yes, a cyborg would be an amalgam. Of biology and technology. But in this setting, isn't technology more likely to be combined with something else?

That might be so, but keep in mind that those separate fragments are what keeps him immortal. And he's self-obsessed enough to be convinced that any issue with power that might cause he could make up for with skill.

And now we reach the ending... this was a very enjoyable story. Harry Potter has been very good to this fandom. Churning out amazing stories... the fantastic The Wizard and the Lonely Princess being one such classic. This has been an enjoyable treat. I admit, stories focusing on Hermione and people (or Ponies) befriending her first have always sit well with me as she is one of my favorite characters.

Cuddle stories are also really good. I look forward to following this sequel. Do you know possibly how long this series will be? I know this is a loaded question as you only just now finished the first story, but I enjoy this world. I also assume that the character deaths of Harry Potter won't happen or be prevented?

Harry's new eye sight might help him in the tournament and his enhanced reflexes. With some of the changes in this story, some of that will be harder. But Harry Potter crossovers always get that slight bit of worry from me. The ones I think that were prevented were Sirius and Cedric... but Dumbledore might still be on the table... as he could still fall to temptation. Unlikely.

This of course assumes we even get that far. For now, a fantastic chapter in a truly fantastic world was closed and we can look forward to more!

How long?


For the time being, that's the only answer I'm prepared to give.

Good book. It is much good. *you gain a like*

Disculpa que te moleste pero piensas hacer una secuela.
Por que me gustó.
Y pienso que deberías continuar con la historia.

Welp, that was fun : ) Thank you.

Firstly, interesting to see Dumbledore not as a "good-deeds-gone-to-moral-hell" person but as a genuinely good meaning but kinda overscheming old bloke. Secondly, more magic lore, please : )

Oh, I totally didn't mean the feasibility in-universe. Sunset has every right to be OP, considering her education. I was simply talking about story balance.

Both the Burrow and the home of the Grangers were, of course, warded against magical detection, so the ministry wouldn’t be able ….(to spy)…..on magic being used there, no matter by whom, but Mrs. Weasley would never allow her underage children to use magic regardless and the Grangers were unlikely to let Hermione use magic without Sunset’s oversight either, so even they wouldn’t be allowed to use magic until they went to Equestria a few weeks from now.

i think its going to be moondancer that tags along, but i am not discounting lyra. waiting for the sequel.

When will book 2 start

Work on that is progressing, though slower than I had hoped. I want to have at least five chapters ready to go before I start publishing. I currently have three.

You competing 1 a week?

The fourth chapter is proving troublesome.

Are you still doing the Lore note?
Because they were epic:pinkiesmile:

Not sure if I'd describe them that way ... But yes, where applicable they will return.

She shouldn't have been a pony at that time though. She gains the ability later in the same chapter, but when they go to Equestria it's noted that Sunset hasn't seen Hermione's pony form for a long time.

Huh, might have to look that over. I changed the timeline of when she gained that ability during the revisions, this might be a leftover from before that ...

When it comes to heavier than air flight, it is odd that a wizard would not know the basic idea. Gliding is the most basic of concepts easily observed from a bird, and given how many birds these wizards keep around them....one hardly needs an education on the matter.
The only confusing thing would be how to generate the amount airflow needed to gain lift - something an 11 year old (Harry) would be even more mystified about than Arthur. The guy has a car, magical yes, but he would have to be at least aware of the existence of some form of device that generates mechanical power without magic - why else would a muggle have one.

It might also be prudent to clarify what period of time the story is set in as well as the level of technology.... Because that potion brewing tool does NOT fit. Where in the world did she get the screens or the components to drive them. Potentiometers aren't something everyone knows about either, even today, never mind an alien.

Leaving aside your assertions about flight and airplanes, and I can assure you that I knew how those worked at Harry's age, your assessment of the Hearth are simply nonsense, sorry to say it.

The Harry Potter books, save the prologue of book one which takes place in 1981 and the epilogue of book seven which is set in 2017, take place in the 1990s. Specifically, this part of the story would be set in early 1992.

The earliest concepts of seven-segment-displays were patented in 1903. The LED-based versions Sunset used started to find wide-spread application in the 1970s. And rheostat potentiometers like what Sunset used here, were first developed some time in the 1840s. As for why Sunset knew about them? Because she read a book about electronics to see if she could make use of them.

So no, nothing you just said is even remotely true.

Well, it's obviously been more than a week, but I'm STILL looking forward to boo 2!

I know, I know. Chapter four is being a pain.

You blast down the writers block yet?

If I had, you'd probably have noticed by now ... Just sayin'...

Not really the momentum might only finish chapter 4

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