• Published 14th Mar 2019
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A Phoenix Beyond the Veil - The Philospher's Stone - gerandakis

Displeased with her mentor, Sunset Shimmer looks for a new option, she finds it in a Mirror Portal, deep in the vaults of Canterlot. Together with Philomena, she sets out on a journey. Two worlds of magic will be changed forever, by a small error ...

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44 - Revelation

Chapter Forty-Four


"Class dismissed."

Between the commotion that broke loose at Professor McGonagall's words, Sunset absently levitated her things back into her bag. She only gave Hermione a meaningful look and a slight tilt of the head in McGonagall's direction, but her sister understood and began shepherding the rest of the group off towards the next class. Leaving her behind.

Professor McGonagall turned, seeing that Sunset had approached her and that the room was empty otherwise. "Can I help you, Miss Shimmer?"

"I hope so, Professor. I have a question. A question about animagi to be exact."

Minerva tilted her head, looking at the girl with curiosity. "And what would that be?"

"Is it possible to recognize an animagus while they are in their transformed state? Is it possible to tell if an animal is actually a transformed animagus?"

Minerva looked Sunset, tilting her head slightly. "What brought this about? Do you know of an animal you suspect of being an animagus?"

"I do. Ron's pet rat, Scabbers."

"Mr. Weasley's rat? What has brought you to this conclusion?"

"I happened to have an aura sight charm up in the common room on Sunday evening, and I noticed that Scabbers had far more internal magic than a mundane rat has any right to."

McGonagall arched an eyebrow, thinking the matter over and watching the girl before her closely. "That is indeed suspicious. But if I am reading your expression correctly, that isn't all?"

"No professor, it isn't. I got suspicious, so I did some research and asked Ron and Percy about Scabbers. Percy brought him into the family after he found him when he was seven. And Scabbers was fully grown at the time. A normal rat rarely lives longer than two years. And when I read up on animagi, I learned that animagi will always keep the lifespan of a wizard, not adopt that of the animal."

Minerva thought about the matter. This was troubling. The evidence Ms. Shimmer was bringing forward was damning, and it's potential consequences were severe. Most troubling of all, this still didn't seem to be everything. With two fingers, she motioned for the girl to continue.

Ms. Shimmer opened her bag and fished a book from it. Animagus Awaken Your Inner Animal. "I did my research with this. It's from the school library. I scanned it for magical imprints and found four that were exceptionally strong. The strongest of them matches Madam Pince, the other three are badly degraded, from age if I had to take a guess. Probably three people that frequently handled this book over a long period of time, years maybe."

McGonagall sat down behind her desk, she had a feeling that she knew what was coming. She was only waiting for the coin to drop. And she had a feeling she would want to be seated when it did.

"Adjusting for the degradation, one of the imprints is a near perfect match with Scabbers."

Minerva looked at the book and took it from Sunset's hands, she checked the index for the date of publishing. It was the next printing after the one she herself had used to attain her animagus. She only saw two viable courses of action, the first, and most obvious, she would only be able to take later in the day. The second she could, and would, take right now. "Miss Shimmer, what class will you have next?"

"History of Magic, Professor."

"Good, Professor Binns is unlikely to even notice your absence. Follow me." She got up from her chair, the book held in one hand as she left the room, turning into the fastest way she knew to the library. Irma Pince was by far not her favorite colleague, she was strict and not entirely likeable. But there was one thing she was known for among the faculty above anything else.

She kept immaculate records.

It only took them five minutes to reach the library. "Irma, I need to check your records on this book."

The librarian took one look at the book and wordlessly waved for the two new arrivals to follow her before stalking off into a side room. Like the library, the room was arrayed in rows, only made of filing cabinets instead of bookshelves. The letter, unsurprisingly, A wasn't far. After a few more steps, Madam Pince drew her wand, pulling open a drawer and calling a specific folder from it. The name of the book was written on the side.

They trailed behind her as she walked over to a table. "Here." Placing the folder on the table, she opened it and took a small stack of parchment from it. On them was a list of names, each associated with three dates. Professor and student alike quickly understood them to be lending date, due date and return date.

Approaching, Professor McGonagall pushed the first page out of the way, then the second. She took out the third page, then the fourth. There it was, over the span of three years, three names repeated with only a few others strewn in between: Potter, James; Black, Sirius and Pettigrew, Peter.

"You are certain that there were only four signatures of exceptional power, Miss Shimmer?"

"Absolutely. It's one of them."

"Well, that is odd. Supposedly one of these men is imprisoned and the other two are dead. We will have to get to the bottom of this. There is a certain way to check. Miss Shimmer, bring Mister Weasley and his 'rat' to my office after your final class today. We shall yet find the truth."

Without another word, Professor McGonagall left the library and went to find her class. Sunset returned the papers to the correct order and their place within the folder before leaving the backroom, handing the folder and the book back to Madam Pince. Then she, too, left the library.

Sunset led a confused and mildly nervous Ron, in turn carrying a very nervous and rather shivery Scabbers down the corridors to Professor McGonagall's office. She hadn't explained why the Transfiguration Professor wanted to see Ron. And he certainly had no idea what she wanted with Scabbers. The fact that Sunset kept a close eye on Scabbers, barely looking at Ron, and kept her magic at the ready as the faint glow of teal around her hands suggested confused Ron. Scabbers, too, was eyeing her hands nervously.

Before long, they reached the office and Sunset knocked. "Come in." As the door opened before them, Scabbers decided to make a break for it. He ran from Ron's hand up his arm and jumped from his shoulder to the floor. Or at least he intended to jump the floor, instead he was caught in mid air as the glow around Sunset's hand's surged.

Ron looked from the rat caught in a teal glow, to his fiery haired friend keeping it trapped and to the Professor getting up from behind her desk. "Do come in now. We have something important to check. With a calm wave from her glowing hand, Sunset made it clear that Ron should go ahead. As she followed behind, Scabbers floating to the center of the room and the door closing behind her in a teal glow, she nodded to Professor McGonagall.

Scabbers was turned to face McGonagall as she waved for the two students to stand beside her and drew her wand. "Don't worry, Mister Weasley, Miss Shimmer has made some observations that have led us to believe that your pet isn't what he appears to be. Should we be mistaken, this won't harm him. Homorphous."

At the final word, a beam of white and blue erupted from her wand, striking Scabbers in mid-air. A wave of magic pulsed from the rat, breaking Sunset's hold. In response she once more lit up her eyes with magic, watching carefully as the transformation slowly reversed.

The rat on the ground shuddered and began to grow like a tree, quickly gaining in height until it was towering over the two students, but still a head smaller than McGonagall. The shape resolved into a human man with a rat-like face. He was not pretty by any standard. And the wand he drew from his sleeve was pointed at McGonagall.


Before she could hear the full incantation, Sunset's instincts took over. She had never heard this incantation before, but she felt the dark magic form in this wizard's wand. She paid no attention to the rest of the words as all her focus went into her magic. She didn't have time to draw a wand. Instead the teal glow around her hands shifted to pale gold and a barrier sprung up between her and the man, quickly extending outwards to enclose him.

It wasn't enough. The bolt of green light slipped by her light magic barrier at the last second.

Thankfully, McGonagall's wand was already drawn. A series of complicated motions had one of her cufflinks coming off and floating before her. In the blink of an eye, it transformed into a hand mirror, only to be hit by the green light a split second later. Molten glass and silver dripped onto the floor from where the mirror had nearly been melted through. Still, it fulfilled its purpose and deflected the attack, sending it shooting off over her attacker's shoulder. This time, however, Sunset's barrier had finished forming and the spell shattered against it. A momentary flicker in the shield was all the indication that anything had just hit it.

When her barrier fully closed around the man, Sunset drew her wand from her sleeve with her right hand while maintaining the barrier with her left. A pulse of teal magic erupted from the tip of her wand, quickly washing over the room. Her, Ron and McGonagall, as well as the room itself were unaffected, but the man was engulfed in a teal glow and ceased to move. "Professor, if you could relieve him of his wands."

Not having a visualization charm up like Sunset did, McGonagall tilted her head. "He has more than one?"

Sunset nodded. "He has two. The other is in his back pocket. You can reach through the shield."

Trying to touch the faintly glowing barrier after putting down the molten mirror, McGonagall noted that, indeed, she could reach through it as though it was no more solid than air. She took the wand that the man had just attempted to kill her with, then walked around him and reached into the back pocket of his trousers, pulling out a second wand, placing them both on her desk.

She turned around to see that the barrier had dissipated and a teal mist was seeping into the man's head. As his eyes turned upward and he collapsed, fast asleep, she took a moment to look at him in more detail. His features were decidedly more rat-like than they used to be, a known side effect of maintaining an animagus transformation for extended periods of time, but there was no mistaking Peter Pettigrew.

"Thank you, Miss Shimmer." She pointed her wand to a potted plant at the wall of the office, turning it into a couch. "Place him there for the time being." With a sigh, she looked at the mirror in more detail, then canceled the spell on it. The much smaller item had fared even worse against the spell than its temporary form. The face was almost entirely melted off and the mechanism behind it was fused together and wouldn't turn.

This was the result of powerful dark magic. There would be no repairing this. Not to mention it was evidence anyway. She couldn't help the smirk that came to her face. It paid to be prepared. She quickly walked around her desk and opened a drawer. Among various other things, there was also a replacement pair of cufflinks.

Once her wardrobe was once more in order and the piece of evidence stored safely in her pocket, McGonagall raised her wand once more. "Expecto Patronum. Message for Albus. Albus, we have a bit of a situation. Please come to my office immediately. And brace yourself for a bit of a surprise." With a nod, the silvery tabby cat jumped off and vanished into mist.

Albus Dumbledore was already rushing down the halls when the patronus reached him. He had started rushing towards Minerva's office the moment the wards of Hogwarts had informed him of a dark spell being cast there. She had told him over lunch of the potential animagus she would check right about now.

The moment the patronus materialized and spoke in her voice, relief flooded him. If she was in good enough a shape to cast a patronus and speak to it so clearly, the situation couldn't be so bad. The warning to brace himself for a surprise was ominous to say the least.

The moment he rushed into the office, he saw four people already there. Minerva was standing in the center of the room, keeping her wand pointed at a familiar man sleeping on a couch against the wall. It only took him a second to make the mental connection to what she had told him at lunch. His features may have changed, but he still recognized Mr. Pettigrew. To the side, Ms. Shimmer was calming down an obviously somewhat shaken Mr. Weasley, the youngest of them. The one who had discovered the infiltrator and the one who had thought him a pet.

"Minerva! What happened here? What spell did he use?"

When Minerva turned to him, it was barely noticeable, but from the look in her eyes, he could see that she was shaken by what had transpired. "He used the killing curse, Albus. I managed to deflect it and Miss Shimmer cast a shield that nullified the spell when it hit it and immobilized him with a second spell. I took both his wands after she told me where the second one was and she put him to sleep once he was disarmed. She says that, unless it is canceled, the spell will last for several hours."

Concise as always. In the space of four sentences, Minerva had summarized what had transpired and given him enough to act. He absently noted that Miss Shimmer, hiding her own mental turmoil, though not as well as Minerva, walked over once Mister Weasley was somewhat calmed and joined the professor in pointing her wand at the sleeping man. He, meanwhile, walked over to Minerva's fireplace, throwing a pinch of powder into the flames.

"Ministry of Magic. Office of Amelia Bones."

Once the green fire flared up, he pushed his head into the flames. "Amelia, are you there?"

The woman at the desk turned to him. "Albus? How can I help you? Did something happen at Hogwarts?"

"You could say that. A supposedly dead man just tried to kill my Transfiguration professor. I thought you might want to know."

Amelia's eyes narrowed. "I do. Is Minerva alright?"

"She is. He is subdued and currently presents no threat, but he did use one of the Unforgivable Curses. We're in her office if you want to come through."

Amelia nodded curtly. "We'll be there in a minute." Without another word, she turned and rushed out through the door.

Albus pulled his head back.

"Amelia is coming. We'll have this matter cleared up soon."

Miss Shimmer turned to him, still occasionally letting her eyes flick over to Mr. Pettigrew. "I feel like we're missing a bit of backstory here."

"True enough," Albus agreed. "This is Peter Pettigrew. He supposedly died at the hands of Sirius Black nearly ten years ago. Clearly, that isn't the case. We shall hear the full story from him."

As he finished speaking, the fireplace beside him flared green and a square jawed witch with a monocle and short, gray hair emerged from the flames, followed by a bald man with dark skin and a serious expression.

"Ah, Amelia. Perfect timing. Over here." Albus waved her over to the couch and her eyes narrowed when she saw the man on it, her monocle cutting into the lid.

"I see what you meant by 'supposedly dead'. I see the finger wasn't all that was left after all. Just all he chose to leave behind. How did you find him?"

"That would be thanks to Miss Shimmer here." Albus waved a hand at the girl. "She discovered that there was something unusual about Mr. Weasley's pet rat. After she came to Minerva about it, he was revealed."

"He used an Unforgivable Curse?"

"Yes," Minerva confirmed. "He attempted to kill me the moment he resumed human form. Fortunately I was able to deflect his attack and, together with Miss Shimmer, was able to subdue and disarm him."

Amelia raised an eyebrow and gave the girl a measuring stare, before turning back to Albus. "You have his wand?"

"Wands. And yes. We have both of them." Albus pointed a finger to the pair of wands on Minerva's desk. "Perhaps Garrick can help us identify the second one."

Amelia took a moment to mentally connect the first name to the old wand maker, then nodded. "We'll owl him. Anything else?"

"There is something on his forearm."

The entire group turned back to Ms. Shimmer whose glowing eyes were affixed to Mr. Pettigrew's left forearm. Albus walked over to the sleeping man and pulled back the sleeve of his robes, revealing a very recognizable tattoo. He sighed. "The dark mark. This makes things rather clear, doesn't it?"

Amelia nodded. "We'll have to get him to the Ministry for interrogation. I'd also like to get eyewitness accounts from all of you." She sighed. "It's always such a hassle transporting prisoners through the floo."

Once more, Miss Shimmer spoke up. "If you wish, I can take us to the atrium of the Ministry."

Amelia stared at the girl for a moment longer before turning to Albus, who nodded. "Very well, Miss Shimmer, was it? If you have a more convenient means of transportation, go ahead."

"As you wish." Ms. Shimmer drew her wand from her sleeve, its tip glowing teal. Mr. Pettigrew floated up from the couch, still sound asleep, and the entire group – two teachers, two ministry officials, two students and a criminal – vanished in a flash of teal.

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