• Published 14th Mar 2019
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A Phoenix Beyond the Veil - The Philospher's Stone - gerandakis

Displeased with her mentor, Sunset Shimmer looks for a new option, she finds it in a Mirror Portal, deep in the vaults of Canterlot. Together with Philomena, she sets out on a journey. Two worlds of magic will be changed forever, by a small error ...

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35 - Lessons

Chapter Thirty-Five


The next morning came with the immediate challenge of figuring out the way back down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Photographic memory, it turned out, was of limited usefulness in that endeavor, as the way to get there seemed to have changed overnight. The castle seemed to enjoy rearranging itself, changing the ways to get to places.

The sheer number of staircases alone was staggering. They were all over the school, and came in all shapes and sizes. The strangest of all, however, was the main stairwell. Sunset was reasonably certain that it shared a location with the Great Hall. A quick check with her scanning charm confirmed that, allowing her to ascertain that the entire staircase was actually contained in the warped space of a toroidal sub-dimension, meaning that if one were to go all the way up the staircase, they would end up back at the bottom.

That the actual stairs themselves liked to change directions every few minutes didn't really help either.

The only helpful part about finding the main stairwell, was that one only needed to take the correct exit from it to come out on the marble staircase into the entry hall. From there it was only a few steps into the Great Hall. As such, the group managed to reach breakfast with only minimal delay.

Seeing the closely knit group, Lavender, Pavati, Dean and Seamus had chosen to follow them, Neville was already doing so anyway. It seemed like a viable strategy against the various dangers and annoyances of the castle. Peeves, after all, was still on their minds.

When they had sat down for breakfast, not as elaborate as the feast the evening prior, but delicious and filling none the less, Professor McGonnagall came down to their table and handed them their schedules. When they had finished, they quickly returned to their common room so those that didn't have enchanted book bags could grab the right materials, then they set out to find their first class of the day. Charms.

Professor Flitwick was a rather kind and easy going man, but so small that he had to stand on a pile of books placed on his chair to be able to see over his desk. He happily greeted the class, consisting of the first year Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs, before taking attendance. He seemed excited when he read Harry's name despite having met him before.

Sunset, Hermione, Luna and the Weasleys mostly helped Neville, Dean, Seamus, Lavender and Pavati keep up with the theory that made up the first half of the lesson. They themselves were already well familiar with it, after all.

Professor Flitwick was most impressed to see them all take notes magically. So impressed in fact, that he didn't even notice them using fountain pens instead of normal quills.

The second half of the lesson, things got interesting. Professor Flitwick introduced them to the Lumos charm, only to nearly fall off his precarious position atop his literary perch when all five of them cast it flawlessly on the first try. He gave each of them a point to Gryffindor as a reward and asked them to help the rest of their house while he attended the Hufflepuffs.

About three quarters into the allotted time for the lesson, he got a little flustered when the last of the Hufflepuffs managed the spell. "Very good. Very good. I'm impressed. I don't think I've ever had a class learn their first spell this fast. There's usually one or two that worked ahead, but to have so much time left and be basically done with the lesson? Unprecedented. I'm actually not sure what to do now, I didn't exactly plan for this situation. Yes, Miss Shimmer?"

Sunset lowered her hand. "If you want, I could show you the light charm I developed by combining Lumos and the lighting spells from my homeland."

"Oh, by all means, go ahead."

Nodding, Sunset drew her wand. "Illumis." The tip of the wand lit up with a warm white light, very different from the cold, bluish white of Lumos. After holding it up for a second, Sunset let the light on her wand dim to only a faint ember before turning it back up until it was painful to look at. After returning the light to its original brightness, she focused it first into a narrow cone, then into a tightly focused beam, before letting it radiate outwards in all directions once again. Finally, she had the light flow through a rainbow of colors before letting it settle back on its default warm white color.

When she extinguished the light and put down her wand, the entire class clapped, Flitwick chief among them. "Marvelous, Miss Shimmer. Very impressive. Would you mind teaching me this spell?"

With an amused smile, Sunset snapped her fingers, handing him the scroll that summoned. "Here. That should have all you need."

With a flick of his wand, Flitwick called the scroll over and opened it. "Ah, I see," he mumbled as his eyes practically devoured the scroll, "clever, very versatile." After about a minute of reading through the scroll, he raised his wand. "Illumis." It lit up, just like Sunset's had. He let it run through different colors, brightening and dimming, focusing and dispersing it. After a few moments to test the spell, he turned back to Sunset. "Are you planning on creating more spells by combining your magical knowledge with ours?"

"Of course. Any suggestions?"

"Hmm, I'll think about it. For now, I think it's time you got to Herbology." He turned to the Hufflepuffs. "And for you to get to Transfiguration. Class dismissed."

Herbology was interesting to say the least. Magical plants had a lot of strange quirks. First years were only allowed into greenhouse one, the plants in the others were deemed too dangerous for them.

The plants in greenhouse one, on the other hand, while no less quirky, were mostly harmless. Though, admittedly, some of them were a bit distracting.

"Gah! What is that?!"

Professor Sprout laughed. "That's a flitterbloom, Miss Brown, they can be a bit affectionate."

"It won't leave me alone!"

The others watched with some amusement as Lavender tried to rid herself of the affectionate vines. Finally, Neville came over and, together with Professor Sprout, got the flitterbloom to release Lavender. Seeing the woman give the plant a stern talking to was oddly amusing.

Lavender was still breathing heavily, but gave Neville a grateful smile.

The Ravenclaws, with whom they shared the class, came in a moment later, the Gryffindors having been early. The entire group watched with interest as the new arrivals got acquainted with the flitterbloom.

The class itself was rather fun. Once everyone had arrived and been freed of the affectionate plant, Professor Sprout gave them some more in depth information on the flitterbloom, warning them not to get it confused with devil's snare, a plant that looked very similar, but was far more dangerous.

"They wouldn't grow here, though. Devil's snare likes dark and damp places. There's too much light here."

After a quick tangent to explain how to tell the two plants apart, specifically that devil's snare had bright red thorns where flitterbloom had leaves instead, the actual lesson began. It was, for the moment, little more than gardening. Specifically they were to take care of a culture of dreamgrass, the extract of which, Professor Sprout told them, was a common ingredient in sleep potions. The trick was that it only grew in very fine, damp, sandy soil, so it needed to be watered with a fine mist to avoid washing away its soil.

According to Professor Sprout, it was good practice as many magical plants were very particular in the care they needed.

The students also noted that dreamgrass grew in a dense, unbelievably soft carpet.

After Herbology, the class made their way back into the school. The Ravenclaws went to shower, the Gryffindors simply used their light magic cleaning spells and went straight to lunch.

After a relaxed meal, the group made their way to Defense against the Dark Arts.

When the Gryffindor group arrived, half the Slytherin first-years, with whom they shared the class, were already there. Professor Quirrell, however, was not. Sunset had warned Hermione, Luna, Harry and the Weasleys about what she had seen. As a result all of them were understandably wary of the Professor.

Sunset had prepared a well masked scanning spell, hoping it would give her more insight, beyond the mere presence of dark magic. It may be simply a side effect of his work, but she wouldn't take chances until she knew more, especially with the history dark magic had in wizarding Britain.

The class itself proved to be an absolute joke. Quirrell seemed incapable of stringing three sentences together without stuttering. When Dean asked why he wore a turban, he told them that it had been a gift by an African prince, a reward for ridding him of a troublesome zombie. That, when Seamus asked how he had dealt with the zombie, Quirrell began talking about the weather, did little to allay their suspicions.

The results of her spell only had Sunset more concerned. She still couldn't identify what kind of dark magic it was, but she did get a closer read on its exact location, it was spread all throughout his body, only breaking through his skin in an area on the back of his head, covered by his turban. It was well masked, she wouldn't even have noticed it, had she not been specifically looking for dark magic, but with a targeted scan, it was clearly visible.

The fact that the only area likely to show physical effects of the magic was covered up, and that the explanation of said cover was so flimsy, had Sunset very suspicious. Still, she would not jump to conclusions, and she would not take action until she knew more. Identifying the magic was now her first priority.

She would have to prepare a new scanning spell for their next class on Wednesday. Fortunately, the failure of her current spell, while not telling her what the dark magic was, at least told her several things it wasn't.

Meanwhile, the classroom had become the scene of a very rare occurrence, Slytherins and Gryffindors agreeing on something. Specifically on the fact that Quirrell was obviously not qualified to teach Defense against the Dark Arts. Mind you, they held that opinion for different reasons. The Slytherins were certain that he was terrified of his own subject, while the Gryffindors suspected he was a dark magician himself and was simply terrified of being discovered. Still, the result was the same.

When Quirrell's class finally ended, without anyone having learned much of value, the two houses went their separate ways, retiring to their common rooms. They didn't particularly like each other, but, for the moment at least, they had more important things to do.

Like trying to remember where there common rooms even were.

Thanks to several of them having photographic memory and Sunset's ability to divine her own position, the Gryffindors managed to find their way with relatively little issue. The castle, it seemed, hadn't reconfigured over the course of the day.

When they arrived in the common room, Lavender and Pavati saw their chance. They turned to the other Gryffindor girls with suspicious expressions. "Girls," Lavender spoke up, "we have questions."

Sunset nodded. "Hardly surprising." She lead the group over to an area with several armchairs. "Go ahead."

The boys followed, Neville, Dean and Seamus with intrigued expressions.

"Okay," Pavati began, "first question. Why can you four turn into tiny horses?"

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Ponies, not horses, and six, not four."

"Ponies, sure, whatever. And what do you mean by six?"

Without a word, Sunset pointed two fingers at Harry and Ron.

Following her gaze, Lavender gasped. "They can too?"

Sunset nodded. "So can the Twins and Percy. It's a side effect of traveling to my homeland."

"Aha!" Lavender exclaimed, "that brings us to our second question. What is this homeland you mentioned in charms?"



Sunset sighed, drew her wand and conjured an illusory map of Equestria. "That. I come from another dimension. The pony that you saw tonight, that was my natural shape. I only gained a human form when Philomena and I came to this dimension. This is my home country. Equestria."

Lavender, Pavati, Dean, Seamus and Neville looked stunned for a while. Finally, Dean spoke up. "Is that why you have an eagle?"

Sunset smirked. "I don't. Philomena isn't an eagle. Professor McGonnagall simply thought it wouldn't be the best idea to make it common knowledge that I have a phoenix with me. People might get ideas."

"A phoenix?!"

"Though things like that might make it tricky to keep quiet," Hermione deadpanned.

"Do you want pony forms too?" Sunset asked the group?

"Wait. How?"

"By going to her home dimension," Neville pointed out. When everyone turned to him, he looked a little sheepish. "What? You said so. I just paid attention."

"Okay," Dean admitted, "fair enough. But my question still stands. How?"

Sunset pointed to the bird on her shoulder. "Phoenix."

"Right. Of course. I withdraw my objection."

"So ..." Ron began, "do you, or don't you?"

Seamus looked a little uneasy. "Can you give me some time to think it over?"

Ginny giggled. "We'll be coming here together for seven years, Seamus. Think that's enough time?"

"Probably. So I take it we shouldn't make a big fuss about this?"

Sunset nodded. "For the moment at least. I do think It'll come out sooner or later."

"No kidding," Ginny fell in. "The chance of Fred and George not using the ability to fly to pull pranks is nonexistent."

"My thoughts exactly," Sunset nodded, "but for the time being, do try to keep it quiet."

After a moment to think it over, the other five agreed.

"Now, if you'll excuse me," Sunset got up, "I'll go have a look and see if these stairs lead anywhere other than the dorms."

"Where else would they lead?" Hermione asked.

"The roof?"

"Oh. Good point," Ginny agreed, "We'll come along."

Hermione held the boys back when they moved to follow as well. "You'll probably want to use your stairs."


"Let's just say the girls' dorms are charmed against boys. The stairs turn into a slide if a boy tries to use them. And the dorms themselves ... Well, let's just say there will be no boys in the girls' dorms and leave it at that." With that, the girls walked off.

"What? Some extra defense to keep boys out?" Dean asked.

"Not to keep them out, no."

The boys wisely decided to use their own stairs.

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