• Published 14th Mar 2019
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A Phoenix Beyond the Veil - The Philospher's Stone - gerandakis

Displeased with her mentor, Sunset Shimmer looks for a new option, she finds it in a Mirror Portal, deep in the vaults of Canterlot. Together with Philomena, she sets out on a journey. Two worlds of magic will be changed forever, by a small error ...

  • ...

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56 - Game

Chapter Fifty-Six


Over the following week, Sunset secretly trained with Crabbe twice more, but, come the weekend, the two couldn't continue. A Slytherin and a Gryffindor training together was an unlikely scenario under the best of circumstances, but the day before their houses would face off in a Quidditch match, it was downright impossible.

To not jeopardize their new found friendship, they had agreed on Thursday to interrupt their training until the following week. Sunset found that, now that she had gotten to know the boy, he was more thoughtful than she had expected. How much of that was due to his recent revelations on the pureblood ideology she couldn't tell, but it was a pleasant surprise regardless.

He showed some talent for Aikido and an admirable willingness to learn, though she found that there was little stamina or control to support his raw strength. He would need to train that. As for her own abilities, she found that she was startlingly out of practice, though, after two months without partaking in the sport, perhaps it shouldn't have been. With her continued Parkour training, she was physically well in shape, but she kept making mistakes in her technique.

It was good that she was getting back to training.

Still, it was Saturday morning and the first Quidditch game of the year was coming up. As such, the gathered group, surrounding a somewhat nervous Harry, made their way to breakfast. With their memory charms long since having completed their work, the group was well familiar with the layout the castle liked to assume on Saturday mornings and found their way to the Great Hall easily.

The group had observed that Harry had a bit of a tendency to lose his appetite whenever he was nervous. That particular issue was now back with a vengeance. It took them awhile to get him to actually eat something before heading out onto the grounds and towards the changing rooms the Quidditch team used.

They weren't entirely sure why he was so nervous. He was a fantastic seeker and the crisp November air did nothing to obscure his vision. After discussing the matter with the team he had actually agreed to wait for a few minutes to catch the snitch and just keep an eye on the Slytherin seeker until then.

It was probably just the effect of the entire school watching him play.

Before long, the rest of the group, along with, more or less, the entire school, left for the Quidditch pitch, leaving the castle mostly empty. Secretly acting as the relay for any correspondence between Professor Dumbledore and Princess Celestia left her in the know on the current state of their plans concerning Professor Quirrell. As such, she knew that the headmaster planned to use this opportunity to get rid of the original 'protection' the professor had put in place for the stone.

That the headmaster of Hogwarts rarely attended Quidditch games helped keep his absence from being conspicuous. In the meantime, it fell to her and Professor Snape to keep an eye on Quirrell in his absence. They doubted he would try anything in such a public venue, but there always was a chance.

As they settled on the stands, Sunset watched with some amusement as Hermione pulled a large, rolled-up banner from her bag. The paradoxical sight of something coming out of a bag it realistically had no business fitting into in the first place truly never got old.

Between training with Crabbe, refining and finalizing the design for the hearth, starting the design for a simplified version of the same and helping them keep their little project a secret from Harry, often by distracting him and keeping him occupied elsewhere, Sunset hadn't actively participated in the creation of their surprise for Harry, but Hermione had kept her updated.

Still, it was the first time she actually got to see the large banner reading 'Potter for President!' with a stylized Gryffindor lion, courtesy of Dean, set beneath it. It wasn't the first time she found herself shaking her head at the odd sense of humor humans seemed to display from time to time. Her eyes flashed over the field to the distant Professor Quirrell. He looked innocent enough, but she knew better.

Her thoughts were interrupted when, to loud cheers, the two teams walked out onto the pitch.

As was traditional, the teams were headed by their captains. Then came the three chasers in Gryffindors' case or the remaining two chasers for Slytherin followed by their keeper. Next in line were the beaters followed, finally, by Terence Higgs for the Slytherins and none other than Harry for Gryffindor. The seekers.

Under the watchful eyes of Madam Hooch, Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint, the Slytherin captain, engaged in a swift match of who could more readily squeeze the other's hand and make it look like they were amicably shaking them. Flint had an advantage on the first part, while Wood clearly had him beat on the second.

Over the roar of the crowd, the call of 'Mount your Brooms!' went unheard, but Sunset managed to glean its meaning by reading the referee's lips. The shrill of her whistle was much easier to hear and sent the fourteen players racing skywards. Madam Hooch pointed her wand at the chest holding the game's four balls, prompting it to release its payload, before taking to the skies herself.

As she watched the game, Sunset had to smirk several times, listening to the commentary provided by Lee Jordan, a friend of the twins. She kept an eye on the game while switching her attention between keeping an eye on Harry and Quirrell.

Soon enough, the stands broke into cheers when Angelina Johnson, one of the Gryffindor chasers, managed to make her way past the Slytherin defenses and score a goal. She couldn't help an amused chuckle escaping her when she noticed Harry flying several loops to celebrate before going back to watching the game far below him and keeping an eye on Higgs, his Slytherin counterpart.

On the stands behind the group there was suddenly a commotion and they turned to see that Hagrid was making his way towards the group, sitting down beside them with a pair of binoculars. "Bin watchin' from me hut," he explained. "But it isn't the same as bein' in the crowd. No sign of the snitch yet, eh?"

"Nope," Ron replied readily.

"Mind you," Ginny added, "Harry probably knows where it is, but he's giving the game some time to play out. Would ruin everyone's fun if he immediately caught it."

"'Is eyes are that good?"


"Huh. Been keepin' outta trouble though." He turned back towards Harry and the game.

Harry's watchfulness was soon rewarded when he spotted the snitch headed for Adrian Pucey. The Slytherin chaser was currently in possession of the Quaffle. If the snitch came close to him, it was sure to be noticed. He was right. Nearly everyone, including Lee Jordan, noticed the flash of gold and Higgs began surging towards it. The Slytherin seeker was much closer, but he had to work against gravity, while Harry, high above, had a head start and a vastly superior broom.

Focused on the snitch as he was, however, he didn't notice Marcus Flint flying into his path until it was too late. He just barely managed to avoid a mid-air collision, but the quick change in course meant that he was nearly thrown off of his broom. Still, he managed to stabilize himself and pull up in the time it took Madam Hooch to berate Flint and give Gryffindor a free shot.

Alicia Spinet turned the chance into another ten points for Gryffindor while her housemates in the stands were still rather vocally angry at Flint. A bludger, meanwhile thought to go after Harry. He dodged it easily, but seconds later, his broom gave a disquieting lurch.

Sunset's eyes widened and she lit them with magic a second later. Recognizing the dark spell, she let the teal glow fade and replaced it with pale gold. It came as no surprise that the spell came from Quirrell.

Professor Snape, evidently, had also noticed Quirrell's hex, but he was too busy keeping Harry's broom from throwing the boy off to do anything about Quirrell himself.

Sunset wasn't worried that Quirrell's ploy might hurt Harry, he could simply transform and fly under his own power, after all, but Quirrell didn't know that and she would prefer to keep it that way. Still, she couldn't afford to tip her hand, and a random first year thwarting his efforts was sure to do that.

She needed to be subtle.

Drawing her wand, she pointed it at Quirrell and focused. It took her a moment to form the spell and mask it, so no one would see a flash of light whizzing across the stadium. Finally, she aimed her spell and fired. Both Quirrell and the soul fragment were fully focused on Harry, she was glad to notice, so her spell had not aroused their attention. She went to put her plan into action.

After nearly a minute, Harry had drawn some attention from the stands, but Sunset was ready and started slowly supplying power to the spell. A sudden yawn from Quirrell told her it was working.

Moments later, he collapsed on the teachers' stands, fast asleep.

When Professor Snape stowed his wand and shot her a glance, she simply gave him a wink in return and went back to watching the game.

Harry took a moment to reassert his position on his broom, then, apparently, decided to end the game and dove down.

Thirty seconds later, the game was over and Gryffindor had won.

Despite being built to accommodate Hagrid's gigantic frame, the groundskeeper's hut on the grounds of Hogwarts got a little cramped when filled with not only its usual inhabitant, but also Harry, Ron, Hermione, Sunset, Ginny and Neville. Luna, Dean and Seamus had gone back to the castle to help with the preparations for the inevitable celebration in the common room.

"It was Snape."

"It wasn't Snape. Why would he do something like this Hermione?"

"I don't know, but I saw him do it."

Sunset pushed off the wall she was leaning against and walked over to where Hermione and Harry were arguing. "It wasn't Snape, sis."

"What? Not you too. I saw him do it."

"No you didn't. You saw him cast a counter curse. Takes the same level of focus and concentration."

"But ... if he didn't cast it, then who did?"

Sunset sighed and enclosed Hermione in a hug. "I wish I could tell you," she whispered into her sister's ear. "But we can't risk tipping him off and I know you have a terrible poker face."

"What are you two whispering there?"

"Sunset knows who cast the curse, but she won't tell me."

Neville looked confused. "Why not?"

"She says she can't risk tipping 'him' off."

"Really sis? Air-quotes?"

"What? You're the one being all mysterious."

"Hermione, I'm not doing this to be mysterious. We're trying to keep the number of people who know about this to a minimum."

"Settle down there. No need for fight'n."

Hagrid's comment went ignored. "And who is this 'we' then?"

"Professor Dumbledore, Princess Celestia and myself are the only ones who know everything. Professor Snape and the archmage of Canterlot each know a part of it."

"Alright, alright, I get it. Sorry sis."

The two of them hugged again. "It's alright. I don't like it either. But it's necessary. For now."

"Now that's better. 'Ere, have a cup o' tea."

"Thanks Hagrid."

As the group settled around the table, several of them sharing some of Hagrid's massive chairs, it was Ginny who spoke up next. "What you're planning wouldn't happen to have anything to do with whatever the cerberus on the third floor is guarding, would it?"

Hagrid's teapot would have dropped to the table had Harry, Hermione and Sunset not reacted to catch it in their combined magic. "How do you know of Fluffy."

Sunset stared at him for a moment before smirking. "Luna was right. He is yours."

"Course he is."

"Right. Not really much of a surprise I guess. And yes. Yes it does. The one we're after is trying to steal it. But it looks like he hasn't gotten past Fluffy yet."

"He's a good dog."

"Of course he is, Hagrid. Of course he is." Sunset stroked her chin. "Though I wonder if the weakness of a cerberus is common knowledge around here."

"And what weakness is that?"

After a moment, Sunset used the same whisper spell she had used on Crabbe. "Music."

"Huh. No. No it isn't. Woulda' gotten past him otherwise wouldn't 'e?"

"Well, yeah. I guess he would. If he could simply find the answer in a book he would have it by now."

"Why? Is that weakness common knowledge in Equestria? Whatever it is?"

"No sis, no it isn't." Though it doesn't hurt that none of the inmates in Tartarus can hold a tune.

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